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The Writer's Bookshelf A-E
10 Steps to Creating Memorable Characters Sue Viders, et.al. Watson-Guptill Publications 770 Broadway, New York NY 10003 1580650686 $17.95 www.watsonguptill.com Writers serious about learning how to create and develop memorable characters will relish 10 Steps to Creating Memorable Characters: A Writer's Workbook. It packs in forms, checklists, and exercises to help both screen and fiction writers develop personalities, teaching the basics of building multi-layered protagonists and showing the foundation keys to possible success. It's a 'must' for any public library lending collection strong in writer's guides, as well as for many a high school or college-level collection catering to student creative writers. 10 Things Every Writer Needs To Know Jeff Anderson Stenhouse Publishers 477 Congress Street, Suite 4B Portland, ME 04101-3451 9781571108104, $23.00, www.stenhouse.com Much like painting, the art and craft of writing is as much a matter of skill as it is talent. "Ten Things Every Writer Needs to Know" by Jeff Anderson is a 256-page compendium of insightful information and instruction focusing on ten essential facets of writing: motion, models, locus, detail, form, frames, cohesion, energy, words, and clutter. Each of these aspects of the writing process has a specific chapter beginning with 'Getting and Keeping Writers Motivated' and concluding with 'Deleting the Extraneous'. Of special note is the prologue commentary 'What Writing Instruction Is and Isn't'. Enhanced with an appendix, a bibliography, and an index, "10 Things Every Writer Needs To Know" is informed, informative, and thoroughly 'user friendly', making an excellent textbook for Creative Writing courses and on which should be in every school, community, and academic library instructional reference collection. 101 Best Beginnings Every Written Barnaby Conrad Quill Driver Books c/o Linden Publishing 2006 South Mary, Fresno, CA 93721-9875 www.woodworkerslibrary.com 9781884956867, $15.95, www.amazon.com One of the little known facts about professional book reviewers is that if they are any good at all, they receive hundreds books every month requesting reviews -- far more than they could ever hope to cope with. That compels them to practice a kind of literary triage -- whittling down the numbers of submissions to what they can actually handle given their time and resources. A major part of that sifting process (especially with fiction) is to open the book and read the first page or two. If it's good enough to 'hook' them, then that book will make it into the acceptance pile. If it's not -- then that book will be discarded from consideration. Because booksellers and librarians (and often, the general reading public) take their cues from book reviewers, that's why how a book begins is so vitally important as to whether or not it will be deemed a critical or commercial success. That's also why "101 Best Beginnings Every Written: A Romp Through Literary Openings For Writers And Readers" by Barnaby Conrad (a published author of more than 30 titles) is so valuable as an instructively useful guide which is enhanced with informed and informative commentary, annotations, and insights. To put it succinctly, every aspiring author seeking to perfect their craft would be well served to give a careful reading to "101 Best Beginnings Every Written: A Romp Through Literary Openings For Writers And Readers". 101 Best Sex Scenes Ever Written Barnaby Conrad Quill Drive Books 2006 S. Mary St., Fresno, CA 93721 9781610350013, $14.95, www.quilldrivebooks.com A well done sex scene is a wonderful thing. Too bad so many writers are awful at it. "101 Best Sex Scenes Ever Written: An Erotic Romp Through Literature for Writers and Readers" looks at the writers with enough tenacity to write sex scenes with authenticity and purpose for their characters. Although drawing readers in with a spicy topic, Barnaby Conrad hopes to spin readers into the literature of the likes of Faulkner, Burgess, Hemingway, and much more. "101 Best Sex Scenes Ever Written" is a fine collection for anyone who wants to understand what makes a sex scene good, for those who tire of the awkward nature that most writers approach. The 101 Habits of Highly Successful Novelists Andrew McAleer Adams Media 57 Littlefield Street, Avon, MA 92322 9781598695892, $12.95, www.damsmedia.com Why can R.A. Salvatore sell millions and you can't? "The 101 Habits of Highly Successful Novelists: Insider Secrets from Top Writers" draws from a huge pool of talented writers who present their habits and routines they use to put their best-selling novel out into the world. With names like R.A. Salvatore, Robin Moore, Mary Higgins Clark, the talent pool does know what they are talking about. For anyone who is delving into the avenue of long fiction, "The 101 Habits of Highly Successful Novelists" is encouraging reading. 1,001 Tips for Writers Quotations selected by William A. Gordon North Ridge Books PO Box 2832, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 9780937813102 $15.95 www.1001tipsforwriters.com 1,001 Tips for Writers: Words of Wisdom About Writing, Getting Published, and Living the Literary Life is an anthology of witticisms, insights, tips, tricks, techniques, warnings, suggestions, and much more for anyone and everyone in the writing trade. William A. Gorden has gathered a broad swath of writing quips from an immense diversity of authors, publishers, editors, and other experts in the field. 1,001 Tips for Writers is a pleasure to browse, and an absolute "must-read" for anyone considering a literary career! "Every time we have to publish a public affairs book, we cringe. People forget about the event it deals with. The attention span of the American public is fleeting. -Alberto Vitale, chairman and CEO of Random House, quoted in The New Yorker, October 6, 1997." 1100 Words You Need to Know, sixth edition Murray Bromberg and Melvin Gordon Barron's 250 Wireless Boulevard Hauppauge, NY 11788 9781438001661 $13.99 www.barronseduc.com Now in its sixth edition with the addition of "The lighter touch 100" (silly one-line jokes using these words that every English speaker should know), 1100 Words You Need to Know remains as invaluable today as it was when first published 45 years ago. Organized in a day-by-day, week-by-week format, 1100 Words You Need to Know is a consumable book offering simple exercises to practice and enhance one's enriched vocabulary. A choice pick for high school students preparing for the SAT or ACT, college students looking to broaden their command of English, writers of all backgrounds, or those who are honing their command of English as a second language, 1100 Words You Need to Know is enthusiastically recommended! 19th Century American Writers on Writing Brenda Wineapple Trinity University Press One Trinity Place, San Antonio, TX 78212-7200 9781595340696, $18.95, www.tupress.com America was a new nation, and America's writers answered the call for creating a literary legacy we can be proud of. "19th Century American Writers on Writing" tries to gain an understanding of these great minds by looking at what they have written on their trade, writing, be it in the form of essays, poetry, prose or else. With additional notes from Literary history student Brenda Wineapple, placing her expertise to grant greater understanding, "19th Century American Writers on Writing" is a strong pick for any literary history collection with a focus on American literature. 20 Things You Must Know to Write a Great Screenplay Rick Reichman Central Ave. Press 2132-A Central SE #144, Albuquerque, NM 87106 9780971534476, $16.95, www.amazon.com Some things are obvious, some things are slight, but they're all important nonetheless. "20 Things You Must Know to Write a Great Screenplay: A Thorough Primer for Screenwriters" is a manual for the aspiring screenwriter who wants every trick and tip possible to take their story from good to great. When relating tips for the writing process, author Rick Reichman references successful Hollywood productions in order to give examples relevant to the tips. "20 Things You Must Know to Write a Great Screenplay" is a strong choice for a would-be screenwriter. The 2012 Novel & Short Story Writer's Market Writer's Digest Books c/o F+W Media 4700 East Galbraith Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236 www.writersmarket.com The 2012 Novel & Short Story Writer's Market (1599632284, $29.99) provides a fine writing reference packing in resources for novelists and short story writers, and packs in over 1,500 listings and articles from industry insiders. From identifying markets to getting paid, this revamps all contact and listing details and so each revision remains an essential acquisition, not something to 'fudge' on. The 2012 Photographer's Market (1440314195, $34.99) does the same for photographers seeking market for their work, updating marketing listings, covering a wide range of opportunities from magazines to stock agencies and ad firms, and including a free 1-year subscription to ArtistMarketOnline.com with the latest industry news. These are required, key acquisitions for any general lending library and any serious novelist or photographer who wants the latest industry trends and contacts at their fingertips. 2015 Writer's Market: Deluxe Edition Robert Lee Brewer, editor Writer's Digest Books c/o F+W Media 10151 Carver Road, Suite 200, Blue Ash, OH 45242 9781599638454, $49.99, www.amazon.com Stated simply, compiled and edited by Robert Lee Brewer, the "2015 Writer's Market" is a 921 page key reference and indispensable resource for aspiring authors seeking publication. Updated every year, this is the 15th Annual Edition and features access to an online publisher database. In addition to 7,500+ listings for book publishers, magazines, contests, literary agents, and a one-year subscription to WritersMarket.com, this edition of the "2015 Writer's Market" features sample query letters and access to the webinar "How to Find More Success Freelancing" from Robert Lee Brewer. Deftly organized articles by experts are arranged in major sections: Finding Work; Managing Work; Promoting Work; Markets; and Resources (comprised of professional organizations and a glossary). A major and highly recommended addition to community and academic library Writing/Publishing reference collections, "2015 Writer's Market" is a 'must have' resource for any career minded writer seeking commercial success. 21st Century American English Compendium Marv Rubinstein Schreiber Publishing, Inc. 61 Monroe Street, Suite 101, Rockville, MD 20850 1887563563 $24.95 schreiberNet.com Now in a thoroughly updated and expanded second edition, Marv Rubinstein's 21st Century American English Compendium is an impressive assemblage of American proverbs, expressions, slang, and colloquialisms. Enhanced with a British-U.S. English Glossary; foreign words used in American English, abbreviations and acronyms, this imminently portable guidebook is ideal for translators, interpreters, writers, editors, publishers, as well as school and community library English language and linguistic reference collections as well. 21st Century Playwriting Timothy Daly Smith & Kraus Publishers 177 Lyme Road, Lyme NH 03755-6610 www.smithandkraus.com 9781575259222, $21.95, PB, 477pp, www.amazon.com Timothy Daly's plays have been produced all over the world. Actors such as Academy-Award winners Cate Blanchett and Geoffrey Rush and Oscar-nominated actor Jack Weaver have all appeared in his plays. He has taught and mentored hundreds of playwrights in many different countries. In "21st Century Playwriting, A Manual of Contemporary Techniques" Daly provides the most detailed analysis of contemporary playwriting techniques ever published. A decade in the making, "21st Century Playwriting" examines the contemporary theatre scene and the skills and writing techniques needed to succeed as a modern playwright. No other book goes into such depth and detail on areas like dramatic structure, story-shaping, characterization and the contemporary language techniques used in modern playwriting. Blending theatre tradition and radical aesthetic, "21st Century Playwriting" is perfect for both new playwrights and more experienced writers wishing to refresh and modernize their writing, as well as anyone interested in the rarely-discussed techniques that go into the making of contemporary theatre and its scripts. Offers a wealth of useful writing tips, as well as an understanding of how radically theatre has changed in the 21st century, "21st Century Playwriting" is an especially recommended addition to both community and academic library Writing/Publishing instructional reference collections, and a 'must read' for anyone aspiring to write a play for the stage, for film, or for television. 25 Great Sentences and How They Got That Way Geraldine Woods W. W. Norton & Company 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10110 www.wwnorton.com 9781324004851, $25.95, HC, 336pp, www.amazon.com Synopsis: We all know the basic structure of a sentence: a subject/verb pair expressing a complete thought and ending with proper punctuation. But that classroom definition doesn't begin to describe the ways in which these elements can combine to resonate with us as we read, to make us stop and think, laugh or cry. In "25 Great Sentences and How They Got That Way", master teacher Geraldine Woods unpacks powerful examples of what she instead prefers to define as "the smallest element differentiating one writer's style from another's, a literary universe in a grain of sand." And that universe is very large: the hundreds of memorable sentences gathered here come from sources as wide-ranging as Edith Wharton and Yogi Berra, Toni Morrison and Yoda, T. S. Eliot and Groucho Marx. Culled from fiction, nonfiction, drama, poetry, song lyrics, speeches, and even ads, these exemplary sentences are celebrated for the distinctive features (whether of structure, diction, connection/comparison, sound, or extremes) that underlie their beauty, resonance, and creativity. With dry humor and an infectious enjoyment that makes her own sentences a pleasure to read, Woods shows us the craft that goes into the construction of a memorable sentence. Each chapter finishes with an enticing array of exercises for those who want to test their skill at a particular one of the featured twenty-five techniques, such as onomatopoeia (in the Sound section) or parallelism (in the Structure section). "25 Great Sentences and How They Got That Way" will be treasured by word nerds and language enthusiasts, writers who want to hone their craft, literature lovers, and readers of everything from song lyrics and speeches to novels and poetry. Critique: An inherently fascinating read for anyone with an interest in the English language and storytelling, "25 Great Sentences and How They Got That Way" is very highly recommended, especially for community, college, and university library Grammar, Rhetoric, and Linguistics Reference collections, it should be noted for the personal reading lists of writers, linguists, students, academia, and non-specialist general readers with an interest in the subject that "25 Great Sentences and How They Got That Way" is also readily available in a digital book format (Kindle, $13.64). Editorial Note: Geraldine Woods has taught English at every level from fifth grade through Advanced Placement, most recently at the Horace Mann School. She is the author of numerous nonfiction books for adults and children.. 27 Essential Principles of Story Daniel Joshua Rubin Workman Publishing Company 225 Varick Street, New York, NY 10014-4381 www.workman.com www.blackstoneaudio.com 9781523507160, $19.95 PB, $9.99 Kindle, $39.99 Audio CD, 374pp https://www.amazon.com/Essential-Principles-Story-Storytelling-Shakespeare/dp/1664460829 Synopsis: Experienced author Daniel Joshua Rubin unlocks the secrets of what makes a story work and then shows aspiring writers just how to understand and use these principles in their own writing. The result is nothing short of an invaluable and practical writing resource that covers such literary issues as: Escalating risk (with an example from Pulp Fiction); Writing characters to the top of their intelligence (from the Eminem song "Stan"); Earning transformations (draw from Alison Bechdel's Fun Home); Attacking your theme (from The Brothers Karamazov). Critique: Expertly written and a thoroughly 'user friendly' DIY instructional guide and 'how to' manual, "27 Essential Principles of Story: Master the Secrets of Great Storytelling, from Shakespeare to South Park" is essentially a master class in the art of written down storytelling and should be a part of every aspiring writer's reference shelf. While unreservedly recommended for both community and college/university library Writing/Publishing collections, it should be noted for personal reading lists that "27 Essential Principles of Story is also readily available in a digital book format (Kindle, $9.99) and as a complete and unabridged audio book (Blackstone Audio, 9781664460829, $39.99, CD). 300 Days of Better Writing David Bowman Cereb Press c/o Precise Edit 1866 Plaza del Sur, 138 Santa Fe, NM 87505 9780982267455, $13.95 No one is going to get better at writing without practice. "300 Days of Better Writing: A Daily Handbook for Improving Your Writing" is a guide for daily exercises to improve one's writing in a gradual manner, encouraging clarity, good grammar, and conveying one's thoughts and opinions effectively. For anyone seeking a daily writing exercise book, "300 Days of Better Writing" is a choice pick. 500 Words You Should Know Caroline Taggart Firefly Books Ltd. www.fireflybooks.com 9781782432944, $16.95, HC, 192pp, www.amazon.com "500 Words You Should Know" is Caroline Taggart's instructive reference for anyone who has ever wanted to ameliorate their atavistic lexicon, engage in a little intellectual badinage, or been discombobulated by tricky diction. "500 Words You Should Know" will inspire readers and writers to use uncommon words in their correct context, to utilize the English language to its full potential, and to test themselves on the words they think they already know. "500 Words You Should Know" is an instructive reference for those who appreciate correct usage of the English language, and contains words we thought we knew (decimate, caveat, nemesis), words we should know (euphemism, diatribe, tautology), and just a few that we might want to know (peripatetic, shibboleth, callipygian). Arranged thematically, each word is dissected, with a brief explanation of etymology, historical, and modern usage, allows the full understanding and effectively employment of the word in its proper context. "500 Words You Should Know" is an ideal, entertaining, and useful read for bibliophiles, writers, and the general reading public. While highly recommended for community, college, and university library collections, it should be noted for personal reading lists that "500 Words You Should Know" is also available in a paperback edition (9780228101062, $14.95) and in a digital book format (Kindle, $5.99). 59 Reasons to Write Kate Messner Stenhouse Publishers 480 Congress Street, Portland, ME 04101-3451 9781625310033, $23.00, www.stenhouse.com 59 Reasons to Write: Mini-Lessons, Prompts, and Inspiration for Teachers shows teachers and librarians who teach writing how to become a writer, and covers the basics of a process that encourages teachers to become part of the writing community, thereby teaching by example. The book grew out of an online summer writing camp, Teachers Write, and provides a series of daily lessons, inspirations, admonitions and assignments designed to get teachers in the writing mode. The result is a powerful survey highly recommended for any teacher who wants motivation to move forward in their own work. 77 Reasons Why Your Book Was Rejected Mike Nappa Sourcebooks Inc. 1935 Brookdale Road, #139 Naperville, IL 60563 www.sourcebooks.com 9781402254123, $14.99, www.amazon.com It goes without question that to be successfully published aspiring authors must have imagination and literary skill. What you don't often hear is that they must also have marketing skills and 'know how' with respect to persuading agents to represent them, publishers to publish them, and the reading public to read them. Every writer from the Hemingways of the world to the newest aspirant wanting to write the next 'Great American Novel' will experience the dreaded rejection letter -- over and over and over again. That is unless they give a careful reading to Mike Nappa's new 'how to' manual "77 Reasons Why Your Book Was Rejected". This compact, 360-page, informed and informative compendium of real-world based insights draws upon Nappa's more than two decades as a professional author, editor, and literary agent breaks down into three major categories of reject by publishers: editorial reasons; marketing reasons; and sales reasons. By following Nappa's sage and insightful commentary any author can learn how to avoid rejection letters for any and all of these common areas of literary proposal rejection and significantly enhanced their chances of becoming published -- and published profitably! Simply stated, "77 Reasons Why Your Book Was Rejected" should be considered mandatory reading for any and all aspiring authors yearning to break into print and launch themselves into successful careers as published writers. The 90-Day Novel Alan Watt Privately Published c/o SJ Miller Communications (publicity) 10 Turning Mill Lane, Randolph, MA 02368 9780983141204, $16.95, www.the90daynovel.com Everyone has a story; getting it down is what matters. "The 90-Day Novel: Unlock the Story Within" is an advisory guide from Alan Watt as he encourages readers to embrace their inner novel and get their story down. Telling people to find their literary voice, creating a memorable plot and characters, and declaring war on writer's block, "The 90-Day Novel" is a strong pick for anyone who wants to pick up a pen and get started right away. The 90-Day Rewrite Alan Watt The 90-Day Novel Press 137 N. Larchmont Boulevard P.O. Box #136, Los Angeles, CA.90004 9780983141211, $16.95, www.lawriterslab.com Revision is almost important as writing the novel itself. "The 90-Day Rewrite: The Process of Revision" is a writing guide from Alan Watt as he advises how to more effectively rewrite and revise your work for the better. From technical proficiency in writing to just making yourself get it done, "The 90-Day Rewrite" is a strongly recommended writing and publishing collections, and for those who want to better polish their book into something much better. The ABCs Of Writing For Children Elizabeth Koehler-Pentacoff Quill Driver Books 1831 Industrial Way, #101, Sanger, CA 93657 1884956289 $26.95 quilldriverbooks.com Expertly compiled and painstakingly organized by Elizabeth Koehler-Pentacoff , The ABCs Of Writing For Children: 114 Children's Authors And Illustrators Talk About The Art, The Business, The Craft And The Life Of Writing Children's Literature is a comprehensive reference focusing on diverse aspects writing books and stories for children of various ages, including the business aspects of being published in various forums and formats. Providing especially informative interviews and commentaries from such expert and seasoned published authors of children's literature as Ted Arnold, R.L. Stine, David Greenberg, Alexis O'Neill, Richard Peck, and so many others, The ABCs Of Writing For Children offers a complete grasp and all-inclusive analysis of the literary art and practical business of writing for a juvenile readership ranging from preschool to young adult. Included are lists of recommended books and periodicals, a glossary, resources, and an extensive index. A core addition to personal, professional, and scholastic "Writing & Publishing" reference collections and supple-mental reading lists, The ABCs Of Writing For Children is very strongly recommended for all aspiring children's authors whether they are writing poetry, short stories, novels, or other forms of creative literature for young readers. About The Author Nicholas A. Basbanes Fine Books Press 4905 Pine Cone Drive, #2, Durham, NC 27707 Gulotta Communications (publicity) 341 Lexington Street, Newton, MA 02466 www.finebookspress.com 9780979949135, $27.95, www.amazon.com Nicholas Basbanes was literary editor of the Worcester, Massachusetts Telegram & Gazette from 1978-1991, in which capacity he was able to interview hundreds of authors whose publicity tours took them through the city of Boston. In "About the Author: Inside the Creative Process", Basbanes draws upon his conversations with an immense diversity of literary greats ranging from Alfred Kazin, Arthur Miller, John Updike, and Toni Morrison, to Doris Lessing, Kurt Vonnegut, Neil Simon and Alice Walker, to explore the motivations and processes that authors experience and utilize to create their novels, poetry, histories, and other literary works. A fascinating read from beginning to end, this 246-page compendium is as informed and informative as it is insightful and inspiring. Thoughtful and thought-provoking, "About the Author: Inside the Creative Process" is highly recommended reading and a seminal work for both academic and community library Literary Studies reference collections. About Writing Samuel R. Delany Wesleyan University Press 215 Long Lane, Middletown, CT 06459 0819567167 $24.95 www.wesleyan.edu About Writing: Seven Essays, Four Letters, And Five Interviews by literary critic, writers workshop teacher, and world renowned science fiction author Samuel R Delany (Professor of English and Creative Writing, Temple University, Philadelphia) is an informed and informative study of the expertise necessary for a writer in any genre to become more organized, more knowledgeable, and more effective with the ultimate goal of profitable publication. As an analysis of modern and contemporary writing styles, About Writing informs the aspiring author of the ins and outs of technique, ideals, and styles for the most effective writing. About Writing is very strongly recommended to all literature enthusiasts, readers, writers, and students. Absent Voices Rochelle Altman Oak Knoll Press 310 Delaware St, New Castle, DE 19720 www.oakknoll.com 1584561084 $59.95 1-800-996-2556 Absent Voices: The Story Of Writing Systems In The West by writing systems historian, script designer Rochelle Altman (who also holds a doctorate in Medieval English Literature), is a scholarly survey of the history of the art of writing. Inspecting writing systems in the context of the dictionarny meaning of the "word" - a set or assemblage of things connected or associated so as to form a complex unity - Absent Voices traces the evolution of writing customs, from ancient times to the modern day. Extensively researched, with some black-and-white photographs of ancient script and a wealth of archaelogical research supporting its narrative and suppositions, Absent Voices is a fascinating tour through the ages and human perception. Academic Writing Now David Starkey Broadview Press c/o FedEx Trade Networks 555 Riverwalk Parkway, Tonawanda, NY 14150 9781554812493 $19.95 www.broadviewpress.com Academic Writing Now: A Brief Guide for Busy Students is a resource created especially to teach college students (or high school graduates) a basic, introductory college writing course; it can be used as a self-study tool or as a complement to class. Chapters focus on the most critical elements of composing a clear, concise academic essay. "Timesaver tips", tricks, and techniques fill out this superb guide to writing succinctly and well when one's free time is strictly limited. "Don't do a final proofreading until you have completely revised and edited your draft. It's never a bad idea to correct small errors as you see them. However, if you move into the final proofreading process while you still have major changes to make, much of your time will be wasted." Although there are a few pages that encourage students to practice writing their thoughts and questions, Academic Writing Now is primarily a user-friendly textbook rather than a consumable book. Highly recommended, especially for prospective college students. Accidental Genius, second edition Mark levy Berrett-Koehler Publishers 235 Montgomery St. #650, San Francisco CA 94104-2916 9781605095257, $16.95, www.bkconnection.com Deserving of repeat mention and recommendation for any writer's or literary collection is ACCIDENTAL GENIUS: USING WRITING TO GENERATE YOUR BEST IDEAS, INSIGHT, AND CONTENT, which appears in a revised, expanded second edition promoting the author's innovation of freewriting, a technique which ignores standard rules of grammar and spelling and encourages fast writing about passionate topics. Six freewriting techniques offer keys to tapping into the subconscious of creativity. Achieving Financial Independence As A Freelance Writer Ray Dreyfack Blue Heron Publishing 420 SW Washington St., Suite 303, Portland, OR 97204 0936085479 $16.95 1-503-221-6841 Achieving Financial Independence As A Freelance Writer takes up where most creative writing classes leave off. How to market what you write so that you can make a living at it. Raymond Dreyfack has authored more than twenty books, and enjoyed a profitable career as a freelance writer of articles, speeches, booklets, newsletters and corporate assignments. He draws upon his considerable experience and expertise to provide the aspiring writer a complete game plan for creating a sustainable career as a professional freelance writer. All aspects are covered including the essential considerations and prerequisites, specialization, marketing and selling what you write, self-promotion, the role of the computer, whether or not to write a book, and a great deal more. Achieving Financial Independence As A Freelance Writer is very highly recommended reading for anyone aspiring to a professional and profitable career as a freelance writer. ACTS Of Teaching Joyce Armstrong Carroll & Edward E. Wilson Teacher Ideas Press PO Box 6926, Portsmouth, NH 03802-6926 9781591585176, $45.00 www.teacherideaspress.com The art of writing is a learned skill honed through practice. Now in an extensively updated and significantly expanded second edition, "ACTS Of Teaching: How To Teach Writing" by academicians Joyce Armstrong Carroll and Edward E. Wilson (both of whom are Co-Directors of Abydos Learning International) is a 501-page compendium of instruction on all aspects of the art and craft of teaching aspiring authors how to write effectively regardless of the genre or discipline they are writing in or for. After an informed and informative introduction, "ACTS Of Teaching: How To Teach Writing" is dived into two primary sections dealing with 'Process' and 'The Theory and Pedagogy'. An overview of writing as a process beings with 'Prewriting: More Than the Beginning', continues on with 'Writing and Organizing', 'Writing as a Social Act', 'Grammar and Correcting', 'Grammar through Revision', Grammar through Reformulation', 'Postwriting and Publishing', and 'Assessment'. "ACTS Of Teaching: How To Teach Writing" continues with a major and detailed chapter on the way the brain works in the writing process, before going on to address such issues as 'Learning How to Learn', 'Early Literacy', 'Research', and 'Writing as a Mode of Learning. Enhanced with an extensive and extended bibliography, "ACTS Of Teaching: How To Teach Writing" also features nine highly relevant appendices (note especially the first one offering a List of Genres), and a comprehensive index. "ACTS Of Teaching: How To Teach Writing" is note only very highly recommended as an educational curriculum guide and supplement for the teaching of writing in a college or university level course, it is also invaluable reading for any aspiring writer seeking to become as effective as they can be within the demands of any scientific discipline, literary genre, or commercial enterprise they might find themselves working in. Actually, the Comma Goes Here Lucy Cripps Rockridge Press https://www.amazon.com/rockridgepress 9781647399221 $12.99 pbk / $8.99 Kindle Synopsis: No one's ever said that learning punctuation is fun - until now. Actually, The Comma Goes Here takes a lighthearted yet highly informative approach to ensuring you never misplace a comma again. Whether it's semicolons or exclamation points, this primer has you covered with chapters that dive deep into the correct use for each and every piece of punctuation. You'll find plenty of fun (and funny) examples of proper writing while also learning how punctuation has changed throughout history. Actually, The Comma Goes Here includes: A complete crash course - Keep things simple with chapters that progress from the most basic punctuation (like periods) to more advanced or uncommon punctuation (like brackets). Memorable advice - Never mix your clauses up again thanks to easy-to-remember breakdowns, handy mnemonics, and entertaining sample sentences. Matters of style - Discover a quick reference chart that details the differences between the most common style guides, including the Chicago Manual of Style and Associated Press. Perfect your punctuation with the help of this comprehensive guidebook. Critique: Actually, the Comma Goes Here is a thoroughly accessible punctuation guide for writers of all skill and experience levels. Periods, semicolons, commas, brackets, clauses, and much more are all explained in straightforward terms with examples and more than a dash of witty humor. Actually, the Comma Goes Here is a "must-have" especially for aspiring and practicing professional writers, from columnists to novelists! Highly recommended. It should be noted for personal reading lists that Actually, The Comma Goes Here is also available in a Kindle edition ($8.99). Adapting Bestsellers Ken Gelder Cambridge University Press One Liberty Plaza, Fl. 20, New York, NY 10006 www.cambridge.org 9781108731089, $12.99, PB, 75pp, www.amazon.com Synopsis: A part of the Cambridge University Press 'Elements in Publishing and Book Culture' series, "Adapting Bestsellers: Fantasy, Franchise and the Afterlife of Storyworlds" by Ken Gelder examines adaptations of best selling works of popular fiction to cinema, television, stage, radio, video games and other media platforms. "Adapting Bestsellers" focuses on 'transmedia storytelling', building its case studies around the genre of modern fantasy: because the elaborate story worlds produced by writers like J. R. R. Tolkien, J. K. Rowling and George R. R. Martin which have readily lent themselves to adaptations across various media platforms. There commercial success has also made it possible for media entertainment corporations to invest in them over the long term, enabling the development of franchises through which their story worlds are presented and marketed in new ways to new audiences. Critique: A succinct and impressively informative study, "Adapting Bestsellers: Fantasy, Franchise and the Afterlife of Storyworlds" is an inherently interesting and thought-provoking read that will have particular interest for writers and publishers interested in their books being expanded into other entertainment (and money-making) platforms. While unreservedly recommended for professional, community, and academic library Writing/Publishing instructional reference collections, it should be noted for personal reading lists that "Adapting Bestsellers" is also readily available in a digital book format (Kindle, $12.34). Adventures In Pen Land Marianne Gingher University of Missouri Press 2910 LeMone Boulevard, Columbia, MO 65201 www.umsystem.edu/upress 9780826218179, $19.95, 1-800-828-1894 Marianne Gingher is the author of four published books, as well as numerous pieces of fiction and essays which have appeared in a number of periodicals ranging from the Southern Review; the Oxford American; and the North American Review; to the Washington Post Magazine; Redbook; Seventeen; and the New York Time Book Review. So it is only to be expected "Adventures In Pen Land: One Writer's Journey From Inklings To Ink", her biographical memoir of life as a writer, be a particularly deftly presented and thoroughly engaging account that begins with her story of being a child working a con to obtain a copy of the 'Ding Dong School Book' (which was a blank book in which children could write their own stories), continues her adventures in the world of competition to be a published author, to her experiences as an established Southern writer within the broader context of American literary culture. Packed from cover to cover with anecdotal stories, "Adventures In Pen Land" offers insights into the impact her marriage, family, teaching career, pop culture, writing workshops, and other hinderments to publication has had upon her career as an author of fiction and essay. Although there are a sprinkling of insightful advice and ideas to be gleaned by other aspiring authors yearning for publication, "Adventures In Pen Land" is especially recommended reading for anyone wanting to know what the life of a working writer in the real world is like. Adventures in Writing for Children Aaron Shepard Shepard Publications PO Box 280, Friday Harbor, WA 98250 www.aaronship.com/kidwriter www.shepardpub.com 9780938497653, $12.50, 112pp, www.amazon.com Synopsis: Fifteen years after publishing "The Business of Writing for Children" -- Amazon.com's all-time bestseller among guides to children's writing -- award-winning author Aaron Shepard returns with a new collection of articles on the art and business of creating literature for young people. Topics include managing time in stories, structuring a chapter book, retelling folktales and legends, obtaining permissions, databases and business forms for children's writers, performance tips for author readings, online interaction with young readers, reviving a book with print on demand, converting from picture book to ebook, and more. Whether you're aiming at traditional publishers or choosing to self publish, let "Adventures in Writing for Children" help you pursue an adventure of your own. Critique: Simply stated, anyone aspiring to write a book, any kind of book, for a child should spend a half-hour of their time and read Aaron Shepard's "Adventures in Writing for Children: More Tips from an Award-Winning Author on the Art and Business of Writing Children's Books and Publishing Them". This little instruction volume fully and completely lives up to the hype of its title. It will prove to be an invaluable addition to personal and community library Writing/Publishing instructional reference collections and reading lists. It should be noted that "Adventures in Writing for Children" is also available in a Kindle edition ($2.99). The Agents Directory Rachel Vater Emmis Books 1700 Madison Road, 2nd floor, Cincinnati, OH 45206 1578601444 $19.99 emmisbooks.com In The Agents Directory: Everything You Need To Know To Sell Your Book Or Script by editor-turned-agent Rachel Vater is a veritable compendium of insider information on what a literary agent does, instructions on how to tell a good agent from a bad one, and practical advice on how to approach an agent by mail or at a writer's conference. Avoiding agencies that won't accept new writers or who will charge novice writers money up-front just to read their manuscript, The Agents Directory focuses upon identifying the best literary and script agents who are looking for new author clients. Each individual listing is complete with detailed, up-to-date information about what type of work that particular agent accepts, other authors represented, recent sales, contract information, and submission guidelines. With detailed instructions for writing query letters (complete with examples), a bonus directory of American and Canadian writing conferences, an an extensive list of writer's organizations, The Agents Directory is the the ideal guidebook and instructional reference for aspiring writers wanting to get their work published as profitably as possible. Alleviating Prepress Anxiety Ann Goodheart Leaping Antelope Productions 231-C South Whisman Road, Mountain View, CA 94041 0965922286 $14.95 1-888-909-5327 In Alleviating Prepress Anxiety: How To Manage Your Print Projects For Savings, Schedule And Quality is an invaluable, "reader friendly" instruction manual for the novice small press "desktop" publisher. Ann Goodheart draws upon her more than twenty-years of "hands on" publishing experience in showing how the aspiring publisher can save money, time, and stress by defining concepts for printed projects; choosing design and print vendors wisely, developing cost-effective production terms, understanding the basics of type and design, selecting papers and colors, and writing concise printing specifications. Enhanced with case studies and an extensive glossary, Alleviating Prepress Anxiety is a "must" for anyone venturing into desktop publishing for the first time, and has a wealth of practical, useful information for even the more seasoned publisher. The ALVA Axiom Anthology of Author Interviews Roberta M. Roy, editor ALVA Press, Inc. 216 Hooker Avenue, Poughkeepsie, New York 12603 9781938729263, $7.99, http://alvapressinc.com Compiled and edited by Roberta M. Roy (creative lead and owner operator of ALVA Press Inc at http://alvapressinc.com), "The ALVA Axiom Anthology of Author Interviews" features interviews with noteworthy writers and editors discussing their creative roles in publishing and the media. It highlights the differences among their approaches and personalities with the intent to entertain and inform. "The ALVA Axiom Anthology of Author Interviews" provides a very personal look into the world of writing for hard copy publication, the internet, and film. the authors interviewed include Jean Arleen Breed, Catherine Caminero, Chris Campbell, Trish Dalton, Betty Hampel, Kristen Henderson, Stephen Hise, Jim Holmgren, Helmy Parlente Kusuma, M. Edward McNally, Roberta M Roy, Byron Suggs, Carl Waldman, The compilation includes sections titled "Fiction," "Non-Fiction," "Poetry," "Fantasy/Paranormal," "Illustrated Children's Books," and "In the Media". "The ALVA Axiom Anthology of Author Interviews" is as informed and informative as it is thoughtful and thought-provoking as a variety of successful authors provide commentaries that will prove to be applicably useful reading for any and all aspiring writers regardless of the genre or subject matter they are attempting to produce in the highly volatile and intensely competitive world of publishing. An absolute 'must' for beginners, and having a great deal of relevant value for even the more experienced author, "The ALVA Axiom Anthology of Author Interviews" is highly recommended for personal, professional, community, and academic library Writing/Publishing reference collections and supplemental studies reading lists. It should be noted that "The ALVA Axiom Anthology of Author Interviews" is also available in a Kindle edition (9781938729270, $4.99). The American Directory Of Writer's Guidelines, sixth edition Stephen Blake Mettee, Michelle Doland, Doris Hall Quill Driver Books 1254 Commerce Way, Sanger, CA 93657 1884956580, $29.95 www.quilldriverbooks.com Knowledgeably compiled and meticulously edited by the team of Stephen Blake Mettee, Michelle Doland, and Doris Hall, "The American Directory Of Writer's Guidelines" is an 816-page, alphabetically organized, and thoroughly 'user friendly' compendium of more than 1,700 magazine editors and book publishers along with descriptive explanation of what these editors and publishers want when considering submissions from freelance writers. Now in a substantially expanded and newly updated sixth edition, "The American Directory Of Writer's Guidelines" offers more than 1,300 periodical publishers and more than 400 book publishers, along with their criteria for work that is either commissioned or submitted on spec by aspiring writers wanting to be published. This superbly organized reference provides detailed submission guidelines that will help a writer to determine if their particular projects are suited to a given magazine or book publisher, as well as providing an indispensable resource when seeking an appropriate publication outlet for a proposal or a manuscript. "The American Directory Of Writer's Guidelines" will prove to be an invaluable and indispensable asset to any professional (or aspiring to be profession) author regardless of the genre of work they are pursuing in their writing career. The American Writer Lawrence R. Samuel McFarland & Company PO Box 611, Jefferson NC 28640 www.mcfarlandpub.com 9781476671024, $39.95, PB, 170pp, www.amazon.com The American writer (both real and fictitious, famous and obscure) has traditionally been situated on the margins of society, an outsider looking in. From The Great Gatsby's Nick Carraway to the millions of bloggers today, writers are generally seen as onlookers documenting the human condition. Yet their own collective story has largely gone untold. Tracing the role of the writer in the United States over the last century, "The American Writer: Literary Life in the United States from the 1920s to the Present" by Lawrence R. Samuel (an independent scholar and a published author of works on 20th century American cultural history) describes how those who use language as a creative medium have held a special place in our collective imagination. An inherently fascinating and impressively informative study that is augmented for academia with the inclusion of a three page Bibliography and a three page Index, "The American Writer" will prove to be particularly interesting to the current generation of writers, and should be considered a 'must' for inclusion into both community and academic library 20th Century American Literature and Writing/Publishing collections. The AP Stylebook And Briefing On Media Law Norm Goldstein, Editor Perseus Publishing Eleven Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142 0738203084 $17.00 1-800-242-7737 The AP Stylebook And Briefing On Media Law is a classic reference has been fully revised and updated to provide readers with the latest details on media law, probing newsrooms, journalism classes, and different styles of writing. Fifty new entries and revisions keep up with world events, common usage, and AP procedures and include sections on the Internet and current media law. An excellent technical guide. Archetypes for Writers Jennifer Van Bergen Michael Wiese Productions 3940 Laurel Canyon Boulevard #1111, Studio City, CA 91604 1932907254, $22.95 www.mwp.com Years of training in theatre and decades of teaching lends to the author's unique approach of how to utilize personal archetypes to fuel stories – and how to find such archetypes. Screenwriters and any library catering to them will find ARCHETYPES FOR WRITERS: USING THE POWER OF YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS packed with exercises and keys to utilizing them successfully, from understanding character facts and dialogue to underlying psychology. Examples of monologues, dialogues, and effective scripts throughout lend body and insight to an excellent survey essential for screenwriters who want to get the most from their efforts. Around The Writer's Block Rosanne Bane Jeremy P. Tarcher c/o Penguin Group, USA 375 Hudson Street New York, NY 10014-3657 www.tarcherbooks.com 9781585428717, $15.95, www.amazon.com Writer's block is a condition, primarily associated with writing as a profession, in which an author loses the ability to produce new work. The condition varies widely in intensity. It can be trivial, a temporary difficulty in dealing with the task at hand or extreme condition lasting years on end. Every novice writer and every professional author will, sooner or later, be afflicted with 'writer's block' and end up staring at a sheet of blank paper or a blank computer screen, unable to set down a coherent idea -- or even a meaningful sentence. That's why "Around the Writer's Block: Using Brain Science to Solve Writer's Resistance" by Rosanne Bane should be a core part of every writer's 'how to' resource and reference collection. This deftly written, 320 page compendium covers ever aspect and symptom of writer's block -- and what can be done to overcome them and even avoid them in the future. Of special note is her real-world commentary on the subject of self-sabotage. Informed, informative, practical, and thoroughly 'user friendly', "Around the Writer's Block: Using Brain Science to Solve Writer's Resistance" will prove to be the best investment any aspiring or professional writer can make with respect to advancing their literary career. Art of Creative Writing, The The Art of Creative Writing presents the fundamentals of all good writing and offers a step-by-step guide for the development of fiction, plays, television and radio scripts. The Art Of Creative Writing outlines in detail the "Egri Method" for creative writing, used successfully with writers and producers in Hollywood and with student writers around the country. Clear, concise, simple, The Art Of Creative Writing will prove invaluable for any aspiring writer seeking to achieve professional competence in his or her work. The Art of Perspective: Who Tells the StoryChristopher Castellani Graywolf Press 250 Third Avenue North, Suite 600, Minneapolis, MN 55401 www.graywolfpress.org 9781555977269, $12.00, PB, 160pp, www.amazon.com Christopher Castellani is the author of three novels, including "All This Talk of Love". He is the artistic director of GrubStreet and teaches in the MFA program at Warren Wilson College. He was recently awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship for fiction. In "The Art of Perspective: Who Tells the Story" Castellani draws upon his years of experience and expertise to explain that while a writer may have a story to tell, a sense of plot, and strong characters, for all of these to come together some key questions must be answered. What form should the narrator take? An omniscient, invisible force, or one (or more) of the characters? But in what voice, and from what vantage point? How to decide? Avoiding prescriptive instructions or arbitrary rules, Castellani deftly examines the various ways writers have solved the crucial point-of-view problem. By unpacking the narrative strategies at play in the work of writers as different as E. M. Forster, Grace Paley, and Tayeb Salih, among many others, he illustrates how the author's careful manipulation of distance between narrator and character drives the story. "The Art of Perspective" is a fascinating discussion on a subject of perpetual interest to any writer and is very highly recommended for the personal reading lists of any and all aspiring novelists, as well as a critically important addition to community and academic library Writing/Publishing instructional reference collections. It should be noted that "The Art of Perspective" is also available in a Kindle edition ($8.56). The Art of Plotting Linda J. Cowgill Lone Eagle c/o Watson-Guptill Publications 770 Broadway, New York, NY 10003 9781580650700, $18.95 www.watsonguptill.com Plot is the meat and main course of any and all fiction scripts script regardless of film genres - without a good plot, it takes a miracle to have a good movie. "The Art of Plotting: Add Emotion, Suspense, and Depth to your Screenplay" covers all you need to know to make your plot the best it can be, explaining the complex principles, advice on integrating characterization and exposition to make the story more compelling, how to spot and overcome common plot problems, and demonstrate how plot can enhance everything else about your screenplay. "The Art of Plotting: Add Emotion, Suspense, and Depth to your Screenplay" is enthusiastically recommended to aspiring screen writers everywhere and deserves a place on any community library's Writing and/or Film Studies instructional reference collection. The Art of Styling Sentences Ann Longknife, Ph.D, & K. D. Sullivan Barron's 250 Wireless Boulevard Hauppauge, NY 11788 9780764147838, $9.99, www.barronseduc.com What separates good writing from the bad is flow, and flow is created by good structure. "The Art of Styling Sentences" is a grammar and style guide from Professor Ann Longknife and K. D. Sullivan as they present a comprehensive study on forming good structure, and creating a more comprehensive and engaging writing style. "The Art of Styling Sentences" is a must for any literary arts collection or for anyone trying to improve their artistic techniques in general. The Art Of Syntax: Rhythm Of Thought, Rhythm Of Song Ellen Bryant Voigt Graywolf Press 2402 University Avenue, Suite 203, Saint Paul, MN 55114 9781555975319, $12.00 www.graywolfpress.org www.amazon.com Graywolf Press is a premier and consistent publisher of poetry and prose with distinctive and enduring literary qualities and values. "The Art Of Syntax: Rhythm Of Thought, Rhythm Of Song" by accomplished poet and essayist Ellen Bryant Voigt focuses upon the poetic language and examines signature musical scoring to reveal the basics and embellishments of the writer's craft as applied to fiction and non-fiction alike, but especially to the creation of verse. The Art of The Personal Letter Margaret Shepherd Broadway Books 1745 Broadway, New York, NY 10019 9780767928274, $16.00, www.randomhouse.com The personal letter is a lost art in this day of quick e-mails and instant messaging. "The Art of the Personal Letter: A Guide to the Connecting Through the Written Word" is a guide to bringing back this lost skill and putting it to its best use, and doing what the internet can't do, provide personality and feeling through the words. With advice and tips to making one's letter something to be cherished and loved, "The Art of the Personal Letter" shows that snail mail isn't dead yet and still has quite the value in the world of fast communication. The Art Of The Poetic Line James Longenbach Publicity Department Graywolf Press 2402 University Avenue, Suite 203, Saint Paul, MN 55114 9781555974886, $12.00 www.graywolfpress.org 1-651-641-0077 Poet and literary critic James Longenbach presents The Art Of The Poetic Line, a discussion of the function of the line in metered, rhymed, syllabic, and free-verse poetry. Drawing upon classic examples ranging from Shakespeare and Milton to Ashbery and Gluck, The Art of the Poetic Line demystifies ambiguous elements in creating poetry to evoke mood and experience. "Poems are poems because we want to listen to them. Some poems have a prominent argument; some poems don't. But all poems live or die on their capacity to lure us from their beginning to their ends by a pattern of sounds. This is why a poem we don't understand may seem wonderfully satisfying, and this is why a poem we understand all too well may also seem wonderfully satisfying. A poem may harness the power of meter, rhyme, syntax, and line to establish and disrupt a pattern of sounds, and a poem may with equal integrity reject the power of meter, rhyme, syntax, and line. But the poet needs to understand what she is rejecting as well as what she is harnessing." Highly recommended for poetry connoisseurs, and an absolute must-read for poets and would-be poets of all walks of life. The Art Of Time In Fiction: As Long As It Takes Joan Silber Graywolf Press 2402 University Avenue, Suite 203, Saint Paul, MN 55114 9781555975302, $12.00 www.graywolfpress.org www.amazon.com To say that a novel or short story has a beginning, a middle, and an end is to grossly simplify the importance of the element timing in the process of crafting any work of fiction. In "The Art Of Time In Fiction: As Long As It Takes", Joan Silber draws upon her personal expertise as the published author of six books of fiction (one of which, "Ideas of Heaven" was the finalist for the National Book Award and the Story Prize) to focus on identifying and illustrating five fundamental ways in which time unfolds in fiction. In this slim 120-page compendium of practical instruction, Silber devotes specific chapters to discussing Classic Time; Long Time; Switchback Time; Slowed Time; Fabulous Time; and Time as Subject. Of special note is the listing of Works Discussed as Silber draws from the works of a range of influential authors from F.l Scott Fitzgerald, to Henry James, to Virginia Woolf. The latest addition to the outstanding Graywolf Press 'The Art Of' series of focused instruction and reference books for writers, "The Art Of Time In Fiction" is highly recommended for aspiring authors, and an invaluable reference for experienced writers as well. The Artful Edit Susan Bell W.W. Norton 500 – 5th Avenue, New York NY 10110 9780393057522, $23.95 www.wwnorton.com THE ARTFUL EDIT: ON THE PRACTICE OF EDITING YOURSELF provides a refreshing, new look at the idea of editing and how writers must step apart from their writing process to develop editing as a separate, distinct tool. From holding back on premature editing and using longhand to avoid mistakes made by computer editing choices to using tips and exercises to streamline the editing process, THE ARTFUL EDIT is packed with insights important for aspiring writers. Artful Sentences Virginia Tufte Graphics Press, LLC PO Box 430, Cheshire, CT 06410 0961392185 $16.00 www.tufte.com Artful Sentences: Syntax As Style by Virginia Tufte (Distinguished Emeritas Professor of English at the University of Southern California) is a remarkable collection of over one-thousand sentences demonstrating the utilization of syntax to create a distinctive writing style, and which were selectively compiled by Professor Tufte from the works of authors published in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Exemplifying the use of syntax to create a uniquely recognizable writing style, Artful Sentences features sentences showcasing every imaginable style as an writer, speechmaker, essayist, storyteller, and novelist, ranging from the example of Frank Lloyd Wright to David Gelernter. With a logical and definitive analysis of the actual root sentence structure, Artful Sentences is very strongly recommended for linguistics, literature, and English students, as well as aspiring authors seeking to distinguish their work in the highly competitive publishing marketplace. Artists Write to Work Kate Kramer Schiffer Publishing Ltd. 4880 Lower Valley Road, Atglen, PA 19310 www.schifferbooks.com 9780764356490, $16.99, HC, 128pp, www.amazon.com Artists need to write, every day, to support their studio practice and careers. While working artists already know this, newly minted art graduates and emerging artists usually have to learn this the hard way -- most often when a gallery owner asks for basic documents like an artist resume, biography, and statement to support an upcoming exhibition! Conversational and instructive, "Artists Write to Work: A Practical Guide to Writing about Your Art" by Kate Kramer (who is a lecturer in critical writing at the University of Pennsylvania and has worked as a curator, gallery director, art historian, public art administrator, and writer) is practical primer specifically designed to help artists learn the best writing and research strategies for the documents they must craft including: letters, biographies, statements, proposals, applications, wall text, and more. Kramer aligns writing strategies with art school curriculum (foundations, topics, capstones, professional development). "Artists Write to Work" is the instructional guide and manual that every artist will turn to again and again. In addition to models, templates, worksheets, and sample analyses of calls for entry, "Artists Write to Work" references readily available and public resources throughout. Ultimately, this primer brings writing process into practice so the art work can continue to thrive. Simply stated, "Artists Write to Work" is unreservedly recommended for personal, professional, community, college, art school, and university library Writing/Publishing collections and supplemental studies reading lists. The Arvon Book of Crime and Thriller Writing Michelle Spring and Laurie R. King Bloomsbury Press 175 Fifth Avenue, Suite 315 New York, NY 10010 9781408131220 $20.00 www.bloomsbury.com Award-winning mystery/suspense novelists Michelle Spring and Laurie R. King present The Arvon Book of Crime and Thriller Writing, a solid primer for aspiring crime novel authors and part of Bloomsbury's excellent series of writing guides. Chapters cover the history and evolution of the genre, advice from an immense diversity of popular writers including Meg Gardiner, Guy Saville, Andrew Taylor, Laura Wilson, and many others; and techniques to apply to problems ranging from writer's block to finding an agent for one's completed book. "Poetic imagery can be useful in less extended forms, in places where you would like the reader to pause briefly to reflect on the sensory meaning of the story. However, take care that your poetic metaphor doesn't distract the reader right out of the fictional dream you've been working so hard to construct. When in doubt, leave out the metaphor." The Arvon Book of Crime and Thriller Writing is absolutely invaluable for prospective authors in the crime and mystery genre, and packed with wisdom that writers of other disciplines will find useful regardless. Highly recommended. As-I-Learn Poetry Terrence Clark Wilson Outskirts Press, Inc. 10940 South Parker Road, #515, Parker, CO 80134 9781432717711, $8.95 www.outskirtspress.com 1-888-672-6657 It is said that everyone has at least one good novel in them, but "As-I-Learn Poetry: or I Can Write and So Can You - A Spiritual Approach" believes it can apply to poetry as well. Although filled with grand, elaborate poetry throughout, "As-I-Learn Poetry: or I Can Write and So Can You - A Spiritual Approach" acts as a guide to make the reader a better writer, whether it be for poetry or pose, explaining vital life lessons and knowledge that should be available to all. Highly recommended to both poetry and writing shelves alike, and for any aspiring poet or writer who needs some extra advice for their craft. Author 101 Rick Frishman & Robyn Spizman Adams Media Corporation 57 Littlefield Street, Avon, MA 02322 www.adamsmedia.com 1593375247 $12.95 1-800-872-5627 Rick Frishman is president of Planned Television Arts and Robyn Freedman Spizman is an award-wining author. Together they have provided a truly "user friendly" instruction manual for aspiring authors trying to promote themselves and their books in a highly competitive marketplace. Offering a kind of "crash course" in the mechanics, strategies and tactics of book publicity and promotion, Author 101: The Insider's Guide To Promoting Your Book--and Yourself is a compendium of field tested, effective, "tips, tricks & techniques" for reaching the reading public that includes practical advice for writing press releases, arranging book signings, getting on the talk show circuits. Also covered are "insider tips" from authors, agents, and publishers on what to do (and not do) when promoting books. There are even special sections devoted to building grassroots support through book clubs and readers groups. All this and more are carefully, methodically laid out so as to be completely accessible to the novice author -- and has much to offer even the more experienced writers. The appendices providing extensive resource information could prove invaluable in and of itself. No aspiring author who is now faced with the task of promoting and marketing their book can afford to be without their own personal reference copy of Author 101. Author YOU Judith Briles Mile High Press, Ltd. PO Box 460880, Aurora, CO 80046 www.MileHighPress.com 9781885331410, $45.00, www.amazon.com Every aspiring author should be keenly aware that being a published author is a business decision as well as a creative one. A 'book shepherd' is someone who assists an author in packaging a book so that it will be successfully competitive in a volatile publishing marketing place and attract the attention of the author's intended readership. In "Author YOU: Creating and Building the Author and Book Platforms", Judith Briles draws upon her many years of experience and expertise as a successful book shepherd to create an interactive instruction manual to train aspiring authors into creating a successful book plan; acquire the time and money to accomplish their literary project; identify the appropriate publishing venue for that project; arrange for the time and space to craft their books; utilizing internet and social media resources; avoid publishing predators and scam artists; and master the factors for creating a successful book launch. Basically, "Author YOU-Creating and Building the Author and Book Platforms" is a complete course of instruction under a single cover and while its 'fill in the blank' instruction pages rendered it inappropriate for community library collections, it will prove to be an indispensable, thoroughly 'user friendly', and highly valued learning tool and continuing reference resource for anyone seeking to create a successful writing career for themselves. Authoring Books and Materials for Students, Academics, and Professionals Creating a book for the academic or professional market is a major undertaking and one that is likely to require an investment of hundreds of ours. Franklin Silverman's Authoring Books And Materials For Students, Academics, And Professionals offers a complete guide to the process, from weighing the costs and benefits of becoming an author, through negotiating a contract, to marketing the final book. Authoring Books And Materials For Students, Academics, And Professionals is highly recommended for anyone wanting to write for the academic field of research and/or classroom texts. Author Law A-ZSallie Randolph, et al. Capital Books, Inc. 22841 Quicksilver Dr, Sterling, VA 20166 www.capital-books.com 1931868263 $21.95, 1-800-758-3756 The latest installment in the "A-Z Legal Series" from Capital Books, Author Law A-Z: A Desktop Guide To Writers' Rights And Responsibilities packs the collective wisdom of author-lawyers Sallie Randolph, Stacy Davis, Anthony Elia and Karen Dustman into plain terms for lay readers - and writers! Author Law A-Z is organized like an encyclopedia, with A-Z entries of common legal and writing industry terms or issues that every author should know, from "abridgement" and "acceptable manuscript" to "young adult books" and "Zapruder film", which denotes a landmark legal case about film rights concerning the home video film that accidentally documented the assassination of JFK. In addition to the entries, numerous tips, tricks, techniques, and warnings for the aspiring author in a legally complex world, from a sample demand letter (as written to a vanity print-on-demand publisher masquerading as a traditional publisher) to a sample complaint for copyright infringement, advice for what to say when one's editor calls, and much more. Enthusiastically recommended for spot research or simple cover-to-cover reading in order to grasp valuable basic lessons of the writing and publishing business. Author! Screenwriter! Peter Miller Adams Media 57 Littlefield Street, Avon, MA 02322 1593375530 $14.95 adamsmedia.com Author! Screenwriter! How To Succeed As A Writer In New York And Hollywood by Peter Miller (an active literary and film manager for more than thirty years) is for writers who want to enjoy success as both a screenwriter and author, teaching the aspiring writer how to turn a book into a Hollywood script and back. Chapters from the President of a film management and media agency represent the only book which teaches writers how to customize their proposals for both literary and film markets. The Author's Checklist Elizabeth K. Kracht New World Library 14 Pamaron Way, Novato, CA 94949 www.newworldlibrary.com 9781608686629, $15.95, www.newworldlibrary.com The Author's Checklist: An Agent's Guide to Developing and Editing Your Manuscript is directed to writers in all genres, whether fiction or nonfiction, and regardless of their publishing goals (either self-publishing or working with a publisher), and covers the basics of creating a publishable manuscript. This survey goes beyond editing concerns to address the entire production, from creating an effective acknowledgment section to understanding the basics of better dialogue, pace, and keys to success, such as utilizing lists to help readers retain information and speed up the pace of the story, or creating more effective chapter endings. Authors need this survey, which is more than a checklist, but an outline of better strategies for superior writing results. The Author's Toolkit Mary Embree Allworth Press 10 East 23rd Street, Suite 510, NY, NY 10010 www.allworth.com 9781581157475, $19.95, www.amazon.com Even in a difficult economy compelling the major New York publishing houses to substantially cut back on their new book titles lists there has been no significant reduction of the numbers of titles being published. This is because more and more aspiring authors are turning to small presses, niche publishers, or are self-publishing. That's why this newly updated and expanded third edition of Mary Embree's "The Author's Toolkit: A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing and Publishing Your Book" continues to be a timely and invaluable instructional reference work for aspiring authors regardless of the genre or categories they are working in. Detailed, practical, sensible, 'hands on' information on every aspect of the writing and publishing process is superbly laid out and completely accessible ranging from developing and researching both fiction and non-fiction ideas, organizing plots and developing characters, writing and editing, avoiding common pitfalls and problems, recruiting a literary agent, attracting publisher attention, dealing with publishing contracts, promotion/publicity, and more. Of special interest in this new edition is the attention paid to new developments in electronic publishing, print-on-demand options, and utilizing social media as a marketing tool. Informed, informative, and thoroughly 'user friendly', "The Author's Toolkit" is an invaluable reference and an essential read for anyone seeking to launch or sustain a professional writing career. The Autobiographer's Handbook Jennifer Traig Holt Paperbacks 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010 9780805087130, $15.00, www.henryholt.com It has been said that everyone has one good book in them. "The Autobiographer's Handbook: The 826 National Guide to Writing Your Memoir" is a collection of tips and advice from masterful writers on putting down one's life story onto paper, and in a format that would be appealing to read for your audiences. A basic writing course with a focus on memoirs, "The Autobiographer's Handbook" is a must for someone who wants the world to read their story. Bang The Keys Jill Dearman Alpha Books c/o Penguin Publishing Group 375 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10014-3658 www.penguin.com 9781592579143, $16.95, www.amazon.com Writing, whether it's the next 'Great American Novel' or an article for a local magazine or newsletter, begins with an idea that must be arranged into an orderly presentation that will interest, involve, and engage the reader. That's why "Bang The Keys" by writing coach and editor Jill Dearman is such an invaluable instructional resource for the novice writer, with an enduring and practical value for even the more experienced author. Beginning with a four-step writing process; then proceeding with setting writing hours and goals, "Bang The Keys" covers such diverse factors, tools, and aids as the use of a 'writing buddy', meditation, writing journals, the natural structure of a story, utilizing dreams, writing an ending and working through a story backwards to the beginning, meeting deadlines, and so much more. Enhanced with an extensive ten page resource guide and a comprehensive index, "Bang The Keys" is a thoroughly 'user friendly', highly recommended and highly rewarding read. Basics Film-Making: Screenwriting Robert Edgar-Hunt, et al. AVA Publishing Rue des Fontenailles 16, Case Postale, 1000 Lausanne 6, Switzerland www.avabooks.ch 9782940373895, $29.95 Writing scripts for theatrical, film, and stage productions is a demanding and highly competitive occupation -- but also a potentially lucrative one for writers with talent, imagination, skill, and a thorough understanding of the key elements comprising script writing. The collaborative work of Robert Edgar-Hunt, John Marland, and James Richards, "Basics Film-Making: Screenwriting" is a basic introductory instruction manual addressing the complete spectrum of screenwriting issues including script forms, standard practices, idea creation, theories of storytelling, log lines, screen treatments, 'step treatment', the pitch to potential backers, character development, creating a fictional world, 'mise en scene', action, tone and genre, dialogue, critiquing and feedback, and more. A superbly illustrated compendium of information, examples, concepts, and more, aspiring screenwriters are taken through the complete process of producing a short screenplay especially written for this textbook covering the total process from initial draft to film pitch. "Basics Film-Making: Screenwriting" is an ideal and effective introduction that should be considered an invaluable instructional guide and continuing reference manual for anyone who aspires to write a professional quality screenplay, either alone or in collaboration. The Battle Against Internet Book Piracy Gini Graham Scott Ph.D. Changemakers Publishing & Writing 750 La Playa, #592, San Francisco, CA 94121 Jones & O'Malley Public Relations (publicity) 10123 Camarillo St., Toluca Lake, CA 91602 www.changemakerspublishingandwriting.com 9781490331928 $14.95 jonesomalley.com Print book authors, ebook authors, and publishers alike absolutely must read The Battle Against Internet Book Piracy: The Fight By Writers, Publishers, And Law Enforcement, And What You Can Do If A Victim, which lives up to its title with solid advice about the legal responses one can make when digital pirates fraudulently steal and distribute one's intellectual property on the Internet. Although the focus is on digital book piracy, music and movie piracy are also referenced, especially for comparative purposes. Digital book piracy is not a victimless crime; it is directly correlated with (and almost certainly causes) a drop in sales and royalties, which in turn threatens the abilities of authors and publishers to earn a living writing books, fiction or nonfiction. The Battle Against Internet Book Piracy takes pirates to task, summarizes some of the most recent court battles regarding book piracy, and walks the reader through step-by-step instructions for identifying whether one's book has been pirated, sending a takedown notice, and seeking legal action to shut the pirates down. The Battle Against Internet Book Piracy cannot substitute for the counsel of a trained attorney, but is an absolute "must-read" before consulting one about such matters (remember, many of them bill by the hour)! Highly recommended, especially for the smallest self-published book and ebook authors, who can least afford the devastating toll of piracy. Becoming a Writer, Staying a Writer J. Michael Straczynski BenBella Books benbellabooks.com 9781950665884 $17.95 pbk / $9.99 Kindle https://www.amazon.com/Becoming-Writer-Staying-Artistry-Storytelling/dp/1950665887 Synopsis: New York Times bestselling author and British Academy Award nominee J. Michael Straczynski knew he wanted to be a writer ever since he was a child. What he didn't know was how to actually become, or stay, a writer. Now, he's giving fellow writers the comprehensive guide he wishes he had all along, personalized tips and techniques that can't be found in any other book on writing. Becoming a Writer, Staying a Writer culls from Straczynski's more than thirty years of experience writing for film, television, books, and comics. Designed for writers in any stage of their career, this quirky, insightful and often humorous book provides an inside look at these industries with advice and wisdom covering such topics such as: What fledgling writers need to know to improve and sell their work - and avoid wasting valuable time Tips for experienced writers who want to get to the next level Staying disciplined when writing is your day job Why writers should never wait for inspiration Story-planning strategies that don't kill your spontaneity Expert techniques for effective, memorable world-building How to get an agent and survive the writer's journey in more personal relationships Revising and editing with precision When and how to reinvent yourself as an artist Becoming a Writer, Staying a Writer includes Straczynski's unique, tried-and-true methodologies that will help storytellers sharpen their work so that it's polished and ready for publication. Part toolbox and part survival guide, this book will be an indispensable guide throughout your entire writing career, offering fresh and practical insights every step of the way. Critique: A professional writer of thirty years' experience, J. Michael Straczynski presents the advice book for aspiring writers that he wished he could have read when he was young. Here are candid tips, tricks, and techniques for both the creative and the practical side of the business. From how to craft believable characters and revise one's work with high precision, to pitfalls to watch out for when trying to sell one's work, and much more, Becoming a Writer, Staying a Writer is candid, thoroughly accessible, and an absolute "must-read" for aspiring and practicing professionals, and highly recommended for public and college library collections. It should be noted for personal reading lists that Becoming a Writer, Staying a Writer is also available in a Kindle edition ($9.99). Before You Write Your Novel James McCreet Routledge 711 - 3rd Avenue, Floor 8, New York, NY 10017-9209 www.routledge.com 9781138186729, $120.00, HC, 214pp, www.amazon.com "Before You Write Your Novel: Essential Skills for the First-time Novelist" by James McCreet (who has worked as a teacher, a bookseller, an editor, a copywriter, a journalist, and who currently teaches the MA Novel course at Sheffield Hallam University, UK) sets out the essential techniques and basic approaches that lay the perfect foundation for writing your first novel. This concise and readable guide addresses the major stumbling blocks of fiction writing: the importance of planning and structure. "Before You Write Your Novel" covers the essential components of novel writing including narrative, story, plot, pace, chronology, character arc and engagement techniques, as well as research, story building, plotting and editing. Using an open and honest approach, feeding from his own experience as a published novelist and creative writing teacher, McCreet offers a practical guide to the structural mechanisms of the novel, helping you plan a first draft through to a finished novel. While very highly recommended for community and academic library Creative Writing instructional reference collections, it should be noted for the personal reading lists of aspiring novelists that "Before You Write Your Novel" is also available in a paperback edition (9781138186736, $25.95) and in a Kindle format ($20.18). A Beginning, A Muddle, and an End Avi Harcourt 525 B Street Suite 1900, San Diego, CA 92101-4495 9780152055554, $14.95, www.harcourtbooks.com Write what you know - it's a common proverb told to all writers. "A Beginning, A Muddle, and an End: The Right Way to Write Writing" is a guide designed for all ages to help writers get off on the right foot in creating excellent writing, writing that people will want to read, and how to avoid the common pitfalls that so many writers tend to fall into. Composed in the form of a short fictional story that children writers will be able to relate too, and enhanced with beautiful illustrations by Tricia Tusa, "A beginning, a Muddle, and an End: The Right Way to Write Writing" is highly recommended for writers of all ages and for community library children's fiction sections as a strange bridge between picture books, chapter books, and non fiction. Beginning Radio-TV Newswriting K. Tim Wulfemeyer Iowa State University Press 2121 State Avenue, Ames, IA 50014-8300 0813828708 $24.99 1-800-862-6657 Now in its fourth edition, Beginning Radio-TV Newswriting: A Self-Instructional Learning Experience by Tim Wulfemeyer is a solid primer on the basic ins and outs of writing professionally for radio and television. News terms, sample writing assignments, examples, tips, tricks, techniques, and more make Beginning Radio-TV Newswriting a an invaluable instructional reference for anyone with an interest in entering this exciting and specialized field of writing. Also very strongly recommended is Tim Wulfemeyer's accompanying text, Radio-TV Newswriting: A Workbook, 2nd Edition (0813829097, $29.99). Behind the Mystery Stuart Kaminsky Hot House 760 Cushing Highway, Cohasset, MA 02025 0975524526 $29.95 www.hothousepress.com Start Kaminsky is an award-winning mystery writer himself, and is in the perfect position to introduce his fellow mystery writer friends to audiences in BEHIND THE MYSTERY: TOP MYSTERY WRITERS INTERVIEWED. Working with professional photographer Laurie Roberts, who captures images of these writers in their home settings, Kaminsky provides insights into the personal lives and inspirations of Sue Grafton, Donald Westlake, Faye Kellerman, Lisa Scottoline and other modern notable authors who have made major impacts on the genre. Mystery fans will relish the charming black and white shots and Kaminsky's probe into family, friends and perspectives on mystery writing. Being Professional Adam Coplan Michael Wiese Productions 12400 Ventura Blvd., #1111, Studio City, CA 91604 www.mwp.com 9781615932498, $24.95, PB, 220pp, www.amazon.com With respect to the specialized area of screen writing, "Being Professional" by Adam Coplan is a complete course of instruction under one cover. "Being Professional" teaches the ABCs of screenwriting from a practical perspective, rather than a merely theoretical or academic perspective. "Being Professional" highlights the many traps, mistakes, and pitfalls that frequently plague writers of all experience levels and shows them the difference between simply completing a script as an amateur, and taking an idea and executing the best version of it as a professional piece, worthy of industry attention. Of special note are the chapters on editing and presentation, Simply stated, "Being Professional" should be considered a mandatory study manual for anyone and every one who aspires to write a play for film, television, or theatre. Berlitz Spell It Right Dictionary Christine Maxwell Lande Communications PO Box 979, Spring House, PA 19477 9812469818 $7.95 www.berlitzbooks.com Teacher Christine Maxwell presents Berlitz Spell It Right Dictionary, a one-of-a-kind reference especially for students, English-language learners and others who have extreme difficulty in spelling words - and as a result, find it hard to look up the words' proper spellings in an ordinary dictionary. Berlitz Spell It Right lists both commonly misspelled words and their most frequent misspellings, in two-color format so as to make it perfectly clear which spelling is the correct one. Berlitz Spell It Right Dictionary does not give dictionary definitions of words or pronunciations, though it does offer specific tips for searching for words when a first glance and guess at the word's spelling yields no success. A key to spelling rules is on the bottom of each page for easy reference in this user-friendly, go-to guide for aspiring writers regardless of their personal level of spelling skill. Best Little Books Of Short Story Ideas Edward C. Jones III Author House 1663 Liberty Drive, Suite 200, Bloomington, IN 47403-5161 www.authorhouse.com 9781438953243, $12.99, www.amazon.com Originally designed to help students in highschool and college needing ideas for their English literature and creative writing classes, Edward Jones' "Best Little Books Of Short Story Ideas" will also provide valuable assistance for writers afflicted with 'writer's block' and needing help getting their creative intellects and imaginations active again. A compilation of basic, unedited plot ideas derived from older short stories (published prior to 1989), these fifty-five entries will help aspiring writers to begin hammering out their own unique tales whether for an English class writing assignment or a professional quality story intended for commercial publication. "Best Little Books Of Short Story Ideas" is a very handy, 'user friendly', and recommended addition to a writer's reference shelf. The Best Little Grammar Book Ever! Arlene Miller Bigwords 101 PO Box 4483, Petaluma, CA 94955 9780984331604, $11.95, www.bigwords101.com Articulation is an invaluable skill. "The Best Little Grammar Book Ever!: 101 Ways to Impress with Your Writing and Speaking" is a guide to being a better speaker and a better writer by avoiding the common pitfalls of the English language. How one speaks and writes is often the first impression one makes in communication, and "The Best Little Grammar Book Ever!" is a fine tool and a top resource. The Best of Write Now Danny Fingeroth Twomorrows Publishing 10407 Bedfordtown Dr., Raleign, NC 27614 9781893905924, $19.95, www.twomorrows.com Every comic book reader wanted to draw their own comics at some point as a child – but what do you do when that urge doesn't go away as an adult? "The Best of Write Now!: How To Interviews & Art From the Premier Publication About Comics Writing" is a compilation of, as the title says, the very best of a publication dedicated to the writers and artists of comic books and graphic novels with advice from big names such as Stan Lee, J.M. Straczynski, Neil Gaiman, and many more. If one is an aspiring artist or writer of comic books, the advice found in "The Best of Write Now!: How to Interviews & Art from the Premier Publication About Comics Writing" is essential and a great place to start, making it highly recommended for community library comics and graphic novels shelves. Beyond Book Indexing Diane Brenner & Marilyn Rowland Information Today, Inc. 143 Old Marlton Pike, Medford, NJ 08055 1573870811 $31.25 1-800-300-9868 In Beyond Book Indexing: How To Get Started In Web Indexing, Embedded Indexing, And Other Computer-Based Media, Diane Brenner and Marilyn Rowland successfully collaborate to present as series of twelve outstanding essays by experts in the specialized field of indexing. These informative essays are divided into four sections: Beyond Stand-Alone Indexes: Embedded Indexing; Beyond the Book: Web Indexing; Special Topics in Computer-Based Indexing; and Beyond Traditional Marketing: Selling Yourself in Hyperspace. Beyond Book Indexing offers writers, publishers, webpage designers, e-commerce marketers, and indexing professionals a very highly recommended, informative, in-depth survey of current and emerging computer-based technologies, offering valuable suggestions for obtaining work in these fields, as well as extensive references and a glossary. Beyond The Internet Barbara A. Chernow Bernan Press 4611-F Assembly Drive, Lanham, MD 20706-4391 9781598881738, $19.95 www.bernanpress.com 1-800-865-3457 "Beyond The Internet: Successful Research Strategies" by Barbara A. Chernow (a career encyclopedist, researcher and reference book editor who founded Chernow Editorial Services, Inc. specializing in producing professional books for a variety of publishers) is a critically important instructional reference book for aspiring authors, as well as anyone else engaged in a research project of any kind. Relying solely on the internet for acquiring information will prove to be inadequate because while the internet is a valuable research tool, the majority of documents and resources in the collections of libraries and archives have not been digitalized and made for internet access. Therefore writers and authors who must research their material need to be able to utilize all available resources at their disposal. "Beyond The Internet" was written for just that purpose and covers all the elements and factors relevant to the research process for best results. Thoroughly 'user friendly' itself, "Beyond The Internet" should be considered essential reading for all aspiring authors and is a core addition to any professional, academic, and community library Research Reference collection. The Birds And Bees Of Words Mary Embree Allworth Press 10 East 23rd Street, Suite 510, New York, NY 10010 97811581154955, $14.95 www.allworth.com 1-800-491-2808 The crafting of legible, literate sentences is a learned skill. A skill that separates the amateur from the profession, the incoherent from the competent. "The Birds And Bees Of Words: A Guide To The Most Common Errors In Usage, Spelling, And Grammar" by Mary Embree (a freelance editor, successful author of six books, and founder of the Small Publishers Artists and Writers Network) was specifically written to provide aspiring authors and practicing writers to communicate clearly and correctly through the use of the written word. A thoroughly 'user friendly' instructional guide to 21st Century American English, "The Birds And Bees Of Words" covers frequently misused words, the parts of speech, word roots, common grammar mix-ups (and how to correct them), often misspelled words, as well as brand new words and phrases. The perfect antidote to a flawed or substandard public school English Department or classroom curriculum, "The Birds And Bees Of Words" is especially recommended for school and community reference collections, as well as anyone wanting to write professionally or personally with an authority and accuracy unmarred by blunders of spelling or grammar or usage. Blockbuster Plots Martha Alderson, M.A. Illusion Press 704 Blossom Hill Road, #146, Los Gatos, Ca 95032 1877809195 $25.00 illusionpress.com Confused about the basics of building a plot in a story? Martha Alderson's narrowed focus on how to produce a superior one applies to novels, memoirs and nonfiction alike, using scenes by contemporary writers from Twain to London to show how to create logical and substantial plots. Visual representation of scenes is the focus of a step-by-step workbook packed with tips on everything from character development and depth of story line to action and theme clarification. Any writer seeking to produce not just acceptable but superior works must have this guide. The Bloomsbury Introduction to Creative Writing Tara Mokhtari Bloomsbury Press 175 Fifth Avenue, Suite 315, New York, NY 10010 www.bloomsbury.com 9781350056688, $29.95, PB, 296pp, www.amazon.com Covering all of the major genres, this fully updated and expanded second edition of "The Bloomsbury Introduction to Creative Writing" by Tara Mokhtari (Assistant Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences at the Bronx Community College) is a complete introductory manual for students of creative writing. This new edition of "The Bloomsbury Introduction to Creative Writing" features an updated and expanded chapter on writing for digital media, and new exercises for reading across the genres and writing hybrid forms. Through a structured series of practical writing exercises (which are perfect for the classroom, the writer's workshop or as a starting point for a portfolio of work) "The Bloomsbury Introduction to Creative Writing" builds the student writer from the first explorations of voice and the relationship between writing and knowledge, through to mastery of a wide range of genres and forms. "The Bloomsbury Introduction to Creative Writing) deftly covers such genres as: Autobiographical writing; Short fiction; Poetry; Screenwriting and writing for performance; Writing for digital media, including video games and social media. With practical guidance on writing scholarly critiques of your own work and a glossary of terms for ease of reference, "The Bloomsbury Introduction to Creative Writing" is an essential and fundamental manual for any introductory creative writing course and a practical companion for more advanced writers. While very highly recommended as a curriculum textbook for highschool and college Creative Writing courses, and unreservedly recommended for community, highschool, college, and university library Writing/Publishing instructional reference collections, it should be noted for the personal reading lists of students, academia, aspiring writers, and non-specialist general readers with an interest in the subject that "The Bloomsbury Introduction to Creative Writing" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $26.95). The Blue Book Of Grammar And Punctuation Jane Straus Peakview Consulting, Inc. 115450 Archer Terrace, Elbert, CO 80106 www.peakviewconsulting.com 0966722175 $12.95 grammarbook.com Now in an fully updated eighth edition, Jane Straus' easy to use reference guide and workbook, The Blue Book Of Grammar And Punctuation: The Mysteries Of Grammar And Punctuation Revealed, provides writers with the rules of writer free from jargon while utilizing real-world examples of proper grammar and correct punctuation that are universal in their cultural content. A consumable, The Blue Book Of Grammar And Punctuation begins with the most common rules of grammar and punctuation, then goes on to provide numerous practice exercises followed by answers to provide instant feedback for comprehension and confidence. Of special note is www.grammarbook.com, the companion website offering excerpts of the book and updated information. If you are an aspiring writer seeking to be published commercially, or simply someone who wants to enhance their writing ability for personal improvement, then The Blue Book Of Grammar And Punctuation is the ideal do-it-yourself instructional workbook. Bob Bly's Guide To Freelance Writing Success Robert W. Bly Filbert Publishing 140 3rd Street, Kandiyohi, MN 56251 1932794034 $15.95 Bob Bly's Guide To Freelance Writing Success is a straightforward guide to earning up to $100,000 in the business of freelance writing. While many struggling writers barely earn a living wage, Bob Bly's Guide To Freelance Writing Success is packed with tips, tricks, and techniques for tapping hidden markets, earning money form the "quiet" magazine market, writing a "bullet proof" book proposal, 22 rules for successful self-promotion, managing one's time with consummate efficiency, insider secrets to put the Internet to good use, and much more. An absolute "must-have" for any freelance writer looking to earn a steady living. Book and Baby Milda M. DeVoe Brooklyn Writers Press www.brooklynwriterspress.com 9781952991073, $19.99, PB, 314pp https://www.amazon.com/Complete-Managing-Becoming-Successful-Writer-Parent/dp/1952991072 Synopsis: "Book and Baby: The Complete Guide to Managing Chaos and Becoming A Wildly Successful Writer-Parent" by author and parent Milda M. DeVoe is an inspiring, practical, and effective writing craft book that deftly addresses the various stages of parenthood and how a writing career can be affected at every stage. Drawing on her personal experiences gleaned from ten years of running a literary nonprofit that helps writers stay on creative track after starting a family, Milda M. DeVoe (founder of Pen Parentis), put her Columbia MFA to good use in creating a fun, readable, helpful and inspiring instructional reference book for parents, caregivers and others who feel they lack the time needed to write. "Book and Baby" shows how aspiring writers who are also committed parents : How to write in short spaces of time; How to make time out of no time; Provide guidance for nurturing a writing career along with children. Additionally, "Book and Baby" will inspire parents who want to be writers with true-life stories drawn from an archive of interviews with serious, professional and even bestselling writers (all who have kids) and introduce resources that will keep those parents writing. Critique: A unique and seminal DIY instructional for writers who are parents (and parents who aspire to become writers), "Book and Baby: The Complete Guide to Managing Chaos and Becoming A Wildly Successful Writer-Parent" must be considered a mandatory read. A thoroughly comprehensive and 'user friendly' instructional manual in both organization and presentation, "Book and Baby" is especially and unreservedly recommended for professional, community, college and university library Writing/Publishing collections. It should be noted for personal reading lists that "Book and Baby" is also readily available in a digital book format (Kindle, $3.99). Editorial Note: M ilda M. DeVoe earned her MFA at Columbia University as a Writing Fellow under Michael Cunningham and Helen Schulman. Her explorations of identity through creative writing have brought her to publish in nearly every genre: literary fiction, poetry, science fiction, urban fantasy, horror, even musical theater. She has won or been a finalist for more than 20 writing awards. She won her first grant for Pen Parentis from NYC's Department of Cultural Affairs in 2009 and remains its founding director. Book Architecture: How to Plot and Outline Without Using a Formula Stuart Horwitz Book Architecture, LLC One Richmond Square, Suite 112K, Providence, RI 02906 www.architecture.com 9780986420405, $18.00, www.amazon.com As founder and principal of Book Architecture, Stuart has spent over fifteen years helping writers become authors, signing with top literary agencies, sealing deals with coveted publishing houses, or forging a successful path through indie publishing. Book Architecture's clients have reached the best-seller list in both fiction and non-fiction, and have appeared on Oprah!, The Today Show, The Tonight Show, and in the most prestigious journals in their respective fields. In "Book Architecture: How to Plot and Outline Without Using a Formula", Horwitz draws upon his years of experience and expertise to create a 156 page course of instruction specifically written for the benefit of aspiring authors seeking to avoid cliche formulas and create original work that will succeed in a highly volatile and exceedingly competitive publishing industry. "Book Architecture" should be considered an indispensable instructional reference for aspiring novelists, script writers, and nonfiction authors. Thoroughly 'user friendly' from beginning to end, "Book Architecture" is also very highly recommended for community and academic library Writing/Publishing instructional reference collections. It should be noted that "Book Architecture" is also available in a Kindle edition ($9.99). Book Fairs For Authors Larry DeKay & Peggy DeKay Darby Press PO Box 4486, Louisville, KY 40204 9780983414438, $12.95, 188pp, www.amazon.com Synopsis: Dozens of book fair links are included "The Author's Guide to Book Fairs", an essential resource and reference for all authors, both traditionally published and self-published, who want to learn how to leverage book fairs to build their platform and sell more books. "Book Fairs For Authors" covers why go to a book fair; who can be in a book fair; where to find book fairs; applying to be in a book fair; preparing to go to the book fair; tips on engaging buyers at the book fair; post book fair marketing; and book fair traps and pitfalls. "Book Fairs For Authors" is enhanced with the inclusion of a list of book fairs by state; a list of book festivals by state; resources for authors; book expos and trade shows. Critique: Informed, informative, exceptionally well organized and presented, as well as thoroughly 'user friendly' from beginning to end, "Book Fairs For Authors" should be considered mandatory reading for authors and publishers who hope to expand the audience for their books -- and the financial revenues that expanded readership would engender. The Book On Writing Paula LaRocque Marion Street Press, Inc. PO Box 2249, Oak Park, IL 60304 0966517695 $18.95 1-866-443-7987 Professional writing coach, consultant, award-winning journalist and assistant managing editor at "The Dallas Morning News" from 1981 to 2001, Paula LaRocque offers her impressive expertise in The Book On Writing: The Ultimate Guide To Writing Well. Individual chapters informatively detail just how to make prose more accessible by eliminating pretensions, unneeded euphemisms, and overly long dependent phrases, as well as strengthening storytelling skills, debunking the myths of writing mechanics, and more, The Book On Writing is an excellent and highly recommended guide to clarity of thought and printed word. Book Promotion Made Easy Eric Gelb, MBA/CPA Career Advancement Center Box 436, Woodmere, NY 11598-0436 1890158089 $12.00 The slim appearance of this 55-page paperback almost places Book Promotion Made Easy in the pamphlet realm, but spine lettering and an attention to depth makes it more than a pamphlet. Book Promotion Made Easy covers the event planning, presentation skills and marketing necessary to promote a book. Gelb is author of several self-published titles and provides a system of self-promotion through seminars and working with local bookstores: Book Promotion Made Easy provides a focus on creating such events to help market a book. Important information which goes beyond the usual tips on how to obtain publicity. Book Report Mark Shaw Books for Life Foundation Publication 1060 Virginia Ave, Indianapolis IN 46203 www.booksforlifefoundation.com 0971759634 $17.95 1-317-685-2500 Book Report: Publishing Strategies, Writing Tips, And 101 Literary Ideas For Aspiring Authors And Poets is a solid collection of nicely presented writing tips and publishing strategies for aspiring writers and poets seeking publication. Presenting the "ten golden rules of publishing", including "write a story you are passionate about - one that is marketable"; "take notice - rejection is not part of a writer's vocabulary"; and "you are what you write - protect yourself"; Book Report is a timely, welcome, and thoroughly "user friendly" advice guide which is very highly recommended reading for aspiring authors and novice poets wanting the kind of readership audience that only being published can achieve. Book Wars John B. Thompson Polity www.politybooks.com c/o Blackwell Publishing 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148 www.politybooks.com 9781509546787, $35.00, HC, 450pp https://www.amazon.com/Book-Wars-Digital-Revolution-Publishing/dp/1509546782 Synopsis: "Book Wars: The Digital Revolution in Publishing" by Professor John B. Thompson is the story of the turbulent decades when the book publishing industry collided with the great technological revolution of our time. From the surge of ebooks to the self-publishing explosion and the growing popularity of audiobooks, "Book Wars" provides a comprehensive and fine-grained account of technological disruption in one of our most important and successful creative industries. Like other sectors, publishing has been thrown into disarray by the digital revolution. The foundation on which this industry had been based for 500 years (the packaging and sale of words and images in the form of printed books) was called into question by a technological revolution that enabled symbolic content to be stored, manipulated and transmitted quickly and cheaply. Publishers and retailers found themselves facing a proliferation of new players who were offering new products and services and challenging some of their most deeply held principles and beliefs. The old industry was suddenly thrust into the limelight as bitter conflicts erupted between publishers and new entrants, including powerful new tech giants who saw the world in very different ways. The book wars had begun! While ebooks were at the heart of many of these conflicts, Professor Thompson argues that the most fundamental consequences lie elsewhere. The print-on-paper book has proven to be a remarkably resilient cultural form, but the digital revolution has transformed the industry in other ways, spawning new players which now wield unprecedented power and giving rise to an array of new publishing forms. Most important of all, it has transformed the broader information and communication environment, creating new challenges and new opportunities for publishers as they seek to redefine their role in the digital age. An unrivalled account of the book publishing industry as it faces its greatest challenge since Gutenberg, "Book Wars" will be essential reading for anyone interested in books and their future. Critique: An inherently fascinating history of the publishing industry over the last three decades, "Book Wars: The Digital Revolution in Publishing" is an extraordinary study and one that is especially and unreservedly recommended for anyone with an interest in how and why the publishing industry works as it does today. Exceptionally well written, organized and presented, "Book Wars: The Digital Revolution in Publishing" is a very highly recommended addition to community, college and university library Media Studies collections in general, and Book Publishing supplemental studies collections in particular. It should be noted for the personal reading lists of authors, publishers, booksellers, bibliophiles, academia, and non-specialist general readers with an interest in the subject that "Book Wars: The Digital Revolution in Publishing" is also readily available in a digital book format (Kindle, $28.00). Editorial Note: John B. Thompson is Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the University of Cambridge and Emeritus Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge. His previous books include "Merchants of Culture: The Publishing Business in the Twenty-First Century" and "Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media". Books, Crooks, and Counselors Leslie Budewitz Quill Driver Books c/o Linden Publishing 2006 South Mary, Fresno, CA 93721 9781610350198, $14.95, www.quilldriverbooks.com Courtroom drama has been a favorite genre for quite some time, "Books, Crooks, and Counselors: How to Write Accurately About Criminal Law and Courtroom Procedure" is a style writing guide for those who want to write crime thrillers from the crime scene to the court room procedure. From the characters to avoiding stumbling over the fallacies of writing these scenes and how to blend realism with drama, "Books, Crooks, and Counselors" is a fine pick for anyone who wants to create a mystery that is true to life yet still hard to put down, recommended. Boom! Manufacturing Memoir for the Popular Market Julie Rak Wilfrid Laurier University Press Wilfrid Laurier University Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 3C5 9781554589395, $29.99, wlupress.wlu.ca How does one make the story of life so enticing and riveting? "Boom! Manufacturing Memoir for the Popular Market" analyzes the memoir as a product that is produced like any other work, Julie Rak dissects many popular memoirs and tries to gain a more comprehensive understanding of why some memoirs capture the imagination of the public when their stories often aren't that unlike our own. "Boom!" is a fine bit of analysis for those who want to understand the memoir whether for creating one's own story or simply a fascination with the trends. Break Into Fiction Mary Buckham & Dianna Love Snell Adams Media Corporation 57 Littlefield Street, 2nd floor, Avon, MA 02322 www.adamsmedia.com 9781605500157, $14.95, www.amazon.com Writing the 'Great American Novel' is the easy part. Getting it published is a great deal more difficult. That's why two award-winning novelists, Mary Buckham and Dianna Love Snell, have collaborative in writing "Break Into Fiction: 11 Steps To Building A Story That Sells". This deftly written instruction manual is based upon the author's own workshops where they have created a novel-writing system that even the most inexperienced novice can follow and apply with relative ease to produce original stories of depth, complexity, emotion, and excitement. There are 'user friendly' templates taking the novel writing process from first draft to finished manuscript. Reference examples are drawn from popular genres ranging from suspense and classics, to children's fiction and romance films. Of special note are the worksheets designed to build strong stories plot point by plot point, and troubleshooting tips on finding and fixing problematic holes that weaken a plot. A complete course of do-it-yourself study in a single volume of practical, step-by-step, explanatory instruction, "Break Into Fiction" is especially recommended to the attention of neophyte authors yearning to break into print and become established novelists in their own right. Breathe Life Into Your Life Story Dawn and Morris Thurston Signature Books 564 West 400 North, Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 9781560850946, $22.95 www.signaturebooks.com Writing teacher Dawn Thurston and award-winning ancestral biographer Morris Thurston present Breathe Life Into Your Life Story: How to Write a Story People Will Want to Read, a no-nonsense guide to crafting an engaging autobiography. memoir or personal history. Chapters cover how to write at the gut level and reveal one's feelings, what to do and not do when writing about specific places, connecting the events of one's life to history, using suspense and conflict to draw the reader further in, and much more. A wealth of "learn-by-doing" exercises round out this excellent self-improvement guide highly recommended for would-be biographers, and also packed with valuable tips, trips and techniques for aspiring writers of fields. Breathe, Stretch, Write Sheree Fitch Pembroke c/o Stenhouse Publishers 477 Congress Street, Suite 4B, Portland, ME 04101-3451 9781551382562 $19.00 www.stenhouse.com 1-800-988-9812 Breathe, Stretch, Write: Learning to Write with Everything You've Got is a guide for writers, teachers, and grade school to college students to incorporating simple breathing techniques, yoga-inspired stretches, and exercise to improve creativity and inspiration while writing. Although designed especially to aid young people in the learning and communicating process, the exercises will prove inordinately helpful to anyone with a writing or desk job, and can easily be adapted for office work. Each page focuses on a different three-step recommendation, beginning with a breathing exercise, followed by a stretching exercise, and culminating in a creative endeavor such as writing a song, evoking an emotion such as panic on the page, or engaging in a brief research project. A handful of black-and-white stick figures demonstrate recommended poses, and the step-by-step instructions are easy to follow. Breathe, Stretch, Write lives up to its title and is highly recommended as a physical-emphasis supplement to any writer's or teacher's bookshelf. Bulletproof Book Proposals Pam Brodowsky & Eric Neuhaus Writer's Digest Press c/o F&W Publications, Inc. 700 East State Street, Iola, WI 54990 1582973679 $14.99 www.fwpublications.com 1-800-726-9966 For every 100 book proposals submitted to publishers by hopeful authors, two will make it and the other ninety-eight will not. That's why literary agent Pam Brodowsky and successful author Eric Neuhaus teamed-up to create a 'how to' manual of instruction and advice to help aspiring writers seeking to break into print better the odds against them. The first part of "Bulletproof Book Proposals" addresses the book proposal writing process through clear instructions and exercises, along with a ten-step approach designed to teach the author how to craft an overview of their writing project that is clear, concise, and engaging; conduct a thorough competitive-book analysis; define primary and secondary markets, and write effective chapter outlines and summaries. The second part of "Bulletproof Book Proposals" presents twelve real-life book proposals that were successful in getting published. Also featured are informative commentaries from the authors and agents of those proposals, as well as the editors who accepted them for publication. "Bulletproof Book Proposals" is a complete, 'user friendly', and strongly recommended do-it-yourself seminar workshop in the creation of effective, successful, profitable book proposals – a skill that is a fundamental necessity for anyone seeking to create a professional writing career for themselves. Also very highly recommended from Writer's Digest Press are two other references for aspiring authors: "The Glimmer Trains Guide To Writing Fiction" (1582974462, $19.99) and Bill Brohaugh's "Unfortunate English: The Gloomy Truth Behind The Words You Use" (1582974438, $18.99). Bulletproof: Writing Scripts that Don't Get Shot Down David Diamond & David Weissman Michael Wiese Productions 12400 Ventura Blvd., #1111, Studio City, CA 91604 www.mwp.com 9781615932993, $26.95, PB, 180pp, www.amazon.com The team successful script writing team of Diamond and Weissman have been writing movies and mentoring filmmakers for decades. "Bulletproof: Writing Scripts that Don't Get Shot Down" is their practical guide taking aspiring writer by the hand and guiding them through the logistics and tools of writing an attention-grabbing, audience-pleasing screenplay. They will learn the interests and needs of managers, agents, producers, executives, financiers, directors, and actors. Diamond and Weissman attribute their phenomenal success to a career-long focus on the motives and priorities of film sponsors and benefactors. Whether it's a theatrical release or a streaming movie, a major, big-budget tent pole or an intimate, character-driven indie drama, Diamond and Weissman apply their time-tested approach and offer aspiring script writers a fresh way of thinking will resonate with industry professionals, and cinephiles excited to peek under the hood at what makes their favorite films tick. "Bulletproof" is that rare screen writing instructional guide and manual penned by authors with both massive credits and decades of business experience. Simply stated, "Bulletproof" is a 'must-read' for any and all aspiring script writers seeking to get their work transformed in film productions. While unreservedly recommended for community and academic library Writing/Publishing instructional reference collections, it should be noted for personal reading lists that "Bulletproof" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $25.60). A Bushwhacker's Guide to Academic Writing Michael Olendzenski The Educational Publisher 1313 Chesapeake Avenue, Columbus, OH 43212 www.edupublisher.com 9781622491780, $19.95, 159pp, www.amazon.com "A Bushwhacker's Guide to Academic Writing" is the result of Michael Olendzenski's education (BA and MA, McGill; Ph.D. Florida) and his twenty-five-plus years of experience as an instructor of First-Year Composition courses. The book presents a narrative account of the rhetoric of academic writing and a thorough examination of the linguistics of English. The author takes exception to the shortcomings of typical English handbooks, and offers instead this sharply focused, readable guided journey down the path that he has bushwhacked for those who are learning or teaching academic writing. As informed and informative as it is thoroughly 'reader friendly' in both presentation and application, "A Bushwhacker's Guide to Academic Writing" is especially recommended for both community and academic library Writing/Publisher reference collections and supplemental studies lists. For personal reading lists for aspiring academic writers, it should be noted that "A Bushwhacker's Guide to Academic Writing" is also available in a Kindle edition ($9.99). Business and Legal Forms for Authors and Self-Publishers Tad Crawford Allworth Press 10 East 23rd Street, Suite 510, New York, NY 10010 www.allworth.com 9781621534648, $24.99, www.amazon.com It's always a pleasant surprise when authors discover that when it comes to "turning pro" they really don't have to reinvent the wheel. Not with Ted Crawford's "Business and Legal Forms for Authors and Self-Publishers". This 176 page compendium of 32 forms for custom use compiled by Crawford (who has served as General Counsel for the Graphic Artists Guild and legislative counsel for creator's groups fighting for greater rights, and is himself a publisher, an attorney, and the author of more than a dozen books for creative professionals -- including "The Writer's Legal Guide") is simply a "must" for the instructional reference collections for all aspiring authors and anyone who is self-published and therefore carries the entire burden of the publishing process upon themselves -- including marketing, publicity, and promotion. Enhanced with the copious inclusion of ready-to-use with negotiation checklists, "Business and Legal Forms for Authors and Self-Publishers" should also be a part of every community and academic library's Writing/Publishing instructional resource collections. It should be noted that "Business and Legal Forms for Authors and Self-Publishers" is also available in a Kindle edition ($16.99). The Business Of Writing For Children Aaron Shepard Shepard Publications PO Box 2698, San Pedro, CA 90731 0938497111 $12.00 1-310-548-1380 Aaron Shepard is an experienced and award-winning author of books for young readers who in The Business Of Writing For Children brings to bear his considerable expertise in providing the aspiring children's book author a wealth of tips on how to write, sell, and promote their books. Shepard addresses common myths about children's writings, children's book categories, elements of successful stories, manuscript format, submission strategies, contract negotiation, the publishing process, career building, and children's writer resources. he also offers invaluable commentary on querying for multiple manuscripts, promoting a first book, and making arrangements for school appearances. The Business Of Writing For Children is a superbly presented, highly recommended, basic introduction for all aspiring and novice writers of books for young readers -- preschool through young adult. Business Writing Skills Joseph Dobrian Amacom 1601 Broadway, NY, NY 10019-7420 0814479731 $12.95 1-800-250-5308 Those who dread producing memos, letters or other business documents will find this takes the sting out of writing: brevity and clarity are emphasized as fundamental skills, with chapters covering everything from grammar and usage to effective editing. Keep this desk reference at hand for quick on-the-job consultation. Bylines: 2008 Writer's Desk Calendar Sylvia Forbes Sylvia Snowflake Press PO box 522, Fayette, MO 65248 9781933509044, $13.95 www.bylinescalendar.com I first became aware of Sylvia Forbes desk calendars for writers last year when I reviewed the 2007 edition of "Bylines". Now aspiring and practicing writers and authors have available to them the new "Bylines: 2008 Writer's Desk Calendar" as an indispensable and invaluable word-a-day reference that will provide useful daily structure for achieving their writing goals and ambitions. Enhanced with the inclusion of literary holidays to celebrate, goal planning suggestions, monthly task lists, pages for conference notes, listings of author birthdays, and extra pages for note taking such as marketing tips and email addresses, this new 2008 edition has been expanded to include a reproducible submission tracker form specifically designed for novice authors and professional freelancers seeking to keep track of manuscript and book proposal submissions to publishers; pages for phone numbers and for tracking writing expenses, plus fifty-three new inspirational and thoughtful essays by successful writers. Simply stated, the "Bylines: 2008 Writer's Desk Calendar" is enthusiastically recommended as the single most practical, utilitarian, and motivational resource any aspiring or practicing writer could have. The Call of the Writer's Craft Tom Bird Adams Media 57 Littlefield Street, Avon, MA 02322 9781598698541, $12.95, www.adamsmedia.com You could be the most talented writer in the world, but with no business sense, you might as well be a hack. "The Call of the Writer's Craft: Writing and Selling the Book Within" is a guide to writing a book and getting it published in an industry where editors are encouraged to look for reasons to reject books. Offering a roadmap to the publishing world, author Tom Bird presents his own method to help writers attain the treasured title of 'published author'. "The Call of the Writer's Craft" is a strong pick to any trying to get published. Calligraphy and Lettering: A Maker's Guide Victoria & Albert Museum Thames & Hudson, Inc. 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10110-0017 www.thamesandhudsonusa.com 9780500294307, $29.95, PB, 176pp, www.amazon.com Synopsis: The Victoria and Albert Museum is the world's leading museum of art, design, and performance, housing a permanent collection of over 2.3 million objects that span over 5,000 years of human creativity. The V&A is located in London, England. Calligraphy (along with brush lettering, sign writing, and the chalkboard) is undergoing a surge in popularity. Examples of beautiful lettering and penmanship are all around us, and all over Instagram, depicted on book covers, posters, and invitations. Perfect for anyone wanting to learn more about calligraphy and lettering, "Calligraphy and Lettering: A Maker's Guide" from the Victoria & Albert Museums provides a practical introduction showcasing a great many extraordinary examples from the museum's collection, and will offer a new understanding and appreciation of letterforms. Detailed instructions, complete with sample alphabets, lead you through the essentials of classic styles such as Gothic and Italic lettering, on to vintage- inspired sign writing and chalkboard design and even into the elegant, image-led worlds of illuminated capitals and zoomorphic calligraphy. Projects include a handmade booklet, banner, menu, gift tags, a monogram rubber stamp, greetings cards, and more. Lettering often has a decorative as well as informative function, and with "Calligraphy and Lettering: A Maker's Guide" and a bit of practice, it is possible for anyone to elevate their message, whatever it may be, into a personalized piece of art. Critique: Profusely illustrated with some 230 full color illustrations, the expert organization and presentation of "Calligraphy and Lettering: A Maker's Guide" make it an ideal DIY text for aspiring calligraphers and an unreservedly recommended addition to personal, professional, community, and academic library Writing/Publishing collections in general, and Calligraphy Arts supplemental studies lists in particular. Captivate Your Readers Jodie Renner Cobalt Books 9780993700415 $11.99 pbk / $3.49 ebook www.CobaltBooks.net Award-winning author Jodie Renner (also known for her popular "The Kill Zone" blog) presents Captivate Your Readers, a guide to crafting memorable fiction. Chapters discuss the importance of seizing the reader's attention with the first few pages, how to avoid "author intrusions" that annoy the reader, the value of using subtlety rather than "overwriting", how to show character reactions for maximum effect, 33 "must-do's" for creating a standout short story, and much more. Captivate Your Readers is an excellent resource of tips, tricks, and techniques for writers of all skill and experience levels! Also highly recommended are Renner's previous books about improving one's writing, "Fire Up Your Fiction" and "Writing a Killer Thriller". Carmack's Guide To Copyright & Contracts Sharon DeBartolo Carmack, CG Genealogical Publishing Company 3600 Clipper Mill Road, Suite 260, Baltimore, MD 21211 9780806317588, $15.95 www.genealogical.com 1-800-296-6687 A Certified Genealogist, Sharon DeBartolo Carmack is also an editor and one of the field's most prolific writers with sixteen books and hundreds of published articles to her credit. Therefore she brings a very special expertise to "Carmack's Guide To Copyright & Contracts: A Primer For Genealogists, Writers & Researchers". With a thoroughly 'reader friendly' conversational style of writing, Carmack clearly and accurately explains the basics of copyright, other rights, contracts, and how these all apply to the work of genealogists, writers, and researchers in genealogy or any other form of information gathering. "Carmack's Guide To Copyright & Contracts" addresses such questions as to whether or not permission is required to use something found on the Internet; can newspaper obituaries be reproduced without permission; how to determine when something is in the public domain; who owns the copyright to the client report; if an ancestor's diary can be published without permission; and whether lectures or lessons can be copyrighted. Of special note is what Carmack has to say about who owns the copyright to something written for a genealogical society by a volunteer. "Carmack's Guide To Copyright & Contracts" should be considered to be a highly recommended and indispensable reference for the professional and amateur genealogists, genealogical society volunteers and staff, instructors, writers, librarians, speakers, and anyone else wanting to clarify the copyright status of any material be it their own or another's. Carve Out Your Niche Terry Sprouse Planeta Books PO Box 41223, Tucson, AZ 85717 9780979856624, $15.00, www.amazon.com In the highly competitive and constantly evolving world of writing, publishing, and book selling, creating a specialized or particular niche for your work is often the key to being financially successful and reaching your specifically intended readership. That's why "Carve Out Your Niche: How to Live Your Passion, Write Your Book, & Help Others Change Their World" by Terry Sprouse is such a valued addition to the growing library of instructional books on writing and publishing. Basically, "Carve Out Your Niche" breaks down the process into three main stages: Inspiration; Creation; and Promotion. Accessible written and thoroughly 'reader friendly', "Carve Out Your Niche" first addresses finding something passionate within your life that will propel you to write. Then the rest of this very nicely organized 150-page compendium is packed with specifics on not only writing a book, but also the possibility and practicality of self-publishing and marketing what you've written. Of special note is the chapters devoted to tips for marketing a book on Amazon; utilizing the internet for publicity and promotion; as well as the use of seminars, newspapers, and book contests to market your title. "Carve Out Your Niche" will prove to be invaluable for anyone seeking to successfully write, publish, and market their own work. A Celebration of Poetry Sheila Cayolle Pontchartrain Publishing Co. LLC 26107 Mill Creek Ave. Alpharetta, GA 30022 9780984825707, $11.95, www.pontpub.com Poetry is an art form as old as language itself. "A Celebration of Poetry" is an ode to poetic style and joy from Sheila Cayolle, who teaches the reader to better understand poetry, and offers guidance to the process of creating poetry that taps into one's very soul. "A Celebration of Poetry", is a strong pick for poetry and writing collections. Characters & Viewpoint Orson Scott Card Writer's Digest Books 4700 East Galbriath Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236 1599632128 $14.99 www.writersdigest.com/books Characters & Viewpoint joins others in the 'Elements of Fiction Writing' series to provide a fine writing reference covering the basics of developing vivid characters. From developing individual character styles and choosing viewpoints to help reveal them to exploring major and minor character interactions and deciding on depth, this is a top pick for any writer's how-to collection offering all the nuts and bolts of character development. Charitable Writing Richard Hughes Gibson, author James Edward Beitler III, author InterVarsity Press PO Box 1400, Downers Grove, IL 60515-1426 www.ivpress.com 9780830854837, $22.00, PB, 248pp https://www.amazon.com/Charitable-Writing-Cultivating-Virtue-Through/dp/0830854835 Synopsis: Written words carry weight. Unfortunately, in today's cultural climate, what we and others write (especial in a social media format) is all too often laced with harsh judgments and vitriol rather than careful consideration and generosity. But might the Christian faith transform how we approach the task of writing? How might we love God and our neighbors through our writing? "Charitable Writing: Cultivating Virtue Through Our Words " is not a style guide that teaches you where to place the comma and how to cite your sources (as important as those things are). Rather, it offers a vision for expressing one's faith through writing and for understanding writing itself as a spiritual practice that cultivates virtue. Under the guidance of two experienced Christian writers who draw on authors and artists throughout the church's history, we learn how we might embrace writing as an act of discipleship for today -- and how we might faithfully bear the weight of our written words. Critique: Words can have the impact of a sledge hammer, the cutting edge of a surgeon's scalpel, the lethal consequence of a gun shot. They can also heal a hurt, restore dignity, invoke hope, give life meaning, purpose, direction and resolve. Anyone who writes and wants or has a readership for what they have written should give a close and attentive read to "Charitable Writing: Cultivating Virtue Through Our Words". While especially and unreservedly recommended for community, college, and university library Writing/Publishing collections, it should be noted for personal reading lists that "Charitable Writing: Cultivating Virtue Through Our Words" is also readily available in a digital book format (Kindle, $14.51). Editorial Note: Richard Hughes Gibson (PhD, University of Virginia) is associate professor of English at Wheaton College. He is the author of Forgiveness in Victorian Literature: Grammar, Narrative, and Community. With designer Jeremy Botts, he codirects Manibus Press, an occasional publisher of artists' books. James Edward Beitler III (PhD, University of Michigan) is associate professor of English at Wheaton College, where he is the director of First-Year Writing and also coordinates the Writing Fellows Program. He is the author of Seasoned Speech: Rhetoric in the Life of the Church and Remaking Transitional Justice in the United States: The Rhetorical Authorization of the Greensboro Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Cite It Right Tom Fox, et al. SourceAid 1284 'A' Main Street, Osterville, MA 02655 Independent Publishers Group (distributor) 814 North Franklin Street, Chicago, IL 60610 www.ipgbook.com 1-800-888-4741 9780977195701, $26.99 www.sourceaid.com Now in an expanded and updated third edition, "Cite It Right: The SourceAid Guide To Citation, Research, And Avoiding Plagiarism" is the team effort of research experts Tom Fox, Julia Mary Johnson, and Sara Jane Keller. The publisher, SourceAid LLC is a provider of citation management software and reference materials. "Cite It Right" provides practical advice and clear explanations of every stage in the research process; current citation guidelines of the four major writing styles (Modern Language Association, American Psychological Association, Chicago Manual of Style, and Council of Science Editors); citation formats (including citing from online sources); and cogent information about plagiarism and recent news stories highlighting the disastrous consequences of improper citation and outright plagiarism. An in-depth and thoroughly 'user friendly' citation guide for writing, researching, and citing sources involving all manner of disciplines, "Cite It Right" is informed, informative, and an absolutely essential addition to an author or publisher reference collection for any kind of material from simple articles and essays, to journal pieces and published books. Clean, Well-Lighted Sentences Janice Bell W.W. Norton 500 - 5th Avenue, New York NY 10110 9780393067712, $21.95 www.wwnorton.com They used to teach grammar in elementary school. Judging by so much of what crosses a book reviewer's desk these days it's clear that there's a lot of defective instruction in the basics of English grammar going on in the school systems of today. That's why such remedial publications as Janis Bell's "Clean, Well-Lighted Sentences: A Guide To Avoiding The Most Common Errors In Grammar And Punctuation" is so timely and so necessary. Offering thoroughly 'user friendly' information on how punctuation marks work to make the written word truly effective. Replete with illustrative examples, of special note is that at the conclusion of each chapter, quizzes followed by their answers are provided to insure that the material covered has been understood. Written in a decidedly non-professorial and thoroughly conversational style, "Clean, Well-Lighted Sentences" is especially commended to the attention of authors who are not otherwise well schooled or grounded in the grammatical and punctuation norms of written English. The Coffee Break Screenwriter, second edition Pilar Alessandraw Michael Wiese Productions 12400 Ventura Blvd., #1111, Studio City, CA 91604 www.mwp.com 9781615932429, $26.95, PB, 270pp, www.amazon.com In the pages of this newly revised and expanded second edition of "The Coffee Break Screenwriter: Writing Your Script Ten Minutes at a Time" by Pilar Alessandra (who is the director of the writing program On the Page, and host of the popular On the Page Podcast), the aspiring screenwriter will receive invaluable guidance and practical tips at every stage of the often intimidating writing process with a relaxed, "ten minutes at a time" method that focuses the writer and pushes him or her forward. At each step, writers are encouraged to "Take Ten" and tackle an element of their script using the templates and tools provided. "What You've Accomplished" sections help writers review their progress. And "Ten-Minute Lectures" distill and demystify old school theory, allowing the writer to unblock and get writing. Thoroughly 'user friendly' in tone, content, organization and presentation, "The Coffee Break Screenwriter" will prove to be an enduringly valued and useful addition to personal, community, and academic library Writing/Publishing instructional reference collections. The Coffee Break Screenwriter Breaks the Rules Pilar Alessandra Michael Wiese Productions 12400 Ventura Blvd., #1111, Studio City, CA 91604 www.mwp.com 9781615932825 $12.95 amazon.com A follow-up to the enormously popular and informative guide "The Coffee Break Screenwriter" (9781615932429, $26.95), The Coffee Break Screenwriter Breaks the Rules is about writing a script for television, theater, or cinema ten minutes at a time - and about making one's script stand out from the rest by breaking the major rules of screenwriting. But rules exist for a good reason, and shouldn't broken thoughtlessly - it's important to understand why the rule exists, and why breaking it in a specific manner can punch up one's work. "The safe writer is the unemployed writer. He or she keeps getting the comment, 'Interesting, but not for us.' You want to turn this around to 'Fascinating. We don't have anything like it!'" The Coffee Break Screenwriter Breaks the Rules is a "must-have" for every aspiring or professional screenwriter, highly recommended. The College Student's Guide To Writing A Great Research Paper Erika Eby Atlantic Publishing Group, Inc. 1405 S.W. 6th Avenue, Ocala, FL 34471 9781601386052, $24.95, www.atlantic-pub.com Part of every college student's experience is the repeated necessity of writing research papers. "The College Student's Guide To Writing A Great Research Paper: 101 Easy Tips & Tricks To Make Your Work Stand Out" by Erika Eby is a 288-page compendium of practical advice, insightful commentary, and 'real world' instructions on the art, science and craft of writing effective research papers beginning with an informed discussion on just what a research paper is and what should be discovered before even starting one. Next is cogent advice on how to get started with a research project; then developing a thesis statement; doing the actual research; organizing and outlining the sourced information comprising the paper; avoiding plagiarism and proper citing methods; writing the introduction, body and conclusion of a research paper; formatting and page referencing; and finally the proofing and editing of the paper. Enhanced with sample research papers, helpful internet links, a glossary, a bibliography, and a comprehensive index, "The College Student's Guide To Writing A Great Research Paper" is of special and indispensable value for all college students regardless of their particular majors. It would also prove invaluable for anyone doing research for publications outside of academia as well and therefor highly recommend for personal and community library Writing/Publishing reference collections and supplemental reading lists as well. The Columbia Guide To Social Work Writing Warren Green & Barbara levy Simon, editors Columbia University Press 61 West 62nd Street, NY, NY 10023-7015 http://cup.columbia.edu 9780231142953, $34.50, www.amazon.com The writing of reports and the recording of records is a vital part of the daily responsibilities of practicing social workers. Researching in an academic setting or applying for grants in a community service organizational setting are just two of the major areas where good writing skills within the conditions, confines, and standards of the social work profession are absolute necessities for success. The collaboratively editorial work of Warren Green (founder of the Writing Center at Columbia university School of Social Work) and Barbara Levy Simon (Associate Professor of Social Work, Columbia University School of Social Work), "The Columbia Guide To Social Work Writing" is a 336 page compendium designed to ensure that students in social work curriculums, practicing social workers in the field, and social work administrators both in government and in the private sector, adhere to the highest standards and make their writing as effective as possible. Fifteen articles contributed by experienced professionals are deftly organized into three major sections: The Foundations of Good Writing; Applied Professional Writing; and Writing in Distinct Fields of Practice. Enhanced with an informative introduction, copious notations, and a comprehensive index, "The Columbia Guide To Social Work Writing" is a seminal contribution and highly recommended addition to professional and academic library Writing Skills Studies in general, and Social Work Studies reference collections and supplemental reading lists in particular. Comedy Writing Secrets, third edition Mark Shatz with Mel Helitzer Writer's Digest Books c/o F+W Media 10151 Carver Road, Suite 200, Blue Ash, OH 45242 www.writersdigest.com 9781599639611, $17.99, PB, 235pp, www.amazon.com Mark A. Shatz is a professor of psychology at Ohio University, Zainesville. In addition to teaching humor writing, he has extensive international experience as a teacher, speaker, and seminar leader. He draws upon his many years of experience and expertise to create an invaluable and thoroughly 'user friendly' guide to writing humor. Now in a newly updated and expanded third edition, "Comedy Writing Secrets: The Best-Selling Guide to Writing Funny and Getting Paid for It" truly lives up to its extended title and reveals the secrets of successful humor writing that will the comedy writer's laughing out loud. "Comedy Writing Secrets" covers all the basics of joke construction, as well as in-depth comedy-writing techniques that apply to a variety of print and online markets. "Comedy Writing Secrets" features: Hundreds of updated one-liners, anecdotes, and bits from top comedians like Louis C.K., Conan O'Brien, Tina Fey, Amy Schumer, Rodney Dangerfield, Jon Stewart, Steve Martin, Ellen DeGeneres, Jimmy Fallon, George Carlin, Zach Galifianakis, Stephen Colbert, Erma Bombeck, and more; Exclusive tips for injecting humor into articles, speeches, advertisements, greeting cards, and more; New instruction on writing for online markets and social media; Advice on brainstorming and editing to beat writer's block and generate new material; Exercises and expanded instructions for exaggeration, reverses, word play and more to practice and refine your writing skills. "Comedy Writing Secrets" is enthusiastically recommended for personal, professional, community, and academic library Writing/Publishing instructional reference collections. For personal reading lists it should be noted that "Comedy Writing Secrets" is also available in a Kindle edition ($9.99). Comedy Writing Self-Taught Gene Perret Quill Driver Books 2006 South Mary, Fresno, CA 93721 www.quilldriverbooks.com 9781610352208, $16.95, www.amazon.com The term comedy refers to any discourse or work generally intended to be humorous or to amuse by inducing laughter, especially in theatre, television, film and stand-up comedy. In "Comedy Writing Self-Taught", Emmy award winning comedy writer Gene Perret has created a 175 page instruction manual for aspiring writers of comedy including stand-up, sketch, and situation-based (sit-com) comedy. Exceptionally well written, organized and presented, "Comedy Writing Self-Taught" should be considered a 'must' for all aspiring comedians, as well as novice writers trying to write jokes and comedic ideas for those comedians. Also very highly recommended is the "Comedy writing Self-Taught Workbook" (9781610352405, $15.95) by Gene and Linda Perret that is a specially designed companion workbook. The Comic Hero's Journey Steve Kaplan Michael Wiese Productions 12400 Ventura Blvd., #1111, Studio City, CA 91604 www.mwp.com 9781615932870, $26.95, PB, 176pp, www.amazon.com A traditional hero or heroine going on a journey is the traditional stuff of the movies. But for the comic hero, it's often quite, quite different. The hero deliberately chooses to go on the adventure; the comic hero often has no choice. The hero has a wise old man; the comic hero often meets an idiot who inadvertently says something that can teach him a thing or two. In "The Comic Hero's Journey: Serious Story Structure for Fabulously Funny Films", Steve Kaplan (who for years, has been the film and television industry's most respected and sought-after expert on comedy) will shows the aspiring script writer the diverse paths that comedy takes in "The Comic Hero's Journey". Exceptionally accessible in organization and presentation, "The Comic Hero's Journey" is a complete course of specialized script writing instruction and highly recommended for personal, professional, community, college, and university library instructional reference and resource collections. Comma Sense Richard Lederer & John Shore St. Martin's Press 175 - 5th Avenue, New York NY 10010 0312342543 $22.95 www.stmartins.com Not just another book on punctuation! What can Comma Sense: A Fundamental Guide To Punctuation hold over its many competitors? 'Fun' is the operative word here, as Richard Lederer and John Shore poke fun at the misuse of punctuation and how choices in punctuation can have very different results. Plenty of examples come couched in this humor, which makes Comma Sense quite easy to learn. Just consider that here the exclamation point is the 'titan of tingle, the prince of palpitation' and you have some idea of the allure of Comma Sense - and its potential of educating those who traditionally wouldn't touch grammar books with a ten-foot pole. Comma Sutra Laurie Rozakis, Ph.D. Adams Media 57 Littlefield Street, Avon, MA 02322 www.adamsmedia.com 1593372795 $14.95 1-800-872-5627 Sentence building, modifiers, and common grammar are usually covered in grammar school and long forgotten in adulthood, so it's refreshing to find a fun review by grammarian Dr. Laurie Rozakis who links sexual innuendoes with basic grammar for maximum effect. Modern examples and fun social and historical references add spice to the topic, with plenty of examples and exercises throughout encouraging all ages to identify and repair common grammatical errors. A lively, whimsical yet solid references, highly recommended for audiences from young adults through adults. Common Errors In English Usage Paul Brians William, James & Co. 8536 SW St. Helens Drive, Suite D, Wilsonville, Oregon 97070 1887902899 $13.00 1-800-322-2665 www.wmjasco.com Common Errors In English Usage puts the wisdom of author and English professor Paul Brians' web site, "Common Errors in English," into print. Offering essential information concerning commonly misused words and phrases, from a scholar whose web site has been endorsed by BBC Online, Life magazine, USA Today, Yahoo! Internet (among others), Common Errors In English Usage is a practical, sensible, and very highly recommended "reader friendly" educational resource and reference for anyone seeking to improve their personal command of the fine nuances of the English language. Compelled to Write David L. Wallace Utah State University 7800 Old Main Hill, Logan, Utah 84322 9780874218121, $26.95, www.usupress.com In the face of something not quite right, a writer leaps to the chance to write. "Compelled to Write: Alternative Rhetoric in Theory and Practice" looks at many people throughout the world who dared to speak up when there were many who wanted them silenced. From the women's right to speak, to trying to rise above stereotypical societal roles, to fighting for civil rights from the position of one who at first sight wouldn't have such issues affecting them. "Compelled to Write" takes the story of four such writers including names like Frederick Douglass and David Sedaris, to offer the drive behind writing, and how the pen can make a difference. The Complete Book of Scriptwriting J. Michael Straczynski Writer's Digest Books 1507 Dana Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45207 0898795125 $21.99 1-800-289-0963 The Complete Book of Scriptwriting is an indispensable guide to budding writers is a complete and all-in-one guide to writing and selling screenplays, teleplays, theatrical scripts, radio scripts, and animation scripts. It includes how to approach an agent; techniques for tracking down a producer; script format and presentation; the physical packaging and marketing process; direction on plotting, characterization, pacing, camera angles, blocking and dialogue; a glossary of film and television terminology; a history of each medium with an analysis of the respective markets and their current trends, and much more. The Complete Book of Scriptwriting includes the complete script of "The Coming of Shadows" from the television series Babylon 5 that can well serve as a template example of the concepts discussed. Highly recommended. The Complete Guide To Book Marking David Cole Allworth Press 10 East 23rd Street, Suite 210, New York, NY 10010 1581150288 $19.95 1-800-491-2808 In his The Complete Guide To Book Marking, marketing consultant and author David Cole offers a well organized and presented compendium of "how to" instruction in every aspect of publicity, promotion, and marketing of books designed specifically for the self-published author, small press publisher, regional and speciality house marketing staff. All facets of presenting books to the marketplace are covered including trade distribution, the libraries, direct-mail and direct sales marketing, selling books on the Internet, through non-book retailers, premium sales, and more. Of special value is the chapter devoted to subsidiary rights (serial, paperback, foreign, book clubs, audio, film, electronic formats). Cole does an especially fine survey of book publicity basics and creating an effective sales campaign, including guidelines and examples of effective PR and media kit copy. The Complete Guide To Book Marketing lives up to its title and is very highly recommended, invaluable reading for anyone seeking a commercial success in today's highly complex and competitive marketplace for book sales. The Complete Guide To Writing Science Fiction Dave A. Law & Darin Park, editors Dragon Moon Press c/o Hades Publications Inc. PO Box 1714, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P 2L7 www.completeguidetowriting.com 9781896944395, $24.95 www.dragonmoonpress.com A comprehensive, deftly edited, 311-page 'how to' instruction guide for writing in the science fiction genre and any of its many subgenres, "The Complete Guide To Writing Science Fiction: Volume One" is a collection of superbly presented essays and articles by knowledgeable and successful writers ranging from Piers Anthony, to Orson Scott Card, to Tina Morgan. Beginning with Darin Park's 'Timeline: A History of Science Fiction', there are specific chapters dealing with the science and technology in science fiction, world building, the creating of aliens, the use of humor and drama, writing graphic novels in the genre, and even what to do with your science fiction short story or novel once it is written. Whether an aspiring writer yearning to break into science fiction, or even an experienced author with some publication credits in the genre, "The Complete Guide To Writing Science Fiction" will prove to be invaluable reading and instructive reference. The Complete Human Resources Writing Guide The Complete Human Resources Writing Guide is the first writing manual designed especially for human resources professionals. It's both a guidebook of powerful writing techniques and a sourcebook of more than 100 sample documents, from simple memos and formal letters to policy manuals and employee orientation booklets. The Complete Human Resources Writing Guide is highly recommended for anyone charged with the responsibility for creating job postings, employment ads, application forms, newsletters, announcements, performance appraisals, employee warnings and commendations, orientation materials, policy manuals, employee handbooks, and more. Complete Idiot's Guide to Copywriter's Words & PhrasesKathy Kleidermacher Alpha/Penguin 375 Hudson, New York NY 10014 1592574254 $16.95 www.idiotsguides.com How can writers and copywriters find new words and phrases to break out of old ways of describing? COPYWRITER'S WORDS AND PHRASES is the answer: it's a reference offerings thousands of words and phrases arranged under over 200 keywords, and coverings synonyms, phrases, expressions, metaphors and more. Related words and phrases, connections and expressions and more provide an easy method of picking up new words to apply to common endeavors. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Getting Published Sheree Bykofsky & Jennifer Basye Sander AlphaBooks c/o Penguin Publishing Group 375 Hudson St., NY, NY 10014-3658 1592575188, $19.95, www.penguin.com Although it has never been easier to publish a book (or harder to sell one) than now, it always helps the uninitiated to have a competent 'how to' manual to walk them through each consecutive step of the process. Now in a newly updated and expanded fourth edition, "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Getting Published" by the team of Sheree Bykofsky and Jennifer Basye Sander provide just such step-by-step assistance for the aspiring author wanting to become published, and the novice publisher wanting to successfully market their titles. Enhanced with the inclusion of a CD-ROM providing dozens of document templates, lists of agents, writer's conferences, and more, "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Getting Published" covers every aspect of the publishing process from beginning to end. Of special note is the advice and commentary on preparing a manuscript for publication, keeping track of publishing industry trends, and specific marketing strategies to successfully compete with other authors, publishers, and titles. Very highly recommended for personal and professional reference shelves and reading lists, "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Getting Published" will enable the reader to avoid common mistakes, utilize traditional bookstores as well as the online booksellers, understand the finer points of publishing contracts, and conduct a commercially successful publishing enterprise. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Writing Business Books Bert Holtje AlphaBooks c/o Penguin Publishing Group 375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014-3658 9781592578795 $18.95 www.penguin.com 1-800-847-5515 Despite their titles, "The Complete Idiot's Guide" series of how-to books are most assuredly not for 'idiots' - they are for absolutely everyone in search of solid information on a subject. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Writing Business Books continues this worthy tradition with a no-nonsense primer on writing and profitably publishing a compendium of one's business wisdom. From testing whether there's a market for one's book, to tips on whether one should collaborate (and if so, how to find the right person to do it with), to advice for publicizing oneself and one's book, and more, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Writing Business Books walks the reader through every step of the process. An extremely user-friendly resource, highly recommended. The Complete Idiot's Guide To Writing Erotic Romance Alison Kent Alpha Books c/o New American Library 375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014 1592575463 $16.95 1-800-847-5515 www.penguin.com Alison Kent (the pseudonym of an experience author in the genre of erotic romance) draws upon her considerable expertise in "The Complete Idiot's Guide To Writing Erotic Romance" to help aspiring authors master the specialized genre of the erotic romance. All too often writers veer into crude pornography while trying to avoid prudish conventions in storytelling. "The Complete Idiot's Guide To Writing Erotic Romance" will take the novice writer through a series of practical and effective techniques for creating compelling characters, interesting plots, and engaging dialogue laced with sexually provocative eroticism. Enhanced with advice and examples drawn from successful romance writers and editors, "The Complete Idiot's Guide To Writing Erotic Romance" will also prove an invaluable resource that includes lists of available publishers in this select genre. If you want your writing to be hallmarked with chemistry, spice, plot twists, complete characters, and "page turning romance", then add "The Complete Idiot's Guide To Writing Erotic Romance" to your instructional reference bookshelf. Compositions: Notes on the Written Word Naomi Beth Wakan Wolsak and Wynn Publishers 69 Hughson Street North, Ste. 102, Hamilton, ON Canada L8R 1G5 9781894987257, $19.00, www.wolsakandwynn.ca Writing can be an adventure within itself. "Compositions: Notes on the Written Word" collects author and poet Naomi Beth Wakan's journeys through the struggles and agony that is the writing process. Offering advice as well as reflections, her stories all have something within that any writers can relate to. An in-depth look into the mind of a poet, "Compositions: Notes on the Written Word" is highly recommended for community library writing and publishing collections. The Concise Guide To Copy Editing Paul LaRocque Marion Street Press PO Box 2249, Oak Park, IL 60304 www.marionstreetpress.com 0972993711 $12.95 1-866-443-7987 Expertly written by experienced journalist and journalism educator Paul LaRocque, The Concise Guide To Copy Editing: Preparing Written Work For Readers is a straightforward and comprehensive introduction to the skill of editing text with the needs of the reader foremost in mind. Principles and examples concerning general order of ideas, compressing and strengthening prose, common grammar errors, and the overall self-improvement of personal editing skills, The Concise Guide To Copy Editing is a "must-read" introduction for anyone seriously interested in copy editing as a career -- as well as an invaluable instructional for aspiring authors or novice publishers wanting to know what the proper duties and responsibilities of a copy editor are within the framework contemporary publishing. Copyright The fundamental elements of copyright protection are explained in a simple, effective volume important to any writer. The basics of copyright law is explained through numerous clear examples and discussions of the foundations of protection; from applications to music and electronics to fair use policies. Copyright Guide, The A copyright is a set of rights granted by the federal government to the creators of literary, musical, dramatic, choreographic, pictorial, graphic, sculptural, and audio-visual works and sound recordings. Copyright law rewards creators by grating them the exclusive right to exploit and control their creations. Creators reap the profits from their works for the duration of copyright protection by limiting access to creative works to those who pay for the privilege of using them. The Copyright Guide: A Friendly Handbook for Protecting and Profiting from Copyrights is written for everyone who creates, acquires, or exploits copyrights. The Copyright Guide is an easy-to-understand handbook that provides a complete and up-to-date explanation of the law for anyone who wants to understand and benefit from copyrights. The Copyright Guide offers a definitive and informative source of answers to the most commonly asked questions by business and individuals, including information about what can and cannot be protected, the duration and scope of protection, notice and registration, how to avoid and evaluate infringement, obtaining permissions, how copyrights are used and exploited in the marketplace, and current copyright issues on the World Wide Web. An extensive appendix contains sample forms and agreements with detailed instructions of how they are used, and a glossary clearly explains the most frequently used terms in copyright law. The Copyright Guide is an invaluable resource for protecting revenues and learning how to avoid costly mistakes. The Copyright HandbookStephen Fishman Nolo Press 950 Parker Street, Berkeley, CA 94710 9781413305333, $39.99 www.nolo.com 1-800-955-4775 Simply stated, "The Copyright Handbook: What Every Writer Needs To Know" by copyright attorney Stephen Fishman is the definitive reference on the subject of copyright law. This thoroughly 'user friendly' instruction manual shows aspiring authors how to register their work; how to maximize copyright protection for their work; how to use a copyright notice; how to transfer ownership of a copyright; how to avoid copyright infringements and effectively deal with those who infringe on their copyrighted material; the legal definition of the 'fair use' rule; how to obtain permission to use copyrighted work; how to profit from a copyright. All this and a great deal more (such as copyrighting Internet works such as blogs) are covered in this newly updated and expanded ninth edition of "The Copyright Handbook" which is accompanied by a CD-ROM providing more than 30 legal and copyright forms. "The Copyright Handbook" is very strongly recommended as essential reading and an invaluable reference to authors seeking a professional career and publishers wishing to avoid becoming entangled in copyright issues. The Craft of Professional Writing, second edition Michael S. Malone Anthem Press www.anthempress.com 9781839992100, $70.00, HC, 356pp https://www.amazon.com/Craft-Professional-Writing-Second-Amateur/dp/1839992107 Synopsis: Now in a newly updated and expanded second edition, "The Craft of Professional Writing: A Guide for Amateur and Professional Writers" by Michael S. Malone is arguably the most complete manual ever written for every form of professional (and professional quality) writing. The chapters comprising "The Craft of Professional Writing" range from toasts and captions to every form of journalism to novel writing, book authorship, and screenplays. This comprehensive instructional guide offers techniques for the writing of each form, sample templates, and the advice on navigating a career in each writing field, including public relations and commercial writing, journalism in all media, and self-employment as a freelancer. Of special note is that "The Craft of Professional Writing" also offers sections on the tools of writing, including pacing, editing, pitching, invoicing, and managing the highs and lows of the different writing careers. Critique: Author Michael S. Malone has dedicated his book "To every person who ever wrote a sentence and wondered if they could make a living from it." The Craft of Professional Writing is an absolutely essential addition to personal, professional, community, and college/university library Fiction Writing Instructional Reference and Study Guide collections. It should be noted for aspiring and experienced writers, authors, and novelists alike that this new second edition of "The Craft of Professional Writing: A Guide for Amateur and Professional Writers" from Anthem Press is an ideal textbook for creative writing workshops and curriculums and also readily available in a digital book format (Kindle, $35.00) as well. Editorial Note: Michael S. Malone is Dean's Professor of Professional Writing at Santa Clara University and Distinguished Friend of Oxford University. He is one of the world's best-known technology writers. The Craft of Scene Writing Jim Mercurio Quill Driver Books 2006 South Mary, Fresno, CA 93721 www.quilldriverbooks.com 9781610353304, $18.95, PB, 336pp, www.amazon.com Jim Mercurio is a successful and established writer, author, screenwriter and filmmaker. He has directed or produced five feature films and has helped countless writers as a teacher, story analyst and script doctor. In "The Craft of Scene Writing: Beat by Beat to a Better Script" he points out that no one comes out of a movie talking about structure. What audiences love and remember about a movie are great scenes. Marlon Brando in the back seat in On the Waterfront giving his "I could'a been a contender" speech. Meg Ryan's fake orgasm in Katz's Deli in When Harry Met Sally with the climactic punch line: "I'll have what she's having." Great scenes will elevate a script from ho-hum to extraordinary -- and from the slush pile to sellable. In "The Craft of Scene Writing", Mercurio analyzes and systematizes the beats, conflicts, character moments, action, dialogue, and structure that create powerful scenes. Citing examples from scripts old and new, "The Craft of Scene Writing" breaks down how great scenes reveal character, advance the story, and emotionally connect with audiences, plus demonstrates how to use these techniques in your own scripts. This incredibly detailed exploration of screenwriting technique will help beginning writers to write great scripts and experienced writers to gain a more complete mastery of their craft. Suitable as a screenplay writing workshop curriculum textbook, "The Craft of Scene Writing" is deftly written, organized and presented, making it a 'must have' instructional reference and resource. While very highly recommended for community and academic library Writing/Publishing collections, it should be noted for personal reading lists that "The Craft of Scene Writing" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $8.69). Crafting Fiction, Poetry, & Memoir Matthew Leone, editor Colgate University Press c/o Syracuse University Press 1600 Jamesville Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13210 www.SyracuseUniversityPress.syr.edu 0912568194, $19.95, 1-800-365-8929 The writer conferences, seminars, and workshops are all useful forums for aspiring writers and practicing authors to hone their technical skills, acquire insights into their craft, and take away inspiration to pursue with renewed vigor their chosen profession. Compiled and edited by Matthew Leone (Director of the Annual Colgate Writer's Conference at Colgate University in Hamilton, New York), "Crafting Fiction, Poetry, & Memoir: Talks From The Colgate Writers' Conference" is a collection of fifteen informed and informative presentations on various aspects of creative writing ranging from creative nonfiction, to the rhythms of poetic expression, to issues of author-narrator-character dynamics, to getting published. The next best thing to having actually been in attendance and sitting on the front row, "Crafting Fiction, Poetry, & Memoir" is highly recommended reading for anyone who aspires to excel in the writing of successful novels and short stories, memorable and well-crafted poetry, as well as engaging works of nonfiction including biographies, memoirs, and more. Crafting The Travel Guidebook Barbara Hudgins The Woodmont Press PO Box 16, Liberty Corner, NJ 07938 9780960776207, $17.95 www.woodmontpress.com Travel writing in general, and the writing of travel guides in particular, is a very specialized genre for aspiring authors and is perhaps one of the most complicated areas in which to seek publication. Therefore it is especially satisfying to read travel writing expert Barbara Hudgins' practical, real-world, comprehensive compendium of sound advice and information on writing guidebooks, directories, travelogues, travel memoirs, in "Crafting The Travel Guidebook: How To Write, Publishing & Sell Your Travel Book". In addition to providing a wealth of useable information on traditional publishing, self-publishing, POD publishing, and subsidy publishing as it applies to travel oriented books, there are invaluable travel writing tips, advice on writing the book proposal, key information concerning publicity and promotion, and a list of publishers who specialize in producing travel books. More specifically to the advantage of the novice author seeking to write a travel guide or a travelogue is what "Crafting The Travel Guidebook" has to offer about finding a category to write about, creating a format, constructing the framework of the guidebook, finding an audience, and finding a 'voice' that will stand out from all the other travel books in competition for the traveler's attention. Simply indispensable reading for any beginning travel author, whether they are writing annotated directories, road guides, memoirs, outdoor recreation guides, destination and regional guidebooks, restaurant and winter guides, specialized audience guides, luxury or budget travel guides, guidebooks for the business traveler, or for the vacationer, "Crafting The Travel Guidebook" is also very highly recommended to seasoned travel journalists seeking to compile their magazine or newspaper travel columns into a travel book. Crafty TV Writing Alex Epstein Henry Holt & Company 175 - 5th Avenue, Suite 400, New York, NY 10010-7725 0805080287 $15.00 www.henryholt.com 1-888-330-8477 Experienced professional television screenwriter and story editor Alex Epstein presents Crafty TV Writing: Thinking Inside the Box, a solid writer's manual that covers all the bases. From the hidden structure of TV series, to turning great story ideas into workable scripts, the many tips, tricks, and techniques of a writer's toolkit, the realities of working in TV land (including how to break into the business, get hired, and get promoted!) and much more. Appendices, resources, and spot-on advice from direct personal experience distinguish this absolute "must-have" for aspiring and practicing television writers alike. Crash! Boom! Bang! How to Write Action Movies Michael Lucker Michael Wiese Productions 12400 Ventura Blvd., #1111, Studio City, CA 91604 9781615932634 $26.95 www.mwp.com Crash! Boom! Bang! How to Write Action Movies provides an insider's look at writing action films and comes from a professional screenwriter and teacher who pairs observations of the industry with writer's tips. It is designed for writers who are already familiar with action and adventure productions, who want to hone and refine their screenwriting skills in the genre; but newcomers will also find it a fine introduction to features of the action production, and will find the process quite accessible and logical. From outlining stories and producing snappy dialogue to tightening up writing, this produces plenty of examples from successful action productions to illustrate all the concepts of what separates casual from superior writing. Crazy Screenwriting Secrets Weiko Lin Michael Wiese Productions 12400 Ventura Blvd., #1111, Studio City, CA 91604 www.mwp.com 9781615933013, $29.95, PB, 200pp, www.amazon.com Synopsis: Through a "Crazy" approach in writing the feature screenplay, the first half of "Crazy Screenwriting Secrets: How to Capture A Global Audience" by Weiko Lin guides the aspiring script writer in how to create and develop: Story Idea, Characters, One Page Step Outline, and the solid script. In the second half, "Crazy Screenwriting Secrets" covers professional business side of the ever-changing industry by taking the aspiring screen writer through the work flow of Hollywood and explores how to work creatively with international countries like China in producing movies that resonate with a global audience. Critique: Informative and thoroughly 'user friendly' in organization and presentation, "Crazy Screenwriting Secrets: How to Capture A Global Audience" is a critically important and 'real world practical' instruction manual and guide that will prove to be of enormous benefit for the novice screen writer -- and have a great deal of value for every the more experienced professional. Simply stated, "Crazy Screenwriting Secrets" is unreservedly recommended for personal, professional, community, and academic library Writing/Publishing collections. Editorial Note: An Associate Professor at Emerson College, Weiko Line has written projects fo the Mark Gordon Company, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, Don Mischer Productions, Wanda Pictures, Ivanhoe Pictures, Super Delux, and many other film making companies. His screen credits include 100 Days. Creating Confident Writers Troy Hicks & Andy Schoenborn W. W. Norton & Company 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10110 www.wwnorton.com 9780393714166, $27.95, PB, 208pp, www.amazon.com Synopsis: Connecting their classroom experience to research about writing, as well as to framing documents in the field, in the pages of "Creating Confident Writers: For High School, College, and Life" two seasoned writing teachers distill the lessons they've learned about creating confident adolescent and young adult writers. Troy Hicks and Andy Schoenborn outline a fundamental stance to their approach (to invite, encourage, and celebrate students' writing) that is then echoed in "Creating Confident Writers" three-part structure. There are numerous classroom activities and assignments on topics from creating writing goals to supporting revision, examples of student work, and questions to guide teachers' reflections. "Creating Confident Writers" is an ideal curriculum textbook for any teacher of writing, from middle school through college. "Creating Confident Writers" invites students and other aspiring writers to try strategies -- and allow students' voices to emerge, while discussing with colleagues how these approaches might work for them, too. Critique: Enhanced for academia with the inclusion of an eight page listing of References, 10 black-and-white images, and a seven page Index, "Creating Confident Writers: For High School, College, and Life", with its underlying message that writing should be for an audience beyond that of a teacher, and for a purpose beyond that of getting a grade, is an especially and unreservedly recommended addition to personal, professional, community, and academic library Writing/Publishing collections and supplemental curriculum studies lists. Editorial Note: Troy Hicks is a Professor of English and Education at Central Michigan University. He directs both the Chippewa River Writing Project and the Master of Arts in Learning, Design & Technology program. A former middle school teacher, Dr. Hicks is an ISTE Certified Educator and regularly leads workshops related to writing and technology for schools, districts, and professional organizations. Andy Schoenborn is an author and high school English teacher in Michigan at Mt. Pleasant Public Schools. He's a also the co-facilitator of the monthly #TeachWrite Twitter chat, past president of the Michigan Council of Teachers of English, and a Regional Representative of the Michigan Reading Association. Schoenborn is also a contributing author of Using Technology to Enhance Writing (Solution Tree, 2014) and Continuing the Journey 2 (NCTE, 2018). In November 2019, he was honored with the 2019 Linda Rief Voices from the Middle Award for outstanding publication for his article, "Reclaiming the Arts in English Language Arts". He is a teacher consultant for the Chippewa River Writing Project (NWP) site. Creating Graphic Novels Sarah Beach Michael Wiese Productions 12400 Ventura Blvd., #1111 Studio City, CA 91604 9781615931941 $26.95 www.mwp.com Accessible to readers of all backgrounds, Creating Graphic Novels: Adapting and Marketing Stories for a Multimillion-Dollar Industry is a guide especially for would-be authors/marketers/publishers of graphic novels. The emphasis here is squarely upon transforming one's story idea (or novel/movie/media) into a script that a comic artist can use to bring the graphic novel to life. Creating Graphic Novels is not a "how to draw" book; it's a "how to write a script that a professional artist can draw" book. The basics of the publishing industry are also covered - what the industry expects from submissions, legal guidelines concerning copyright and appropriate credit, how to understand the terminology of a publishing contract, and more. (The legal basics in particular come with a strong disclaimer: "What follows is only a general explanation of legal matters. Do not take it as legal advice. Always consult a lawyer regarding rights and contracts", but before talking to an expensive lawyer it's very important to have a thorough, personal understanding of these fundamental concepts). Creating Graphic Novels goes in-depth on an seldom-covered aspect of the writing industry - translating a story from one medium to another - and is an absolute "must-have" for anyone interested in seeing their work (stories, movies, or plays) adapted to graphic novel format. Creating Nonfiction Jen Hirt & Erin Murphy, editors State University of New York Press State University Plaza, Albany, NY 12246-0001 www.sunypress.edu 9781438461151, $75.00, HC, 254pp, www.amazon.com "Creating Nonfiction" is a collection of twenty essays and interviews with authors that will open the eyes of readers and writers to the formal possibilities of creative nonfiction. Included in the pages of "Creating Nonfiction" are examples of memoirs, personal essays, literary journalism, graphic essays, and lyric essays, and the content is equally diverse, with topics ranging from childbirth to child labor, from dandelions to domestic violence. Whereas most anthologies leave readers to speculate about the evolution of each contribution, "Creating Nonfiction" provides companion interviews that offer insight into the inspiration, drafting, and revision process that produced the essays. Cheryl Strayed talks about how working as a reporter for her hometown newspaper influenced her later writings. Dinty W. Moore reflects on the delicate balance between observation and judgment when writing about subjects whose values differ from your own. Kristen Radtke explains how she decides between textual and visual images when creating a graphic essay. Although they offer an eclectic mix of voices and styles, what these essays all have in common is that ultimately, as contributor Faith Adiele observes, truth becomes art. Exceptionally well organized and presented, "Creating Nonfiction" is an informative, insightful, thoughtful and thought-provoking read throughout and very highly recommended for community and academic library Writing/Publishing reference collections and supplemental studies reading lists. For personal reading lists of aspiring writers it should be noted that "Creating Nonfiction" is also available in a paperback edition (9781438461168, $24.95) and in a Kindle format ($13.99). Creative Writer's Handbook Philip K. Jason & Allan B. Lefcowitz Pearson/Prentice Hall Press c/o Berkley Publishing Group 375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014 0131893718, $80.60, www.prenhall.com/english Creativity is executing an art form, and with art, there is no such thing as absolute perfection, there is always room for improvement. Now in an updated and expanded fourth edition, "Creative Writer's Handbook" is a guidebook for writers of all sorts to better gain a mastery of their art form, be it short fiction, poetry, or other artistic endeavors that use the spoken language as their primary medium. Encouraging readers to enhance and ever improve their craft, Jason and Lefcowitz have put out a text that will benefit many a college age creative writing student well, as a free study manual or as a textbook for creative writing classes. "Creative Writer's Handbook" is a deftly composed book, highly recommended for community and college collections aimed at the art of writing. Creative Writing Colin Bulman Polity c/o Blackwell Publishing 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148 0745686886, $26.95 www.blackwellpublishing.com 1-800-216-2522 In "Creative Writing: A Guide And Glossary To Fiction Writing", academician and author Colin Bulman draws upon his more than twenty years of experience and expertise teaching creative writing to university students for more than twenty years. Having published a number of both fiction and non-fiction books in the course of his career, Bulman writes with a special authority about the lesser known aspects of creative writing, as well as fictional techniques their proper application in stories and novels. "Creative Writing" defines more than 200 specialized terms and techniques associated with fiction writing (including 'intertextuality', 'anachrony', and 'fabula'); demonstrates how to achieve fictional effects; provides literary example of the described techniques; addresses the characteristics of genre as well as literary fiction; presents basic (but essential) techniques for creative writing that include writing dialogue and using figures of speech; and, unique to an instructional manual for aspiring authors, provides definitions for the major terms used in publishing. Superbly written and organized, "Creative Writing" is as thoroughly engaging and 'reader friendly' as it is informed and informative, making it a very highly recommended addition to any aspiring novelist's technical reference collection. The Creative Writing MFA Handbook Tom Kealey Continuum 15 East 26th St, New York, NY 10010 0826418171 $14.95 continuum-books.com The Creative Writing MFA Handbook by Tom Kealey (currently a teacher of fiction writing at Stanford University nd winner of the Joseph Henry Jackson Award for his own short story collection "Coyotes") is provides and expert and knowledgeable introduction to creative writing. With an outstanding grasp on the mechanics of creative writing and the competition for publication, Kealey informs the reader of profiles of fifty creative writing programs, offers sage advice for future students for making the most of their graduate program, an presents a genuine insider's look at accessible residency programs. Enhanced with interviews with program directors, college professors, and creative writing students, advice, as well as an invaluable checklist for the application process, advice sections about workshops, teaching assistants, and publishing in literary magazines, a comprehensive list of all graduate writing programs within and outside of the U.S., and hallmarks for excellence in a graduate writing program, The Creative Writing MFA Handbook is confidently recommended to all writers be they aspiring novelists, novice journalists, essayists, or considering entering a graduate writing program to hone their craft. Creativity Rules! John Vorhaus Silman-James Press 1879505509 $15.95 In Creativity Rules!: A Writer's Workbook, television writer, teacher and consultant John Vorhaus draws upon his years of experience and expertise to create a complete approach to literary creativity and the creative process including making creative choices with confidence, improving access to our ideas, effectively resolving writer's block, inventing plots and characters, quickly generating stories and themes, and developing a daily discipline and practice of writing. Articulate, comprehensive, insightful, effective, practical, Creativity Rules! is "must" reading for anyone seeking to become professional and successful in their writing career regardless of the genre or media they choose to work in. The Crime Writer's Reference Guide Martin Roth Michael Wiese Productions 11288 Ventura Blvd., Suite 621, Studio City, CA 91604 0941188493 $17.95 www.mwp.com The Crime Writer's Reference Guide: 1001 Tips For Writing The Perfect Murder by Martin Roth is a detailed resource especially intended for aspiring authors of mysteries, suspense thrillers, action/adventure crime novels, true crime stories, and police procedurals novels. Individual chapters cover what a writer most needs to know in order to avoid common errors and misconceptions when writing about crime, criminals, police, courts, and prisons. A highly recommended basic primer, this edition of The Crime Writer's Reference Guide is enhanced with a new Foreword and updated information supplied by Rey Verdugo, a former police officer, a top criminal investigator, and a technical consultant for film and television projects. The Crossroads of Crime Writing Meghan P. Nolan & Rebecca Martin, co-authors Anthem Press www.anthempress.com 9781839991172, $110.00, HC, 250pp https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-crossroads-of-crime-writing-meghan-p-nolan/1144355826 Synopsis: With the publication of "The Crossroads of Crime Writing: Unseen Structures and Uncertain Spaces", the contributors collectively argue that we must examine the boundaries in fiction and non-fiction crime writing with an awareness of and turn toward the unseen structures and spatial uncertainties that so often lead to and reflect collective fears and anxieties. Drawing upon the insights and expertise of an international array of scholars, the ten chapter articles comprising "The Crossroads of Crime Writing" deftly explore the interplay of the literary, historical, social, and cultural in various modes of crime writing from the 1890s to as recent as 2017. They examine unseen structures and uncertain spaces, and simultaneously provide new insights into the works of iconic authors, such as Christie, and iconic fictional figures, like Holmes, as well as underexplored subjects, including Ukrainian detective fiction of the Soviet period and crime writing by a Bengali police detective at the turn of the twentieth century. The breadth of coverage (of both time and place) is an indicator of a text in which seasoned readers, advanced students, and academics will find new perspectives on crime writing employing theories of cultural memory and deep mapping. Critique: A erudite, insightful, and thought-provoking compendium of ten original, seminal, and ground breaking studies, "The Crossroads of Crime Writing: Unseen Structures and Uncertain Spaces" is essential reading for novice and experienced crime fiction and true crime non-fiction novels and stories. With each of the ten extended articles including Notes and Bibliographies, as well as expertly co-edited by the team of professor Meghan P. Nolan and Rebecca Martin, this hardcover edition of The Crossroads of Crime Writing" from Anthem Press is unreservedly recommended as a highly prized addition to personal, professional, community, and college/university library collections and supplemental curriculum studies lists. It should be noted for aspiring authors with an interest in writing crime novels and true crime stories that "The Crossroads of Crime Writing" is also readily available in a digital book format (Kindle, $26.49). Editorial Note #1: Meghan P. Nolan, MFA, MA, PhD, is an Associate Professor of English and Chair of the Honors program at SUNY Rockland Community College. She is a multigenre writer, who focuses on (Neo-)Victorian and Modern literature/crime writing and fragmented perceptions of self-hood through many published academic works, fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. Editorial Note #2: Rebecca Martin, PhD, is Professor Emerita of English at Pace University in New York. In addition to her PhD, which focused on the eighteenth-century Gothic novel in England, she holds a graduate certificate in film studies from CUNY Graduate Center, and her interest in crime writing focuses on the hardboiled tradition. The Curious Case of the Misplaced Modifier Bonnie Trenga Writer's Digest Books c/o F&W Publications 4700 East Galbraith Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45236 9781582975610, $9.99, www.writersdigest.com One can have the best grammar in the world, but if the writing is still horrible, it's going to be very technically sound horrible writing. "The Curious Case of the Misplaced Modifier: How to Solve the Mysteries of Weak Writing" looks at all the causes of bad writing and how to repair them and revise them. Touching on passive voice, abuse of the suffix -ing, run on sentences, and many other common accidents of writers, "The Curious Case of the Misplaced Modifier: How to Solve the Mysteries of Weak Writing" is an essential guide for novice writers with its unique and entertaining approach to improve themselves. Daily Writing Resilience Bryan E. Robinson www.bryanrobinsonbooks.com Llewellyn Publications 2143 Wooddale Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125 www.llewellyn.com 9780738753430, $19.99, PB, 432pp, www.amazon.com There is not a seasoned author or an aspiring one who has not had to deal with rejection, setbacks, and heartbreak. Ironically, most literary agents believe that the most important element to writing success is perseverance in the face of disappointment. Bryan E. Robinson is the author of 35 nonfiction books and two novels (www.bryanrobinsonbooks.com) and in "Daily Writing Resilience: 365 Meditations & Inspirations for Writers" draws upon his years of experience and expertise to provides an incredibly valuable volume of 'real world' advice, inspiration, and techniques to help even the most novice of aspiring authors to turn writer's blocks into launch pads. Offering a wealth of tips and support through exercises such as meditation, breath work, yoga, stress management, gratitude, de-cluttering, sleep, exercise, mindful eating, and more, Robinson presents 365 meditations will help anyone successfully navigate the ups-and-downs of their writing practice, creating positive habits that will guide them toward the success and fulfillment that they have been seeking. As thoughtful and thought provoking as it is inspired and inspiring, "Daily Writing Resilience: 365 Meditations & Inspirations for Writers" should be considered a core addition to the personal reference shelf of anyone seeking (or maintaining) a professional career as a writer. Indeed, no personal, professional, community, or academic library Writing/Publishing instructional reference collection should be without a copy of Bryan Robinson's "Daily Writing Resilience: 365 Meditations & Inspirations for Writers"! Damn Fine Story: Mastering the Tools of a Powerful Narrative Chuck Wendig Writer's Digest Books c/o F+W Media 10151 Carver Road, Suite 200, Blue Ash, OH 45242 www.writersdigest.com 9781440348389, $17.99, PB, 232pp, www.amazon.com Great storytelling is making readers care about your characters, the choices they make, and what happens to them. It's making your audience feel the tension and emotion of a situation right alongside your protagonist. And to tell a damn fine story, you need to understand why and how that caring happens. Using a mix of personal stories, pop fiction examples, and traditional storytelling terms, "Damn Fine Story: Mastering the Tools of a Powerful Narrative" by Chuck Wendig (author of Star Wars: Aftermath) will help aspiring writers to internalize the feel of powerful storytelling. "Damn Fine Story' explores: Freytag's Pyramid for visualizing story structure -- and when to break away from traditional storytelling forms; Character relationships and interactions as the basis of every strong plot - no matter the form or genre; Rising and falling tension that pulls the audience through to the climax and conclusion of the story; Developing themes as a way to craft characters with depth. An impressive and comprehensive course of instruction that is specifically and emphatically recommended for writing a novel, a screenplay, a video game, a comic, or even if just telling stories to friends and family, "Damn Fine Story" is a funny, informative, and effective guide replete with illustrative examples about the art and craft of storytelling. Of special note is the appendix '50 Storytelling Tips'. While highly recommended for personal, professional, community, and academic library Writing/Publishing collections, it should be noted for personal reading lists that "Damn Fine Story" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $9.99). Damn! That's Funny! Gene Perret Quill Driver Books 1254 Commerce Ave., Sanger, CA 93657 www.quilldriverbooks.com 1884956550 $14.95 1-800-497-4909 Whether you're a satirical writer or produce outright comedy, there's a market for funny writing, from humorous articles to sketches. Article writers will relish Gedne Perrett, himself one of the top comedy writers going, in Damn! That's Funny! which tells not just how to 'write funny', but how to market one's humor to the right audience. Understand what you want to say, how to best say it, and how to sell it effectively in this guide to producing and publishing outstanding humor. Damn! Why Didn't I Write That? Marc McCutheon Quill Driver Books 1254 Commerce Way, Sanger, CA 9357 188495556 $14.95 quilldriverbooks.com The newly updated edition of a classic we recommended in its first publication, Damn! Why Didn't I Write That? is here to show how ordinary folk can write profitable nonfiction books. Housewives, blue collar workers and more are producing many of today's bestsellers and the message here is: you can, too. Chapters revise and revamp recommendations on where to locate profitable venues and how to fill niches repeatedly. Deeper Writing Robin W. Holland Corwin Press, Inc. 2455 Teller Road Thousand Oaks, CA 91320-2218 9781452229942, $31.95, www.corwin.com DEEPER WRITING: QUICK WRITES AND MENTOR TEXTS TO ILLUMINATE NEW POSSIBILITIES packs in keys to developing fluent writers and while originally intended for teachers encouraging students, is reviewed here as a recommendation for any who would hone their own creative writing pursuits. Tools and strategies cover student writing and provide 45 quick writes in frameworks geared to grade levels, using 'mentor texts' as examples to provide models and inspiration. It provides the basic tools and strategies to refine any creative effort, and is a 'must' of resources showing how to nurture deeper writing efforts. Any creative writer and teacher of such needs this key to deeper writing. The Defining Moment Christopher Riley, author Kathy Riley, author Michael Wiese Productions 12400 Ventura Blvd., #1111, Studio City, CA 91604 www.mwp.com 9781615933372, $29.95, PB, 200pp https://www.amazon.com/Defining-Moment-writers-actors-characters/dp/1615933379 Synopsis: "The Defining Moment: How Writers and Actors Build Characters" by Christopher and Kathy Riley plumbs the depths of the most memorable characters ever to appear on the screen, the stage or the page. The focuses is on those moments so pivotal in a character's formation that they create a distinct boundary of before and after, moments without which the character couldn't exist and moments through which characters can transform before our eyes. Aspiring and experience writers, actors and storytellers alike will discover a powerful new key to unlock any character they seek to develop, write or portray. They may even unlock a deeper understanding of themselves. "The Defining Moment: How Writers and Actors Build Characters" includes: The first in-depth study of the essential principles that will redefine the way storytellers understand their characters and themselves; Essential insights into the forces that create character; Dozens of examples of character-defining moments from film, television, theater and literature; An exploration of pivotal moments: birth, death, discovery, decision-making, injury and healing; An examination of how writers and actors employ defining moments in their deepest and most unforgettable works; Insights into how directors, editors, cinematographers and composers dramatize key moments. Also featured are: Practical exercises for defining and redefining character; Tips for discovering the moments that matter most; Deeply personal stories from the authors' lives to illustrate the variety of moments that define us. Critique: Thoroughly 'user friendly' in organization and presentation, "The Defining Moment: How Writers and Actors Build Characters" is an extraordinary DIY instructional guide and 'how to' manual specifically designed for every storyteller in every medium. Redefining the way they understand their characters and themselves, and also available for personal reading lists in a digital book format (Kindle, $25.64), "The Defining Moment: How Writers and Actors Build Characters" is a critically important and enduringly valued addition to personal, professional, community, college, and university library Writing/Publishing and Theatrical Acting collections. Editorial Note #1: Christopher Riley is a professional screenwriter who co-wrote with his wife Kathy Riley the award-winning German language courtroom thriller After the Truth. The Rileys have written scripts for Disney's Touchstone Pictures, Paramount Pictures, Mandalay Television Pictures, the late Sean Connery's Fountainbridge Films and Robert Cort Productions. Christopher produced the independent action-thriller Red Line and executive produced the web series Bump+. He is the author of the classic screenplay format guide The Hollywood Standard, now in its third edition, and teaches screenwriting at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Editorial Note #2: Kathy Riley co-wrote the award-winning feature film After the Truth. In addition to her work as a writer for Touchstone Pictures, Paramount Pictures, Mandalay Television Pictures, Fountainbridge Films and Robert Cort Productions, Kathy holds a master's degree in public health and has worked extensively on behalf of families of children diagnosed with brain tumors. She also holds a certification of professional achievement in narrative medicine from Columbia University. The Devil's Details Chuck Zerby Invisible Cities Press 50 State Street, Montpelier, VT 05602 1931229058 $24.00 1-802-234-6585 The Devil's Details: A History Of Footnotes is a carefully researched and superbly presented study of the footnote -- an editorial convention most often seen in academic texts yet fast becoming more widespread than ever, particularly in the world of the Internet where a "footnote" can in fact be a hyperlinked note. Fascinating and informative with its close attention to minute matters, The Devil's Details is an enjoyable and even slightly whimsical study of an oft-overlooked aspect of writing and recommended reading for anyone wanting to improve the professionalism of their writings in print or on the Internet. Dictionary Of Poetic Terms Jack Myers & Don C. Wukasch University of North Texas Press PO Box 311336, Denton, TX 76203-1336 1574411667 $22.95 www.unt.edu/untpress Now in a newly updated edition containing more than 1,600 entries on the devices, techniques, history, theory, and terminology of poetry from the Classical period to the present day, Dictionary Of Poetic Terms by Jack Myers (Director of the Creative Writing Program, Southern Methodist University) and published poet Don C. Wukasch, is an excellent literary resource offering aspiring poets, students, and scholars of literature extensive definitions for literary terms, ranging from threnody, to epyllion, to western ending vs. eastern ending, and a great deal more. A first-rate resource for critics, connoisseurs, students, and writers of poetry and prose alike, the Dictionary Of Poetic Terms is a welcome and scholarly contribution to Literary Studies academic reference collections. The Dimwit's Dictionary Robert Hartwell Fiske Marion Street Press, Inc. PO Box 2249, Oak Park, IL 60304 www.marionstreetpress.com 0966517679 $19.95 1-708-445-8330 The Dimwit's Dictionary by Robert Hartwell Fiske (Editor of the online journal about the English language: "Vocabula Review") is filled cover to cover with alternatives to over 5,000 tiresome cliche phrases. The entries are of two types. One type offers synonyms for cliche words and phrases, from "Achilles' heel" (foible, deficiency, etc.) to "you name it" (and so forth, and the like). The other type of entry identifies flawed and horribly overused verbal expressions, and categorizes them by type: "zillions" is an infantile phrase; "advice is cheap" is a quack equation; and "nipping at your heels" is a moribund metaphor. The value of this second type of entry is straightforward - if one is using any such phrase in their writing, then reaching for synonyms simply isn't enough; it's time to completely rework the expressed thought. Both types of entries are presented alongside one another in this alphabetized volume. Overall, The Dimwit's Dictionary is easy to use, and should be cover-to-cover reading (not simply used sporadically as a reference, but a page-by-page reading and explicit indoctrination in what phrases to avoid) for every neophyte writer who aspires to effective and memorable writing. Divergent Trajectories Flore Chevaillier Ohio State University Press 180 Pressey Hall, 1070 Carmack Road, Columbus, OH 43210-1002 https://ohiostatepress.org 9780814213438 $79.95 hc / $19.95 Kindle amazon.com Divergent Trajectories: Interviews with Innovative Fiction Writers is an anthology of scholarly interviews with contemporary fiction writers, in order to examine modern fiction through political, philosophical, and cultural lenses. The result is a studious exploration of the writer's journey and the complex choices that shape the creative process. An index rounds out this welcome contribution to personal and public library Writing/Publishing collections. Highly recommended. The Dog Walked Down The Street Sal Glynn Cypress House 155 Cypress Street, Fort Bragg, CA 95437 1879384663, $13.95 www.cypresshouse.com 1-800-773-7782 "The Dog Walked Down The Street: An Outspoken Guide For Writers Who Want To Publish" by Sal Glynn is 96-pages of solid, practical, experienced, 'user friendly' instructional advice for authors in answering a series of fundamental questions about their work such as: When you finish the first draft how do you decide whether its really good or simply too flawed to submit for publication? How do you go about finding a good agent? Sal Glynn draws upon his years of personal and professional experience working as a managing editor for book publishers to demystify the common problems encountered by novice authors and experience writers alike; presents a clear, accessible approach to writing for publication; offers practical 'first aid' for writers, details just how to stay sane and healthy while writing, and provides aspiring writers yearning to break into print with a strong and effective foundation for their present and future work. "The Dog Walked Down The Street" is a welcome, thoroughly useful, and critically essential addition to any dedicated author's reference shelf. Dollars and Sense for Writers Linda Mickey Finish Off Press Ltd. 824 S. Milwaukee Ave. #134, Libertyville, IL 60048 9780615273068 $14.95, www.amazon.com Dollars and Sense for Writers: A Guide to Managing Your Writing Business is a solid, no-nonsense guide to the business side of writing - from working with agents to keeping proper financial records and registering one's business, to marketing, year-end business review and more. Peppered with helpful checklists, Dollars and Sense for Writers is an easy-to-understand and useful guide to anyone interested in making money from their writing - whether as an occasional hobby or full-time career. Highly recommended, especially for anyone just breaking into the business. Don't Murder Your Mystery Chris Roerden Bella Rosa Books P.O. Box 4251 CRS, Rock Hill, SC 29732 1933523131 $17.95 www.bellarosabooks.com Don't Murder Your Mystery: 24 Fiction-Writing Techniques To Save Your Manuscript From Turning Up D.O.A. by Chris Roerden (40 years experience as an editor in niche publishing) is a no-nonsense guide to improving one's professional writing skills, making one's manuscript more publishable and not subject to common rejection flaws, and learn from the experience of over 140 published writers. While Don't Murder Your Mystery is written especially for mystery, suspense, and crime fiction writers, the tips, tricks and techniques from bewaring cliches or avoiding clumsy and confusing body language descriptions to making one's dialogue snappy, sharpening self-editing skills and much more will prove invaluable to fiction writers of all genres. An enthusiastically recommended, energetic, easy-to-follow guide. Don't Sabotage Your Submission Chris Roerden BellaRosa Books PO Box 4251, 1060 Ragin Lane, Rock Hill, SC 29732 9781933523316, $17.95, www.bellarosabooks.com There are a number of factors that can doom the commercial success of a book, regardless of the quality of the writing. "Don't Sabotage Your Submission: Save Your Manuscript From Turning Up D.O.A." is an invaluable and thoroughly 'user friendly' guide for aspiring writers trying to get their work published. With sage and sound advice from someone who has been on the other side of the editorial table for years, Chris Roerden draws from his experience and expertise to point out what writers have to avoid when sending out their manuscripts to publishers. His purpose is to give novice authors the best chance possible, by relying on the skill instead of random technicalities to turn their manuscripts and proposals into published works available to a reading public. The tips are practical, plentiful, and 'real-world' based, which makes "Don't Sabotage Your Submission" a must for anyone who seeks to become a published author. The Dragon Grammar Book Diane Mae Robinson www.dianemaerobinson.com Privately Published 9781988714011 $12.99 pbk / $3.99 Kindle amazon.com Award-winning author and writing instructor Diane Mae Robinson presents The Dragon Grammar Book: Grammar for Kids, Dragons, and the Whole Kingdom, an English grammar guidebook created to be thoroughly accessible to readers of all ages and backgrounds. The fantasy and dragon motif adds a dash of tongue-in-cheek spice to the straightforward, user- friendly descriptions of English grammar rules complete with a wealth of examples. "Participles are adjectives ending in 'ing' or 'ed.' [...] A participle phrase is a phrase that contains a participle and modifies the subject of the sentence. A dangling participle is when the participle modifies the wrong thing. [...] (Wrong) 'Rushing to catch the dragon, Petra's sword fell out of its sheath.'" The Dragon Grammar Book is an excellent tutorial or refresher for writers everywhere, and highly recommended especially for public and school library college collections, as well as personal reading lists. Dreaming on the Page Tzivia Gover The Collective Book Studio https://thecollectivebook.studio 9781685550127, $19.95, PB, 240pp https://www.amazon.com/Dreaming-Page-Midnight-Supercharge-Writing/dp/1685550126 Synopsis: With the publication of "Dreaming on the Page: Tap Into Your Midnight Mind to Supercharge Your Writing", Tzivia Gover has created an instructional guide and reference for writers of all genres, ranging from casual journal-keepers, to experienced authors, to anyone who aspires to writes. "Dreaming on the Page" reveals how to: Turn your dreams into poems and stories; Supercharge your poetry and prose; Blast through writer's block; Use brain science to help harness your creative powers; Have an endless supply of rich writing prompts -- and so much more! "Dreaming on the Page" is about knowing how to 'tap into your midnight mind to supercharge your writing". Critique: Unusual, unique, fascinating, inspiring, "Dreaming on the Page: Tap Into Your Midnight Mind to Supercharge Your Writing" by Tzivia Gover is unreservedly recommended reading for aspiring writers and experienced authors alike. Thoughtful and thought-provoking, exceptionally well organized and presented, "Dreaming on the Page: Tap Into Your Midnight Mind to Supercharge Your Writing" is especially recommended for personal, professional, community, and academic library Writing/Publishing collections. It should be noted for personal reading lists that "Dreaming on the Page: Tap Into Your Midnight Mind to Supercharge Your Writing" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $9.99). Editorial Note: Tzivia Gover (https://thirdhousemoon.com) is the founder of Dreaming on the Page classes and workshops, and the author of several books, including The Mindful Way to a Good Night's Sleep. She teaches programs internationally, domestically, and online. She is also a Certified Dreamwork Professional and a Certified Proprioceptive Writing instructor. Gover has an MFA from Columbia University in creative nonfiction. Easy Access Michael L. Keene & Katherine H. Adams Mayfield Publishing Company 1280 Villa St., Mountain View, CA 94041 1559344318 $24.95 1-800-433-1279 Now in an updated, expanded second edition, Easy Access: The Reference Handbook For Writers answers all of the common questions confronting all aspects of academic writing including how to start a research paper, where to locate source materials for research, how to get started writing a paper, improving a paragraph, revising a paper, the use of interviews and surveys, coming up with good ideas, drafting a paper, choosing a good thesis, writing essay exams, proofreading effectively, common grammatical writing problems, even how to go about improving one's spelling. Easy Access is, itself, easily accessible with tabbed categories for quick information retrieval. Now student or faculty can afford to be without Easy Access close to hand. The Easy Essay Handbook Jane Lee & Lindy Ferguson University of Michigan Press 839 Greene Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 0472089897 $21.95 press.umich.edu Modern students who struggle with essay writing tasks now have a resource to introduce them to each level of the composition process, breaking down a seemingly difficult task into a series of manageable, easy steps. From an overview of seven common rhetorical modes with examples from real student essays - both rough drafts and final forms - to essay plans and different style choices, The Easy Essay Handbook: A Writing Guide For Today's Students provides a very logical structure to what seems a complex topic. Editing Made Easy Bruce Kaplan Upper Access Inc. 87 Upper Access Road Hinesburg, VT 05461 9780942679366, $9.95, www.amazon.com Almost always the primary problem with self-published books is that they author could of (and should of) utilized editorial support to improve their manuscript before money was spent turning that manuscript into a published book. Indeed, it is rare that even an experienced and successful author has not needed the services of an editor. In "Editing Made Easy: Simple Rules for Effective Writing", Bruce Kaplan draws upon his more than forty years of professional experience and expertise as a newspaper copy editor and an editorial trainer to create a succinct, thoroughly 'user friendly', 112-page compendium of instruction, information, commentary, examples, and techniques for editing a manuscript to make the writing energized, engaging, and just plain better. "Editing Made Easy" lays out common errors of grammar and spelling; reveals how best to avoid typographical and factual errors; become informed as to the diverse styles of print and the varied online media. One of the principle reasons for the novice author to give "Editing Made Easy" a careful reading is to substantially improve their chances of having their manuscripts published, and as published books have them achieve a marketplace success. Covering the rules and conventions of American English, "Editing Made Easy" is informed, informative, and highly recommended for both personal reference shelves and community library Writing/Publishing instructional collections. Editing Research Valerie Matarese Information Today Inc. 143 Old Marlton Pike, Medford, NJ 08055-8750 9781573875318, $49.50, www.infotoday.com Editing Research: The Author Editing Approach to Providing Effective Support to Writers of Research Papers is a specialty item directed to editors who work with academic researchers, helping them prepare their manuscripts for scholarly publication, and provides specific keys to the "author editing" process that will help them understand the special communication challenges particular to this form of editing. From the history of author editing to interviews with editors and surveys of academic approaches, Editing Research is filled with insights and strategies not to be found in more general consumer-oriented writing and editing references. Editor-Proof Your Writing Don McNair Quill Driver Books 2006 South Mary, Fresno, CA 93721 9781610351782, $16.95, www.quilldriverbooks.com Editor-Proof Your Writing: 21 Steps to the Clear Prose Publishers and Agents Crave provides a foolproof method for identifying common misused, overused words and errors that lead publishers and agents to reject manuscripts at the first page, and comes from a veteran editor who shows how to change dull or error-laden copy to sparkling, fresh text. Over 40 years as a professional editor and writing instructor lend expertise to these suggestions, which eliminates the common approach of making the same mistakes over and over again. Most of the corrections involve removing a few specific words. Any who would edit weak verb forms, redundancies, and more will find this a solid, professional approach to editing one's own work for maximum impact. Effective Business & Nonfiction Writing Jan Yager Hannacroix Creek Books 1127 High Ridge Road, PMB 110, Stamford, CT 06905-1203 1889262269 $20.95 1-800-431-1579 Now in an updated and expanded second edition, Jan Yager's Effective Business & Nonfiction Writing is a seminal reference and instruction book for anyone seeking to master the techniques of writing in general, and creating effective business letters, memos, emails, proposals, reports, articles, as well as books of all categories, subjects and genres. Aspiring writers will be afforded a self-evaluation to access their current writing skills; the four basic steps to effective business or nonfiction writing; how to overcome writer's block; crafting a style that's right for them and their particular readership; how to get an article or manuscript published; time tips for managing their writing; exercises to hone writing skills; and a great deal more. Effective Business & Nonfiction Writing is a key and valued contribution to any personal or professional writing skills reference collection. Elderwriters: Celebrate Your Life! Sue Barocas CreateSpace 4900 LaCross Rd. North Charleston, SC 29406 www.elderwriters.com 9781484825648, $14.99, 178pp, www.amazon.com Treasured family stories, fond memories, and personal wisdom are often lost to future generations because we do not routinely compile a written legacy in the form of what author Sue Barocas terms as a 'Personal Legacy Document' (PLD). You don't have to be an experienced writer to create a rich trove of short pieces that reflect your thoughts and feelings about what life has meant to you. "Elderwriters: Celebrate Your Life!" explores a wide range of aspects ranging from anecdotes, epiphanies, paragraphs and poems, to lessons learned, one-liners, lists, essays, letters, and more. These are the means to help you collect your thoughts and celebrate your life. There is nothing in the approach that requires or anticipates writing skills beyond those learned in high school. A guide for creating your own personal legacy document, "Elderwriters: Celebrate Your Life!" is comprised of sequenced chapters designed to take you from the beginning stages of personal legacy writing through the printing and preserving of your document. If you follow the prompts and complete the exercises, by the end of Chapter 13 you will have your own PLD to give to friends and family. Personal legacy writing should be part of everyone's later years and "Elderwriters: Celebrate Your Life!" makes it easy. Also available in a Kindle edition ($6.99), "Elderwriters: Celebrate Your Life!" is extraordinarily 'user friendly' and a highly recommended addition to personal, family, and community library Writing/Publishing instructional reference collections. Elements of Fiction Writing: Conflict and Suspense James Scott Bell Writer's Digest Books c/o F+W Media 4700 East Galbraith Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236 9781599632735, $16.99, www.writersdigest.com Elements of Fiction Writing: Conflict and Suspense teaches from the examples of successful novels and movies and offers keys to building tension and keeping readers involved in a plot. Writers will learn everything needed to spice a story, keep a plot vivid and engrossing, and come from a thriller author and writing instructor who teaches the basics of creating compelling scenes and characters and developing story lines that harness elements of conflict and suspense. No literary collection should be without this! The Elements of Narrative Nonfiction Peter Rubie Quill Driver Books c/o Linden Publishing 2006 South Mary, Fresno, CA 93721 9781884956911, $15.95 There are better ways to relate true events than simply stating the facts. "The Elements of Narrative Nonfiction: How to Write & Sell the Novel of True Events" is an exploration of narrative nonfiction, also sometimes called creative nonfiction. Numerous huge hit books in recent years have simply been creatively relayed true stories told in an entrancing way. "The Elements of Narrative Nonfiction" is a must read for those who want to adapt life's true stories into novel form, or who yearn to be more accessible to a wider audience. The Elements of Subtitles D. Bannon Privately Published 9780557130726, $14.95 Language is hard thing to show through text alone, especially when you have dialogue and nothing else. "The Elements of Subtitles: A Practical Guide to the Art of Dialogue, Character, Context, Tone, and Style in Subtitling" discusses translating and subtitling modern media and explains that subtitles need to be more than literal translations, and need to truly grasp the nature of the subject. "The Elements of Subtitles" is a must for anyone who wants to get into the world of translation or simply gain an understanding of why things are done the way they are with foreign media. The English Grammar Workbook for Adults Michael DiGiacomo Rockridge Press https://www.getrockridgebooks.com 9781646113194, $19.99, PB, 208pp, www.amazon.com Synopsis: Mastering English grammar can be a real challenge. But, with a little practice and patience, anyone can discover how to communicate better through self-study in their spare time with the DIY instructional course offered by "The English Grammar Workbook for Adults: A Self-Study Guide to Improve Functional Writing" that is specifically designed to help improve writing fluency so aspiring writers can gain confidence while crafting emails, cover letters, conducting daily business, and personal correspondence. No matter the current skill level may be, this English grammar workbook has everything needed and necessary to learning essential elements of the written language, including nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, tenses, and beyond. Then what has been learned can be aptly applied to everyday situations such as those related to school, to work, to social situations, to creative writing, to writing online, and more. Critique: An ideal choice for classroom curriculums or DIY individual studies, "The English Grammar Workbook for Adults: A Self-Study Guide to Improve Functional Writing" is very highly recommended for personal, school district, college, and university library collections. It should be noted for personal studies lists that "The English Grammar Workbook for Adults: A Self-Study Guide to Improve Functional Writing" is also readily available in a digital book format (Kindle, $9.99). Editorial Note: Michael DiGiacomo started teaching English as a foreign language to adults at a private language school in Sendai, Japan, in 1994. In 2010, he formed Happy English, his own ESL tutoring company in New York. He teaches private lessons, hosts a podcast, and has a YouTube channel to help students all over the world learn English. Epic Frederick Turner Rutgers University 35 Berrue Circle Piscataway, NJ 08854-8042 1412849446, $39.95, www.transactionpub.com Epic is a term that means great, grand, bigger than you or I. "Epic: Form, Content, and History" delves into this concept in storytelling, where massive, sweeping narratives have taken hold in much of literature as well as countless other mediums in comics, gaming, movies, anime, and so many others. Analyzing the epic story and why it attracts so many with its origin stories, endless journeys, and battle of good and evil. "Epic" is a core addition to any community or college library literary study collection. Essentials Of Screenwriting Ricahrd Walter Plume c/o Penguin Group, USA 375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014 www.us.penguingroup.com 9780452296275, $16.00, www.amazon.com A screenwriter and novelist in his own right, Richard Walter has been the Screenwriting Chairman of the UCLA Film, Television, and Digital Media writing program for almost thirty years. "Essentials of Screenwriting: The Art, Craft, and Business of Film and Television Writing" is a 400-page compendium of basic instruction in the art and craft of writing screen plays in which Professor Walter draws upon his near legendary expertise and experience to cover every aspect of the screen writing process. Fully living up to its title, "Essentials of Screenwriting" covers what to do and what not to do when scripting a story for film or television; dealing with sex and violence in a script; narrative choices; writing dialogue; the necessity and techniques of revision; recruiting and utilizing an agent; and the business of getting paid. "Essentials of Screenwriting" is real world practical, thoroughly reader friendly, a strongly recommended addition to film school library reference collections, and should be considered mandatory reading for all aspiring (and practicing!) screenwriters. Euphemania Ralph Keyes Little, Brown 9780316056564 $24.99 www.hachettebookgroup.com EUPHEMANIA: OUR LOVE AFFAIR WITH EUPHEMISMS explores the history, culture and literature of euphemisms, offering a lively discussion tracing the origins and changing usage of language. Politics, doublespeak and social commentary blend in a hilarious, pointed and fun literary and social assessment filled with examples and perfect for any general lending library. Every Page Perfect Editors can (and often will) reject a submitted manuscript unread because it's on the wrong paper, or the margin is too skinny, or because the pages are sequenced incorrectly, or because it isn't typed, or even because it was typed -- but in the wrong font or the wrong font size. Readers of Every Page Perfect will lean all the insider secrets to professionally submitting your article, short story, fillers, poetry, verse, fiction and non-fiction book, proposals, and series ideas. They will learn the page layouts preferred by editors and publishers. Full-sized models of perfect manuscript pages are furnished thus providing a clear and easy guide. There are enclosed sample letters word for word to be utilized as authoritative guides so that an effective business letter can accompany each submission. Mary Lynn's Every Page Perfect: A Full-size Writer's Manual For Manuscript Format And Submission Protocol does for manuscript submissions what Miss Manners did for daily etiquette -- reveal to everyone what is expected and how to behave in order to achieve what you desire -- get published! Every Writer's Guide to Copyright & Publishing Law What are the latest copyright laws? When do copyrights need to be renewed? How are illustrations copyrighted? The latest facts and information are presented in a newly revised edition which should be a library standard. Writers receive the latest advice and facts on a myriad of copyright laws and protection issues. Everybody Has A Book Inside of ThemAnn Marie Sabath Career Press Inc. 12 Parish Drive, Wayne, NJ 07470 www.careerpress.com 9781632651693, $16.95, PB, 192pp, www.amazon.com Synopsis: In "Everybody Has a Book Inside of Them: How To Bring It Out", aspiring authors will learn firsthand from Ann Marie Sabath and her army of author colleagues the answers to the roster of questions so often asked about the writing process ranging from how to get their writing motor revved, to ridding themselves of those debilitating writing doubts, or learning the power of KITA for meeting deadlines. Showing how to make a dream of becoming an author a reality, the 49 topics specifically addressed range from: How long does it take to write a book?; Why knowing your reader is a must before you begin; and What motivates authors? Love or money?; to Why to stop writing while you are ahead; What seasoned authors would tell their younger selves; and How bestselling authors structure their books. With her honesty, sense of humor, and encouragement, Ann Marie will provides the steps for creating a book, including easy-to-follow guidelines, trade tips, and valuable insights from other experienced authors will get an aspiring author's 'writing engine' started up. Critique: As 'real world practical' and informational, as it is inspirational and motivating, "Everybody Has A Book Inside of Them: How To Bring It Out" is very highly recommended to the attention of anyone who has ever felt like they would like to create a book whether it would be fiction or non-fiction. I should be noted for personal reading lists that "Everybody Has A Book Inside of Them: How To Bring It Out" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $10.98) would be of special and particular relevance for anyone contemplating getting published what they have already begun whether it be a memoir, a book of their poetry, an attempt at the next Great American Novel, or anything else that would seek a readership for their work. The Everything Get Published Book Peter Rubie Adams Media Corporation 260 Center St., Holbrook, MA 02343 1580623158 $12.95 adamsmedia.com The Everything Get Published Book is a definitive, step-by-step, "how to" instructional guide for turning book ideas into published works. Peter Rubie's easy-to-follow instructions on how to write proposals, get an agent, attract the attention of editors and publishers are solid, sound, and essential. Peter Rubie draws upon his expertise and experience as a veteran of the publishing industry, having been an editor, authors, and presently, a literary agent with his own firm of Perkins, Rubie and Associates in explaining how the publishing industry really works and how to adapt to the system and get published. The Everything Get Published Book is enhanced for the aspiring author with hundreds of names of book publishers, executives, and literary agents. Also covered is the new phenomena of electronic publishing, writing seminars, author networking, and a great deal more! Expressive Type Alex Fowkes Rockport Publishers c/o Quayside Publishing Group 400 - 1st Avenue North, Suite 300, Minneapolis, MN 55401-1721 www.quaysidepublishinggroup.com 9781631592737, $30.00, PB, 160pp, www.amazon.com Alex Fowkes is a freelance designer based in London, UK. While working full time Alex completed lots of typography-based briefs in his spare time, from personal pieces to commissions and album covers. His work varies from hand-drawn type to digital typography, but he always tries to retain a human element to his work. In "Expressive Type" he draws upon his years of experience and expertise to showcase the work of major international designers working with typography in branding and advertising, environment, packaging and products, and self-initiated projects. "Expressive Type" concludes with a workbook section featuring four real-world "briefs" related to each category. A unique and thoroughly 'reader friendly' instructional, "Expressive Type" will prove to be of immense interest and practical value for anyone engaged in typographic design in sketchbooks, in print publications, and on location in any urban, suburban, or rural setting. |