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Reviewer's Choice
Kill Your Teacher
Rabbi Nachum Shifren
Heaven Ink Publishing
PO Box 214, Santa Monica, CA 90406
0978641809 $12.95 rabbisurf@aold.com
We now live in a world of Columbine-style school violence, on-campus gang violence, racial and sexual violence, and student-on-teacher violence that has made our schools (especially the inner city schools) more like correctional institutions focused on physical misbehavior control than institutions dedicated to learning. "Kill Your Teacher" is not a how-to manual for abusing classroom instructors. It is a warning to us all that inept and corrupt school administration policies are exacerbating the risks to the safety and learning environment of teachers and there students. Rabbi Nachum Shifren writes with the special expertise and first-hand knowledge gained from having been a Los Angeles public school teacher teaching Spanish at many of the inner city school districts since 1991. Exposing what he has witnessed with over virulent Black/Hispanic and Black/Anglo racism in the student bodies of these schools, "Kill Your Teacher" is sobering reading and will prove to be a substantial contribution to the national dialogue currently underway concerning issues of safety, race relations, and moral clarity with the context of our public school systems and administrative policies.
The Metaphysical Studies Shelf
The Gentle Way
Tom T. Moore
Light Technology
P.O. Box 3540 Flagstaff, AZ 86003
1891824600 $14.95 www.lighttechnology.com 1-800-450-0985
The Gentle Way: A Self-Help Guide For Those Who Believe In Angels is a guide to contacting and strengthening the connection with one's own guardian angel. Author Tom T. Moore has personally used the techniques for learning more about the world, surmounting major challenges, and forming a close friendship with one's angel. The Gentle Way is written for readers of all religious faiths, presupposing only a basic belief in angels, and covers how to discover and incorporate positive requests for benevolent outcomes into one's life, whether at home, in the corporate environment, in politics, travel, gambling, survival in dangerous places, and much more. Numerous suggested living prayers, such as "I am asking that the hearts of all beings come to love peace, cherish it and involve themselves in its creation" round out this uplifting spiritual guide.
The Art Shelf
Dale Chihuly
Portland Press
PO Box 70856, Seattle, WA 98127
1576841596 $40.00 www.portlandpress.net
A strongly recommended acquisition for academic and community library Art History reference collections, "Fire" is a compendium of superbly presented full-color photographs showcasing a pictorial chronology of the art and artistry of Dale Chihuly and his imaginative and hand-blown glass sculptures. Enhanced for art students and connoisseurs with an informative essay by Margery Aronson (who follows Chihuly's career in narrative format), "Fire" is an impressive sampling survey of the work of an artist who has been displayed in more than 200 museums around the world. Also very highly recommended from Portland Press is the "Chihuly Art Kit" (157684157X, $28.00), which includes an activity book and story, three squirt bottles of non-toxic and washable paint, a watercolor set, three paintbrushes, seven colored pencils, colored paper and stickers, all contained within a handy carrying case. The "Chihuly Art Kit" will help children ages 4 and older to explore color, texture, artistic creativity, all through ten fun-filled activities and project ideas.
The Poetry Shelf
Poet Prophets Blake & Wordsworth
Joseph Vogel
2021 Pine Lake Road, Suite 100, Lincoln, NE 68512
0595677037 $43.95 www.iuniverse.com 1-800-288-4677
Poet Prophets Blake & Wordsworth: The Definitive Guide To The Two Greatest Visionaries Of The Romantic Age collects 50 poetic works each from visionary Romance Generation authors Blake and Wordsworth, both of whom conveyed profound spiritual messages in the writings. Award-winning author Joseph Vogel provides an introduction to each poem, as well as a passionate introductory essay, and a list of famous quotes for easy reference. A welcome addition to classical and spiritual poetry shelves. "Preludium to the First Book of Urizen": Of the primeval Priests assum'd power, / When Eternals spurn'd back his religion; / And gave him a place in the north, / Obscure, shadowy, void, solitary. // Eternals I hear your call gladly. / Dictate swift winged words, & fear not / To unfold your dark visions of torment.
The Sea Cabinet
Caitriona O'Reilly
Bloodaxe Books Ltd
Highgreen, Tarset, Northumberland NE48 1RP
1852247053 $7.95 www.bloodaxebooks.com
The second collection by prizewinning poet Caitriona O'Reilly, The Sea Cabinet is a free-verse collection with a decidedly nautical theme. From visions of the vanishing whaling industry, to meditations on the ever-changing nature of the river, to observing the mockery of a mermaid on museum display, The Sea Cabinet collects a diverstiy of emotion, insight, and transitive feeling captured in the fleeting moment. "Hierophant": It was the oldest, coldest place in England: / his face emerged as from a dark pool / that night, the indifferent calm eyes deep, / a reticence in the bridge of the nose, hands / white as cuttle-bones. As thought I'd drunk / the winter sun from the fen, pale and cool / as the sea-shell curve of his lip, I sank / like a silver hoard beneath him in sleep.
The Dog In The Sky
Helen Ivory
Bloodaxe Books Ltd.
Highgreen, Tarset, Northumberland NE48 1RP.
1852247177 $19.95 www.bloodaxebooks.com
The Dog In The Sky is the second poetry collection by award-winning author Helen Ivory (teacher of Creative Writing at University Of East Anglia). The brief, free-verse stanzas range from celebrations that burst from the page with love for life, to the drama of myth and folklore, to the tragedy of individuals lost to madness and their shadowy manipulators. An eclectic experience crossing the border between mundane and metaphysical worlds. "Honeymoon": The coat you have put on / to shield you from the waterfall / has fallen down from your shoulders, your head / Your face is wet and smiling. // Behind us are countless strangers / and gallon upon gallon of crashing water. / We are lost in its tongue. This is heaven.
Cross This Bridge At A Walk
Jared Carter
Wind Publications
600 Overlook Drive, Nicholasville, KY 40356
1893239462 $15.00 http://windpub.com
The fourth collection of poems by Jared Carter, Cross This Bridge At A Walk intersperses verse with the rare snippet of musical notation, allowing for a deeper combined experience for those skilled at reading music without disrupting the poetic flow for those who prefer to immerse themselves in words. Centering upon the history and experiences surrounding a long bridge and the river that lazily drifts underneath it, Cross This Bridge At A Walk flows much as river water does, the poetry coalescing into long, free-verse paragraphs that run, ramble, and drift, sometimes open-ended, yet always sparkling with hidden depth. "They said there was nothing left at all, after the rising and falling / of the water level, over twenty summers and winters. / But I still wanted to go back, that November day, along the old road, / dropping down through those same hills, the valley up ahead"
Prayers In Poetry For All Faiths
Teresita J. Koenig
Vantage Press Inc.
419 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016
0533152305 $8.95 1-212-736-1767
Written in response to the author's divine revelation that she should "give up something for the Lord", Prayers In Poetry For All Faiths is the debut poetry collection of a profoundly faithful woman, expressing her love for God and fellow humans in gentle free verse. A soulful compilation that reflects benediction and goodwill from the heart, and encourages the reader to personally experience the transcendental joys of meditation and prayer. "Here Is My Heart": Lord, my heart is / longing for you... // Mold it and fill it / with all the things / you want me to do. // Sometimes my heart / is cold and empty. / Sometimes my heart / is full of love and mercy. // The heart beats for a reason / or a purpose // It is like a drummer / announcing to us / of what is yet to come. // Speak to God in the silence / of your heart. / Listen to God. / Revelation is about to come.
The Rhubarb King
Sharon Chmielarz
Loonfeather Press
P.O. Box 1212, Bemidji, MN 56619
0926147226 $11.95
The Rhubarb King is an anthology of brief, free-verse poetry in a variety of different formats and stanzas. The poems reflect the author's quest to learn more about her father, whom she discovers was once The Rhubarb King - descendant of a long line of people who searched for land to farm upon, and peace to farm it in. Alternately wondrous and poignant, The Rhubarb King embodies the search for parental connection. "On Railroad Track This Morning": Sang between us, in code, // how much cannot be named, / how much I've missed.
As The World Burns
Ken Waldman
Ridgeway Press
PO Box 120, Roseville, MI 48066
1564391299 $14.00 www.kenwaldman.com/astheworldburns.htm
Poets have been commenting on political issues and personalities since the dawn of recorded time. You can often say something in carefully crafted lyric prose or poetic verse that will 'get the message through' where no amount of speech-making or political pontificating will succeed. Few will doubt the impact that George Bush, as the 43rd American President, has had in generating an over abundance of political dialogue, demagoguery, disputation, and debate. Strongly recommended reading in this current political season -- and with two more years to go in his presidency -- "As The World Burns" is a collection of 64 poems by Ken Waldman, 41 of them are in the 'voice' of President Bush, the other 23 are sonnets serving up political commentary and indictment on Bush and his political policies. "Abu Ghraib: What could have been more incriminating?/Photos of naked men flanked by snarling/dogs. Blindfolded Iraqi underlings,/hands protecting genitalia, waiting/for the guards to finish the debating/and get on with the session. Breathtaking/to imagine. And what about the egging/of the culture, the forced masturbating,/other big indignities we can't yet/document? Someone with a camera let/click that one first shot, capture a moment./We're liberators, says the president,/ignoring the disconnect. We're guilty,/I say of humiliating a species.
The Travel Shelf
Camino Chronicle
Susan Alcorn
Shepherd Canyon Books
25 Southwood Ct.,Oakland, CA 94611
0936034033 $14.95 www.backpack45.com 1-866-219-8260
Camino Chronicle: Walking To Santiago is the travel journal of a wife who walked across Northern Spain in 2001, following a venerable pilgrimage trail called the Camino de Santiago, retracing the footsteps of such famous historical figures as Charlemagne, St. Francis of Assisi, King Fernando and Queen Isabel. Historical notes and personal experiences and inspiration blend into a highly readable day-by-day account, and numerous legends or cultural notes on Spain about everything from bullfighting to Spanish Olives are included, with their own quick-reference index. A most enjoyable tour especially recommended for armchair travelers, and the next best experience to flying to Spain and hiking the pilgrimage trail personally.
Back To Europe With A Busy Body
Mary Jane Wilson
Waldo Bruce Publishers Inc.
9974 Scripps Ranch Boulevard, #195, San Diego, CA
0977363708 $20.00 www.waldobruce.com
Back To Europe With A Busy Body is more of an armchair traveler's extravaganza come alive than a practical travel guide. There are no maps, or listings of restaurants and hotels - instead, Back To Europe With A Busy Body gives the author's humorous perspective upon great people, locations steeped in tradition, historical trivia, and much more from France, Luxembourg, Belgium, and Holland to Poland, Greece, and more. The colorful lives of historic figures from the 1800's to 4000 B.C. are tongue-in-cheek summarized, as are notable events and key instances of historic gestalt. Back To Europe With A Busy Body is an excellent supplement for would-be travelers in Europe curious about where they should travel and what they should see, and a most relaxing and engaging read for everyone else who would experience a slice of insight into Europe's rich history and noteworthy figures without the cost of physical travel.
Romance On The Road
Jeannette Belliveau
Beau Monde Press
PO Box 6149, Baltimore, MD 21231-6149
096523441X $34.95 www.beaumonde.com
"Romance On The Road: Traveling Women Who Love Foreign Men" by journalist and world traveler Jeannette Belliveau is a very strongly recommended introduction to the do's and don'ts for women concerning romantic liaisons when traveling in other countries around the world with their various conventions, restrictions, and taboos with respect to the female gender. But more than just a manual on appropriate behavior and what to look out for, "Romance On The Road" is also an informed and informative examination of the reasons for 'love journeys', offering fascinating and instructive material on women who traveled for love throughout recorded history, along with accounts of typical experiences, how romance travel has been portrayed in literature and film, the ethics, the etiquette, and health issues involved with traveling for love, and even some intriguing predictions for the future. Whether you are an armchair traveler with an interest to romance in distant places, or planning to do some on-site visiting abroad in hopes of (or because of) a love affair, then give Jeannette Belliveau's unique book on the geography of sex and love and travel.
The Cookbook Shelf
The Miracle Cookbook
222 South Broadway Avenue, Boise, ID 83702
No ISBN $TBA www.hrco.com
"The Miracle Cookbook" is a spiral bound compilation of recipes by Marriott's Courtyard in Boise, Idaho. The individual recipes are organized into sections dedicated to Appetizers & Beverages; Soups & Salads; Vegetable & Side dishes; Main Dishes; Breads & Rolls; Desserts; Cookies & Candy; and "This & That" (which includes a list of Helpful Hints, and then easy to prepare recipes that range from Apricot Dipping Sauce, to Berry Ice Cubes, to Homemade Peanut Butter, to a 'Nutritional Meal in a Bar', and more! Enhanced with a complete index of recipes, a list of handy Cooking Tips, a roster of Herbs & Spices, complete instructions for Baking Breads and Baking Desserts, timing instructions for buying, drying, and cooking Vegetables & Fruits, a Food Quantities table for large servings, microwave cooking hints, a Calorie Counter, Cooking Terms glossary, and a not-to-be overlooked "how to" on Napkin Folding techniques, "The Miracle Cookbook" is a prized addition to the personal or family cookbook shelf.
I Love You: Recipes And Reminiscence
Sondra Smith
Jumbo Jack's Cookbooks
1411 Sheridan Avenue, Iowa City, IA 52240
No ISBN $TBA 1-800-798-2635
A 101-page spiral bound cookbook,"I Love You: Recipes And Reminiscence" is a compilation of recipes collected and written by Sondra Smith to celebrate the college graduation of her daughters and begins with listing the standard abbreviations used in recipe instructions. The recipes are organized into chapters on Appetizers & Hors d'oeuvres; Salads; Soups; Breads; Meat, Fish & Poultry; Pasta & Casseroles; Vegetables; 'Pacific Rim'; Sweets & Desserts; and 'Miscellaneous' such as Blackened Whatever-You-Want spice Mixture, Mom's 'Not So' Dill Pickles, Hot Pepper Jelly, Cilantro Pineapple Relish, bonny Blue Baby's BBQ Sauce, Bailey's Irish Cream, White House Eggnog, Apricot Brandy, and more. This impressive collection of simply, elegant, appetizing, and kitchen cook friendly recipes would be a culinary asset to any family's cookbook collection -- and a great graduation gift for any young person establishing a kitchen of their own!
The Science Shelf
101 Things Everyone Should Know About Science
Dia L. Michels & Nathan Levy
Science Naturally
627 A Street, NE Washington, DC 20002
0967802059 $9.95 www.sciencenaturally.com 1-866-724-9876
"101 Things Everyone Should Know About Science" by dia Michels and Nathan Levy employs a completely 'user friendly' Q & A format to introduce readers to key concepts in biology, chemistry, physics, geology, and the general sciences. A compendium of diverse fun science facts suitable for inquiring minds from 8 to 80, "101 Things Everyone Should Know About Science" is as entertaining and engaging as it is informed and informative. "101 Things Everyone Should Know About Science" is particularly recommended for school and community libraries, and would be an ideal addition to home schooling curriculums as supplemental reading in preparation for instilling a drive to learn what the various sciences are all about.
The Self-Help Shelf
Live Your Dreams Let Reality Catch Up
Roger Ellerton PhD, CMC
Trafford Publishing
6E-2333 Government Street, Victoria, BC V8T 4P4 Canada
1412047099 $21.70 www.trafford.com 1-250-383-6864
Live Your Dreams Let Reality Catch Up: NLP & Common Sense For Coaches, Managers, And You by certified management consultant and certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming trainer Roger Ellerton is a self-help guide to using NLP to improve one's communication, free oneself from the burden of past memories, achieve goals, and much more. Written both for individuals seeking to transform their lives and parents, coaches, and managers helping their charges unlock their full potential, Live Your Dreams Let Reality Catch Up is upbeat and positive-minded, offering step-by-step instructions to focus one's thoughts in the right direction. An excellent and easy-to-use self-help resource.
How To Create A Magical Relationship
Ariel Kane & Shya Kane
ASK Productions Inc.
457 Route 579, Milford, NJ 08848-2131
1888043148 $16.95 www.ask-inc.com
Written by a married pair of relationship coaches who have practiced their trade for over two decades, How To Create A Magical Relationship is a self-help guide that centers upon the core principle that one must be complete and fulfilled with oneself in order to create a satisfactory relationship with another. Chapters address how to refine one's communication skills and focus on listening and understanding rather than agreeing or disagreeing; how to free oneself of worry over silly things; and learning to adopt a positive attitude and outlook toward oneself and one's future, and how to tell whether one's current relationship is viable for the long term. Through self-improvement, anyone can prepare themselves to share a truly magical relationship with the right person; How To Create A Magical Relationship walks the reader through the process with numerous illustrative sample dialogues drawn from the authors' years of case studies.
Breaking The Chain Of Low Self-Esteem
Marilyn J. Sorensen, Ph.D.
Wolf Publishing
16980 SW Daffodil Street, Sherwood, OR 97140
0966431588 $19.95 www.getesteem.com 1-503-625-1545
Now in an updated second edition, Breaking The Chain Of Low Self-Esteem by clinical psychologist Marilyn J. Sorensen, Ph.D. is a self-help guide both for individuals suffering from severe low self-esteem and their loved ones. Chapters tell in plain terms how to identify abnormally low self-esteem, confront fear and anxiety, end self-sabotage, control negative inner voices, free oneself from the relentless pursuit of validation, and much more. Numerous step-by-step exercises round out Breaking The Chain Of Low Self-Esteem, making it an interactive self-help guide that connects with the reader on multiple levels.
The Business Of Love
Dr. John Curtis
IOD Press
1000 Winderley PL # 147, Maitland FL, 32751
0977344401 $14.95 www.thebusinessoflove.org www.iodinc.com 407-265-6111
Researcher, organizational development consultant, and business trainer John Curtis also draws upon his professional experience as a full-time marriage and family counselor in The Business Of Love: 9 Best Practices For Improving The Bottom Line Of Your Relationship to provide the non-specialist general reader with an instructive introduction to applying proven and effective business strategies to establishing, repairing, and enhancing personal, emotional relationships. Offering a thoroughly 'user friendly' step-by-step approach to applying sound business concepts to the institution of marriage (such as writing a marital vision statement, crafting detailed job descriptions for husbands and wives, setting up performance apprisal criteria, setting an equitable compensation system within the marriage), "The Business Of Love" is a unique and enthusiastically recommended self-help, self-improvement reference for anyone contemplating getting married, already in a marriage, or seeking to salvage a damaged marriage and prevent divorce.
How To Get Over Him And Learn From Your Mistakes
Denician Angeleia
2021 Pine Lake Road, Suite 100, Lincoln, NE 68512
0595386709 $10.95 www.iuniverse.com 1-800-288-4677
How To Get Over Him And Learn From Your Mistakes: A Survival Guide is a self-help guide for women survivors of harmful or abusive relationships, ranging from being with a disrespectful man to being with philanderer or a thief, or suffering criminal attacks or date rape. How To Get Over Him And Learn From Your Mistakes outlines the key steps to reclaiming one's life and independence, and how to identify a man who is looking only for sex or worse. Though the author is very religious and her devotion to God shows through, How To Get Over Him And Learn From Your Mistakes is not a religious instruction manual - it is about dealing with practical matters in the search for Mr. Right, and written expressly for women in need regardless of their religious background. Highly recommended.
The Biography Shelf
Breastless But Still Breathing
Anita Dujardin Hockers & Kathleen Marie Marsh
Otter Run Books LLC
16965 Nicolet Road, Townsend, WI 54175
0976079623 $9.95 www.otterrunbooks.com
Breastless But Still Breathing: A Breast Cancer Survivor's Journey is the true memoir of a women who, when faced with breast cancer, confronted her fears head on with the aid of friends, family, and the latest advances in medical technology. Chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation accelerated the loss of her hair, fingernails, skin, and almost every female part of her body during her battle for survival; her challenges and her inspirational story tells of the human determination to fight against any and all odds. An uplifting testimony of harrowing personal trauma and grace under pressure.
Down The Rat Hole
Edith Mirante
Orchid Press
P.O. Box 19, Yuttitham Post Office, Bangkok 10907, Thailand
9745240508 $21.95 www.orchidbooks.com
Down The Rat Hole: Adventures Underground on Burma's Frontiers is the memoir of American author, artist, and activist Edith Mirante, who defied laws and infiltrated the borders to travel through China, India, Laos, and the chaos in Bangladesh. Obsessed with Burma's multitude of cultures and ongoing struggle for freedom, she became witness to guerrilla warfare, heroin and jade trading, the AIDS pandemic, rainforest destruction, strikes and rioting, and natural disaster. A handful of color photographs illustrate her story of battered yet resilient individuals and societies.
The Road Taken
Norman Makous, M.D.
Towpath Publications
P.O. Box 43522, Philadelphia, PA 19106
0977668606 $15.95 www.towpathbooks.com
The Road Taken: My Life And Times is the memoir of a highly trained medical doctor, and receiver of the distinguished achievement award from the American Heart Association. His story spans the Great Depression, World War II, and a successful career during the twentieth century; he witnessed firsthand medicine's great transformations as pre-war technology became supplanted by post-war technology. And with great pain, he also witnessed the death of his wife from emphysema, as some medical conditions remain beyond the limits of modern science to treat. A candid, thoughtful, and reflective memoir.
Long Live The Hodag
Kurt Kortenhof
Hodag Press
14704 Yosemite Avenue, So, Savage, MN 55378
0965374548 $13.95 www.hodagpress.com 1-612-749-9453
Now in a revised second edition with previously unpublished black-and-white historic photographs and new archival research, Long Live The Hodag: The Life And Legacy Of Eugene Simeon Shepard 1854-1923 by Kurt Kortenhof (teaches history at Saint Paul College) is the true life story of Wisconsin's great prankster, Eugene Shepard, perhaps best known for his legendary "capture of the Hodag" in 1896. Shepard spread his Hodag myth with tall tales, photographs, the aid of a skillfully carved and decorated wooden prop, and even exhibitions of the fake "Hodag" at county fairs and similar events. An appendix of three of Shepard's lengthy writings rounds out this entertaining life story of a charming trickster and the Rhinelander area legend he created.
Blue Skies And Tail Winds
Captain Dana L. Van Loan
Sunnyside Press
297 Triumpho Road, Saint Johnsville, NY 13452
0971721416 $24.95 518-568-7853
Blue Skies And Tail Winds by Captain Dana L. Van Loan (Learjet Captain for JetDirect Aviation) is the life story of a professional pilot. Bringing the sight, sound, and feel of being aloft and controlling a massive vehicle as it hurtles through the air at immense speeds, Blue Skies And Tail Winds tells stories of near-tragedy, humor, sudden panic, and the quiet joy of just being in the sky. A candid and highly enjoyable glimpse of a pilot's life, especially recommended for aspiring pilots and anyone else curious about the greatness and the downfalls of dedicating one's professional life to the skies.
Jerome Tuccille
2021 Pine Lake Road, Suite 100, Lincoln, NE 68512
Avalon Marketing & Communication (publicity)
1193 - 392nd Road, Utica, NE 68456
0595384297 $19.95 www.iuniverse.com 1-800-288-4677
"Heretic: Confessions Of An Ex-Catholic Rebel" is a deftly written autobiography of Jerome Tuccile that addresses core spiritual questions by a man whose inquiries (including an essay on the Virgin Birth that asserted the Catholic Church doctrine and dogma led to the dehumanization of women) led him to be denounced as a heretic by the dean of a Catholic college. Tuccille abandoned the religion of his youth and embarked upon a global odyssey from Australia and Singapore, to India, Europe, and the United States, in search of salvation resulting in adventures of the mind and body that exemplified and dramatized the struggle between the sensual and the divine. Thoughtful and though-provoking, "Heretic" is an absorbing read and highly recommended the attention of inquiring minds struggling with the resolution and reconciliation in their own search for salvation and the meaning of life.
One Beat At A Time
Matthew D. Noble
Russell Douglas Publishing
13097 Golfside Court, Suite 103, Clio MI 48420
Event Management Services (publicity)
1127 Grove Street, Clearwater, FL 33755
0976943603 $14.95 www.russell-douglas.com
"One Beat At A Time: Living With Sudden Cardiac Death" is the personal story Matthew D. Noble (a sudden cardiac arrest survivor) of his experiences with having congenital heart problems and who has had to learn to live with the constant threat of sudden death. Readers will learn through Matthew's memoir about Impantiable Cardioverter Defilbriallators, what this ICD does and how the device works in preventing thousands of deaths each year from cardiac arrest. Informed, informative, and engaging, "One Beat At A Time" is a candidly written and enthusiastically recommended autobiography.
From Time To Time
Robert Newell
Vantage Press Inc.
419 Park Avenue, South, New York, NY 10016
0533152569 $8.95 212-736-1767
From Time To Time: A Soldier's Story Of Life And The Vietnam War by Vietnam veteran Robert Newell, whose upbringing under an abusive father led him to volunteer for duty in Vietnam, in a time when most other young men sought to dodge the draft. Newell's bravery in combat earned him a Bronze Star; yet he does not pretend that he was a hero. Years afterward, he knows and recounts that he was literally a monster and a war criminal, driven virtually insane by his father and his childhood to the extent that dedicating his life to bloodshed and destruction in the American Army pleased him. His skill at keeping his fellow soldiers alive on point duty led the military to cover up his war crimes, though he was eventually pulled from duty and sent to a hospital for psychiatric treatment. A brutally candid account, narrated in the form of disjoint non-chronological yet overpowering personal memories.
The Philosophy Shelf
Ecology Of Being
Peter White
All In All Books
c/o Jane Wesman Public Relations, Inc.
322 Eighth Avenue, Suite 1702, New York, NY 10001
097774020X $22.95 www.ecologyofbeing.com
In "Ecology Of Being", author, philosopher and businessman Peter White explores the nature and quality of existence, what it means to be human and part of the complex systems that unite mankind, nature, and society. Readers are presented with White's thoughts on finding peace and comfort within oneself and how doing so empowers other people to do the same. The result being the creation of an upward spiral that beneficially impacts the world as a whole. Strongly recommended for non-specialist general readers with an interest in self-improvement and personal philosophy, "Ecology Of Being" is a book of contemplation, ideas, and reflection that is as thoughtful as it is thought-provoking.
The Military Shelf
Cranking Up A Fine War
Col. Van R. Mayhall, USAR Ret.
D+66 Books
PMB 165, 7635 Jefferson Highway, Baton Rouge, LA 70809
1892958015 $24.95 www.dplus66.com 1-225-924-0151
"Cranking Up A Fine War: A Louisiana Soldier From Boot Camp To General's Aide" is the story of Van Mayhall's military career which began when he joined the National Guard in 1936 at the age of seventeen. When World War II broke out, Mayhall was as an ordinary soldier among hundreds of others with the 90th Infantry Division, and advanced to the position of Captain, becoming the aide-de-camp to General William Weaver taking part in numerous battles including the crossing of the Moselle and Roer Rivers, and fighting as the company commander in assausts aginst the Maginot Line. Mayhall was awarded the Silver Star. Enhanced with black-and-white historical and personal photographs, "Cranking Up A Fine War" is a superbly written autobiography and a welcome, highly recommended addition to the growing library of World War II military biographies, memoirs, and autobiographies.
The Health/Medicine Shelf
The Comfort Of Home
Maria M. Meyer & Paula Derr, RN
Caretrust Publishing LLC
P.O. Box 10283, Portland, OR 97296-0283
096647676X $24.95 www.comfortofhome.com 1-800-565-1533
The Comfort Of Home: An Illustrated Step-By-Step Guide For Multiple Sclerosis Caregivers by co-authors Maria M. Meyer and Paula Derr RN (co-owner of InforMed) is a comprehensive and practical guide written for anyone, especially family members, responsible for the care of someone with MS. No experience or knowledge is presumed of the reader; chapters walk one through everything from basic advice for making one's home safe and comfortable to ensuring a balanced diet and sufficient exercise to avoiding caregiver burnout and much more. Simple black-and-white drawings illustrate key points where a visual aid is valuable in this practical book, which covers matters such as saving money and applying health care effectively as surely as the more labor-intensive aspects of caregiving. Highly recommended.
High-Risk Pregnancy and Foetal Diagnosis: Your Journey
Stephanie Azri
Free Association Books
c/o International Specialized Book Services
920 Northeast 58th Avenue, Suite 300, Portland, OR 97213
1853439886 $29.95 www.isbs.com www.fabooks.com 1-800-944-6190
High-Risk Pregnancy and Foetal Diagnosis: Your Journey by professional family therapy, grief, and women's health counselor Stephanie Azri is a practical guide written especially for women who must cope with medical diagnoses that put them in a high-risk category, or indicate abnormalities in their unborn. High-Risk Pregnancy and Foetal Diagnosis outlines in plain terms the choices expectant mothers and fathers have with regard to screening tests and their risks, cases where the unborn is diagnosed with a potentially fatal disorder, labor and delivery versus means of terminating high-risk pregnancies or pregnancies with a severe malformation, the options for placing a child with Down's syndrome or other severe but nonlethal genetic flaws if the family feels unable to give proper care, and much more. Individual personal written testimonies put the reader in touch with the emotions and difficult choices that others who may have been in the same position have had to make.
The Fantasy/SciFi Shelf
The Visconti Devils
Ria Dimitra
Ragnell Press
P.O. Box 1741, Tallahassee, FL 32302
097541741X $6.95 www.ragnellpress.com 1-850-877-4582
The Visconti Devils is an original fantasy romance novel about an artist dedicated to painting tarot cards, who falls deeply in love with a museum curator. He shows her a rare 15th century Visconti tarot deck, from which the card of the Devil is missing - just as it is missing from every other known copy of the ancient deck. Obsessed with finding the missing card because The Devil is the one card she cannot decide how to paint, the artist and her love embark on a quest to Italy in search of the secret; yet a far larger scheme of events is unfolding around them, one that will thrust them into a desperate struggle between the forces of light and darkness. An engaging and atmospheric novel of love, adventure, and the darker side of the search for creative inspiration.
Fane Vili
Plankton Press LLC
5692 Kalanianaole Highway, Honolulu, HI 96821
0977407403 $16.99 www.planktonpress.com 1-808-620-4663
Mano is a fantasy novel about a young islander caught amid an invasion of bloodthirsty snake creatures and internal transformations that he does not fully understand. After an ominous explosion over the island of Kaua'i foretells the murderous assault of snake-beings that destroy Mano's home village, the mysterious mountain-dwelling race called tha anuku take him in. Gradually Mano learns about the enigmas surrounding the anuku, the snake-creatures, and himself, yet his struggle for survival will take far more than understanding - his courage, strength, and will must be tempered if he is to confront the forces that have turned his home island into a haven for evil and marked him as the snake-creature's primary target and deadliest threat. A thrilling adventure from cover to cover.
Arlyn And The Purloin Bane
Dana Nourie
Sacred Oaks Publishing
PO Box 53106, San Jose, CA 95153
0977938417 $15.99 www.sacredoakspublishing.com 1-800-933-2712
Book one of an ongoing series, Arlyn And The Purloin Bane is a fantasy novel set on an Earth-like world called Tartarus, in which a woman named Arlyn must come to grips with the gaps in her memory to figure out who and what she is. When her family and village are devoured by soul-eating monsters in human guise called the Skall, she finds herself protected by Raynor, one of the people known as The Endowed, who welcome her and her gift of soul-travel. Only Yuma the Medicine Man sees Arlyn for who and what she is. Arlyn must learn the hard way that she cannot run from the past, and confront the memories she fears, in this emotional saga of deceit, love, hatred, hope, and the stark suffering of knowing the truth.
Star Brigade
C. C. Ekeke
Llumina Press
7915 West McNab Road, Tamarac, FL 33321
159526387X $21.95 www.llumina.com 1-866-229-9244
Star Brigade: First Renaissance is a debut novel that blends spacefaring science fiction, military action-adventure, high drama, and planetary politics into a lengthy epic. Set in the year 2403, when Earth's inhabitants have become a leading race in the Galactic Union of Planetary Republics that consists hundreds of different sentient species, Star Brigade chronicles the return of a brutal, warlike enemy. The formerly disgraced Star Brigade, led by Captain Nwosu, must overcome memory of past disaster and fight to protect all they hold dear from a ruthless and powerful legion. A complex, exciting, utterly immersive saga from cover to cover.
The Magic Ring
Baron De La Motte Fouque, author; Robert Pearse Gillies, translator; Amy H. Sturgis, editor
Valancourt Books
PO Box 220511, Chicago, IL 60622
0977784126 $18.95 www.valancourtbooks.com 1-773-606-1215
Preceding The Lord of the Rings by nearly a century, The Magic Ring is a work of fantasy that has truly endured the test of time. Written by Baron De La Motte Fouque in the 1800's, The Magic Ring is set in the twelfth century, when Richard the Lionheart embarked on the Third Crusade. A young squire and his cousin have their destinies transformed forever when they observe a knightly contest for possession of the Magic Ring. Their travels will lead them from Moorish Spain to the birthplace of Norse myth, and battle amid changing allies and enemies, in an epic quest surrounding a ring of unimaginable power. This edition of The Magic Ring includes the unabridged original text of the first English version, the 1825 translation from the original German by Robert Pearse Gillies, and a new introduction as well as a glossary of literary influences and references. A must-have for readers of classic fantasy.
The Jobs/Careers Shelf
Resumes For Children 17 Years Old And Younger
Donna Kristine Manley
Christana Press LLC
PO Box 81428, Conyers, GA 30013
0977783502 $14.99 www.resumesforchildren.com 1-770-621-5044
Resumes For Children 17 Years Old And Younger by Donna Kristine Manley, who has developed countless children's resumes to help them receive sponsorship in special programs, is not a standard how-to book. Rather than giving exhaustive resume preparation instructions, Resumes For Children 17 Years Old And Younger presents a wide collection of sample resumes and sample cover letters to familiarize the reader with the proper formatting, plus several blank pages for the reader to write down appropriate reflections and resources. The examples range in style from a resume for a young person seeking experience as a caregiver, to an aspiring newsperson, an inventor-in-training, and much more. An excellent "learn-from-example" guide.
The Parenting Shelf
Sue Johnson & Julie Carlson
Heartstrings Press
49 Starview Place, Lancaster, VI 22503
0967534968 $18.95 www.grandloving.com
Now in an updated fourth edition, Grandloving: Making Memories With Your Grandchildren, A World Away... Or Next Door is an award-winning collection of creative memory-making, family-bonding advice and activities, written especially for grandparents. Chapters address how to smoothly make the transition to grandparenthood without stepping on the toes of one's adult children, what to bring and what to expect on the very first visit to see one's grandchild, how to keep in touch and maintain a loving bond across long distances, and much more. Sample activities include making a simple kite from a bread back, or a futuristic paper airplane from a straw and two paper loops, to more adventurous and modern activities such as geo-caching. Enthusiastically recommended for grandparents everywhere.
Parents' Guide To IQ Testing and Gifted Education
David Palmer Ph.D.
Parent Guide Books
PO Box 8403, Long Beach, CA 90808-8403
0977109852 $15.95 www.parentguidebooks.com 1-562-743-9520
Parents' Guide To IQ Testing and Gifted Education: All You Need To Know To Make The Right Decisions For Your Child by David Palmer Ph.D. is a no-nonsense guide written in plain terms especially for parents concerned about what the best educational recourse is for their gifted child. There is no one universal answer; rather, the needs and personality of the child determine whether he or she would be better off attending standard classes, skipping grades, enrolling in more challenging courses, or pursuing other options. Parents' Guide To IQ Testing and Gifted Education has advice for parents of exceptionally gifted children, parents of children who are so bored with the normal school curriculum they are inclined to "coast" on their gifts, parents of gifted children with learning disorders, and parents seeking to learn more about IQ tests in America, how they are administered, how their results are used, and what they really reveal. An excellent guide thoroughly covering the wealth of options available.
The Fiction Shelf
Underwater Dreams
James Rouman
Peter E. Randall Publisher LLC
P.O. Box 4726, Portsmouth, NH 03802
1931807426 $18.00 www.perpublisher.com
Underwater Dreams: A Modern Greek Tragedy by physician James Rouman is the serious-minded saga of woman in Greece given in marriage to a virtual stranger in Wisconsin. Traveling the seas to reach her new home, she bears a son, watches him grow, live, earn a career as a medical doctor, and settle down with a partner unable to give him children. Themes of adoption, single parenthood, drug addiction and elder care appear in this dramatic and realistic bittersweet tale, which paints thoroughly believable characters to the very end.
The Clock Shop
Richard Ashland
2021 Pine Lake Road, Suite 100, Lincoln, NE 68512
059537283X $16.95 www.iuniverse.com 1-800-288-4677
The Clock Shop is a thrilling novel of a logical military man, Colonel Chalres Rikker, whose trip to find an antique grandfather clock leads him to the Emit Levart Clock Shop. In that mysterious place, he learns of a horrific truth tying together the inexplicable deats of prominent scientists and engineers worldwide. He does not know why fate has placed him at the center of a tightening intrigue, but his actions will have repercussions far beyond his own immediate survival. A suspenseful read from beginning to end.
Wishing Makes It So
Marilyn Meredith
Hard Shell Word Factory
PO Box 161, Amherst Junction, WI 54407
0759937605 $10.95 www.hardshell.com, http://fictionforyou.com
Wishing Makes It So is a shocking thriller about a couple with three children who take in a female four-year-old formerly bounced around a variety of foster homes. Secure in their belief that they can give their new charge a loving, stable environment, they are unaware of the seemingly innocent girl's all-consuming drive to be an only child. It is a yearning that will drive the little girl to ruthless and deadly acts, even as her nautral charm disguises her murderous intentions, in this taut and chilling novel.
The Richest Season
Maryann McFadden
Aventine Press
1023 4th Avenue, Suite 204, San Diego, CA 92101
1593303823 $17.50 www.therichestreason.com
The Richest Season: Sometimes You Have To Leave Your Life To Find Yourself Again is a novel about three human beings facing earthshaking transitions in their lives. An elderly woman copes with nigh-insurmountable loss; a top executive wanders rootlessly through life after he is abruptly fired; and a lonely corporate wife deserts her home in search of happiness. Each protagonist must walk away from the lives they thought they always wanted, the lives they dedicated themselves to living above all else, and in the course of adapting to change, discover new sides of themselves long buried. A transformative story of challenge, renewal and growth.
Feasting With The Deacon
Leonard Barry Barrington
Booksurge LLC
5341 Dorchester Road, Suite 16, Charleston, SC 29418
1419623583 $15.99 www.booksurge.com
Feasting With The Deacon is a spiritual novel exploring the questions, "As spiritual beings, must we first feed our souls or give that attention to our bodies?" and "What are the consequences of unconditional love?" The setting is the first century A.D., and Deacon Silas ben Gaddiel and his family seek to survive the conflicts among early Christians, share the joy inherent in experiencing the faith and such simple pleasures as sharing a meal, and the perils confronted daily by the faithful for living under the Roman rule of Nero. Offering insight into the philosophy of Silas, the "Feeding Deacon", Feasting With The Deacon seeks to connect the trials and tribulations of history with the modern-day questions confronting both spiritual and practical life.
Sea Changes
Bill Branley
One Sock Press
PO Box 10883, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
0977856100 $14.95 www.onesockpress.com www.bilbranley.com 1-206-842-5207
Sea Changes: A Novel is a midlife romance between a conservative man and a woman who identifies with defending the environment and other activist pursuits. They clash over political issues from Hurricane Katrina to homeland security to global warming. Yet despite their differences and the emotional pain of losses in the past, they seek happiness together in the latter stage of their lives. A heartwarming story of finding balance and compromise.
Siren's Silence
Richard Quan
Vision Press Media
300 Colonial Parkway, Suite 100, Roswell, GA 30076
0977740900 $24.95 www.qvisionpress.com 1-404-693-5821
Written by a survivor of Cambodian genocide who made his way to the United States to study international human rights and refugee law, Siren's Silence is a haunting novel about an attorney who receives contact from a Ukrainian lover who disappeared from his life eleven years ago. A single telephone call draws him into a web of murder, obsession, and lust; Siren's Silence is a suspenseful odyssey through both the light and dark sides of human nature. Utterly compelling from cover to cover.
Diana R. Chambers
Aventine Press
1023 Fourth Avenue, #204, San Diego, CA 92101
1593303777 $13.95 www.silkroad.org 866-246-6142
Nick Daley is an unorthodox CIA officers who is called into action when a shipment of American Stinger missiles goes missing, complicated further by murder and the arrival of San Francisco journalist Robin Reeves. "Stinger" by Diana R. Chambers ( a member of the Writers Guild of America and the writer's group PEN) is a ripping good novel of page-turning suspense and plot-twisting intrigue taking for its background the story of how the ancient 'Silk Road' has once again become a crossroads and backdrop for contemporary invaders and spies. A superbly crafted and highly recommended political thriller, "Stinger" is about the conflict between Russia and American interests in Afghanistan that led to the rise of the Taliban and was to eventually provide a staging base for Al Queda and the attack of 9/11.
The Permanence Of Waves
C. J. Clark
Langmarc Publishing
PO Box 90488, Austin, TX 78709-0488
1880292815 $14.95 www.langmarc.com 1-800-864-1648
Olive and Lottie head for a lake cottage to visit Olive's grandfather. Olive is determined to carry out her mother's last wishes to care for her aging grandfather. She is disturbed by her grandfather's seeming unwillingness to accept her support. Then Olive discovers a secret journal he has left for his great granddaughter Lottie. Within the pages of this personal journal Olive learns to face her own rigidity and let go of what was never really hers. In "The Permanence Of Waves", author and exhibiting artist C.J. Clark has written imaginative and deftly presented fable with an underlying message about life. Enhanced with eleven of the author's beautiful drawings especially created for "The Permanence Of Waves", this is a beautiful little 140-page story that is particularly recommended reading for anyone who appreciates original storytelling at its very best.
Tales Of The Atlantic Pirates
Geoffrey Girard
Middle Atlantic Press
PO Box 345, Morrestown, NJ 08057
0975441957 $13.95 www.middleatlanticpress.com 1-856-273-9062
Enthusiastically recommended and thoroughly entertaining reading, "Tales Of The Atlantic Pirates" is a compilation of thirteen original stories by Geoffrey Girard who bases his individual tales on historical pirates who once sailed and hunted along America's Atlantic coast. These engaging tales range from ghostly crews and cursed islands, to the capture of Blackbeard, and modern-day hunts of pirate treasure. Girard combines meticulous historical detail with a imaginative story-telling ability that includes the fire of cannon, the clash of swords, and the ruthless pursuit of black bannered sailing ships that are a part of America's maritime history, folklore and adventure.
The Education Shelf
The Turned-Off Child
Robert & Myrna Gordon
Millennial Mind Publishing
PO Box 65624, Salt Lake City, UT 84165
1589822994 $24.95 www.american-book.com www.turned-offchild.com
The collaborative effort of co-authors Robert and Myrna Gordon, "The Turned-Off Child: Learned Helplessness and School Failure" addresses the problem of helping children who is failing in school because they have 'turned off' or become disconnected from the learning process. "The Turned-Off Child" addresses such common symptoms in a failing student such as negative thinking, anger, depression, and other emotional obstacles to a successful academic performance. "The Turned-Off Child" is a thoroughly 'user friendly' instructional manual and especially recommended reading for classroom teachers, tutors, education resource specialists, school counselors, and involved parents wanting to help children to once again become interested and involved with what learning and school curriculums have to offer them.
The Religion/Spirituality Shelf
Change Your Mind
D. V. Pasupuleti
Synergy Books
2100 Kramer Lane, Suite 300, Austin, TX 78758
1933538295 $12.95 www.amazon.com
Change Your Mind: A Neurologist's Guide To Happiness by D. V. Pasupuleti MD, FACP, FAANEM (a clinical professor at Michigan State) is a self-help guide to understanding oneself intellectually, biologically, and spiritually. Written under the principle that neither science nor religion alone can hold all the answers to understanding the human condition, Change Your Mind affirms the soul's existence after death with the methodical logic of a scientist - no, the existence of an afterlife cannot be proven per se, but neither can the mystery of conscious awareness within a physical body be explained without the existence of something that transcends the limits of mere matter. A positive-minded guide focusing on self-improvement and the healing power of openness and tolerance between faiths.
Zen And The Art Of Happiness
Chris Prentiss
Power Press
6428 Meadows Court, Malibu, CA 90265
Yorwerth Associations (publicity)
410 Fieldstone Drive, Bozeman, MT 59715
0943015537 $10.95 www.power-press.com
"Zen And The Art Of Happiness" by Chris Prentiss (cofounder and co-director of Passages Substance Abuse Treatment Center) is a pocket-sized and highly portable 160-page book presenting practical, spiritual, applicable wisdom from the Eastern philosophy of Zen Buddhism designed to provide the reader with a positive, uplifting message that we can affect and influence the very makeup of our body at a cellular level through what we believe, think, and feel. That when we create happiness and vibrancy within our lives we are better able to adapt to life's inevitable stresses and changes. By learning to deal with stress and change in healthy ways, we create, nuture, and perpetuate 'mindful happiness' in our daily lives. "Zen And The Art Of Happiness" is enthusiastically recommended and 'user friendly' reading for anyone seeking to enhance their spirituality, learn to deal with life's stresses, and improve their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Religion In A Free Market
Barry A. Kosmin & Ariela Keysar
Paramount Market Publishing Inc.
301 South Geneva Street, Suite 109, Ithaca, NY 14850
097669736X $49.95 www.paramountbooks.com 1-607-275-8100
Religion In A Free Market: Religious Americans Who, What, Why, Where by co-authors Barry A. Kosmin (Founding Director of the Institute for the Study of Secularism in Society and Culture at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut) & Ariela Keysar (Associate Director of the Institute for the Study of Secularism in Society and Culture at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut) is a straightforward analysis of statistical data about the religious beliefs of American citizens. From geographic distribution of religions, to rates of religious affiliation and recruitment, to race, ethnicity, and age as factors in religious identification and much more, Religion In A Free Market presents not only raw data in the form of numerous charts and graphs but also a reader-friendly textual explanation of what the numbers really mean, and what current and future trends can be extrapolated. The statistical data is from the American Religious Identification Survey (ARIS), the most comprehensive survey of religion done in the United States with a poll sample of over 50,000 Americans, weighted to accurately reflect the entire population. A highly professional resource enthusiastically recommended for library and research reference shelves.
The Agricultural Studies Shelf
Grass The Forgiveness Of Nature
Charles Walters
Acres USA
PO Box 91299, Austin, TX 78709-1299
0911311890 $25.00 www.acreusa.com 1-800-355-5313
"Grass, The Forgiveness Of Nature: Exploring The Miracle Of Grass, Pastures & Grassland Farming" by agriculture and farming expert Charles Walters (Founder and Editor of 'Acres U.S.A.') is a seminal introduction and survey of grass forages and pastureland as a nutritious food source for animals and humans, as well as the role of grasses in conditioning, preserving, and enriching the quality of the soil. Drawing from his many years of experience and expertise, as well as centuries of wisdom from traditional graziers in creating beautiful, lush, sustainable pastures (as well as cutting-edge modern innovators with biodynamic and sea-solid fertilization methods), readers will be treated to a wealth of practical and applicable information on the critical importance of the grasses in contemporary agriculture. "Grass, The Forgiveness Of Nature" is essential reading for students and practioners of sustainable, bio-effective agriculture, and a core addition to academic library Agricultural Studies reference collections and supplemental reading lists.
The Children's Shelf
Hands As Warm As Toast
Lisa Himle & Bruce Langton
Mitten Press
2500 South State Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
1587262983 $17.95 www.mittenpress.com 1-877-722-2264
Written by Lisa Himle featuring illustrations by Bruce Langton, Hands As Warm As Toast is a 32-page picturebook about the anxieties that accompany a child's first day at school -- and how comforting it is to be able to find "a warm hand to hold" when children go to school for the very first time. Young readers, especially those having to deal with their own first day at school, will particularly appreciate and enjoy the story of Libby and her mother as the young girl prepares for school. Additionally, an outstanding (and free) activity guide is available for download to parents and teachers at the Mitten Press website.
Danny Is Moving
Annie Thiel Ph D. & W. M. Edwards
Playdate Kids Publishing
PO Box 2785, Malibu, CA 90265
1933721022 $14.95 www.theplaydatekids.com 1-310-456-6400
Deftly written by child psychologist Annie Thiel Ph D. and colorfully illustrated by W, M. Edwards, Danny Is Moving is an enthusiastically recommended for children ages three to six. An important addition to school and community libraries everywhere, this outstanding picturebook entertains while its offers sound information about understanding the emotions commonly encountered when moving from one home to another, from one school to another, and from one community to another.
Dance Me To The End Of Love
Leonard Cohen & Henri Matisse
Welcome Enterprises inc.
6 West 18th Street, New York, NY 10011
1932183930 $18.95 www.welcomebooks.com 1-212-989-3200
Based upon an original poem by Leonard Cohen which is showcased through the distinctive artwork of Henri Matisse, Dance Me To The End Of Love is a lyrical tribute to the emotion of love and its power to heal broken hearts and broken lives. Gracing the picturebook collections of family, school, and community libraries, this Dance Me To The End Of Love is a unique and highly recommended title that will have a very special appeal to young children and their parents,
Yolanda-Baby: A Pooch Finds Her Purpose
Jo Ann Bennett-Boltinghouse & Jennifer Julich
The Ginger Press
PO Box 45753. Omaha, NE 68145-0753
Jenkins Group (publicity)
1129 Woodmere Avenue, Suite B, Traverse City, MI 49686
0978515102 $16.00 www.yolandababy.com www.bookpublishing.com 1-800-307-4155
Imaginatively written by Jo Ann Bennett-Boltinghouse and featuring illustrations by Jennifer Julich, Yolanda-Baby: A Pooch Finds Her Purpose is the picturebook story of a young dog who overcomes her feelings of insecurity as she becomes a participant in greyhound racing, retires to a rescue farm, and is ultimately adopated by a family. A welcome and prized addition to family, community, and school library collections for young readers, Yolanda-Baby is a story of dealing with being teased and bullied, as well as a profound tale of friendship, belonging, love, and animal companionship.
There's A Season For All
Sammy Shu & Carl Cone
Silver Rose Publishing
3851 South Idalia Street, Aurora, CO 80013
0977821102 $16.95 www.silverosepublishing.com 1-303-946-2183
"There's A Season For All" is written by Sammy Shu and illustrated by Carl Cone for the delight and enjoyment of young children "There's A Season For All" is the story of the fairies who live in the kingdom of Tween Land. In particular, the story of four fairy princesses (representing the four seasons) who inherited the responsibility for controlling the environment. But when they all tried to exercise their powers at once, only chaos ensued. Eventually the fairy sisters worked out a way to take turns, beginning with Winter (because she was the oldest), followed in turn by Spring, Summer, and Fall. "There is A Season For All" is a charming, entertaining, and recommended picturebook which entertainingly presents an underlying message of sharing and taking turns to accomplish great things.
The Fairy Ball
Stephen J. Brooks & Denise Seah
Purple Sky Publishing
PO Box 12013, Parksville, MO 53575
0976901749 $16.95 www.purpleskypublishing.com 1-816-516-8956
Written by Stephen J. Brooks in a lyrical rhyming prose, and featuring colorful illustrations on each page by Denise Seah, "The Fairy Ball" is a 32-page picturebook story of a young girl named Madelyn who tiptoes out into the night and dances with the fairies under the full moon. An especially ideal choice for bedtime reading by parents to their youngest children, "The Fairy Ball" is conceptually original, sweetly imaginative, highly entertaining, and particularly recommended for ages 3 through 6.
The Terrible Troll Cat
Annie Jacobsen & Susan Jo Hanson
Pickled Herring Press
2380 West Hill Drive, Fitchburg, WI 53711
0977827607 $16.95 www.pickledherringpress.com 1-608-274-8453
Written in lyrical verse by Annie Jacobsen and wonderfully illustrated by Susan Jo Hanson, "The Terrible Troll Cat" is the story of the young courageous Johannah and her dangerous quest to silence the 'yeowls' of the Terrible Troll Cat so that the Princess can rest. Johannah sets off on her mission accompanied by her friend Lars and journeys high into the mountains in search of the cat. Lars eventually becomes too afraid to continue and returns home, leaving Johannah to carry on alone. Young readers of this engagingly entertaining picturebook will find themselves totally engrossed in the story -- right down to the surprise at the end! Original, creative, superbly presented, "The Terrible Troll Cat" is a remarkable, memorable, and highly recommended addition to family, school, and community library picturebook collections.
Ruby Lee The Bumble Bee: A Bee Of Possibility
Dawn Matheson & Pamela Barcita
Bumble Bee Productions Inc.
725 Watch Island Reach, Chesapeake, VA 23320
0975434268 $17.95 www.buzzbbp.com 1-757-410-9409
Expertly written for children ages 3 to 8 by Dawn Matheson, and colorfully illustrated by Pamela Barcita, Ruby Lee The Bumble Bee: A Bee Of Possibility is the story of a very busy bee as she zips and zooms about in the garden. The lyrical text is fun to read and the unfolding story holds the laudable message to young readers that they, like the bees, should not focus on limitations but upon possiblities as they go about their daily activities. "Ruby Lee The Bumble Bee: A Bee Of Possibility" is a fun and 'kid-friendly' addition to any school or community library picturebook collection.
Mike And The Bike
Michael Ward, Phil Liggett & Michael and Tennessee Ward
Cookie Jar Publishing
332 West Martin Lane, Salt Lake City, UT 84107
SSA Public Relations (publicity)
16027 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 206, Encino, CA 91436
www.mikethebike.com www.cookiejarpublishing.com
159441498X $16.99 818-501-0700
"Mike And The Bike", whose colorful illustration by Phil Liggett combine perfectly with Michael's simple but entertaining story text, is a thoroughly "kid friendly" picturebook about a young boy and his bicycle adventures. Designed to motivate young readers to riding a bicycle for fun and fitness, "Mike And The Bike" is enhanced with an accompanying 30-minute CD featuring narration by Phil Liggett and original music by Grammy award-winning guitarist, songwriter and avid cyclist Michael Ward in collaboration with his son Tennessee Ward. Engaging, inspiring, and a great deal of fun, "Mike And The Bike" is confidently recommended for family, school and community library picturebook collections.
WWRT: What Went Right Today?
Joan Buzick, Lindy Judd, & James Kevin Sullivan
Buz-Land Presentations
1082 Lenape Way, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
KSB Promotions (publicity)
55 Honey Creek NE, Ada, MI 49301-9768
0976699001 $19.99 www.buz-land.com 1-201-396-0200
Co-written by Joan Buzick & Lindy Judd, and enhanced with illustrations by James Kevin Sullivan and music by Joan Buzick "WWRT: What Went Right Today?" combines thought-provoking questions with engaging pictures that, along with the accompany CD of lively songs, is designed to generate positive conversations enabling children ages 3 to 8 in identifying and appreciating the good things in their personal world. "WWRT: What Went Right Today?" is the perfect picturebook response to children's such commonly expressed negative phrases as "There's nothing to do!" and "Do I have to?", and "I don't want to!". A fun, "kid friendly", and unique interactive audio-picturebook, "WWRT: What Went Right Today?" is strongly recommended to the attention of parents concerned with instilling proper and positive values into the hearts and minds of their children.
The Broken Doll
Diane C. Zuber & Mary Meehan Firtl
Zuber Publishing
52180 Tammy Drive, Granger, IN 46530
0978555112 $17.95 www.zuberpublishing.com 1-574-272-8914
An original story creatively written by Diane C. Zuber and deftly illustrated by Mary Meehan Firtl, "The Broken Doll" is a Christmas story for young children ages 4 to 9. It is the story of a family's love for each other having more importance than the presence of expensive toys under a Christmas tree. Young Audra begs for every toy she sees but due to her father's recent lay-off from work, the family doesn't have the money to buy toys this Christmas season. Over the weeks leading up to Christmas morning Audra is a little girl who learns several valuable lessons all culminating in having the best Christmas ever for her family and herself. "The Broken Doll" is a wonderfully entertaining addition to any school or community library's Christmas picturebook collection -- and has an entertainingly presented message that children can benefit from all year long.
Abbey The Cavi In Miami Beach
Lisa Balaam
Balaam Books LLC
1825 West Avenue, Unit 11, Miami Beach, FL 33139
141961004X $19.95 www.balaambooks.com 1-305-531-9351
Lisa Balaam's Abbey The Cavi In Miami Beach is an upbeat children's picturebook about a young King Charles Spaniel who experiences adventure on the beach, making friends with Carlos the Crab and Danny the Dolphin as she searches for a special gift for Mr. B. When a storm suddenly approaches, Abbey must think fast and make her way back to her beloved family before the wind and rain carry her off! The vivid and colorful illustrations are sure to appeal to young readers, and especially young dog lovers, in this wondrous tale of discoveries through a puppy's eyes.
The Mice Of Bistrot/Des Sept Freres
Marie LeTourneau & Danielle Reed Baty
Tanglewood Press Inc.
PO Box 3009, Terre Haute, IN 47803
0974930369 $15.95 www.tanglewoodbooks.com
Written And Illustrated by Marie LeTourneau with assistance by Danielle Reed Baty, The Mice Of Bistrot/Des Sept Freres (Bistro of Seven Brothers) is a delightful children's picturebook about a family of Parisian mice who want to win the prize for the best cheese soup in France - and their sister, who wants to help out too! French words are skillfully spliced into this culinary tale of gathering and preparing ingredients for the love of the cooking arts, so that young readers can begin to absorb the beautiful language as they would sumptuous flavors in a meal. A pronunciation guide to the French words rounds out this whimsical and extravagantly illustrated storybook.
No Time For Fishing
Gail Heath
Condor Publishing Inc.
PO Box 39, Lincoln, MI 48742
1931079013 $14.95 www.condorpublishing.com
Written and illustrated by public schoolteacher and award-winning author Gail Heath, No Time For Fishing is a picturebook about a boy who wants to fish with his father more than anything. But he has difficulty concentrating in school, and the promised fishing trip keeps being postponed to give him more time to study. Frustrated with being deprived of time with his father, he struggles to deal with disappointment - until a turn of events that comes as a surprise to him reveals just how deeply his parents truly care for him. The illustrations have a childlike quality that perfectly suits this picturebook recommended for young readers who are just about ready to move on to chapter books.
Imagine This
Joanne Froh & Frances Plagens
Joanne Frances Press
PO Box 324, Romeo, MI 48065
0977764001 $19.95 www.joannefrancespress.com 1-800-960-2347
Written by Joanne Froh, Imagine This is a collection of short, rhyming poems for young readers, illustrated in exquisite detail with black-and-white ink drawings by artist Frances Plagens. Emphasizing the power of creativity, Imagine This is a lyrical adventure through the realms and stories of the mind. "The Dark": Tap tap // What was that? / Straight up in bed I sat / Eyes wide open peering, listening / Listening for something nearing. / Something creeping down the hall? / Its shadow cast upon the wall?
Little Red Rhupert
D. Arthur
Ostrageous Publishing
PO Box 2867, Hot Springs, AK 71914
0978514408 $15.95 www.rhupert.com 501-525-1314
D. Arthur's Little Red Rhupert is a rollicking fun picturebook about a little red ostrich searching for where he belongs in the world. And the world is such a big place to search! Little Red Rhupert feels alone because he isn't the right hue - all the yellow, green, blue, and purple Rhuperts flock together to do their favorite things, like ride jellly bean cars. At last Little Red Rhupert finds wisdom from Big Bon Red Flugurt - what binds him to the other Rhuperts isn't his color, but that he is a Rhupert just like them! A zany story with an underlying moral about not placing too much importance upon surface distinctions.
Tudley Didn't Know
John Himmelman
Sylvan Dell Publishing
976 Houston Northcutt Boulevard, Suite 3, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464
0976494361 $15.95 www.sylvandellpublishing.com 1-843-971-6722
Written and illustrated by John Himmelman, Tudley Didn't Know is a charming picturebook about a painted turtle who, in seeming defiance of the laws of physics, adopts the behaviors of other animals simply because he doesn't know that he can't. He hovers like a hummingbird and hops like a frog. But when he gets into trouble, trapped on his back atop a tall pile of rocks, only his special abilities as a turtle can help him - abilities that he doesn't know about either, until his new friends explain! A supplementary section of fun facts about the animals featured in Tudley Didn't Know and a simple craft project for creating a Tudley of one's own round out this happy-go-lucky story.
My Body My House
Kisa Beres & Julia Woolf
Green Nest LLC
PO Box 6117, Irvine,CA 92616
0977239209 $16.95 www.greennest.com www.checnet.org 1-949-387-3804
Written by Kisa Beres and illustrated by Julia Woolf, My Body My House is both a children's picturebook and a cautionary tale against overdependence upon chemicals. A Body (young boy) and a House live together harmoniously at first, but then the Body starts bringing chemicals into the house - pesticides to kill unfortunate insects, air fresheners to make the place smell nice even though they are toxic to breathe, and more. The Body fills the House with so many chemicals that the Body gets sick, until he finally heeds the House's advice to experience fresh air, and regrets his foolishness in depending on so many artificial toxins. In accordance with its message and the author's wishes, a portion of all the proceeds for My Body My House will be donated to the nonprofit organization Children's Health Environmental Coalition.
Malian's Song
Marge Bruchac & William Maughan
The Vermont Folklife Center
PO Box 442, 3 Court Street, Masonic Hall, Middlebury, VT 05753
0916718263 $16.95 www.vermontfolklifecenter.com 1-802-388-4964
A Vermont Folklife Center Book written by Marge Bruchac and illustrated by William Maughan, Malians Song is far more than a children's picturebook - it preserves a piece of American and Native American history, as passed down through the oral storytelling traditions of the Abenaki Indians. Set near Montreal in the mid-18th century, as Major Robert Rogers prepares a murderous raid on the St. Frances Abenaki community, Malian's Song follows the experiences of a young girl whose life is about to be abruptly transformed through the impending violence. She escapes, along with many others, yet leaves behind friends and family, and copes with the drastic changes in her life by creating and singing the Loneliness Song. Except for a few minor details, Malian's Song is almost entirely based directly upon research and oral histories of Major Rogers' infamous massacre and the resulting fallout. Highly recommended.
Impatient Pamela Learns About Germs
Sarah Overland & Aaron Conway
Trellis Publishing
PO Box 16141 Duluth, MN 55816
1930650116 $14.95 www.trellispublishing.com 1-218-722-3194
Written by Sarah Overland and illustrated by Aaron Conway, Impatiant Pamela Learns About Germs is an educational picturebook for young people about the importance of good hygiene and respectful habits to keep from getting sick, and to prevent spreading sickness to others. From the right way to wash one's hands, to the importance of keeping one's fingers away from the eyes, nose and mouth, to learning not to sneeze indiscriminately on people, Impatient Pamela Learns About Germs blends practical daily life lessons with whimsical illustrations to drive home its invaluable lessons. Enthusiastically recommended for both school and home reading collections, to be shared with young people at the earliest possible age at which they can understand.
Heading To The Wedding
Sara F. Shacter & Christine Thornton
Red Rock Press
Suite 114, 459 Columbus Avenue, New York, NY 10024
1933176059 $18.95 www.redrockpress.com 1-212-362-8304
Written by Sara F. Shacter and illustrated by Christine Thorton, Heading To The Wedding is a children's picturebook with a purpose beyond entertainment - to educate young people about what a wedding is like, and what the proper way to behave at one is. A young boy and girl are used to thinking of big gatherings as parties where they can dress up in costume and act out to have fun; together, they learn how to enjoy themselves and respect the special day of the bride and groom. A glossary of wedding words round out this ideal book for preparing children to attend a wedding.
Meerkat's Safari
Claudia Graziano & Michelle Barbera
Self Published
510 A Diamond Street, San Francisco, CA 94114
0977807207 $15.99 415-370-4969
Written by Claudia Graziano and illustrated by Michelle Barbera, Meerkat's Safari brings young readers on an exciting safari with an enthusiastically friendly meerkat, to see exotic wild animals such as zebras, flamingos, and monkeys. A two-page spread depicting each animal's footprints precedes the reveal of the animals themselves fluidly illustrated with gorgeous, full-color artwork. As rhyming, read-aloud adventures go, Meerkat's Safari is sure to please. "Congratulations! // Our safari is done / You've guessed all my friends / and met every one. // Until our next adventure, / it's time for me to go. // Take a trip to the zoo, / there are more animals to know.
I Am Utterly Unique
Elaine Marie Larson & Vivian Strand
Autism Asperger Publishing Company
15490 Quivira, Overland Park, KS 66221
1931282897 $ 18.95 913-897-1004
Written by Elaine Marie Larson and illustrated by Vivian Strand, I Am Utterly Unique: Celebrating The Strengths Of Children With Asperger Syndrome And High-Functioning Autism is a very special alphabet book with each letter of the alphabet corresponds to a positive quality or a strength found among children with Asperger Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism. From A for "I am an Animal Lover" to L for "I like to Learn" to T for "I Tell the Truth", the alphabet, phrases and simple color pictures offer an overall message of positive self-esteem. Especially recommended for families with Asperger Syndrome children.
James A. Cox
Midwest Book Review
278 Orchard Drive
Oregon, WI 53575-1129
phone: 1-608-835-7937
e-mail: mbr@execpc.com
e-mail: mwbookrevw@aol.com
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