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Reviewer's Choice
Milk Soapmaking
Anne L. Watson
Shepard Publications
1102 Olympia Avenue NE, #18, Olympia, WA 98506
9780938497455, $12.50, www.amazon.com
Making unique, specialized, and personalized soaps is both a craft and an art. Written and
compiled by Anne L. Watson, "Milk Soapmaking: The Smart and Simple Guide to Making
Lovely Milk Soap From Cow Milk, Goat Milk, Buttermilk, Cream, Coconut Milk, or Any Other
Animal or Plant Milk" is a collection of thoroughly 'user friendly' recipes and instructions for
making 'milk soaps' and begins with an introduction to the subject, what it is, the equipment
required to make it, and choosing between the two principle methods for making milk soaps,
along with step-by-step instructions that cover everything from preparation to cleanup. The
recipes for specialized milk soaps range from Yogurt Parfait Soap, to Cinnamon Oatmeal Soap,
to Marge's Chocolate Silk Soap, to Ruth's Butter Soap, and more! "Milk Soapmaking" also
covers such relevant issues as making soap with plant milks, shaping milk soaps, controlling
color, and a roster of frequently asked questions about milk soaps. Enhanced with a list of
internet resources and an index, "Milk Soapmaking" is enthusiastically recommended for anyone
wanting to try their hand as making milk soaps for themselves either as a hobby or as a
Nature Fold-Along Stories
Christine Petrell Kallevig
Storytime Ink International
PO Box 470505, Cleveland, OH 44147-0505
9780962876929, $11.99, www.storytimeink.home.att.net
Anyone can tell a story with words, but it takes something special to do it with other forms of art.
"Nature Fold-Along Stories: Quick and Easy Origami Tales About Plants and Animals" educates
those interested in origami in how to turn a simple craft and pastime into a story telling medium.
A creative endeavor, origami story telling can be an entertaining and fulfilling way to spend one's
time. "Nature Fold-Along Stories" is a strong choice for origami lovers.
The Last Stop
Alan Bower
Oak Tree Press
140 E. Palmer, Taylorville, IL 62568
9781892343536, $14.95, www.oaktreebooks.com
Many know of Abraham Lincoln the president, few know of Abraham Lincoln the lawyer. "The
Last Stop: Lincoln & the Mud Circuit" is a story of the sixteenth president's legal career,
covering his local law firm and his early political career in the state of Illinois. With records on
each of the cases used to tell their stories, it's a different look at the history of old Honest Abe.
"The Last Stop" is solid reading for any historian with a focus on Lincoln or law.
The Fiction Shelf
The Chemist
Janson Mancheski
Bridgeway Books
PO Box 80107, Austin, TX 78758
Phenix & Phenix Literary Publicists
2100 Kramer Lane, Suite 300, Austin, TX 78758
9781934454282, $15.95
There are far too many sick, perverted people in the world. "The Chemist" is a mystery following
Detective Cale Van Waring as he's hot on the trail of a serial abductor and murderer who has
been targeting girls throughout the Lake Michigan area. The chemicals his fugitive uses are all
Waring has to go on, and he must figure out the puzzle in before more girls die by this
psychopath's hands. The first of many Detective Waring mysteries, "The Chemist" is a sample of
good things to come from Mancheski.
Little Wolf Ranch
Magnolia Belle
Black Wolf Books
6659 Dick Price Rd, Mansfield, TX 76063-5243
9780979962431, $18.95, www.blackwolfbooks.com
The personal toll of war is much harder to recover. "Little Wolf Ranch" tells the story of two
families recovering from the two savage wars of the nineteenth century. The Civil War and the
Indian wars have both taken their toll, and only through companionship and help in each other
will full recovery be possible. "Little Wolf Ranch" is a part of the T'on MA series, and is another
excellent entry into it.
Bard King
Rowena Wright
PO Box 346, Mercer Island, WA 98040
9781933791128, $15.95, www.polisgames.com
The power of money is very strong, especially when it's corrupt. "Bard King" follows Ericca and
her companions as they face off against the powerful petroleum economies and the governments
behind them. With an intriguing cast of characters, it's an adventurous thriller with roots in
modern environmentalism and global politics. "Bard King" is well worth the read as an exciting
The Last Renegade
Mike Kearby
Trail's End Books
PO Box 201385, Austin, TX 78720-1385
9780978842291, $14.95, www.mikekearby.us
A traveling sideshow is no way to live. "The Last Renegade" is the story of Young-Man-Listens,
a young boy captured from his tribe and sold to a circus troupe, promoted as the Last Renegade, a
vicious native chieftain. Miserable in captivity of cruel master McDuff, he finds that to find his
freedom, he must make his character a bit more real to turn it against McDuff. "The Last
Renegade" is a riveting story of a child rising up against injustice and becoming a man.
Malicious Truth
April Gutierrez
JimSam Inc.
PO Box 3363, Riverview FL 33568
9780981691480, $13.95, www.jimsamic.com
Ignorance is bliss, as so often those who find an unpleasant truth say. "Malicious Truth" is
follows Ava as she deals with a world filled with lies and deception. When there is so much
deceit surrounding her, she soon finds that a happy ending is almost impossible, and just
admitting one's flaws is not enough. Imperfection and flaw is another major element making
"Malicious Truth" a charming, realistic story about how things really are.
Red Audrey and the Roping
Jill Malone
Bywater Books
PO Box 3671, Ann Arbor, MI 48106
9781932859546, $14.95, www.bywaterbooks.com
If you keep running away, eventually you will succeed. "Red Audrey and the Roping" follows
one Jane Elliot, one who has evaded her problems all of her life. Now forced into dealing what
has pursued her, she's forced to face her past, her family, her friends, even her lover. A story of a
woman finally coming to grip with a balanced existence and dealing with people, "Red Audrey
and the Roping" is a moving read of human relationships.
The Other Side
Cheney Duesler
Fireweed Press
638 Gately Terrace, Madison, WI 53711
9781878660213, $15.00
There are two sides to every issue, and sometimes even more than that. "The Other Side" is a
collection of short stories from accomplished and prolific fiction writer Cheney Duesler. Her
stories touch on the many sides to people and their different reactions to similar events. Filled
with intriguing characters and events, "The Other Side" is a fine short story collection,
Caged Innocence
A.P. Ri'Chard
Strebor Books International
PO Box 6505, Largo, MD 20792
Atria Books News (publicity)
1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020
9781593092092, $14.00, www.streborbooks.com
It's a shame when family relations fall so far. "Caged Innocence" is the story of Larry Henderson
and his legal battles trying to defend himself against a crime he didn't commit. Making his uphill
battle even tougher, Larry's own father seems to desire that Larry spend the rest of his life in
prison. A tale of wrongful accusations and sour family relations, "Caged Innocence" is a riveting
story from first page to last.
Handle Time
Lincoln Park
4465 Press
610-A East Battlefield Rd, Suite 279, Springfield, MO 65807
9780615215181, $14.95, www.4465press.com
While some people would say talking on a phone all day would be their dream job, they don't
imagine the reality of it. "Handle Time" is a novel delving into the weird world of call centers.
Told in a unique manner designed for nonstop humor and to keep readers reading in a fast paced
tale of the everyday grind, Park brings another tale into the genre she calls 'office-lit'. "Handle
Time" is a humorous exploration of the people Americans grow to hate but still exist.
Shine Annie
Better Oglesby Payne
New South Books Classics
PO Box 1588, Montgomery, AL 36102
9781603060042, $19.95, www.newsouthbooks.com
While adultery is condemned by many, few people with a rational mind think death is a correct
punishment. "Shine Annie" is a story of a young, teenage black girl facing adulthood before the
rapid social changes of the 1960s. Annie Watson was a successful high school student with a
beloved boyfriend, or so she thought. When he faces the harsh penalties from society for cheating
on Annie with a white girl, Annie's world radically changes. "Shine Annie" is a solidly
recommended read about America before the pushes of Dr. King.
Callie of the White Sand
Kimberly Ann Freel
27657 Highway 97, Okanogan, WA 98840
9780980155426, $12.50, www.cmppg.com
Abuse of a child is viewed as so abhorrent due to the long lasting implications. "Callie of the
White Sand" is the story of a child of abuse and overcoming that abuse for a happy and
prosperous life as an adult. Callie is a product of this abuse as a child by both her biological and
adoptive families. She must deal with her baggage for her love and her life, lest she let her life
long torment control her. "Callie of the White Sand" is a story of change and improving one's
life, entrancing reading.
Land Beyond Maps
Maida Tilchen
Savvy Press
PO Box 63, Salem, NY 12865
9780966987799, $14.95, www.savvypress.com
There are some periods of history rarely spoke of, but that doesn't mean they aren't interesting.
"Land Beyond Maps" takes a trip back in time to 1929, a time when the Stock Market crash was
saturating the headlines of the time. Instead, Tilchen focuses on a white woman who dedicated
themselves to preserving the Navajo culture and their struggles during the time, as well as their
arts. A light on a forgotten group, "Land Beyond Maps" is worth reading for educational value
The Second Elizabeth
Karen Lillis
Six Gallery Press
PO Box 90145, Pittsburgh, PA 15224
9780978296216, $10.00
There is very little bond stronger than friendship. "The Second Elizabeth" is a novel discussing
the relationship between two women friends as their platonic bond greatly benefits both of their
lives. With a strong influence of poetry, Lillis crafts a complex and moving story that many
women will relate to when discussing their true best friends in life. Moving and inspiring, "The
Second Elizabeth" is a novel for anyone who believes in the power of friendship.
Stories from the Asphalt
John Sparger
Unabashed Media
12430 Tesson Ferry Rd., Ste. 202, St. Louis, MO 63128
9780979865008, $12.95, www.unabashedmedia.com
The wide-open road - just an intermission in life for some, the life itself for others. "Stories from
the Asphalt" is a wide collection of fiction in various formats from one John Sparger. Using short
stories, poetry, and flash fiction, he offers insight into the mind of the biker and the road lover in
general. Utterly fascinating and hard to put down, "Stories from the Asphalt" is well worth the
price of admission.
A. J. Scudiere
Griffyn Ink
3004 Laurel Creek Dr., Grapevine, TX 76051
0979951011, $9.99, www.griffynink.com
Right and wrong are not always obvious. "Vengeance" follows Owen Dunham, who is
investigating the trail of a figure who is called the 'Grudge Ninja'. With little lead on the Ninja's
motives, he is shocked when he does start to learn of the truths, and begins to doubt the integrity
of his lead. The Grudge Ninja's methods may be wrong, but could its mission be right?
"Vengeance" is a thriller that dwells in shades of gray with many different characters with
different motives and codes, highly recommended.
Rocket Man
William Elliott Hazelgrove
Pantonne Press
27 North Wacker Drive #828, Chicago, IL 60606
9780615213071, $19.95, www.pantonnepress.com
Highly combustible fuel, fire, and bumbling fathers are never a recipe for success. "Rocket Man"
follows Dale Hammer as he tries to cut his own niche into Americana by being a good father to
his son. Life gets harder as his own father lounging around him and becoming the rocket man to
his son's scout troop. Being the rocket man leads Dale down a strange path of self-discovery in a
way he never thought he would. "Rocket Man" is a charming tale of fatherhood, family, and the
American dream.
Gone Crazy Out There
Francesca Rochberg
Kennedy & Boyd
c/o Kelley & Hall Book Publicity & Promotion
5 Briar Lane, Marblehead, MA 01945
1904999816, $19.95, www.kennedyandboyd.co.uk
From Mexico to Canada and beyond, life rages on. "Gone Crazy Out There" is Francesca
Rochberg's debut collection of short stories. Focusing on life and how it ranges from mundane to
surreal, she tells stories with many different setting set all over the west coast. Moving, "Gone
Crazy Out There" has countless situations that many a reader will relate to.
Blossoms Of Sin
Marshal Taylor
Mystic Publishers
850 S. Boulder Hwy., Suite 436, Henderson, NV 89015
9781934051306, $14.95, www.mysticpublishers.com
Abused children rarely grow up to be emotionally scar free adults. Gerald Casey grew up an
abused child. Now he's a solider on guard duty and thinking about killing someone who needs
killing. But what standards, what criteria, what value system goes into the decision making
process for a man like Gerald? "Blossoms Of Sin" by Marshal Taylor is a complex and riveting
novel that will fully involve the reader's rapt attention from beginning to end. A master
storyteller, Taylor makes his characters fully fleshed and emotionally complex with no easy
answers to tough questions. Thoughtful, thought-provoking, and inherently fascinating,
"Blossoms Of Sin" is a sophisticated novel that is highly recommended for readers who
appreciate an original and entertaining read, the kind that lingers on the mind long after the final
page has been turned and the book set back upon the shelf.
A. Scott Pearson
Oceanview Publishing
2817 West End Avenue, Suite 126-274, Nashville, TN 37203
Maryglenn McCombs Book Publicity
2817 West End Ave., Suite 126-274 Nashville, TN 37203
9781933515236, $24.95, www.oceanviewpub.com
Medicine has a decidedly dark side. That's what Eli Branch, who in line to become an
outstanding surgeon-scientist, learns when he investigates the suspicious death of one of his
patients. Eli unexpectedly finds that his late father (a long-time professor of anatomy at
Mid-South Medical College) has spun a web of lies and that untangling them is resulting in more
people meeting sudden violent deaths. That's why Eli enlists the aid of forensic pathologist Meg
Daily and the two of them find themselves in a life-or-death race against time, a race in which a
single false step would prove fatal to them both. The debut novel of author A. Scott Pearson,
"Rupture" is a superbly crafted non-stop thriller from beginning to end and highly recommended
for community library fiction collections and personal reading lists.
The Annunciations Of Hank Meyerson
Scott Muskin
Hooded Friar Press
214 Overlook Court, Suite 253, Brentwood, TN 37027
Maryglenn McCombs Book Publicity
2817 West End Ave., Suite 126-274 Nashville, TN 37203
9780981760926, $23.95, www.hoodedfriarpress.com
The key to successful contemporary fiction is the creation of interesting characters involved in
extraordinary situations. For example, take Hank Myerson. He's wry, shaggy, chubby, an
over-thinker, a ranter, a kibitzer, adores Emily Dickinson, and is in love with his sister-in-law.
Deftly penned by author and fiction award winner Scott Muskin, "The Annunciations Of Hank
Meyerson, Mama's Boy and Scholar" plunges the reader mind-deep into a story of love, lost, and
after having to deal with tragedy, duck jokes and the toy industry, a protagonist who ultimately
achieves redemption. Hooded Friar Press is a traditional, non-subsidy, non-vanity publishing
house dedicated to publishing high-quality books by new authors -- and with Scott Muskin's "The
Annunciations Of Hank Meyerson, Mama's Boy and Scholar" that have truly succeeded in their
literary mission with an original work of memorable fiction that can be confidently
recommended for personal reading lists and community library collections.
Kenneth Shelby Armstrong
Rough Roads Press
PO Box 7, Fort Towson, OK 74735
9780979832789, $14.95, www.kennethwrites.com
On the shores of Lake Biwa near Kyoto, Japan, an American Bishop laid his head in the lap of a
lovely Japanese woman and died. His death led to a secret that he had held since he was a young
soldier exploring the horrific aftermath of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It seems that the secret he
held onto for so many years may prove as destructive as those two atom bombs dropped from the
sky upon unsuspecting Japanese cities. Every novel, regardless of its genre, needs to open with a
hook, and then irresistibly propel the reader to dive in and become immersed in the story from
beginning to end. "Robin" by Kenneth Shelby Armstrong is just such a novel and highly
recommended as an original and carefully crafted story from first page to last.
The Photography Shelf
At Maxwell Street
Tom Palazzolo
Wicker Park Press
PO Box 5318, River Forest, IL 60305-5318
9780978967611, $45.00, www.wickerparkpress.com
Chicago's Maxwell Street had its beginnings as an old-world style European market place in the
19th century and evolved into Chicago's official open-air market in the 20th century as a tri-part
combination of sidewalk storefront shops, curbside vending sheds, and vending plywood
table-tops on wooden horses lining each side of the street. A pedestrian only area because of the
density of vendors, Maxwell Street was a true Chicago and enduring cultural landmark. Now in
"At Maxwell Street: Chicago's Historic Marketplace Recalled In Words And Photographs" by
tom Palazzolo, we are provided with a wealth of black-and-white captioned images along with
informative commentaries by Lori Grove, Jack Helbig, Lionel Bottari, Linda Platt, and others.
Enhanced with an accompanying DVD, "At Maxwell Street" is an especially recommended
addition to personal, community, and academic library Photogaphy and American History
reference collections in general, and Chicago History supplemental reading lists in
The Parenting Shelf
Our Great Kids
Tara Amaral & Chris Frie
TML Publishing
149 South Keyser Avenue, Taylor, PA 18517
9780982109106, $23.95, www.OurGreatKids.com
Divorce is sometimes necessary -- but always traumatic for kids and parents. Specifically
designed to assist divorced parents with children, "Our Great Kids: A Journaling Tool For
Separated Parents" is the collaborative work of Tara Amaral and Chris Frie who provide 'fill in'
visitation calendars, emergency contact lists, vital medication charts, day-to-day journals for the
kids to write in; and even a colorful folder for art work. Spiral bound and thoroughly 'user
friendly', "Our Great Kids" is an invaluable resource for keeping the lines of communication
open between separated parents wanting to do good by their shared children; stay involved in
their children's lives; helping to bring the children up with commonly held values and
expectations; and temper the effects of parental separation upon the emotional health and well
being of their children. "Our Great Kids" is especially recommended for parents who are
divorced and seeking ways to jointly raise their children to become healthy, happy, and well
adjusted adults.
The Military Shelf
Come in, Swanee Leader
Jim Staley
Good Buy Sweet Prints
PO Box 684, Woodacre, CA 94973-0684
9780981631103, $34.95, www.swaneeleader.com
There are millions of stories and events comprising American military history. "Come in, Swanee
Leader: The Thirty-Three-Month Odyssey of an LST in the 1950s" is the fascinating account of
the voyages of USS LST 561 that took place from October 1951 through July 1954. From
transporting thousands of prisoners of war in Korea, to sailing through Arctic pack ice, to a
pre-dawn beaching on the black sands of Iwo Jima, and so much more, "Come in, Swanee
Leader" describes what life and living conditions aboard this American military war craft was
like. In a way, "Come in, Swanee Leader" is a fitting and superbly illustrated memoriam for the
LST (Landing Ship Tank) which, while prominent in the theaters of World War II, is no longer a
part of the US Navy today. Jim Staley writes with the flair and expertise of a born story-teller and
"Come in, Swanee Leader" is a welcome addition to the growing library of American Military
History in general, and American Naval History in particular.
The Education Shelf
Verbal Behavior Targets
Diana Luckevich
DRL Books
37 East 18th Street, 10th fl., NY, NY 10003
9780975585948, $24.95, www.drlbooks.com
Special education programs are now an integral part of every public school system in the country. Among the student populations for which these programs are purposed are those students who suffer from language delays, most especially the growing number of children diagnosed with various forms of autism. Now classroom instructors and special education support staff working with these children can have access to a vital resource with "Verbal Behavior Targets: A Too To Teach Mands, Tacts And Intraverbals", written by Diana Luckevich, a parent of a child on the autism spectrum and an experienced data analyst with expertise in computerization applications in education. With a particular focus on autistic learners, "Verbal Behavior Targets" includes word lists and word combinations categorized by word families; accessible tools for children who are ESL learners; who have Down syndrom; who are autistic; or who are experiencing language delays; and/or are dealing with developmental disabilities. "Verbal Behavior Targets" also features common, functional and relevant language goals suitable for any child who is learning word skills. Enhanced with additional spaces and worksheets for teachers and involved parents to customize and track language for an individual child, "Verbal Behavior Targets" is an especially recommended addition for special education curriculum reference libraries and classroom lesson planning supplements.
The Pets/Wildlife Shelf
The Great Pageant
Eldon Remy
Publishing Works Inc.
60 Winter Street, Exeter, NH 03833
9781933002675, $19.95, www.publishingworks.com
Freely soaring through the skies majestically with grace - it's no wonder birds have captured the wonder of so many. "The Great Pageant: How I Learned About the Lives and Journeys of Birds" is Eldon Remy's chronicle of the yearly migration of birds towards the equator and their yearly return. Part memoir, he recalls his experience covering the ground and following the birds, referring often to other bird watchers and general enthusiasts. Of recommended interest to anyone who loves birdkind, "The Great Pageant" is a fine addition to avian studies shelves.
Paw Prints In The Stars
Warren Hanson
Tristan Publishing
2355 Louisiana Avenue North, Golden Valley, MN 55427
9780931674891, $19.95, 1-866-545-1383
The death of a beloved pet can be just as traumatic as the loss of a family member. That's because
for a great many of us, our animal companions are family. The grieving process can be just as
keenly felt and in acknowledgment of this reality, Warron Hanson has authored "Paw Prints In
The Stars: A Farewell And Journal For A Beloved Pet". Color photos of star images in the
heavens are a perfect complement to works of memorial consolation in the printed text. Of
special note are the pages set aside for the personalized addition of photos of the pet being
memorialized. "Paw Prints In The Stars" is an ideal gift for anyone who has suffered the loss of a
animal companion and wishes to honor their furry friend with a memorial keepsake.
The Sports Shelf
Bruce Valley
Peter E. Randall Publisher, LLC
PO Box 4726, Portsmouth, NH 03802-4726
9781931807722, $17.00 www.perpublisher.com
Seahawk: Confessions of an Old Hockey Goalie is the personal memoir of a young man who was
part of a championship New England town hockey team composed of World War II veterans
during the late 1950s. Seahawk continues to relate the author's trials, travails, joys and foibles as
he continued his passion for amateur hockey goaltending into the later years of life. "Why, when
you can hop in your car and drive a civilized half hour to an indoor rink, dress out in cozy
warmth, and play hockey in predictable weather conditions on perfect ice, would we shovel and
build a rink, risking frost bite and possible immersion to play outdoors? Fair question. Answer:
Because it's there. Because it's free. Because it's ours." A passionate testimony to the enduring
joy of sports, highly recommended especially for anyone who loves to play hockey.
Instant Replay
Tony Verna
Creative Book Publishers International
269 S. Beverly Drive, Suite 1442, Beverly Hills, CA 90212
The Saybles Organization (publicity)
22647 Venturas Blvd., #219, Woodland Hills, CA 91364
9780977913145, $16.95, www.bookpubintl.com
Blink, and you'll miss it. That was the world of sports until Tony Verna revolutionized it. "Instant
Replay: The Day That Changed Sports Forever" is the story of the Instant replay, something so
common place in modern day sports that to be without it would be unthinkable. Verna tells his
story of his long and elaborate career in the world of television, working with countless stars and
celebrities from Mick Jagger & Tom Selleck to Mother Theresa to even President Ronald
Reagan. "Instant Replay" is a riveting read about a television innovator.
The Spitball/Knuckleball Book
Tom E. Mahl
Trick Pitch Press
PO Box 1211, Elyria, OH 44036
0978628403, $32.95, www.amazon.com
Outlawed for being un-sportsman like and dangerous, the spitball was professional baseball most
famous (or infamous) pitching form and baseball enthusiast Tom E. Mahl has dedicated an entire
256-page illustrated book to their history. "The Spitball/Knuckleball Book: How They Are
Throw, Those Who Threw Them" is an original and unique baseball history begins by addressing
the origin of the spitball and the early 1901-130 decades of professional baseball. Then Mahl
identifies and provides biographical sketches of the players who used it when the spitball was
legal during those early years. Next to be identified and addressed are the pitchers who continued
to use the spitball pitch after it was banned from play. Of special note are the chapters on the 'Dry
Spitter' as the knuckleball was originally known, as well as on how the outlawing of the spitball
brought about the use of the knuckleball. Concluding this fascinating sports history is a chapter
on the physics of how the spitball and the knuckle ball work. Enhanced with the inclusion of an
extensive bibliography and an index, "The Spitball/Knuckleball Book" is an enthusiastic
recommendation for community library Sports History collections and the supplemental reading
list for all professional baseball fans.
The Science Shelf
Bubbles in Food 2
Grant M. Camp
Eagan Press
c/o AACC International, Inc.
3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121
9781891127595, $189.00, www.aaccnet.org
They're in almost everything we eat, but no one seems to notice. "Bubbles in Food 2: Novelty,
Health, and Luxury" is a look at everything about air within food. The science is a major topic,
discussing the history of humanity engineering air into chocolate for flavor and longevity, as well
as a complete and comprehensive history of aerated foods. Chocolate, bread, ice cream, and
countless others rely on bubbles, as a laundry list of experts on culinary, science, and agricultural
fields all discuss. With 400 pages divided into 39 chapters, "Bubbles in Food 2" offers one of the
most complete and comprehensive volumes on the subject that one can find. Enhanced with an
index, "Bubbles in Food 2" is enthusiastically recommended to community library collections on
the science and history of food.
The Health/Medicine Shelf
Judith Briles
Mile High Press
PO Box 460880, Aurora, CO 80046
9781885331304, $29.00
For an industry about caring for others well being, it sure is cutthroat. "Stabotage!: How to Deal
with the Pit Bulls, Skunks, Snakes, Scorpions, & Slugs in the Health Care Workplace" is a book
aimed at dealing with the deception and skullduggery involved in, of all things, the health care
profession. A guide to dealing with the bullies of the field and standing up for oneself, the
lessons presented in the field are not strictly exclusive to health care, as they can be applied to
any workplace with a bully. "Stabotage!" is an intriguing and empowering read, a top pick.
A Patient's Guide to Chinese Medicine
Joel Harvey Schreck
BayTree Publishing
PO Box 70236, Richmond, CA 94807-0236
9780980175806, $18.95, www.baytreepublish.com
There must be some truth in folk medicine; it's worked for thousands of years. "A Patient's Guide
to Chinese Medicine: Dr. Shen's Handbook of Herbs and Acupuncture" is a patient's guide to the
world of traditional Chinese folk medicine and how it can enhance one's more modern medical
treatment. Herbal properties, acupuncture, and other treatments are discussed, and "A Patient's
Guide to Chinese Medicine" is a must for those expanding their options.
Healing Honey
Lynne Chepulis
BrownWalker Press
23331 Water Circle, Boca Raton, FL 33486-8540
1599424851, $17.95, www.brownwalker.com
The American population is experiencing an epidemic of obesity with its attendant health
problems ranging from diabetes and atherosclerosis to vascular diseases and more. The basis of
this increasing health problem is the diet many Americans exist upon which is saturated with
sugars by the manufactures of processed foods and fast food restaurant menus. But there is
something concerned citizens can do -- replace sucrose and sugars with honey. While the
medicinal properties of honey have been known and employed for centuries, it has only been
within the past few decades that nutrition scientists and others have been able to understand that
the health benefits of natural honey stem from a high antioxidant content and contain a unique
blend of sugars, vitamins and other ingredients that help the human body to resist illness, recover
from illness, and enhance the prospect of a healthier life -- while elevating the culinary qualities
of meals that are as delicious as they are nutritious. All this and more is laid out in Lynne
Chepulis' new book "Healing Honey: A Natural Remedy For Better Health And Wellness", a
143-page paperback that is completely accessible to, and recommended for, the non-specialist
general reader with an interest in the medicinal properties of natural honey. An ideal addition to
community library Health & Medicine reference collections, "Healing Honey" also covers the use
of honey for burns and wounds, and is enhanced with the inclusion of a recipe section and a
The Mystery/Suspense Shelf
Snow Signs
Jennifer Seet
CCB Publishing
9780980999594, $14.95, www.ccbpublishing.com
When someone disappears without a trace, the uncertainty makes it the toughest case possible.
"Snow Signs" follows retired detective Claire Dungarven, who's dragged back into her career by
the disappearance of one Libby Newman. Dead or alive, the trail is uncertain as Claire is dragged
back onto the force to gather all the clues and hints to finding what became of Libby. "Snow
Signs" is a riveting mystery of missing persons and will appeal well to mystery fans.
Murder In The Tetons
J. Royal Horton
Sunlight Publishing
725 South Weber St., #309, Colorado Springs, CO 80903
9780615201481, $22.96, www.amazon.com
Mystery novels have been a core feature of American popular culture since their invention by
Edgar Allan Poe. When the body of an anthropologist (who seems to have also ben an artifact
smuggler on the side) is found buried in a remote cave in the Teton mountains, Detective Tom
Thomson of the Teton County Sheriff's office is assigned to a particularly baffling case of double
homicide. What clues there are come from the ceremonial garb clothing the corpse which takes
the detective and a Mexican Federale to the country of the Oaxacan Sierra, home to the Mixtec
Indians known as the 'Cloud People'. A riveting and suspenseful story from first page to last,
author Royal Horton is clearly a master of the storytelling arts with a deftly crafted mystery that
plays fair with the reader with a plot that never telegraphs from one page to another what's going
to happen next! The second volume of Horton's planned five-volume 'Jackson Hole Mysteries'
series, "Murder In The Tetons" is a fully rewarding read and especially recommended to mystery
fans who enjoy a particularly well-penned novel. Also highly recommended for personal reading
lists and community library mystery/suspense collections is Horton's first book of this
outstanding series titled "Murder In Jackson Hole" (Sunlight Publishing, 9780615201498,
The Fantasy/SciFi Shelf
The Spell Keeper
Dana M. Baird
Sam's Dot Publishing
PO Box 782, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406-0782
9780979790386, $17.95, www.samsdotpublishing.com
Homework, boys, clothes, toppling a sorcerer, all in the day of a fifteen year old. "The Spell
Keeper" is the story of Cassie, a fifteen-year-old girl who called Illinois home, but now finds
herself in a place where she should not be. Tevious is under constant turmoil from many sides,
and in order for Cassie to survive in this world to even have a chance of ever finding her way
home, she has to help solve some of these problems. "The Spell Keeper" is a fantasy that many
teen readers will relate to and adore, recommended.
Sophia and the Seven Goddesses
Ilene Satala & Beverley Danusis
Sophia Dolls
825 South Barr Street, Suite 300, Fort Wayne, IN 46802
9780615184814, $18.95, www.sophiadolls.com
Empowerment is something intangible, yet invaluable. "Sophia and the Seven Goddesses: A Journey of Self-Acceptance" is about a nearly-teenage girl's adventures during his visit to her archeologist grandparents in the historied nation of Greece. Sophia during her trip meets several Greek Goddesses who each inspire her with a gift to help her through life and become empowered. A book about finding power in oneself, "Sophia and the Seven Goddesses" is a solid gift for any young girl.
Terrance McKnight
Wolf Pirate Publishing
4801 SW 164 Terrace, Southwest Ranches, FL 33331
9780979837258, $15.00, www.wolf-pirate.com
Suicide is something considered when something gets so bad there is little other option. For Max
Harris, it's not even an option. "Undying" tells his story of being unable to die. A quality that
most would kill to have, Max simply finds it bizarre and strangely yearns for the ability to die.
He begins to investigate his unwilling immortality, and the unusual unknown force behind it.
"Undying" is a fantasy with many twists, highly recommended.
The First Vampire
Alicia Benson
Virtual Tales
PO Box 822674, Vancouver, WA 98682
9780980150681, $15.95, www.virtualtales.com
An ancient tale finds new life with a twist. "The First Vampire: A Novel of Samson and Delilah"
tells the story of the two with a twist. For thousands of years, Samson has pursued Delilah for
cursing him with the ability to pursue her for thousands of years - vampirism. Set in modern New
York City, the story is an unusual conflict for Samson. Upon finding his mark after all these
years, does lust or revenge win out? "The First Vampire" is a good, solid fantasy tale using the
biblical characters, highly recommended.
Jeremiah Bloom and the Amulet of Osiron
Stephen Wren
Blackbeard Books
PO Box 2015, Mount Juliet, TN 37121-2015
9780981902104, $14.95, www.blackbeardbooks.com
When against a wall, any job is taken, even aboard a ship which is believed to be doomed.
"Jeremiah Bloom and the Amulet of Osiron" tells of the titular character and his time as a cabin
boy aboard the ship known as the Nante. The Nante is on a crash course toward a vicious battle
with an evil force. His only ally and hope for survival, a secret society, Jeremiah must overcome
the odds to save the ship and honor a dead man's wishes. "Jeremiah Bloom and the Amulet of
Osiron" is a riveting tale of adventure on the high seas, enthusiastically recommended.
The Self-Help Shelf
You Grow Girl!
Gina Scarano-Osika & Kim Dever-Johnson
Larson Publications
4936 NYS Route 414, Burdett NY 14818
9780943914732, $15.95, www.larsonpublications.com
Puberty and the time around it can be some of the most challenging times of a young life. "You
Grow Girl!: A Self-Empowering Workbook for Tweens & Teens" is an inspirational self-help
manual aimed children between the ages of 9 and 16. Aiming to support girls as they deal with
the pressures of life be it from peers, self-esteem issues about one's life, and the general health,
all the things that comes with becoming a young woman. "You Grow Girl!" is a solid gift choice
for any tween girl.
Opening the Kimono
Theresa Rose
Serious Mojo Publications
PO Box 18996, Sarasota, FL 34276
PR/PR Public Relations (publicity)
775 S. Kirkman Road, Suite 104, Orlando, FL 32811
9780981886909, $13.95, www.theresarose.net
She hates how she looks, has had more misses than hits romantically, and can't seem to get that
promotion - so Theresa Rose is just like every other woman on the planet. "Opening the Kimono:
A Woman's Intimate Journey Through Life's Biggest Challenges" are the thoughts and opinions
of Miss Rose on the most challenging thing a woman will ever face - life itself. Frank and honest,
Rose encourages readers to better deal with life with the advice and information presented in
"Opening the Kimono".
Unspoken Thoughts of a Man
Kennedy F. Jones
Identifacts Publications
PO Box 16172, Kansas City, MO 64112
9780979371004, $24.95
There are many books on the thoughts of a woman by a man. "Unspoken Thoughts of a Man"
seeks to be some different- the thoughts of a man by a man. Aimed at women who want to get
inside the mind of what the other side thinks, Kennedy Jones creates much verse and poetry,
painting a vivid and epic journey for one to lose themselves in. Speaking on how a man loves a
woman, "Unspoken Thoughts of Man" is full of grand advice that will improve
Your Unfinished Life
Lawrence J. Danks
Helpful Media
302 Reading Avenue, PO Box 201, Barrington, NJ 08007-1050
9780615242071, $14.95, www.yourunfinishedlife.com
Unless one is already a corpse, there is still time to change. "Your Unfinished Life: The Classic
and Timeless Guide to Finding Happiness and Success Through Kindness" is a book encouraging
readers to embrace change for the better and don't let something like age or obligations stand in
one's way to finding true happiness in one's life. Saying that not doing so ends with one having
countless regrets, "Your Unfinished Life" is well worth reading for those who want to be the
person they think they can be.
The Biography Shelf
Surviving High Society
Elizabeth Marvin Mulholland
Bascom Hill Publishing Group
212 3rd Avenue North, Suite 570, Minneapolis, MN 55401
9781935098072, $16.95 www.bascomhillpublishing.com
Surviving High Society: Lots of Love Trumps Lots of Money is the true-life memoir of author
Elizabeth Marvin Mulholland, who was adopted into a wealthy New England family at a young
age and appeared to have it all. Yet beneath the outward appearance of her life, her family
situation was severely troubled - her beloved father passed away when she was twenty-two, her
adopted brother once attempted to murder her mother and became estranged from the family, and
her mother exerted near-absolute control over Elizabeth's life. Elizabeth's mother used her vast
wealth to convince doctors to keep Elizabeth locked up and medicated; it was only after being
disinherited that Elizabeth was able to experience freedom and establish a life she could truly call
her own. Surviving High Society is ultimately a tell-all from the heart, a story of one woman's
long journey to independence.
The Journal of Helene Berr
Helene Berr
Weinstein Books
345 Hudson Street, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10014
9781602860643, $24.95, www.weinsteinbooks.com
In the spirit of Anne Frank, "The Journal of Helene Berr" records the thoughts of and times of
Helene Berr, a Jew who lived her life in Vichy-controlled Paris during the dark days of World
War II. Drawing into her thoughts of her struggle to not lose her mind in an oppressive time, Berr
finds comfort in literature and music in a time that has no place for art. Tragically chronicling her
life to her death days before a chance at freedom, "The Journal of Helene Berr" is intriguing and
depressing reading about a black mark on humanity.
Lunch at the Igloo and Other Stories
Paul Huling, author
Selected by Don Huling
Boxing Day Books
535 South First Street, Princeton, IL 61356
9780979833229, $17.95 http://boxingdaybooks.com
Posthumously published, Lunch at the Igloo and Other Stories is a treasury of true-life tales that
author Paul Huling put to paper in remembrance of the adventures he and his brothers had
growing up in La Salle, Illinois during the Great Depression and World War II. A handful of
vintage black-and-white photographs illustrate this memorable collection of anecdotes ranging
from amusing to severely serious in tone. "Teachers enlisted in the armed forces, farmers
enlisted, factory workers enlisted, clergy enlisted. Older boys did not exist; they were men in
uniform, doing men's work for long hours in the war effort. Boys like me, who could have quit to
earn what was then a lot of money, were encouraged by our parents to stay in school. As we grew
older, sixteen and seventeen, we were treated more like college-age men than teenage boys.
Some of the boys grew up too fast, taking on responsibilities or lifestyles they were not mature
enough to handle." Highly recommended as a vivid, up-close and personal look into everyday
American life during a turbulent era.
A Long Stone's Throw
Alphie McCourt
Sterling & Ross Publishers
115 W. 29th St. 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10001
9780981453552, $25.95, www.sterlingandross.com
The talent of writing seems to be genetic. "A Long Stone's Throw" visits another memoir of the
McCourt family, the baby of the family, Alphie. Growing up in a rough family during a rough
time, Alphie had an eventful life like his other brothers. A whirlwind of a life brought him across
the Atlantic and seemed to not have him have much rest, as he found himself in Canada,
California, before finally finding stability in New York City. Another perspective of the McCourt
family, "A Long Stone's Throw" is well worth the read.
Bonny's America
Bonny Belgum
KenArnoldBooks LLC
1330 SW 3rd Ave., #810, Portland, OR 97201
9780979963476, $18.00, www.kenarnoldbooks.com
Freedom of speech is one of America's most sacred rights, and Bonny Belgum uses it to the
fullest. "Bonny's America: Cut the Woman Some Slacks!" is an anthology of essays and thoughts
from an outspoken individual. Offering much wit and sage wisdom throughout, Belgum's words
will keep the reader laughing as they learn of new perspective on several subjects. "Bonny's
America" is well worth the read for any politically-minded person looking for a sample of the
feminine side of things.
The Grandfather of Possibilities
Arlene Klein
Arlene Klein, Publisher
9780965091510, $11.95, www.designingpoet.com
Some people think excelling in one area is simply not enough. "The Grandfather of Possibilities"
is the story of Ron Klein. Ron Klein, voted 2003's athlete of the year, well past what most people
would consider the prime of their lives, is also an entrepreneur and inventor. Multi-talented and
undeterred even still, "The Grandfather of Possibilities" is an inspirational memoir that
encourages people to not believe in the word 'can't'.
If You Play with Fire...
Eugene L. Welischar
Advocate House
c/o A Cappela Publishing
913 Tennesee Lane, Sarasota, FL 34234
9780977913695, $19.95, www.acapela.com
Running into a burning building is often regarded as suicidal. For these men, it's their job. "If You Play With Fire..." is a memoir of one of these crazy, brave individuals who has made their living being a hero. Eugene Welischar has served more than three decades in the New York City Fire Department. A Korean War Veteran, his life story amounts to more than running into burning buildings. "If You Play With Fire..." is a moving and highly addictive read, recommended.
Remains of a Cloud
Ruth Cohen
Millenial Mind Publishing
5442 So. 900 East, #146, Salt Lake City, UT 84117-7204
9781589824331, $19.95, www.american-book.com
Bipolar disorder is a strange disorder, both to psychological professionals and its sufferers.
"Remains of a Cloud" is Ruth Cohen's battle with her own bipolar disorder, drawing on her life
experience. Ranging from her constant misdiagnosis from several psychiatric professionals, to
her fight for her life against herself, Ruth embarks on a spiritual journey to find happiness and
realize her own true worth in spite of her bipolar disorder. "Remains of a Cloud" is truly
inspirational, especially to those who suffer from bipolar disorder as well.
On We March
Bette Dowdell
Confident Faith Institute
PO Box 11744, Glendale, AZ 85318
9780971772854, $19.95, www.confidentfaith.com
The Salvation Army - few have put thought into it beyond witnessing the man dressed as Santa ringing a bell. "On We March: A Memoir of Growing Up in the Salvation Army" is Bette Dowdell's story of growing up under parents strongly involved in the organization. Painting a bright picture of the company, it draws upon the strong faith Bette gained growing up in life. Not afraid to laugh a little, "On We March" is a charming story of growing up in something that's always been there, but rarely thought about.
Crazy Town
Sterling R. Braswell
Kallisti Publishing, Inc.
332 Center Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702
9780967851464, $17.95, www.kallistapublishing.com
Meth - there is little good to say about it. "Crazy Town: Money. Marriage. Meth." tells the story of
Sterling R. Braswell and his wife. Mrs. Braswell became a user of meth, and he tells the story of
her downward spiral. He also speaks on the long and dark history of the substance, including use
by notorious figures and how its dangers have been known for decades. Designed as a wake up
call against the substance for Americans, "Crazy Town" is a tragedy and history in one, highly
The Environmental Studies Shelf
Take Back the Earth
Robert S. Swiatek
Swiatek Press
71 Georgian Lane #3, Buffalo, NY 14221
0981784313, $12.95, www.bobcooks.com
No host would have someone who exploited, littered, and destroyed their homes, yet humanity continues to trash the earth. "Take Back the Earth: The Dumb, Greedy Incompetents Have Trashed It" is the winner of the 2007 Indie Excellence Book award, and Swiatek demonstrates why. Explaining with humor and enlightenment the environmental issues we face today, "Take Back the Earth" is an ideal choice for readers concerned about the environment.
The End of Eden
Thomas Rain Crowe
Wind Publications
600 Overbrook Drive, Nicholasville, KY 40356
9781893239807, $16.00, www.windpub.com
It has its problems, but Earth is the only planet we got. "The End of Eden: Writings of an
Environmental Activist" is a collection of environmental essays from Thomas Rain Crowe.
Designed as an activist's handbook, he hopes to inspire his readers to go out and make a
difference, to improve their world and protect it from those who would exploit it. "The End of
Eden" is a solid and inspired read.
The Aviation Shelf
Prop Wash
Betty Kaseman
Black Forest Press
PO Box 6342, Chula Vista, CA 91909-6342
Epic Book Promotions (publicity)
594 Serrano Lane, Chula Vista, CA 91910
1582751358, $14.95
The gender barriers of society were not broken by single women, but by many over time. "Prop
Wash: For the Love of Flying" is the story of Polly Patter, a woman who took to the skies in a
time where commercial flight wasn't as common place as the automobile. In 1931, she began to
take to the skies, served in World War II, and lived on the edges performing stunt flights. Told by
friend and occasional copilot Betty Kaseman, "Prop Wash" is a solid recommendation for
aviation fans as well as fans of early women pilots.
The Christian Studies Shelf
Feed My Sheep: A Passionate Plea for Preaching
Eric J. Alexander & Collaborators
Reformation Trust Publishing
400 Technology Park, Lake Mary, FL 32746
9781567691078, $15.00, www.reformationtrust.com
To be called a sheep in today's world is an insult. But if there are no sheep, what need is there for the shepherd? "Feed My Sheep: A Passionate Plea for Preaching" is a discussion of the recent surge of individuality, to the point that many preachers no longer feel they are having any positive effect on society. Eleven pastors urge church leaders to continue to preach the word, and offer much advice in inspiring them to do so in spite of it all. "Feed My Sheep: A Passionate Plea for Preaching" is well recommended for any preacher who needs motivating.
Five Ws of God
Jerry Melisaratos
Hidden Manna Publishing
7848 Sepulveda Blvd. Unit B Van Nuys, CA 91405
9780615202860, $24.95, www.fivewsofgod.com
When discussing the Bible in a literal sense, so many questions seem unanswerable. "Five Ws of
God: The Who, What When, Where, and Why of God and His plan for Creation" hopes to
answer these many skeptical questions aimed at the Holy Bible. Adam and Eve, Noah's flood,
and countless other subjects are discussed, as Melisaratos hopes to give skeptic Christians a
renewal of faith through his reasoning. "Five Ws of God" is well worth the read for the Christian
who has trouble believing on blind faith alone.
Gospeled Lives
John Indermark
Upper Room Books
1908 Grand Avenue, Nashville, TN 37212
9780835899710, $13.00, www.upperroom.org
When one hears the voice of Christ, reactions vary widely. "Gospeled Lives: Encounters with
Jesus" is a collection of stories about those who have encountered Jesus. Telling their stories and
then offering advice for worship for either one person or a small group, "Gospeled Lives" is a
study guide for scripture and the words of Christ. Poignant and full of Christian advice,
"Gospeled Lives" is strongly recommended for Christian readers.
Pure Gold
Pam Davis
1820 Jet Stream Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80921
The B&B Media Group
109 South Main Street, Corsicana, TX 75110
9781934068649, $14.99, www.authenticbooks.com
The joy of life doesn't cost millions to attain. "Pure Gold" is an inspirational nondenominational
Christian handbook for readers who want to better embrace their faith. Relating the love of god
to having all the gold one could ever need, Pam Davis seeks to relate the concept of God's grace
in a way that anyone can understand and learn to love God, and therefore love themselves.
Spiritual and devout, "Pure Gold" will inspire faith in its readers, making it a must for any Christian
who's down and out in life.
Confessions of a Passionate Priest
Father Ameen
East Mountain Books
19 Spear Road, Suite 301, Ramsey, NJ 07446
9780981689203, $14.95, eastmountainbooks@yahoo.com
Celibacy is denying one of humanity's basest instincts, something harder to do than it sounds.
"Confessions of a Passionate Priest" is a memoir of a priest who was unable to maintain the
traditional practice of celibacy in the Catholic priesthood. Father Ameen found himself in lust
with a woman, a married one, and found himself too weak to resist. Scandal ensued, and after all
of it has died down, Ameen now recounts his story, offering a story of human weakness and what
ensues when one fails their duties. "Confessions of a Passionate Priest" is a titillating read, highly
The Business Shelf
Hey! I'm the Manager...
Steve Farner
Farner Group
PO Box 642313, Omaha, NE 68164
Concierge Marketing, Inc.
9780979832000, $29.95, www.stevefarner.com
What good is a manager if he can't manage? "Hey! I'm the Manager... Why Aren't You Listening
to Me?" is a guide to improving one's management skills in a world filled with rampant
disrespect for authority - or perhaps just incompetent authority. Designed to help those managers
who don't want to be the boss that's ignored, it's a primer on firm but fair management that's
humane while not letting oneself be walked over. "Hey! I'm the Manager..." is an ideal
management startup guide.
Content Rich
Jon Wuebben
Encore Publishing Group
124 S. Mercedes Road, Fallbrook, CA 92028
9780979762901, $19.95, www.contentrichbook.com
The internet is a vital, core component of any business' marketing plan if it is to remain viable
and profitable in today's volatile marketplace. But to properly utilize the internet the small to
medium sized business musing know how to write the kind of advertising or marketing copy that
will work best in this dynamic and evolving electronic forum. That's where "Content Rich:
Writing Your Way To Wealth On The Web" by Jon Wuebben comes in. He draws upon his
experience and expertise as the Founder and President of Telegent Media and
www.CustomCopywriting.com to create a comprehensive, definitive, and 'reader friendly' copy
writing guide for search engine rankings and sales conversions. "Content Rich" covers such
essential issues as growing an online corporate presence, acquiring new customers and selling
more products and services through the power of search engine optimized copy writing;
leveraging the combined power of site, landing page, blog, article, email, newsletter, PPC ad and
press release; as well as writing script copy for videos, pod casts, and content for social media.
Enhanced further with the inclusion of a resource-oriented appendices and endnotes, "Content
Rich" is an invaluable introduction and instructional resource recommended to entrepreneurial
reading lists, as well as academic and community library Business Studies reference
The Boxcar Millionaire
Tom Black
Tom Black Center for Selling
214 Overlook Circle, Suite 130, Brentwood, TN 37027
9780979242304, $19.95, www.tomblackcenter.com
Making millions is tough. Making millions from living in a boxcar is impressive. "The Boxcar Millionaire: Tom Black's Proven System of Sales Success" is a business manual from Tom Black, a man who rose up from nothing to become an extremely successful businessman. With dozens of tips, and advice for making one's way up the corporate ladder, Black discusses everything from making appointments, sounding genuine, and doing an excellent sales pitch. "The Boxcar Millionaire" is advice from someone who has had to use what they said to get ahead in the world, proving its integrity, highly recommended.
The Homeowner's Shelf
Home Remodeler's 2009 Costbook
BNi Building News
BNi Building News, Publisher
1800 Mineral Spring Ave #101, North Providence, RI 02901-3927
9781557016263, $77.95, www.bnibooks.com
Remodeling one's home isn't cheap. Especially when one is being nickeled and dimed when they
don't understand the costs. Now in a completely updated and revised fifteenth edition, "Home
Remodeler's 2009 Costbook" is a complete, comprehensive, and thoroughly 'user friendly'
reference and instructional guide that will prove to be of invaluable assistance to a home builder
or home remodeler, and for any category of building construction be it for a personal or business
architectural building project. Countless tables cover just about any service one would need
during the construction and the cost of materials, drawing the common hourly rates and material
costs. It also touches upon the many factors that will alter the costs, such as geographic
placement factors and others. "Home Remodeler's 2009 Costbook" is enhanced with many
resources, and is an absolute must.
The Theatre/Cinema Shelf
Romantic Comedies Hollywood Didn't Make But Should
Jill Pomerantz, editor
c/o Concierge Marketing
13518 L Street, Omaha, NE 68137
9780977432837, $18.95, www.readamovie.com
Not all good movie ideas ever make it to production. "Romantic Comedies Hollywood Didn't Make But Should" is a collection of five screenplays adapted to fiction format. Radical measures to break into show business, new surroundings, rising from obscurity, small town oddities, and dealing with the eccentric people are all subjects of fine stories. "Romantic Comedies Hollywood Didn't Make But Should" is a solid choice for those who are seeking the light stories that romantic comedies so often offer.
The Money/Finance Shelf
Managing the Price of Life
L. H. Hancock
White Dog Systems
PO Box 89845, Tucson, AZ 85752
9780615242255, $17.95, www.whitedogsystems.com
The most expensive thing one can do is live. "Managing the Price of Life: Surviving in the Real World for Young Adults" is a primer for those just stepping out into the real world, who are faced with the tough economic crunch that just about everyone faces at one point in their lives. Food, shelter, getting around, it all adds up, and "Managing the Price of Life" may be just what some people need to make ends meet.
The World History Shelf
Protecting Moscow from the Soviets
Peter Baird
National Wilers Press Inc.
17011 Lincoln Avenue, #421, Parker, CO 80134
9780881001433, $24.99, www.nationalwilers.com
Not a writer by trade, you wouldn't know any different from Peter Baird's work. "Protecting
Moscow from the Soviets" is a compendium of work from Peter Baird, collected from news
papers, magazines, and books from over the years of his work. Son of a World War II veteran,
he's been a lawyer, a magician, Baird's life has been unique and marred with constant family
issues that he's had to face over the years. "Protecting Moscow from the Soviets" is charming,
humorous, and a highly recommended read.
The Poetry Shelf
Robin Chapman
Cider Press Review
777 Braddock Lane, Halifax, PA 17032
9781930781030, $16.95 ciderpressreview.com
Prizewinning veteran poet Robin Chapman presents Abundance, her eleventh poetry collection.
The free verse is sparse, fluid, and evokes sparks of imagination worthy of a moment's held
breath. A brief yet captivating experience, much like life itself, highly recommended. "If
Cricket's Didn't Sing": If crickets didn't sing / So loud, telling how warm / It is, you'd hear quieter
things- / Flies landing, flick / Of the frog's tongue, / The heron stepping.
Dear Anais
Diana M. Raab
Plain View Press
PO Box 42255, Austin, TX 78704
Maggie Lang (publicity)
PO Box 5831, Santa Barbara, CA 93150
9781891386411, $14.95
Through her poetry, she became closer to a woman she had never even met. "Dear Anais: My
Life in Poems for You" is a correspondence to Anais Nin, whose writing is scattered throughout
several publicly released diaries and journals. Raab now offers her correspondence to Nin
through remarkable verse. "Dear Anais" is well worth the read, recommended. "Toast": Pour the
champagne;/clap for the exuberances;/bow to the accomplishments;/ and flush all the
A Well-Mannered Storm
Kate Braid
Caitland Press
8100 Alderwood Road, Halfmoon Bay, V0N 1Y1, Canada
9781894759281, $16.59, www.caitlin-press.com
Art inspires art, and "A Well-Mannered Storm" is proof of it. Kate Braid is an accomplished
author and poet, and this time turns her inspiration to the music of famed Canadian pianist Glenn
Gould. Telling a story through verse of a conversation with Gould and a fan, "A Well-Mannered
Storm" is unique and fine poetry from a master. "Song": One note/rises like grass/a melody of
green/oratorio, majestic/cricket.
Between Fire and Water, Ice and Sky
Gretchen Diemer
Northshore Press
717 Brown's Landing, Port Alsworth, AK 99653
9780979436512, $18.00, northshorepress@starband.net
The views of a woman from the north can be as poignant as any. "Between Fire and Water, Ice
and Sky" is a collection of poetry from Gretchen Diemer, a resident of Alaska and lover of the
arts. Her poetry is her imprint of society onto her and back, drawing on events ranging from the
Kennedy assassination to the harsh yet beautiful environment around her. Enhanced with an
interview disc and a selected readings of poems, "Between Fire and Water, Ice and Sky" is a fine
investment for poetry lovers. "Family Bones": She drinks because her husband/left her for
another/woman. Because the star that was/her heart shattered/into a thousand particles and
scattered/beyond the Milky Way. Light/turns to ice in her glass./Far from the grave/her father
turns in she drinks,/because a woman holds/the family bones next to the heat/and she is so cold
she will never dissolve.
Richard Carr
The Word Works
PO Box 42164, Washington, DC 20015
9780915380701, $15.00, www.wordworksdc.com
Poetry can be a medium for storytelling just like anything else. "Ace" is a collection of
fourteen-line poems telling of the junkyard love story of Ace and Carol. Crafting unique
characters and solid verse, "Ace" is a fine experiment into narrative poetry. "Full-Blown": The
peonies shouldering the front steps/first attract ants/shrewd ants climbing the stems/to syrupy big
buds ready to bloom/explode/and then they do and that's it/they bloom in great heaps of heavy
color/one mound a dark engorged pink/the other billowing white/all dotted with wet yellow/but
then tomorrow the petals decay and detach/and scatter on the ground like kitchen garbage/and
now you have to love them/with full-blown-love.
Shaking the Grass for Dew
Richard Lewis
New Native Press
PO Box 661, Cullowhee, NC 28123
1883197147, $14.95, www.newnativepress.com
What happens when you expose an American poet to the vast array of Eastern literature and
poetry? "Shaking the Grass for Dew" is that result as New Yorker Richard Lewis offers profound
and inspiring verse he has drawn from great eastern poets. A book of positive culture clash,
"Shaking the Grass for Dew" is a top choice for poetry fans.
Oana Avasilichioaei
Wolsak and Wynn
69 Hughson Street, Suite 102, Hamilton, ON Canada L8R 1G5
9781894987295, $17.00, wolsakandwynn.ca
Life is built upon life. "Feria: A Poempark" is poet and poetry translator Oana Avasilichioaei's
second book of poetry focusing on the history and life that today's buildings, structures, history,
and life are built on top of. Layers are the topic, and Oana weaves it well. "Feria" is a grand book
of verse, recommended. "Momiji Garden": animal a leaf/in silence; know-/ledge sustains/a
privilege briefly./in a barn sweating/straw of our straw.
The Religion/Spirituality Shelf
Courageous Souls
Robert Schwartz
12989 Westchester Trail, Chesterland, OH 44026
Whispering Winds Press
c/o North Atlantic Books (publicity)
2526 Martin Luther King Jr., Way, Berkeley, CA 94704
9780977679454, $16.95, www.courageoussouls.com
There is a time before one is born, what happens to the soul then? "Courageous Souls: Do We
Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?" is a spirituality-themed discussion of a person's greatest
challenges in life. Claiming that one's soul may choose an outline of one's life before their birth,
it discusses the blueprint of life and how it plays out. Asking some highly intriguing questions
about existence and how life is to play out, "Courageous Souls" is exquisitely interesting new-age
Thou Shalt Not Love
Patrick M. Chapman
Haiduk Press
PO Box 1783, New Rochelle, NY 10802-1783
Michele Karlsberg Marketing and Management (publicity)
101 Lexington Ave, Staten Island, NY 10302
9780971468627, $19.00, www.haidukpress.com
Love thy neighbor, the words of Jesus Christ himself. Yet fundamentalist Christians in America
have become one of the most stereotypically hateful groups in the country. "Thou Shalt Not
Love: What Evangelicals Really Say to Gays" is a look at the anti-homosexual sentiment that
many fundamentalist Christians preach to the public and why it's flawed when looking through
the Bible and the flaws in the arguments of these individuals. Another perspective on the gay
marriage debate raging through the country, "Thou Shalt Not Love" is an ideal choice when
trying to understand why there is a debate in the first place.
The Humor Shelf
Hip Like Me
Geoffrey D. Falk
Million Monkeys Press
PO Box 68586, 360A, St. W, Toronto, ON Canada, M5S 3C9
9780981068206, $15.95, www.hiplikeme.com
Get a haircut is almost his N-word. "Hip Like Me: Years in the Life of a "Person of Hair"" tells
Geoffrey Falk's story of being a long haired gentlemen, and the discrimination he faces for his
choice of hairstyle. Ludicrous in concept, Falk realizes this well and good, and discusses a wide
range fo subjects discussing discrimination in America today, be it for race, gender, or creed.
"Hip Like Me" is a humorous look at discrimination in its many forms.
Totally Skewed Guide to Life
Diana Estill
Totally Skewed Productions
120 E. FM 544, Suite 72, PMB 135, Murphy, TX 75094
9780979970818, $14.95, www.totallyskewed.com
Life is not a simple logical matter, why do so many treat it like it is? With gut busting humor,
Diana Estill brings readers "Totally Skewed Guide to Life", a collection of humorous essays
about the inherent humor that's abound in daily life, and offers poignant wisdom on many
subjects, hidden behind the facade and farce of life. A must read for those who want to truly
understand the irrationality of the world, "Totally Skewed Guide to Life" is utterly entertaining
The Travel Shelf
Drive I-95, 4th edition
Stan Posner & Sandra Phillips-Posner
PO Box 43527, CSP Roxboro, Dollard des Ormeaux, Quebec, Canada, H8Y 3P4
9781894979887, $23.95, www.drivei95.com
There are few roads with more history in America than I-95. "Drive I-95" is a travel guide listing
the adventures one can have on the road rolling from Boston to Miami. Filled with maps, the
guide outlines where one can get one of a kind cuisine they can't get elsewhere, good places for
lodging, gas stations, even outlining where speed radar traps are commonly laid out throughout
the eastern coast of the United States. "Drive I-95" is the best friend of anyone who goes on a
road trip through the region.
The Computer Shelf
Introduction to AmiBroker
Howard B. Bandy
Blue Owl Press
3700 S. Westport Avenue, #1876, Sioux Falls, SD 57106
9780979183812, $39.95, www.blueowlpress.com
A good tool makes anything easier. "Introduction to AmiBroker: Advanced Technical Analysis
Software for Charting and Trading System Development" is a complete and comprehensive guide
to AmiBroker, a program that will help many deal with the confusing mess that is one's finances
when dealing with stocks, mutual funds, commodities and more. Covering everything about the
program from installation to expert usage, "Introduction to AmiBroker" is the manual that should
have come with the program.
The Literary Shelf
The Saga of Beowulf
R. Scot Johns
Fantasy Castle Books
3711 Meadow Drive, Boise, ID 83706
9780982153802, $14.95
The oldest fantasy action hero is now presented in a modernized novel format. "The Saga of
Beowulf" is a novelization of the epic old English poem and its most celebrated and possibly
oldest example of literature with Beowulf. The very thing most fantasy and adventure novels are
founded on, it is a entertaining work, that educates readers where the roots of the genre found its
niche in society. "The Saga of Beowulf" is a classic, full of guaranteed enjoyment.
The American History Shelf
Staking Her Claim
Marcia Meredith Hensley
High Plains Press
PO Box 123, Glendo, WY 82213
9780931271908, $19.95 www.highplainspress.com 1-800-552-7819
Staking Her Claim: Women Homesteading the West tells the true stories of women who seized
the opportunity to become landowners by homesteading in the (then still wild!) west during the
early 1900s. The text smoothly summarizes the unique challenges and hardships these women
faced, but the main draw to Staking Her Claim is its primary sources - letters and articles of the
era in which these women tell their stories in their own words. Vintage black-and-white
photographs pepper this enthralling hands-on account, highly recommended for high school,
college, and public lending library collections. "Another reason homesteading by single women
increased by the time of the Enlarged Homestead Acts of 1909 and 1912 is that by then the
daughters of families who homesteaded in the late 1800s were coming of age. These young
women had acquired skills needed to homestead while growing up on their parents' homesteads
farther east and were no strangers to the hard work they were undertaking."
The Needlecraft Shelf
Color Mastery
Maria Peagler
Willow Ridge Press
10690 Big Canoe, Big Canoe, GA 30143
9780981627700, $26.95 www.colormastery.com
Beautifully illustrated with full color photographs and diagrams, Color Mastery: 10 Principles for
Creating Stunning Quilts is a no-nonsense guide to developing one's own quilting patterns using
the principles of aesthetically pleasing color combinations to maximum effect. From developing
one's color vision in a journal to making any two colors work together to creating a more
versatile stash and more, Color Mastery spells out the basics as well as advanced tips, tricks, and
techniques. Written by award-winning quilter Maria Pegler, Color Mastery is a top-notch
addition to any quilter's reference library.
James A. Cox
Midwest Book Review
278 Orchard Drive
Oregon, WI 53575-1129
phone: 1-608-835-7937
e-mail: mbr@execpc.com
e-mail: mwbookrevw@aol.com
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