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Reviewer's Choice
A Gentle Madness
Nicholas A. Basbanes
Fine Books Press
c/o Gulotta Communications
341 Lexington Street, Newton, MA 02466
9780979949159, $15.95, www.amazon.com
Dedicated bibliophiles and ardent book collectors will find "A Gentle Madness: Bibliophiles,
Bibliomanes, and the Eternal Passion for Books" by Nicholas A. Basbanes to be a superbly
crafted testament to what drives someone to prize books the ways others might esteem paintings,
sculptures, fine wines, or precious gems. Originally published in 1995, this new edition for 2012
features a new preface by the author. A 678-page compendium organized into two main sections,
enhanced with a section of illustrations, an epilogue, extensive notes, an extended bibliography,
and a comprehensive index, "A Gentle Madness" is strongly recommended for community and
academic library collections, and simply a great read for anyone who has every held their own
passion for the world of the printed word.
Montana Stirrups, Sage and Shenanigans
Flying Diamond Books
402 South 14th Street
Hettinger, ND 58639-7529
9780918532763, $29.95
The ranching spirit of the past lives on to the modern day. "Montana Stirrups, Sage and
Shenanigans" is a take on the Old Western era taken into the modern day, delving into the charm
of this old school nature of the past and taking notes on the modern day. With plenty of
adventure humor, drama, and the drive to succeed that were the foundation of Old Western
stories, "Montana Stirrups, Sage, and Shenanigans" is a fine pick for those who seek more of
these stories of legend, enhanced with many historic black and white photographs.
The Writing/Publishing Shelf
A. William Benitez
Positive Imaging, LLC
9016 Palace Parkway, Austin, TX 78748
9780984248094, $19.95, http://positive-imaging.com
From the days of Guttenberg's invention of moveable type down to the present time it has never
been easier to turn a manuscript into a book. Among the growing library of 'how to' books for the
aspiring self-published author, one of the newest is also one of the best: "Self-Publishing:
Writing A Book And Publishing Books And eBooks For Yourself And Others" by entrepreneur
and author A. William Benitez is a 182-page compendium of thoroughly 'user friendly'
instructions that are based upon Benitez personal experience and expertise as a self-publishing
author with both print editions and eBook titles to his credit. Beginning with reasons for writing
and self-publishing a book, Benitez' "Self-Publishing" manual offers step-by-step instructions
and experienced-based commentary on how to plan the book; the value of and tools for backing
up your writing; the vital market-based importance of title selection; the reasons and tools for
creating and editing drafts as you prepare your manuscript for publication; obtaining an ISBN;
crating a competitive book cover; creating your own book marketing web site; and more. Of
special note are the chapters on setting up a publishing services company; self publishing options
such as CreateSpace; eBook options like Kindle and other options for eBook publishing; and
creating effective screen shots. Informed and informative from beginning to end,
"Self-Publishing" is an ideal and instructive introduction that is especially recommended for
novice authors seeking to publish print and/or eBook editions of their work writing books of all
genres, topics and subjects in today's highly competitive marketplace.
The Economic Studies Shelf
The Rainforest
Victor W. Hwang & Greg Horowitt
25228 La Loma Drive, Los Altos Hills, CA
9780615586724, $12.99, www.amazon.com
Silicon Valley continues to succeed even as the rest of the country flounders. "The Rainforest:
The Secret to Building the Next Silicon Valley" discusses the success of Silicon Valley and
presents alternative ideas to understanding the success of the region than simply the free market
at work. Offering a challenge to traditional economic wisdom, "The Rainforest" is a much
recommended read for those who want to better understand the intersection of economics,
innovation, and business success.
The Jobs/Career Shelf
The New Professional's Toolkit
Bethan Ruddock
Facet Publishing
7 Ridgmount Street, London, WC1E 7AE
9781856047685, $95.00, www.amazon.com
The information profession is rapidly evolving, continually expanding, and markedly
competitive. Bethan Ruddock's "The New Professional's Toolkit" is a 192-page compendium that
is practical, instructive, informative, and indispensable for anyone seeking a career in this field.
Replete with 'real world' advice and insights from working professionals, enhanced with
illustrative examples, "The New Professional's Toolkit" will equip the reader with the tools
necessary to engage in professional networks and professional self-promotion for the purpose of
marketing IT skills. Readers will learn how to develop revenue from speaking and writing
engagements, as well as using online and social media tools for recruiting clients.
Comprehensive and 'user friendly', "The New Professional's Toolkit" will prove to be an
indispensable resource and a highly recommended addition to personal, professional, and
academic library IT services reference collections.
The American History Shelf
Forbidden Citizens
Martin B. Gold
TheCapitol.Net Inc.
9781587332357, $29.95, www.amazon.com
One of the principle reasons for the study of history is to identify and not repeat the mistakes and
errors of the past. "Forbidden Citizens: Chinese Exclusion and the U.S. Congress: A Legislative
History" is a comprehensive and detailed history of American congressional legislation passed
for the intended purpose of discouraging and decreasing Chinese immigrants to America and to
prohibit those Chinese already in the country from becoming U.S. citizens. It's interesting to note
present day parallels to Republican party based local, state, and federal legislative efforts with
respect to Hispanics. Author Martin B. Gold has created a seminal and impressive 616 page work
of impeccable scholarship, making "Forbidden Citizens: Chinese Exclusion and the U.S.
Congress: A Legislative History" a very strongly recommended addition to academic,
community, and governmental library American History and American Legislative History
reference collections and supplemental reading lists.
The Religion/Spirituality Shelf
Forging the Male Spirit
W. Merle Longwood, William C. Schipper, OSB, & Philip Culbertson
Wipf and Stock Publishers
199 Wes 8th Avenue, Suite 3, Eugene, OR 97401
9781556353055, $19.99, www.wipfandstock.com
College can change everything that went up before it. "Forging the Male Spirit: The Spiritual
Lives of American College Men" discusses the spirituality of men going throughout college and
the ways things change throughout the period. Exploring many case studies of not just religion,
but other aspects of spiritual and emotional concerns, the rise of spirituality groups, the
influences of masculinity and more, "Forging the Male Spirit" is well worth considering for
social issues and spirituality collections.
The Mystery/Suspense Shelf
The Silence of the Loons
With An Introduction by R. D. Zimmerman
Ellen Hart, et al.
Nodin Press
c/o Micawber's Inc
530 North Third Street, Suite 120
Minneapolis, MN 55420
9781932472363, $16.00, www.amazon.com
"The Silence of the Loons: Thirteen Tales of Mystery by Minnesota's Premier Crime Writers" is
a jaggedly perfect North Star State collection of mystery short stories by the best of Minnesota's
crime writers. Each author is familiar with all or most things and places Minnesotan, in addition
to being a topnotch crime-writer. Each of the thirteen chapters is a complete mystery, written to
include a common list of eight significant clues, just to make the challenge a bit harder. Readers
will enjoy digging into the detailed beautiful scenery of the Land of Sky Blue Waters and 10,000
lakes as a fascinating and sometimes unearthly setting for murder. Even more intriguing perhaps
is the implied task of guessing the list of 8 significant clues. A reader can cheat and read the list
at the end, but that would definitely spoil all the fun of reading every different author's skilled,
embroidered handling of the dastardly plot and clues. In this hottest summer on record (in the
Upper Midwest), settle back with a classic and see what really good Minnesota writers can do in
this delicious sampler of crime. In addition to the Minnesota Crime Wave, authors include, M. D.
lake, Mary Logue, Judith Guest, Monica Ferris, K. J. Erickson, Ellen Hart, Lori L. Lake, Kerri
Miller, David Housewright, and Pat Dennis. Happy summer reading while listening to the
Sea of Crises
Marty Steere
Penfield Publications
2533 Eastwind Way, Signal Hill, CA 90755
9780985401405, $15.95, www.martysteere.com
The last moments of a failed lunar expedition can plague the minds of those charged with their
safety. "Sea of Crises" follows the mystery of the statements of Bob Cartwright, Commander of
the Apollo 18 mission which left him and his crew burned to death after their heat shield failed
on re-entry into Earth. Nearly four decades later, his sons try to find what exactly happened that
day... and find out it isn't close to what they had imagined. "Sea of Crises" is a mystery set
amongst exploration, very highly recommended.
The Cure
Bradlee Frazer
Diversion Books
80 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1101
New York, NY 10011
9781938120329, $12.99, www.diversionbooks.com
The human body holds great potential, and a panacea for us all could lie in one man's genetics.
"The Cure" is a medical thriller following Jason Kramer, whose body has created the vaccine that
can counter a deadly virus that is costing thousands of lives. But the greed of one business man
will stop Kramer from helping those in need, because a cure will put a dent in the profits. "The
Cure" is a fast paced and hard to put down read, highly recommended.
Monet's Palette
Jean Sheldon
Bast Press
PO Box 2043
Hillsboro, OR 97123-1919
9780983813606, $12.95, www.wellworthpublishing.com
To be cut off from your ability to create is a difficult time for an artist. "Monet's Palette" is a
novel following artist teacher Rayna Hunt as an accident may claim her hand and a false
accusation may claim her freedom. Forced to prove her own innocence and find the root of the
matter, "Monet's Palette" is an insightful spin on art and mystery, making for enticing reading all
the way through.
Notary Public Enemy
Tony Iovino
Diversion Press, Inc.
PO Box 3930, Clarksville, TN 37043
9781935290209, $14.95, www.diversionpress.com
Some people never find peace. "Notary Public Enemy" is a novel from Tony Iovino as he writes
of Peter De Stio, a man who has lost everything and is set to lose his career and freedom in the
process as accusations begin to rise against him. Working with many new blood lawyers, he has
to find the truth in a field he can't fully understand. "Notary Public Enemy" is a fine pick for
those seeking a modern style thriller with a slice of mid-life crisis.
Dark Side of Justice
Raymond Davis
Borderline Publishing
406 S 3rd St., Boise, ID 83702
9781936408542, $15.99, www.borderlinepublishing.com
Even justice itself is rarely black and white. "Dark Side of Justice" is a novel from Raymond
Davis, following independent forensic scientist Carl Bowman as he finds himself drawn into the
Green River serial murder cases, clashing with local law enforcement. With threats emerging
around him, he seems to have to work against and with the law to find something that resembles
justice. "Dark Side of Justice" is a strong pick for general mystery collections.
Without Sin
David S. McCabe
Sunstone Press
PO Box 2321, Santa Fe, NM 87504-2321
9780865348783, $24.95, www.sunstonepress.com
A clash between law and chaos brews, with many lives in the balance. "Without Sin" is a
collection of fiction from David S. McCabe as he explores a border clash in the making as
Border Patrol Agent Garrett Harrison searches for the truth behind brutal violence, and a
struggling Mexican prostitute tries to find something in her life to make it worth living. "Without
Sin" is a strongly recommended pick for contemporary thriller collections.
The Complexity of a Soldier
Michelle Bellon
An Old Line Publishing Book
PO Box 624, Hampstead, MD 21074
9781937004439, $15.95, www.oldlinepublishingllc.com
Life can change in an instant, and it can leave life irrevocably changed. "The Complexity of a
Soldier" is a novel following Iraq War veteran Rory Nichols, who is driven from the war in the
Middle East to fight a more unconventional war at home, and how to cope with everything that
goes with it. "The Complexity of a Soldier" is a riveting pick for fans of thrillers.
King of the Bottom
William C. Gordon
Bay Tree Publishing
1400 Pinnacle Court #406, Richmond, CA 94801
9780983617907, $14.95, www.baytreepublish.com
The easy answer is rarely the correct one. "King of the Bottom" is a novel from William C.
Gordon, who writes of a grisly murder and the pursuit of reporter Samuel Hamilton as he tries to
clear the obvious scapegoats of the crime and find the truth, but in the process finds a deeper
crime that problematic things that come with it. "King of the Bottom" is a multi-layered mystery
that should prove very enticing.
To Wander the Labyrinth
Brian Peters
AASP Press
135 E. 6940 S. Midvale, UT 84047
9780983857204, $16.00, www.bcpeters.net
A way out is all that many truly want out of life. "To Wander the Labyrinth" follows Clay, a
government agent who is losing what he believes to be his humanity. Drowned with drugs, he
tries to find the truth through it all and has the weight of his actions weigh on him heavily. "To
Wander the Labyrinth" is a psychological thriller that may very well be difficult to put
The Poetry Shelf
Peter N. Liptak
Exile Press
c/o Smith Publicity
1930 E Marlton Pike, Suite I-46
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
9780980197402 $24.95 www.smithpublicity.com
Letters: Building an Alphabet with Art and Attitude is compendium of poetry and simple yet
striking art, celebrating the letters that formulate the English language. A brief, rhyming poem
meditates upon the quintessential element of each letter, opposite a page of bold colors
experimenting with that letter's shape. Letters is a unique and thoughtful browse. "Nix Nox, an X
in a Box: A kiss X'd out in stretched out socks: Radiant in red and dangerously black, / Boxed in
and crossed, but such is the fact / Of an azure axis central to the power of X / Exponentially
expressed in a crisscross text."
The Alleluia Tree
Christine Swanberg
Puddin'head Press
PO Box 477889, Chicago, IL 60647
9780981975627, $12.00, www.puddinheadpress.com
Poetry weaves words together to reflect on what has passed. "The Alleluia Tree" is a collection of
poetry from Christine Swanberg as she presents her prolific work with plenty to consider. "The
Alleluia Tree" is a fine assortment of work, not to be missed for modern poetry lovers. "Writing
in the Dark": You have been writing in the dark/before dawn, when suddenly you discover//you
are in the middle of a metaphor:/Writing in the dark before dawn,//you are waiting for
illumination/or maybe just a clue//telling you that this dark muse/who has eclipsed your
waning/and your fullness/was worth your attention.//By the time you read this, the dawn/has
exchanged stars with the night.
Mario Benedetti
White Pine Press
PO Box 236, Buffalo, NY 14201
9781935210313, $20.00, www.whitepine.org
Held to be one of Latin America's best twentieth century poets, "Witness: The Selected Poems of
Mario Benedetti" is the first collection of Benedetti's poetic work in English, choosing a good
sample to introduce English readers to his work. Deftly translated by Louis B. Popkin, "Witness"
is a core addition to any international collection of poetry. "Idyll": The birds/the trees/salute one
another in their season/birds nest/ trees offer nesting places/their wings and leaves exchange
caresses/as down below the grasses and toadstools/continue their idyll on the ground.
Micah Ling
PO Box 911, Buffalo, NY 14207
9781934513354, $13.00, www.sunnyoutside.com
The weight of the dominant people can often make the not so dominant cave under the
hopelessness of pressure. "Settlement" is a collection of poetry from Micah Ling, as she presents
a charged comparison that seeks parallels between the Native American people and the people of
Palestine, stating they are both without land of their own. An intriguing approach of poetry,
"Settlement" is poetry worth considering for those seeking politically charged work.
"Reservation": You are the drum/ You/not standing near it. You don't/just hear it. You are/all the
way in it. You are/stretched thin. You are/beaten again. You are/locked in, and booming.
Under My Skin
Liza Hyatt
WordTech Editions
PO Box 541106, Cincinnati, OH 45254-1106
9781936370641, $18.00, www.wordtechweb.com
As a woman enters middle age, she has seen a bit of everything out of life. "Under My Skin" is a
collection of poetry from Liza Hyatt, who reflects on her own struggles of being a mother, a
lover, and human being through the worst of it all. "Under My Skin" is well worth considering
for those looking for humble poetry, much recommended. "As Winter Begins": On a mild
December afternoon,/during sex while the baby is napping,/I struggle, unable to climax.//Outside,
sheltered by leaf-mulch/in the flowerbed near the gas-meter,/not brooding on the chilly gray that
was,/not anticipating the freeze, the ice that will be,/the year's last flower, a pansy, turns
toward/today's extra strands of post-solstice light,/feels this warm moment,/and no other,/and
In Company
Kate Bernadette Benedict
CW Books
PO Box 541106, Cincinnati, OH 45254-1106
978193670580, $18.00, www.readcwbooks.com
The desolation of the corporate world can sometime make people yearn to feel simply human. "In
Company" is a collection of poetry as Kate Beradette Benedict seeks that humanity in the
business world, touching on many topics. With a touch of humor and much to ponder, "In
Company" is well worth considering. "Morning in Sodom": ...and the fog is lifting. A
chancre-sun/reddens at the lip of haze. As I weave through a warp of pushing bodies, I cleave/my
mind to last night's carnal exhibition/I had tried to scour into sink and drain./Let me rush to cool
offices of commerce/where the flesh is quashed, where only the purse/opens in greed! But I go
against the grain.//Buildings slant, there's racket, smoke i glooming:/I step in a sinister
promenade./Beneath crisp suits, behind designer frames,/I sense an animality that
grooming/shields only from the pure./These walkers claim/an eminence they do not own. I know
that masquerade.
She is Pupa, Soft and White
Elinor Cramer
Word Press
PO Box 541106, Cincinnati, OH 45254-1106
9781936370535, $18.00, www.word-press.com
Poetry is music, and that music encompasses our souls. "She is Pupa, Soft and White" is a
collection of poetry from Elinor Cramer, who seeks to touch softly on the world and what is in it.
"She is Pupa, Soft and White" comes very warm, and is very much recommended reading. "She
is Pupa, Soft and White": I strap on snowshoes and trail/last year's weed heads/poking through
snow./A goldenrod stalk swells/over a spotted fly's larva --/all that protects it/from the shriveling
cold.//Then I set out across the lake/swinging one heavy foot/ahead of the next --/I'm learning to
walk again, entrusting my skin/to a fragile crust.
Sailing on Milkweed
Jeanine Stevens
Cherry Grove Collections
PO Box 541106, Cincinnati, OH 45254-1106
9781936370634, $18.00, www.cherry-grove.com
Our memories can be vivid, and our memories can be blurry. "Sailing on Milkweed" is an
assortment of poetry from Jeanine Stevens who explores memory with her verse and offers much
to ponder and think about in the process. "Sailing on Milkweed" is well worth considering for
those seeking new tastes of poetry. "Trade Routes": The amulet grows heavy/against my
chest.//White soured chalk,/like battery acid, rakes/swollen lips. I ignore/your blunt,
surly//negotiations, watch/the stream between us//shrink. How tied we are/to each other's breath.
I step//across, heave gulps of air/and exchange salt for gold.
The Clock of the Long Now
Annabelle Moseley
David Robert Books
PO Box 541106, Cincinnati, OH 45254-1106
9781936370573, $18.00, www.davidrobertbooks.com
Our story is just a chapter in a much larger book. "The Clock of the Long Now" is a collection of
work from Annabelle Moseley who discusses our place in history, using sonnets and related
forms to present technical yet intriguing verse. "The Clock of the Long Now" is a solid addition
to any poetry collection. "A Time for Silence": And every bursting forth rising in me, each noise
of joy and mourning and release that clamors through my thoughts to unwind, free/itself of sound
and drift to emptied peace/is now restrained, held back, suppressed. Instead,/this voice is
breezeless all the chimes are still./Everything is mute - a winter bed/slept in by one - sheets cold,
white as a pill./This conversation has its partners, though./Insight, reflection, prayer and not least,
grace/run warm fingers through the white-iris snow/that piles from my thoughts at steady
pace./The bold and sun-drenched streak there in the white/of that mute flower is the spoken
The Artemis Sonnets
Anne Harding Woodworth
Turning Point
PO Box 541106, Cincinnati, OH 45254-1106
9781936370504, $18.00, www.turningpointbooks.com
The hunt has evolved into something that is always seeking, always looking, always evolving.
"The Artemis Sonnets" is a collection of thoughts and poetry from Anne Harding Woodworth as
she focuses on Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt and what she means to the modern woman. "The
Artemis Sonnets" is a collection of poetry that shouldn't be overlooked. "Geometry: Hexagon":
The kite he made from forest-green/trash-bag plastic and off-white balsam/found thermals warm
and higher than/I would ever go. The clumsy pinwheel spun,/set its rags to lapping loud
against/angry downdrafts, early gusts of a fast.
Murder Ballad
Jane Springer
Alice James Books
238 Main Street, Farmington, ME 04938
9781882295937, $15.95, www.alicejamesbooks.org
A sudden thrust into gentry can make for an unusual variance of culture shock. "Murder Ballad"
is a collection of poetry from Jane Springer as she presents her own take on the American south
and the unusual nature that comes with it all, presenting a fine spin of thought. "Murder Ballad"
is a strong pick for American literary poetry collections. "Mules": When they told us Don't speak
until spoken to, we grew/ears the size of corn.//When they forced us to eat everything we
swallowed their hurt whole.//When they hit us for drawing on the wall we painted doors that
opened behind curtains./For generations they lived like this. Wanting badly to/save us - not
knowing how.//& all the while we found love in unlikely places: In/the ravaged church of our
bodies & our faces,/refracted in their long faces.
The Red Sea
Stephen Edgar
Baskerville Publishers
9112 Camp Bowie West #214
Fort Worth, TX 76116
9781880909782, $19.95, www.baskervillepublishing.com
Gaining much renown in his native Australia, Stephen Edgar has not before been released
internationally before "The Red Sea". Presenting his work, drawing heavily from current affairs
and the long history of the world, Edgar's work captures the enlightened spirit of modern
Australia. "The Red Sea" is a fine addition to international poetry collections. "Time Out": Only
the trees perhaps, the sleeves of grass/Leaning against the light, learn to compose/the windbent
seconds as they pass/In cells of cellulose.//Or else the creatures in their quest to kill/And to
survive, deliver or devour,/Stretch to its limits as they fill/The membrane of the hour.//But you,
where are you in the falling day?/Some drowned god drags your foot off Sounion./This quartet
eats your heart away./You stare, but the sky is gone.
The Fiction Shelf
Lowcountry Rising
Samuel Othello Barlow
Perigree Publishing
1130 E. Main St., #183
Ashland, OH 44805
9780983563600 $14.95 www.lowcountryrising.com
Lowcountry Rising is a dramatic and emotionally hard-hitting novel about the secrets that lurk
within South Carolina's Lowcountry swamps... and in the hearts and minds of people. This
summer has its share of people struggling with problems. Sticker is a middle-aged man bearing
scars from his abusive childhood; his pretty but sharp-tongued neighbor Candy is trying to raise
her nine-year-old daughter as a single mother; and Tom, Candy's second ex-husband and
Sticker's cousin, is arranging drug deals with help from the corrupt local sheriff. Everything is
poised on a knife's edge when Tom is caught trying to molest Candy's daughter, setting off a
cascade of violence and retribution. Lowcountry Rising is as much about learning to overcome
the traumas of the past as it is a fight for the future, and highly recommended. (Due to the
graphic and controversial nature of some scenes, Lowcountry Rising is not recommended for
readers under eighteen at the author's own behest.)
The House of Serenades
Lina Simoni
Moonleaf Publishing
PO Box 4909, Palm Springs, CA 92263
9781937700010, $14.99, www.moonleafpublishing.com
As a family seems destined for destruction, one talent may save them yet. "The House of
Serenades" is a novel of the turn of the twentieth century Italian high society which held just as
much neglect and abuse as anywhere else. With a powerful message of music and never settling
for what you want out of life, "The House of Serenades" is a fine work of literary historical
fiction, much recommended.
Jacob's Return
Andrew Tertes
Sapphire Ink Press
PO Box #262, 1245 Farmington Ave.
West Hartford, CT 06107
9781938133008, $15.95, www.sapphireinkpress.com
Our origin and place in the world seem to endlessly elude us. "Jacob's Return" follows the
struggles of Jacob Goldman, a Jew turned away form his faith looking for something else to
define himself as a human being among it all. Connecting to his wife's native American roots in
Hawai'i, Jacob is forced to answer the question of who he is more swiftly, a question that is rarely
easily answered. "Jacob's Return" is a fine addition to contemporary literary fiction
The Law of Jealousy
E. Deloryce Dunlop
Black Rose Writing
PO Box 1540
Castroville, TX 78009
9781612960401, $20.95, www.blackrosewriting.com
Divorce is a fantasy for some, with the fall out potentially worse than the marriage. "The Law of
Jealousy" is a novel following the struggles of Eva Randall-Collier, a woman who seems trapped
in a marriage of abuse. Gaining the courage to flee, she is faced with accusations of desertion and
the fall out in their community. "The Law of Jealousy" is an intriguing exploration of the impact
of divorce in small town communities, worth considering.
A Tainted Dawn
B. N. Peacock
Fireship Press
PO Box 68412, Tucson, AZ 85737
Author Marketing Experts (publicity)
PO Box 421156, San Diego, CA 92142
9781611792126, $19.95, www.fireshippress.com
As America is born, the superpowers of Europe clash with one another for power and territory.
"A Tainted Dawn" is a historical novel set at the end of the eighteenth century, as the powers of
Europe head off to war. Following youths of these nations as they find their way through their
lives and the conflict, "A Tainted Dawn" creates a riveting setting with plenty of twists and turns
that should prove difficult to put down, very much recommended.
The Society of Wolves
Robert E. McHaney
Branden Books
PO Box 812094, Wellesley, MA 02482
9780828324557, $18.95, www.brandenbooks.com
The Native peoples of the Americas did not accept defeat quietly into the night. "The Society of
Wolves" is Robert E. McHaney's novel of the struggles that the Native Americans faced in
defending their land from the invaders of the European colonizers. Their victories, while not
permanent, were great when they happened and they made sure to make the cost of victory quite
high. "The Society of Wolves" is a strongly recommended pick for historical fiction
Jeffrey Hickey
Big-N-Boo Productions
PO Box 922, Inverness, CA 94937
9781470152611, $15.99, www.jeffreyhickey.com
A transitory time and a changing time. "Morehead" is a novel from Jeffrey Hickey, as he presents
a straight man living in San Francisco in its turbulent time of the transition from the 1970s to the
1980s. Presenting a picture of the city's triumphs, tragedies in this rough period, "Morehead" is a
strongly recommended pick for those seeking a driven depiction of the place and era, much
Marcus Johnson
Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Co.
12620 FM 1960, Suite A4-507
Houston, TX 77065
9781608600663, $28.00, www.sbpra.com
Some spirits never fade. "Salome: An Invitation to the Dance" to the dance is an exploration of
the Biblical dancer with a unique twist on the tale, focusing on the Bogweasel family exploring
the history beyond the tragic and misunderstood story of the figure and the drives that remain
millennia after her passing. "Salome: An Invitation to the Dance" is a strong addition for those
seeking fiction with a strong Biblical and historical element.
The Fifth Device
Gunther Boccius
Bryce Cullen Publishing
PO Box 731, Alpine, NJ 07620
9781935752240, $15.95, www.brycecullen.com
Greed can blind people. "The Fifth Device" is a work of contemporary fiction. Author Gunther
Boccius explores the tale of a coastal Californian town who receives an offer from a water
bottling plant that seems to involve good dose of money. But the problems are unforeseen and
chaos soon takes the town, with only a prophet to take them. A tale that pulls no punches, "The
Fifth Device" is a read that is very much worth considering for general fiction collections.
Daughter of Fortune
Carla Keely
Camel Press
PO Box 70515, Seattle, WA 98127
9781603818919, $14.95, www.camelpress.com
The struggle for survival is one that always keeps going. "Daughter of Fortune" is a novel from
Carla Keely, who tells the story of Maria Espinosa, a struggling woman who is trying to survive
in the late seventeenth century. Set in the chaotic and shifting Spanish-ruled Mexico, Maria faces
struggles of family, friendship, and the search for a better life through it all. "Daughter of
Fortune" is a strongly recommended pick for fans of historical fiction set amongst Latin
A Time for Poncey
Craig Davis
St. Celibart Press
9780982956755, $TBA www.stcelibart.com
A touch of the unusual can revolutionize our perspectives of the world. "A Time for Poncey And
Other Stories Out of Skullbone" is a collection of short fiction from Craig Davis, touching on the
nature of southern gothic nature and exploring our world through a metaphysical lens, providing
strange humor and thought equally. "A Time for Poncey" is a strong pick for short fiction
The Fantasy/SciFi Shelf
Tales From Super-Science Fiction
Robert Silverberg, editor
Haffner Press
5005 Crooks Road, Suite 35
Royal Oak, MI 48073-1239
9781893887480, $32.00, www.amazon.com
Knowledgeably compiled and deftly edited with introductory comments by the renowned science
fiction author Robert Silverberg, "Tales from Super-Science Fiction" is a 400-page compendium
showcasing fourteen of the best sci-fi stories by some of the best authors from the all-to-brief
glory days of science fiction pulp magazine 'Super-Science Fiction' which was a bi-monthly
publication that ran from December 1955 to October 1959. Beginning with Robert Silverberg's
'Catch 'Em All Alive' and 'The Loathsome Beasts'; to Robert Bloch's Broomstick Ride' and Alan
E. Nourse's 'The Gift Of Numbers', all the stories comprising this outstanding anthology are
timeless entertainments. Of special note are the faithfully reproduced magazine covers in full
color in the end papers. A true treasure, "Tales from Super-Science Fiction" is enthusiastically
recommended to any and all science fiction fans and for community library Fantasy & Science
Fiction collections.
The Donors
Jeffrey Wilson
Journal Stone
199 State Street, San Mateo, CA 94401
c/o MM Book Publicity
2817 West End Avenue, Suite 126-274, Nashville, TN 37203
9781936564484 $TBA ebook
9781936564460 $16.95 pbk. www.journalstone.com
The Donors is a chilling fantasy-horror novel set in modern times. As a young man named
Nathan recovers from the injuries his mother's abusive ex-boyfriend inflicted, he becomes aware
of a sinister force pervading the hospital that treated him. He catches glimpses of demon-like
humanoids with pale faces, radiant eyes, and viciously sharp teeth. A malevolent force is
harvesting skin and vital organs from helpless hospital victims! Nathan's only ally against the
monsters is the Doctor who cares for him; they are the only ones who can see the demon's true
forms and resist their depredations. The Donors is shocking, powerful, and will keep the reader
in suspense to the very end.
Rhett Stuart
Missage Media
PO Box 303, Montpelier, VA 23192
9780982954720, $18.00, www.qenetics.com
As DNA itself becomes a product to be pushed, there are those driven by greed who will seek to
get maximum profit. "Qenetics" is a science fiction novel of the near future where a man dubbed
Duke with tremendous talent in Genetics presents a challenge to the world, tempting the people
of the world to upgrade their DNA and own talent and potential. Between and his talents which
border on mind control, stand an enhanced dog and the humans he has taken a liking to.
"Qenetics" is an unusual and much recommended pick.
The Ruins of Noe
Danika Dinsmore
Hydra House
1122 E Pike St., #1451, Seattle, WA 98122
9780984830121, $12.95, www.hydrahousebooks.com
When one has no destiny, they will just have to make one all their own. "The Ruins of Noe:
Faerie Tales from the White Forest" is a fantasy of the White Forest faeries and the Ancient
Ones. Brigitta, the one with no destiny chosen for her, embarks on her journey to receive one,
and in the process finds many challenges to the ideas of thought and destiny in the process. "The
Ruins of Noe" is a fine fantasy for lovers of the faerie driven idea of the genre.
Kevin H. Murphy
Ragungi Press
PO Box 28
Vernon, BC Canada, VT 6M4
9780981163222, $19.95
Divide and conquer is a common strategy, because it is all too effective. "Choices" is an entry
into Kevin H. Murphy's 'The Jendorra Boxes' series, focusing on the subtle invasion of Earth by
otherworldly beings who have their own nefarious intents. But their own petty scheming may be
second to the larger threat that seeks to destroy them all. "Choices" is a riveting blend of science
fiction and fantasy, much recommended.
The Theatre/Cinema Shelf
Joe Estevez: Wiping Off the Sheen
Brad Paulson and Chris Watson
Bear Manor Media
PO Box 71426, Albany, GA 31708
9781593932817, $14.95, www.bearmanormedia.com
Although not as famous as other members of his family, Joe Estevez has made his own impact on
Hollywood history. "Joe Estevez: Wiping Off the Sheen" is the memoir of Hollywood actor,
director, and writer Joe Estevez. Authors Brad Paulson and Chris Watson explores the story of
his cinematic exploits and his role among one of Hollywood's most prolific families. Focusing on
his work in major and independent films, personal stories, and other writing, "Wiping Off the
Sheen" is a must for those who want another perspective on the Sheen/Estevez family. A short
story written by Joe Estevez is also included!
Theatre World
Ben Hodges & Scott Denny, editors
Theatre World Media
264 Clendenny Avenue, #6
Jersey City, NJ 07304
9781557838407, $49.99, www.amazon.com
Whether as a casual browse by non-specialist general readers with an interest in the performing
arts, or a student researching contemporary theatre, "Theatre World: Volume 67 2010-2011" is
the collaborative work of the editorial team of Ben Hodges (President of Theatre World Media
and editor-in-chief of 'Theatre World') and professional actor/singer Scott Denny will prove to be
an invaluable reference addition to professional, academic, and community library
Theatre/Cinema/TV reference collections and supplemental reading lists. This 500-page
compendium is the core guide to all venues of live theatrical productions from New York City's
Broadway to all of the major regional theatres around the country. Of special note are the
succinct synopsis, casts, and contributors for Broadway, Off-Broadway, Off-Off-Broadway, and
regional threatre productions for the past year. Profusely illustrated throughout with more than
800 hundred black-and-white photographs, "Theatre World: Volume 67 2010-2011" is informed
and informative, including obituaries, lists of longest running shows, nominees and winners of
major theatrical awards, and a comprehensive index.
The Relationship Shelf
Perfect Combination
Jamillah & David Lamb
Between the Lines Productions
PO Box 150188, Brooklyn, NY 11215
9780984925001, $16.99, www.acoupleoflambs.com
Harmony is when everything just works together. "Perfect Combination: Seven Key Ingredients
to Happily Living & Loving Together" is a motivational read from Jamillah & David Lamb as
they advise readers on forging that stronger bond more effectively with one another, stating how
to stay together and love together for years upon years, drawing on their experience living and
working together for much of their lives. "Perfect Combination" is a choice and much
recommended pick for self-help and relationship collections.
The Business Shelf
Main Street Money
Mark Matson
Main Street Money Book Review
5955 Deerfield Blvd., Mason, OH 45040
9780985362003, $29.99, www.matsonmoney.com
Small businesses can flourish in today's economy, but it can be tough with Wall Street bearing
down. "Main Street Money: How to Outwit, Outsmart, & Out Invest the Wall Street Bullies" is a
small business Main Street guide from Mark Matson as he advises readers on keeping their
business afloat against the heaviest pressures of Wall Street and allowing their business to
flourish well now and for the future as well. "Main Street Money" is very much worth
considering for those who want their family business to stay family for quite some time to
Taming the "Terrible Too's" of Training
Dan Cooper & Ken Cooper
TotalComm Press
718 Yolanda Court
St. Louis, MO 63126
9780985094904, $16.95
Training is required for many of today's professions, and doing it efficiently is vital for business success. Taming the "Terrible Too's" of Training: How to Improve Workplace Performance in the Digital Age is a guide for those in charge of their business' training programs, and shows how to avoid the common pitfalls that come with training, often with what comes from overdoing it and overburdening one's newest trainees. Taming the "Terrible Too's" of Training is a strongly recommended pick for business reference collections.
The Biography Shelf
The Spy with the Wooden Leg
Nancy Polette
Alma Little
8362 Tamarack Blg, Ste 119-106
St. Paul, MN 55125
9781934617168, $12.95, www.almalittle.com
When one is undervalued due to their gender, the drive to prove them wrong comes strongly.
"The Spy with the Wooden Leg" is a biography of Virginia Hall, a Baltimorean woman who
jumped at the chance to serve the Allies in World War II, overcoming gender discrimination and
a wooden foot in the process. Earning ire from the Gestapo, she significantly helped the Free
French Resistance throughout the conflict. "The Spy with the Wooden Leg" is a strongly
recommended addition to history and biography collections, not to be overlooked.
The Metaphysical Studies Shelf
Astrology for Career Success
Gayle Geffner
ACS Publications
334-A Calef Highway, Epping, NH 03042
9781934976302, $15.95, www.amazon.com
For those who follow Horoscopes, there may be some guidance for more than romance.
"Astrology for Career Success: How to Analyze Career Choices and Timing" Is a metaphysical
career advisory guide from Gayle Geffner who advises readers on how to use astrology to
understand the opportunities in one's career and how best to pursue them. "Astrology for Career
Success" is worth considering for those who subscribe to metaphysical philosophy.
The Real Estate Shelf
This Sold House
Diane Keyes
Third Child Press
PO Box 32092, Minneapolis, MN 55432
9780976799900, $14.95, www.thissoldhouse.biz
Presentation is a massive part of salesmanship. "This Sold House: Staging Your Home to Sell in
Today's Market" is an advisory guide for those who want a more comprehensive understanding
the modern selling market, through a more clear idea of what attracts buyers in today's
environment, how to make a quick sale, complete with an easy to follow checklist to help a more
complete presentation. "This Sold House" is a strong pick for homeowners who are looking to
move on to a new home.
The Parenting Shelf
The Approximate Parent
Michael Y. Simon
Fine Optics Press
5665 College Avenue, Suite 340C
Oakland, CA 94618
9780985227692, $34.95, www.fineopticspress.com
Parenting isn't a science, and finding the exact answer is pretty hopeless. "The Approximate
Parent: Discovering the Strategies That Work with Your Teenager" is a parenting guide that
affirms parents that no parent is perfect, and working with your teen is the key to being the best
parent one can be, facing the realities of biology, development, and culture. Michael Simon
presents his two and half decades of experience to help readers better meet their job as a parent.
"The Approximate Parent" is worth considering for any parent who has the weight of perfection
on their shoulders, driving them down into insanity.
The Fashion Shelf
The Book of Styling
Somer Flaherty
Zest Books
35 Stillman Street, Suite 121
San Francisco, CA 94107
9780982732243, $16.99, www.zestbooks.net
Style is finding something that is uniquely you. "The Book of Styling: An Insider's Guide to
Creating Your Own Look" is a guide to finding your own style and successes, as Somer Flaherty
walks readers through the ins and outs of fashion. From finding something to fit your body type,
the fickle and constantly changing fashions throughout, and getting to style, "The Book of
Styling" is presented in full color with plenty of fashion history all throughout, a must have
reference for any blossoming fashionista.
The Sports Shelf
The Lady is a Champ
Carol B. Polis & Rich Herschlag
Velocity Publishing Group
638 Lindero Canyon Road, Ste. 136
Oak Park, CA 91377
9781467501002, $19.95, www.amazon.com
You don't need to be able to go toe to toe with the champ to call a fair fight, you just need to have
a love of the sport. "The Lady is a Champ: Professional Boxing's First Female Judge" is a
memoir from Carol B. Polis as she recounts her role of breaking the gender barrier to participate
in the man's game of boxing, and living a remarkable life in the process. "The Lady is a Champ"
is a choice pick for those who share her love of boxing and want to learn more of its history and
one of its most remarkable individuals.
The Christian Studies Shelf
The Multilingual God
Steve Fortosis
William Carey Library
1605 East Elizabeth Street
Pasadena, CA 91104
9780878084685, $18.98, www.missionbooks.org
The Holy Bible has been translated many times throughout history, and in a span of two thousand
years, language has changed often. "The Multilingual God: Stories of Translation" is a discussion
of the countless translations of Bible as the earliest Christian missionaries sought new ways to
spread their message, and it has multiplied since then. Touching on these many ideals and
anecdotes that comes with translating a work into hundreds of languages throughout the world,
"The Multilingual God" is a must for any Christian or religious studies collection.
The Judaic Studies Shelf
Tzeruf Basics
Daniel A. Elias
Tzeruf Co.
PO Box 391, Hemet, CA 92546-0391
9780979282607, $24.95, www.tzeruf.com
There are bits and pieces of ancient Judaic mysticism rarely spoken of. "Tzeruf Basics: A
Kabbalah Meditation" delves into the history surrounding ancient Jewish mysticism and the
Tzeruf, a 4700 year old meditation that may have been passed to Adam from God himself,
revealing God's true name. For followers of mysticism and spirituality, "Tzerfu Basics" may be
worth considering for those who wish to take the principles into their own lives, much
The Pets/Wildlife Shelf
Juvenile Delinquent Dogs
Sue Brown
The Light of Dog, LLC
1494 S. Perry Park Rd.
Sedalia, CO 80135
9780984852109, $24.95, www.thelightofdog.com
Training one's dog can be a difficult time during an owner's life. "Juvenile Delinquent Dogs: The
Complete Guide to Saving Your Sanity and Successfully Living With Your Adolescent Dog" is a
guide for keepers of young dogs who may be acting up in ways that make an owner's life
tiresome. From overexcited jumping on people, excessive barking, chewing, and others, Sue
Brown advises readers on how to make the most of the problems at hand. "Juvenile Delinquent
Dogs" is a strong addition to anyone who wants nip a puppy's behavior before it becomes a
lifelong problem.
Encounters with Great White Sharks
John Hairr
Coachwhip Publications
1505 English Brook Dr.
Landisville, PA 17538
9781616461201, $7.95, www.coachwhipbooks.com
The massive predator of the ocean, the great white inspires wonder and fear. "Encounters with
Great White Sharks: Florida and The Gulf of Mexico" explores the creature as John Hairr tries to
understand its mystery and history by traveling down the east coast and along the Gulf of Mexico
to find sightings of the creature from those who study them. For those who want to learn more
about the shark, "Encounters with Great White Sharks" is a must for wildlife studies collections,
highly recommended.
The Self-Help Shelf
The Athletic Mindset
Randy Friedman & Linda Webb
Six Points Publishing
401 East Las Olas Blvd.
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
9780615410654, $24.95, www.theathleticmindset.com
The drive to succeed uses many of the same habits no matter what you are doing. "The Athletic
Mindset: Three Tools for Success" is a guide for greater success in life as Randy Friedman &
Linda Webb provide their advice for pushing one for greater success using the tips and tricks
associated with sports and applying them to the business world. "The Athletic Mindset" is filled
with sage advice, very much recommended reading.
Nazim Rashid
Inkwell Productions
10869 N. Scottsdale Road #103-128
Scottsdale, AZ 85254-5280
9780983324737, $19.50, www.inkwellproductions.com
There's a child in all of us, and just because one can buy their own beer, doesn't mean it
disappears. "Reconnected: How to Be a Mentor to Your Child-Self" is an inspirational and
psychological advisory guide from Nazim Rashid who advises readers how to embrace and
entertain their inner child, solve those nagging issues that one may be left over from childhood.
With a touch of other psychological issues, "Reconnected" is a read that should very much be
considered for general psychology and self-help collections.
The Memoir Shelf
The Uncommon Thread
R. Scott Anderson
China Grove Press
c/o Magnolia Gazette
PO Box 152, Magnolia, MS 39652
9780985267100, $25.00, www.isolibris.com
A doctor sees much go by in his time and develops certain opinions on how the world flows.
"The Uncommon Thread" is a collection of essays and memoir from R. Scott Anderson, a
Radiation Oncologist who touches on his travels through the world and his thoughts on the world
at large. From faith to hunting, heroism, and much more, "The Uncommon Thread" presents
plenty of wisdom to ponder, a solidly and much recommended addition to memoir
Anything Worth Doing
Jo Deurbrouck
Sundog Book Publishing
3660 W. 81st S.
Idaho Falls, ID 83402
9780985257804, $15.00, www.sundogbookpublishing.com
To break records is an allure many risk takers are drawn too, but the risk part of that is often too understated. "Anything Worth Doing" is a work of narrative nonfiction from Jo Deurbrouck, who tells the story of friends Jon Barker and Clancy Reece as they sought to set a 24 hour speed record on Idaho's Salmon River as it flowed through the largest wilderness area in the lower 48 states, in 1996. True adventure ensues, and problems rapidly spill forth! "Anything Worth Doing" is a captivating story of facing down the elements, much recommended for those seeking true stories of nature adventure.
Walking the Circle
J Tony Serra
Grizzly Peak Press
350 Berkeley Park Blvd.
Kensington, CA 94707
9780983926412, $15.00, www.grizzlypeakpress.com
Prison life is something a disproportionate amount of Americans are facing. "Walking the Circle"
is a memoir from J. Tony Serra as he recounts his own prison sentence, and provides his insight
as a traditional defense lawyer, offering the problems he faced and the problems with the
American incarceration system today. "Walking the Circle" is worth considering for those who
want a lawyer's insight on the problems of the modern justice system.
Broken Innocence
Gregory Alan Voss
Inkwater Press
c/o First Books
6750 SW Franklin Street, Suite A
Portland, Oregon 97223-2542
9781592997671 $15.95 pbk. / $4.99 Kindle www.inkwaterpress.com
Broken Innocence: A True Story of Soul Redemption is author Gregory Alan Voss'
autobiographical memoir of growing up from the 1950's through the 1980's, surviving an abusive
childhood and a tumultuous adulthood marked by sex, drugs, rock-'n'-roll, and even
incarcerations. Voss' road to redemption was painful and harrowing, as he struggled to battle his
demons, redeem his soul, and become a better father to his daughter. Broken Innocence is
profound, powerful, and ultimately inspirational reading.
The Social Issues Shelf
Bullying Decoded
Ed Kaspar
Bushboy Nation
500 N Michigan Ave Suite 300
Chicago, Il 60611
9780985053109, $11.95, www.bullycode.org
Bullying terrorizes many lives. "Bullying Decoded: The Economics of Abuse" explores the dark
realities behind bullying, and how in recent years these abuses would grow more impactful with
the advent of the internet. With practical advice for the bullied to take a stand against bullying
tactics and how better understand what lies behind it, "Bullying Decoded" is a core addition to
any modern self-help and social issues collection.
The Literary Studies Shelf
Michael Connelly
Stan Schatt
163 Lucas Rd., Apt. I-2, Cochran, GA 31014
9781937536275, $15.00, www.anaphoraliterary.com
Building a considerable fanbase, the mysteries and novels of Michael Connelly may seem a bit
daunting to a first time reader. "Michael Connelly: A Reader's Guide" is an introduction to the
man's works as Stan Schatt covers his work and presents a comprehensive introduction to the
common themes throughout Connelly's work to help first time readers gain a more complete
appreciation of it all. "Michael Connelly" is a must for those just starting out his work.
The Cookbook Shelf
Making Perfect Popcorn
John Beigel
McOsprey Publishing
PO Box 387, North Falmouth, MA 02556
9781450775397, $16.95, www.makingperfectpopcorn.com
Popcorn can be a relatively healthy snack, but to some it's a greater passion. "Making Perfect
Popcorn: A Fun, Healthy Way to Spend Time with Family and Friends" is John Beigel's
passionate exploration of popcorn and how to make the best potential kernels for an activity with
family and friends, from working with the best ingredients and equipment and everything else
that goes with making excellent popcorn. "Making Perfect Popcorn" is a fine pick for any
non-standard cooking collection, recommended.
The Cannabis Gourmet Cookbook
Cheri Sicard
Z-Dog Media, LLC
PO Box 4914
Long Beach, California 90804
9780983988809 $24.95 www.CannabisCheri.com
The Cannabis Gourmet Cookbook: Over 120 Delicious Medical Marijuana-Infused Recipes lives
up to its title with creative, professional-quality dishes ideal for ingesting one's medical
marijuana prescription in style. Additional tips, tricks, and techniques for measuring medical
dosages and taking metabolic concerns into account enhance this user-friendly guide packed with
cannabis-infused recipes like Chocolate Chip Banana Bread, Fettuccini Alfredo, Thai-Style Iced
Tea, Nutella Swirl Cupcakes, and more. Of course, those who are not taking a medical marijuana
prescription can also enjoy virtually all of the recipes by removing or substituting the cannabis
ingredient! Highly recommended.
The Gardening Shelf
The Maine Garden Journal
Lisa Colburn
Fern Leaf Publishing Company
PO Box 125, Orono, ME 04473-0125
9780984710300, $29.99, www.Mainegardenjournal.com
Getting down and dirty is just a good afternoon for some folks. "The Maine Garden Journal:
Insider Secrets from Maine people who love to put their hands in the dirt" is a collection of
essays and photographs from many lovers of gardening in Maine, a state that attracts many to its
quiet serenity. For any lover of gardening, "The Maine Garden Journal" is an absolute must,
filled with plenty of practical advice, wisdom, and tips for anyone who wants to make their
garden flourish, no matter their place in the world.
The Audiobook Shelf
Fat Cats
ZBS Foundation
174 North River Road
Fort Edward, NJ 12828
1881137684, $15.00, www.zbs.org
The ZBS Foundation has long enjoyed a justifiable reputation for technical excellence in audio
book productions providing a multicast, sound and music effects enhanced 'theatre of the mind'
experience. Their latest work is "Fat Cats", the first of a two part series in which Lucas Trust, a
wealthy New Yorker, buys an island in the Hudson River as the site of an elegant summer home.
That's when Willie is hired to paint an immense living room. It's also when Willie (an amateur
detective in his spare time) meets Christie (Lucas' girlfriend and a gorgeous t-shirt model!). The
explosion of a car bomb killing Lucas changes a simple painting job into something else entirely.
To complicate things further is the presence of fictional private eye Short Top Detroit in the mind
of Willie teaching him the detective trade, during the course of which the crime novel P.I. begins
to merge with Willie. A very special technical feature of this 1.5 hour long, full cast production is
the use of a binaural microphone that creates a kind of three dimensional listening experience
that needs to be heard on a stereo audio player for the full benefit of the 'theatre of the mind'
experience that ZBS productions are so well noted for. "Fat Cats" is highly recommended as a
memorably entertaining listening experience that will leave you looking eagerly forward to Fat
Cats: Volume 2!
The Buddhist Studies Shelf
The Meditative Gardener
Cheryl Wilfong
Heart Path Press
PO Box 336
Putney, VT 05346
9780615300412 $35.00 www.meditativegardener.com
Winner of The Eric Hoffer Award, a Benjamin Franklin Award, and a Nautilus Book Award, The Meditative Gardener: Cultivating Mindfulness of Body, Feelings, and Mind is a Zen Garden guide, designed to help the reader undertake Buddhist meditation and awakening with the aid of their garden surroundings. Written in plain terms accessible to readers of all backgrounds, and beautifully illustrated with full-color photography on almost every page, The Meditative Gardener discusses meditation poses, inner feelings, the dimensions of the mind, recommended contemplations, and much more. "Can we consume fewer things, waste less energy, and tread more lightly upon the earth so that others may breathe cleaner air, drink unpolluted water? We reap personal benefits from voluntarily renouncing desire, as well. When we are less intent on buying (and earning the money to buy whatever it is), we often find we have more time as well as money." The Meditative Gardener is a "must-have" for any gardener with an interest in Buddhism, and worthy of the highest recommendation. Also a choice pick is "The Meditative Gardener Notebook" (9780982566404, $9.95), a consumable journal that prompts the user to write down his or her thoughts on mostly blank pages that have a brief, insightful phrase at the bottom, such as "Often weeds are communicating something to us about the soil. What's the message your weeds are sending you?"
The Photography Shelf
50 Main Street
Piero Ribelli, words and photographs
Rare Bird Lit
453 S. Spring Street, Suite 531
Los Angeles, CA 90013
9781937359157 $35.00 rarebirdlit.com
Lavishly illustrated with full-color photographs on almost every page, 50 Main Street: The Face
of America is a coffee-table book revealing one photographer's efforts to capture a reflection of
ordinary, contemporary America, at work and at play. Structured into fifty portraits of individual
people in various towns, each of whom literally lives on their town's "Main Street", 50 Main
Street pairs the striking photographs with discussions of each person's daily life and challenges.
Italian photographer Piero Ribelli (who became an American citizen while working on this
masterpiece) poured his heart and soul into crafting this catalogue of personal portraits, with an
invaluable message about how Americans on Main Streets across the nation struggle with the
same problems in spite of personal or political differences. 50 Main Street is a unique treasure
for photography collections, and highly recommended.
The Psychology Shelf
Sidetracked By Schizophrenia
Charlotte LeBlanc, RNCP
Friesen Press
c/o Smith Publicity, Inc.
1930 East Marlton Pike, Suite I-46
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
9781770674677, $19.95, www.amazon.com
In the field of psychiatry, schizophrenia (also called dementia praecox) is a severe mental
disorder characterized by some, but not necessarily all, of the following features: emotional
blunting, intellectual deterioration, social isolation, disorganized speech and behavior, delusions,
and hallucinations. "Sidetracked by Schizophrenia" is the story of Charlotte LeBlanc's son and
their experiences with life situations arising from this psychiatric disorder. Informed,
informative, intimate, and ultimately hopeful, "Sidetracked By Schizophrenia" personalizes this
medical condition and is instructive, highly recommended reading for family members having to
deal with a schizophrenic, as well as to the attention of professionals dealing with patients and
their families struggling with this condition. "Sidetracked By Schizophrenia" would make an
excellent addition to community library Health & Medicine reference collections in general, and
Psychology/Psychiatry supplemental reading lists in particular.
The Health/Medicine Shelf
Things I Wish I'd Known
Deborah J. Cornwall
Bardolf & Company
5430 Colewood Pl., Sarasota, FL 34232
9780983618485, $19.95, www.bardolfandcompany.com
Caring for a loved one with a serious illness is a gauntlet of emotion. "Things I Wish I'd Known: Cancer Caregivers Speak Out" by Deborah Cornwall is a compilation of hundreds of stories about loved ones who've cared for those with cancer and what can be shared to help relieve the burden for those who are struggling with their loved ones when faced with their own life's problems. "Things I Wish I’d Known" is a strong and much recommended pick for any collection catering to caregivers.
James A. Cox
Midwest Book Review
278 Orchard Drive
Oregon, WI 53575-1129
phone: 1-608-835-7937
e-mail: mbr@execpc.com
e-mail: mwbookrevw@aol.com
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