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Reviewer's Choice
Nonviolent Communication, second edition
Marshall B. Rosenberg
Paddle Dancer Press
2240 Encinitas Blvd., Suite D-911, Encinitas, CA 92024
Independent Publishers Group (distributor)
814 North Franklin Street, Chicago, IL 60610
Sounds True Audio
413 South Arthur Avenue, Louisville, CO 80027
9781892005038, $19.95, 222pp, www.amazon.com
Nonviolent Communication (also called Compassionate Communication or Collaborative
Communication is a communication process developed by Marshall Rosenberg beginning in the
1960s. It focuses on three aspects of communication: self-empathy (defined as a deep and
compassionate awareness of one's own inner experience), empathy (defined as listening to
another with deep compassion), and honest self-expression (defined as expressing oneself
authentically in a way that is likely to inspire compassion in others). Nonviolent Communication
is based on the idea that all human beings have the capacity for compassion and only resort to
violence or behavior that harms others when they don't recognize more effective strategies for
meeting needs. Habits of thinking and speaking that lead to the use of violence (psychological
and physical) are learned through culture. Nonviolent Communication theory supposes all human
behavior stems from attempts to meet universal human needs and that these needs are never in
conflict. Rather, conflict arises when strategies for meeting needs clash. Nonviolent
Communication proposes that if people can identify their needs, the needs of others, and the
feelings that surround these needs, harmony can be achieved. While Nonviolent Communication
is ostensibly taught as a process of communication designed to improve compassionate
connection to others, it has also been interpreted as a spiritual practice, a set of values, a
parenting technique, an educational method and a worldview. Now in a fully updated second
edition, "Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life" is a complete instructional course
under one cover enabling the reader to improve personal relationships; peacefully deal with harsh
judgments, criticisms, and anger; inspire compassion and understanding when thinking, speaking
and listening; break destructive patterns that give rise to stress, depression, guilt, and shame; and
finally -- discover common ground with anyone, anytime, anywhere. If you only have time for
one self-help / self-improvement -- make it Marshall B. Rosenber's "Nonviolent Communication:
A Language of Life". It should be noted that "Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life"
is also available in a Kindle edition ($10.49) and in an unabridged audio book CD format
(Sounds True, 9781591791706, $29.95).
Strider: The Story of a Horse
Leo Tolstoy, author
Larry Welo, woodcut illustrations
Louise and Alymer Maude, translators
Borderland Books
c/o University of Wisconsin Press (distribution)
1930 Monroe Street, Third Floor, Madison, WI 53711-2059
9780983517474, $25.00, www.amazon.com
Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (9 September 1828 - 20 November 1910), usually referred to in English as Leo Tolstoy, was a Russian novelist regarded as one of the greatest of all time. Principally recognized for his masterpieces "Anna Karenina" and "War and Peace", Tolstoy takes a less dramatic but no less poignant approach his relatively unknown, 100 page novel "Strider: The Story of a Horse". Told from Strider's own aged, equine perspective, the tale nonetheless addresses such perennial human concerns as prejudice, fortune, and mortality. Tolstoy subtly illustrates the parallels and contrasts between horse and human, as we see through Strider's eyes the decline of his most memorable owner -- a rich, arrogant hussar officer in his youth and a depleted, decrepit figure in his dotage. Completed in Tolstoy's own old age, Strider offers a compelling glimpse into the author's growing obsession with mortality. Originally published in 1885, the story idea first occurred to Tolstoy in 1856 and thus spans the two main periods of his writing career. "Strider: The Story of a Horse" will be of special interest and is highly recommended to the attention of academia, while being a considerably entertaining and inherently fascinating recommendation for personal reading lists. It should be noted that the Borderland Books edition of "Strider: The Story of a Horse" is a high-quality jacketed cloth volume, featuring unique woodcut illustrations by Larry Welo and an introduction by Richard Gustafson, a professor of Russian at Columbia University. The special introduction and the woodcut illustrations are not present in paperback or Kindle editions of "Strider".
Picture Man
Margaret Thomas
Snowy Owl Books
c/o University of Alaska Press
PO Box 756240, Fairbanks, AK 99775-6240
9781602232457 $26.95 www.alaska.edu/uapress
Picture Man: The Legacy of Southeast Alaska Photographer Shoki Kayamori is part biography,
part history, part hauntingly captivating photographic legacy. Shoki Kayamori (1877-1941) was a
Japanese man who, like thousands of others of his time compelled by economic and political
circumstances, emigrated to the United States. He traveled to Yakutat, then a small Tlingit
village in southeast Alaska, and worked in the cannery. He took a camera, set up a darkroom, and
photographed the daily lives of his friends and neighbors. The local children came to call him
"Picture Man". But as World War II escalated, Kayamori came under suspicion of spying, and
committed suicide shortly before he could be arrested. To this day, there is no evidence that he
was ever a spy. Black-and-white renditions of Kayamori's photographs intersperse this
thoughtful, detailed examination of a gifted photographers life, documentation, dedication, and
Mark Twain's Guide to Diet, Exercise, Beauty, Fashion, Investment, Romance, Health and
Collected and edited by Mark Dawidziak
Prospect Park Books
2359 Lincoln Avenue, Altadena, CA 91001
9781938849459 $16.95 www.prospectparkbooks.com
Mark Twain's Guide to Diet, Exercise, Beauty, Fashion, Investment, Romance, Health and
Happiness is an anthology of tips, tricks, and advice for daily living from the famous American
author and inventor Mark Twain, gathered from a wide variety of sources including his novels,
speeches, sketches, notebooks, and more. "Be careless in your dress if you must, but keep a tidy
soul. - Following the Equator (1897)". A font of insight and common-sense wisdom that
transcends generations, Mark Twain's Guide is a browser's treasury, enthusiastically
Better Than Before
Gretchen Rubin
c/o The Random House Publishing Group
1745 Broadway, 17th floor, New York, NY 10019
9780395348614, $26.00, www.crownpublishing.com
Any collection strong in self-help guides will find Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of
Our Everyday Lives offers a powerful survey of approaches that really work to change ingrained
habits. These habits can be as varied as insomnia, struggling with weight loss programs, or
handling tendencies to procrastinate, and here Rubin examines the latest science and tests to
consider the origins of developing willpower, handling decisions, and changing ingrained
patterns. The result is a powerful survey that doesn't just present exercises for changing habits: it
considers the latest research on those habits and why they are so difficult to alter, and it offers
self-help collections a rare, specific examination into how to make these habit-altering changes a
part of everyday life.
What Would You Do?
John Quinones
125 West End Avenue, 3rd Floor, New York NY 10023
9781484726204, $15.99, www.disney.com
If What Would You Do? Words of Wisdom About Doing the Right Thing sounds familiar, that's
because it's based on a long-running ABC hit TV show of the same name, and offers a survey not
just of 'what would you do' moments, but host and author John Quinones' life. From how to react
to calls of action in everyday life, such as witnessing bullying or abuse, to what's involved in
moral and ethical dilemmas, this combines real-life stories with the author's perspective of the
changes that can be experienced from responding to situations in a more enlightened manner.
The result is revealing and involving, and highly recommended for any general lending
The Writing/Publishing Shelf
The Frugal Editor
Carolyn Howard-Johnson
HowToDoItFrugally Publishing
9781505712117, $17.95, 288pp, www.amazon.com
Editing is the process of selecting and preparing written, visual, audible and film media used to
convey information. The editing process can involve correction, condensation, organization, and
many other modifications performed with an intention of producing a correct, consistent,
accurate and complete work. The editing process often begins with the author's idea for the work
itself, continuing as a collaboration between the author and the editor as the work is created. As
such, editing can involve creative skills, human relations and a precise set of methods. There are
various editorial positions in publishing. Typically, one finds editorial assistants reporting to the
senior-level editorial staff and directors who report to senior executive editors. Senior executive
editors are responsible for developing a product for its final release. The smaller the publication,
the more these roles overlap. In the book publishing industry, editors may organize anthologies
and other compilations, produce definitive editions of a classic author's works (scholarly editor),
and organize and manage contributions to a multi-author book (symposium editor or volume
editor). Obtaining manuscripts or recruiting authors is the role of an Acquisitions Editor or a
commissioning editor in a publishing house. Finding marketable ideas and presenting them to
appropriate authors are the responsibilities of a sponsoring editor. Copy editors correct spelling,
grammar and align writings to house style. Changes to the publishing industry since the 1980s
have resulted in nearly all copy editing of book manuscripts being outsourced to freelance copy
editors. "The Frugal Editor: Do-It-Yourself Editing Secrets for Authors" is a complete course of
instruction under one cover. From editing query letters to editing final manuscripts to the
editorial chores of marketing, "The Frugal Editor" covers the complete range of editorial tasks
and responsibilities -- including common mistakes and errors to avoid. Thoroughly 'user friendly'
from beginning to end, "The Frugal Editor" is ideal for the novice author, and would prove to be
of immense value as an instructional reference resource for experienced authors, publishers,
publicists, and freelance copy editors.
How to Publish a Bestselling Book
Kim Staflund
Polished Publishing Group
News & Experts
9780986486982, $19.99, 172pp, www.amazon.com
Writing professionally is a business. Getting published is a business. Any author who discount
this fact are doomed to failure no matter how brilliantly written their book might be. "How to
Publish a Bestselling Book" focuses on the business aspects and facets of becoming a published
author including the diverse types of publishing and publishers; domestic and foreign copyrights;
books sales and marketing; the modern book publishing process; as well as modern book printing
and non-printing options. Of special note is the concluding section offering sound and seasoned
advice on such issues as when to let a book go; when to write, sell, and get it all done; handling
criticism, and more. Enhanced with the inclusion of a four page Bibliography; and a six page
Index, "How to Publish a Bestselling Book" is exceptional, practical, detailed, comprehensive,
and thoroughly 'user friendly' from beginning to end. If you are an aspiring writer seeking
commercial success as a published author, then you need a copy of Kim Staflund's "How to
Publish a Bestselling Book".
The ALVA Axiom Anthology of Author Interviews
Roberta M. Roy, editor
ALVA Press, Inc.
216 Hooker Avenue, Poughkeepsie, New York 12603
9781938729263, $7.99, http://alvapressinc.com
Compiled and edited by Roberta M. Roy (creative lead and owner operator of ALVA Press Inc at
http://alvapressinc.com), "The ALVA Axiom Anthology of Author Interviews" features
interviews with noteworthy writers and editors discussing their creative roles in publishing and
the media. It highlights the differences among their approaches and personalities with the intent
to entertain and inform. "The ALVA Axiom Anthology of Author Interviews" provides a very
personal look into the world of writing for hard copy publication, the internet, and film. the
authors interviewed include Jean Arleen Breed, Catherine Caminero, Chris Campbell, Trish
Dalton, Betty Hampel, Kristen Henderson, Stephen Hise, Jim Holmgren, Helmy Parlente
Kusuma, M. Edward McNally, Roberta M Roy, Byron Suggs, Carl Waldman, The compilation
includes sections titled "Fiction," "Non-Fiction," "Poetry," "Fantasy/Paranormal," "Illustrated
Children's Books," and "In the Media". "The ALVA Axiom Anthology of Author Interviews" is
as informed and informative as it is thoughtful and thought-provoking as a variety of successful
authors provide commentaries that will prove to be applicably useful reading for any and all
aspiring writers regardless of the genre or subject matter they are attempting to produce in the
highly volatile and intensely competitive world of publishing. An absolute 'must' for beginners,
and having a great deal of relevant value for even the more experienced author, "The ALVA
Axiom Anthology of Author Interviews" is highly recommended for personal, professional,
community, and academic library Writing/Publishing reference collections and supplemental
studies reading lists. It should be noted that "The ALVA Axiom Anthology of Author
Interviews" is also available in a Kindle edition (9781938729270, $4.99).
2015 Writer's Market: Deluxe Edition
Robert Lee Brewer, editor
Writer's Digest Books
c/o F+W Media
10151 Carver Road, Suite 200, Blue Ash, OH 45242
9781599638454, $49.99, www.amazon.com
Stated simply, compiled and edited by Robert Lee Brewer, the "2015 Writer's Market" is a 921
page key reference and indispensable resource for aspiring authors seeking publication. Updated
every year, this is the 15th Annual Edition and features access to an online publisher database. In
addition to 7,500+ listings for book publishers, magazines, contests, literary agents, and a
one-year subscription to WritersMarket.com, this edition of the "2015 Writer's Market" features
sample query letters and access to the webinar "How to Find More Success Freelancing" from
Robert Lee Brewer. Deftly organized articles by experts are arranged in major sections: Finding
Work; Managing Work; Promoting Work; Markets; and Resources (comprised of professional
organizations and a glossary). A major and highly recommended addition to community and
academic library Writing/Publishing reference collections, "2015 Writer's Market" is a 'must
have' resource for any career minded writer seeking commercial success.
Book Architecture: How to Plot and Outline Without Using a Formula
Stuart Horwitz
Book Architecture, LLC
One Richmond Square, Suite 112K, Providence, RI 02906
9780986420405, $18.00, www.amazon.com
As founder and principal of Book Architecture, Stuart has spent over fifteen years helping writers
become authors, signing with top literary agencies, sealing deals with coveted publishing houses,
or forging a successful path through indie publishing. Book Architecture's clients have reached
the best-seller list in both fiction and non-fiction, and have appeared on Oprah!, The Today
Show, The Tonight Show, and in the most prestigious journals in their respective fields. In "Book
Architecture: How to Plot and Outline Without Using a Formula", Horwitz draws upon his years
of experience and expertise to create a 156 page course of instruction specifically written for the
benefit of aspiring authors seeking to avoid cliche formulas and create original work that will
succeed in a highly volatile and exceedingly competitive publishing industry. "Book
Architecture" should be considered an indispensable instructional reference for aspiring
novelists, script writers, and nonfiction authors. Thoroughly 'user friendly' from beginning to end,
"Book Architecture" is also very highly recommended for community and academic library
Writing/Publishing instructional reference collections. It should be noted that "Book
Architecture" is also available in a Kindle edition ($9.99).
The Culinary Shelf
Collecting Culinaria
Caroline Lieffers & Merrill Distad
University of Alberta Press
Ring House 2, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T6G 2E1
9781551953243, $35.95, 92pp, www.amazon.com
A cookbook is a kitchen reference publication that typically contains a collection of recipes.
Modern versions may also include colorful illustrations and advice on purchasing quality
ingredients or making substitutions. Cookbooks can also cover a wide variety of topics, including
cooking techniques for the home, recipes and commentary from famous chefs, institutional
kitchen manuals, and cultural commentary. Cookbooks are often collected as a kind of culinary
hobby by women. Linda Distad was a University of Alberta librarian who died in 2012. Linda
Distad had passion for heritage recipes; her collection ran to more than 3,000 titles and was
donated to the Bruce Peel Special Collections Library of the University of Alberta. Compiled by
Caroline Lieffers and Merrill Distad, "Collecting Culinaria: Cookbooks and domestic manuals
mainly from the Linda Miron Distad Collection" is a profusely illustrated, 92 page compendium
sampling and showcasing the diversity of Linda Distad's collection of cookbooks and domestic
manuals. Unique, impressive, and inherently fascinating, "Collecting Culinaria" is highly
recommended to the attention of cookbook collection enthusiasts and would well serve as a
template for other curators hosting similar large collections of cookbooks.
Cranberries Revealed
Wayne R. Martin
Martin Photo Media LLC
13245 North 55th Avenue, Plymouth, MN 55442
9780990812906, $24.95, www.cranberriesrevealed.com
Cranberries are a group of evergreen dwarf shrubs or trailing vines in the subgenus Oxycoccus of the genus Vaccinium. In North America, cranberry may refer to Vaccinium macrocarpon. Cranberries are low, creeping shrubs or vines up to 2 meters (7 ft) long and 5 to 20 centimeters (2 to 8 in) in height; they have slender, wiry stems that are not thickly woody and have small evergreen leaves. The flowers are dark pink, with very distinct reflexed petals, leaving the style and stamens fully exposed and pointing forward. They are pollinated by bees. The fruit is a berry that is larger than the leaves of the plant; it is initially white, but turns a deep red when fully ripe. It is edible, with an acidic taste that can overwhelm its sweetness. Cranberries are a major commercial crop in certain American states and Canadian provinces. Most cranberries are processed into products such as juice, sauce, jam, and sweetened dried cranberries, with the remainder sold fresh to consumers. Cranberry sauce is a traditional accompaniment to Thanksgiving dinners in the United States. Since the early 21st century within the global functional food industry, raw cranberries have been marketed as a "super fruit" due to their nutrient content and antioxidant qualities. "Cranberries Revealed: From The Marsh To The Table" is an 84 page profusely illustrated compendium by photojournalist and freelance commercial photographer Wayne R. Martin that takes the reader on a truly impressive visual journey into the world of cranberries that goes quite literally from the marshes where they grow to some truly nutritious and delicious cranberry cuisine. Deftly organized and presented in three major sections (Art and Beauty of the Cranberry; Cranberry Culture; Cranberry Inspirations), "Cranberries Revealed: From The Marsh To The Table" will prove a popular addition to community library collections and should be considered a "must" for all cranberry enthusiasts!
The Theatre/Cinema Shelf
Stanislavski for Beginners
David Allen
For Beginners LLC
155 Main Street, Suite 211, Danbury, CT 06810
9781939994356, $15.95, www.amazon.com
Konstantin Sergeyevich Stanislavsky (17 January 1863 - 7 August 1938) was a Russian actor and
theatre director. The Stanislavsky system of acting has had a pervasive influence, and was
especially widespread in the period after World War II with such theatrical luminaries as Marlon
Brando. Stanislavsky treated theatre-making as a serious endeavor requiring dedication,
discipline and integrity. Throughout his life, he subjected his own acting to a process of rigorous
artistic self-analysis and reflection. His development of a theorized praxis (in which practice is
used as a mode of inquiry and theory as a catalyst for creative development) identifies him as one
of the great modern theatre practitioners. Stanislavsky's work was as important to the
development of socialist realism in the Soviet Union as it was to that of psychological realism in
the United States. It draws on a wide range of influences and ideas, including his study of the
modernist and avant-garde developments of his time (naturalism, symbolism and Meyerhold's
constructivism), Russian formalism, Yoga, Pavlovian behavioral psychology, James-Lange (via
Ribot) psychophysiology and the aesthetics of Pushkin, Gogol, and Tolstoy. Stanislavski himself
described his approach as 'spiritual Realism'. Impressively well written and fully accessible to
theatre students and theatre history buffs with an interest in acting in general and the Stanislavski
Method in particular, "Stanislavski for Beginners" is a thoroughly 'reader friendly', 192 page
study that is strongly recommended for community theatre groups supplemental studies reading
lists, as well as community and academic library Theatre/Cinema reference collections. For
personal reading lists it should be noted that "Stanislavski for Beginners" is also available in a
Kindle edition ($9.99).
The Sound of Music Story
Tom Santopietro
St. Martin's Press
175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010
9781250064462, $28.99, www.stmartins.com
The Sound of Music Story doesn't take your usual approach in considering the origins of the film
alone, but offers everything from the real-life story of Maria von Trapp to the show's evolution,
success, and behind-the-scenes stories of casting, the film's making and mishaps, its direction and
approach, and the reactions of the real von Trapps to the film's success. It includes new
interviews with actors, the movie's choreographer and film historians, Johannes von Trapp, and
adds a centerfold of black and white photos. The result is far more wide-ranging than most,
documenting the sources of the film's inspiration, what was involved in its shooting, and more.
Any fan of The Sound of Music will find this a solid and well-researched account containing
many facets other books on the subject don't provide.
The Geology Shelf
Mineral Treasures of the Ozarks
Bruce L. Stinchcomb
Schiffer Publishing Ltd.
4880 Lower Valley Road, Atglen, PA 19310
9780764347153, $29.99, www.schifferbooks.com
Any collection strong in U.S. geology needs Mineral Treasures of the Ozarks, a guide which
pairs some 500 color images of minerals with information on their collectability, science, and
where they can be discovered. It's unusual to find a gathering that will appeal both to mineralogy
scientists, travelers, and collectors alike, but this book offers a narrow focus upon minerals that
occur along the Ozarks' waterways, and is packed with stories about these minerals, their
attributes, and their discoveries. Particularly intriguing are displays of mineral combinations,
discussions of their showcase opportunities and how they can be enhanced, and the history of
mining deposits. It's the multi-faceted approach of this book that makes it such a highly
recommended acquisition, capable of reaching beyond the usual audience of mineral scientists
into the world of collectors and historians, alike.
The Social Issues Shelf
Social Safeguards
Rodolfo Tello
Amakella Publishing
P.O. Box 9445, Arlington, VA 22219
9781633870116, $22.99 www.amakella.com
Social Safeguards: Avoiding the Unintended Impacts of Development is a thoughtful, scholarly,
and proactive assessment of means to protect vulnerable human populations from the negative
consequences of construction and development. Chapters examine impacts of development on
indigenous peoples, gender issues in development projects, policies that can protect against
negative social outcomes (such as violence between displaced individuals and the police),
preserving sites with cultural heritage, and much more. As the global human population keeps
increasing, necessitating more development, Social Safeguards is an invaluable wake-up call and
resource for chartering best practices going forward.
Battlefield America
John W. Whitehead
SelectBooks, Inc.
87 Walker Street, Suite B1, New York City, NY 10013
9781590793091, $26.95, www.selectbooks.com
Battlefield America: The War on the American People provides a fine follow-up to his A
Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and comes from a constitutional
attorney who tells of a nation at war, internally, with forces near to destroying the basic freedoms
guaranteed in the Constitution. Police have been changing the nature of towns and cities across
the country, and the shift into totalitarianism has been so subtle that most Americans haven't been
aware of the change. This survey not only charts those changes, but shows how they have
evolved from individual actions to a far more insidious bigger picture, making this a 'must read'
for any collection strong in civil liberties and social awareness.
The Interior Design Shelf
Montgomery Ward & Co. Catalog & Buyer's Guide 1895
Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.
307 West 36th Street, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10018
9781629145969, $17.95, www.skyhorsepublishing.com
While this catalog is directed to audiences interested in antiques and collectibles specific to the
merchandise of the late 19th century, it shouldn't be neglected by home designers who appreciate
incorporating elements of the past into their home designs - thus, it's featured here in our 'Interior
Design Shelf' so that neither audience misses its value. At one time making purchases used to
require numerous separate trip to specialist merchants, so Montgomery Ward's wide-ranging,
all-encompassing catalog appealed to many by providing all manner of products under one
convenient mail-order cover. Montgomery Ward & Co. Catalog & Buyer's Guide 1895 reprints
this classic guide, including the black and white illustrations from clothing departments, horse
and saddle equipment for riding, guns and curtain poles, and more. Readers who will find it
important range from those who like history and interior design oddities to collectors of antique
The Gardening Shelf
The Gardens of Luciano Giubbilei
Andrew Wilson
Merrell Publishers
8755 Lookout Mountain Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90046
60 Cycle Media Relations LLC
9781858946443, $69.95, www.amazon.com
Luciano Giubbilei is the master designer of some of the most beautiful contemporary gardens on
earth. With descriptive commentary by Andrew Wilson (a garden designer, lecturer and writer,
and also Chief Assessor for the Royal Horticultural Society for show gardens), "The Gardens of
Luciano Giubbilei" is a magnificent 240 page compendium of Giubbilei's work that is superbly
and profusely illustrated throughout with the full color photography of Steven Wooster. Deftly
organized and presented with an introductory chapter on The Design Process, "The Gardens of
Luciano Giubbilei" follows with The Gardens (The Boltons; Pelham Crescent; Geneva;
Wentworth); The Artists (Nigel Hall; Stephen Cox; Keiichi Tahara); The Gardens (Addison
Crescent; Morocco; Addison Road; Kensington); Site Development; The Gardens (Chelsea;
Notting Hill; Barcelona; Holland Park). Enhanced with an informative Foreword by Tom
Stuart-Smith; a one page list of Collaborators; and a three page Index, "The Gardens of Luciano
Giubbilei" is an impressive and beautifully produced coffee table edition that would grace any
personal, professional, community, or academic library Gardening & Landscaping reference
Epic Tomatoes
Craig LeHoullier
Storey Publishing
210 Mass MoCA Way, North Adams, MA 01247
9781612122083, $19.95, www.storey.com
Epic Tomatoes: How to Select & Grow the Best Varieties of All Time comes from a tomato
expert who reviews over thirty of his favorite varieties, pairing lovely color photos with
recommendations on how to grow them, and why they are exceptional. Big, bright color tomato
photos accompany a blend of history, cultivation techniques, and even how to breed varieties and
troubleshoot pests and problems. Gardeners with affection for tomatoes will find this a very
specific discussion: where others may generalize, this is packed with key pointers to gardening
The Agriculture Shelf
Climate Change on Crop Productivity
Rakesh S. Sengar and Kalpana Sengar, Editors
CRC Press
6000 NW Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487
9781482229202, $169.95, www.crcpress.com
Climate Change on Crop Productivity is a recommendation primarily for college-level
environmental science holdings, but should also be considered by any serious about farming and
agriculture and climate change's effects on crops. It provides a powerful exploration of how crops
adapt to climate change (or not), how new strategies can be considered for adapting to ongoing
climate change, and different mathematical models and future projections. Because of its depth
of treatment and math-based science, this book isn't recommended for general audiences so much
as those with scientific backgrounds and a special interest in crop management. With its many
scenarios, scientific research and backing, and insights on crop productivity factors, it's a 'must'
for understanding a range of possible scenarios.
Seed Libraries
Cindy Conner
New Society Publishers
PO Box 189, Gabriola Island, BC, Canada, V0R 1X0
9780865717824, $19.95, www.newsociety.com
Seed Libraries and Other Means of Keeping Seeds in the Hands of the People belongs in any
collection strong in food, gardening, agricultural studies, and the social issues revolving around
the seed market, and discusses how multinational corporations are trying to eliminate small,
family-run companies and injuring biodiversity in the process. Seed saving is the first step to
solving the problem, and Seed Libraries offers a guide to saving, storing, and sharing seeds
through community programs. While this book is packed with 'how to' examples, it also offers
detailed social insights on the importance of preserving not only seed libraries, but individual
freedoms in collecting and sharing seeds, and it encourages the kind of self-reliance that is key to
keeping this kind of control small scale and widespread. The result is a fine guide blending
how-to instructions with philosophy: a must for nay who would grow, harvest, and retain control
of food supplies.
Midwest Maize: How Corn Shaped the U.S. Heartland
Cynthia Clampitt
University of Illinois Press
1325 South Oak Street, Champaign, IL 61820-6975
9780252080579, $19.95, www.press.uillinois.edu
Midwest Maize: How Corn Shaped the U.S. Heartland provides a fin history of how corn became
a staple of the human diet, and pairs history with insights into the political, economic and
scientific influences of corn's development. It comes from a food historian who considers these
various facets of corn's development and evolution, and it comes peppered with vintage black
and white photos which lend interest to discussions as wide-ranging as how popcorn was
developed and promoted, corn-growing challenges for organic farmers, and agricultural
challenges over the years. The result is a solid introductory history that covers many different
facets of corn production and marketing, recommended for any college-level collection strong in
agricultural history.
Chelsea Green Publishing Company
85 North Main Street, Suite 120, White River Junction, VT 05001
It should be noted that Philip Rutter, et.al.'s Growing Hybrid Hazelnuts: The New Resilient Crop
for a Changing Climate (9781603585347, $39.95) represents the first in-depth guide for
small-scale farmers interested in growing hybrid hazelnuts, a nut notorious for being problematic,
and thus affords an unusual opportunity for the small farmer to become involved in a new crop
that needs no plowing, cultivation, or extensive attention. Once established, its permanent root
system takes are of itself. Decades of research went into this book, which covers everything from
the historical use of hazels for food and fuel to site requirements, crop management, biodiversity
concerns, and much more. From planting to harvest, Growing Hybrid Hazelnuts is packed with
step-by-step color photos and everything needed to make a hazelnut operation a success. Josh
Trought's The Community-Scale Permaculture Farm: The D Acres Model for Creating and
Managing an Ecologically Designed Educational Center (9781603584753, $40.00) is powerful
guide that describes the history of the D Acres project and its roots in sustainable living and
small-scale organic production, and discusses how it serves as a model of information for
working with animals, designing buildings, and gaining maximum use from the land. From
constructing basic equipment to partnering with the community, chapters emphasize
collaborative choices, processes, and more, using first-person experiences and examples paired
with color photos throughout to examine how systems work together, interact, and support one
another. Strategies and developments for home, garden, and farm all join in a powerful treatment
highly recommended for any interested in applied permaculture concepts.
The Cookbook Shelf
The Ultimate Allergy-Free Cookbook
Judi Zucker
Square One Publishers
115 Herricks Road, Garden City Park, NY 11040
9780757003974, $15.95, 192pp, www.amazon.com
An allergy is a hypersensitivity disorder of the immune system. Symptoms include red eyes,
itchiness, and runny nose, eczema, hives, or an asthma attack. Allergies can play a major role in
conditions such as asthma. In some people, severe allergies to environmental or dietary allergens
or to medication may result in life-threatening reactions called anaphylaxis. Food allergies and
reactions to the venom of stinging insects such as wasps and bees are more often associated with
these severe reactions. Compiled by Judi Zucker and Shari Zucker, "The Ultimate Allergy-Free
Cookbook: Over 150 Easy-to-Make Recipes That Contain No Milk, Eggs, Wheat, Peanuts, Tree
Nuts, Soy, Fish, or Shellfish" Begins with an overview problem of allergies including how they
can be identified and what problems they can cause. "The Ultimate Allergy-Free Cookbook"
offers valuable information on the dangers of cross-contamination of allergens in packaged
foods, and helps the reader to understand food labels. "The Ultimate Allergy-Free Cookbook"
shows how to stock a safe allergen-free kitchen. This is followed by six chapters of
taste-tempting recipes, including starters and appetizers, soups, salads and dressings, main
dishes, desserts and snacks, and drinkable delights. Each recipe is designed to be clear and easy
to use, and many include options that help you change up dishes to fit your family's preferences.
Special emphasis has been placed on using wholesome and fresh products that are rich in
nutrients and fiber, and low in calories. Throughout, clever time-saving tips help you fit healthy
cooking into your life, no matter how hectic it may be. With recipes ranging from Carob-Bana
Smoothie; Creamy Roasted Garlic Soup; Curried Brown Rice and Grape Salad; and Tasty
Taquitos; to White Beans and Mushrooms with Sage; Potato Latkes; Neapolitan Baked Eggplant;
Verry Veggie Sushi Rolls; and No-Bake Maple Treats, "The Ultimate Allergy-Free Cookbook" is
as fun to browse through as it is practical and 'kitchen cook friendly' to plan menus with. Very
highly recommended for personal, family, and community library cookbook collections.
The Side Dish Handbook
Tori Ritchie
Weldon Owen, Inc.
415 Jackson Street, San Francisco, CA 94111
9781616288136, $19.95, www.amazon.com
A side dish, sometimes referred to as a side order, side item, or simply a side, is a food item that
accompanies the entree or main course at a meal. Side dishes such as salad, potatoes and bread
are commonly used with main courses throughout many countries of the western world. New
side orders introduced within the past couple of decades, such as rice and couscous, have grown
to be quite popular throughout the United States and Europe, especially at formal occasions.
Compiled and presented by Tori Ritchie (a cookbook author, food writer, cooking teacher, and
TV host, who has appeared regularly on CBS and The Food Network) is a beautifully illustrated,
96 page culinary compendium comprised of palate pleasing, appetite satisfying, kitchen cook
friendly side dishes that would elevate and enhance any dining occasion. The step-by-step recipes
range from Spicy Broccoli Rabe with Anchovy and Preserved Lemons; Warm Red Cabbage
Salad with Goat Cheese; Swiss Chard with Currants and Pine Nuts; and Slow-Cooked
Greek-Style Green Beans; to Parsnip and Carrot Latkes; Smashed Potatoes with Paprika Salt;
Stir-Fried Snap Peas with Almonds, Maple, and Soy; Celery Root Remoulade; and Golden
Flannel Hash. Unique and exceptionally well presented, "The Side Dish Handbook" is strongly
recommended for personal, family, and community library cookbook collections.
The Silver Platter
Daniella Silver & Norene Gilletz
Mesorah Publications, Ltd.
c/o Artscroll / Shaar Press
4401 Second Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11232
9781422615577, $34.99, www.amazon.com
Collaboratively compiled by Daniella Silver & Norene Gilletz, two masters of Jewish cuisine and
kosher cooking, "The Silver Platter: Simple to Spectacular Wholesome, Family-Friendly
Recipes" is a beautifully and profusely illustrated 336 page compendium showcasing a
cornucopia of culinary dishes that would please any palate, satisfy any appetite, and celebrate any
dining occasion. Thoroughly 'kitchen cook friendly' throughout, the recipes range from an Exotic
Island Salad; Crunchy Corned Beef Strips; Cedar-Planked Salmon with Strawberry-Chili Salsa;
and Chinese Chicken & Mushrooms; to Bourbon Marinated Prime Rib; Double Cheese
Cauliflower Gratin; Curried Basmati Pilaf; and Herb-Roasted Dijon Onions. Of special note is
the chapter on Cookies, Squares, & Treats which feature such delights as White chocolate Chip
& Dried Apricot Cookies; Pistachio Biscotti; Rainbow Pretzels; Carrot Cake with Coconut
Topping; and Heavenly Halvah Cheese Cake. A pure joy to browse through and create menus
from, "The Silver Platter: Simple to Spectacular Wholesome, Family-Friendly Recipes" will
prove to be an enduringly popular addition to personal, family, and community library kosher
cookbook collections!
The Best Mexican Recipes
America's Test Kitchen Editors
America's Test Kitchen
9781936493975, $26.95, www.amazon.com
Mexican cuisine is primarily a fusion of indigenous Mesoamerican cooking with European,
especially Spanish, elements added after the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire in the 16th
century. The basic staples remain native foods such as corn, beans and chili peppers, but the
Europeans introduced a large number of other foods, the most important of which were meat
from domesticated animals (beef, pork, chicken, goat and sheep), dairy products (especially
cheese) and various herbs and spices. "The Best Mexican Recipes" is a beautifully illustrated,
318 page culinary compendium showcasing an impressive variety and diversity of authentic
Mexican cuisine. It should be noted that each thoroughly 'kitchen cook friendly' recipe begins
with a succinct commentary on that particular dish. Ranging from Homemade Fried Tortilla
Chips; Soup of the Seven Seas; Grilled Fish Tacos; and Chile-Rubbed Roast Chicken; to
Yucatan-Style Barbecued Pork; Skillet Rice and Beans with Corn and Tomatoes; Breakfast
Burritos; and Roasted Winter Squash with Chipotle and Lime, "The Best Mexican Recipes"
represents all regional areas of Mexico and will prove to be an enduringly popular addition to
personal, family, and community library Ethnic Cookbook collections. It should be noted that
"The Best Mexican Recipes" is also available in a Kindle edition ($18.36).
The Art of Making Gelato
Morgan Morano
Race Point Publishing
c/o Quarto Publishing Group USA
400 First Avenue North, Suite 400, Minneapolis, MN 55401-1722
9781937994440, $25.00, www.amazon.com
Gelato is the Italian word for ice cream. In English this word commonly refers to varieties of ice
cream made in a traditional Italian style. Gelato can be made with milk, cream, various sugars,
and flavoring such as fresh fruit and nut purees. It is generally lower in calories, fat and sugar
than ice cream. Gelato is a type of soft ice cream containing a relatively small amount of air. By
statute, gelato in Italy must have at least 3.5% butterfat, with no upper limit established. The
sugar content in homemade gelato, as in traditional ice cream, is balanced with the water content
to act as an anti-freeze to prevent it from freezing solid. Types of sugar used include sucrose,
dextrose, and inverted sugar to control apparent sweetness. Typically, gelato (like any other ice
cream) needs a stabilizing base. Egg yolks are used in yellow custard-based gelato flavors,
including zabaione and creme caramel, and non-fat milk solids are also added to gelato to
stabilize the base. Starches and gums, especially corn starch, are sometimes also used to thicken
and stabilize the mix. Sorbetto is a frozen dessert made from sweetened water with flavoring
(typically fruit juice or fruit puree, wine, and/or liqueur). "The Art of Making Gelato" by
professional chef and gelato expert Morgan Morano is a 192 page compendium showcasing 50
recipes for gelato and sorbetto that are specifically appropriate for creating in a home kitchen.
Thoroughly 'kitchen cook friendly' throughout, "The Art of Making Gelato" provides information
on home gelator machines, tools, and ingredients; presents a step-by-step guide to making gelator
and sorbetto; organizes gelato recipes into four categories (The Basics; The Classics; Nuts;
Non-Traditional Flavors); and a five page roster of Sorbeto recipes. Beautifully illustrated
throughout, "The Art of Making Gelato" is very highly recommended for personal, family, and
community library Ethnic Cookbook collections. It should be noted that "The Art of Making
Gelato" is also available in a Kindle edition ($17.10).
Wicked Good Burgers
Andy Husbands, Chris Hart, Andrea Pyenson
Fair Winds Press
c/o Quarto Publishing Group USA
400 First Avenue North, Suite 400, Minneapolis, MN 55401-1722
9781592336852, $17.99, www.amazon.com
A hamburger (also called a beef burger, hamburger sandwich, burger or hamburg) is a sandwich
consisting of one or more cooked patties of ground meat, usually beef, placed inside a sliced bun.
Hamburgers are often served with lettuce, bacon, tomato, onion, pickles, cheese and condiments
such as mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup, relish, and green chile. The term "burger" can also be
applied to the meat patty on its own. The term may be prefixed with the type of meat used, as in
"turkey burger". "Wicked Good Burgers: Fearless Recipes and Uncompromising Techniques for
the Ultimate Patty" by the team of Andy Husbands (award-winning chef/owner of Tremont 647),
Chris Hart (winner of the Jack Daniel Invitational World Championship in 200), and food writer
Andrea Pyenson is a beautifully illustrated, 208 page compendium showcasing an impressive
(and mouth-watering) profusion of kitchen cook friendly recipes that will have immense appeal
for burger enthusiasts everywhere! "Wicked Good Burgers" is organized and presented in seven
thematic chapters: The Basics of Burgers; Burgers 101; New American Classics; Where's the
Beef?; Burgers Beyond Borders; You Want Fries With That?; That's a Frappe! Certain to be an
enduringly popular addition to personal, family, and community library cookbook collections,
"Wicked Good Burgers" truly lives up to it's title and is enthusiastically recommended! It should
be noted that "Wicked Good Burgers" is also available in a Kindle edition ($10.99).
Party With Sweet Treats
Norene Cox
Front Table Books
c/o Cedar Fort, Inc.
2373 West 700 South, Springville, Utah 84663
9781462116027, $19.99, www.amazon.com
Whether a party is formal or informal, an elaborate celebration or an spur of the moment get
together, treats and snacks will always be an important part of the experience. "Party With Sweet
Treats: Dressed-up Goodies for Every Occasion" by Norene Cox (creator of Party Pinching, a
popular website where she could blog about her cute food and budget friendly party ideas, and
whose desserts have been featured in People magazine, Family Fun magazine, Seventeen
magazine, Taste of Home, and praised by Martha Stewart and endorsed by Shark Tank's Barbara
Corcoran), is a profusely illustrated, 160 page compendium showcasing thoroughly 'kitchen cook
friendly' recipes for making an impressively diverse number of palate pleasing, appetite
satisfying, wonderfully fun edibles. After an informative Introduction; an invaluable section of
Tips & Tricks; and useful Tutorials; the recipes comprising "Party With Sweet Treats" is
organized into three main sections: Holidays; Sweet Celebrations; and Just For Fun. From Love
Bug Cookies; Chicken Pretenders; Diploma Cupcake Toppers; Twinkie Toes; and Toaster Pastry
Cards; to Golf Donuts; to Little Leprechaun Cupcakes; Tea Cup Toppers; Bitty Balloon Cookies;
Pinata Rice Krispie Treat; and Peanut Butter Checkers, "Party With Sweet Treats" is a unique
culinary treasure and certain to be a popular addition to personal, family, and community library
collections! It should be noted that "Party With Sweet Treats" is also available in a Kindle edition
BBQ Bistro
Karen Adler & Judith Fertig
Running Press
c/o Perseus Book Group
250 W. 57th St., Suite 1500, New York, NY 10107
9780762454549, $20.00, www.amazon.com
Barbecue (also barbeque, BBQ) is a cooking method and apparatus. While there is a vast degree
of variation and overlap in terminology and method surrounding this form of cooking, the
generally accepted difference between barbecuing and grilling is in the cooking time and type of
heat used. Grilling is generally done quickly over moderate-to-high direct heat with little smoke,
while barbecuing is done slowly over low indirect heat and the food is flavored by the smoking
process. Collaboratively compiled and presented by the team of barbecue experts Karen Adler
and Judith Fertig, "BBQ Bistro: Simple, Sophisticated French Recipes for Your Grill" is a 224
page culinary compendium showcasing an impressive diversity and variety of barbecue dishes.
Each recipes is provided with a succinct commentary, a list of ingredients, and thoroughly
'kitchen cook friendly' step-by-step instructions. "BBQ Bistro: Simple, Sophisticated French
Recipes for Your Grill" includes recipes for appetizers, toasted and grilled bread; salads;
sandwiches; side dishes, main courses, poultry, lamb, game, beef, pork, fish, shellfish, desserts,
and fruits. A delight to browse through and a pleasure to plan menus with, "BBQ Bistro: Simple,
Sophisticated French Recipes for Your Grill" will prove to be an enduringly popular addition to
personal, family, and community library cookbook collections. It should be noted that "BBQ
Bistro: Simple, Sophisticated French Recipes for Your Grill" is also available in a Kindle edition
Deep South Dish: Homestyle Southern Recipes
Mary Foreman
Quail Ridge Press
PO Box 123, Brandon, MS 39043
9781938879135, $24.95, www.amazon.com
A nicely illustrated, 224 page culinary compendium comprised of authentic American southern
dishes compiled by Mary Foreman, "Deep South Dish: Homestyle Southern Recipes" is a
celebration of kitchen cook friendly recipes that allows genuine southern cuisine to be a staple
for menu planning everywhere in the country. The recipes are organized into chapters for:
Appetizers & Beverages; Bread, Breakfast & Brunch; Soups, Stews & Chilis; Salads; Vegetables
& Side Dishes; Chicken; Seafood; Beef & Pork; and Desserts. The showcased dishes range from
Brown Sugar Candied Bacon; Sausage and Cheese Bread; Creamy Gumbo Potato Salad;
Southern Fried Cabbage; and Cajun Dirty Rice; to Old School Oven Barbecued Chicken; Gulf
Coast Crab and Rice; Chicken-Fried Steak with Milk Gravy; Baked Louisiana Meat Pies; and
Southern Caramel Cake. A delight to simply browse and exceptionally well organized for menu
planning, "Deep South Dish: Homestyle Southern Recipes" is heartily recommended for
personal, family, and community library regional cookbook collections.
Stop, Drop, and Cook
Mark Hansen
Hobble Creek Press
c/o Cedar Fort, Inc.
2373 West 700 South, Springville, Utah 84663
9781462114832, $13.99, www.amazon.com
A Dutch oven is a thick-walled (usually cast iron but also ceramic and clay) cooking pot with a
tight-fitting lid. Dutch ovens have been used as cooking vessels for hundreds of years. Now
modern day kitchen cooks can prepare a culinary wealth of delectable dishes utilizing pantry
storage ingredients with the aid of Mark Hansen's "Stop, Drop, and Cook: Everyday Dutch Oven
Cooking With Food Storage". Not just a collection of terrific recipes, "Stop, Drop, and Cook"
shows how to build up a food storage; safely store charcoal briquettes and wood; and prepare
great meals even when the power and gas lines are out of service. The recipes themselves range
from Dutch Oven Split Pea Soup with Ham; Garlic and Cheddar Drop Biscuits; Blueberry
Almond Cake; and Curried Lentils with Rice; to Food Storage Pizza; TVP Sloppy Joe; Oatmeal
Raisin Muffins; and Matzo Balls in Chicken Soup. Enhanced with the inclusion of a two page list
of Resources and a four page Recipe Index, "Stop, Drop, and Cook" will prove to be an
invaluable culinary reference for anyone with a Dutch Oven -- and for those without, an
enticement to obtain one!
Hot Damn & Hell Yeah: Recipes for Hungry Banditos
Ryan Splint
Microcosm Publishing
2752 North Williams Avenue, Portland, OR 97227
9781621069898, $10.95 PB, $6.99 Kindle, www.amazon.com
Compiled by Ryan Splint, "Hot Damn & Hell Yeah: Recipes for Hungry Banditos" is a 128 page
vegan cookbook featuring recipes with a distinctively Old West culinary flair. The recipes range
from Refried Beans; Breakfast Burritos; Vegetable Pot Pie; and Salted Bourbon Caramel Pecan
Squares; to Herb and Cheese Drop Biscuits; Gaucamole; Beef Style Marinade; and Apple
Enchiladas. The recipes are organized and presented in eight thematic sections: Sauces and
Mixes; Breads; Yeast Breads; Side Dishes; Soups and Chilis; Main Dishes; Confections; and
Desserts. This 10th Anniversary expanded edition is thoroughly kitchen cook friendly and highly
recommended for personal and community library Vegan and Vegetarian cookbook
Chocolate Modeling Cake Toppers
Ramla Khan
250 Wireless Boulevard, Hauppauge, NY 11788
9781438005294, $17.99, www.amazon.com
Today, the words 'cake figurines' and 'cake toppers' are interchangeable. Figurines made of icing
are also referred to as icingtons. Cake toppers have evolved from the kitchens of patisserie chefs
and cake decorators displaying their skills in fondant, marzipan, and royal icing. Icing sugar
creations are considered an art form in itself, and require a great deal of skill and craftsmanship,
and may involve embossing, crimping, broderie anglaise, and Garret frills. Modern-day cake
toppers or icingtons have not strayed too far from the traditional as they still retain the suave,
elegant look that mirror the French Classics. "Chocolate Modeling Cake Toppers: 101 Tasty
Ideas for Candy Clay, Modeling Chocolate, and Other Fondant Alternatives" by Ramla Khan (an
accomplished cake designer and the owner of the London-based wedding cake bakery, The
Enchanting Cake Company) is a profusely illustrated, 144 page instruction manual and guide that
will enable even the most novice of kitchen cooks to create truly memorable cake toppings for all
manner of occasions for celebration. In addition to an informed and informative Working with
Modeling Chocolate; Coloring Modeling Chocolate; and Tips & Techniques sections, the
instructional recipes are organized and presented in ten major themes: Romantic Vintage;
Steampunk; Under the Sea; Winter Wonderland; The Secret Garden; Oriental; Arabian Nights;
Love Birds; Teddy Bear Picnic. Unique and detailed, inspired and inspiring, "Chocolate
Modeling Cake Toppers" is very highly recommended for personal, family, professional, and
community library cookbook collections.
Cake My Day!
Karen Tack & Alan Richardson
Rux Martin
c/o Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
215 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10003
978 0544263697, $18.99, www.amazon.com
Cake is a form of sweet dessert that is typically baked. Typical cake ingredients are flour, sugar,
eggs, and butter or oil, with some recipes also requiring additional liquid (for example milk or
water) and leavening agents (such as yeast or baking powder). Common additional flavourings
include dried, candied or fresh fruit, nuts, cocoa or extracts, and numerous substitutions for the
primary ingredients are possible. Cakes can also be filled with fruit preserves or dessert sauces
(like pastry cream), iced with buttercream or other icings, and decorated with marzipan, piped
borders, or candied fruit. Cake is often served as a celebratory dish on ceremonial occasions, for
example weddings, anniversaries, and birthdays. Cake making is no longer a complicated
procedure; while at one time considerable labor went into cake making (particularly the whisking
of egg foams), baking equipment and directions have been simplified so that even the most
amateur cook may bake a cake. The collaborative work of 'cake artists' Karen Tack and Alan
Richardson, "Cake My Day!: Easy, Eye-Popping Designs for Stunning, Fanciful, and Funny
Cakes" is a unique and exceptional 304 page collection of kitchen cook friendly, profusely
illustrated, instructional recipes for creating an impressive variety of whimsical cake forms. The
cakes range from Pinwheel Cake; Goat Cake; Princess and the Pea Cake; Snowman Cake; and
Siamese Cat Cake; to Bedazzled Christmas Tree Cake; Hugs Boot Cake; Batter Up! Cake; Test
Tube Cake; Faberge Egg Cake, and so many more! "Cake My Day!" is a very special and highly
recommended addition to personal, family, professional, and community library cookbook
A Girl and Her Greens
April Bloomfield with J.J. Goode
c/o HarperCollins Publishers
10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022-5299
9780062225887, $34.99, www.eccobooks.com
A Girl and Her Greens: Hearty Meals from the Garden comes from a chef who follows up her
best-selling cookbook A Girl and Her Pig with 80 more recipes based on garden harvests, and
presents a passion for vegetables that is anything but your usual vegetarian cookbook. Greens
may be cooked with bacon, anchovies can provide that elusive extra flavor to a vegetable dish,
and different kinds of onions and mushrooms can add texture and flavors that are unexpected
delights. From using farmer's market and farm bounty to understanding the properties of raw
vegetables and how they translate differently when cooked, A Girl and Her Greens is an
outstanding cookbook which makes the most of fresh foods and garden harvests and is
recommended not as a vegetarian's guide, but as a celebration of vegetables.
United States of Cakes
Roy Fares
Skyhorse Publishing
307 West 36th Street, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10018
9781632204752, $24.99, www.skyhorsepublishing.com
United States of Cakes: Tasty Traditional American Cakes, Cookies, Pies, and Baked Goods
comes from a Swedish pastry chef with an unusual focus: using less sugar in his baked goods.
This might sound like an impossibility to many cooks who realize that the proper juxtaposition of
sugar in any given pastry is key to its success (or its failure); but Fares has created and tested all
the recipes in this cookbook, and revamps classic American desserts in a collection that will
particularly appeal to diabetics who want less emphasis on sugary creations. The author's
background studying baking in Europe and his journey to Los Angeles is reflected in a collection
that blends European baking methods with American favorites. Thus lemon meringue is
transformed into light cupcakes, red velvet cake assumes new inspiration with Sweet Lady Jane's
recipe, and Apple Pancakes require only 1/4 cup of sugar to prove successful. Some have more
sugar than others: it should be mentioned that the red velvet cake above contains a hefty dose on
par with its original creation. However, all are redone traditional creations in some manner,
which are paired with numerous appealing color photos throughout.
Richard H. Turner
Mitchell Beazley
c/o Octopus Publishing
236 Park Avenue, New York NY 10017
9781784720018, $34.99, www.octopusbooksusa.com
Hog: Perfect Pork Recipes from the Snout to the Squeak stands out from other pork cookbooks
in a number of ways. First, it celebrates all kinds of cuts, familiar and unfamiliar, and methods of
handling them, from grilling to brining, using chopped pork to making sausages. Many other
pork cookbooks touch lightly on these subjects, but this book goes whole hog and delves into
them in detail - so don't expect a light recipe collection. Cooks who seek depth from their
cookbooks will love both the detail and the inclusion of references to how some of the recipes
were invented and how they were adapted by other cooks. The second attribute of note is
full-page close-up color photos which offer artistic presentations of the pork dishes in their
completed form. The third is its wide-ranging inclusion of everything from pork popcorn to
international fare from carnitas to choucroute. The result is far more detailed than most, packing
in dishes home cooks will want to duplicate. All that's required is an affection for the pig and the
Pure Pork Awesomeness
Kevin Gillespie
Andrews McMeel Publishing
1130 Walnut Street, Kansas City, MO 64106-2109
9781449447076, $29.99, www.andrewsmcmeel.com
Pure Pork Awesomeness: Totally Cookable Recipes from Around the World is a celebration of
the pig - so if pork isn't desired, look elsewhere. It helps to have not just affection but a love for
pork, and this book shares all kinds of work dishes, from sandwiches and stews to stroganoff,
spareribs and more. Many of the dishes provide unusual ethnic influences and flavors, while Thai
Red Curry Pork, Sweet and Sour Pork, and Bacon Popcorn enhanced by bacon grease offer many
fine pork flavors. The result is a pork cookbook that celebrates all aspects of pork cookery in a
wide variety of dishes.
Kay Frydenborg
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
215 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10003
9780544175662, $18.99, www.hmhco.com
Chocolate: Sweet Science & Dark Secrets of the World's Favorite Treat joins a host of other
books on the subject, but stands out in providing a lively survey of chocolate's earliest uses in
Mesoamerica, its rise in Western culinary circles, and the efforts that led to its becoming an
industry and a home staple. Chapters focus on this history and blend in scientific and cultural
perspectives with a focus on the international development of chocolate and the evolution of
favorites, business pursuits, and the scientific properties of chocolate. Yes, other books provide
much of the same information - but in a less lively, interconnected format. The inclusion of
scientific and cultural details into the history makes this survey something different from another
culinary discussion.
Fed, White, and Blue
Simon Majumdar
Hudson Street Press
c/o Penguin Group USA
375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014
9781594632150, $25.95, www.penguin.com
Fed, White, and Blue: Finding America with My Fork comes from a British ex-pat living in L.A.
who decided to embark on a road trip across the United States to discover its regional food
history and current culture. His journeys took him to Massachusetts to learn about what the
pilgrims ate, to Kansas for a Shabbat dinner; to Alaska to fish for salmon. His discussions of
food culture, beers, farming, food banks and American culture offer up delicious, hilarious, and
thought-provoking insights into American food from a British perspective. The result will delight
two kinds of readers: those involved in American regional food culture, and those who appreciate
warm and spirited travelogues.
The Occidental Arts & Ecology Center Cookbook
OAEC Collective with Olivia Rathbone
Chelsea Green Publishing Company
85 North Main Street, Suite 120, White River Junction, VT 05001
9781603585132, $40.00, www.chelseagreen.com
The Occidental Arts & Ecology Center Cookbook focuses on recipes that use wild edibles, and is
a lovely collection of some 200 recipes from the California-based farm and ecology center. The
dishes are arranged for seasonal use and provide vegetarian dishes that blend weeds, flowers,
fruits, mushrooms and others ingredients into the mix. A home garden is the first recommended
prerequisite for appreciating the approach of this book; the second is an appreciation for cooking
with weeds and ingredients from a home or community-based garden. There is much to enjoy,
here, from the many full-page color photos of plants and polished recipes to such dishes as Carrot
Chamomile Soup, Spiced Turnip Stew with Chickpeas and Turnip Green Yogurt Sauce, and
Slow-Roasted Sunchokes with Wild Mushrooms. The result is a lovely, appealing guide
gardeners and foragers alike will appreciate, packed with dishes not to be found in other
vegetarian cookbooks.
Cookie Craft
Valerie Peterson & Janice Fryer
Storey Publishing
210 Mass MoCA Way, North Adams, MA 01247
9781612125596, $12.95, www.storey.com
Cookie Craft: Baking & Decorating Techniques for Fun & Festive Occasions covers all the
basics for mastering techniques from basic to advanced for baking and decorating all kinds of
cookies for all kinds of purposes, and covers designs, tricks for professional-looking results, and
more. The idea is to take the mundane cookie and turn it into something exceptional: thus, cookie
recipes are designed to produce 'blank canvases' while tips range from acquiring and organizing
cookie cutters to creating gourmet or boutique icings, obtaining and organizing decorating
supplies, and turning cookies into centerpieces. The result is a powerful survey highly
recommended for cookie bakers who have some baking basics under their belts, but who want
more ideas for advanced applications.
The Wine/Spirits Shelf
Joel Harrison & Neil Ridley
Mitchell Beazley
c/o Octopus Publishing
236 Park Avenue, New York NY 10017
9781845339111, $19.99, www.octopusbooksusa.com
Distilled: From Absinthe & Brandy to Vodka & Whiskey, the World's Finest Artisan Spirits
Unearthed, Explained & Enjoyed selects among the best-crafted, most interesting spirits to
explain what goes into each, from its ingredients and its traditions to how it's created, consumed,
and marketed. It contains discussions of the world's best examples of these creations, it surveys
the growing world of craft distillers and how now spirits are being invented, and it offers keys to
drinking them property and creating new kinds of cocktails. A combination recipe book and
history packed with color photos and fun 'how to enjoy' facts, Distilled is a recommendation for
any collection strong in wine and spirits discussions.
The Travel Shelf
Picnic in Provence
Elizabeth Bard
Little, Brown & Company
c/o Hachette Book Group
237 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10017
9780316246163, $26.00, www.littlebrown.com
Picnic in Provence: A Memoir with Recipes could also have been featured in our 'Food and
Wine' section, but is reviewed here because of its many travel and cultural insights into rural
French life. It's a fun travelogue punctuated with French recipes, and continues the story of a
New Yorker who followed a Frenchman to Paris and here finds herself with a baby on the way
and affection for French food. The couple journey to a tiny Provencal village as one of their last
pre-baby travels, where their discoveries of local history, culture, and food lead to a decision to
move to the French countryside to open an artisanal ice cream shop. The ideal reader will be one
with a prior affection for French culture and cooking, who is intrigued by French experiences and
who wants a selection of unusual regional dishes along the way.
Almost Sleeping My Way to Timbuktu
Sihle Khumalo
Umuzi/Random House Struik
c/o International Publishers' Marketing (distributors)
22841 Quicksilver Drive, Dulles, VA 20166
9781415203989, $18.00, www.amazon.com
Almost Sleeping My Way to Timbuktu: West Africa on a Shoestring by Public Transport With
No French comes from a traveler who planned to inform himself about Francophone Africa on
the fly, as he visited the countries, and provides an engrossing saga of cultural encounters and
journeys that's unparalleled in a genre filled with travel stories. He had many grand ideas - visit
five World Heritage Sites listed by UNESCO, journey through Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, and
more, and do so via public conveyances. His first-person saga of language barriers, cultural
revelations, and African encounters paints a vivid portrait of daily life in contemporary African
nations and the challenges of touring without French in French-speaking countries, and makes for
a fine armchair read for any who would enjoy high adventure and cultural insights.
The Health/Medicine Shelf
The Perfect Metabolism Plan
Sara Vance
Conari Press
c/o Red Wheel/Weiser
65 Parker Street, Suite 7, Newburyport, MA 01950-4600
9781573246439, $16.95, www.redwheelweiser.com
The Perfect Metabolism Plan: Restore Your Energy and Reach Your Ideal Weight offers the
ideal of a perfect metabolism and then pairs this goal with the reality of how to achieve it,
providing key points for fixing metabolism issues ranging from food intolerances and digestive
issues to too many toxins. Chapters pair these insights with keys on how to exercise smarter,
recognize the deeper ramifications of inactivity, how to understand daily feeling fluctuations such
as an unexplained lack of energy, and more. The result is a powerful plan designed to address all
aspects of health and diet, highly recommended for any interested in taking control of
The Probiotic Promise
Michelle Schoffro Cook, PhD, DNM
Da Capo Press
c/o Perseus Book Group
250 W. 57th St., Suite 1500, New York, NY 10107
9780738217956, $25.99, www.dacapopress.com
The Probiotic Promise: Simple Steps to Heal Your Body from the Inside Out comes from a
health and wellness expert who presents the latest research on the healing powers of probiotics
and blends this research into a plan of action consumers will find easy to follow. Probiotics are
normally associated with digestive issues but they can also improve other conditions, from
allergies and depression to cancer. This covers all the options, what to look for in probiotics, how
to tell of cultures are really "live", and more, and presents a far more expansive view of the
nature, promise, and research surrounding probiotics than most books offer.
The Political Science Shelf
Political Animal: Gore Vidal on Power
Heather Neilson
Monash University Publishing
c/o International Specialized Book Services
920 Northeast 58th Avenue, Suite 300, Portland, OR, 97213
9781921867682, $39.95, 270pp, www.amazon.com
Gore Vidal (3 October 1925 - 31 July 2012) was an American writer and a public intellectual
known for his patrician manner, epigrammatic wit, and polished style of writing. Born Eugene
Louis Vidal, he was a member of a political family; his maternal grandfather, Thomas Pryor
Gore, served as United States Senator from Oklahoma (1907 - 21 and 1931 - 37). As Gore Vidal,
he was a Democratic Party politician who twice sought elected office; first to the United States
House of Representatives (New York State, 1960), then to the U.S. Senate (California, 1982). As
a political commentator and essayist, Vidal's principal subject was the history of the United
States and its society, especially how the militaristic foreign policy of the National Security State
reduced the country to decadent empire. "Political Animal: Gore Vidal on Power" by Heather
Nelson is a work of seminal scholarship that examines the centrality of the theme of the use and
abuse of political power throughout his writings. "Political Animal: Gore Vidal on Power"
focuses primarily, although not exclusively, on Vidal's historical fiction. In his novels depicting
American history, and those set in the ancient world, Vidal evokes a world in which deliberately
propagated falsehood ('disinformation') can become established as truth. "Political Animal: Gore
Vidal on Power" engages with Vidal's representations of political and religious leaders, and with
his deeply ambivalent fascination with the increasingly inescapable influence of the media. It
asserts that Vidal's oeuvre has a Shakespearean resonance in its persistent obsession with the
question of what constitutes legitimate power and authority. An informative and inherently
fascinating read, "Political Animal: Gore Vidal on Power" is very highly recommended for
community and academic library Political Science collections in general, and personal reading
lists for non-specialist general readers with an interest in Gore Vidal's life, accomplishments, and
Inside Reagan's Navy: The Pentagon Journals
Chase Untermeyer
Texas A&M University Press
4354 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-4354
9781623492120, $35.00, www.tamupress.com
Inside Reagan's Navy: The Pentagon Journals comes from an assistant to VP George W. Bush,
and who decided to vacate his plush White House position to become a deputy assistant secretary
of the Navy in 1983, and "Inside Reagan's Navy: The Pentagon Journals" follows his experiences
and encounters with the Pentagon during the Reagan years. It's a lively view of not just Naval
operations but Washington politics of the era, injecting a dose of humor into its social and
political observations of his office and its interactions at the highest levels of government. With
its blend of lively, personal encounters and political process, Inside Reagan's Navy is a pick for
any who would learn more about how the Navy works, is managed, and how it interacts with
other government offices.
The International Studies Shelf
James R. Mancham
Paragon House
3600 Labore Road, Suite 1, St. Paul, MN 55110-4144
9781557789150, $24.95, 464pp, www.amazon.com
Seychelles (officially the Republic of Seychelles) is an archipelago in the Indian Ocean. The
115-island country, whose capital is Victoria, lies 1,500 kilometers (932 mi) east of mainland
Southeast Africa. Other nearby island countries and territories include Zanzibar to the west and
Comoros, Mayotte, Madagascar, Reunion and Mauritius to the south. Seychelles, with a
population of 90,024, has the smallest population of any African state. Seychelles is a member of
the African Union. "Seychelles: The Saga of a Small Nation Navigating the Cross-Currents of a
Big World" by James R. Mancham (the first President of the Republic of Seychelles) writes with
a special expertise about the history of this island nation that received its independence from the
United Kingdom in 1976. Abandoned by England and betrayed by France, founding president
James R. Mancham lost power in a communist coup spearheaded by the Prime Minister the
following year. Following the collapse of communism and its own bankruptcy, Seychelles has
been finding an exemplary path to political stability and economic development under the
leadership of current president James A. Michel and with the help of the U.A.E. An especially
informed and informative analytical history, "Seychelles: The Saga of a Small Nation Navigating
the Cross-Currents of a Big World" is an inherently fascinating read and a very highly
recommended addition to community and academic library International Studies reference
collections in general, and Seychelles History and Cold War History supplemental studies
reading lists in particular. It should be noted that "Seychelles: The Saga of a Small Nation
Navigating the Cross-Currents of a Big World" is also available in a Kindle edition ($9.95).
The Burma Spring
Rena Pederson
Pegasus Books
80 Broad Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10004
9781605986678, $29.95, www.pegasusbooks.com
The Burma Spring: Aung San Suu Kui and the New Struggle for the Soul of a Nation is a 'must
have' reference for any collection serious about Asian politics, and comes from an award-winning
journalist and former State Department speechwriter who offers new details about Novel Peace
Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi, who introduced democracy to Burma. She was living in
England with no desire to enter politics but she always intended to return to her homeland,
should it ever need her. As the daughter of the late general Aung San, she quickly found herself
embroiled in civil strife when she did return to Burma, and was imprisoned in her Rangoon home
for fifteen years of struggle before securing her own freedom and influencing the course of the
nation. From her friendships with American women in politics to her pivotal involvement in
Burma's drive for independence, The Burma Spring is an in-depth story of both Kui's life and of
her nation, and is a 'must' for any who would understand either.
The Christian Studies Shelf
The Seven Churches Of Asia Minor
Orville R. Beckford Sr.
Westbow Press
c/o Thomas Nelson Publishers
PO Box 141000, Nashville, TN 37214
Bohlsen Group
9781490849836, $33.59, 196pp, www.amazon.com
The Seven Churches of Asia Minor, (referring to the Roman province of Asia, not the entire
continent), are seven major churches of Early Christianity, as mentioned in the New Testament
Book of Revelation. In Revelation, on the Greek island of Patmos, Jesus Christ instructs his
servant John of Patmos to: "Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches: to
Ephesus, and to Smyrna, and to Pergamos, and to Thyatira, and to Sardis, and to Philadelphia,
and to Laodicea." "Churches" in this context refers to the community or local congregations of
Christians living in each city, and not merely to the building or buildings in which they gathered
for worship. "The Seven Churches of Asia Minor: Their Locations, Characteristics, and Christ
Introducing Himself to Them in Seven Different Ways" by Dr. Orville R. Beckford Sr. (He has a
Bachelor of Divinity, a BA in biblical studies, an MA in psychology and Christian counseling,
and a PhD in philosophy in biblical studies and has been a pastor for twenty-four years, in
Jamaica, the Eastern Caribbean, Rochester New York from (1995-2011), and now New Rochelle,
New York) is a 196 page treatise was specifically written to aid Christians gain a deeper insight
into the character of these churches. Dr. Beckford discusses their geographical locations, their
historical backgrounds, and their experiences that shaped the way they are addressed in the New
Testament. The church of Ephesus (the first of the seven) left its first love, and the last of the
seven, the Church of Laodicea, focused on material wealth without recognizing that Christ was
on the outside knocking, seeking the opportunity to come in. "The Seven Churches of Asia
Minor" will take the reader through each church one by one; it will help to identify actions for
which they were admonished or encouraged. Five out of these seven churches were admonished,
warned, and given specific steps to take for their restoration; they could take these steps or face
the consequences meted by Christ himself. "The Seven Churches of Asia Minor" is still very
much relevant for contemporary Christian churches and individuals alike. Very highly
recommended for seminary and church library collections, for personal reading lists it should be
noted that "The Seven Churches Of Asia Minor" is also available in a paperback edition
(9781490849829, $17.95) and in a Kindle format ($7.99).
Walking With Jesus
Pope Francis
Loyola Press
3441 North Ashland Avenue, Chicago, IL 60657
9780829442489, $22.95, 160pp, www.amazon.com
Two thousand years ago, Jesus said, "Follow me." In "Walking with Jesus: A Way Forward for
the Church", Pope Francis (the first member of the Franciscan Order to gain that position within
the Roman Catholic Church) addresses the questions: What if the 21st-century Church actually
heeded that call?; What would the world look like if the Church were truly on the move?; What
exactly should the Church be moving toward? In "Walking with Jesus" Pope Francis urges all
Catholics to make Jesus central in our individual lives and in the collective life of the Church --
to walk toward him, and ultimately to walk with him at all times and in all places. Each chapter
of this Vatican-authorized book helps the reader move ever closer to God and to their neighbors
through the sacraments, prayer, evangelization, the gifts of the Spirit, and service to others. Pope
Francis reminds us all that while the Church is indeed made up of individual people, we must
walk together as a community of believers in a transformative relationship with Jesus if the
Church is to be an effective, faithful witness to the Gospel. Featuring an informative Foreword
by Archbishop of Chicago Blase J. Cupich, (Pope Francis's first major appointment in the United
States),"Walking with Jesus" offers the Church a much-needed way forward, past its inner and
outer walls, as it fearlessly follows Christ toward the future. "Walking With Jesus" should be
considered a 'must read' by all Catholics, and is strongly recommended as inspiring and
thoughtful reading for all Christians regardless of their denominational affiliation. It should be
noted that "Walking with Jesus: A Way Forward for the Church" is also available in a paperback
edition (9780829442540, $16.95), in a Kindle edition ($12.99), and as an audio book
(Blackstone Audio, 9781504610902, $29.95).
Elizabeth Ann Seton
Anne Merwin
Pauline Books & Media
50 St. Pauls Avenue, Boston, MA 02130
9780819823809, $10.95, 93pp, www.amazon.com
Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton, S.C., (August 28, 1774 - January 4, 1821) was the first native-born
citizen of the United States to be canonized by the Roman Catholic Church on September 14,
1975. She established the first Catholic school in the nation, at Emmitsburg, Maryland, where
she founded the first American congregation of religious sisters, the Sisters of Charity. A part of
the outstanding 'Saints by Our Side' series from Pauline Books & Media, "Elizabeth Ann Seton"
by Anne Merwin (a past President of the Mother Seton House in Baltimore and now an Associate
of the Sisters of Charity of New York) is a 93 page biography of a young Colonial America
socialite who becomes the pioneer of the Catholic school system in the United States and the
foundress of the Sisters of Charity. Elizabeth had the kind of fortitude and perseverance that
fueled the American Revolution. When she discovered God's call, she followed it, undergoing a
compelling conversion, and a life of many trials. Her choices and actions are a true testament to
her strong faith. Discover the secret of Elizabeth's holiness - a courageous determination to allow
God to guide her, no matter where he might lead. "Elizabeth Ann Seton" includes reflection
questions; contains a chronology of important dates; features her story with a personal
connection; and ends with a prayer to Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. "Elizabeth Ann Seton" is
inherently fascinating and informative.
Pope Francis' Revolution of Tenderness and Love
Walter Kasper
Paulist Press
997 MacArthur Boulevard, Mahwah, NJ 07430
9780809106233, $16.95, www.amazon.com
"Pope Francis' Revolution of Tenderness and Love: Theological and Pastoral Perspectives" by
Cardinal Walter Kasper (President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity) is a
120 page commentary outlying the significant influences that have led the Cardinal to call
Francis a pope leading a radical revolution of tenderness and love because what the globally
popular Pope preaches and the church reforms he is championing are solidly rooted in the gospel.
Cardinal Kasper (who is nicknamed the 'pope's theologian' writes with a clarity and insight that
does full justice to the message and mission of Pope Francis. "Pope Francis' Revolution of
Tenderness and Love: Theological and Pastoral Perspectives" is very highly recommended and
essential reading by both the clergy and the laity of every Roman Catholic community.
Sacred Days
Thomas R. Steagald
Upper Room Books
PO Box 340003, Nashville, TN 37203-0003
9780835813815, $16.99, www.amazon.com
Certain seasons or days of the Christian year of a special meaning for members of the Christian
community. Some days and seasons of importance to Christians have been adopted and adapted
by non-Christians such as the Japanese people making Christmas an annual holiday in Japan. In
"Sacred Days: Following Jesus Through the Christian Year" by Thomas R. Steagald (Senior
Pastor of Hawthorne Lane United Methodist Church, Charlotte, North Carolina) is a 141 page
commentary that incorporates the use of the Christian year as a kind of map or grid to help us
understand the overarching story of Jesus' life following specific events beginning with the birth
of Jesus, and then continuing on to his ministry and miracles, and finally concluding with his
death and resurrection. An informative and engaging approach to studying the life and ministry
of Jesus Christ, "Sacred Days" is very highly recommended for personal reading lists, as well as
Sunday School and Seminary-based Christian Studies curriculums. It should be noted that
"Sacred Days" is also available in a Kindle edition ($9.99).
The Mystery Of The Eucharist
Dennis Billy
New City Press
202 Cardinal Rd., Hyde Park, NY 12538
9781565485303, $24.95, 338pp, www.amazon.com
The Eucharist (also called Holy Communion, the Lord's Supper, and other names) is a rite
considered by most Christian churches to be a sacrament. According to some New Testament
books, it was instituted by Jesus Christ during his Last Supper. Giving his disciples bread and
wine during the Passover meal, Jesus commanded his followers to "do this in memory of me",
while referring to the bread as "my body" and the wine as "my blood". Through the Eucharistic
celebration Christians remember Christ's sacrifice of himself once and for all on the cross.
Everyone is called to holiness, and everyone to mysticism. In "The Mystery of the Eucharist:
Voices from the Saints and Mystics", Fr. Dennis Billy (scholar-in-residence, professor, and
holder of the John Cardinal Krol Chair of Moral Theology at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in
Wynnewood, Pennsylvania) presents the voices of 26 saints and mystics, including brief
biographies & synopses of their spiritualities. Their unique insights on the Eucharist come
together here in a symphony of great beauty, joy, and gratitude, and Fr. Billy's presentation will
deepen your understanding of their impact on Catholic Eucharistic spirituality over the centuries.
Chapter subtitles include: Food of the Heart; Infinite Delight; Transubstantial Change; Gods
Maternal Love; Daily Bread; Nearness to Jesus; and Forging Unity. Reflection questions for each
chapter make it perfect for catechesis or for a formation or faith-sharing group.
Windows from Heaven: Yes, I Believe
Matthew Seufer
Westbow Press
c/o Thomas Nelson Publishers
PO Box 141000, Nashville, TN 37214
Bohlsen Group
9781490858395, $30.95, www.amazon.com
Author and photographer Matthew Seufer has translated his personal Christian experiences into
an impressive 94 page visual presentation of the dated and scriptural citation captioned
photographs that comprise "Windows from Heaven: Yes, I Believe". Simple, inspired, and
inspiring, "Windows from Heaven: Yes, I Believe" is a meditative delight to browse through and
could well serve as a template for similar efforts by others. "Windows from Heaven: Yes, I
Believe" is very highly recommended for perusal by all members of the Christian community
regardless of their denominational affiliation. It should be noted that "Windows from Heaven:
Yes, I Believe" is also available in a Kindle edition ($4.61).
Julia Alvarez, et.al.
Orbis Books
Box 302, Maryknoll NY 10545-0302
97816269811959, $18.00, www.orbisbooks.com
Passion: Contemporary Writers on the Story of Calvary is edited by Oliver Larry Yarbrough and
gathers a fine collection of insights that blends personal encounters with Gospel to cover the
Passion. Five American writers use these narratives in ways that are designed to draw inquiring
Christian thinkers to understand different interpretations of the Passion in everyday life. From a
visit to the sites of Holy Week to an author's memories of the Stations of the Cross, this is
presents an outstanding series of insights into how Christian thinking and Gospel stories relate to
modern Christian lives, and is a top recommendation for any Christian thinker.
All the Places to Go
John Ortberg
Tyndale House Publishers
351 Executive Drive, Carol Stream, IL 60188
9781414379005, $22.99, www.tyndale.com
All the Places to Go: How Will You Know? is all about enjoying life and getting out of a rut -
with the help of God. Life isn't just an 'open door', however, it's an invitation provided by God to
act with and for God - and this book tells how to adopt change and spiritual paths as part of this
process. Chapters from a pastor identify these places where God can be observed, and teaches
how to identify the divine potentials of everyday living. The result is a solid reference that is
lively, conversational, and filled with insights on the appropriate places to recognize God in daily
life, and the appropriate responses to God's invitations and presence.
The Judaic Studies Shelf
Ethical Wills & How To Prepare Them
Rabbi Jack Riemer & Dr. Nathaniel Stampfer
Jewish Lights Publishing
PO Box 237, Woodstock, VT 05091
9781580238274, $18.99, 272pp, www.amazon.com
A will or testament is a legal declaration by which a person, the testator, names one or more
persons to manage his or her estate and provides for the distribution of his or her property at
death. For the devolution of property not disposed of by will, see inheritance and intestacy.
Though it has at times been thought that a "will" was historically limited to real property while
"testament" applies only to dispositions of personal property (thus giving rise to the popular title
of the document as "Last Will and Testament"), the historical records show that the terms have
been used interchangeably. Thus, the word "will" validly applies to both personal and real
property. A will may also create a testamentary trust that is effective only after the death of the
testator. Ethical wills are precious spiritual documents, windows into the souls of those who
write them, and are often a treasured part of a family's history. These "legacy letters" sum up
what you have learned in life, and what you want most for, and from, your loved ones. "Ethical
Wills & How to Prepare Them: A Guide to Sharing Your Values from Generation to Generation"
is a unique combination of "what is" and "how to", which also offers a step-by-step process to
help the non-specialist general reader to prepare an ethical will of their own, and provides a wide
range of contemporary ethical wills as templates to help them do it. "Ethical Wills & How to
Prepare Them: A Guide to Sharing Your Values from Generation to Generation" reveals the
ongoing relevance of this traditional Jewish practice for people of all faiths, all backgrounds. The
emotional power of the nearly one hundred last letters collected here, written by both famous and
ordinary Jewish people, will inspire readers to live more fully now, and to record their own
blessings for the generations to come. It should be noted that "Ethical Wills & How to Prepare
Them: A Guide to Sharing Your Values from Generation to Generation" is also available in a
Kindle edition ($10.49).
The New Anti-Semitism
Phyllis Chesler
Gefen Publishing House
Gefen Publishing House
11 Edison Place, Springfield, NJ 07081
9789652298096, $18.00, 263pp, www.amazon.com
Anti-Semitism is prejudice against, hatred of, or discrimination against Jews as a national, ethnic,
religious, or racial group. A person who holds such positions is called an "antisemite".
Antisemitism is widely considered to be an insidious form of racism and led directly to the
Holocaust of World War II. A dangerous worldwide coalition of Islamic terrorists,
well-intentioned but misinformed students, right-wing fascists, left-wing ideologues, academics,
feminists, European politicians, journalists, and international human rights organizations have
joined together to again scapegoat the Jews and the Jewish state for crimes they did not commit
and for whatever ails the world. Intensely passionate and compelling, "The New Anti-Semitism"
by Jewish feminist author Dr Phyllis Chesler demonstrates how old-fashioned anti-Semitism
(now often depicted in the form of anti-Zionism) has become fashionable and even politically
correct, and how this plague threatens the Jews of the world, Israel, America, and Western
civilization. Originally published in 2003, "The New Anti-Semitism" is a pioneering work that
has stood the test of time with this new edition being significantly updated, expanded, and
strengthening the original analysis. Enhanced with a new introduction, resource section, and the
answers to the twenty most frequently asked questions, "The New Anti-Semitism" is a seminal
work that is very highly recommended for community and academic library collections. For
personal reading lists it should be noted that "The New Anti-Semitism" is also available in a
Kindle edition ($8.49).
The Religion/Spirituality Shelf
Mormonism Unvailed
Eber D. Howe
Signature Books
564 West 400 North, Salt Lake City, UT 84116-3411
9781560852315, $37.95, www.signaturebooks.com
Mormonism is the commonly known name of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
founded by Joseph Smith in the 1820s. After Smith's murder at the hands of a Missouri mob,
most Mormons followed Brigham Young on his westward journey to settle in what would
become Utah where they remain a majority of the population today. The word Mormon is
originally derived from the Book of Mormon, one of the faith's religious texts. Eber Dudley
Howe (1798-1885) was born in Clifton Park, New York. A newspaperman, he launched the
Telegraph in Painesville, Ohio, in 1822. An abolitionist, Howe used his home as a refuge for
runaway slaves as part of the Underground Railroad. He is author of "Mormonism Unvailed"
which was the first investigative journalism attempt to describe the Mormon church, its practices,
principles, and key leading figures. Now a new edition has been published by Signature Books
and features critical commentaries by Mormon scholar Dan Vogel (editor of the five volume
series "Early Mormon Documents"). "Mormonism Unvailed" including affidavits from Smith's
former neighbors in New York and from Smith's father-in-law in Pennsylvania; Joseph Smith's
early interest in pirate gold and use of a seer stone in treasure seeking; theories from Smith's
friends, followers, and family members about the Book of Mormon's origin. Howe's expose is to
be valued by historians and students of Mormon history for its primary source material and
account of the growth of Mormonism in northeastern Ohio. "Mormonism Unvailed" is an
essential, cored addition to personal and academic library Mormon History reference collections
and supplemental studies reading lists.
The Metaphysical Studies Shelf
The Gift of Shamanism
Itzhak Beery
Destiny Books
c/o Inner Traditions International, Ltd.
One Park Street, Rochester, VT 05767
9781620553725, $16.95, 256pp, www.amazon.com
Shamanism is a practice that involves reaching altered states of consciousness in order to
encounter and interact with the spirit world and channel these transcendental energies into this
world. A shaman is a person regarded as having access to, and influence in, the world of
benevolent and malevolent spirits, who typically enters into a trance state during a ritual, and
practices divination and healing. "The Gift of Shamanism: Visionary Power, Ayahuasca Dreams,
and Journeys to Other Realms" by Itzhak Beery (an internationally recognized shamanic healer
and teacher) explores ayahuasca rituals in the Amazon, messages from power animals and plant
spirits, intuitive dreams, soul retrieval, and holograms of past lives and spirits; explains the
shamanic way of "seeing" to diagnose spiritual, emotional, and physical ailments via candle
readings, remote viewing, and shamanic journeys; and details how the author has helped
individuals communicate with loved ones who have passed on and release themselves from
negative spirits. An inherently fascinating read from beginning to end, "The Gift of Shamanism"
is as informed and informative as it is thoughtful and thought-provoking. Impressively well
written, organized and presented, "The Gift of Shamanism" is a sterling and seminal addition to
the growing body of shamanic literature and highly recommended for both community and
academic library Metaphysical Studies collections. For personal reading lists it should be noted
that "The Gift of Shamanism" is also available in a Kindle edition ($9.99).
7 Reasons To Believe In The Afterlife
Jean Jacques Charbonier, M.D.
Inner Traditions International, Ltd.
One Park Street, Rochester, VT 05767
9781620553800, $14.95, 160pp, www.amazon.com
In philosophy, religion, mythology, and fiction, the afterlife (also referred to as life after death or
the Hereafter) is the concept of a realm, or the realm itself (whether physical or transcendental),
in which an essential part of an individual's identity or consciousness continues to exist after the
death of the body in the individual's lifetime. According to various ideas about the afterlife, the
essential aspect of the individual that lives on after death may be some partial element, or the
entire soul or spirit, of an individual, which carries with it and confers personal identity. Belief in
an afterlife, which may be naturalistic or supernatural, is in contrast to the belief in oblivion after
death. Over the course of his 25-year career as an anesthesiologist and intensive care physician,
Jean Jacques Charbonier, M.D., gathered hundreds of accounts of patients who returned from
clinical death. Across all of these accounts from patients with vastly different backgrounds, Dr.
Charbonier found striking similarities as well as indisputable proof that these experiences were
more than hallucinations. He surveyed other physicians, nurses, and professional caregivers and
discovered that their patients described the same experiences as well as exhibited the same
positive life transformations afterward. Igniting a scientific quest to learn more, he collected
more accounts of near-death experiences as well as out-of-body experiences, attended dozens of
sessions with mediums, experimented successfully with electronic communication with the
deceased (EVP), interviewed hundreds of people who have cared for the dying, and gathered
countless inexplicable stories of "signs" from the afterlife. With each experience he studied, he
found himself more firmly believing in the survival of consciousness beyond death. In the pages
of "7 Reasons to Believe in the Afterlife: A Doctor Reviews the Case for Consciousness after
Death" Dr. Charbonier distills his findings into seven reasons to believe in the afterlife,
beginning with the more than 60 million people worldwide who have reported a transcendent
afterlife experience. He refutes the standard objections of doubters and materialists point by
point, citing scientific research on NDEs and the work of pioneers in the field of consciousness
studies such as Raymond Moody and Pim van Lommel. Drawing on meticulously recorded and
hospital-verified cases, Dr. Charbonier explains that we should not fear death for ourselves or our
loved ones. By releasing our fear of death, we can properly prepare for "the final journey." As
those who have returned from death reveal, death is simply a transition and its lessons enable us
to live more fully, peacefully, and happily in the now. A significant and seminal contribution to
the metaphysical study of life after death, "7 Reasons to Believe in the Afterlife: A Doctor
Reviews the Case for Consciousness after Death" is very highly recommended for both
community and academic library Metaphysical Studies collections. It should be noted for
personal reading lists that "7 Reasons to Believe in the Afterlife: A Doctor Reviews the Case for
Consciousness after Death" is also available in a Kindle edition ($9.99).
Lucid Dreaming Plain and Simple
Robert Waggoner & Caroline McCready
Conari Press
c/o Red Wheel/Weiser
65 Parker Street, Suite 7, Newburyport, MA 01950
9781573246415, $19.95, www.redwheelweiser.com
Lucid Dreaming Plain and Simple: Tips and Techniques for Insight, Creativity, and Personal
Growth provides tools to beginners interested in the concept and achievement of lucid dreaming,
which involves consciously directing actions experienced in the dream state, and is
recommended for any who would conduct personal explorations of the subconscious mind. It
packs in tips from scientific research and techniques geared to exploring through altered states of
awareness, and it embarks on a journey through dream figures, stabilizing dream states and
scenarios, and more. Any who would direct their dreams rather than being direct by them will
find this an easy introduction to all kinds of options.
Talking Story
Marie-Rose Phan-Le
North Atlantic Books
2526 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Berkeley, CA 94704
9781583948386, $18.95, www.northatlanticbooks.com
Talking Story: One Woman's Quest to Preserve Ancient Spiritual and Healing Traditions comes
from a woman who has found peace in exploring the spiritual traditions and healing practices of
different cultures around the world, observing that these traditions are rapidly vanishing as elders
pass. Hers is not just a travel memoir or a story of personal spiritual awakening, but a survey of
how this ancient wisdom may be preserved and the discoveries that led to her becoming a healer
herself. Based on an award-winning film of the same name, Talking Story provides an invitation
to grow and learn and, in itself, preserves the very traditions it investigates, making for a top pick
for new age, health, and spirituality collections alike.
Light Atonement
Ariyana - a star child
Prospecta Press
9781632260291, $16.50, www.prospectapress.com
Readers of Light Atonement should, most definitely, be new age followers and spirituality
readers, as this audience will relish the powerful story of how Ariyana develops her abilities,
using psychics, crystals and other methods of channeling, to travel to other dimensions in search
of enlightenment. More than just an experiential survey, Light Atonement tells of a mission and
how Ariyana learns about her purpose and path in life, and considers such diverse subjects as
how a fifth-dimensional world differs from ours, how other channelers and belief systems
interact with her own, and how she comes to face gods and her own hidden destiny. Light
Atonement is an excellent blend of memoir and insight into how transcendence is achieved on
many levels: a compelling story of one woman's journey, business, and expanding spiritual
New Page Books
c/o Career Press Inc.
220 West Parkway, Unit 12, Pompton Plains, NJ 07444
Paula Rosenfeld's The Oneness Blessing: How Deeksha Can Help You Become Your Authentic
Self, Heal Your Relationships, and Transform the World (9781601633613, $14.99) provides a
fine survey packed with new age spiritual reflection and considers the global idea of the Oneness
Blessing, also known as Deeksha, a transfer of energy from one person to another. Deeksha
activates the frontal lobe of the brain and deactivates the parietal lobe, offering a shift in brain
function that leads to increased awareness and bliss. This discusses the process, its benefits, its
affect on inner perception and resistences, and how it may be used in daily life, and is
recommended for any who want more specific information on how Oneness Blessing works, and
how it may be translated to modern life. Marie D. Jones and Larry Flaxman's Mind Wars: Who's
Been Watching You From the Shadows? (9781601633583, $15.99) details mind control methods
and techniques from ancient to modern times, and is for any who want an understanding of
human behavior and conspiracy. The desire to control thoughts and behaviors is a long-held goal
that was evident in the earliest of cultures and in science that didn't work. Mind Wars captures all
these efforts under one cover, considers everything from mental manipulation techniques to
reprogramming efforts and psychic intervention, and documents all kinds of surveillance. The
result is a hard-hitting examination that new age readers, in particular, will find wide-ranging and
thought-provoking - for those who still have minds with which to think.
Weiser Books
c/o Red Wheel/Weiser
65 Parker Street, Suite 7, Newburyport, MA 01950
David Ian Cowan's Seeing Beyond Illusions: Freeing Ourselves from Ego, Guilt, and the Belief
in Separation (9781578635740, $16.95) uses the basics of A Course in Miracles to consider how
lines of separation form and may be broken to free us from subconscious messages that lead
away from the Source, and is a recommendation for psychology and new age holdings alike. It's
about letting go the need to control and embracing forgiveness of self and others to make greater
connections, and its ultimate purpose is to take the basics of A Course in Miracles and relate
them to daily lives. The result is a solid recommendation for any who already know about the
Course and want more insights into its applications. Orion Foxwood's The Flame in the
Cauldron: A Book of Old-Style Witchery (9781578635368, $16.95) provides a powerful witch's
account of sorcery and reveals, for the first time, some of Foxwood's personal rituals and spells.
It also describes a vast change among the Pagan and Witchcraft communities which moves away
from ritual and goes back to what it means to be a healer and protector and practitioner of
magical arts. Chapters follow the 'blood boiling' of the author's inner spirit and transmit the
essence of what it means to be a witch in modern times: a personal journey that will delight
pagan readers.
The Sports Shelf
Tommy Lasorda: My Way
Colin Gunderson
Triumph Books LLC
814 North Franklin Street, Chicago, IL 60610
c/o Independent Publishers Group (dist.)
814 North Franklin Street, Chicago, IL 60610
9781629370712 $25.95 www.ipgbook.com
Tommy Lasorda: My Way is the true-life story of a major league baseball pitcher turned
legendary coach and manager. Tommy Lasorda (b. 1927) became the manager of the Dodgers in
1976; during his 20-year run he guided the team to two World Series championships, and was
twice named Manager of the Year. His exhilarating love the sport, and his connection to players
and fans, is celebrated in this biography, featuring new and exclusive interviews with Vin Scully,
Steve Garvey, Orel Hershiser, Mike Scioscia, Mike Piazza, Kirk Gibson, and more. Highly
recommended, especially for lifelong baseball and Dodgers fans!
The Cy Young Catcher
Charlie O'Brien and Doug Wedge
Texas A&M University Press
4354 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-4354
9781623492922 $29.95 www.tamupress.com
Over the course of 15 major league seasons, Charlie O'Brien was the battery-mate to 13 baseball
pitchers who won the Cy Young Award, presented each year by the Baseball Writers Association
of America. The Cy Young Catcher is Charlie's firsthand, up-close and personal testimony of the
sport's lauded pitchers at their best - and at their worst! Adventurous and insightful, The Cy
Young Catcher is an all-access ticket to an insider's view of professional baseball, presented with
charm and candor.
Fitness Running, third edition
Richard L. Brown, PhD
Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc.
PO Box 5076, Champaign, IL 61820-5076
9781450461187, $21.95, www.humankinetics.com
Fitness Running: 78 Workouts from the Mile to the Marathon appears in its third updated edition
to provide a combination of personalized workouts and expert advice, and teaches how to use
proven programs that are color coded, customizable, and which span 13 to 26 weeks to cover the
basics of fitness training both for short events and long-range marathons. Each workout allows
readers the flexibility of tailoring training to schedules, while the new edition includes
individualized testing for assessing running health, logging runs, and more.
The Computer Shelf
Murach's HTML5 and CSS3, third edition
Anne Boehm & Zak Ruvalcabra
Mike Murach & Associates
4340 North Knoll Avenue, Fresno, CA 93722
9781890774837, $54.50, www.amazon.com
HTML5 is a core technology markup language of the Internet used for structuring and presenting
content for the World Wide Web. As of October 2014 this is the final and complete fifth revision
of the HTML standard of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The previous version,
HTML 4, was standardized in 1997. CCS3 (Code Composer Studio version 3) is an integrated
development environment for embedded systems by Texas Instruments. Now in a completely
updated and expanded third edition, "Murach's HTML5 and CSS3: 3rd Edition" by HTML5
experts Anne Boehm and Zak Ruvalcabra is a 688 page instruction manual that begins with an
eight chapter course on HTML5 and CSS3 skills that every web developer should master.
HTML5 and CSS3 are what are used to enhance a web site with videos, forms, embedded fonts,
background gradients, rounded corners, transitions, animation, and more. "Murach's HTML5 and
CSS3: 3rd Edition" also covers the use of JavaScript and jQuery to add web site features such as
accordions, tabs, carousels, and slide shows. Exceptionally well written, organized and presented,
"Murach's HTML5 and CSS3: 3rd Edition" is thoroughly 'user friendly' and highly recommended
for personal, professional, community, and academic library Computer Science reference
collections and supplemental studies lists.
iOS for Game Programmers
Allen Sherrod
Mercury Learning
c/o Stylus Publishing, Inc.
22883 Quicksilver Drive, Sterling, VA 20166-2012
9781938549878, $44.95, www.merclearning.com
iOS for Game Programmers examines mobile game development and is directed to beginning
Objective-C programmers, offering tools for creating a number of quick projects and small
games to teach the basic applications of iOS. Each project teaches a basic skill and then builds
upon it with the next project, which enables learners to embark on a logical system of learning
through experience. Five game projects include a puzzle, a game of pong, and a "whack-a-mole"
game, and includes details on how iOS works, along with information on various versions
including the latest iOS8 for iPhone and iPad. The result is a collection of keys to understanding
game programming and iOS like, and is a recommendation for those just starting out.
CRC Press
6000 NW Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300
Boca Raton, FL 33487
Michelangelo Manrique's Blender for Animation and Film-Based Production (9781482204742,
$59.95) explores why Blender is perfect for animation film efforts, and shows how it can do a
variety of jobs in each production department. Both newcomers to Blender and advanced users
will find this reference packed with keys on incorporating Blender into a film project, from
understanding its different stages and techniques to how studios develop animation projects using
Blender. Black and white screen shots, color examples, and plenty of illustration throughout
make for a guide that supports film-based pursuits. J.D. Glaser's Secure Development for Mobile
Apps: How to Design and Code Secure Mobile Applications with PHP and JavaScript
(9781482209037, $59.95) provides a step-by-step survey of how to blend security measures into
social apps running on mobile platforms, and teaches the basics of design and code with security
as a part of the process. From PHP security practices and project layout templates to encryption
and guidelines for creating secure sessions, this isn't for the beginner, but for the IT professional
who has some PHP and MySQL development under his belt, and who wants insights on how to
apply software best practices to mobile security processes. Cristina Videira Lopes's Exercises in
Programming Style (9781482227376, $39.95) offers the basics for programmers interested in
attacking a common programming problem by learning different programming styles; each with
its own approaches, pros, and cons. Programming styles are typically difficult to teach and only
through side-by-side comparison over a common denominator - as in Exercises in Programming
Style - do results of these styles begin to make sense. With its clear comparisons and rare ability
to cross-compare, this book goes where few others dare, making it a top recommendation for any
programmer looking to understand different styles, how they work, and why to choose one over
another. Nicholas Bernhardt Zeman's Essential Skills for 3D Modeling, Rendering, and
Animation (9781482224122, $59.95) is a rare guide written for the non-technical mind, and
considers 3D computer-generated art, how it works in animation and art works, and how the
three basics of 3D - rendering, modeling, and animation - work together to create exceptional
pieces, when used property. Chapters discuss both basic concepts and the skill sets needed to
become a 3D artist, with step-by-step instructions accompanying examples and projects
beginners can use to learn the basics of 3D art. Black and white (and a selection of color)
examples throughout answer "how do I create" questions about special effects, and accompany a
discussion highly recommended for any aspiring 3D artist looking for a basic introduction on the
The Business Shelf
Chinese Business Etiquette, updated edition
Stefan H. Verstappen
Stone Bridge Press
PO Box 8208, Berkeley, CA 94707
9781611720204, $9.95, www.amazon.com
Stefan H. Verstappen is a writer and world traveler. He was one of the first Westerners to travel
freely in Communist China in the mid 80's. He has worked as a corporate trainer and publicist in
Hong Kong, Taipei, and Beijing. In this newly updated and expanded edition of "Chinese
Business Etiquette: The Practical Pocket Guide", Verstappen draws upon his years of experience
and expertise to provide a handy, 176 page, pocket-sized compendium of common business and
social protocols for traveling and doing business in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. This newest
edition features new trends, Internet and phone tips, references, illustrative anecdotes, and more.
Thoroughly 'user friendly' in organization and presentation, "Chinese Business Etiquette: The
Practical Pocket Guide" will prove invaluable for anyone hosting or greeting Chinese visitors
here in the U.S. No one hoping to do business in China can afford to be without their own highly
portable copy of the "Chinese Business Etiquette: The Practical Pocket Guide".
Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins, second edition
Annette Simmons
Amacom Books
1601 Broadway, New York, NY 10019
9780814449134 $24.95 www.amacombooks.org
Now in an updated second edition with insight into how modern technology can change the
telling of stories, a teaching guide for developing storytelling competency in others, and more,
Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins: How to Use Your Own Stories to Communicate with Power
and Impact is a business guide to improving one's communication skills through storytelling.
Learning how to effectively tell a story is a valuable public speaking skill that can capture the
audience's interest, demonstrate a message, help build rapport with potential clients, and much
more. Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins teaches the reader how to improve their storytelling
talents, including the process of choosing appropriate stories from one's own life experience and
knowledge. Highly recommended!
The Reconnected Leader
Norman Pickavance
Kogan Page USA
1518 Walnut Street, Suite 1100, Philadelphia, PA 19102
9780749472320, $37.95, www.koganpage.com
The Reconnected Leader: An Executive's Guide to Creating Responsible, Purposeful and
Valuable Organizations considers and sets forth new models for practices designed to help
business leaders reconnect with teams and stakeholders alike, and uses case studies from
international big businesses from Canon and IKEA, among others, to discuss how leader-driven
solutions can bring business transformation and change. Norman Pickavance has held numerous
high-level roles in big international organizations from Dell to Fujitsu: his involvement in their
turnarounds and his approach to business management presents a structured model for change
that's been tested under real-world, big-business conditions. From connected talent environments
to building better boards, no business leader should be without this consideration of newer, better
c/o Wiley Professional Trade Group
111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774
Sean V. Bradley, CSP's Win the Game of Googleopoly: Unlocking the Secret Strategy of Search
Engines (9781119002581, $25.00) is packed with all the information needed to move and keep
one's site on the first page of Google's search results, and comes from an internet expert who
goes beyond the usual updated discussion of how Google works to present a strategy that shows
how to gain more page views to boost one's position. Plenty of books have been written on
Search Engine Optimization, but this is one of the few to analyze what Google is looking for,
how to get at the top of its search algorithm, and how to incorporate a specific strategy to
enhance one's online presence. The result is a top recommendation for any business looking to
not just understand the latest optimization routines, but how to incorporate them into an overall
plan of action. Savio Chan and Michael Zakkour's China's Super Consumers: What 1 Billion
Customers Want and How to Sell It To Them (9781118834749, $25.00) blends original research
with case studies and the authors' own experiences helping companies sell to Chinese consumers,
and explains the psyche and buying patterns of the Chinese consumer, who is selling to them, and
what they are purchasing. Businesses who envision tapping into this market must have this book:
Chinese consumers, by sheer volume, are changing global trade and consumption patterns, and
are changing how products are branded, sold, and marketed. From e-commerce to manufacturing,
this survey reaches into all areas of Chinese markets and is a 'must' for any who would
understand Chinese consumer actions and their world-wide, game-changing aspects.
The Philosophy Shelf
Steve Jobs and Philosophy
Shawn E. Klein, Editor
Open Court Publishing Company
70 East Lake Street, Suite 800, Chicago, IL 60601
9780812698893, $19.95, www.opencourtbooks.com
Steve Jobs and Philosophy: For Those Who Think Different gathers the thoughts of nineteen
philosophers who consider Steve Jobs from different points of view, ranging from business
thinkers to philosophers and more. Here is a satisfying focus not so much on Jobs' life and
achievements, but the underlying philosophy driving his choices in general and his business
approach in particular. Chapters link his creations and approach to our daily life and social
change, and offer a rich gathering that will hold up well in debate classes and appeal to business
thinkers alike.
The Education Shelf
Children's Mathematics: Cognitively Guided Instruction, second edition
Thomas P. Carpenter, et al.
PO Box 6926, Portsmouth, NH 03802-6926
9780325052878, $33.75, www.amazon.com
Now in a fully updated and significantly expanded second edition, "Children's Mathematics:
Cognitively Guided Instruction " is a 256 page instruction manual and guide for classroom
teachers instructing children ages 5 to 10 and in grades K to 5 in basic arithmetic. Exceptionally
well written, organized and presented, "Children's Mathematics: Cognitively Guided Instruction"
is enhanced with the inclusion of two appendices (The Research Base of Cognitively Guided
Instruction; Answers to Selected Questions for Reflection), a list of References, and an available
online video, "Children's Mathematics: Cognitively Guided Instruction" is thoroughly 'reader
friendly' and very highly recommended for professional and academic library Mathematics
Education reference collections and supplemental studies reading lists.
Handbook on Teaching and Learning in Political Science and International Relations
John Ishiyama, William J. Miller, Eszter Simon, editors
Edward Elgar Publishing
9 Dewey Court, Northampton, MA 01060-3815
9781782548478, $240.00, www.amazon.com
The editorial team of John Ishiyama (University of Texas), William J. Miller (Flagler College),
and Eszter Simon (Masaryk University, Czech Republic) have assembled an outstanding group
of contributors who offer many highly useful insights and tools for more effective and innovative
teaching in political science. With a focus on providing concrete teaching strategies for scholars,
the "Handbook on Teaching and Learning in Political Science and International Relations"
blends both theory and practice in an accessible and clear manner. In an effort to help faculty
excel as classroom teachers, the expert contributors offer representation from various types of
institutions located throughout the world. Split into three distinct parts, "Handbook on Teaching
and Learning in Political Science and International Relations" covers such issues as curriculum
and course design; teaching subject areas; and in class teaching techniques. An essential guide
for anyone looking to teach political science and international relations at the university level,
"Handbook on Teaching and Learning in Political Science and International Relations" is
enhanced with the inclusion of thirty-seven seminal articles and is very highly recommended for
academic library Political Science, International Relations, and Applied Education Reference
collections and supplemental studies reading lists.
Teaching Beowulf in the Twenty-First Century
Howell Chickering, Allen J. Frantzen, R. F. Yeager
Arizona State University
PO Box 874402, Tempe, AZ 85287-4402
9780866984973, $40.00, www.amazon.com
Beowulf is an Old English epic poem consisting of 3182 alliterative long lines. It is possibly the
oldest surviving long poem in Old English and is commonly cited as one of the most important
works of Old English literature. It was written in England some time between the 8th and the
early 11th century. The author was an anonymous Anglo-Saxon poet, referred to by scholars as
the "Beowulf poet". "Teaching Beowulf in the Twenty-First Century" by Howell Chickering
(Professor of English emeritus, Amherst College), Allen J. Frantzen (English Department of
Loyola University, Chicago), and R. F. Yeager (Professor of English and World Languages,
University of West Florida) is a 279 page compendium comprised of twenty-six scholarly essays
organized and presented in two major sections. Materials (Texts; Adaptations; Electronic and
Multimeida Resources). Approaches (Course Models; Teaching Beowulf in Translation;
Teaching Beowulf in Writing Courses; Cultural Models - Traditional Contexts; Interdisciplinary
Contexts; Contemporary Contexts). An outstanding body of literary scholarship, "Teaching
Beowulf in the Twenty-First Century" is enhanced with the inclusion of a two page list of
Contributors; a thirty page list of Works Cited; and a six page Index. "Teaching Beowulf in the
Twenty-First Century" is a strongly recommended addition to academic library Beowulf literary
instructional reference collections and supplemental studies reading lists.
Exploring the Western Hemisphere Using Literature and Mnemonics
Nancy Polette
Pieces of Learning
1990 Market Road, Marion, IL 62959
9781632790224, $14.95, www.amazon.com
A mnemonic (or mnemonic device) is any learning technique that aids information retention.
Mnemonics aim to translate information into a form that the brain can retain better than its
original form. Commonly encountered mnemonics are often used for lists and in auditory form,
such as short poems, acronyms, or memorable phrases, but mnemonics can also be used for other
types of information and in visual or kinesthetic forms. Their use is based on the observation that
the human mind more easily remembers spatial, personal, surprising, physical, sexual, humorous,
or otherwise "relatable" information, rather than more abstract or impersonal forms of
information. "Exploring the Western Hemisphere Using Literature and Mnemonics" is a spiral
bound, nicely illustrated, 90 page introduction to using mnemonics as an educational study and
information retention tool. Specifically designed for students studying the Western Hemisphere
including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central and South America through the use of
stories, rhymes, and mnemonics. A thoroughly 'kid friendly' consumable workbook, "Exploring
the Western Hemisphere Using Literature and Mnemonics" is highly recommended as a
classroom curriculum supplement and is appropriate for use by home schooling parents with their
Straight A's Are Not Enough
Judy Fishel
Flying Heron Books
516 SW River Point Drive North, Stuart, FL 34994
9780990611202 $17.95 www.flyingheronbooks.com
Straight A's Are Not Enough is a plain-talk study skills and college preparation guide. The title
refers to the fact that good grades in school alone are often not enough to get an aspiring student
ready for the challenges of college. What else does one need? Straight A's Are Not Enough
provides a flexible time management system, reliable test-preparation strategies (without
cramming!), taking quality lecture notes, and methods to improve concentration and focus. As
college costs soar ever higher, Straight A's Are Not Enough is worth its weight in gold as a tool
to maximize value. Highly recommended for every aspiring college student!
Corwin Press, Inc.
2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320-2218
Andrea Honigsfeld and Maria G. Dove's Collaboration and Co-Teaching for English Learners: A
Leader's Guide (9781452241968, $31.95) is all about schools with diverse populations that
succeed through the specific approach of collaborations and partnerships, and offers a program to
Pre-K-12 teachers who want to use these methods to improve their approaches. The ELL
population continues to grow and thus presents challenges for educational leaders. This book
offers one solution to the problems: a resource that compiles methods with the latest research
findings on the best instructional approaches for ELLs. Chapters include leadership vignettes,
discussions of team and individual professional collaborative practices, and more, and makes for
a powerful survey of verified methods and tested ideas that are perfect for ELL teachers. Jim
Burke and Barry Gilmore's Academic Moves for College and Career Readiness Grades 6-12
(9781483379807, $30.95) packs in fifteen skills that college-bound students must achieve, and is
a 'must' for any education reader where college is in the bigger picture. From analytical and
debate skills to how to integrate concepts, interpret and organize them, and more, these fifteen
words are designed to promote thinkers in the classroom, and offers keys to learning these
moves. Secondary curriculum, text and more are provided to help develop lesson structures and
assignments, making for a powerful key to academic success for college-bound students and for
those heading into business careers. Russell J. Quaglia and Michael J. Corso's Student Voice:
The Instrument of Change (9781483358130, $29.95) is for any student or educator looking for
keys to creating partnerships, and tells how to engage students in decision-making and school
and classroom improvement processes. It provides a framework for such questions, is packed
with examples from student surveys, focus groups, and interviews, and provides a resource
educators can use to not only foster better relationships with students, but encourage them to
assume a role in their own educational process. The result is a fine pick for any education reader.
Excellence Through Equity by Alan M. Blankstein and Pedro Noguera, et.al. (9781483392783,
$36.95) provides a fine set of examples of educational equity in action in schools, and shows
how equity is the only real path to achieving real student excellence and motivating students at
all levels to succeed. It picks ideas from award-winning scholars and practitioners, pairs these
strategies with case studies from multicultural K-12 settings, and synthesizes a series of
classroom practices that are packed with insights and formulas nearly guaranteeing success. The
result is a solid reference that promotes educational equity in a way few others have provided: a
must for any educator's collection. Abigail Norfleet James' Teaching the Male Brain: How Boys
Think, Feel, and Learn in School (9781483371405, $39.95) discusses gender differences and
learning, considering the latest studies that relate to cognition and discussing the pros and cons of
single-sex classroom learning. It provides the latest strategies for reaching boys with ADHD and
social and emotional challenges, pairs case studies and classroom scenarios from the real world
with discussions of how male brains work differently and how to reach them, and includes
content-specific discussions teachers will find key to tailoring curriculum to the male mind.
The Needlecraft Shelf
You Can Quilt!: Building Skills for Beginners
Leila Gardunia & Marlene Oddie
American Quilter's Society
PO Box 3290, Paducah, KY 42002-3290
9781604601831, $24.95, www.amazon.com
Quilting is the process of sewing of two or more layers of material together to make a thicker
padded material, usually to create a quilt or quilted garments. The whole process of creating a
quilt or quilted garment also involves other steps such as designing, piecing, applique, and
binding. A person who works at quilting is termed a quilter. Quilting can be done by hand, by
sewing machine, or by a specialized long-arm quilting system. Leila Gardunia has been sewing
since childhood and has been a quilter for over 12 years. Marlene Oddie has been a quilter for
thirteen years. Together they have compiled a complete do-it-yourself course of instruction for
novice quilters in "You Can Quilt!: Building Skills for Beginners", a 112 page, heavily
illustrated, instruction manual that teaches just how to sew 36 quilt blocks with ideas and
methods for setting the blocks into a quilt. "You Can Quilt!: Building Skills for Beginners"
features step-by-step instructions that begin with explaining the basics of color choice and 1/4"
seams. Each chapter offers three block patterns increasing in difficulty from easy, to medium, to
challenging. "You Can Quilt!: Building Skills for Beginners" covers half-square triangles,
quarter-square triangles, Flying Geese, wonky piecing, improvisation, foundation paper piercing,
curves, One-Patch blocks, applique, inset seams, hexies, Mariner's Compass, and Feathered Star.
Impressively 'user friendly' from beginning to end, "You Can Quilt!: Building Skills for
Beginners" is very highly recommended for personal and community library Needlecraft
instructional reference collections.
Fast-Piece Applique
Rose Hughes
Martingale & Company
19021 Avenue NE, Bothell, WA 98011
9781604684698, $24.99, www.shopmartingale.com
Fast-Piece Applique: Easy, Artful Quilts by Machine teaches how to create three-panel quilt
designs using Rose's Fast-Piece Applique method, and is a pick for both newcomers to quilting
craft and those who want different, original inspirations. Some eleven patterns from this designer
teaches the basics of how to work with an image, blend them into a quilt, and incorporate
influences form nature into a quilting project. Patterns, color photos throughout, and charts
showing pattern and fabric pieces accompany clear directions from beginning to end, lending to
an intriguing survey perfect for newcomers who look for inviting projects and new ideas that
lend to quick, easy machine work.
The Literary Studies Shelf
River Song
Richard D. Scheuerman and Clifford E. Trafzer, Editors/Collectors
Washington State University Press
PO Box 645910, Pullman, WA 99164-5910
9780874223279, $27.95, www.wsupress.wsu.edu
River Song: Naxiyamtama (Snake River-Palouse) Oral Traditions from Mary Jim, Andrew
George, Gordon Fisher, and Emily Peone should be in any Native American collection, and
presents a solid gathering of oral histories from the original Snake River-Palouse people who,
despite being forced to scatter, maintained their oral traditions. Over three decades, four elders
told researchers their stories: River Song is the result, discussing spirituality, sacred lands, and
beliefs and preserving a fading tradition. No Native American history collection should be
without this example of what oral tradition means.
The Technology Shelf
Laser-Based Optical Detection of Explosives
Paul M. Pellegrino, Ellen L. Holthoff, Mikella E. Farrell
CRC Press
6000 NW Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487
9781482233285, $189.00, www.amazon.com
An explosive material is a reactive substance that contains a great amount of potential energy that
can produce an explosion if released suddenly, usually accompanied by the production of light,
heat, sound, and pressure. An explosive charge is a measured quantity of explosive material. This
potential energy stored in an explosive material may be: Chemical energy, such as nitroglycerin
or grain dust; Pressurized gas, such as a gas cylinder or aerosol can; Nuclear energy, such as in
the fissile isotopes uranium-235 and plutonium-239. "Laser-Based Optical Detection of
Explosives" offers a comprehensive review of past, present, and emerging laser-based methods
for the detection of a variety of explosives. It considers laser propagation safety and explains
standard test material preparation for standoff optical-based detection system evaluation;
explores explosives detection using deep ultraviolet native fluorescence, Raman spectroscopy,
laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, reflectometry, and hyperspectral imaging; examines
photodissociation followed by laser-induced fluorescence, photothermal methods,
cavity-enhanced absorption spectrometry, and short-pulse laser-based techniques; and describes
the detection and recognition of explosives using terahertz-frequency spectroscopic techniques.
Each chapter is authored by a leading expert on the respective technology, and is structured to
supply historical perspective, address current advantages and challenges, and discuss novel
research and applications. Readers are provided with an in-depth understanding and appreciation
of each technology's capabilities and potential for standoff hazard detection. Exceptionally well
organized and presented, "Laser-Based Optical Detection of Explosives" is very highly
recommended as a core addition to professional and academic library technology reference
collections. It should be noted that "Laser-Based Optical Detection of Explosives" is also
available in a Kindle edition ($180.45).
Practical Engineering, Process, and Reliability Statistics
Mark Allen Durivage
ASQ Quality Press
600 N. Plankinton Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53201-3005
9780873898898, $70.00, www.amazon.com
"Practical Engineering, Process, and Reliability Statistics" by Mark Allen Durivage was
specifically written to aid quality technicians and engineers in the performance of their
assignments. It is a 288 page compilation of 30 years of quality-related work experience and the
result of frustration at the number of books necessary, at times, to provide statistical support. To
that end, the intent of "Practical Engineering, Process, and Reliability Statistics" is to provide the
quality professional working in virtually any industry a quick, convenient, and comprehensive
guide to properly utilize statistics in an efficient and effective manner. "Practical Engineering,
Process, and Reliability Statistics" will prove to be an enduringly useful reference when
preparing for and taking many of the ASQ quality certification examinations, including the
Certified Quality Technician (CQT), Certified Six Sigma Green Belt (CSSGB), Certified Quality
Engineer (CQE), Certified Six Sigma Black Belt (CSSBB), and Certified Reliability Engineer
(CRE). "Practical Engineering, Process, and Reliability Statistics" is an expansion of the work of
Robert A. Dovich in his books "Quality Engineering Statistics and Reliability Statistics". Indeed,
"Practical Engineering, Process, and Reliability Statistics" builds on and expands Dovich's
method of presenting statistical applications in a simple, easy-to-follow format. "Practical
Engineering, Process, and Reliability Statistics" is an essential and core addition to professional
and academic library technology and engineering reference collections. It should be noted that
"Practical Engineering, Process, and Reliability Statistics" is also available in a Kindle edition
Background Modeling and Foreground Detection for Video Surveillance
Thierry Bouwmans, et.al., Editors
CRC Press
6000 NW Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487
9781482205374, $99.95, www.crcpress.com
Background Modeling and Foreground Detection for Video Surveillance is recommended for
advanced computer scientists and engineers, but is reviewed here for its value as a reference for
any collection strong in either subject. It blends established protocols and new ideas into a review
of the concepts, algorithms, and applications key to background modeling and foreground
detection methods, and assembles technical writings from leaders in the field who discuss a
variety of challenges. It addresses solutions to problems, provides top methods for detecting
moving objects in video surveillance, includes a healthy dose of statistics and mathematical
algorithms, and provides the latest models, processes, implementations and industry standards.
The result is a powerful survey highly recommended for any technical reference collection.
The Money/Finance Shelf
College Poor No More!
Michelle Perry Higgins
New Year Publishing, LLC
144 Diablo Ranch Court
Danville, CA 94506
9781614310457 $14.95 www.newyearpublishing.com
College Poor No More! 100 $avings Tips for College Students lives up to its title as a
practical-minded guide to making wise use of one's money when planning for and studying in
college. The tips range from time-honored nuggets of wisdom such as using a grocery list (which
will prevent one from buying items one has at home, and act as a hedge against impulse
purchases) to modern-day tips such as "In this era of streaming television, can't you get by
without cable? If you have to have your shows, Netflix is way cheaper than cable... No
television? Even better. They suck a lot of electricity. Watch TV on your laptop instead." A
handy appendix includes simple, reproducible forms for creating a college budget sheet, keeping
tabs on one's emergency reserve fund, and a credit card payoff tracker. College Poor No More!
also makes a gift, or addition to college care packages!
Social Security for Dummies, second edition
Jonathan Peterson
For Dummies
c/o Wiley Professional Trade Group
111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774
9781118967560, $19.99, www.fordummies.com
Any who find themselves puzzled over the benefits social security offers to families will find this
a solid book - and if you think the subject doesn't deserve a complete coverage, think again. It
starts with the basics of the program and then tells how to apply for the benefits, collect them,
and navigate the puzzles of the Social Security Administration. From rules covering spousal and
disability benefits to understanding how Medicare factors into the system, this is a 'must' for any
who would understand the system and, especially, how to make the most of its available
The Photography Shelf
The Adobe Photography Lightroom CC Book for Digital Photographers
Scott Kelby
New Riders
c/o Pearson Technology Group
801 East 96th Street, #300, Indianapolis, IN 46240-3759
9780133979794, $49.99, www.amazon.com
Digital photography is a form of photography that uses cameras containing arrays of electronic
photodetectors to capture images focused by a lens, as opposed to an exposure on photographic
film. The captured images are digitized and stored as a computer file ready for further digital
processing, viewing, digital publishing or printing. Until the advent of such technology,
photographs were made by exposing light sensitive photographic film, and used chemical
photographic processing to develop and stabilize the image. By contrast, digital photographs can
be displayed, printed, stored, manipulated, transmitted, and archived using digital and computer
techniques, without chemical processing. "The Adobe Photography Lightroom CC Book for
Digital Photographers" by Scott Kelby (Editor, Publisher, and co-founder of Photoshop User
magazine, co-host of The Lightroom Show, and co-host of The Grid, the weekly, live talk show
for photographers, and Executive Producer of the top-rated weekly show Photoshop User TV) is
a profusely illustrated, 576 page instruction manual that is exceptionally well written, organized
and presented. A complete course of instruction, "The Adobe Photography Lightroom CC Book
for Digital Photographers" is a core addition to personal, professional, community, and academic
library Digital Photography reference collections and supplemental studies reading lists. It should
be noted that "The Adobe Photography Lightroom CC Book for Digital Photographers" is also
available in a Kindle edition ($22.99).
The World's Most Magical Wilderness Escapes
Michael Poliza
teNeues Publishing Group
7 West 18th Street, New York, NY, 10011
9783832732387, $75.00, www.amazon.com
Michael Poliza (born January 1, 1958) is a German photographer and entrepreneur specializing in
wildlife and nature photography. Michael Poliza grew up in Hamburg, Germany. A prominent
child actor, he appeared in over 100 television shows and films, including Tadelloeser und
Wolff, Hansel und Gretel (1971) and Unsere heile Welt (1972) while continuing his schooling.
At the age of 17, he left Germany for the USA as an exchange student, where he studied
Computer Sciences. At the age of 23, Poliza founded his first IT company, importing IBM
computers to Germany. Three years later, Poliza claims he had already earned his first million
dollars as he expanded his business in the IT sector. In 1997 he sold his IT companies, invested
in stock, and began focusing on digital media. When the dot.com crash happened, Poliza lost
much of his fortune. With what was left, he bought the boat 'Starship' in 1998. Accompanied by
journalists and photographers, he undertook the 'Millennium Starship Voyage' to document the
state of the world's wild locations at the turn of the millennium. The book of the voyage,
containing 50% pictures taken by him, became a bestseller. Returning to Hamburg in June 2001,
Poliza sold the Starship to the US actor Gene Hackman. Between 2002 and 2009, Poliza lived in
Cape Town, South Africa, focusing his attention on photographing in the game reserves and
nature parks of Southern Africa. The book "Africa" was launched in 2006, followed by the book
"Eyes Over Africa" in 2007. Poliza moved back to Hamburg in 2009, published the book
"Antarctice", opened a gallery and was named ambassador of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).
The books "South Africa" and "Classic Africa" were published in 2010, "Kenya" in 2011.
Parallel to his photography, Poliza launched a tailored-tour company, Michael Poliza
Experiences. Now his latest photography book has been published in a coffeetable sized volume
called "The World's Most Magical Wilderness Escapes". This stunningly beautiful, 224 page
volume wonderfully showcases full page and double page color images taken in twenty different
national parks and wilderness reserves from around the world. Flawless production values and an
informative introduction to each of these twenty regions, serve to enhance the appreciation for
Poliza's photographic artistry with his images of landscapes and wildlife. Very highly
recommended, "The World's Most Magical Wilderness Escapes" would make an ideal and
enduringly popular Memorial Fund acquisition for community and academic library International
Photography collections.
Florida's Magnificent Coast
James Valentine & D. Bruce Means
Pineapple Press, Inc.
PO Box 3889, Sarasota, FL 34230-3889
9781561647194, $14.95, www.amazon.com
The collaborative effort of James Valentine and D. Bruce Means, "Florida's Magnificent Coast"
is a 64 page compendium showcasing truly breathtaking photos of Florida's beaches, dunes,
coastal strand, and marshes. James Valentine has an artist's eye for capturing images which are
enhanced with informed and informatively descriptive scientific explanations by Bruce Means. A
treat to simply browse through, "Florida's Magnificent Coast" is an ideal reading choice for
armchair travelers and a "must" for anyone who has every enjoyed the natural beauty and
diversity of Florida's extended coastline. Indeed, "Florida's Magnificent Coast" could well serve
as a template for similar works featuring photographic explorations of other coastlines here and
Amherst Media
175 Rano Street, Suite 200, Buffalo, NY 14207-2176
Lori Nordstrom's Maximizing Profits: A Practical Guide for Portrait Photographers
(9781608958511, $34.95) comes from the owner of a studio and the founder of PhotoTalk.biz,
and is directed to photographers who have the basics down and who want to build their
photography business. It offers a step-by-step plan towards this process, covering the basics of
creating and defining a photography niche, gaining the right kinds of clients, establishing an
image and brand and then organizing a marketing campaign towards it, and gaining more
referrals. Where other books would focus on business generalities, Maximizing Profits offers
many specifics on what works in photography marketing and what doesn't - and why. The result
is a guide packed with insights that apply specifically to building a photo business: a 'must' for
any who are interested in not just the basics, but making the most of a photography pursuit.
Michael Fagans' The iPhone Photographer: How to Take Professional Photographs with Your
iPhone (9781608958870, $27.95) narrows the photo process to the iPhone specifically, offering a
step-by-step assessment of images and how they can be shot or enhanced. From using lighting
and posing - basics of professional photography - to exploring the technical aspects of how the
author achieved special effects, this offers a thorough review of what can be done with the
iPhone camera and how. From self-portraits to airplane window shots, shots off the water to
action sports shots, this is a powerful survey highly recommended for any iPhone owner
interested in superior photography results.
The Music Shelf
The Nashville Sound
Paul Hemphill
University of Georgia Press
330 Research Drive, Athens, GA, 30602-4901
9780820348575, $26.95, www.ugapress.org
The Nashville Sound: Bright Lights and Country Music discusses the clash of culture and music
in Nashville and comes from a journalist who considers the evolutionary process of and changes
between the traditional Nashville sound and its artists and venues and modern times, and is a
'must' for any who would understand Nashville's progressions. It was originally published in
1970 and here continues to show how Nashville influenced the music world, documenting its
many unique approaches and features. Any who would understand not just country music but pop
music and its supporters and influencers will find The Nashville Sound: Bright Lights and
Country Music continues to provide a fine history.
The Audiobook Shelf
The Aeneid
Read by David Collins
Naxos of America, Inc.
1810 Columbia Avenue, Suite 28, Franklin, TN 37064
9781843798866 $62.98 www.naxosaudiobooks.com
Also available in an abridged version, The Aeneid the unabridged audiobook rendition of the masterpiece by Rome's greatest poet, Virgil. The Aeneid is an epic about a group of refugees from the ruined city of Troy. Their search for a promised land in the West is continually beset with obstacles from the antagonistic goddess Juno. When they reach the land that is now known as Italy, their leader Aeneas must engage in a bitter war with the native peoples to stake his claim to what is destined to become Rome. Award-winning BBC radio performer David Collins brings this sweeping and powerful epic to vivid life! The Aeneid is especially recommended for public and college library audiobook collections. 10 CDs, 13 hours 1 min.
Above Us Only Sky
Michelle Young-Stone, author
Read by Cassandra Campbell
Highbridge Audio Books
270 Skip Jack Road
Prince Frederick, MD 20678
9781622316243 $29.99 www.highbridgeaudio.com
Skillfully narrated by Cassandra Campbell, Above Us Only Sky is the unabridged audiobook
rendition of a haunting novel about a troubled young girl whose family has a fantastically storied
past. When Prudence Eleanor Vilkas was born in 1973, she had a most unusual birth defect - a
pair of tiny wings, surgically removed in her infancy. Fifteen years later, Prudence struggles to
find her place in the world, and her perceptions are transformed when she meets her estranged
Lithuanian grandfather. She learns more about her unusual heritage - a race of bird-women and
heroes who have blended among ordinary people for generations. Stunned and intrigued by the
revelation, Prudence sets out on a quest to learn more about who she is. An emotionally moving
tale of pride, heartbreak, and the hope of redemption, Above Us Only Sky is highly
recommended. 8 CDs, 9 1/2 hours.
Murder on the Champ de Mars
Cara Black, author
Carine Montbertrand, narrator
Recorded Books, LLC
270 Skip Jack Road
Prince Frederick, MD 20678
9781490656809 $102.75 www.recordedbooks.com
Murder on the Champ de Mars: An Aimee Leduc Investigation set in Paris is the unabridged
audiobook rendition of a tense mystery, following a streetwise single mother P.I. The year is
1999, and Aimee Leduc has her hands full raising an infant. But when an impoverished boy
insists that his dying mother desperately needs to confess a secret connected to the unsolved
murder of Aimee's father, she cannot refuse her own need to know the truth. Arriving at the
hospital, Aimee learns that the boy's mother has disappeared, even though she was too sick to
leave on her own. Who could have abducted a desperately ill woman, and will Aimee be able to
find her before it's too late? Murder on the Champ de Mars is gripping to the very end.
The Dark Between The Stars
Kevin J. Anderson
Brilliance Corporation
PO Box 887, Grand Haven, MI 49417
9781480563353, $19.99, www.amazon.com
Twenty years after the elemental conflict that nearly tore apart the cosmos in Keven J. Anderson's
riveting science fiction novel "The Saga of Seven Suns", a new threat emerges from the darkness.
The human race must set aside its own inner conflicts to rebuild their alliance with the Ildiran
Empire for the survival of the galaxy. In "The Dark Between the Stars" (the newest installment in
Anderson's 'Saga of the Seven Suns' series), galactic empires clash, elemental beings devastate
whole planetary systems, and factions of humanity are pitted against each other. Heroes rise and
enemies make their last stands in the climax of an epic tale seven years in the making -- and well
worth the wait! With flawless production values and a superb narration by Mark Boyett, this
complete and unabridged CD audio book will prove a "must" for the legions of Kevin J.
Anderson fans and will prove to be an enduringly popular addition to community library science
fiction audio book collections! 19 CDs, 22 hours 53 minutes.
Voices From Beyond
Simon R. Green
Graphic Audio
4940 Hampden Lane, Suite 300, Bethesda, MD 20814
9781628511376, $19.99, www.graphicaudio.net
The fifth volume in Simon R. Green's epic 'Ghost Finders' series, "Voices From Beyond" once
again presents the adventures of those intrepid operatives of the Carnacki Institute: JC Chance:
the team leader, brave, charming, and almost unbearably arrogant; Melody Chambers: the science
geek who keeps the antisupernatural equipment running; and Happy Jack Palmer: the terminally
gloomy telepath. Their mission: Do Something About Ghosts. Lay them to rest, send them
packing, or just kick their nasty ectoplasmic arses! In a quiet London suburb, four university
students participating in an experiment inside a reputed haunted house hold a seance that goes
terribly wrong. What (or who) ever they summoned has taken their minds away, leaving them
empty shells. Enter the Ghost Finders, a team ready to confront an enraged poltergeist for the
students' very souls. It's all in a day's work -- except the team doesn't know that in another part of
the city, a different entity has also breached the threshold between worlds. JC, Melody and
Happy all come face to face with their future selves, but will their warnings come too late. Will
the events at a small radio station, bring about the end of the world? Once again offering a true
'theatre of the mind' listening experience, "Voices From Beyond" features a talented cast of
actors, flawless production values, and is highly recommended for fantasy and science fiction
fans ages 18 and up. (5 CDs, 6 hours).
A Rising Thunder
David Weber
Brilliance Audio
PO Box 887, Grand Haven, MI 49417
9781469280615, $19.99, www.amazon.com
After a brutal attack on the Manticoran home system, Honor Harrington and the Star Kingdom
she serves battle back against a new, technologically powerful, and utterly nefarious enemy. And
as if that weren't task enough, Honor must also face down a centuries-old nemesis in the
crumbling, but still mighty, Solarian League. The war between the People's Republic of Haven
and the Star Kingdom is finally won and peace established, but grave danger looms for there is
a plan well on its way to completion designed to enslave the entire human species. Behind that
plan lies the shadowy organization known as the Mesan Alignment. Task number one for Honor
is to defend against another devastating Mesan strike a strike that may well spell the doom of
the Star Kingdom in one fell blow. It is time to shut down and secure the wormhole network that
is the source of the Star Kingdom's wealth and power but also its greatest vulnerability. Yet this
is an act that the Earth-based Solarian League inevitably will take as a declaration of war. The
thunder of battle rolls as the Solarian League directs its massive power against the Star Kingdom.
And once again, Honor Harrington is thrust into a desperate battle that she must win if she is to
survive to take the fight to the real enemy of galactic freedom -- the insidious puppetmasters of
war who lurk behind the Mesan Alignment! "A Rising Thunder" continues the Honor Harrington
series by David Weber. A superbly performed narration by Allyson Johnson does full justice to
the impressive variety of characters that are key to this science fiction adventure. Complete and
unabridged, "A Rising Thunder" ends upon a cliff hanger that will leave fully entertained
listeners looking eagerly toward the next 'theatre of the mind' audio book installment of the
Honor Harrington action/adventure series. (15 CDs, 18 hours, 10 minutes).
Beyond Willpower
Alexander Loyd, PhD, N.D.
Random House Audio Books
c/o The Random House Publishing Group
1745 Broadway, 5th floor, New York, NY 10019
9781101913093, $40.00, www.randomhouseaudio.com
Beyond Willpower: From Stress to Success in 40 days comes from a psychological counselor
who reveals a program to help combat stress and internal barriers to success. New research shows
that fear is programmed into humans at the cellular level - which is why willpower often doesn't
achieve the succession of stress. This book teachers how to change this programming by
replacing fear with love, building a series of chemical changes that work to thwart stress. The
result is a 'must' for any who would embark on a self-help program designed to reduce stress and
profile success, and shines in the audio account.
The Library CD Shelf
Afro-Caribbean Party
Putumayo World Music
$12.99 CD / $9.49 MP3 www.amazon.com
Afro-Caribbean Party lives up to its title as a lively musical celebration for all ages. An anthology
songs steeped in 500 years of African, European, and indigenous culture, each performed with
joie de vivre by a different singer, Afro-Caribbean Party is the perfect choice to enliven a
summer celebration, or simply jump-start one's day. Highly recommended, especially for
personal and public library world music collections! The tracks are "La Grev Bare Mwen" by
Kali (4:25), "Come By Yah" by Clinton Fearon (3:32), "Cachita" by Ska Cubano (4:31), "Bel Ti
Fanm Kreyol" by Wesli (3:30), "Fem'm Sa" by Michel Blaise (5:28), "A Favor del Viento" by
Asere (3:12), "Famasound" by Famara (3:32), "Mango Fransik (Mango Lafrance)" by Jan Sebon
and Kazak International (3:51), "La Barca" by Chispa Labori (3:01), and "Spence for da Soul" by
Fred Ferguson & Grafitti (3:38).
Ba Power
Bassekou Kouyate and Ngoni Ba
Glitterbeat Records
c/o Rock Paper Scissors (publicity)
$13.99 CD / $6.99 MP3 www.glitterbeat.com
Recorded live, Ba Power is an album featuring Malian virtuoso Bassekou Kouyate's mastery of
the ngoni lute, a tradition passed down through his ancestors. Ba Power draws upon both heritage
and modern elements of rock music to create a distinctly West African fusion. Kouyate's band
Ngoni Ba consists of four ngonis including a bass instrument, two percussionists, and vocals by
Kouyate's wife Amy Sacko. A strong message of hope permeates Ba Power, creating an uplifting
and memorable soundscape experience. Highly recommended, especially for international music
collections. The tracks are "Siran Fen", "Musow Fanga", "Abe Sumaya", "Aye Sira Bla",
"Borongoli ma Kununban", "Waati", "Fama Magni", "Te Duniya Laban", and "Bassekouni".
Kind of New
Jason Miles and Ingrid Jensen
Whaling City Sound
c/o Mixed Media (publicity)
$14.99 CD / $8.99 MP3 www.amazon.com
Kind of New is a contemporary jazz creation, a collaboration of keyboardist Jason Miles and
trumpeter Ingrid Jensen. Fast-based with a strong rhythm, and enriched with the contributions of
numerous fellow music artists, Kind of New embraces spontaneity, intuition, and excitement in
its performance. The tracks are "Interlude" (0:07), "The Faction of Cool" (6:32), "Super City"
(5:38), "Shirley" (5:04), "Film Noir Interlude" (0:35), "Ferrari" (8:31), "Seeing Through the
Rain" (5:35), "Close to the Action" (4:09), "Kats Eye" (3:06), "Street Vibe" (8:07), "Twilight
Interlude" (0:51), and "Sanctuary" (5:17).
De Pelicula!
Los Crema Paraiso
Cutupra Productions
c/o Press Junkie PR
$9.98 CD / $8.99 MP3 www.amazon.com
De Pelicula! is the second album by the musical trio Los Crema Paraiso, a band that combines
traditional Venezuelan music with jazz, rock, funk, electronica, and elements of inspiration from
music around the world. Celebrating Venezuelan history, heritage, and prospects for the future,
De Pelicula! is a superlative addition international music collections. The tracks are "Intro", "Un
Disip en Nueva Yol", "El Currucha", "Bello e' Bola (mira la una)", "Varon Domado", "Personal
Jesus feat. Carol C", "Mas", "To Zing with your girlfriend (Paradise Cream)", "Everybody wants
to rule the world", "Tanto que ia quise", "Cucaracha en baile de gallinas", and "Sleepwalk".
Ola Fresca
Pipiki Records
c/o Rock Paper Scissors
$20.00 www.olafresca.com
Elixir is an album of the band Ola Fresca, created to defy generations of factional antipathy
between aficionados of Cuban music and contemporary salsa. Blending Cuban son, rumba,
timba, and Puerto Rican-style salsa into an energetic mix that embraces pan-Latino heritage,
Elixir is a rhythmic powerhouse of lasting appeal. Highly recommended, especially for Latino
and world music collections. The tracks are "Elixir", "La Mano del Rumbero", "Bandera",
"Pollitos de Primavera", "Mulata", "El Nino de la Clave", "Convivencia", "Bizcocho", and
"Amor Ciclonico".
A Thousand Springs
Adam Andrews
Privately Published
c/o The Creative Service Company (publicity)
4360 Emerald Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80918
$11.99 CD / $9.99 MP3 www.adamandrewsmusic.com
A Thousand Springs is a solo piano album from talented performer Adam Andrews. Its songs
represent the cycle of drawing healing strength from nature, releasing stress, refreshing the mind
and rejuvenating the soul, in preparation to face the needs of society anew. The cascading music
is a wonder to experience, highly recommended for connoisseurs of original solo piano
compositions. The tracks are "A Thousand Springs" (2:38), "Authenticity Falls" (4:15), "Finding
Free" (2:37), "Just Gotta Be" (2:42), "Night Embers" (1:42), "Every Dark Tear" (3:41),
"Surrounding Hollow" (3:03), "A New Dawn Rising" (3:32), "Water Over Ashes" (4:22), "Not
Lost On Us" (3:05), "Believe" (3:23), and "Foundation Trails" (3:16).
Playing with Shadows
David Franklin
Privately Published
c/o The Creative Service Company (publicity)
4360 Emerald Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80918
$16.05 CD / $8.99 MP3 www.amazon.com
Playing with Shadows is an album of eighteen original songs, including solo piano pieces,
piano/guitar compositions, as duos and trios with influence from acoustic guitar or electric bass.
The resonant sound is ideal for meditation, clarity, focus, and expanding one's creative
imagination. Playing with Shadows is ethereal beauty in performance, untouchable, much like
shadows themselves. The tracks are "A Thousand Springs" (2:38), "Authenticity Falls" (4:15),
"Finding Free" (2:37), "Just Gotta Be" (2:42), "Night Embers" (1:42), "Every Dark Tear" (3:41),
"Surrounding Hollow" (3:03), "A New Dawn Rising" (3:32), "Water Over Ashes" (4:22), "Not
Lost On Us" (3:05), "Believe" (3:23), and "Foundation Trails" (3:16).
John Calvert
Privately Published
c/o Heart Dance Records/RS Promotions
$TBA CD / $9.99 download, www.heartdancerecords.com
Formally-trained American fingerstyle guitarist and composer John Calvert presents Mandala, an
album of instrumental songs. Nine are his original creations; two are covers of centuries-old
hymns. Mandala's music reverberates with creativity, insight, and awakening, and enriches the
mind even as it eases the soul. A treasure for connoisseurs of guitar compositions! The tracks are
"Take My Life And Let It Be", "All Hands On Deck", "Lu", "Desire", "Flight", "Sally Cornuts",
"La Orquidea", "Figaro's Last Tango", "Lew", "More Hands On Deck", and "Come Thou Fount
Of Every Blessing".
Adham Shaikh
Black Swan Sounds
c/o Press Junkie PR
$16.98 CD / $9.49 MP3 www.amazon.com
The first album released from Canadian musician Adham Shaikh in five years, Basswalla is an
artful craft of electronica and global fusion, featuring bass-centric tracks, southern hemisphere
soundscapes, and a strong urban pulse. Half of Basswalla's ten tracks are brand new material; the
other half are updated re-imaginings of songs Adham Shaikh has composed over the past 13
years. Basswalla is an instrumental awakening that appeals to the senses, enthusiastically
recommended to connoisseurs of invigorating sound. The tracks are "Basswalla", "Sabadub
(Floating Soul Mix)", "Collective (Yogi Dub Mix)", "Cultivation (feat. Shamik)", "Vibe Hunter
(The Elders Dance Mix)", "Beyond I (Desert Sky Reframe)", "Still Shakin", "Rumba Dub",
"Crossroads (Deep South Mix)", and "Water Prayer (Deep Crystal Mix)".
The Great Mystery
Desert Dwellers
Black Swan Sounds
c/o Press Junkie PR
$12.99 CD / $11.49 MP3 www.amazon.com
Inspired music production duo Treavor Moontribe and Amani Friend (also known as "Desert
Dwellers") present The Great Mystery, an album showcasing the heights and depths of electronic
music enhanced with vocals, some spoken words, flute, violin, and oud. An entirely original
creation, The Great Mystery explores tribal techno, psychedelic trance, dubstep and ambient
styles to create an unpredictable and inspirational audio journey. A treasure for the musically
adventurous! The tracks are "Warm Desert Sands", "The Great Mystery", "Crossing Beyond
(ReVisioned)", "View from Laniakea", "Our Dream World", "Walking Between", "The
Sacrament (ReVisioned)", "Bird Over Sand Dunes", "Wings of Waves", and "Give Thanks".
Sin Fronteras
Brooklyn Gypsies
Woder Wheel Recordings
c/o Press Junkie PR
$10.00 CD or digital
Sin Fronteras is the debut music album of the Brooklyn Gypsies, an NYC-based creative group
that combines eclectic urban sociopolitical culture with their unique and diverse individual
heritages. The title, which translates to "Without Borders", reflects the album's anything-goes
spirit. Individual tracks may have lyrics in Spanish, English, or Russian; showcased musical
traditions range from flamenco freestyle to reggae blues, Russian folk, Arabic percussion,
"Gypsy Dub" sax riffs and solo's, and much more. A font of freewheeling creativity and
wide-open inspiration, Sin Fronteras is highly recommended. The tracks are "Camels Of Blue",
"Desert Moon", "Zeina", "Sin Fronteras", "BK Gypsy Dancehall", "Kunta Baba", "Fafisa",
"Supercore", "Dream Snake", and "Marfa".
Pressurize the Cabin
Fort Knox Five
Privatley Published
c/o Press Junkie PR
$9.99 CD / $6.99 MP3 www.amazon.com
Pressurize the Cabin is the latest album by Fort Knox Five, celebrating funk from dancehall ska
to hip-hop, disco, electro, and Latin rhythms. A variety of talented vocalists contribute to these
energized, exciting tracks. Pressurize the Cabain is a "must-have" for enthusiasts of the genre!
The tracks are "Reach" (feat. Flex Mathews), "Fire in my Belly" (feat. Ashley Slater), "Whatcha
Gonna Do" (feat. Mustafa Akbar), "Pressurize the Cabin" (feat. Vokab Kompany), "Swinging on
a Rhyme" (feat. Flex Mathews), "Keep It Poppin'" (feat. Mustafa Akbar), "Ready Go" (feat.
Raashan Ahmad), "Cinco to the Brinco" (feat. Empresarios), "24 Hours To Set It Off" (feat.
Sleepy Wonder) and "Mission to the Sitars".
Spiritual Haven
Russell Suereth
Privately Published
c/o The Creative Service Company (publicity)
4360 Emerald Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80918
$TBA CD / $9.99 download www.cdbaby.com
Spiritual Haven is a soothing, instrumental music CD blending traditional Western acoustic
instruments (piano, oboe, bassoon, guitar, viola, cello, and French horn) with ancient instruments
from cultures around the world, such as the duduk (a double-reed woodwind flute from
Armenia), guzheng (a Chinese plucked zither), koto (a Japanese zither with movable bridges),
ethnic frame drums (used by native tribes of the Americas) and much more. An extraordinary
variety of rhythmic patterns enrich this gently flowing album, designed to promote relaxation and
inner peace. Spiritual Haven is highly recommended as a gentle antidote to a stress-filled
Where Heart and Heaven Meet
Alice Parker
Melodious Accord, Inc.
PO Box 20801, Park West Station, NY, NY 10025
GIA Publications, Inc.
7404 South Mason Avenue, Chicago, IL 60638
$16.95 CD / $12.99 MP3 www.giamusic.com
Where Heart and Heaven Meet: Hymns of Alice Parker from the Melodious Accord Hymnal is a
CD recording of faith and prayer. Soul-stirring in its beauty, Where Heart and Heaven Meet
evokes the conscience, joy, and fulfillment that come to dedicating oneself to God and Jesus
Christ. Highly recommended, both for personal religious meditation and for church music CD
The Library DVD Shelf
Britain's Bloodiest Dynasty: The Plantagenets
Dan Jones
Acorn Media
c/o RLJ Entertainment
9781621724209 $39.99 www.acornonline.com
Award-winning journalist and historian Dan Jones presents Britain's Bloodiest Dynasty: The
Plantagenets, a documentary focusing upon the rulers who brutally crushed all opposition to rule
England from 1154 to 1485. A true saga of brutality, greed, tyranny, and betrayals, Britain's
Bloodiest Dynasty draws upon historical documents, dramatic reenactments, and skillful
storytelling to bring history to life. Highly recommended, but not for young children due to the
presence of graphic violence, nudity, and sexual situations. Bonus features include a 12-page
viewer's guides and profiles of Plantagenet queens. 4 episodes on 2 DVDs, 188 min.
Without Shepherds
Bullfrog Films, Inc.
PO Box 149, Oley, PA 19547
1941545327 $295.00 www.bullfrogfilms.com
Licensed for public performance, Without Shepherds is a documentary filmed by a team of
Americans and Pakistanis over the course of two years, following six unconventional Pakistanis
trying to not only survive, but also make a difference for the better. A cricket star founds a
progressive political party; a female journalist goes behind Taliban lines; an ex-mujahid searches
for redemption; a trucker risks his life traveling through dangerous territory to feed his family; a
supermodel uses fashion to advance feminism; and a Sufi rocker promotes healing through
music. An eye-opening ray of hope, Without Shepherds defies contemporary stereotypes of
Pakistan and its people, and is highly recommended especially for public library DVD
collections. Both the full 89 minute and an abbreviated 56 minute version are offered on the
same DVD.
San Francisco Bay Area National Parks
Bennet Watt HD Productions, Inc.
13021 - 244 Avenue SE
Issaquah, WA 98027
9781604901795 $24.95 www.Bennett-Watt.com
Available in both DVD and Blu-ray formats, San Francisco Bay Area National Parks is part of
the "Discoveries... America National Parks" documentary series, and a visually stunning tour of
heritage highlights from the San Francisco Bay area. Featuring Alcatraz Island, Pinnacles
National Park, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, San Francisco Maritime National
Historical Park, and much more, San Francisco Bay Area National Parks is an enlightening video
essay with magnificent footage. A choice pick for armchair travelers and prospective tourists
alike, highly recommended.
Sagrada: The Mystery of Creation
A film by Stefan Haupt
First Run Features
630 Ninth Avenue, Suite 1213
New York, NY 10036
$27.95 www.firstrunfeatures.com
Sagrada: The Mystery of Creation is a DVD documentary about one of the most famous and
distinctive architectural structures created, Barcelona's La Sagrada Familia, first imagined by
Antoni Gaudi in the late 19th century and admired by art historians for decades. Sagrada: The
Mystery of Creation explores the beauty of the colossal basilica at length, while exploring the
human effort and struggle that made the creation of such a multigenerational project possible.
Highly recommended, especially for connoisseurs of art and architecture. 94 min.; English,
Catalan, Spanish, French and German languages; English subtitles.
Welcoming Your Second Child
A workshop with Barbara Olinger
Progressive Parent Publishing
c/o 411 Video Information (publicity)
PO Box 1223, Pebble Beach, CA 93953
$14.95 www.progressiveparenting.org
Welcoming Your Second Child (66 min.) is an educational DVD about guidelines for parents
expecting a second child to join the family. Mother and social worker of 30 years' experience
Barbara Olinger guides viewers to understand the needs of the older child, methods to strengthen
and maintain family connections, and common concerns that both parents and firstborn children
have (even those too young to clearly verbalize them). Welcoming Your Second Child is an
invaluable resource for public library DVD collections. Also highly recommended for
prospective parents is the DVD "Growing From the Roots: A Practical Guide To The Art Of
Parenting" (107 min., $14.95).
InuYasha The Final Act: The Complete Series
Viz Media LLC
1355 Market Street, Suite 200
San Francisco CA 94103
$44.82 DVD / $54.97 Blu-ray www.viz.com
Available in both DVD and Blu-ray formats, InuYasha The Final Act: The Complete Series
collects all 26 episodes of the final season of the anime (Japanese animation) adaptation of
Rumiko Takahashi's dark fantasy graphic novel saga, well-known for its mix of intense action
and deep characterization. InuYasha, a half-demon-canine from feudal Japan, and Kagome, an
ordinary modern-day schoolgirl with the ability to travel back and forth through time, fight to
keep shards of the powerful Shikon Jewel away from the demonic, murderously cruel
mastermind Naraku. Caught between two worlds, can Kagome keep up with her studies for her
high school exams while fending off horrific supernatural evil? The reassembled Shikon Jewel
potentially has the power to grant any wish, yet appears to bring nothing but ruin to lives of
everyone it touches. Culminating in an epic battle for the past, present, and future of Japan,
InuYasha The Final Act is a "must-see" for anime fans! Special features include production art,
storyboard art, original Japanese trailers, and original cast credits in English. InuYasha has
English and Japanese audio, with optional English subtitles.
Jamaica Inn
Acorn Media
c/o RLJ Entertainment
9781621723349 www.acornonline.com
Set in 1821 Cornwall, Jamaica Inn is a suspenseful movie following an orphaned woman who
comes to the titular Jamaica Inn to join her aunt. Shortly after meeting her aunt's harsh and
menacing husband Joss, she learns that Jamaica Inn is not a place for guests, but rather a hotbed
for smuggling. Yet she cannot resist the powerful allure of Joss' younger brother. Dark yet
gripping, Jamaica Inn is an unfolding dark current of torrential forces, in which a woman must
determine what her moral standards truly are amidst a crossroads of poverty, thuggery, and love.
Bonus features include behind-the-scenes footage, cast and crew interviews, and a photo gallery.
3 episodes, 184 min. plus bonus, widescreen, SDH subtitles.
Murdoch Mysteries: The Movies
Acorn Media
c/o RLJ Entertainment
9781621722908 $39.99 www.acornonline.com
Originally aired in 2004, Murdoch Mysteries: The Movies is a DVD anthology of award-winning
television movies based on the books by Maureen Jennings. The mysteries have a notably darker
tone than the hit television series. Set in 1890s Toronto, the movies show Detective William
Murdoch (played by Peter Outerbridge) apply the latest forensic techniques of the time to solve
the murders of a chambermaid, a colleague on the force, and a backstreet abortion provider.
Aided by the captivating coroner Doctor Julia Ogden (played by Kelley Hawes), and hindered by
pressure from his superior, Inspector Brackenreid (played by Colm Meaney), the principled
Murdoch works to bring justice as swiftly as he can, in the process forming a tenuous bond with
Ettie (played by Flora Montgomery), a prostitute who also acts as a police informant. A glimpse
into the dark side of the Victorian era, Murdoch Mysteries: The Movies is a treasure for fans and
collectors of the genre. 3 movies on 3 DVDs, 271 min., widescreen, SDH subtitles.
BarreAmped Sleek & Toned Prenatal Workout
Featuring Suzanne Bowen
Bowen Productions, LLC
PO Box 2362, Brentwood, TN 37024
c/o 411 Video Information (publicity)
PO Box 1223, Pebble Beach, CA 93953
$19.99 www.barreamped.com
Suzanne Bowen, a fitness professional of 14 years' experience and trained in the classical US
barre technique, presents BarreAmped Sleek & Toned Prenatal Workout, a DVD workout created
especially for expectant mothers. Using a neutral spinal alignment, breathing and classic
BarreAmped exercises, this program is ideal for maintaining health, vigor, and muscle tone
through pregnancy and beyond. Highly recommended! 88 minutes.
The Pets/Wildlife Shelf
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Ophthalmology, third edition
David Gould and Gillian McLellan, Editors
c/o Wiley-Blackwell
350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148
9781905319428, $144.99, www.wiley-blackwell.com
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Ophthalmology provides a newly updated third edition of
a popular veterinary subject matter, and represents an in-depth revision and update that any
collection holding the previous edition must have. It considers the clinical techniques related to
canine and feline ocular examination, diagnostic imaging, lab tests, and treatments, and packs in
anatomy, diseases, and common clinical situations. Color sidebars include diagnosis information,
while color photo close-ups of animal eye conditions supplement text that considers traumas and
options. Extensive bibliographic references round out each chapter, making this a key reference
no veterinary collection should be without.
The Fiction Shelf
Orhan's Inheritance
Aline Ohanesian
Algonquin Books
PO Box 2225, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2225
9781616203740, $25.95, www.algonquin.com
Orhan's Inheritance opens with a bang: Orhan's eccentric grandfather, who built an empire from
making kilim rugs, is found dead in a vat of dye, and so he inherits the business - even though the
will states that the bulk of assets goes to an aging woman who lives thousands of miles away, in
a retirement home in Los Angeles. Who is she, what relationship did she have to his grandfather,
and why did he leave their shared home to a stranger outside the family? Orhan's journey to Los
Angeles in search of answers raises more questions about a close-held secret and a story that, if
revealed, could unravel not only his future, but his family. The story moves between the last
years of the Ottoman Empire and the 1990s, and provides a complex, evolving story that is
satisfyingly detailed and involving, highly recommended for any reader interested in good
The Mystery/Suspense Shelf
Kittens Can Kill
Clea Simon
Poisoned Pen Press
6962 E. First Ave., #103, Scottsdale, AZ 85251
9781464203589, $24.95, www.poisonedpenpress.com
Kittens Can Kill provides a fine Pru Marlowe pet mystery as it tells of an animal behaviorist who
finds a kitten playing beside the newly-deceased body of a prominent lawyer. The possibilities
are endless as his three adult daughters begin to feud over his estate even as their dead father's
demise remains a mystery. Pru's sensitive to animals is yet another problem - and animals keep
on turning up in the case. From an animal psychic to what the cat knows, this is a well-done,
absorbing story that will engage any with an affection for animals and mystery.
The Fantasy/SciFi Shelf
Fields of Wrath
Mickey Zucker Reichert
Daw Books, Inc.
c/o Penguin Group
375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014
9780756408957, $25.95, www.dawbooks.com
Fields of Wrath continues the Remshai saga begun in two previous trilogies decades ago and is
set eighteen years after The Children of Wrath ended. Here three sons of Kevral Tainharsdatter
are done with war after having won back the Fields of Wrath, but even as survivors begin to
rebuild home and spirit, a new enemy enters the picture. Expect another detailed epic of battle,
new opponents, dilemmas, and strife that threatens to undue everything gained in the Fields of
Wrath in an epic saga especially recommended for prior fans of the Remshai saga who wish for
Grantville Gazette VII
Eric Flint, Creator
Baen Books
PO Box 1188, Wake Forest NC 27588
9781476780290, $25.00, www.baen.com
Grantville Gazette VII provides sequels to 1632, in which a cosmic accident sets the modern
West Virginia town of Grantville in a war-torn 17th century Europe, and it fills in areas of his
'Ring of Fire' series as it explores supporting characters, side action, and more. A familiarity with
the prior books in the series is, thus, a prerequisite for the successful appreciation of this
collection, which provides a lively set of vignettes and tales that juxtapose well with the primary
books in the series and fill in many gaps with new stories and new information.
The Graphic Novel Shelf
Saint Teresa of Avila: God's Troublemaker
Yoon Song-i
Pauline Books & Media
50 St. Pauls Avenue, Boston, MA 02130
9780819890382, $14.95, www.amazon.com
Teresa of Avila (also called Saint Teresa of Jesus), was baptized as Teresa Sanchez de Cepeda y
Ahumada (28 March 1515 - 4 October 1582). Teresa was a prominent Spanish mystic, Roman
Catholic saint, Carmelite nun, author during the Counter Reformation, and theologian of
contemplative life through mental prayer. She was a reformer of the Carmelite Order and is
considered to be a founder of the Discalced Carmelites along with John of the Cross. "Saint
Teresa of Avila: God's Troublemaker" is a superbly produced graphic novel written and
illustrated by Yoon Song-i. An informative and inherently fascinating read of her life and
mission, "Saint Teresa of Avila: God's Troublemaker" is very highly recommended for personal,
family, and church library collections within the Roman Catholic community.
Louise Brooks: Detective
Rick Geary
NBM Publishing
160 Broadway, Ste. 700, East Wing
New York, NY 10038
9781561639526 $15.99 www.nbmpub.com
True crime author Rick Geary (known for his "Treasury of Murder" series) presents Louise
Brooks: Detective, a black-and-white graphic novel of a fictional murder mystery - though the
star of the story is film actress Louise Brooks, known for popularizing bangs as a hairstyle. The
line artwork draws the reader into a dark and spiraling tale of greed, corruption, and
oh-so-ruthless murder. In 1940, Louise's movie career has subsided; she returns to her family in
Wichita, only to become embroiled in increasingly horrific events. Can Louise discover who is
behind the plot without becoming the killer's next victim? Highly recommended, especially for
fans of the detective genre!
My Neighbor Seki 2
Takuma Morishige
Vertical, Inc.
451 Park Avenue South, 7th floor
New York, NY 10016
9781939130976 $10.95 www.vertical-inc.com
Presented in its original "unflipped" right-to-left format, My Neighbor Seki 2 is the second
black-and-white manga (Japanese graphic novel) in a series about an "odd couple" of public
school desk-mates. Rumi Yokoi is a hardworking young girl who just wants to study and get
good grades. But the brilliant Seki, who sits next to her, never pays attention in class; instead he
focuses his genius creativity into endless, entertaining games. From using Othello pieces to play
out a zombie apocalypse, to throwing darts with his feet, to performing masterful card tricks,
Seki inevitably tangles Yokoi into his fascinating yet utterly distracting imaginary stories!
Volume 2 also introduces a new character, the shy girl Goto, who wants to be Yokoi's friend -
but to her eyes, Yokoi and Seki appear to be having a love affair! (They're not; or at least, not by
most definitions of the phrase...) The episodic, short-comedy-skit nature of My Neighbor Seki
makes volume 2 just as good a jump-on point as volume 1. Highly recommended, especially for
connoisseurs of imaginative comedy! Fans of manga adventures in a school setting will also
enjoy Vanguard 5 (9781939130761, $10.95), the latest in a black-and-white manga series
adapting an anime about friendships, competition, and a children's card game that could
potentially impact the entire world. (The first printing of volume 5 comes sealed in shrinkwrap,
with a limited edition PR card).
Witchcraft Works 4
Ryu Mizunagi
Vertical, Inc.
451 Park Avenue South, 7th floor
New York, NY 10016
9781941220184 $12.95 www.vertical-inc.com
Witchcraft Works 4 continues the black-and-white manga (Japanese comics) series about average
high school student Takamiya, and his complicated relationship with the school "Princess", the
powerful and talented witch Kagari. Their growing closeness is made difficult by a terrible force
contained within Takamiya - as the seal within his body erodes, he will become a danger to
others. And if Kagari's witch-chairman mother learns that the seal is disintegrating, she just
might summarily execute Takamiya, or worse! Kagari willfully rebels against her mother to
protect Takamiya, even enlisting aid from the petrifying Medusa, but does Kagari have a fighting
chance against an older witch, who is many times more knowledgeable and skilled? Can
Takamiya successfully train his own powers and fighting ability without causing massive
property damage? Volume 4 also includes flashback stories with character development for
Kagari's classmates, as well as a glimpse into the dream-visions that have haunted Kagari since
childhood. A fantastic adventure of powerful women (and a young man struggling to keep up),
Witchcraft Works is elaborately drawn in its original right-to-left format, and highly
Millennium Snow Volumes 3 & 4
Bisco Hatori
Viz Media LLC
1355 Market Street, Suite 200
San Francisco CA 94103
9781421579078 $14.99 www.viz.com
An "unflipped" rendition meant to be read right-to-left, Millennium Snow Volumes 3 & 4 is the
black-and-white shojo manga (Japanese comics with a focus on relationships, aimed toward teen
and adult female readers) omnibus conclusion of the Millennium Snow saga! The story follows
seventeen-year-old Chiyuki Matsuoka, a girl born with a fatal heart defect, and the 18-year-old
vampire Toya. Toya prolonged Chiyuki's life by giving her blood, but he hates the concept of
blood-drinking, and refuses to engage in the traditional partnership with a human that would
enable both of them to live for a thousand years. To Toya, a thousand-year lifespan could only be
filled with loneliness and suffering. Can Chiyuki convince him that mortals can be strong? Will a
rival werewolf steal Chiyuki's affections? (Probably not). What other mythological creatures are
hidden in the modern world, living secret lives among the Age of Mortals? Millennium Snow is
both a practical exploration of the ramifications of an extended lifespan and a love story, with a
whisper of smoldering dark fantasy, and brings the series to a satisfying conclusion. Highly
recommended, especially for fans of shojo manga and vampire stories!
Kiss of the Rose Princess 4
Aya Shouoto
Viz Media LLC
1355 Market Street, Suite 200
San Francisco CA 94103
9781421573694 $9.99 www.viz.com
The fourth volume of Kiss of the Rose Princess continues the black-and-white shojo manga
(Japanese comics intended especially for girls and adult women) series, featuring a beautifully
distinctive art style in its original "unflipped" right-to-left format. The story centers upon high
school student Anise Yamamoto, who leads a double life as the "Rose Princess" in command of
handsome knights. Her goal is to repair the Demon Lord's seal, keeping its evil at bay as well as
freeing herself and the knights from the Rose Contract that binds them together. They need to
obtain the mysterious Arcana Cards for the sake of the seal. But one of the cards is a prize for
second place in a boy-band contest - do the Rose Knights have what it takes to win the hearts and
minds of the crowd (but not too much?) And who are these mysterious new contenders who also
appear to have Rose Knight powers? The Rose Knights' cooperation is sometimes strained by
personality conflicts, and lately the Black Rose Mutsuki has been recovering frightful memories
that distance him from the others! Adventurous and character-driven, Kiss of the Rose Princess is
enthusiastically recommended especially for fans of shojo manga.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood
Hirohiko Araki
Viz Media LLC
1355 Market Street, Suite 200
San Francisco CA 94103
9781421578798, $19.99 (Volume 1)
9781421578804, $19.99 (Volume 2) www.viz.com
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood Volume 1 and Volume 2 kick off the English-language
translation of a long-running Japanese shonen manga (comics geared toward boys and men)
following the generations of the Joestar family. Each volume is hardcover, with its artwork
presented right-to-left as originally drawn. The Phantom Blood storyline takes place in England
in the late 1800's; the honorable young Joestar (nicknamed "Jojo") is betrayed by his nefarious
adoptive sibling Dio. Dio plans to destroy JoJo, murder his adoptive father, and claim the family
fortune for himself! Jojo will fight dearly to protect the people he loves, but then an evil artifact
capable of transforming human beings in to hideous monsters comes into play. What can one
mortal man do to stop the rampage of a crazed vampire lord? Jojo's Bizarre Adventure contains
scenes of traumatic violence, and is emphatically not for the faint of heart, yet there is also a
depth of love, nobility, and tragedy to this saga of heroes and horrific villains. Jojo's Bizarre
Adventure is a wildly popular and long-running series, especially recommended for fans of
action-packed adventures such as Dragonball Z.
Last Man: The Royal Cup
Balak, Michael Sanlaville, and Bastien Vives
First Second
175 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10010
9781626720473 $9.99 www.firstsecondbooks.com
Last Man: The Royal Cup is the second graphic novel of an ongoing saga set a fantastic world, at
once both like and unlike Europe's Middle Ages. One of the protagonists, Richard Aldana, is a
brawler from our world, with little more than a traveler's satchel connecting him to his past. In
the Royal Cup, Richard participates in a ritual battle tournament. His teammate is a young boy,
Adrian Velba, and a hot-and-sexy love affair has blossomed between Richard and Adrian's single
mother. Do Richard and Adrian have what it takes to overcome the finest fighters, magic-users,
and spirit-callers of the kingdom? And when a thief steals Richard's bag, will the secrets of his
life be revealed? Action-packed, and with moments of risque humor, Last Man: The Royal Cup
recommended for adults and possibly older teens, due to mature content.
Red: A Haida Manga
Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas
Douglas & McIntyre
#211 - 2323 Quebec Street, Vancouver, BC V5T 4S7 Canada
9781771620222, $19.95, www.douglas-mcintyre.com
Red: A Haida Manga combines Native American Haida fine art traditions with a manga-style
graphic novel approach, which creates an unusual reference that brings a Haida oral story to life.
It documents the story of a leader blinded by revenge, who nearly destroys his community, and it
appears in a new paperback version to provide collections with a powerful and different approach
to folk art, Native American and manga style applications. With its excellent-quality full-page
color illustrations and its graphic novel format, this is a wide-ranging collection suitable for all
kinds of readers and collections.
The American History Shelf
1920: The Year that Made the Decade Roar
Eric Burns
Pegasus Books
80 Broad Street, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10004
9781605987729 $27.95 www.pegasusbooks.us
1920: The Year that Made the Decade Roar is a close study of the year that kicked off America's
"Roaring Twenties". Common myths about the era are deconstructed; though the Roaring
Twenties are often thought to be a peaceful, prosperous time, 1920 is notable for the greatest act
of terrorism in American history up to that date, concentration of wealth among "robber barrons",
virtual serfdom among the poorest masses, horrific labor conditions that nurtured unions out of
necessity; and more. The women's suffrage movement advanced, and Margaret Sanger opened
the first birth control clinic in America, shortly thereafter founding the organization that would
eventually become known as Planned Parenthood. Charles Ponzi dreamed up a devastating,
multi-layer scam that would add his name to the English lexicon, gangsters ran rampant, and the
rise of jazz helped spark the Harlem Renaissance. Edifying and meticulously detailed, yet
thoroughly accessible to readers of all backgrounds, 1920: The Year that Made the Decade Roar
is a fascinating tour of tumultuous historical turning points, highly recommended especially for
college and public library collections.
The Reagan Era: A History of the 1980s
Doug Rossinow
Columbia University Press
61 West 62nd Street, New York, NY 10023-7015
c/o Perseus Distribution
193 Edwards Drive, Jackson, TN 38301-7716
9780231169882 $35.00 http://cup.columbia.edu
The Reagan Era: A History of the 1980s lives up to its title as a study of this decade in American
history, with especial attention paid to the ideology and policies of President Ronald Reagan.
Reaganite conservatives espoused libertarian economics, a forceful foreign policy, and the
repercussions of their efforts are felt in the present day. Author and professor of history Doug
Rossinow relates how America began its transformation into a service economy; traces the rise of
the politics of crime and mass incarnation; recognizes Reagan's role in ending the Cold War as
well as revealing the cruel and savage consequences of his administration's involvement in
conflicts in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua. "[Reagan] was little troubled by the mass
killings committed during his presidency by the Central American regimes that he armed and
defended to the hilt. Reagan aggressively advanced grisly counterinsurgency policies in order to
prevent socialists from taking power in small countries of no strategic importance to the United
States." Exhaustively researched, yet candidly accessible to readers of all backgrounds, The
Reagan Era: A History of the 1980's is a choice pick for public and college library American
History shelves.
Looking for Lincoln in Illinois: Lincoln's Springfield
Bryon C. Andreasen
Southern Illinois University Press
1915 University Press Drive
SIUC Mail Code 6806, Carbondale, IL 62901
9780809333820, $19.95, www.amazon.com
Compiled by Bryon C. Andreasen, "Looking for Lincoln in Illinois: Lincoln's Springfield" is
comprised of fifty Abraham Lincoln stories -- some familiar and beloved, some fresh and
unexpected. "Looking for Lincoln in Illinois: Lincoln's Springfield" is features a carefully
researched, richly illustrated guide to the Springfield, Illinois, locations on the Looking for
Lincoln Story Trail. Created by the Looking for Lincoln Heritage Coalition, this trail consists of
more than two hundred illustrated storyboards posted in sites of significance to Lincoln's life and
career across fifty-two communities in Illinois. The storyboards connect Lincoln-related tales to
the geographical locations where they occurred, giving visitors, and now readers, a tour of the
social and cultural landscape of Lincoln's nineteenth-century world while revealing the very
human Lincoln known by friends and associates. Enhanced with the inclusion of historic
photographs and images, and maps, including one keyed to the story locations in downtown
Springfield, readers of this fascinating, 128 page volume will be able to accurately imagine social
and cultural landscapes that have been lost in time. Very highly recommended for community
and academic library Lincoln Studies collections, "Looking for Lincoln in Illinois: Lincoln's
Springfield" is a "must" for students and non-specialist general readers with an interest in the life
and times of Abraham Lincoln.
The World History Shelf
The Making of Australia
Robert Murray
c/o International Specialized Book Services
920 Northeast 58th Avenue, Suite 300
Portland, OR, 97213
9781925078152 $29.95 www.isbs.com
Freelance journalist Robert Murray presents The Making of Australia: A Concise History, a
detailed yet accessible history of Australia from the arrival of Aborignal people approximately
60,000 years ago, to is designation as a penal colony, to a modern-day democratic society
through the election of the Abbott government in 2013. Tracing the transition from a convict
society to a free one, The Making of Australia analyzes the development of representative
government, the growth of cities, the careers of notable politicians, and Aboriginal-settler
relations. A handful of black-and-white photographs, a bibliography, and an index round out this
superb reference and resource, ideal for personal edification, classroom study, or college and
public library collections.
Daughters of the Samurai
Janice P. Nimura
W. W. Norton & Company
500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10110
9780393077995, $26.95, www.wwnorton.com
Daughters of the Samurai: A Journey from East to West and Back documents the 1871 journey of
five young girls who were sent to the U.S. by the Japanese government. They were instructed to
learn Western ways so they could return and offer insights to Japanese leaders - but raised in
traditional samurai households during the Japanese civil war, these girls became celebrities upon
their arrival in the U.S., and came to be admired for the relationships they formed and their
involvement in another culture. Their return to Japan ten years later proved a challenge, and they
introduced new ideas to their homeland on women's education and freedom. This history belongs
in any collection strong in women's issues and history, and is a lively account of cross-cultural
The Biography Shelf
John Brown In Memory And Myth
Michael Daigh
McFarland & Company
PO Box 611, Jefferson NC 28640
9780786496174, $39.95, www.amazon.com
John Brown (May 9, 1800 - December 2, 1859) was a white American abolitionist who believed
armed insurrection was the only way to overthrow the institution of slavery in the United States.
During the 1856 conflict in Kansas, Brown commanded forces at the Battle of Black Jack and the
Battle of Osawatomie. Brown's followers also killed five slavery supporters at Pottawatomie. In
1859, Brown led an unsuccessful raid on the federal armory at Harpers Ferry that ended with his
capture. Brown's trial resulted in his conviction and a sentence of death by hanging. The life of
John Brown has been the subject for several novels and movies which have all contributing to the
legend of the most well known abolitionist of his day -- and ours. "John Brown In Memory And
Myth" by Michael Daigh is a 268 page biographical history and historical evaluation of John
Brown, the age he embodied and the myth he became, and how the tragic gravity of his actions
transformed America's past and future. Through biographical narrative, his life and legacy are
discussed as a study in metaphor and power and the nature of historical memory. An impressive
work of historical research and exceptionally well written, organized and presented, "John Brown
In Memory And Myth" will prove to be a welcome addition to community and academic library
19th Century American Biography collections in general, and to the attention of non-specialist
general readers with an interest in the life and legend of John Brown in particular.
No Ordinary Being: W. Starling Burgess
Llewellyn Howland III
David R. Godine, Publisher
PO Box 450, Jaffrey, NH 03452
9781567925265, $65.00, www.amazon.com
William Starling Burgess (December 25, 1878 - March 19, 1947) was a yacht designer, aviation
pioneer, and naval architect. He was one of the great, restless geniuses of American design,
making his mark across an extraordinary range of fields, from aviation, naval architecture, and
automotive design, to poetry, and perhaps typography. He was awarded the highest prize in
aviation, the Collier Trophy in 1915, just two years after Orville Wright won it. In 1933 he
partnered with Buckminster Fuller to design and build the radical Dymaxion Car. Between 1930
and 1937 he created three America's Cup-winning J-Class yachts, Enterprise, Rainbow and
Ranger (the latter in partnership with Olin Stephens). "No Ordinary Being: W. Starling Burgess"
is a 512 page biography by Llewellyn Howland (Antiquarian book-seller and author, who is also
a frequent contributor to the publication 'Wooden Boat') that is enriched by a profusion of period
photographs. Organized chronologically this detailed, informed and informative biography is
enhanced further with the inclusion of a four page listing of yachts and other vessels designed by
W. Starling Burgess; a two page roster of aircraft designed by Burgess; Notes on Sources, a nine
page Bibliography; and a 72 page Index. An erudite, seminal, and deftly written work of
impressive research and scholarship, "No Ordinary Being: W. Starling Burgess" is a very
strongly recommended addition to community and academic library American Biography
Blessed Assurance
Marion Castleberry
Mercer University Press
1400 Coleman Avenue, Macon, GA 31207-0001
9780881465051, $35.00, www.amazon.com
Albert Horton Foote, Jr. (March 14, 1916 - March 4, 2009) was an American playwright and
screenwriter, perhaps best known for his screenplays for the 1962 film "To Kill a Mockingbird"
and the 1983 film "Tender Mercies", and his notable live television dramas during the Golden
Age of Television. He received the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 1995 for his play "The Young
Man From Atlanta". In 1995, Foote was the inaugural recipient of the Austin Film Festival's
Distinguished Screenwriter Award. In 2000, he was posthumously awarded the National Medal
of Arts. "Blessed Assurance: The Life and Art of Horton Foote" by Marion Castleberry
(Professor of Theatre Arts at Baylor University, Waco, Texas) is a 600 page biography that is the
definitive, chronological, and descriptive work on Albert Foote's life struggles and
accomplishments. Enhanced with the inclusion of an 8 page Bibliography and a 117 page Index,
"Blessed Assurance" is an impressive work of scholarly research and highly recommended for
community and academic library American Biography collections.
John Jefferson Bray: A Vigilant Life
John Emerson
Monash University Publishing
c/o International Specialized Book Services
920 Northeast 58th Avenue, Suite 300, Portland, OR, 97213
9781922235619, $39.95, www.amazon.com
"John Jefferson Bray: A Vigilant Life" by John Emerson is the 271 page biography of The
Honorable Dr. John Jefferson Bray, AC (16 September 1912 - 26 June 1995) who was an
Australian lawyer, an academic and a published poet, and who, from 1967-1978, served as Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court of South Australia. In March 1967, South Australian Premier Don
Dunstan appointed his State's most outstanding barrister as Chief Justice: John Jefferson Bray. In
public, Bray's appointment brought barely a ripple, but in the murky urban waters of Adelaide's
corridors of power, this decision unleashed waves of outrage and bitter revenge seeking. After his
successful defense of Rupert Murdoch's News in 1960 in a seditious libel case, John Jefferson
Bray made a powerful enemy who coveted the position that Chief Justice Bray would come to
hold; an enemy who would then ruthlessly target Bray's unconventional private life. Conditions
would eventually lead to the sacking of a police commissioner, the resignation of Dunstan, and
the early retirement of Bray. "John Jefferson Bray: A Vigilant Life" is the story of an
extraordinarily gifted man whose judicial writings continue to be cited across the Commonwealth
and who was determined to defend not only his own natural right to a private life, but that of all
citizens. Enhanced with the inclusion of an Appendix (John Bray's Response to the Police
Surveillance Files); a two page Bibliography; and a two-page Index of Selected Proper names
and Specific Terms, "John Jefferson Bray: A Vigilant Life" is highly recommended for academic
library 20th Century Biography collections in general, and 20th Century Australian Legal History
supplemental studies lists in particular.
Living On Fire
Daniel Kelly
ISI Books
3901 Centerville Road, Wilmington, DE 19807-1938
9781610170864, $27.95, www.amazon.com
Leo Brent Bozell, Jr. (January 15, 1926 - April 15, 1997) was an American conservative activist
and Roman Catholic writer. "Living on Fire: The Life of L. Brent Bozell Jr." by the late historian
and academician Daniel Kelly (1938 - 2012) is a 272 page biography of an extraordinary orator.
L. Brent Bozell Jr. was a young man with fiery red hair who won a national debate competition
in high school and later was elected president of Yale's storied Political Union, where his
debating partner was his close friend William F. Buckley Jr. In less than a decade after
graduating from Yale, Bozell helped Buckley launch National Review, became a popular
columnist and speaker, and, most famously, wrote Barry Goldwater's landmark book "The
Conscience of a Conservative". But after setting his sights on high political office, Bozell took a
different route in the 1960s. He abruptly moved his family to Spain; he founded a traditional
Catholic magazine, "Triumph", that quickly turned radical. Bozell repudiated the U.S.
Constitution on religious grounds; he made it his mission to transform America into a Catholic
nation; he led the nation's major anti-abortion protest; he severed ties with his erstwhile friends
from the conservative movement, including Buckley (who was also his brother-in-law). By the
mid-1970s, Bozell had fallen prey to bipolar disorder and alcoholism, leading life as if "manacled
to a roller coaster," as a friend put it. "Living On Fire" is a compelling, informative, and
inherently fascinating read that is highly recommended for community and academic library
American Biography collections. For personal reading lists it should be noted that "Living On
Fire" is also available in a Kindle edition ($12.99).
Lincoln's Gift
Gordon Leidner
Cumberland House
c/o Sourcebooks Inc.
1935 Brookdale Road, #139, Naperville, IL 60563
9781492609650 $14.99 www.sourcebooks.com
Lincoln's Gift: How Humor Shaped Lincoln's Life & Legacy is a unique biographical take on
Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States, emphasizing his well-known
talents for humor and storytelling. Packed with Lincoln's funniest recorded quips, jokes, and
stories, Lincoln's Gift is an eye-opening look of how a great statesman used mirth to enliven the
courtroom when he practiced as a lawyer, and lighten the heavy burden of leading America
through the dark days of the Civil War. Highly recommended for both personal and public library
Horses That Buck
Margot Kahn
University of Oklahoma Press
2800 Venture Drive, Norman, OK 73069
9780806139128 $24.95 hc
9780806148472 $19.95 pbk www.oupress.com
Horses That Buck: The Story of Champion Bronc Rider Bill Smith is the biography of a man
who resolved to pursue the life of his dreams, becoming a rodeo professional and earning thirteen
trips to the national finals. As rodeo rose as a major sports enterprise in the late 1960s and early
1970s, even a champion rider struggled to win enough money to gain access to the next
competition. Horses That Buck also tells of how Smith married cowgirl Carole O'Rourke and
made a business of raising horses, becoming well-known for his gentle and uncanny knack with
the animals. The engaging, true-life story of a (relatively) modern man who exemplified the Old
West, Horses That Buck is a "must-read" for rodeo and cowboy enthusiasts.
Officer Down, Man Up
Todd Lentocha
Blind Guy Books
36 Zinfandel Circle, Tolland, CT 06084
9780692387399, $9.40 www.amazon.com, 222 pp.
"Officer Down, Man Up: Putting a Life Back Together Again" is the personal story of Todd Lentocha, a former U.S. Marine who became a police officer and, after five years of service, was blinded in the line of duty in January 2012. Todd Lentocha has faced traumatic brain injury and permanent blindness with humor, determination and support from his loved ones. It is interesting to note that Lentocha utilized a voice-recognition computer program to write the account of his struggle with the editorial aid of Pegi Deitz Shea (a former journalist, publicist, and author of multiple children's books). More than just another 'comeback' book about struggling with a disability, "Officer Down, Man Up" is a compelling testament that draws from informative interviews with Lentocha's neurosurgeon, therapists, and fellow police officers and reflects what can be accomplished even when confronted with the most dire of circumstances with the right kind of medical, familial, and social support system. As a side note, with the current national dialogue over police misconduct, "Officer Down, Man Up" will serve to remind us all of the sacrifices our policemen and women are made vulnerable to in their efforts to secure our peace and safety. Exceptionally well written, organized and presented, "Officer Down, Man Up" is very highly recommended for personal reading lists, as well as community and academic library collections.
Rhythm of the Wild
Kim Heacox
The Lyons Press
246 Goose Lane, Guilford, CT 06437
9781493003891, $25.95, www.amazon.com
Denali National Park and Preserve is a national park and preserve located in Interior Alaska,
centered on Denali (Mount McKinley), the highest mountain in North America. The park
encompasses more than 6 million acres, of which 4,724,735.16 acres are federally owned. The
national preserve is 1,334,200 acres, of which 1,304,132 acres are federally owned. On
December 2, 1980, a 2,146,580 acre Denali Wilderness was established within the park. Denali's
landscape is a mix of forest at the lowest elevations, including deciduous taiga. The preserve is
also home to tundra at middle elevations, and glaciers, rock, and snow at the highest elevations.
The longest glacier is the Kahiltna Glacier. Today, 400,000 people visit the park annually. They
view wildlife, climb mountains, and backpack. Wintertime activities includes dog-sledding,
cross-country skiing, and snow-machining. Kim Heacox's "Rhythm of the Wild: A Life Inspired
by Alaska's Denali National Park" is a 304 page Alaska memoir framed against the wild and
wonders of the Denali National Park. "Rhythm of the Wild" begins in 1981 and ends in 2014.
Readers will follow Kim through Idaho, read of her camping on the Colorado Plateau, and flying
off the sand cliffs of Hangman Creek with a little terrier named Super Max, the Wonder Dog.
"Rhythm of the Wild" is populated with memorable characters including Zed, the Aborigine;
Nine Fingers, the blues guitarist; and Adolph Murie, the legendary wildlife biologist, who dared
to say that wolves should be protected, not persecuted. Kim also reprises in "Rhythm of the
Wild" his friend Richard Steele, a beloved character from Kim Heacox's earlier book "The Only
Kayak". Part memoir, part travelogue exploration of Denali's inspiring natural and human
history, and part conservationist polemic, "Rhythm of the Wild" ranges from funny to
provocative in a kind of celebration of (and a plea to restore and defend) the vibrant earth and our
rightful place in it. An inherently fascinating read, "Rhythm of the Wild" is very highly
recommended for community and academic library American Biography collections. For
personal reading lists it should be noted that "Rhythm of the Wild" is also available in a Kindle
edition ($13.99).
The Military Shelf
Yakovlev Fighters of World War Two
Yefim Gordon & Sergey Komissarov
Hikoki Publications
c/o Specialty Press
99 Spring Street, 3rd floor, New York, NY 10012
9781902109466, $56.95, www.amazon.com
The Yak Aircraft Corporation is a Russian aircraft designer and manufacturer (design office
prefix Yak). Its head office is in Aeroport District, Northern Administrative Okrug, Moscow. The
bureau was formed in 1934 under designer Alexander Sergeyevich Yakovlev as OKB-115, but its
birthday is considered to be on 12 May 1927, the day of maiden flight of the AIR-1 aircraft
developed within the Department of Light Aircraft of GUAP (Head Agency of Aviation Industry)
under the supervision of A.S. Yakovlev. During World War II Yakovlev designed and produced
a famed line of fighter aircraft. The collaborative work of Russian fighter plane experts Yefim
Gordon and Sergey Komissarov, "Yakovlev Fighters of World War Two" is a 336 page
compendium that is a full and complete history of the World War II fighter planes developed for,
and employed by, the Russian air command. Profusely illustrated with more than 500
photographs and illustrations, "Yefim Gordon & Sergey Komissarov" is enhanced with the
inclusion of personal stories from the pilots that flew combat missions with Yakovley fighter
planes. "Yakovlev Fighters of World War Two" is very strongly recommended for personal and
academic library World War II Military Aircraft reference collections.
The Gaming Shelf
Tips On Bidding
Mike Lawrence
Master Point Press
331 Douglas Avenue, Toronto, ON, Canada, M5M 1H2
9781771400206, $19.95, www.amazon.com
Contract bridge, or simply bridge, is a trick-taking game using a standard 52-card deck. It is
played by four players in two competing partnerships, with partners sitting opposite each other
around a table. Millions of people play bridge worldwide in clubs, tournaments, online and with
friends at home, making it one of the world's most popular card games, particularly among
seniors. The game consists of several deals each progressing through four phases: dealing the
cards, the auction (also referred to as bidding), playing the cards, and scoring the results.
However, most club and tournament play involves some variant of duplicate bridge, where the
cards are not re-dealt on each occasion, the same deal being played by two or more different sets
of players to enable comparative scoring. "Tips on Bidding" by Mike Lawrence (who has Bridge
Hall of Fame credentials both as a player and a writer; is an original member of the Dallas Aces
winner of three world titles and eighteen national titles) is a 286 page instruction manual
covering all aspects of bidding including avoiding common errors; a partner's suit; the three-card
raise; reverses; the splinter bid; bidding after an opponent's takeout double; weak two-bids;
preempts; passed hand bidding; and the fine art of hanging partner. Thoroughly 'user friendly'
throughout, "Tips On Bidding" should be considered a "must read" by all dedicated Bridge
players and a core addition to personal and community library Card Game instructional reference
The Fishing Shelf
Fly-Fish the Surf
Lee R. Baerman
Frank Amato Publications
PO Box 82112, Portland, OR 97282
9781571885197 $15.95 www.amatobooks.com
Featuring full-color photography on almost every page, Fly-Fish the Surf is an accessible,
user-friendly guide to flies and fishing techniques best suited to fishing the surf. Author Lee R.
Baerman, a surf fisher of 40 years experience, shares his expertise in step-by-step fly tying,
identifying the best surf areas for fishing, keeping one's fishing gear in excellent condition, to
advice specific to individual species of fish commonly caught from the surf. A "must-have" for
fly fishing enthusiasts!
The Botany Shelf
Wildflowers of the Northern and Central Mountains of New Mexico
Larry J. Littlefield & Pearl M. Burns
University of New Mexico Press
MSC05 3185
1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque NM 87131-0001
9780826355478, $29.95, www.amazon.com
A wildflower is a flower that grows in the non-domesticated wilderness, meaning it was not
intentionally seeded or planted. Yet "wildflower" meadows of a few mixed species are sold in
seed packets. The term implies that the plant probably is neither a hybrid nor a selected cultivar
that is in any way different from the way it appears in the wild as a native plant, even if it is
growing where it would not naturally. The term can refer to the flowering plant as a whole, even
when not in bloom, and not just the flower. "Wildflower" is not an exact term either. Terms like
native species (naturally occurring in the area, see flora), exotic or introduced species (not
naturally occurring in the area), of which some are labeled invasive species (in that they
out-compete other plants - whether native or not), imported (introduced to an area whether
deliberately or accidentally) and naturalized (introduced to an area, but now considered by the
public as native) are much more accurate. Compiled with informative commentaries by Larry J.
Littlefield (Professor Emeritus of Plant Pathology at Oklahoma State University) and Pearl M.
Burns ( a member of the Friends of the Sandia Mountains and a leader of countless wildflower
hikes for the U.S. Forest Service, Albuquerque Open Space program, and other organizations),
"Wildflowers of the Northern and Central Mountains of New Mexico: Sangre de Cristo, Jemez,
Sandia, and Manzano" is a 408 page compendium New Mexico's wildflower varieties beautifully
illustrated, organized and presented in full color photographs and according to their colors.
Enhanced with the inclusion of a Glossary, a list of References, as well as two Indexes (Common
Names and Scientific Names), "Wildflowers of the Northern and Central Mountains of New
Mexico" is an ideal and highly portable identification guide for the use of non-specialist general
readers wanting to trek the countryside and admire the flora any time from spring through fall.
An exceptional volume, "Wildflowers of the Northern and Central Mountains of New Mexico"
could well serve as a template for similar studies of wild flowers in other parts of the
The Biology Shelf
Mitsuhiro Yanagida
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
500 Sunnyside Boulevard, Woodbury NY 11797-2924
9781621821359, $79.00, www.amazon.com
Mitosis is a part of the cell cycle process by which chromosomes in a cell nucleus are separated
into two identical sets of chromosomes, each in its own nucleus. In general, mitosis (division of
the nucleus) is often followed by cytokinesis, which divides the cytoplasm, organelles and cell
membrane into two new cells containing roughly equal shares of these cellular components.
Mitosis and cytokinesis together define the mitotic (M) phase of an animal cell cycle - the
division of the mother cell into two daughter cells, genetically identical to each other and to their
parent cell. The process of mitosis is highly complex. The sequence of events is divided into
stages corresponding to the completion of one set of activities and the start of the next. These
stages are prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. During mitosis, the
chromosomes, which have already duplicated, condense and attach to fibers that pull one copy of
each chromosome to opposite sides of the cell. The result is two genetically identical daughter
nuclei. The cell may then divide by cytokinesis to produce two daughter cells.[2] Errors during
mitosis can induce apoptosis (programmed cell death) or cause mutations. Certain types of cancer
can arise from such mutations. Collaboratively compiled and co-edited by Mitsuhiro Yanagida
(Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University); Anthony A. Hyman (Max
Planck institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics); and Jonathan Pines (Wellcome
Trust/Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute), "Mitosis" is 200 page compendium comprised of
ten erudite scientific articles by experienced and articulate mitosis researchers beginning with
Mitsuhiro Yanagida's "The Role of Model Organisms in the History of Mitosis Research", and
concluding with Hiroyuki Ohkura's "Meiosis: An Overview of Key Differences from Mitosis".
Informed and informative, "Mitosis" is an essential and core addition to the growing body of
Mitosis literature and a significant addition to academic and medical school reference collections
and supplemental studies reading lists.
The Criminology Shelf
Behind San Quentin's Walls
William B. Secrest
Craven Street Books
c/o Linden Publishing
2006 South Mary, Fresno, CA 93721-9875
9781610352215 $18.95 www.CravenStreetBooks.com
Behind San Quentin's Walls: The History of California's Legendary Prison and Its Inmates
1851-1900 chronicles the storied history of California's most famous prison, from its implausible
origin as a real estate scheme, to the mismanagement and jailbreaks that plagued it, to profiles of
the most notorious robbers and killers kept within its walls. A handful of period black-and-white
photographs, newspaper clippings, maps, and more enrich this expertly researched and accessibly
presented history. An excellent read for connoisseurs of true-crime (and true-punishment!)
Skullduggery, Secrets, and Murders
Bill Neal
Texas Tech University Press
PO Box 41037, Lubbock, TX 79409-1037
9780896729179 $34.95 www.ttupress.org
Skullduggery, Secrets, and Murders: The 1894 Wells Fargo Scam that Backfired re-examines
two cold-case murders from the close of the nineteenth century. In 1894, George Isaacs allegedly
hatched a scam to ship fake money packets with a claimed value of $25,000 to the Wells Fargo
office in Kansas City. Accomplices were to stage a robbery, enabling Isaacs to sue Wells Fargo
for the loss of his fortune. But the sheriff was present when the train arrived; the bandits killed
the sheriff, then panicked and fled without seizing the phony cash. An undercover agent sent by
Wells Fargo to investigate the matter was assassinated. Of the eight trials held in connection to
these murders, only George Isaacs was convicted, and he somehow evaded a life sentence. To
this day, there lingers questions and doubts about whether Isaacs was truly the mastermind of the
failed scam. A true-crime story that undeniably lives up to its title, Skullduggery, Secrets, and
Murders vividly reconstructs the evidence in meticulous detail.
The Native American Studies Shelf
The Early Chickasaw Homeland
John P. Dyson
Chickasaw Press
1315 Hoppe Blvd., Ada, OK 74820
9781935684176 $29.95 www.chickasawpress.com
The Early Chickasaw Homeland: Origins, Boundaries & Society is a close examination of how
the Chickasaw native people once lived in their original homeland before their removal to Indian
Territory in the first half of the nineteenth century. Author John P. Dyson applies extensive
personal research, including knowledge of the Chickasaw language, to offer insight into the
boundaries, place-names, and social structures of the Chickasaw of generations past. A
bibliography and an index round out this extensive resource, especially recommended for college
library Native American Studies shelves.
The Parenting Shelf
How to Be a Good Mommy When You're Sick
Emily Graves, Ph.D.
MSI Press, LLC
1760-F Airline Highway, #203, Holister, CA 95023
9781933455891 $14.95 www.amazon.com
How to Be a Good Mommy When You're Sick: A Guide to Motherhood with Chronic Illness
lives up to its title as a no-nonsense resource filled with practical strategies and helpful tips for
mothers impeded by recurring medical conditions. Author Emily Graves was diagnosed with
Rheumatoid Arthritis, with a prognosis that she would eventually lose the ability to walk; then
while pregnant with her only child, her kidneys shut down. Her wisdom is from personal
experience, battling illness while at the same time striving to be a good mother. "Baby wipes are
the miracle I wish I had known about years before I even had a baby. I swear, they are good for
spotting clothes, cleaning furniture, etc. You name it, a baby wipe can probably take care of it.
Seriously - buy in bulk." Highly recommended!
The Martial Arts Shelf
Tai Chi Chuan Martial Power
Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming
YMAA Publications
PO Box 480, Wolfeboro, NH 03894-0480
9781594392948, $26.95, www.amazon.com
Often shortened to t'ai chi, taiji or tai chi in English usage, T'ai chi ch'uan or taijiquan is an
internal Chinese martial art practiced for both its defense training and its health benefits. It is also
typically practiced for a variety of other personal reasons: its hard and soft martial art technique,
demonstration competitions, and longevity. As a result, a multitude of training forms exist, both
traditional and modern, which correspond to those aims. Some training forms of t'ai chi ch'uan
are especially known for being practiced with relatively slow movement. Today, t'ai chi ch'uan
has spread worldwide. Most modern styles of t'ai chi ch'uan trace their development to at least
one of the five traditional schools: Chen, Yang, Wu (Hao), Wu, and Sun. "Tai Chi Chuan Martial
Power: Advanced Yang Style; New User Friendly Design" is a 320 page fully illustrated
instruction manual by a true master of the martial arts. 'Jing' is a word meaning tai chi power.
Included are 12 coiling qi exercises; 3 types of sensing jing; 16 types of offensive jing; 19 types
of defensive jing; 4 types of neutral jing; 11 types of kicking jing; 14 hand forms for
accumulating jing; 8 postures for accumulating jing; and 15 tai chi classics with translations and
commentaries. "Tai Chi Chuan Martial Power" is a complete course of instruction and very
highly recommended for personal, professional, dojo, and community library Martial Arts
reference collections and supplemental studies reading lists.
The Genealogy Shelf
In Search of Your German Roots, fifth edition
Angus Baxter
Genealogical Publishing Company
3600 Clipper Mill Road, Suite 260
Baltimore, MD 21211
9780806320113 $19.95 www.genealogical.com
Now in an updated fifth edition In Search of Your German Roots: A Complete Guide to Tracing
Your Ancestors in the Germanic Areas of Europe is a resource for tracking one's German
ancestry in Germany and all the German-speaking areas of Europe, including the Baltic, the
Crimea, the Czech Republic, Belgium, and more. Since the guides original publication in 1987,
its updated revisions have changed to reflect that searching for information about one's German
heritage is easier than ever before - many archives have put digitized images of their records
online, searchable databases are more common, and correspondence can be undertaken more
swiftly via e-mail. In Search of Your German Roots guides the reader to new facilities, new
websites, and newly available records that immensely aid the research process. General advice
for those new to genealogical research rounds out this excellent, user-friendly guide.
The Jobs/Career Shelf
Excellence in IT
Warren C. Zabloudil
23331 Water Circle, Boca Raton, FL 33486-8540
c/o Authoright (publicity)
9781627340250 $25.95 www.universal-publishers.com
Information Technology expert of twenty-five years' experience Warren C. Zabloudil presents
Excellence in IT: Achieving Success in an Information Technology Career, a practical-minded
guide to maintaining one's skill sets and moving forward toward career goals. Chapters discuss
bad habits to avoid (such as whining, or coming across as a "know-it-all"), stress management
techniques, understanding the end user, common career pitfalls (such as not keeping one's skills
cutting-edge current in a rapidly evolving industry), and how to work well with a team. "You
should always judge delegation carefully. It can be a risk to your credibility if the person you
delegated a job task to ever fails you. If you made the call that allowed others to drag you down,
then you've demonstrated bad decision making skills." Excellence in IT is an absolute
"must-read" for anyone working or contemplating the IT field.
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Diane C. Donovan, Editor
Midwest Book Review
278 Orchard Drive
Oregon, WI 53575-1129
phone: 1-608-835-7937
e-mail: mbr@execpc.com
e-mail: mwbookrevw@aol.com
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