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Reviewer's Choice
Retro Romance
Cheryl Homme & Joe Homme
Collectors Press
1888054808 $16.95 1-800-423-1848
Enjoy reading a unique modern-day romance manual with a retro twist bowing to the past in
Cheryl and Joe Homme's Retro Romance: Classic Tips For Today's Couple, a survey of chivalry,
romance, and laughter. Relationship ins and outs are surveyed in chapters packed with colorful
photos and illustrations of yesteryear, commenting on the nature of true romance, a relationship's
logical progressions, and the power of travel and the kiss.
Studs Terkel
The New Press
38 Greene Street, New York NY 10013
1565843428 $16.95 1-800-233-4830
Labor history students will easily recall Studs Terkel's Working: People Talk About What They
Do All Day And How They Feel About What They Do to be a landmark charting the dreams and
experiences of ordinary working folk: add a new foreword by Adam Cohen of the New York
Times to Terkel's classic and you return an important reference to modern times, with over a
hundred interviews with working folk as relevant today as when it was first done.
Dover Publications
31 E. 2nd St., Mineola, NY 11501
Three classic titles should be on the shelves of any in-depth history collection whether it be high
school or college library or public library holdings. Israel Abrahams' Jewish Life In The Middle
Ages (0486437582, $18.95) reprints an original 1896 edition which provides a sweeping view of
the Jewish historical experience. Jewish Life In The Middle Ages begins in the late 10th century
and concludes in the early 1500s, providing a range of topics from community and religious
organization to social conditions and Jewish customs. Sarah Bradford's Harriet Tubman: The
Moses Of Her People (048-6438589, $5.95) provides a simple account of the life of underground
railroad 'conductor' Harriet Tubman, republishing the second 1886 edition of a slim but pointed
survey of Tubman's life and achievements. Georges Sorel's Reflections On Violence
(0486437078, $14.95) returns a 1950 treatise to life, presenting French socialist Georges Sorel
with an original theory on the evolution of violence and the role of myth in history. Sorel was a
civil servant who believed only class war could create lasting social change: Reflections On
Violence provides an intriguing argument.
Every Farm Tells A Story
Jerry Apps
Voyageur Press
123 N. 2nd St., Stillwater MN 55082-5002
0896585107 $16.95 1-800-888-9653
Farm values and management can offer many lessons, especially when told through humor, as
Jerry Apps demonstrates in Every Farm Tells A Story; A Tale Of Family Farm Values. Tucked
into an inviting chronicle of changes in farming over the decades and resulting changes in values
and methods, readers receive a fine blend of business savvy, history, and humor lending to light,
easy reading.
Gibbs Smith
PO Box 667, Layton, UT 84041
Two excellent builder's guides cover architectural and building concerns, providing homeowners
with technical insights and many applications to smaller projects. Jo Scheer's How To Build With
Bamboo: 19 Projects You Can Do At Home (158-6852205, $15.95) demonstrates a surprising
range of applications for bamboo, from building a porch swing of large-sized bamboo to a bed
frame, reading lamp, stand, and more. Projects range from very simple beginner's to advanced
construction, leading bamboo users through the techniques essential to working with the wood.
An excellent idea guide. Architects and homeowners alike will relish Catherine Croft's Concrete
Architecture (1586-854607, $45.00): Croft has contributed to numerous publications and is a
director of The 20th Century Society: her examination of concrete as a material addresses
construction as well as artistic challenges, with chapters addressing recent architectural projects
based on concrete designs and usage. Descriptions survey the type of concrete used and the
process of construction and design.
Mystery Of The Nile
Richard Bangs & Pasquale Scaturro
G.P. Putnam's Sons
375 Hudson Street, New York NY 10014
0399152628 $25.95 1-800-847-5515
Richard Bangs is an award-winning outdoor travel writer and adventurer, Pasquale Scaturro is a
geophysicist who loves adventure. The two team up to provide the lively Mystery Of The Nile:
The Epic Story Of The First Descent Of The World's Deadliest River. A blend of adventure story,
travelogue, and history, Mystery Of The Nile provides a survey of Nile regional history and
culture in the process of detailing the two-man expedition on inflatable raft from its mouth into
the Mediterranean Sea near Egypt 114 days later. While the blend of memoir, history, and
travelogue may prove difficult to neatly categorize, any with an affection for all of the above will
relish the unusual saga.
The Botanist And The Vintner
Christy Campbell
Algonquin Books
709 Broadway, New York NY 10003
156512460X $24.95 1-800-722-7202
If you like botanical history as much as wine and want a healthy dose of each, don't miss British
journalist Christy Campbell's investigation The Botanist And The Vintner: How Wine Was Saved
For The World. When grapevines in France began to die mysteriously in the mid 1860s, botanist
Jules-Emile Planchon investigated and discovered the damaging aphids which threatened to
destroy the world's wine growing regions. The industry was on the brink of disaster when the
French government offered a prize for a remedy - leading Planchon to devote a decade of research
to resolving the infestation. A fascinating history evolves.
The Last Great Adventure Of Sir Peter Blake
Alan Sefton, Editor
Sheridan House
145 Palisade St., Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
1574091905 $39.95 1-888-743-7425
Sir Peter Blake's own logbooks of his great expedition from the Antarctic to the Amazon are
edited by Alan Sefton, embellished with gorgeous full-page color photos, and arranged in a
presentation which lends to coffee table embellishment and armchair travel adventure reading
alike. Alan Sefton was a colleague and close friend of Sir Peter Blake: images come from the
ship's photographers and from paintings by those aboard the Seamaster for part of the Amazon
journey, and provide a gorgeous set of contrasts between the frigid but beautiful Antarctic and the
hot Amazon.
88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881
1-800-225-5800 www.greenwood.com
These outstanding new titles will appeal to very specific high school and college collection goals,
providing unusual histories and lively subjects for debate. Chester G. Hearn's Circuits In The Sea:
The Men, The Ships, And The Atlantic Cable (02-75982319, $39.95) relates the technological
and cooperative efforts of two nations that joined forces to create the first transatlantic
communication cable. From the efforts of wealthy new Yorkers who formed the first Atlantic
cable-laying company to the participation of England's best, chapters detail failures, enmity,
cooperation and 11 years of hard effort. Chester Hearn is a retired industry vice president:
Circuits In The Sea is a unique history joining many other of his titles. Lawson Boling's Shapers
Of The Great Debate On The Great Society (A Biographical Dictionary) (0313314349, $75.00)
provides an A-Z bibliographic reference to survey the history of President Lyndon Johnson's
vision of the Great Society, a master plan to use the national government's powers to create a
better society. Debates about the concept dealt with all aspects of society from federal aid and
health care to the increasing powers of the federal government. In present chapters based on
individual biography, history and personal achievement join to provide a fine survey of key
players, from Strom Thurmond and Martin Luther King Jr. to William Buckley Jr. Deborah A.
Fraioli's Joan Of Arc And The Hundred Years War (0313324-581, $45.00) joins others in
Greenwood's 'Guides to Historic Events of the Medieval World' series, this using a narrowed
focus on Joan of Arc to provide essays covering the extent of the complex war surrounding her.
Chapter survey contrasting views of the war, from Joan's to others' viewpoints, provide nineteen
biographical sketches of key French and English figures, and uses source materials to survey the
major social, political and religious issues of her times.
Hiding The Elephant
Jim Steinmeyer
Carroll & Graf
245 W. 17th St., 11th Fl, NY, NY 10011
0786714018 $14.00 1-800-788-3123
Any reader intrigued by accounts of magic will relish the story of the development of magic and
magicians in Hiding The Elephant: How Magicians Invented The Impossible And Learned To
Disappear. The life stories of successful and legendary magicians serve as a foundation for secrets
and stories of basic magician techniques, from floating ghosts and disembodied heads to vanishing
elephants. Hiding The Elephant may diffuse some of the mystery, but it succeeds in embellishing
the magic of early illusionists who created a genre of entertainment.
Martha Baer, et.al.
10 E. 53rd Street, NY, NY 10022-5299
0060577150 $24.95 1-800-242-7737
It's difficult to easily peg the appropriate place for Safe: The Race To Protect Ourselves In A
Newly Dangerous World. It is equally important to health libraries, political and social science
collections, and surveys of terrorism. It's the first to explore the work being done around the
world in areas of security and defense, and the mechanisms which might thwart efforts to increase
safety in the world. Safe covers all the high-level risks and efforts to protect the public in a
post-911 world.
The Atlantis Encyclopedia
Frank Joseph
New Page Books
PO Box 687, Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417
1564147959 $19.99 1-800-227-3371
There are over two thousand books and articles published about Atlantis: so why the need for yet
another? Unlike others on the topic, The Atlantis Encyclopedia offers less speculation and more
emphasis on known facts gathered from geology, astronomy and other scientific disciplines.
Ongoing research, international travel, and on-site explorations by the author gather the facts past
and present, gathering plenty of evidence to point to the conclusion that Atlantis at least
Wisconsin Where They Row
Bradley F. Taylor
University of Wisconsin Press
1930 Monroe Street, Third Floor, Madison, WI 53711-2059
0299205304 $40.00 1-800-621-2736
Wisconsin Where They Row: A History Of Varsity Rowing At The University Of Wisconsin by
Bradley F. Taylor is an informed and informative history of the University of Wisconsin's
intercollegiate sport of rowing that began in 1892 with their first non-intramural race and
continued to a 113-year tradition. Wisconsin Where They Row fully captures the very spirit and
richness of the Badger crews while recounting milestones in Wisconsin's rowing tradition, from
their financial troubles and six-year suspension for health reasons, to their participation in the
early intercollegiate regattas on the Hudson River, to the establishment of the women's team in
1972. Replete with anecdotes, vintage photos, and historical "infobits" (there has been a Badger
on each Olympic crew team since 1968), Wisconsin Where They Row is "must" reading for
Wisconsin history buffs, Wisconsin alums, and collegiate rowing fans.
My Mother Kept A Scrapbook
Gerhard Johnson and Kathleen Marie Marsh
Otter Run Books
16965 Nicolet Rd, Townsend, WI 54130
0976079615 $9.95 otterrunbooks.com
When he was captured in Italy in January of 1944, U.S. army Private Gerhard Johnson didn't
expect to ever see his Wisconsin family again as he endured 15 months of hell as a P.O.W. Denied
even the most basic human needs of food, water, shelter, sanitation, and medical care, Johnson
was determined to make it back home to marry the woman he loved. During captivity he lost
nearly half of his body weight but still managed to survive while back home in Wisconsin his
mother wrote letters, sent Red Cross packages, and filled a scrapbook in an amazing effort to
keep her absent son "alive" as long as she possible could. Very highly recommended reading and a
welcome contribution to the growing library of World War II memoirs, My Mother Kept A
Scrapbook: The True Story Of A WWII POW is Gerhard Jonson's personal and dramatic story,
preserved for present and future generations with the help of Kathleen Marie Marsh.
The Musicbook Shelf
Greenwood Publishing Group
PO Box 5007, Westport, CT 06881-5007
1-800-225-5800 www.greenwood.com
Greenwood's excellent college-level music references are highly recommended picks for specialty
collections, covering a range of topics with plenty of insights and reference details suitable for
research papers. David L. Morton Jr.'s Sound Recording: The Life Story Of A Technology
(0313330905, $45.00) tells the story of objects and technologies important to the evolution of the
recorded music industry over the years. From 8-tracks up to CDs and beyond, this traces the
history of a business boom which began with Edison's invention and continues to this day, in the
process revealing intriguing glimpses of inventions which never quite made it. Lawrence
McClellan Jr.'s The Later Swing Era: 1942-1955 (0313301573, $75.00) provides an in-depth and
wide-ranging reference to Swing musicians from World War II and beyond. Organized by genre
for easy access, from vocalists to big band leaders, The Later Swing Era, 1942-55 includes both
musical and cultural background details essential to understanding how the music evolved and
changed. Even more in-depth and detailed is the extensive two-volume reference set by Todd S.
Jenkins Jazz And Free Improvisation (0313333130 & 0313333149, $175.00/SET). Jenkins' A-Z
reference provides an encyclopedia of key figures, groups, and movements within the jazz world,
charting a trend which began in the mid-1950s and ran parallel to America's civil rights movement.
A specialty item highly recommended for in-depth college-level jazz holdings. Also specialized is
Steven H. Cornelius' Music Of The Civil War Era (0313320812, $55.00), examining the different
styles of music which have played important roles in American history. Music Of The Civil War
Era is one of the first volumes in a projected series American History Through Music: it includes
a bibliography, endnotes, and a fine subject index researchers will applaud.
Bono & Michka Assayas
Riverhead Books
375 Hudson St., NY, NY 10014-3657
1573223093 $23.95 1-800-847-5515
Michka Assayas spent 8 days with Bono, of rock group U2 fame, in discussion over such varied
topics as world affairs, politics, and social issues: the result adds an extra dimension of depth and
personality to Bono: In Conversation With Michka Assayas, which provides a series of
discussions with his friend. Assayas examines all facets of Bono's life, from his personal beliefs to
his musical experiences as frontman of U2. Bono: In Conversation is a recommended pick for any
who would understand their favorite musician's life and perspectives.
The Computer Shelf
Spring In Action
Craig Walls & Ryan Breidenbach
Manning Publications Company
209 Bruce Park Avenue, Greenwich, CT 06830
1932394354 $44.95 www.manning.com
Spring is a remarkable, powerful, and lightweight J2EE framework that does not require the use
of EJBs, but rather applies a design principle called Inversion of Control. Spring In Action is a
handbook for Java developers, especially enterprise developers, that delineates how to best take
advantage of Spring's properties and integrate it with other web frameworks. From a "jump start"
crash course in how to use Spring, to wiring beans, creating aspects, hitting the database,
managing transactions, remoting, accessing enterprise services, building the web layer, securing
Spring applications and much more, Spring In Action covers all the bases with extensive examples
and explicit instructions. Spring In Action is recommended as a superbly organized and fluently
written instruction and reference manual.
The Book Of Postfix
Ralf Hildebrandt & Patrick Koetter
No Starch Press
555 De Haro Street, #250, San Francisco, CA 94107
1593270011 $44.95 www.nostarch.com
The Book Of Postfix: State-of-the-Art Message Transport is a straightforward manual to
administering and managing Postfix, the modern, open source email server developed by IBM
engineer Wietse Venema. Chapters describe in clear terms exactly how to get the most out of
Postfix, from filtering spam and viruses to integrating with Open LDAP, MySQL, or PostgreSQL,
how to authenticate users, how to automate daily tasks, restricting mail transport based on
blacklists, network origin, or mail client, and much more. Written in clear prose with numerous
examples and sample code, by a pair of active and well-known Postfix professionals who regularly
speak about Postfix at industry conferences, The Book Of Postfix is an essential reference for
anyone determined to build or maintain a reliable and secure mailserver with this well-known
software application.
C# And Game Programming
Salvatore A. Buono
A K Peters, Ltd.
888 Worcester Street, Suite 230, Wellesley, MA 02482
1568812361 $49.00 www.akpeters.com
Now in an updated second edition supporting DirectX 9.0, with revised programs, examples, and
improved frame rate for game examples, C# And Game Programming: A Beginner's Guide is a
hands-on self-teaching guide for learning the C# language via classic arcade game applications.
An excellent resource and instructional took for the complete novice, C# And Game
Programming covers basic branches, loops, and functions, arrays, pointers, and strings,
object-oriented design, and more. The accompanying CD-ROM includes complete source code
for games such as Battle Tennis, Asteroid Miner, Rat Racer, Space Fighter and Ground Assault.
Though the examples and focus is on games and gaming applications, C# And Game
Programming is a useful all-around resource for anyone looking to get off the ground and start
learning what C# can really do.
Sams Teach Yourself Digital Video And DVD Authoring All In One
Jeff Sengstack
Sams Publishing
801 East 96h Street, #300, Indianapolis, IN 46240-3759
0672326892 $34.99 1-800-428-5331
In Sams Teach Yourself Digital Video And DVD Authoring All In One, digital video and DVD
expert Jeff Sengstack shows precisely how to how to capture memories with this cutting edge
recording technology. Sengstack takes the reader step-by-step, from selecting the best equipment,
to shooting great video, to authoring one's own DVDs. A complete, comprehensive, and
enthusiastically recommended course of instruction, Sams Teach Yourself Digital Video And
DVD Authoring All In One covers multiple products and technologies, so whether using Movie
Maker 2, Studio 9, Premiere Elements, Sonic's MyDVD or DVDit!, even the most novice reader
will benefit from the accessible lessons comprised in this easy-to-understand, easy to work from
800-page instruction manual. Learn techniques for taking all kinds of videos with a digital video
camera, loading them onto the computer and then trimming, splicing and adding special effects
using video editing software. The result will be professional-quality DVDs that will keep
memories, special projects and documentaries safe for a lifetime.
505 Weirdest Online Stores
Dan Crowley
1935 Brookdale Rd. #139, Naperville, IL 60563
1402203772 $9.95 sourcebooks.com
Want to locate the Internet's strangest stores? Jut turn to Dan Crowley's 505 Weirdest Online
Stores: 505 Things You Never Knew You Could Buy Online. From a DVD of teddy bear
violence to a Kilt Store and an International Banana Club and Museum, here are some of the
zaniest sites you'll ever see, online or off. Web addresses and a synopsis of offerings and oddities
make for lively leisure browsing even for avid computer browsers.
Syngress Publishing
800 Hingham St., Rockland, MA 02370
Two excellent new guides for administrators, programmers and advanced computer users are
recommended picks for any concerned about security. Michael Rash, Angela Orebaugh et.al.'s
Instruction Prevention And Active Response: Deplaying Network And Host IPS (093226647X,
$49.95) discusses effective Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) products which work in the real
world. It's important that businesses get up to speed fast in this area: an IPS can modify data,
intercept communications, and can be used to deploy host attack prevention systems. Learn about
all major instruction prevention and response systems, from Snort Inline to PSAD, with a
technical guide which compares systems and operations, discusses intrusion prevention, and
surveys the pros and cons of the technology. Advanced network administrators will find this
useful as well as Ted fair, et.al.'s Cyber Spying: Tracking Your Family's (Sometimes) Secret
Online Lives (1931836418, $39.95). This isn't just a casual survey of computer investigation
systems: chapters include which pertinent questions as the underlying relationship effects of
spying, understanding what kids really are saying online, and how to set goals, layout strategies,
and install free spying applications. An important guide for employers, spouses, parents - any who
would obtain a greater grasp on what other parties are doing on their computer systems.
1005 Gravenstein Hwy N., Sebastapol, CA 95472
1-800-998-9938 www.oreilly.com
Windows XP Annoyances For Geeks by David A. Karp (0596008767, $34.95) reveals that there
actually are many - annoyances, that is - and shows how to turn an annoyance into an advantage.
From handling SP2's new firewall which can conflict with setting up a wireless network and
sharing network Internet connections to understanding how Service Pack 2's new features work
and patching the rest of its flaws, Windows XP Annoyances For Geeks doesn't it point them out -
it tells how to fix 'em. Computer experts Tom Stafford and Matt Webb's Mind Hacks
(0596007795, $24.95) provides tips on how to use your attention, senses and reasoning to solve
daily problems. While not a computer title per say, it does come from a computer publisher, and it
does provide tips on how to effectively learn and understand integrated consciousness operations.
Eric Freeman & Elisabeth Freeman work with Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates on Head First Design
Patterns (0596007124, $44.95), a lesson plan given by those who've been there and understand
which patterns work and how to apply them to designs. Using neurobiology ideas, Head First
Design Patterns provides a format which allows the brain to more readily absorb solutions,
providing details on writing effective code, understanding adapter patterns and composites, and
more. A 'Bible' of detail intermediate designers will appreciate as refreshingly different from the
usual pattern design technical guide.
Adobe Press/Peachpit Press
1249 - 8th, Berkeley, CA 94710
What's to know about Adobe Reader? It seems to function automatically, opening as needed and
reading effortlessly - but just because it's free, doesn't mean it's a singular tool. Author Ted
Padova is a leading authority on Adobe and the PDF format: his Adobe Reader 7 Revealed:
Working Effectively With Acrobat PDF Files (0321305310 $24.99) covers much more than you'd
think; from the basics of adding comments and markups to Adobe files to opening PDF
attachments, using Picture tasks to create slide shows, and much more. Chapters use screen shot
examples, question and answer formats, and clear explanations to answer all user questions about
how Adobe operates, making Adobe Reader 7 Revealed an essential reference for any regular
Adobe user. You may think Adobe would be thoroughly covered, but Donna L. Baker's Adobe
Acrobat 7 In The Office (0321321820, $35.00) takes a different, office-oriented approach to
boosting Adobe's use in the typical office setting. From building interactions between PDF
documents and a web site to searching PDF files for correspondence and using Acrobat's security
tools to protect sensitive information, Adobe Acrobat 7 In The Office should be a stable of any
serious working office.
CCNA Command Quick Reference
Scott Empson
Cisco Press
800 East 96th St., Indianapolis, IN 46240
1587131595 $19.95 ciscopress.com
Engineers and programmers seeking a quick reference to Cisco IOS Software commands and
options now have something more practical use than weighty manuals. CCNA Command Quick
Reference is a slim, detail-packed command reference organized in the order of modules in the
four CCNA Networking Academy courses: networking, routers, switching, and WAN
technologies. Use this as a memory assister and supplementary guide: whether you're a student
taking Cisco's Networking Academy Program or an engineer using the system, it's a fine
command reference.
Charles River Media
10 Downer Ave., Hingham, MA 02043
If you're a technical progammer working in the GNU/Linux environments, M. Tim Jones's
GNU/Linux Application Programming (1584503718 $49.95) is for you: he teachers intermediate
developers how to program effectively in these environments using APIs, tools, and scripting, and
his own background as a software engineer lends to technical chapters introducing programmers
to all aspects, from the device drivers and user layers to advanced operating system functions.
Shells, shared memory programming, and more are included, with a companion CD-ROM with
code examples reinforcing all the API figures in the book. Riccard Linde's Game Art: Creation,
Direction, And Careers (1584503955, $49.95) is written with 3D artists in mind, particularly
those seeking to translate their art to games. An artist's rare perspective of the game industry is
revealed, with chapters linking the artistic process to game potentials, covering methods for
improving artistic skills through studying and reading reference images, and providing insights on
specific game techniques from mipmaps and fill rates to lighting per-pixel. Gamers and artists
alike will find a foundation they can build upon with the unusual artistic focus of Game Art.
Follow up this basic introduction and review with Kim Pallister's Game Programming Gems 5
(1584503521, $69.95): a more technical computer-oriented survey of the development challenges
facing modern game programmers. Also holding a cumulative index for all five volumes, Game
Programming Gems 5 reviews the math, physics, artificial intelligence, graphics, and audio
techniques needed to produce realistic settings, motions and movements, and fast action.
Recommended for the experienced game programmer who wants to move into more advanced
gaming realms. Also for the experienced game developer is Thor Alexander's collection Massively
Multiplayer Game Development 2 (1584503904, $49.95): a weighty survey of MMP technology
written to address the various challenges faced by the entire MMP team, not just the programmer.
Fom basic MMP design techniques in building virtual worlds and creating online games to
engineering and production challenges, various contributors provide their expertise and
experience, providing an array of technical tips programmers, designer and producers alike can
readily use.
Prentice Hall Press
One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458
If you do your best work in the garage, especially if the computer's out there, you should consider
Prentice's new 'Garage' series, designed for hackers and quasi-experts who would fine tune
systems and stretch the desktop's potential. Susan Matteson's Linux Desktop Garage
(0131-494198, $29.99) shows how to find-tune Linux's extensive operating system, from finding
tools to rip cds and de-spam email to editing digital photos and understanding device locations.
Author Matteson is a user and expert who demystified the Linux system and outlines its fun
applications. Ditto Chris Hofmann, Marcia Knous and John Hedtke's expertise in co-authoring
Foxfire & Thunderbird Garage (013187-0041, $24.99), a guide to mastering the free offerings of
Foxfire and Thunderbird. These programs are reviewed by the three creators themselves, here:
nobody's in a better position to cover all the potentials of the Mozilal Project's 'children'.
The Judaic Studies Shelf
We Jews
Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz
Jossey-Bass, Inc.
989 Market St, San Francisco, CA 94103
0787979155 $24.95 1-800-225-5945
Teacher, scientist, mystic, and the author of more than sixty books, Rabbi Steinsaltz is justifiably
regarded as one of the great rabbis of this generation and is perhaps best known for his
monumental translation and commentary on the Talmud. His latest work, We Jews: Who Are We
And What Should We Do? deftly explores important and contemporary issues concerning Jewish
identity and community. Addressing the question of Jews being a nation or a religion, stereotypes
of Jews, dealing with the forces of an often hostile secular culture, the phenomena of
intermarriage and the loss of tradition, the longings and aspirations of Jewish men and women
today, We Jews is informed and thoughtful reading which is completely accessible to the
nonspecialist general reader with an interest in Judaism and the Jewish community .
URJ Press
633 - 3rd Avenue, NY, NY 10017-6778
URJ Press's modern Jewish theological examinations are recommended picks for any in-depth
Jewish collection: each book offers something different, from interpretation of theologies and
songs to teaching music. For an overall reader on modern Jewish theologies, choose Rifat
Sonsino's The Many Faces Of God: A Reader Of Modern Jewish Theologies (0807408549,
$15.95): familiarity with Sonsino's prior Finding God will lend an appreciation and background to
this sequel, which offers a blend of biographical insights on each thinker as well as an overview of
approaches and a representative selection of texts and writings reflecting beliefs. Martin Buber,
Harold Kushner, and others are brought together in a lively anthology edited by a Rabbit Emeritus
and teacher. Leonard S. Kravitz and Kerry M. Olitzky's Shir Hashirim: A Modern Commentary
On The Song Of Songs (0807409864, $14.95) provides a satisfying new Biblical translation of the
Song of Songs in the Bible. Biblical scholars will appreciate this new translation of the Hebrew
text, with each Hebrew verse paired with its corresponding English translation for maximum
detail and comparison. Volume 1 of Nigun Anthology includes a cd with 56 songs and a foreword
by Judah Cohen as it provides a strong anthology of Jewish melodies suitable for use as a
songbook. This is the first comprehensive anthology of inspirational nigun melodies published,
blending over fifty new and old nigunim and pairing words with arrangements for piano, voice and
guitar. A specialty item recommended for Jewish musical libraries.
JPS The Americanization Of Jewish Culture 1888-1988
Jonathan D. Sarna
Jewish Publication Society
2100 Arch Street, 2nd floor, Philadelphia PA 19103-1399
0827603185 $34.95 1-800-234-3151
JPS The Americanization Of Jewish Culture 1888-1988 is a comprehensive history of The Jewish
Publication Society and its mission to become America's foremost publisher of Jewish books in
English. From the efforts JPS's founders, a group of genttel Philadelphia philanthropists, to the
story of how a tragic love affair with a JPS author was the turning point for Henrietta Szold to
become a founder of Hadassah and Youth Aliyah, to a close scrutiny of the deliberations and
behind-the-scenes work that went into the JPS Bible translations of 1917 and 1985, which have
been since deemed acceptable to all major branches of Judaism. Part reflection, part manifesto,
part record and part testimony to an ongoing dream, JPS The Americanization Of Jewish Culture
1888-1988 is a welcome addition to judaic studies and literature reference shelves.
Judaism, Physics And God
Rabbi David W. Nelson
Jewish Lights Publishing
PO Box 237, Woodstock, VT 05091
1580232523 $24.99 1-800-962-4544
Judaism, Physics And God: Searching For Sacred Metaphors In A Post-Ein-stein World strives to
answer the question, "If we can't see it or prove it, how can we believe it?" Leading the reader on
a journey through both the ideas of modern physics and the ancient teachings of rabbinic text,
Judaism, Physics and God stresses that faith and scientific insight do not need to be mutually
exclusive. Chapters explore cosmology and creation, quantum mechanics, Albert Enstein's
theories of special relativity, general relativity and Jewish meaning, string theory, and integrating
new metaphors and scientific awareness into traditional Jewish life. As meticulous in its research
of sacred Judaic texts and philosophy as it is of modern physics, yet presented to be as accessible
as possible to the lay reader striving to better understand complex concepts, Judaism, Physics And
God is a welcome addition to religious debate and studies shelves. Highly recommended.
The Ransom Of The Jews
Radu Ioanid
Ivan R. Dee
1332 N. Halsted Street, Chicago, IL 60622
1566635624 $26.00 1-800-462-6420
Radu Ioanid and his mother were among the Jews ransomed by Israel from Ceaucescu's Romania,
and in The Ransom Of The Jews: The Story Of Extraordinary Secret Bargain Between Romania
And Israel, he sets to rest the various myths and rumors about a policy which strangely enough
resulted in the author's freedom. The author's investigation into the mysteries surrounding the
ransom produces an extraordinary story which is a welcome contribution to the growing library of
20th Century Judaic History.
The Needlecraft Shelf
Simple Soft Furnishings
Katrin Cargill
Firefly Books Ltd.
4 Daybreak Lane, Westport, CT 06880
155407018X $24.95 1-800-387-5085
Sewing projects can transform a home, especially with Katrin Cargill's Simple Soft Furnishings:
50 Stylish Home Sewing Projects To Transform Your Home in hand, which provides 50 projects
ranging from cushions to fine curtains and table linens. Five key areas of the home where soft
furnishings apply are reviewed in the course of project tips, which include how to avoid common
problems. Materials list, color photos, and step-by-step instructions make Simple Soft Furnishings
particularly accessible to beginners.
Special Knits
Debbie Bliss
Trafalgar Square
PO Box 257, Howe Hill Road, North Pomfret, VT 05053
157076302X $25.00 1-800-423-4525
Hand knitters who want to produce classics for babies and toddlers will find Special Knits by
knitting expert Debbie Bliss to be an outstanding collection by a someone who has over a dozen
books on children's knitwear to her name. All types of designs, from pullovers and caps to wraps,
clover classic styles and include patterns appropriate for all levels of knitter. Lovely color photos
of kids wearing the finished products provide inspiration and illustration.
Anne Bartlett
Houghton Mifflin
222 Berkeley St., Boston MA 92116
0618499261 $23.00 1-800-225-3362
Admittedly, Knitting is a novel and could be reviewed under our 'Fiction' section - but it's featured
here for its specialized background and potential interest to knitting enthusiasts. Two talented
knitters are polar opposites in other ways: widow and teacher Sandra is still adjusting to life
without Jack when she meets a fellow knitter who appears to have adjusted well to her own grief.
The two form an uncertain friendship when an exhibition of knitting involves them, with some
unusual revelations evolving from a professional interest. Plenty of knitting insights and references
throughout make Knitting an intriguing novel -- especially for needlecraft enthusiasts!
XRX Books Inc.
Box 1525, Sioux Falls, SD 57101-1525
Five excellent sewing guides from XRX Books offer a range of projects and applications not to be
found in competing titles. Take Bags: A Knitter's Dozen (1893762-203, $15.95): gorgeous
photos by Alexis Xenakis provide colorful visual embellishment to projects which are zippy and
original in design and colors. Knitted backpacks, totes and handbags are intriguing and patterns
and variations for each will appeal to any with basic knitting skills. Those with such skills will also
relish the 'Best of Knitter's' title Arans & Celtics (189376205X, $19.95): from crossing cables and
producing refined Aran styles to producing a Celtic pullover. Each project receives a full-page
color photo of a model wearing the finished result, patterns, step-by-step instructions and more.
Narrow the focus even more with Ethnic Socks & Stockings: A Compendium Of Eastern Design
& Technique by Priscilla A. Gibson-Roberts (0964639106, $28.95): lovely designs from
Bulgarian floral motifs to Turkish stockings which look almost like miniature rugs make for
intriguing projects out of the ordinary in appearance and presentation. As colorful socks are a fad
at the moment, Ethnic Socks & Stockings promises to be of even more interest. Madelyn van der
Hoogt edits The Best Of Weaver's: Fabrics That Go Bump (1783762-114, $28.95): third in the
'best of weaver's' series, and packed with articles and tips from the magazine. Unusual textures are
the focus of The Best Of Weaver's: Fabrics That Go Bump: design and weaving theory for all
weave structures which defy the usual flat fabric will especially appeal to experienced fabric
crafters who have textured fabrics they wish to use for projects. From waffle dishtowels, to
honeycomb pouches, to pleated scarves, The Best Of Weaver's: Fabrics That Go Bump is packed
with ideas. Meg Swansen gathers A Gathering Of Lace (18937-62246, $29.95), a collection of
both traditional and modern lace knitting patterns for sweater, vests, gloves, socks and more.
Each comes with a pattern, close-up shots of the lace-like kni, and model wearing the knit, with
shots of both front and back. From unusual feather and spiral shawl lace patterns to Shetland,
Mediterranean and Bridal Knots, A Gathering Of Lace is packed with gorgeous ideas. Ginger
Luters' Module Magic: Creative Projects To Knit One Block At A Time (1893762165, $19.95)
shows how to use knitted squares or triangle pieces to produce finished projects. The 'one block
at a time' approach is perfect for a range of sweaters, pillows, and many other projects: projects
include photos of finished results, patterns, and tips on piecing together swatches and triangles for
a range of results. Ponchos & Wraps: A Baker's Dozen (1933064013, $15.95) presents a wide
range of poncho styles for knitters, displaying both finished products on models and the close-ups
of pattern charts which lend to their creation. Add step-by-step instructions to the variety mix and
you have a knitter's treasure trove of poncho ideas.
Quilted Bags In A Weekend
Ellen Kharade
Creative Arts & Crafts
24 Park Way, Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458
1580112420 $19.95 www.amazon.com
Quilted Bags In A Weekend: 25 Purses, Totes, And Bags That You Can Make In No Time by
needlecraft expert Ellen Kharade is enhanced with more than 250 color photographs, illustrations,
and templates showcasing charming, contemporary designs that can be created by even the most
novice needlecraft. Replete with practical "how to" advice with respect to crating stylish
shoppers, purses, totes, and evening bags from old scraps and leftover pieces of fabric, each
individual project is provided with clear, step-by-step artworks and a techniques section with
start-to-finish expert instruction. From a floral beach tote, to a ribbon-motif flannel satchel, to a
leaf-print evening bag, there is a wealth of imaginative creativity in Quilted Bags In A
Creative Decorating With Ribbons
Mary Jo Hiney, et al.
Sterling Publishing Company
387 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016-8810
1402713541 $24.95 1-800-805-5489
The collaborative work of renowned needlecrafters Mary Jo Hiney, Marinda Stewart, Katheryn
Tidwell Foutz, and Vanessa-Ann, Creative Decorating With Ribbons showcases fifty-four
superbly presented ribbon projects. Using a simple-to-learn, classic needlecraft art to add color
and style to special household objects and gifts, readers will be able to create a Linen Pillow, Mini
Chair, Lace Shoes, Sachet, Brocade Lamp, Lily Wreath, Romance & Love Pillow, Angel Wreath,
Floral Purse, and dozens of other simply beautiful ribbon projects. Each of these projects offers
fully illustrated, "user friendly" instructions on using basic embroidery stitches and ribbon-work
techniques. Creative Decorating With Ribbons is the perfect addition for a well rounded personal
or community library Needlecraft collection.
Passing On The Comfort
Lynn Kaplanian-Buller and An Keuning-Tichelaar
Good Books
PO Box 419, Intercourse, PA 17534-0419
1561484822 $14.95 1-800-762-7171
Nazi occupied Holland found An risking her life caring for war-time refugees, including hiding a
Jewish baby in her hand-luggage when on a ferry that draws gunfire -- distracting a German guard
at a bridge so a fugitive without a pass can be bicycled across; and at one time stuffing documents
under a body lying in state in a room in her home when German soldiers suddenly launch a raid.
During those years of occupation, there were groups of women across North America meeting in
sewing circles to make quilts for devastated families throughout Europe, doing what they could to
provide comfort and courage during an horrific war. Twenty years later Lynn comes to
Amsterdam, discovering that the quilts her grandmother, her aunts, and other older women in her
childhood church had made for war ravaged families in Holland still survived and warmly
regarded. Lynn goes searching for the owners of 19 of these work-worn these quilts and their
individual stories. This is how she encounters An with whom she collaborates to tell these stories
enhanced with war time photos revealing these quilts to be more than just needlecraft treasures
from a desperate yesteryear, but enduring testaments that will inspire today's needlecrafters not to
turn away from helping others with the fruits of their own handmade labors. Passing On The
Comfort: The War, The Quilts, And The Women Who Made A Difference should be read by
every needlecrafter in every generation.
Taunton Press
PO Box 5506, Newtown, CT 06470-5506
Sewers will welcome two excellent basic guides which should become standard references.
Stephanie Valley's Embellishments A To Z (1561583073, $19.95) covers applique, stitchery,
fringing, devore, ribbons and more: virtually any kind of embellishment technique needed to
accent a sewing project. Each technique receives an explanation, supplies list, photos and
step-by-step, clear directions to provide explanations on usage and how to create. Sandr Betzina's
Fast Fit: Easy Pattern Alterations For Every Figure (1561584-940, $24.95) is even more useful:
it's simply a 'must' for any sewer who works with clothing, simplifying the process of pattern
fitting and alterations for all bodies. Problems and fast fit solutions provide step-by-step tips,
fitting fact sidebars, and solutions for everything from large upper arms and twisted sleeves to
rounded bodies and princess seams.
Martingale Company
20205 - 144th Ave. NE, Woodinville, WA 98072-8478
The difference between Linden Eard and Beryl Hiatt's Handknit Style: Contemporary Sweaters
From Tricoter (1564775801 $34.95) and competing titles lies in its focus on spectacular yarns and
the Tricoter style. Sixteen patterns in this style focus on color work and added features from
ruffled cuffs to fringes, ribbing, and styles such as the kimono which can translate to other
fashions. From sizing and material options to fold-out pages of patterns, Handknit Style is packed
with lovely contemporary style options. Sandy Bonsib's Tried And True: New Quilts From
Favorite Blocks (1564776026, $23.95) uses basic blocks and easy sewing to turn familiar designs
into something special. Ten quilt projects use easily-made, familiar blocks as foundation patterns
for new ideas. Beginning knitters will love Luise Roberts and Kate Haxell's First Knits: Projects
For Beginning Knitters (1564775607, $24.95): it's packed with techniques which take beginners
from the first loop to a finished project, using illustrated project 'workshops' as a basis for
demonstrating techniques and their knitting applications. The close-up color step-by-step photos
of knitting moves in action allow beginners an easy format to follow: while lie-flat binding may
have helped the process, First Knits is still an exceptional recommendation.
The Homeowner's Shelf
Living Homes
Thomas J. Elpel
HOPS Press
12 Quartz Street, Pony, MT 59747
1892784181 $30.00 www.hopspress.com
Most would-be home builders believe a dream house would cost a fortune to construct from
scratch: that isn't true, maintains author Elpel, who built his dream house with his wife. The
planning of such a home is the key - and is the key to Living Homes: Integrated Design &
Construction. Chapters cover energy efficiency concerns, home construction basics, and water
supply and management with an eye to revealing how design and construction can work together
to fit into both a budget and a dream plan. From strawbale walls to interior finishing, Living
Homes provides a gold mine of construction specifics for any neophyte builder.
New Society Publishers
3184 Granite Park Road, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 3C9, Canada
Two excellent 'green' titles discuss renewable resources and energy-efficient building choices.
Alex Wilson and Mark Piepkorn edit Green Building Products: The Greenspec Guide To
Residential Building Materials (0865715432, $34.95), packed with descriptions and manufacturer
contact details for well over a thousand environmentally preferable products and materials for
residential projects. From insulation and venting to caulks, adhesives and renewable energy
systems, each topic receives an overview of building and environmental concerns, product
recommendations, and all the contact info necessary to track them down. John Schaeffer's 12th
updated edition of Real Goods Solar Living Source Book: Your Complete Guide To Renewable
Energy Technologies And Sustainable Living (091657105X, $35.00) provides an updated
essential reference for any interested in solar heating, water, purification, and sewage systems.
Here are all the bells and whistles - and many of the essential basic systems - important to the
energy-efficient home. From frequently asked questions about system maintenance and
applications to costs of conversion kits and installation kits, here is a resource guide to products
which includes all considerations behind them.
The Complete Idiot's Guide To Common Household Disasters
Paul Hayman & Sonia Weiss
Alpha/Penguin Group
800 E. 96th St., Indianapolis IN 46240
1592573487 $18.95 1-800-847-5515
From termites to flooding and rot, a house is like a living creature, requiring maintenance to
survive. From how to identify termites, carpenter ants and more eaters to handling foundation
cracks, soil shifting, and mouse invasions, Complete Idiot's Guide To Common Household
Disasters is a 'must' reference for any homeowner.
Tips & Traps For Hiring A Contractor
R. Dodge Woodson
Two Penn Plaza, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10121-2298
0071445846 $16.95 1-877-833-5524
Avoid falling prey to unscrupulous contractors with a guide authored by a 30-year contracting
veteran and the author of many other titles on the topic. Tips & Traps For Hiring A Contractor:
Expert Advice On Hiring A Contractor Without Getting Taken covers all the basics, from the
initial screening of home-improvement professionals to eliminating the bad ones before signing
anything, negotiating effectively, understanding contracts and agreements, and even understanding
design, planning and maintenance options. An excellent guide to handling contractors, no matter
what the job.
Rodale Press
400 S. 10th St., Emmaus, PA 18098-0099
From moving to a smaller space because of financial concerns or seeking a simpler lifestyle, it's
hard to scale down when you're moving from a packed home to a small abode: here's where Judi
Culbertson & Marj Decker's Scaling Down: Living Large In A Smaller Space (1594860939
$15.95) comes in. From sorting possessions and getting rid of those unnecessary to finding the
best homes and highest values for rejects, Scaling Down covers all aspects; from letting go of
unwanted gifts and dividing family heirlooms fairly to getting rid of junk. An excellent guide to
downsizing with maximum benefits. Kitty Bartholomew and Kathy Price-Robinson's Decorating
Style: A Hands-on Approach To Creating Affordable, Beautiful And Comfortable Rooms pairs
lovely photos with fine ideas on creating stylish rooms, from choosing wall colors and lightening
up a dark room to locating quality, affordable furnishings in flea markets. From using mirrors to
reflect outdoor light and lamplight to converting a whitewashed room to warm colors, Kitty
Bartholomew's guide is simply packed with designer tips and affordable accents.
The Writing/Publishing Shelf
The Easy Essay Handbook
Jane Lee & Lindy Ferguson
University of Michigan Press
839 Greene Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
0472089897 $21.95 press.umich.edu
Modern students who struggle with essay writing tasks now have a resource to introduce them to
each level of the composition process, breaking down a seemingly difficult task into a series of
manageable, easy steps. From an overview of seven common rhetorical modes with examples
from real student essays - both rough drafts and final forms - to essay plans and different style
choices, The Easy Essay Handbook: A Writing Guide For Today's Students provides a very
logical structure to what seems a complex topic.
The I Ching For Writers
Sarah Jane Sloane
New World Library
14 Pamaron Way, Novato, CA 94949
1577314964 $14.95 1-800-972-6657
Plenty of spiritual guides have been written on the subject of the I Ching; but none with the
specialized focus of Sarah Jane Sloane's The I Ching For Writers: Finding The Page Inside You,
which tells how to apply I Ching concepts to writer's block and inspirational paths. Each of the I
Ching's sixty-four hexagrams is interpreted by Sloane from years of study of over fifty
translations, and synthesized into comments pertaining to writer's struggles with words. The I
Ching For Writers: Finding The Page Inside You evolves into a delightful, inspirational cure for
writer's block under Sloane's careful applications and analysis.
Writer's Digest Books/F&W, dist.
4700 East Galbraith Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236
1-800-289-0963 www.fwpublications.com
Writers seeking concrete paths for improvement could not go wrong with two new Writer's
Digest guides: each provides rules and guidelines for improved writing. Karen S. Wiesner's First
Draft In 30 Days: A Novel Writer's System For Building A Complete And Cohesive Manuscript
(1582972966, $19.99) doesn't just admonish that rewrites are necessary: it shows how to avoid
rewrites by producing an outline so detailed that it can double as a first draft. Character sketches,
plots, scenes: all can be condensed into a draft outline which works, and Wiesner's chapters set
the foundation for producing outlines for all aspects of plots, subplots and more. A clear set of
rules any would-be writer should keep close at hand, Robert Masello's Robert's Rules Of Writing:
101 Unconventional Lessons Every Writer Needs To Know (1582973-261, $14.99) isn't just
another reference: it delivers a set of techniques for encouraging uninhibited writings, from
remaining faithful and true to personal style and form to handling dialogue and handling story
The Blue Book Of Grammar And Punctuation
Jane Straus
Peakview Consulting, Inc.
115450 Archer Terrace, Elbert, CO 80106
0966722175 $12.95 grammarbook.com
Now in an fully updated eighth edition, Jane Straus' easy to use reference guide and workbook,
The Blue Book Of Grammar And Punctuation: The Mysteries Of Grammar And Punctuation
Revealed, provides writers with the rules of writer free from jargon while utilizing real-world
examples of proper grammar and correct punctuation that are universal in their cultural content. A
consumable, The Blue Book Of Grammar And Punctuation begins with the most common rules of
grammar and punctuation, then goes on to provide numerous practice exercises followed by
answers to provide instant feedback for comprehension and confidence. Of special note is
www.grammarbook.com, the companion website offering excerpts of the book and updated
information. If you are an aspiring writer seeking to be published commercially, or simply
someone who wants to enhance their writing ability for personal improvement, then The Blue
Book Of Grammar And Punctuation is the ideal do-it-yourself instructional workbook.
The Travel Shelf
Hello Italy!
Margo Classe
Wilson Publishing
5554 Spokane St., Los Angeles, CA 90016
096539445X $15.95 1-888-663-9269
Now in an updated and expanded fourth edition, Hello Italy! The Best Budget Hotels In Italy by
Margo Classe showcases centrally located hotels of superior charm and elegance in sixteen Italian
cities. Here is a reference to the best budget minded accommodations to be found in Rome,
Venice, Florence, the Amalfi Coast, Cinque Terre, Santa Margherita, Siena, Lucca, Cortona, and
elsewhere throughout the Italian peninsula. a highly portable "take along", Hello Italy! is enhanced
with useful Italian phrases for making hotel reservations, provides reliable restaurant
recommendations, offers hotel websites and email addresses, provides expert travel and packing
tips, even recommendations for laundromats, bookstores, and sights to see. If you are planning a
budget minded vacation or business trip to Italy whether for one, two, three or four people, then
begin laying out your accommodations with the invaluable help of Margo Classe's Hello
Europe On A Shoestring
Lonely Planet Publications
150 Linden Street, Oakland CA 94607
1740597796 $26.99 1-800-275-8555
For those who feel that a trip to Europe would simply be beyond their means, Europe On A
Shoestring: Big Trips On Small Budgets is a 1324-page travel guide that lives up to its title.
Packed cover-to-cover with itineraries, a practical directory, easy-to-use maps, an expanded
index, recommended sights and activities, and so much more, Europe On A Shoestring focuses
both on seeing the best Europe has to offer and on keeping costs down to an affordable level,
from eating and sleeping cheap to affordable festivals and wonderful cultural activities. Covering
nations from Morocco, Spain and Portugal to Turkey, Greece and Cyprus, Finland, Sweeden and
Norway, Iceland, Ireland, the United Kingcom, Belarus, the Ukraine, and of course all the
countries located in between, Europe On A Shoestring is a "must" for every money-conscious
European tourist.
Weekend Adventures In San Francisco & Northern California
Carole Terwilliger Meyers
Carousel Press
PO Box 6038, Berkeley, CA 94706-0038
0917120191 $19.95 www.amazon.com
If Weekend Adventures In San Francisco & Northern California sounds familiar, it should be: this
latest represents its 8th updated edition, including a wide range of attractions from staying in a
coastal lighthouse the night to exploring small local parks, byways, and less major attractions.
Even the well-traveled California native who has seemingly covered all routes will find plenty of
new adventures here, all updated thoroughly. A recommended 'staple' for both visitors and
especially local residents.
The Big Onion Guide To Brooklyn
Seth Kamil & Eric Wakin
New York University Press
838 Broadway, 3rd fl., NY, NY 10003
081474785X $17.95 1-800-996-6987
Take a narrowed focus on Brooklyn, New York alone, put it in a tall but narrow pocket-sized
take-along tote, add historic photos from the Brooklyn Historical Society along with maps and
directions, and you have created a walking tour guide unique in its approach and scope, with The
Historic Walking Tours: Big Onion Guide To Brooklyn. Several pages of fuzzy printing mid-book
don't but temporarily mar the success of a wonderful little guide probing many historic
neighborhoods and buildings.
Mexico: Health And Safety Travel Guide
Curtis P. Page & Robert H. Page
MedToGo, LLC
KSB Promotions (publicity)
PO Box 25487, Tempe, AZ 85285-5487
0972962204 $19.95 www.medtogo.com
The expert and collaborative work of physicians Robert and Curtis Page, Mexico: Health And
Safety Travel Guide is thoroughly "user friendly" guide to English-speaking physicians and
hospitals accessible to forty of the most popular vacation spots in Mexico. Enhanced with 106
maps, 60 reference charts, a symptom index, and more than 235 b/w photographs, the Mexico:
Health And Safety Travel Guide also includes easy-to use indexes for pharmaceuticals and
medical translations. This highly portable specialized travel guide includes invaluable tips
suggestions how to carry additional medication in case of loss, avoiding and treating diarrhea,
malaria prevention, wound and skin care, insect repellents, pain management, motion sickness,
even a favorite cold remedy. If you are planning a vacation or business trip to Mexico, then begin
your travel preparations by securing a copy of the Mexico: Health And Safety Travel Guide.
Exploring The Boundary Waters
Daniel Pauly
University of Minnesota Press
111 Third Avenue South, Suite 290, Minneapolis, MN 55401-2520
0816642168 $22.95 upress.umn.edu
Exploring The Boundary Waters: A Trip Planner And Guide To The BWCAW is a no-nonsense
guide written especially for canoe enthusiasts with an interest in the one million acres of the
Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. Offering an overview of each entry point, meticulously
detailed accountings of one hundred routes covering difficulty level as well as pros and cons,
fifty-one maps showcasing major waterways, portages, and designated campsites, and much more,
Exploring the Boundary Waters is the resource to consult before planning a canoe getaway in the
BWCAW. Written by a frequent visitor and Boundary Waters expert Daniel Pauly with assistance
from the U.S. Forest Service, the Minnesota DNR, and local outfitters, Exploring The Boundary
Waters is a "must-have" resource on everything from obtaining a permit to maintaining the
ecological integrity of the wilderness to planning one's route, discovering historic sites on one's
trip, and much more. Highly recommended.
The Sports Shelf
Life Lessons From Little League Revisited
Vincent M. Fortanasce, M.D.
Sports Publishing Inc.
804 North Neil Street, Suite 100, Champaign, IL 61820
1582619093 $14.95 1-877-424-2665
Life Lessons From Little League Revisited: A Guide For Parents And Coaches is far more than a
handbook for would-be Little League baseball coaches - it is also a parenting manual that draws
directly from lessons learned in Little League to promote a balanced and nurturing parenting
environment that helps a child live up to his or her potential. Chapters warn against harmful
behaviors such as the "overachiever" parent, the "blame-it-all-know-it-all" parent, and the
"unfulfilled" parent, discuss how to teach and promote harmony, and more. At the same time it
embraces the dynamics of the responsibility of coaching a little league team, and prepares
would-be coaches to avoid many possible pitfalls - as well as preparing parents to recognize a bad
coach (bad defined as "a bad role model for the children") early on. Written in plain and simple
terms, Life Lessons From Little League Revisited is enthusiastically recommended for anyone
involved in the Little League scene, as it covers numerous common issues and pitfalls besetting
anyone in charge of organizing and teaching young people to work as a team.
Introduction To Athletic Training
Susan Kay Hillman
Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc.
PO Box 5076, Champaign, IL 61820-5076
0736052925 $69.00 1-800-747-4457
Now in a fully revised, updated and expanded second edition, Introduction To Athletic Training
by Susan Kay Hillman is accompanied by a CD-Rom that will operate on either a Windows or a
Macintosh platform. Introduction To Athletic Training presents both theoretical and practical
information on the duties of an athletic trainer, including caring for injured and ill athletes. The
chapter on pharmacology will deepen the reader's understanding of the effects on common drugs
used in athletics. The chapter on epidemiology will prove invaluable in evaluating injury trends
and reducing the risk of future injuries. Each individual chapter includes critical thinking
questions, helpful scenarios, internet resources, chapter summaries, and more. Introduction To
Athletic Training should be required reading for anyone who aspires to a career as an athletic
trainer, or who is currently engaged in the training of athletes either as a profession or as a
volunteer in amateur sports programs and events.
Cubs Journal
John Snyder
Emmis Books
1700 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45205
1578601924 $29.99 emmisbooks.com
In Cubs Journal: Year By Year & Day By Day With The Chicago Cubs Since 1876, historian and
sports enthusiast John Snyder has written a 720-page, in-depth, definitive history chronicling the
Chicago Cubs baseball team from its inception in 1876 down through the 2004 season. Enhanced
with a profusion of photos, sidebars, statistics, and anecdotes, Cubs Journal is organized by
decade, with each section featuring an informative summary, team and player statistics, and
highlights of great games, a statistical overview, and day-by-day breakdowns. In addition to
anecdotes, each date also includes a hitting and pitching highlights and so much more than a
simple box score. The Cubs Journal could well serve as a template for similar sports club histories
in baseball or any other team sport. Every dedicated Cubs fan will want their very own copy of
John Snyder's Cubs Journal!
Shadow Boxers
Jim Lomasson, editor
Stone Creek Publications
Independent Publishers Group, dist.
460 Shire Road, Milford, NJ 08848
0965633829 $39.95 1-908-995-0016
Enhanced with a foreword by the renowned world heavyweight champion Joe Frazier, Shadow
Boxers: Sweat, Sacrifice & The Will To Survive is compiled and edited by photographer Jim
Lommasson, who has been documenting boxing gyms from more than a decade. Informed and
informative essays are contributed by boxing enthusiasts Katherine Dunn, Carlo Rotella, Kate
Sekules, Lucius Shepard, Robert Anasi, Ralph Wiley, F. X. Toole, Loic Wacquant, Joe Rein,
Rene Denfeld, Larry Seurynck, Timothy Taylor, and Mark Kram, Jr. With the inclusion of 110
duotone and 65 color photographs, this 176-page, strongly recommended compendium provides a
unique pictorial insight into the world of professional gyms and what those men and women who
aspire to excel in their chosen sport/profession and is of especial interest to dedicated fans of
boxing, as well as students of American popular sports culture.
Full Throttle
Robert Edelstein
The Overlook Press
141 Wooster Street, NY, NY 10012
1585674389 $24.95 1-800-743-1312
Fans of car racing in general and NASCAR in particular won't want to miss Robert Edelstein's
biography of driver Curtis Turner in Full Throttle: The Life And Fast Times Of Nascar Legend
Curtis Turner. Racing fans receive a fast page-turner about one of the most dynamic stock car
racers in history. Access to the files of Turner's widow supplement motorsports writer Robert
Edelstein's fascinating coverage, adding depth to his survey of Turner's legendary life and many
The Economics Shelf
Under The Table And Into Your Pocket
Bill Wilson
Loompanics Unlimited
PO Box 1197, Pt. Townsend, WA 98368
1559502436 $12.95 loompanics.com
The counter-culture publisher Loompanics has done it again: produced an unusual guide which
will stand out from the crowd. This time it's Under The Table And Into Your Pocket: The How
And Why Of The Underground Economy. Bill Wilson describes the lives of many who are
working 'under the table' and pocketing tax-free dollars. His is an assessment of the pros and cons
of such untaxable income opportunities, with chapters probing flea markets, roadside merchants,
and other ways Americans are skirting the IRS.
The Federal Reserve System: A History
Donald R. Wells
McFarland & Company
PO Box 611, Jefferson, NC 28640
078641880X $35.00 1-800-253-2187
The Federal Reserve banking system was created in 1913 in an effort to solidify nationwide
banking practices and prevent further bank crises. Since its original inception, The Federal
Reserve has expanded to determine American financial policies and practices, operating
independ-ently from presidential and congressional pressures and providing an underlying
foundation to the American economy. Donald R. Wells is a professor of economics from the
University of Memphis: his The Federal Reserve System: A History provides a thorough coverage
of the Reserve's history and roles tracks all the major changes experienced by the institution. The
Federal Reserve System: A History is an essential, core addition to both school and community
library Economics reference collections.
The Literary Shelf
Re-Visions Of Shakespeare
Evelyn Gajowski, editor
University of Delaware Press
c/o Associated University Press
440 Forsgate Drive, Cranbury, NJ 08512
0874138558 $52.50 1-609-655-4770
Re-Visions Of Shakespeare: Essays In Honor Of Robert Ornstein is an anthology in tribute of one
of the most prominent Shakespeareans of the latter half of the twentieth century, Robert Ornstein.
Ornstein was a past president of the Shakespeare Association of America; his more notable
published works include "The Moral Vision of Jacobean Tragedy" and "A Kingdom for a Stage".
The essays provided by a wide variety of literate authors include "Bianca and Petruchio: 'The
Veriest Shrew[s] of All", "A Comic Vision of 'Othello'", and "Surprising the Audience in 'The
Comedy of Errors'". Enhanced with literate and extensively footnooted selection of cutting-edge
thought and wit on Shakespeare's genius, and Ornstein's keen mind, Re-Visions Of Shakespeare is
very highly recommended reading.
Vergil's Aeneid
G. B. Cobbold, translator
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers
1000 Brown Street, Unit 101, Wauconda, IL 60084
0865165963 $12.95 www.bolchazy.com
Vergil's Aeneid: Hero, War, Humanity is an impressive English translation of Vergil's classic work
of literature. G. B. Cobbold renders Vergil's Aeneid into a novel format with sidebar summaries,
which reads very much like an exciting modern adventure story! Enhanced with illustrations, a
map of Aeneas' voyage, a glossary of characters, family trees of main characters and gods, a
book-by-book outline of the plot of the Aeneid, a timeline of significant events in Roman history,
reading group discussion questions, and much more, Vergil's Aeneid truly makes classic literature
come alive. Highly recommended for study and discussion groups, and a welcome alternative
interpretation for those who are more familiar with Vergil's Aeneid in verse-by-verse form.
Battle And Battle Description In Homer
Dr. Franz Albracht, et al.
c/o International Publishers Marketing
22841 Quicksilver Dr., Dulles, VA 20166
0715632418 $67.50 1-800-758-3756
Originally published in German in 1956 as "Verwundung und Tod in der Ilias", by Peter Jones and
now published in a new edition as Battle And Battle Description In Homer: A Contribution To
The History Of War by the editorial and translation team of Peter Jones, Malcolm Willcock and
Gabriele Wright is now expertly available in English (the Greek passages as well as the German),
and enhanced with a preface that places the work in terms of oral theory, as well as a full
appendix. Though Battle And Battle Description In Homer acknowledges that Homer is a poet,
not a staff instructor, author Albracht applies the Homeric text to create a convincing scene of
how the workings of battle proceeded in the Iliad, from the council of war, to marshalling troops,
the use of chariots, massed attack and defense, retreat, flight, pursuit, protection in the field,
attack and defense of a fortified camp, the siege and defense of a fortified city, and much more.
An in-depth, scholarly yet fascinating close study of what classic literature can tell us of military
strategy, tactics, and history.
Classic Irish Stories
Michael P. Quinlin, Editor
The Lyons Press
PO Box 480, Guilford, CT 06437
1592284205 $9.95 1-800-836-0510
Stores from Irish peoples and expats alike are gathered into Michael Quinlin's Classic Irish
Stories: Timeless Tales From Ireland And Other Green Shores, bringing the Irish experience and
culture under one cover. Here are works from Arthur Conan Doyle, Bram Stoker, William
Thackeray and more, both contemporary and traditional writers providing a range of literary gems
celebrating the 'old country. A lovely gathering of lyrical, lively writings.
The Photography Shelf
Camelot At Dawn
Anne Garside, author
Orlando Suero, photographer
The Johns Hopkins University Press
2715 N. Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21218
0801882079 $15.00 1-800-537-5487
Camelot At Dawn: Jacqueline & John Kennedy In Georgetown, May 1954 is the collaborative
work of photographer Orlando Suero and author Anne Garside. As his first major photography
assignment, Suero spent five days with the Kennedys in May of 1954. He enjoyed their full
cooperation and the intimate access that produced more than twenty photo sessions as Suero
documented a typical week in the young couple's life including Jack at his Senate office, Jackie
attending classes at Georgetown, and the couple playing touch football in the park. Camelot At
Dawn is a "must" for all of those whose lives and imaginations where touched by one of America's
most idealized couples before tragedy would shattered both their personal lives and those all too
brief days of an American "Camelot" for the rest of us.
In The Company Of Sisters
Deborah E. Donnelley
Privately Published
424 N. Kenilworth, Oak Park, IL 60302
097433880X $27.95 debdonnelley.com
The 2005 Writer's Digest Contest first place winner for the Nonfiction Category, In The Company
Of Sisters is an impressive collection of black-and-white photographic portraits and interviews of
pairs of sisters. Compiled over the course of fifteen years, In the Company of Sisters represents a
labor of love for photographer Deborah E. Donnelley, and celebrates both the bonds and the
quarrels of sisterhood. Some siblings are identical twins; others are highly different in appearance
or personality, but all the entries reflect the common bond that is family. In The Company Of
Sisters is a moving and emotionally visual anthology, skillfully assembled and featuring
photographs that capture the indescribable timeless quality of sisterhood.
Loretta Lux: Photographs
Loretta Lux
20 E. 23rd St., New York NY 10010
1931788545 $35.00 www.aperture.org
Loretta Lux's first monograph packs in 45 portraits, but this is no recap from prior publishings;
over half have never been published before. You'll find the German photographer's imaginary
portraits of children to be both haunting and chilling. Her kids are rarely smiling - indeed, they
face the world with a seriousness not usually seen in portraits of kids seemingly middle-class or
more in society. A haunting set of artistic images for any interested in portraits and photos of
The Polaroid Book
Steve Crist, Editor
6671 Sunset Blvd. #1508, Los Angeles, CA 90028
3822830720 $39.99 www.taschen.com
Visual eye candy compiled by Steve Crist from the archives of the "Polaroid Collections of
Photography" are presented in The Polaroid Book, a delightful display highly recommended for
photography collections at the college and public library levels. Most color and some duotone
shots are presented one to a page for maximum impact. The artist index and polaroid model styles
are in the back, so as not to detract from the image impacts. A delightful, detailed guide to what
the camera can do at its best.
The Architecture Shelf
Celebrating The American Home
Joanne Kellar Bouknight
The American Institute of Architects
c/o The Taunton Press
63 South Main St., Newtown, CT 06470
1561587613 $34.95 1-800-477-8727
Celebrating The American Home: 50 Great Houses From 50 American Architects by licensed
architect Joanne Kellar Bouknight showcases the architectural plans for fifty homes selected by a
panel of distinguished residential architects (John Connell, Duo Dickinson, Jeremiah Eck, Richard
Hayes, Kerry Dietz) based on how well these houses reflect core qualities of great residential
design. Profusely illustrated with 350 color photos, Celebrating The American Home is an
impressively produced and organized contribution to professional, academic, and community
library Architectural Studies collections.
Kentuck Knob
Bernardine Hagan
The Local History Company
112 North Woodland Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15232-2849
0971183554 $39.95 www.amazon.com
Kentuck Knob: Frank Lloyd Wright's House For I.N. and Bernardine Hagan is the author's
personal and detailed story of what it was like to be a client of and to work with the legendary
Wisconsin architect to build the home known as "Kentuck Knob" and her life in this rural and
idyllic location. Kentuck Knob is replete with stories, more than 150 b/w photos, 8 pages of color
photos, insightful correspondence, and informative observations. Written by one of the last people
still living who actually knew Frank Lloyd Wright and the experience of being a client of the great
and controversial American architect, Bernardine Hagan's Kentuck Knob is "must" reading for
devotees of Wright's work, as well as a seminal contribution to professional and academic
Architectural Studies reference collections and supplemental reading lists.
In Search Of Natural Architecture
David Pearson
Abbeville Press
116 West 23rd St, #500, NY, NY 10011
0789208555 $35.00 1-212-577-5555
Enhanced with an informative Foreword by architectural expert and author Victor Papanek (who
once worked with Frank Lloyd Wright), In Search Of Natural Architecture by London-based
architect David Pearson is a world wide survey of buildings that embody the new ideas about the
impact of architecture upon the ecological environment, as well as human health and spiritual
well-being. Ingenious technological solutions to architectural problems ranging from the use of
solar panels to sculptured designs are showcased with 300 illustrations -- 200 of which are in full
color. In Search Of Natural Architecture is a seminal and enthusiastically recommended work,
especially for its architecturally visionary ideas, imageries, and insights.
Cool Hotels
Kim Inglis
Periplus/Tuttle Publishing
364 Innovation Drive, North Clarendon, VT 05759-9436
0794601731 $30.00 tuttlepublishing.com
Students of architecture, hotel and commercial building design, and travel will all find much to
attract in Cool Hotels: India, Maldives, Sri Lanka: it features the best hotels of the region, from
rustic to big city, and discusses craftsmanship, artistic d‚cor, and landscaping qualities which
make each hotel exceptional. The meat of Cool Hotels lies in its full-page color photos of both
interior and exteriors of featured hotels.
One Thousand New York Buildings
Bill Harris (photos by Jorg Borckmann)
Black Dog & Leventhal
151 W. 19th Street, New York NY 10011
1579124437 $19.95 www.workman.com
Fans of New York City and its architecture won't want to miss the lovely photos and celebration
of the city's diversity in One Thousand New York Buildings. Here's a 'pictionary' of New York's
varied architectural styles, along with histories and trivia to accompany photography Jorg
Brockmann's lovely black and white shots. From retail stores and theatres to Italian villas,
cottages and more, each architectural piece includes a short note on the firm or designer. A 'must'
for fans of architecture in general and New York City in particular.
The Health/Medicine Shelf
PO Box 625, Holmes, PA 19043
$78.00 each www.omnigraphics.com
Two classic health references from Omnigraphics appear in updated editions to keep fresh and
current the latest medical facts. Sandra J. Judd edits Cardiovascular Diseases And Disorders
Sourcebook (0780807391), reviewing the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of the disease and
its effects. From differences between men and women in the disease's symptoms and management
to treatments, this should be a standard health library reference - along with Amy L. Sutton's
Sleep Disorders Sourcebook (0780807-43X). From how sleep needs change through life to
improving both quality and quantity, chapters rely on the latest sleep research to provide insights
and treatment options. Both of these two reference titles are key medical library acquisitions.
Trudi Stain Trueit
Franklin Watts/Scholastic
557 Broadway, New York NY 10012
0531122611 $19.50 www.scholastic.com
Here's another ESL/adult low-level health title which was meant for younger audience, but packs
in all the health concerns an adult (especially parents) would be interested in. It's estimated that
one to three million children in the U.S. cope with ADHD, resulting in mild to severe behavior
problems and issues surrounding treatment options and side effects. ADHD:
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder by Trudi Strain Trueit surveys the basics of the issue,
from the condition's symptoms and biology to treatment pros and cons.
The Healing Power Of Rainforest Herbs
Leslie Taylor, ND
Square One Publishers
115 Herricks Road, Garden City Park, NY 11040
0757001440 $23.95
Rainforests contain hundreds of plants - over half the planet's vegetation - and for centuries tribal
shamans have used these plants as health remedies. Years of research contributes to The Healing
Power Of Rainforest Herbs: A Guide To Understanding And Using Herbal Medicinals, a guide to
over seventy rainforest botanicals and their uses by indigenous peoples and natural health
professionals alike. Chapters offer plant data summary charts, biological and clinical research,
tribal uses, and plenty of technical, research-based reference material. From dosage to preparation
methods and chemical information for each plant, Healing Power Of Rainforest Herbs goes far
beyond the 'new age healing guide' it looks to be at first glance. Very highly recommended
175 - 5th Ave., New York NY 10020
Two fine new science and health titles are highly recommended picks for both health and public
library holdings. Andrew A. Meharg's Venomous Earth: How Arsenic Caused The World's Worst
Mass Poisoning (1403944997, $29.95) considers the history, politics, and social and health
impacts of arsenic-contaminated well water around the world. From assessments of mining
communities and historical precedent to the wise of arsenic in farming, medicine and
manufacturing, Venomous Earth considers a myriad of water-related health issues. An important
survey. Toby Murcott's The Whole Story: Alternative Medicine On Trial? (1403945004 $26.95)
gathers evidence on placebos, randomized control trials, and more to conclude alternative
therapies could indeed provide new paths to help chronic disease sufferers. Conventional medicine
should consider these alternatives, argues biochemist and journalist Murcott, who makes a
research-backed case for alternative medicine's importance.
The Johns Hopkins Complete At Issue: Reproductive Technology
Cindy Mur, Editor
Thomson Gale
27500 Drake Road, Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3535
0737724129 $28.70 www.gale.com
While Gale's 'At Issue' titles are geared for young adult audiences, The Johns Hopkins Complete
At Issue: Reproductive Technology is reviewed here with high recommendations for ESL and
adult low-level readers who will appreciate the simpler language and clear explanations. 90 pages
may seem diminutive in size, but pack in all the depth and detail of larger adult coverages on the
topic, from discussions of posthumous conception without consent to multiple birth ethics and
human cloning. Pro/con arguments on all issues are presented with a focus on clearly presenting
the ethical concerns. Highly recommended.
Demos Medical Publishing
386 Park Avenue South #201, New York NY 10016
Only half of the estimated 5 million who suffer from the debilitating Alzheimer's condition have
been diagnosed: the amount of sufferers is rising yearly and it's important for caregivers and
family members to understand the disease's nature, management, and prognosis. Enter Paul Dash,
MD & Nichole Villemarette-Pittman, Ph.D.'s Alzheimer's Disease (1932603123 $19.95), a
beginner's survey covering everything from the role of aging in Alzheimer's to medications,
treatments, and prevention plans. The American Academy of Neurology Press backs two doctors
who provide technical, in-depth coverage of the latest findings on Alzheimer's. Larry E. David,
MD with Molly K. King, MD and Jessica L. Schultz, MD's Fundamentals Of Neurologic Disease
(1888799846, $29.95) is a recommended pick for students of neurology and related disciplines
who want a reference to the basics. Use it for a 3-4 week neurology rotation or in a classroom
setting to cover all the fundamentals: chapters survey common diseases as well as neurological
functions, survey clinical feature and major lab findings, and discuss both adult and pediatric
neurologic disease. An excellent basic, college-level guide.
The Pets/Wildlife Shelf
You Bake 'em Dog Biscuits Cookbook
Janine Adams
Running Press
125 South Twenty-Second Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-4399
0762423366 $12.95 1-800-345-5359
You Bake 'em Dog Biscuits Cookbook is a unique recipe book especially for dog lovers. Filled
with fifty simple, easy-to-prepare, dog-tested healthy treats - no canine junk food here! - You
Bake 'em Dog Biscuits Cookbook offers tasty treat recipes for all breeds and sizes of man's best
friend. The recipes are flexible enough for easy adaptation should one's pooch prefer unique
flavors, too! The treats in You Bake 'em Dog Biscuits Cookbook are intended as snacks only and
cannot form the basis of balanced dog diet, but they are excellent as rewards for training or
socializing, or just plain good times. Tips and tricks for taking care of canines round out this
delightful dyed-in-the-wool pet lover's resource.
The Dog's Guide To Surfing
TCB Cafe Publishing
Box 471706, San Francisco, CA 94147
0967489873 $14.95 www.amazon.com
The collaborative effort of a large number of people who enjoy surfing and the company of their
canine companions, The Dog's Guide To Surfing: Hanging Ten With Man's Best Friend is a
unique guide to the surfing lifestyle from the perspective of dogs and their pet humans plying the
waves together on their surf boards. Enhanced with a profusion of b/w photos, The Dog's Guide
To Surfing is a compilation of stories, lessons, advice, movies, gear, and recommendations for
surf wear while catching the waves with a four-legged friend. If you surf and have a dog in your
life, then you will want to read The Dog's Guide To Surfing!
Traveller's Wildlife Guides: Peru
David L. Pearson & Les Beletsky
Interlink Publishing Group
46 Crosby St., Northampton, MA 01060
1566565456 $27.95 interlinkbooks.com
Part the Interlink Books "Travellers' Wildlife Guides" series, Peru provides identification and
location information on Peru's most frequently seen animals. This 502 page identification guide
offers full-color illustrations of more than 500 of Peru's most common insects, amphibians,
reptiles, birds, and mammals. Enhanced with a species index, Peru provides up-to-date
information on the ecology, behavior and conservation of the animals listed, as well as information
on Peru's habitats and the most common plants visitors will encounter. With brief descriptions of
Peru's most frequently visited parks and wildlife reserves, this handy, highly portable manual will
prove to be an invaluable companion for appreciating the diversity and wonderful of Peruvian
wildlife in their native settings.
All About The Labrador Retriever
Robert J. Berndt & Richard L. Myers
Alpine Publications, Inc.
225 South Madison Avenue, Loveland, CO 80537
1577790421 $19.95 1-800-777-7257
The collaborative work of Labrador Retriever experts Robert J. Berndt and Richard L. Myers, All
About The Labrador Retriever presents a comprehensive, practical, "reader friendly" perspective
on an animal that was bred and developed as a hunting dog. Lab owners will learn why the
Labrador Retriever is a true "all-purpose" dog; the Labrador's personality and breed standard;
how to select the right Labrador Retriever for a particular need; how to care for, condition, and
train a Lab; showing, field work, breeding, and other things Labs do; the history of the breed and
the Labrador Retriever "Hall of Fame". All About The Labrador Retriever is essential, seminal
reading for anyone who owns or aspires to ownership of a Labrador Retriever as their canine
companion whether at home or on the hunt.
Antarctica: A Guide To The Wildlife
Tony Soper
Bradt Travel/Globe Pequot Press
PO Box 480, Guilford, CT 06437-0480
1841621315 $21.95 1-800-243-0495
The price tag may seem steep for the fourth edition of this 144-page paperback - but where else
are you going to find details on the wildlife of Antarctica, tailored as a take-along tote for the
Antarctica-bound traveler? Color drawings by Dafila Scott accompany nature history descriptions
of each creature and discussions of identification specific to Antarctica, from contending with
visibility factors to seasonal identification features. Antarctica: A Guide To The Wildlife is a
unique and strongly recommended "take-along" handbook essential for any Antarctica-bound
Birdsong: A Natural History
Don Stap
1230 Ave. of Americas, NY, NY 10020
0743232747 $24.00 1-800-223-2336
Supplement Professor Kroodsma's title with Don Stap's survey of how birdsong clues are
collected and interpreted by experts in his fascinating Birdsong: A Natural History. Birdsong
focuses on the mysteries of birdsong, from how birds learn and develop regional 'dialects' to an
even more fascinating set of insights on the influence of birdsong on great musicians. From how
bird sounds are captured using sensitive equipment in the wild to exactly what a bird is 'saying' in
a 2-3 second song, Stap provides a lively survey indeed.
On Ancient Wings
Michael Forsberg
Michael Forsberg Photography
100 N. 8th St., #150, Lincoln, NE 68508
0975496409 $45.00 michaelforsberg.com
At once a coffee table photo celebration and a natural history, any avid birder should consider
photographer Michael Forsberg's On Ancient Wings: The Sandhill Cranes Of North America to be
essential reading. The photos alone - full-page color spreads which are gorgeous in their
all-season crane portraits - are worth repeated looks, covering cranes in environments from
Alaska to Cuba. Then, there's the discourse surveying the natural history and lives of cranes,
revealing their interactions with people and their attempts to adapt to a changing natural world. A
fine tribute marries natural history and visual display, inviting audiences from natural history
students to casual readers to partake.
How The Earthquake Bird Got Its Name
H.H. Shugart
Yale University Press
Box 209040, New Haven, CT 06520-9040
030010457X $27.50 1-800-987-7323
Unusual stories of animals and birds in the wild form the foundation of professor H.H. Shugart's
survey of ecology in How The Earthquake Bird Got Its Name And Other Tales Of An
Unbalanced Nature. Ecology's most important principles are illustrated within these stories of
selected birds and mammals and their fates and interactions with the environment in a discourse
which seamlessly smoothes together such disparate topics as GIS prediction of environmental
climate changes and species effects to complex disturbances in bird habitats.
The Hopes Of Snakes
Lisa Couturier
Beacon Press
25 Beacon St., Boston, MA 02108-2892
0807085642 $23.00 www.beacon.org
Students of urban natural history and casual readers alike receive a celebration of Northeast urban
wildlife in The Hopes Of Snakes & Other Tales From The Urban Landscape. Her thirteen essays
observe urban animals from Manhattan skyscraper-dwelling falcons to mice who live on the
subway tracks of New York. Wildlife has adapted to human habitations in surprising ways: hers is
a celebration of the underlying world of animals which live alongside people.
What's That Bird?
Joseph Choiniere
Claire Mowbray Golding
Storey Publishing
210 Mass MoCa Way, North Adams, MA 02147
1580175546 $14.95 www.storey.com
Are you bird-literate? If it's an easy and fun guide to bird habits, habitats and birdsong you wish,
couched in an engaging book of fun facts and intriguing insights, you can't go wrong with the
colorful What's That Bird? Getting To Know The Brids Around You, Coast To Coast. Color
provides added compliments to the gorgeous photography by Tom Vezo and the superb drawings
by James Robins, while accompanying insights by an Audubon Society director and an editor with
extensive experience presents a informed and informative book that the entire family can enjoy.
What's That Bird? is very highly recommended, especially for family birding outings and
ornithological adventures.
Animal Talk
Tim Friend
The Free Press
1230 Ave. of Americas, NY, NY 10020
0743201582 $15.00 1-800-223-2336
Have you ever wondered if animals are 'talking' and if so, what they're saying? Scientists have
been trying to decipher 'animal talk' for centuries, as scientist Tim friend explores in his Animal
Talk: Breaking The Codes Of Animal Languages. Here's his Rosetta stone for understanding this
language, fostering a readable, fun language while exploring serious scientific breakthroughs on
the topic of animal communication. From biology to chemistry and beyond, Animal Talk probes
all the potentials of animal communication methods.
The Jobs/Careers Shelf
So You Want To Be In Show Business
Steve Stevens Sr. with John D. Cady
Cumberland House
431 Harding Industrial Drive, Nashville, TN 37211
158182453X $14.95 1-888-439-2665
If your career aspirations lie in the show biz world, don't forget to consult actor/producer/casting
director Steve Stevens Sr.'s So You Want To Be In Show Business: A Hollywood Agent Shares
The Secrets Of Getting Ahead Without Getting Ripped Off. Stevens also has a background
representing struggling actors: his 50+ years experience in the acting trenches lends to an
eye-opening industry reference crucial to learning about casting, agents, and more.
Will Write For Food
Dianne Jacob
Marlowe & Company
245 West 17th Street, 11th Floor, New York NY 10011-5300
1569243778 $15.95 1-800-788-3123
If your passion is food and you're unemployed or seeking a change, you may want to consider the
food writing profession as presented by seasoned writer Dianne Jacob in Will Write For Food:
The Complete Guide To Writing Cookbooks, Restaurant Reviews, Articles, Memoir, Fiction And
More. From getting started and breaking in as a restaurant reviewer to writing recipes,
cookbooks, and freelancing, Jacob covers all possible industry careers and writing avenues. Will
Write For Food is a outstanding and practical guide for career-minded food fans and aspiring
restaurant critics.
Job Hunting Tips For People With Hot And Not-So-Hot Backgrounds
Ron & Caryl Krannich
Impact Publications
9104-N Manassas Dr., Manassas Park, VA 20111-5211
1570232253 $17.95 1-703-361-7300
Finding a job is tough enough without having to overcome a background with less than sterling
qualities, so don't forget to place Job Hunting Tips For People With Hot And Not-So-Hot
Backgrounds: 150 Smart Tips That Can Change Your Life on your reading list. Learn how to
conduct a job search which shows up strengths and downplays weaknesses with this gathering of
150 tips from the experiences of both job seekers and employers. An organized seven-step job
search provides all the basics.
The Military Shelf
Kilroy Was There
Tony Hillerman
Kent State University Press
PO Box 5190, Kent, OH 44240-0001
0873388070 $25.00 1-800-247-6553
Compiled and organized by Tony Hillerman, the photos drawn from the collection of Frank
Kessler bring World War II to life in vivid black and white reality in Kilroy Was There: A GI's
War In Photographs. Kessler was a young accountant when he was drafted and sent to war in
Europe. He saved hundreds of photos at war's end and kept them in the attic until his death: his
younger brother found the photos which represented another side of the war, preserved and
ordered the photos, and here they document the GI's war experience for modern audiences.
Gasoline To Patton: A Different War
Albin F. Irzyk
Elderberry Press
1393 Old Homestead Drive, 2nd floor, Oakland, OR 97462-9506
193276206X $29.95 elderberrypress.com
Written by Brigadier General Albin F. Irzyk (Ret.), who fought in World War II in Europe as a
Tank Battalion Commander in the 4th Armored Division, Gasoline To Patton: A Different War is
a hard-hitting criticism of a military decision made by General Eisenhower in late 1944. As both a
historian and a participant, Irzyk voices his belief that if Eisenhower had chosen differently, the
war in Europe would have been over before the end of 1944, with no "Market Garden", no
"Battle of the Bulge", and the Russian advance stopped outside of East Germany. Suggesting that
politics and the need to appease the English by catering to their allegedly incompetent general
outweighed the need for effective strategy in Eisenhower's mind, and claiming that General Patton
himself would have chosen to resign from the Army and tell the damning truth had he lived, Irzyk
"comes clean" with his point-by-point breakdown of what happened, what went wrong, and what
could have been. A truly involving and at times disturbing account, part military memoir, part
historical speculation, sparsely illustrated with black-and-white photographs.
The International Studies Shelf
Lipstick Jihad
Azadeh Moaveni
Public Affairs
250 W. 57th St, #1321, NY, NY 10107
1586481932 $25.00 1-877-782-1234
Iranian-American suburban California girl Azadeh Moaveni has always lived in two worlds: one
filled with tradition as an Iranian exile, the other as a California girl who practiced yoga and
listened to Madonna. College years intensified her conflicts, and after graduating she moved to
Iran as a journalist to confront her search for identity in two very different cultures. This memoir
account of her homecoming during the country's reform movement and her experiences with
Tehran culture and young people seeking change makes for a riveting set of social and cultural
insights not to be missed by any interested in Middle East affairs.
Cold Peace: Russia's New Imperialism
Janusz Bugajski
Praeger Publishers
88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881
0275983625 $49.95 www.praeger.com
Written by the director of the East European Project at the Center for Strategic and International
Studies in Washington DC, Cold Peace: Russia's New Imperialism is a sharp critique of the
Russian regime under President Vladimir Putin, characterizing it as a long-term strategy devoted
to regaining influence over former satellites, limiting Western influence in key parts of the region,
and embracing nostalgia of its days of empire. Characterizing benign post-Cold War views of
Russia as the modern equivalent of Cold War appeasement, Cold Peace pulls no punches in its
scathing analysis of Russia's current policy toward states including the Ukraine, Baltic States,
Belarus and Kaliningrad, and much more. A sharply worded warning especially recommended for
politicians, students, business leaders and workers involved in international current affairs.
Souvenir Of Canada 2
Douglas Coupland
Douglas & McIntyre
2323 Quebec St. #201, Vancouver, BC, Canada, V5T 4S7
1553650433 $22.95 1-800-367-9692
So, what constitutes 'Canadian culture' and elements of Canada? From notorious plastics which
take twice as long to decompose to a special kind of screw and driver used only in Canada, there's
a host of oddities uniquely Canadian which Douglas Coupland here sets out to capture visually
and in text description. A hilarious, pointed set of true observations, all backed with color
The Dance Shelf
Belly Dancing
Pina Coluccia, et al.
Inner Traditions
369 Montezuma Avenue #286, Santa Fe, NM 87501
1594770212 $19.95 1-800-246-8648
How can a book possibly describe belly dancing? If you think it just can't be done, turn to Belly
Dancing: The Sensual Art Of Energy And Spirit by Pina Coluccia, Anette Paffrath and Jean Putz
to see just how the dance can be embodied into a book form. A history of belly dance moves from
artistic and spiritual insights to physical movement, with chapters focusing on both health benefits
and routines. Chapters covering the basic stances and their meanings are also included. Beginners
will welcome this clear examination of belly dance routines and meaning.
Learn To Dance Salsa! Volumes 1, 2, 3
Lorene Turek
c/o 411 Video Information
PO Box 1223, Pebble Beach, CA 93953
www.SalsaCrazy.com 1-800-383-8811
Learn To Dance Salsa! is a three-DVD set ($39.95 each) for dance enthusiasts of all ages. Using
"Picture in Picture" segments to show close-up angles of key Salsa moves, and organized with a
simple and easy-to-follow DVD menu, Learn to Dance Salsa applies a common-sense approach to
dance instruction that emphasizes clarity, rhythm, and passion, making the learning process simple
and fun. Each DVD in the set progresses and builds upon the last one; no move is repeated
between them. Volume 1 is introductory, volume 2 teaches new moves and patterns, and volume
3 challenges one to become an intermediate level dancer. Learn To Dance Salsa! is superb for
getting the novice started, or as a refresher course for the experienced Salsa dancer. All three
volumes are approximatelly 120 minutes.
The Psychology Shelf
The Mark Of Cain
J. Reid Meloy, editor
The Analytic Press
101 West Street, Hillsdale, NJ 07642
0881633100 $59.95 analyticpress.com
Compiled, organized and edited by J. Reid Meloy (Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry,
University California, San Diego) The Mark Of Cain: Psychoanalytic Insight And The Psychopath
brings under one cover an impressive collection of the most historically important psychoanalytic
papers on the psychopathic personality. The contributors include Helene Deutsch, Wilhelm Reich,
John Bowlby, Phyllis Greenacre, August Aichhorn, Adelaide Johnson, Donald Winnicott, Betty
Joseph, Nevill Symington, Ben Bursten, Otto Kernberg, as well as o32ther scholars and
practitioners. Two theoretical traditions combine in the psychoanalytic understanding of
psychopathy. An essential, core contribution to professional and academic Psychiatric Studies
reference collections, The Mark Of Cain is a seminal collection of informed and informative
scholarship surveying our understanding of psychopathy, its characteristics, its diagnosis, and
therapeutic approaches over the past two decades.
The Nature Shelf
Wildflowers Of Montana
Donald Anthony Schiemann
Mountain Press Publishing Company
PO Box 2399, Missoula, Montana 59806
0878425047 $22.00 1-800-234-5308
Wildflowers Of Montana is a beautifully illustrated field guide for Montana locals and visitors
alike. Entries consist of full-color photographs of more than 350 plant species, each one
accompanied by a brief descriptive paragraph, and information on the wildflower's habitat and
range. An introduction, index, and categorization system that organizes entries according to color
and number of petals, topped off with a "thumbnail photo" identification guide allowing one to
pick out a flower specimen just by glancing at a handful of pages makes Wildflowers Of Montana
extremely easy to use even for the complete novice.
The Science Shelf
The Ape In The Tree
Alan Walker & Pat Shipman
Belknap/Harvard University Press
79 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138
0674016750 $26.95 1-800-448-2242
Alan Walker's involvement with the discover of fossil ape Proconsul began when his graduate
supervisor analyzed the tree-climbing adaptations of this extinct creature: Walker's history of the
evolution of ideas surrounding the create is almost as engrossing as the focus on the last common
ancestor between all apes and humans itself. This insider's journey through the discovery and
history of the ideas of Proconsul follows evolutionary theory as a whole, providing an African
adventure of research conducted in the Leakey tradition. Told in the first person, The Ape In The
Tree will engross not just scientists but also non-specialist general readers interested in
evolutionary science.
The Aging Issues Shelf
How To Say It To Seniors
David Solie, M.S., P.A.
Prentice Hall Press/Penguin-Putnam
375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014
0735203806 $15.95 1-800-847-5515
How To Say It To Seniors: Closing The Communication Gap With Our Elders by David Solie (an
expert in geriatric psychology and the CEO/Medical Director of"Second Opinion", a life insurance
brokerage corporation) is a practical and accessible guide to communicating effectively with older
adults. Author David Solie provides invaluable insights and practical advice to gaining the trust
and cooperation of the elderly, offering assistance to them without "taking over" the conversation,
understanding the need of "legacy" with respect to the elderly, and learning how to listen and
what to listen for. While especially recommended to professionals and para-professionals working
with the elderly in matters ranging from business, to health, to daily living, How To Say It To
Seniors is also of immense value to non-specialist general readers wanting to talk more effectively
and to greater purpose with their own elderly parents, family members, friends, neighbors, and
The Fantasy/SciFi Shelf
Dead Beat
Jim Butcher
375 Hudson Street, New York NY 10014
0451460278 $23.95 www.penguin.com
If it's intrigue and swift action you wish, tinged with the supernatural, don't miss Jim Butcher's
Dead Beat: A Novel Of The Dresden Files. Fans of vampire novels in particular will relish this
story of one Harry Dresden, who specializes in paranormal investigations in Chicago, and is more
than familiar with the underworld of vampires, werewolves and demons. Here Harry meets a
deadly vampire and assigned the task of locating a mysterious Word of Kemmler, which will
prevent a disastrous Halloween for Chicago. Intrigue abounds.
PO Box 809, Framingham, MA 01701
It's long overdue and most welcome: veteran science fiction writer Judith Merril at last has her
own, complete collection in Homecalling And Other Stories (188677-854X, $29.00), packing in
all her short fiction from her 1948 classic 'That Only A Mother' to novellas and short stories
written over the next two decades. Merrill's works have been widely scattered over the decades:
all emphasize powerful characterization and strong women. Homecalling is a 'must' for any who
have read some of her selections and hunger for more. L. Sprague de Camp's Years In The
Making: The Time-travel Stories Of L. Sprague De Camp (1886778477, $25.00) is also a delight
long overdue: DeCamp's best time travel and alternate history stories also have been widely
scattered and lost among his other works, so to find them conveniently under one cover is a
Pyr/Prometheus Books
59 John Glenn Dr., Amherst, NY 14228
Pyr is a new science fiction and fantasy imprint which seeks its own identity and strength separate
from Prometheus' largely-nonfiction book line; and from the looks of things, its first batch is set to
be a winning introduction to a powerful set of writers. Sean Williams' The Resurrected Man
(1591023114, $25.00) is also a recommended pick for mystery fans, though it's setting is the
future, when distinctions between man and machine run together. P.I. Jonah McEwen is wanted
for murder and is the obvious suspect - except that the 'victims' aren't real, but are facsimiles of his
victims, leaving the originals alive. Is this murder - and is Jonah's own duplicate the murderer?
Fine intrigue abounds. John Meaney's Paradox: Book One Of The Nulapeiron Sequence
(1591023084, $25.00) provides the first installment in a trilogy, so be prepared for more. Planet
Nulapeiron is a city dug into the planet's crust, where quasi-human creatures who exist in both
past and future help the Lords and Ladies rule. Young Tom explores the depths of his world and
meets a legendary pilot, who provides him a dangerous gift before her death - a gift which gives
him some deadly insights. A series of sub-plots and intrigue keeps Tom's adventures seamless and
flowing. Robert Silverberg's Star Of Gypsies (1591023092, $15.00) features a 1986 classic in a
new paperback edition audiences will relish. Here's the story of one Yakoub, king of the Gypsies,
the only group of pilots capable of steering ships across the galaxy. Now retired, Yakoub finds
himself returning to the throne to solve a power struggle which threatens to embroil the entire
galaxy in chaos. Chris Roberson's Here, There & Everywhere (1591023319, $15.00) tells of a
pre-teen given an incredible gift by a dying woman. With the strange 'Sofia' gift in hand, she can
travel anywhere in space and time, including to worlds what might be or could have been but
her prior life is lost, and her time-travel journeys take her into lonely realms indeed in this spirited
story of a young girl's courae. All are powerful presentations, highly recommended.
Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment
James Patterson
Little, Brown
1271 Ave. of Americas, NY, NY 10020
031615556X $16.99 1-800-759-0190
If you're used to James Patterson's brand of thriller mysteries, you're in for a surprise: the same
thriller focus and talent is evident, but the scene has moved from mystery/horror to
mystery/science fiction in his latest novel Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment. Be prepared for
a plot revolving around six youths who are 98 percent human, 2 percent bird. Be prepared for a
secret mission to locate a missing parent and save Angel from mutants. And be prepared for a
series of sub-plots which assure the swift pace is unrelenting. Maximum Ride represents a
departure from Patterson's usual formula: it shouldn't be missed.
Ace Books/Berkeley
375 Hudson Street, New York NY 10014
Two fine new novels pose supernatural fantasy plots and intrigue for readers who enjoy the mix of
both. Ian R. MacLeod's novel The House Of Storms (0441012-809, $24.95) excels so well in
mystery and intrigue that it's also recommended across genres for fans of mysteries. Once Alice
has become Greatgrandmistress of the Telegrapher's Guild in this fantasy world, but her
achievements are shadowed by her son's illness. A former lover helps save him, but his own
newfound romance may bring their world to an end. Charlaine Harris' Dead As A Doornail
(0441012795, $22.95) is a recommended pick for fans of vampire novels; particularly those which
add a tidbit of mystery. Sookie is a Louisiana waitress and a mind reader with vampires in the
family. Her brother is about to turn into a were-panther for the first time, but a sniper's
involvement in their lives involves them in more than supernatural changes in this thrilling
The Biography Shelf
Peach: Ty Cobb In His Time And Ours
Richard Bak
Sports Media Group
c/o Ann Arbor Media Group
2500 S. State St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104
1587262576 $26.95 www.amazon.com
Peach: Ty Cobb In His Time And Ours is a coffee table biography of one of baseball's greatest
players, who hit .367 over 24 seasons (1905-1928), won a dozen batting titles, and was the first
man elected to baseball's Hall of Fame. Ty Cobb was well known for his intense and changeable
personality, rivalries, and petty jealousies; but author Richard Bak reveals a side of Ty Cobb less
discussed... a man who came to the aid of down-and-out ballplayers, founded a hospital system
and educational foundation which remain successful after a half-century, and who came to terms
with his own tarnished legend. Published to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Ty Cobb's
baseball debut, and featuring over 150 rarely seen black-and-white photographs, Peach: Ty Cobb
In His Time And Ours is a slice of unforgettable sports history and a "must-have" for fans of great
baseball figures throughout history.
Learning From My Mother's Voice
Jean Lau Chin
Teachers College Press
1234 Amsterdam Avenue, NY, NY 10027
0807745510 $19.95 1-800-575-6566
Written by a female Chinese-American psychologist with over 30 years of experience in mental
health services, Learning From My Mother's Voice: Family Legend And The Chinese American
Experience is both a cathartic memoir and a strong testimony of the experience of immigrant
Chinese-Americans and their families throughout history, yet particularly in the past half-century.
Chapters discuss common Western myths perpetuated about Chinese men and women, including
infamous movies and characters that deified white men and repeatedly reduced Chinese women to
the roles of victims or whores, the role of storytelling in helping families adjust to difficult
situations, cultural symbols and universal bonds, the daily experience of Chinese-American family
life, and more. Particularly examining the life of her mother, the author applies the cultural lessons
learned from studying her mother's life to better understand life as a Chinese-American. An
eye-opening examination that will prove extremely revealing for anyone seeking to better
understand the psychodynamic and cultural forces behind the Chinese-American family, and
especially recommended reading for anyone who career or daily life takes them into contact with
Chinese-American communities.
It Was A Cold Day In Paris
Miryam Holm Hjemas
Dorrance Publishing
701 Smithfield Street, 3rd Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-3906
0805962751 $17.50 1-800-788-7654
Who is Miryam Holm Hjemas? Nobody whose name you'd immediately recognize, but that
doesn't mean her autobiography, It Was A Cold Day In Paris, „ doesn't deserve to be read. Raised
as a Peruvian aristocrat, Hjemas traveled to the US and Europe illegally in search of romance,
made it to Paris, and found herself in a series of failed marriages with abusive husbands and years
of strip dancing. Everything seemed against her; yet Hjemas eventually succeeded in her goal of
locating real romance - and readers will find her account of successes and failures to be
Losing The Garden
Laura Waterman
Shoemaker & Hoard Publishers
c/o Avalon Publishing Group
245 West 17th St, 11th fl, NY, NY 10011
1593760485 $24.00 1-800-788-3123
In 1971 Laura and Guy Waterman decided to give up all the conveniences of modern urban life
and homestead in a cabin in the mountains of Vermont, living off the land in harmony with the
local ecology and environment. From almost thirty years they created a deliberate life, eating food
they grew themselves, living without indoor plumbing or electricity. The end of this unique
marriage came on February 6, 2000, when Guy climbed to the summit of Mount Lafayette in New
Hampshire's White Mountains and sat down among the rocks to die. Losing The Garden: The
Story Of A Marriage is the compelling and intensely personal memoir of a women who had to
struggle with her husband's plan to commit suicide. This is the story of a husband's depression, an
account of a marriage seen outwardly as idyllic, but deeply flawed from within. Strongly
recommended reading which is both thoughtful and thought-provoking, Losing The Garden is a
love story, a portrait of an intense and unusual union, and an affirmation of life after loss.
The Humor Shelf
The Greedy Bastard Diary
Eric Idle
10 East 53rd St, New York, NY 10022
0060758643 $23.95 1-800-242-7737
Fans of comedy, especially British comedy, may find both the title of this book - Greedy Bastard
Diary: A Comic Tour Of America - and its author strike a bell. Eric Idle is an ex-Python,
humorist, and explorer of comedy around the world: in Greedy Bastard Diary he and his nine men
traverse America visiting Gore Vidal and the common man alike, enjoying stand-up comedy, and
celebrating being part of an American family and British comedy alike. Especially recommended
for prior fans of Monty Python's unique brand of humor.
Big Top
Rob Harrell
Andrews & McMeel
4520 Main St, Kansas City, MO 64111
0740750046 $10.95 1-800-851-8923
The comic storytelling artistry of cartoonist Rob Harrel as showcased in his 'Big Top' syndicated
strip, will serve to introduce newcomers to the quality of his work and enable previous fans to
again appreciate the fun cartoon story of a pre-teen circus boy's coming of age. The black and
white strips comprising Big Top are presented in chronological order for clarity of adventure
progression and are delightful, whimsical stories.
The Cookbook Shelf
Cooking With Riesling
Barbara Ray & Norm Ray
Rayve Productions, Inc.
PO Box 726, Windsor, CA 95492
1877810568 $9.95 www.rayvepro.com
Cooking With Riesling presents seventy-five recipes featuring Riesling wine, all of which use
ingredients that are readily obtainable in any supermarket and most of which can be completed in
a minimum of time. An introduction offers a brief primer on cooking with wine and how to read
the label on the bottle; the recipes themselves cover soups, salads, pastas, meats, poultry, seafood,
and desserts. From Watercress Salad with Riesling Dressing, to Salmon Baked in Riesling, to
Riesling Lychee Sorbet, and more, these delectable dishes allow for maximum flexibility and
flavor in applying the unique Riesling vintage taste. A glossary and pronunciation guide round
out this superb, easy-to-use cookbook for wine connoisseurs.
Japanese Dishes For Wine Lovers
J. K. Whelehan
Kodansha America, Inc.
575 Lexington Avenue, 23rd Floor, New York, NY 10022
4770030037 $25.00 1-800-451-7556
Enhanced with advice about wine pairing by J. K. Whelehan, Japanese Dishes For Wine Lovers by
Machiko Chiba (winner of many awards for cooking in Japan and founder of her own cooking
school in Sendai, Japan) is a very special culinary guide focusing on pairing red, white, dry, and
sweet wines with diverse Japanese dishes. Showcasing both traditional and non-traditional
combinations, the dishes showcased in this enthusiastically recommended addition to any kitchen
cookbook collection offers the enhancement wine has to offer to 61 contemporary Japanese
dishes. Beautifully illustrated and offering easy-to-follow step-by-step preparatory instructions,
these extraordinary recipes range from Crispy Onion Salad with Chirimenjako; to Mushrooms and
Okra Sauteed in Butter and Soy Sauce; to Pork and Plum Stir-Fry; to Oysters on the Half Shell
with Japanese Dressing, Japanese Dishes For Wine Lovers is a veritable "how to" manual for
enjoying wine with dynamic, innovate, mouth-wateringly delicious Japanese cuisine.
Hotter Than Hell
Jane Butel
Northland Publishing
PO Box 1389, Flagstaff, AZ 86002
0873588835 $16.95 1-800-346-3257
Fans of hot, spicy food need look no further for flames than Jane Butel's new edition of Hotter
Than Hell: Hot & Spicy Dishes From Around The World. Now in a new and expanded edition,
Hotter Than Hell: Hot & Spicy Dishes From Around The World is an exciting cookbook packed
cover-to-cover with tasty and extra-hot cuisine applying spicy ingredients from the Southwest to
the Far East. Step-by-step instructions and full-color photographs clearly lay out tongue-on-fire
recipes such as Picante Pesto-Topped Oysters on the Half-Shell, Double Mustard-Coated Baked
Chicken, Hot Green Beans Vinaigrette, Poppy Seed Torte, and so much more. While heat is the
unifying factor, dishes come with quite a bit of added flavor, color photos, and excellent
introductory descriptions. A brief guide to (spicy) ingredients and an easy-to-use index complete
this zesty cookbook especially recommended for those who like fire in their flavor!
Conscious Cuisine
Cary Neff
Sourcebooks Inc.
1935 Brookdale Road, #139, Naperville, IL 60563
1402204051 $24.95 1-800-432-7444
Conscious Cuisine: A New Style Of Cooking From The Kitchens Of Chef Cary Neff is a
cookbook that dares to present recipes which are not only healthy and nutritious, but also
sensationally tasty and meant to be savored. Created by the head chef of Miraval Life in Balance
Resort and Spa specifically to provide customers with nutritionally balanced dishes that did not
sacrifice visual appeal or gustatory pleasure, Conscious Cuisine recipes include such culinary
delights as Tomato-Roasted Garlic Soup, Crisp Shrimp and Vegetable Spring Rolls with
Edamame Ragout, Lemon Mousse Cake, and so many more. Full-color photographs, detailed
instructions for home cooks of all skill and experience levels, and above all, a passion for creating
healthy and delicious dishes distinguish Conscious Cuisine as a "must-have" for active recipe and
cookbook collections.
Cajun Low-Carb
Jude W. Theriot
Pelican Publishing Company
1000 Burmaster Street, Gretna. LA 70053
1589802640 $24.95 1-800-843-1724
Compiled and organized by certified culinary professional Jude W. Theriot, Cajun Low-Carb is
the ideal cookbook for those on a low-carbohydrate diet who want dishes that excite their
appetites and satisfy their cravings for delicious dining. From Cajun Spinach Dip; Rouxless Okra
Gumbo; Cajun Cole Slaw; and Shrimp Remoulade; to Broiled Catfish; Cajun Pepper Steak; Poulet
Le Champignon; and Bread Pudding, Cajun Low-Carb offers a veritable compendium of
wonderfully easy, "kitchen cook friendly' dishes appropriate for any and all fine dining and family
mealtime occasions.
Ayurvedic Cooking Made Easy
Kumuda Reddy, M.D.
Lantern Books
One Union Square West, Suite 201, New York, NY 10003-3303
1590560671 $15.00 1-800-856-8664
Curry is more than just a superb spice to enhance the flavor of dishes from the Indian
subcontinent, it is also medicinal and utilizing the principles of Ayuverdic medicine (the traditional
healing system of India), can help to bring the body's health into balance. In Ayurvedic Cooking
Made Easy: 100+ Recipes For A Healthy You, Kumunda Reddy draws upon her more than
twenty years of practicing medicine to showcase recipes that are healthy, health-inducing, and
palate pleasing. Ranging from Creamy Red Lentil Dal; Vegetable Pancakes; and Cooling
Cucumber Soup; to Brussel Sprouts and Potato Curry; Apple Pear Chutney; and Fruit Salad with
Blueberry Sauce, Ayurvedic Cooking Made Easy is a prize culinary collection that is additionally
enhanced with a backgrounding in Ayurvedic medicine concepts, food guidelines, tips for
beginners, and sources for more information including Maharishi Vedic Medicine, recommended
readings, and other books by Dr. Kumuda Reddy.
Sharing Scones And More
Beverly Pogue & Rosalie Clarke
Cedar Fort, Inc.
925 N. Main Sreet., Springville, UT 84663
1555178545 $9.95 1-800-759-2665
The collaborative work of Beverly Pogue and Rosalie Clarke, Sharing Scones And More
showcases 35 superb recipes for the kind of dishes that enhance the spirit of gift giving and
sharing whether it is in the form of an elegant brunch or a from-the-heart gift basket. From Sweet
Buttermilk Scones; French Apple-Cream Scones; and Gingered Pecan Scones; to
Walnut-Black-berry Scones; Almond-Poppyseed Scones; and Double Chocolate-Hazelnut Scones
with Raspberry Filling, Sharing Scones And More is an enthusiastically recommended
compendium of outstanding recipes which is further enhanced with motivational stories, scone
making tips, inspirational thoughts, and suggestions for sharing.
Three Guys From Miami Cook Cuban
Glenn Lindgren, et al.
Gibbs Smith Publisher
PO Box 667, Layton, UT 84041
158685433X $29.95 1-800-748-5439
There are a host of other Cuban cookbooks on the market, but most are purely recipe collections:
if you're also seeking the spice of Cuban cultural insights, then Three Guys From Miami Cook
Cuban: 100 Great Cuban Recipes With A Touch Of Miami Spice by Glenn Lindgren, Raul
Musiba, and Jorge Castillo is for you. Family recipes, humor, and personal stories abound in a
guide also packed with color photos by Nancy Bundt. All three chefs add their impressions,
insights and fun to the color-coded sidebar on the edge of each recipe page, helping to round out
the offerings. Highly recommended, even for experienced cooks who already own several Cuban
recipe collections.
Rutledge Hill Press
PO Box 141000, Nashville, TN 37214
Two excellent and fun food guides are a cut above the norm, blending a healthy dose of humor
with real food lore. Norman Kolpas' Practically Useless Information: Food And Drink
(1401602053, $16.99) gathers offbeat, unusual, interesting food trivia and drink facts, from the
menu for the last dinner on the Titanic to official national food observances in September and the
origins of 'roasting, Norman Kolpas' is coated with warm facts and fun fancy. Speaking of 'fun',
it's hard to know where to review Jeff Foxworthy's latest The Redneck Grill: The Most Fun You
Can Have With Fire, Characoal, And A Dead Animal (1401601995, $15.99): it would do equally
well in our humor section, but is featured here for its very serious barbecue recipes, from grilled
rabbit to maple-grilled pound cake. Add a layer of saucy Foxworthy redneck humor and Southern
spice and an exceptionally handy 'glazed hardcover' format with spill-proof pages and you have a
book readily accessible by the 'que.
Mexican Culinary Treasures
Maria Elena Cuervo-Lorens
Hippocrene Books
171 Madison Ave., New York NY 10016
0781810612 $24.95 1-212-685-4371
With so many Mexican cookbooks already on the market, how could yet another make its mark of
distinction? Yet, Mexican Culinary Treasures: Recipes From Maria Elena's Kitchen does so with a
flourish: Maria's extensive knowledge of her native country's foods lends to a survey of both
traditional to newer, more cosmopolitan creations, form Mushroom Quesadillas to Stuffed
Poblano Chiles in Walnut Sauce and Guajillo Chile Enchiladas. It's the cook seeking such a
wide-ranging mix who will find Mexican Culinary Treasures especially inviting.
15 E. 26th St., New York NY 10010
If you missed Steve Almond's CandyFreak: A Journey Through The Chocolate Underbelly Of
America in hardcover, be sure not to miss it in paper (01560-32937, $13.00): the humor and facts
are smooth, rich and sweet indeed. Steve Almond couldn't find many of his favorite chocolate
childhood candies, and embarked on a journey to find them, discovering the last small candy
producers and specialty candy-makers in the country in the process of his journey. Blend candy
facts, a travelogue, humor and a memoir and you have a delicious read indeed. Oz Clarke's
Australian Wine Companion: An Essential Guide For All Lovers Of Australian Wine
(015603025X, $19.95) is a 'must' for any who would explore Australian wines with one of the
most famous wine writers in the world. Divided by grape growing region and regional producers,
this doesn't just list wineries and their specialties: it also provides both background history and
insights into how the winery has changed since its establishment; in the process revealing much
about Australian wine industry history as a whole. Whether you're a destination-oriented wine
enthusiast or an armchair reader/drinker, Australian Wine Companion is the first starter kit.
The BBQ Queens' Big Book Of Barbecue
Karen Adler & Judith Fertig
Harvard Common Press
535 Albany Street, Boston, MA 02118
1558322973 $18.95 1-888-657-3755
The mystique is that men are better barbecue cooks than women: well be prepared for a surprise
when you meet BBQ Queens Karen Adler and Judith Fertig, who are giving the male barbecuer a
run for his money. This isn't your usual "Meat Bible", though meat of course is a big feature
included too are plenty of recipes for vegetables on the grill, enticing blends of seafood, fancy
dishes such as Apricot and Cognac-Glazed Duck: virtually anything to raise the barbecue above
the realm of smoke and sauce. A delicious alternative simply packed with taste.
Wine Country USA
Matthew Debord
300 Park Avenue South, NY, NY 10010
0847826708 $35.00 1-888-330-8477
Wine buffs who enjoy reading of and touring small wineries will want to choose Wine Country
USA: Touring, Tasting And Buying At America's Regional Wineries as both a fine armchair
planner and destination-oriented guide. It's the only guide to narrow the focus to small, unique
wineries across the nation, presenting ten 'tasting trails' to help visitors map out treks to
recommended vineyards form Pennsylvania to California. Gorgeous color photos of these unusual
areas abound, but it's the focus on nontraditional regions - and the tips on accommodations and
local attractions - which keep Wine Country USA intriguing.
The Food Of India
Priya Wickramasinghe
Carol Selva Rajah
Whitecap Books
351 Lynn Avenue, North Vancouver, BC, Canada, V7J 2C4
1740452879 $34.95 www.whitecap.ca
With so many Indian cookbooks already on the market, why should the interested home cook
look at yet another? It's simple: The Food Of India: A Journey For Food Lovers by Priya
Wickramasinghe and Carol Selva Rajah is quite a cut above most of its similar-sounding
competitors. In the first place, a team of traveler/food fans join forces to offer exquisite color
photos of both Indian foods and culinary scenes across the country, pairing these photos with
clear discussions of the seven Indian states and the local foods they're noted for. Secondly, The
Food Of India includes a healthy dose of local history and ingredients research, as well as
interviews with chefs and food producers. And if this isn't enough, it needs to be noted that the
recipes selected for The Food Of India are anything but ordinary: from a Fried Beef Kerala to the
Northern Indian traditional Chole Chaat, many regional specialty dishes aren't to be found in
competing guides. All these features combined assure a visual treat packed with dishes all levels
of Indian cook will relish.
Small Steps
c/o American Diabetes Association
1701 North Beauregard Street, Alexandria, VA 22311
Sometimes it seems healthy cooking just doesn't fit into the modern hectic schedule: it's far
quicker to grab something high-carb and high-fat off the shelf when on the run. In reality,
easy-to-make healthy dishes can be prepared almost as quickly, as Robyn Webb's 200 Healthy
Recipes In 30 Minutes - Or Less (15804-02267, $16.95) demonstrates. From mustard-infused
French Burgers to easy Chicken Nugget finger foods and salads, dietician Webb packs in dishes
which lend to quick preparation while remaining healthy. The introduction on how to stock a
kitchen for maximum 'fast food' cooking is particularly notable. Webb's Italian Diabetic Meals In
30 Minutes Or Less (1580402208, $14.95) provides some new ideas for serving meat, pasta,
vegetables and fruits in Italian dishes. From Garlicky Shrimp and Broccoli to Italian Chicken
Salad With Walnuts, meals focus less on the pastas Italian foods are known for and more on less
fattening, healthier main course fare more accessible to diabetics.
The Art Shelf
The Art Book
Phaidon Press
180 Varick Street, 14th fl, NY, NY 10014
071484487X $24.95 www.phaidon.com
The Art Book is an A to Z guide of 500 great painters and sculptors, from the medieval to the
modern era. Each artist listing features a full-color photograph of a selected work representing the
artist, and a couple paragraphs describing who the artist was and his or her contribution to the
vast realm of human expression. Completely cross-referenced, with a glossary of technical terms
as well as artistic movements and a directory of recommended museums in which to see more
great works by effectively immortal individuals, The Art Book is a captivating tribute to skilled
and talented masters of their craft, and a highly recommended introduction to the diversity of art
Changing Tides
Frederick Hart
Hudson Hills Press
PO Box 205, Manchester, VT 05254
155595233X $65.00 hudsonhills.com
Enhanced with an informative foreword by Frederick Turner (Founders Professor of Arts and
Humanities, University of Texas, Dallas) and an insightful essay by Michael Novak (an expert on
Hart's work and holder of the George Frederick Jewett Chair in Religion and Public Policy at the
American Enterprise Institute, Washington, D.C.), Changing Tides is a 256-page monograph on
sculptor Frederick hart (1943-1999) which is superbly illustrated with 128 color plates, 12 duo
tones, and 83 halftones. Readers and art students will appreciate Frederick hart's working
processes as renowned sculptor of the human form. Changing Tides is a seminal, core addition to
professional, art school, community and university library 20th Century Art History collections
with respect to the development of figural sculpture in America.
The Watercolor Artist's Flower Handbook
Patricia Seligman
Watson Guptill
770 Broadway, New York NY 10003
0823056163 $19.95 1-800-451-1741
Any amateur artist interested in learning via the sketching efforts of others will find these
step-by-step techniques in The Watercolor Artist's Flower Handbook: Leading Floral Artists
Show How To Capture The Beauty Of Flowers to be specific and easy to follow. Thirteen leading
floral artists offer insights on how they work, from choosing materials to sketching and producing
polished results. Add ready-to-point postcards bound into the book and you have an extraordinary
beginner's kit.
The Art Of Stephen Huneck
Laura Beach
Harry Abrams
100 - 5th Avenue, New York NY 10011
0810955989 $50.00 1-800-759-0190
To aptly describe in text one Stephen Huneck's art, it might be best to rely on the succinct quote
from Arts and Antiques Magazine: "If Walt Disney had ever met Rene Magritte and the two had
decided to make furniture together, they'd have produced something close to Stephen Huneck's
work." However, for an even better description, turn to Laura Beach's definitive Art Of Stephen
Huneck: it packs in full-page, color reproductions of his work - sometimes as full as 2-page
spreads - and accompanies these with clear details on the artist and his works. Highly
recommended as the definitive work on Stephen Huneck's art.
UCLA Fowler Museum of History
PO Box 951549, L.A., CA 90095-1549
Two fine titles cover very different art topics, and are recommended picks for college-level
collections seeking specialty items. Patrick Arthur Polk's Botanica Los Angeles: Latino Popular
Religious Art In The City Of Angels (0974872903) packs in color pictures of art with interviews
with artists and insights on Latino religious beliefs. Articles range from coverages of sites of
healing to objects of devotion, surveying religion as an intrinsic subject of Latino art. Unwrapping
The Textile Traditions Of Madagascar by Chapurukha M. Kusimba, J. Claire Odlund and Bennett
Bronson (0930741951) provides textile artists with a fine review of the island's textile artists. This
isn't just a review of art alone, however: cultural traditions are probed in depth, usage customs
and rituals examined, and first-person accounts of encounters often assume travelogue discovery
patterns of excitement and intimacy.
Weirdo Deluxe
Matt Dukes Jordan
Chronicle Books
85 - 2nd Street, 6th Floor, San Francisco CA 94105
081184241X $24.95 1-800-722-6657
'Lowbrow art' blends pop culture, street culture, pop art and surrealism with a strong focus on
controversial sub-cultures from bikers to 60s sitcoms. It's about time that a thorough coverage of
this genre is presented, and Painter and journalist Matt Dukes Jordan provides a spirited
assessment of the high points of lowbrow in Weirdo Deluxe: The Wild World Of Pop Surrealism
& Lowbrow Art. Full-page color reproductions of such art, from labels to paintings, present both
art displays and commentary on the artists creating them.
Complete Guide For Models
Eric Bean & Jenni Bidner
Lark Books
67 Broadway, Asheville, SC 28801
1579905765 $19.95 www.larkbooks.com
It's fitting that art and crafts book publisher Lark Books should then move to a book on
photographic modeling, Complete Guide For Models: Inside Advice From Industry Pros: it's a
logical transition and offers the power of an art book publisher paired with the expertise of a
fashion photographer and fashion editor. Models will learn all the basics of what it takes to
become a model for the artist; from posing for commercial print ads to special opportunities for
men, women and child models. Complete Guide For Models could have easily been featured in
our 'Business and Careers' section, but is profiled here so artists and art library holdings will catch
sight of it: it's an important, recommended instructional guide for the reference collections of
artschool, artists and sculptors.
On Becoming An Artist
Ellen J. Langer
Ballantine Books
1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036
0345456297 $24.95 1-800-726-0600
The word 'someday' can be another word for 'never', when prejudices, unproductive thinking
patterns, and negativity get in the way of creativity and artistic expression. All it takes to become
an artist, psychologist Ellen Langer maintains, is to start doing art. Her insights on preconceptions
and barriers to producing art encourage readers to just go ahead and create.
Fine Art Publicity
Susan Abbott
Allworth Press
10 E. 53rd Street, #510, NY, NY 10010
1581154011 $19.95 www.allworth.com
The majority of art career guides come from either career counselors or artists themselves, so it's
refreshing to note that Fine Art Publicity: The Complete Guide For Galleries And Artists,
appearing in its second updated edition, is written by an industry publicist backed by the
knowledge of her profession. Galleries and artists receive the basics of marketing to the art
community; from researching a media list for both local and national contacts to locating
businesses connected to the arts, and gathering a library of samples for targeted publicity contacts.
Simply an outstanding reference; a 'must' for aspiring artists and gallery owners alike.
Animal Anatomy For Artists
Eliot Goldfinger
Oxford University Press
198 Madison Ave., NY, NY 10016-4314
0195142144 $50.00 1-800-451-7556
Artists who plan on focusing on animals had better pick up a copy of Animal Anatomy For
Artists: The Elements Of Form: a virtual 'Bible' of animal anatomy, is features over five hundred
original drawings and over seventy photos which painters, sculptors, and illustrators can use to
understand the underlying anatomy of a range of common and wild animals. Forms created by
muscles and bones provide artists with a three-dimensional figure of the final surface of the
animal, while Goldfinger provides discussions of how each piece of animal anatomy interacts with
The Business Shelf
Effective Writing For The Quality Professional
Jane Campanizzi
600 North Plankinton Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53201-3005
0873896254 $30.00 www.asq.org
The ability to articulately speak and write is essential for professional success in an increasingly
global and competitive marketplace. Effective Writing For The Quality Professional: Creating
Useful Letters, Reports, And Procedures by Joan Campanizzi (Adjunct Faculty/Communication
Strategies and ESL Professor, Franklin University, Columbus, Ohio) shows just how to apply
effective writing techniques and strategies to meet the needs of any organizational demand,
including effectively communicating through the written word with co-workers and customers.
This small, pocket-sized, spiral bound begins with an explanation of the value of effective writing
in the workplace, continues with presenting language techniques for effective writing, with
subsequent chapters dealing with formatting techniques, basic correspondence, writing effective
definitions, summaries, and descriptions, writing effective instructions and procedures, reports and
proposals, and delivering effective management presentations. Enhanced with three useful
appendices: "Eliminating Waste Words"; "U.S. Postal Service State/Territory Abbreviation
Codes"; "User Manual Style Sheets (Example)"; and an index, Effective Writing For The Quality
Professional is an invaluable and instructive reference for anyone having to communicate through
writing within the context of the professional lives and businesses.
Show Me QuickBooks 2005
Gail Perry
Que Publishing
801 E. 96th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46240
0789733293 $21.99 1-800-428-5331
Decidedly the most "user friendly" instruction and reference manual on QuickBooks 2005, Gail
Perry's Show Me QuickBooks 2005 will help even the most novice reader learn how to visually
how to perform tasks using this leading accounting software designed specifically for small
businesses and the self-employed. Answers to their questions can be quickly found and visually
displayed with this user-friendly method of training. Each task includes a screen-by-screen visual
accompanied by a concise text description that makes performing everyday tasks quick and
simple. If you operate a small business or are self-employed, then Show Me QuickBooks 2005 is
the ideal, 432-page instructional manual that will meet your every accounting and financial record
keeping need.
Harvard Business School Press
60 Harvard Way, Boston, MA 02163
$39.95 Each www.HBSPress.org
HR professionals and would-be pros will want to acquire and keep these industry-specific
'Business Literacy for HR Professionals' guides close at hand: they cover some essential topics in
depth, outlining key concepts, strategies, and procedures. The Essentials Of Negotiation
(1591395-747) covers preparation techniques, tactics, project tailoring and considerations of both
peers and bosses. HR pros must be effective negotiators to serve effectively in their roles, and all
the fundamentals of a successful negotiator's concerns are covered. The Essentials Of Finance
And Budgeting (1591395720) focuses on understanding and applying key financial statements,
making accurate budgets and forecasts, and understanding tax laws and their impact on the
organization. Important accounting concepts are outlined, investment and management decisions
reviewed, and all applicable financial measures analyzed. With their HR-specific focus, these two
references will earn a place in both corporate reference libraries and in classroom
Mastering Book-Keeping
Dr. Peter Marshall
How To Books/Parkwest, dist.
Box 20261, New York NY 10025-1512
1857038975 $22.75 1-646-215-9003
What are the basics of 'double-entry accounting', and how can it be done? This totally updated 6th
edition of a popular study covers all the basics of bookkeeping, from handling petty cash and
using spreadsheets to account for VAT taxes, a British tax system. While there are a few
principles such as VAT which are UK-specific, plenty of solid and easily-transferred basics will
easy cross country lines to appeal to a world-wide audience. Mastering Book-Keeping is highly
recommended, especially for those relatively new to the complexities of corporate bookkeeping in
multinational companies.
The Social Issues Shelf
Imperial Hubris
Michael Scheuer
Potomac Books
22841 Quicksilver Dr., Dulles, VA 20166
1574888625 $17.95 1-800-775-2518
Want clear insights on the West's 'war on terrorism' and why it's losing? You can't go wrong with
Imperial Hubris: Why The West Is Losing The War. While this already was a national bestseller in
hardcover, here it appears with a new epilogue updating information on the latest Bush
administration attempts to counter terrorism. Chapters provide a critical analysis of the terrorist
threat, denounce the latest counter-terrorist efforts, and challenges politicians and common
readers alike to understand the terrorist threat. A 'must' for any seriously concerned about not just
the terrorist threat, but what's being done to combat it.
No Place To Hide
Robert O'Harrow, Jr.
The Free Press
1230 Ave. of the Americas, NY NY 10020
0743254805 $16.00 1-800-223-2336
Set in the post-9/11 atmosphere of today's world Washington Post reporter Robert O'Harrow Jr.'s
No Place To Hide details the new ways private data and technology companies and government
anti-terror rules and methods are creating a new security-industrial complex, probing the private
lives of Americans in the name of homeland security. From cell phone monitoring by the phone
company and new car devices which enable companies to track a consumer's movements from
afield to software links, O'Harrow details not just the threats - this has been done before - but
those who are key players in producing threats to privacy. An intriguing, eye-opening
Project Beta
Greg Bishop
191 - 7th Ave. Suite 2F, NY, NY 10011
0743470923 $14.00 www.paraview.com
In 1978 Paul Bennewitz, an electrical physicist in New Mexico, began monitoring the radio
transmissions of the nearby Sandia Labs, convinced the strange lights hovering over the labs
were evidence of an extraterrestrial alien invasion. His letter-writing campaign to the media and
even the President to alert them resulted in an alliance between Air Force investigators and Bill
Moore, author of the first Roswell incident book to keep tabs on him. The mystery eventually
drove Bennewitz to a mental institution and the alliance prompted the spread of misinformation
on the topic which began in 1989 and continues to this day. Project Beta is informative, engaging
reading from cover to cover.
Corporate Scandals
Kenneth R. Gray, et al.
Paragon House
2285 University Avenue West, St. Paul, MN 55114
1557788383 $19.95 paragonhouse.com
The collaboration work of Kenneth R. Gray (eminent Scholar Chair Professor of International
Management, School of Business and Industry, Florida A&M University-Tallahassee), Larry A.
Frieder (Eminent Scholar Chair Professor of Financial Services, School of Business and Industry,
Florida A&M University-Tallahassee), and George W. Clark, Jr. (Associate Professor of
Organizational Behavior and Ethics, School of Business & Industry, Florida A&M University),
Corporate Scandals: The Many Faces Of Greed focuses on the nature of corporate scandals,
offering the reader a brief history of business scandals, addressing issues of corporate malfeasance
including fraud, regulatory laxity, and theft; governmental attempts to address corporate crime,
the pervasive extent of executive impropriety and vice, recommendations for dealing with
corporate illegalities in the future, and reflections on the nature and impact of corporate scandals
on the business community and the general American public. Corporate Scandals should be on the
reading list of corporate CEO and mandatory reading for every student in a "Business Ethics"
class in every college and university Business School in the country.
The Education Shelf
Ivey Guide To Law School Admissions
Anna Ivey
525 "B" Street, San Diego, CA 92101
0156029790 $14.00 1-800-543-1918
Law school applicants have questions about everything from how to stand out from the crowd
during admissions to explaining bad grades or background: Anna Ivey's Guide To Law School
Admissions; Straight Advice On Essays, Resumes, Interviews, And More is the place to get
answers. Ivey is former Dean of Admissions at the University of Chicago Law School, so she has
the insider's background to handle such questions with authority. Chapters discuss strategies
which make applicants special - and accepted.
Bringing Transformative Learning To Life
Kathleen P. King
Krieger Publishing Company
PO Box 9542, Melbourne, FL 32902-9542
1575242532 $27.50 1-800-724-0025
Adult education theory and programming expert Kathleen P. King presents Bringing
Transformative Learning To Life, a presentation of the transformative learning model for the adult
education classroom. Bringing Transformative Learning To Life uses stories based on research
and the author's personal experience with adult educators in a wide variety of settings, from
English as a second language to adult basic education, workplace education, and faculty
development. Chapters describe how the Transformative Learning Opportunities Model can be
put into effective practice in order to facilitate the absorption of ideas, skills, and techniques in
this scholarly yet highly useful guide for rethinking core adult education practices. Highly
recommended for anyone involved in the field of adult education, whether as a teacher, aide, or
program planner.
A Place To Call Home
Barton J. Hirsch
American Psychological Association
750 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20002
1591472024 $49.95 1-800-368-5777
The result of an impressive and accessible scholarship, A Place To Call Home: After-School
Program For Urban Youth by Barton J. Hirsch (Professor of Human Development and Social
Policy, Northwestern University) is the result of research conducted by the author over a
four-year period at six Boys & Girls Clubs located in low-income, predominately minority, urban
neighborhoods. This study documents the crucial support that after-school programs provide
urban youth with case illustrations, insightful analysis, and verbatim field notes. Enhanced with an
extensive bibliography and an index, A Place To Call Home is strongly recommended reading for
students of Urban Studies, Child Psychology, Education and School-Age Child Care issues.
The Gardening Shelf
Timber Press Pocket Guide To Shade Perennials
W. George Schmid
Timber Press
133 S.W. Second Avenue, Suite 450, Portland OR 97204-3527
0881927090 $19.95 1-800-327-5680
In Timber Press Pocket Guide To Shade Perennials, botanist, horticulturalist, landscape architect,
and gardener W. George Schmid draws upon his immense expertise and experience to provide a
thoroughly "user friendly", profusely illustrated guide to more than one thousand readily available
shade perennials along with their individual growing conditions including definitions of shade
intensities, basic information on cultivation, maintenance of shade perennials, dealing with their
pests and diseases, as well invaluable lists of plants for specific landscape uses. The handy size of
Timber Press Pocket Guide To Shade Perennials makes it the ideal take-along reference guide for
non-specialist general readers wanting to "do it yourself" with respect to landscaping and
gardening their properties, while at the same time, Timber Press Pocket Guide To Shade
Perennials is an ideal reference for personal, academic, community, and professional library
horticultural and gardening reference collections. If you want to have a shade garden that will
maximize plant diversity and esthetics, then you need George Schmid's Timber Press Pocket
Guide To Shade Perennials!
The Remarkable Babab
Thomas Pakenham
W.W. Norton
500 - 5th Ave., New York NY 10110
0393059898 $19.95 1-800-233-4830
The Remarkable Baobab deserves no singular audience mind: it will attract attention from
naturalists, armchair travel readers, botanists, and adventure readers alike. Thomas Pakenham
followed in the footsteps of an 18th century French naturalist who first brought baobabs to the
attention of Westerners: his travels took him to the heart of Africa, to Australia's outback, and
even to Hawaii and Miami as he traces the qualities and persistence of these ancient trees.
Pakenham's purpose is to convey a sense of wonder and discovery, not to provide a technical
scientist's botanical reference: in this purpose he succeeds, with lively and wonderful celebratory
descriptions and photos alike.
The American Horticultural Society A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants
Christopher Brickell & H. Marc Cathey
DK Publishing
375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014
0756606160 $80.00 www.dk.com
If only one detailed, weighty horticultural identification guide were to be selected for a
discriminating public library collection, make it The American Horticultural Society A-Z
Encyclopedia of Garden Plants: well over a thousand pages of small print packed with small color
photos lends to a reference filled with descriptions, Latin names and varieties, and details on
everything from ornamental trees and ground covers to bulbs and grasses. Even aquatics and
herbs are included in an edition fully revised since the original published seven years ago. Over
2,000 genera and 15,000 individual plants pack this comprehensive reference, organized into a
plant directory which features plants that will thrive in all hardiness zones in US and Canada. An
outstanding, 'must have' reference, assuring gardeners hours of well-researched plant
The Edible Garden
Sunset Publishing
80 Willow Rd. , Menlo Park, CA 94025
0376031700 $19.95 1-800-643-8030
The Edible Garden is a practical, easy guide to growing fresh fruits and vegetables. There are a
host of unusual ideas here, from kid-friendly projects to different techniques, streamlining
gardening processes, and handling diseases, crop rotation needs, and special care. A fine
beginner's guide.
The Environmental Studies Shelf
Rendezvous With The Wild
James Raffan, Editor
Boston Mills Press/Firefly Books
155 E. 34th St. #5B, New York Ny 10016
1550464221 $39.95 1-800-387-5085
Canada's boreal region cover over a billion acres from Newfoundland to the Yukon, and is still an
intact, living environment with healthy wildlife populations and clean rivers: that's what makes it
unique in today's world, and why Rendezvous With The Wild: The Boreal Forest is such an
important celebration of the region. The book is part of a national project to educate the public
about the forest's importance: chapters use journal notes, sketches, photos, art images, and songs
to capture the thoughts of a project Boreal Rendezvous, which brought together Canadians on a
series of ten river canoe trips from one side of the boreal to the other. A gorgeous tribute and
celebration for any outdoors enthusiast.
The World History Shelf
The Friar And The Cipher
Lawrence Goldstone & Nancy Goldstone
1745 Broadway, New York NY 10019
0767914732 $26.00 1-800-726-0600
In 1912 one Wilfrid Voynich, a London rare book dealer, discovered a strange manuscript in a
secluded Italian castle written in cipher which stymied code-breakers up to modern times. No, the
Goldstones haven't broken the code: what they have done in The Friar And The Cipher: Roger
Bacon And The Most Unusual Manuscript In The World is to provide a history of its possibilities
and along with it, a scientific survey and examination of its lasting effects. The Goldstones use
Roger Bacon, possible author of the manuscript, as a focal point for a history of the man, his
times, and the evolution of code in response to an effort to keep evolving scientific pursuits secret
from the church. A captivating survey emerges.
The Theatre/Media Shelf
American Science Fiction TV
Jan Johnson-Smith
Wesleyan University Press
215 Long Lane, Middletown, CT 06459
0819567388 $22.95 1-800-421-1561
American Science Fiction TV: Star Trek, Stargate And Beyond by Jan Johnson-Smith (Senior
Lecturer in Film and Television Theory, Bournemouth University Media School, United
Kingdom) surveys the development of science fiction television over the last twenty years with a
special focus on narrative, imagery, and ideology. The author makes some fascinating connections
between the ancient tradition of the epic journey with the more recent American tradition of the
"Wild West". The reader is shown how themes of journey and exploration, and the archetypal
characters associated with these themes, have continued from ancient times to the modern era.
Johnson-Smith utilizes case studies of several key science fiction series including "Babylon 5",
"StarGate SG-1"; "Space: Above and Beyond", and others to reveal common narrative patterns
and visual styles. These case studies explore diverse themes including politics, ideology, race and
ethnicity, gender difference, militarism, and the use of science fiction narratives as allegories of
present-day social and political issues. American Science Fiction TV will prove of immense
interest to students of American Popular Culture, the history of American television
programming, and fans of fantasy and science-fiction.
Kingdom Of Heaven
Ridley Scott
Newmarket Press
18 East 48th Street, New York, NY 10017
1557046611 $19.95 1-800-669-3903
The latest entry in the acclaimed "Newmarket Pictorial Moviebook" series, Kingdom Of Heaven:
The Ridley Scott Film And The History Behind The Story is the definitive film documentary of
"Kingdom of Heaven", the large-scale historical epic about the Crusades that pitted the forces of
King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem against the armies of the Saracen general Saladin. Directed by
Ridley Scale and starring Orlando Bloom, the commentary is in two major parts: "Kingdoms in
the Holy Land: The Crusades and the Film Story" and "Swords and Stones: How Kingdom of
Heaven Was Made". This informative guide to the film and its making is enthusiastically
recommended for fans of the film, as well as professional, academic, and community library
Cinematic Studies reference collections.
Excelsior, You Fathead!
Eugene B. Bergmann
Applause Books
151 W. 46th St., New York NY 10036
1557836000 $27.95 1-800-637-2852
Jean Shepherd was a humorist most commonly known for his creation A Christmas Story, about a
child who wants a BB gun for Christmas and gets into trouble with it - but this isn't the extent of
Shepherd's creations by a long shot: many consider him to be the Mark Twain of his day, fostering
late night radio without a script and becoming a master of talk radio. He also promoted a
nonexistent book and author, then brought it into existence, as well as creating many books of
satire and humor along the way. Author Eugene Bergmann began listening to the Jean Shepherd
radio shows in 1956, has studied hundreds of the broadcasts, and has reviewed all of Shepherd's
work in other media: Excelsior, You Fathead! The Art And Enigma Of Jean Shepherd deeply
delves into Shepherd's creations and personality and is a 'must' for any fan of either Shepherd or
early radio humor.
It's One O'Clock And Here Is Mary Margaret McBride
Susan Ware
New York University Press
838 Broadway, 3rd Fl, NY, NY 10003
0814794017 $29.95 1-800-996-6987
If you don't recognize the name of radio personality Mary Marget McBride, don't worry: she was
one of the major radio show hosts of the 1940s and 1950s and had her own popular daily one
o'clock broadcast where she interested presidents and famous personalities alike. Five decades
after their broadcast her shows still hold relevance today: Susan Ware explores how Mary
McBride influenced formats many talk shows still use, capturing the world of 1930s to 1950s
radio broadcasting in all its social and political importance. It's One O'clock is the first in-depth
examination of McBride's popularity and radio show, following both her life and upbringing and
her impact on media as a whole. Susan Ware edits the biographical dictionary Notable American
Women and is in the perfect position to lend depth and authority to McBride's achievements.
Sing For Your Supper
Ethan Mordden
175 - 5th Avenue, New York NY 10010
0312239513 $26.95 www.palgrave.com
Fans of Broadway productions in general and musicals in particular won't want to miss the
Broadway musical history provided by Ethan Mordden in Sing For Your Supper: The Broadway
Musical In The 1930s. The 1930s were a period of depression for most Americans: it was also an
era when Broadway produced some of the most enjoyable, fun productions ever. Mordden's
long-time interest in Broadway productions and history has resulted in several other titles on
various topics: this, more than most, covers the innovations and temperament of the times; from
the evolution of operatic theatre and burlesque to circus productions and dance. History blends
well with a lively overview of notable musical developments of the times.
The Hollywood Standard
Christopher Riley
Michael Wiese Publications
11288 Ventura Blvd., #621, Studio City, Ca 91604
1932907017 $18.95 www.mwp.com
Thousands of fine scripts never get read because their format is wrong: in Hollywood, first
impressions and amateur productions can kill an otherwise-solid presentation. That's why
would-be script writers can't afford to live without Christopher Riley's The Hollywood Standard:
The Complete & Authoritative Guide To Script Format And Style. Riley ran the script processing
department at Warner Brothers and was the studio's script format guru, so he's got the credentials
of authority to produce a winning guide covering everything from scene headings and pace
control to managing POV shots and more. Quite simply, a 'must' reference for any up to the
Bright Boulevards, Bold Dreams
Donald Bogle
One World Books/Ballantine Books
1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036
0345454189 $26.95 oneworldbooks.net
Donald Bogle's account of black Hollywood's underground over a span of sixty years uses
interviews and the personal recollections of Hollywood luminaries to create a unique history.
Bright Boulevards, Bold Dreams: The Story Of Black Hollywood probes the careers of famous
and lesser-known actors, the supporting members of the black community who spread gossip, did
hair, and interacted with the Hollywood personalities, and the differences between the
better-known Hollywood vision and Black Hollywood. An intriguing, unique history.
The Journalism Shelf
Davis Merritt
1601 Broadway, New York NY 10019
0814408540 $24.95 1-800-250-5308
Knightfall: Knight Ridder And How The Erosion Of Newspaper Journalism Is Putting Democracy
At Risk is more than a survey of one company's rise and fall: it draws important links between
democratic free speech and free press issues and Knight Ridder's development. Chapters consider
the financial reality of newspaper business, methods for remaining profitable, and the effects on
democracy of newspaper corporate strategies and concerns.
I Watched A Wild Hog Eat My Baby!
Bill Sloan
Prometheus Books
59 John Glenn Dr, Amherst, NY 14228
1573929026 $25.00 1-800-421-0351
We all let our eyes at least wander to tabloid newspaper headlines in the supermarket; but ever
wonder who's behind them? Finally: here's an expose of the personalities who built the tabloids,
with interviews by Bill Sloan providing insider's insights into the strange business. From roots of
the tabs in soft-core smut to their current focus on celebrity sensationalism, pop culture is
presented at its best - and most outrageous - in a zany story. I Watched A Wild Hog Eat My
Baby: A Colorful History Of Tabloids And Their Cultural Impact is especially commended to the
attention of students in Journalism, American Popular Culture, and anyone who has ever plucked
one up while in a supermarket checkout counter.
The Railroading Shelf
Tourist Trains 2005
Empire State Railway Museum
Kalmbach Publishing Company
PO Box 1612, Waukesha, WI 53187
0871162148 $17.95 1-800-533-6644
Tourist Trains 2005 is the Empire State Railway Museum's 40th annual guide to tourist railroads
and museums. Packed into this 456-page guidebook are more than five hundred railroad-related
attractions accessible to the general public, along with listings for attractions that offer trains
rides. Included for this rides are listings of their hours, fees, directions, and other pertinent
information. Tourist Trains 2005 even offers coupons for discounts on ticket prices! Very highly
recommended for the reference collections of dedicated railroading enthusiasts, Tourist Trains
2005 is also of considerable value for planning family vacations for those who want to incorporate
their appreciation and enjoyment of America's railroads and railroading history into the life
experiences of the children.
The Tootin' Louie
Don L. Hofsommer
University of Minnesota Press
111 Third Ave. South, Suite 290, Minneapolis, MN 55401-2520
0816643660 $39.95 upress.umn.edu
If railroad history in general is a passion and Midwest or St. Louis rail history in particular is of
interest, you won't want to miss history professor Don L. Hofasommer's vivid The Tootin' Louie:
A History Of The Minneapolis & St. Louis Railway. Here's an entire coverage of the railway and
its extensive cross-state service areas which relies on primary research documents including
station records and dispatcher reports to bring to life the rail's people and community interactions.
Vintage black and white photos, illustrations, and maps pepper an extensive coverage which is a
highly recommended pick indeed.
The Antiques/Collectibles Shelf
Krause Publications
700 East State St., Iola, WI 54990
Four excellent new collector's guides are top picks for Ebay salespeople, garage sale enthusiasts,
or specialty collectors. Stuart W. Wells III's Warman's Star Wars Field Guide: Identification And
Values (08968-91348, $12.99) provides a thick yet truly pocket-sized tote perfect for bringing
along to that auction or flea market, pairing over two hundred color photos with thousands of
Star Wars memorabilia listings. From cards and action figures to coins, models and paper
collectibles, Warman's Star Wars Field Guide is the perfect take-along companion - as is Leigh
Leshner's Warman's Jewelry Field Guide: Values And Identification (98734-99824, $12.99),
which provides hundreds of listing, 400 color photos and illustrations, and a handy alphabetical
arrangement by jewelry genre for quick consultation. Both are excellent guides for hitting the
road. And speaking of jewelry, Leigh Leshner's Collecting Art Plastic Jewelry: Identification And
Price Guide (0873499-549, $24.99) may not be small-sized, but packs in the reference details on
art plastic jewelry, covering celluloid, Bakelite and more and including nearly 400 color photos
throughout. Since the works of modern designers are typically lost in the focus on antiques alone,
Collecting Art Plastic Jewelry is especially important, filling a gap in details on collectible modern
pieces. Alex G. Malloy's Comics Values Annual 2005 (0873499638, $19.99) packs in updated
values listings for nearly 100,000 comics from the Golden Age to modern times. It's the tab
references, index, and very latest collectible prices which makes Comics Values Annual 2005 so
important to any serious collector.
Complete Price Guide To Watches
Cooksey Shugart, et.al.
TinderBox Press/Collector Books, dist.
PO Box 3009, Paducah, KY 42002-3009
1574324594 $29.95 1-800-626-5420
There have been thousands of price changes in the watch world - and that makes the new 2005
edition of Complete Price Guide To Watches an important acquisition for avid watch collectors --
even those with last year's edition. Values are the meat of the weighty, 1,000+ page guide, with
small black and white photos liberally presented on every page. It is no exaggeration to claim the
Complete Price Guide To Watches as the dedicated watch collector's 'bible'.
Helmut Kahlert, et al.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd.
4880 Lower Valley Rd, Atglen, PA 19310
0764321374 $79.95 schifferbooks.com
Now in a newly revised fifth edition, Wristwatches: History Of A Century's Development by
Helmut Kahlert, Richard Muhe and Gisbert L. Brunner, is an extraordinary, high-quality, in-depth
guide meant especially for collectors but also filled with fascinating information for lay readers
curious about the technological, sociological, and economic factors that have not only contributed
to the development of the wristwatch, but made the portable clock an important part of world
history. Over 1990 black-and-white and color photographs abound throughout this lavish
compendium, which includes extensively detailed essays on the origin of the wristwatch, its
distinctive features versus the pocket watch, its basic construction and function, self-winding
watches, special types of wristwatches, preservation and care of wristwatches, and much more.
Express focus is given to various name brands and types of wristwatches throughout the past
century, with many photos, capsule descriptions, and sample prices for classic watches.
Wristwatches: History Of A Century's Development is truly an outstanding reference for
hobbyists and historians alike.
How To Restore Classic Farmall Tractors
Tharran E. Gaines
Voyageur Press
123 North Second Street, Stillwater MN 55082-0338
0896580571 $29.95 1-800-888-9653
How To Restore Classic Farmall Tractors: The Ultimate Do-It-Yourself Guide To Rebuilding
And Restoring is a no-nonsense, in-depth how-to manual for collectors, hobbyists, and even
professionals. Chapters cover how to repair, restore, and spruce up every part of vintage Farmall
tractors, from engine repair to the clutch, tires, hydraulic system, electrical system, cooling
system, fuel system, sheet metal, paint job, decals, and much more. Black-and-white and color
photographs, explicit diagrams, and thorough instructions in layman's language distinguish How
To Restore Classic Farmall Tractors. A fascinating guide for classic tractor enthusiasts and
hobbyists and an invaluable resource for anyone determined to get their classic Farmall tractor in
the best possible condition.
The Audiobook Shelf
Broken Angels
Richard K. Morgan
Tantor Media, Inc.
114 Mill Rock Road East, Old Saybrook, CT 06475
1400101387 $42.99 1-877-782-6867
The sequel to "Altered Carbon", which won the Philip K. Dick Award, Broken Angels continues
the science fiction exploits of cynical, quick-draw diplomat turned sleuth turned mercenary
Takeshi Kovacs. Set in the twenty-first century, when death is little more than an inconvenience
due to the technology's ability to preserve human consciousness and download it into new bodies,
Broken Angels follows Kovacs, his trustworthy twin Kalashnikovs, and a band of resurrected
soldiers in search of an ancient yet salvageable alien spacecraft. Yet the prize they seek is so
deadly it could spell extinction for the human race, in this two-fisted, double-barrelled sci-fi thrill
ride tantalizingly narrated by Todd McLaren. 13 CDs, 16.5 hours, unabridged.
Village Of The Small Houses
Ian Ferguson
BTC Audio Books
c/o Goose Lane Editions
469 King Street, Fredericton, NB, Canada, E3B 1E5
0864923953 $19.95 1-888-926-8377
Written and narrated by author Ian Ferguson, Village Of The Small Houses: A Memoir Of Sorts
is an hilarious and highly recommended account of growing up poor in the far north when in
1959, just ahead of the law, Ferguson's con-artist father Hank headed up north in a delapidated
Mercury Zephyr with his pregnant wife, Louise. Hank got as far as isolated Fort Vermilion where
he passed himself off as a teacher at the "Indian school" and settled his ever-expanding family in a
house devoid of plumbing and electricity. The lively recounting of a scrappy childhood, Ferguson
interweaves truth, tall-tale exag-geration, and a memorable case of growing up among lovable
misfits in this 2 CD, 2 1/2 hour autobiographical account.
O'Black And Unknown Bards And Other Poems
James Weldon Johnson
MasterBuy Audiobooks
PO Box 183, NY, NY 10007
0974208817 $30.00
O'Black And Unknown Bards And Other Poems is an impressive audio CD collection of 65
poems initially published in 1917 by African-American poet James Weldon Johnson (1871-1938),
who also served as a college professor, newspaper editor, US diplomatic service consul, and head
of the foremost African-American protest organization during his life. The cornerstone poem,
"Fifty Years", was written commemoration of the half-century anniversary of Lincoln's
Emancipation Proclamation. Drawing on the traditions of "sorrow songs", also known as
spirituals, once sung by slaves as an expression of faith and hope as surely as their grief, O'Black
and Unknown Bards is a treasury that resonates as clearly and powerfully now as it did almost a
century ago. Professional actors Michael Collins, Anne Mitchell, and Michelle Lyons read the
poems with professional skill, flair, and reverent emotion. Highly recommended. 2 CDs, 1 hour 20
The Voice Of The Poet
J.D. McClatchy, editor
Books On Tape, Inc.
400 Hahn Road, Westminister, MD 21157
$24.00 each 1-800-541-5525
Books On Tape is a premier publisher of complete and unabridged audio books in both cassette
and CD formats. Now Books On Tape debuts a remarkable and unique series showcasing major
20th Century American poets reading from their own work. Each of the six volumes commencing
these outstanding one hour CD productions includes rare archival recordings and an
accompanying 64-page book with the text of the poetry, a bibliography, and an informed and
informative commentary by poet and literary critic J.D. McClatchy (editor of "The Yale Review.
The series features William Carlos Williams (14159-20397); T.S. Eliot (1415920370); Langston
Hughes (1415920362); E. E. Cummings (1415920354); W. H. Auden (141-5920346); and
American Wits (1415920-346) which includes Dorothy Parker (1893-1967), Ogden Nash
(1902-1971), and Phyllis McGinley (1095-1978). While highly recommended for anyone who
enjoys poetry, the impressive production values of this unique series, combined with the ability to
hear the poets work in their own voice, make The Voice Of The Poet series an indispensable, core
addition to highschool, college, and university collections.
Car Talk: Maternal Combustion
Highbridge Audio
33 S. 6th St., CC-2205, Minneapolis, MN 55402
1565119800 $13.95 1-800-847-5515
The Magliozzi brothers (a.k.a. the Tappet Brothers) here answer calls about and from mothers,
giving funny advice on cars in their latest issue Car Talk: Maternal Combustion. In case you don't
know them or their show, the brothers narrate the award-winning 'Car Talk' radio broadcast
weekly on National Public Radio stations across the nation, accepting call-in questions addressed
with a heavy dose of humor. Fans and newcomers of CAR TALK won't be disappointed in the
one hour program of hilarity offered on Maternal Combustion: Calls About Moms And Cars.
The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
Douglas Adams
Audio Partners Publishing
1133 High Street, Auburn, CA 95603
1572704691 $29.95 1-800-788-3123
Now available in the U.S. for the first time, The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy: The Tertiary
Phase is the audiobook radio dramatization of the third volume of Douglas Adams' "trilogy in five
parts". Originally published in print as "Life, the Universe, and Everything", and adapted to a
full-cast radio play featuring the late Douglas Adams himself in the role of Agrajag, The
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy: The Tertiary Phase follows unlikely protagonists Arthur Dent
and Ford Prefect in a bizarre quest to find their way home, towel themselves off and save the
Universe, not necessarily in that order. Side-splittingly funny, featuring 6 complete radio episodes
specially extended for CD, The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy: The Tertiary Phase is an
absolute "must" for true fans of Adams' classic comedy series. 3 CDs, 3 hours 10 minutes.
Brilliance Audio
PO Box 887, Grand Haven, MI 49417
1-800-854-7859 brillianceaudio.com
Audio narrator Dick Hill must have done hundreds of productions by now, and his voice doesn't
pale over time but gets stronger. The addition of his seasoned voice to Stephen White's gripping
thriller Missing Persons (1593555644, $26.95) reflects the perfect meld between reader and
psycho-thriller. Psychologist Alan Gregory finds himself involved when friend and fellow therapist
Hannah dies at the office mysteriously, leaving a host of questions and some clues only Alan can
decipher. A powerful audio thriller keeps listeners on their seats. Dick Hill also lends his
exceptional skills to Randy Wayne White's Dead Of Night (1596008-482, $26.95), in which Doc
Ford checks out a reclusive biologist brother for a friend, only to find himself involved in one of
the worst crime scenes preceding a Florida nightmare. The tension is gripping. There are more
veteran narrators paired with veteran writers offered by Brilliance on cd this month: notables such
as Laural Merlington, who narrates Stewart O'Nan's The Good Wife (1596002913, $29.95),
telling of two men who break into a house and kill an old woman, leading a pregnant wife to face
her husband's twenty-eight years of incarceration, or veteran Patrick Lawlor's gripping narration
of Michael Winerip's Adam Canfield Of The Slash (1597370916, $26.95, telling of a star reporter
kid who becomes co-editor of The Slash, only to find himself immersed in a plot. Veteran David
Colacci lends his smooth and excellent skills reading Jonathan King's Max Freeman novel A
Killing Night (1593553129, $34.95), displaying Max at a crossroads as he seeks to move beyond
isolation to return to high-profile crime investigations. Max finds himself caught between two
loyalties to friends as he faces a dangerous search for truth in Philadelphia's back streets. Nevada
Barr's Hard Truth (1590866657, $26.95) faces Joyce Bean's warm, skilled voice which provides a
seasoned touch to the Anan Pigeon character. Anna here moves to Colorado to become a new
district park ranger, where three girls have disappeard during a religious retreat. Her probe into
the mystery reveals a park danger which could change her life. Anne Perry's Long Spoon Lane
(1596002735, $26.95) receives Michael Page's excellent style and ability to bring to life the story
of one Thomas Pitt, summoned to Long Spoon Lane where anarchists are plotting an attack
involving bombs and the poor. Terrorism becomes mixed up with politics and social issues in this
thriller. Be warned: D.J. MacHale's Pendragon is Book One in the 'Merchant of Death' series
(1597372374, $29.95); William Dufris hopefully is prepared to lend his excellent, lively voice to
the rest of the effort opened by this story of one Bobby Pendragon, a teen on a mission to save
the world. Swept into an alternate dimension known as Denduron, where magic rules, Bobby
finds his mission extends to both worlds in this gripping fantasy.
Against All Enemies
Richard A. Clarke
Recorded Books, LLC
270 Skip Jack Road, Prince Frederick, MD 20678
1419315064 $TBA 1-800-638-1304
Written by the counterterrorism czar for presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, and
grippingly narrated by Alan Nebelthau, Against All Enemies: Inside America's War On Terror is
the audiobook indictment of the failures, mistakes, greed, and self-serving agendas of the Bush
administration and key members such as Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz, as they used the
tragedy of 9/11 to advance their pet plan to attack Iraq. Against All Enemies claims that the Bush
administration let the opportunity to eliminate al Qaeda slip through its fingers, distracted as it
was by other desires. A meticulous track record worthy of close scrutiny by every patriotic
American, regardless of whether one agrees with the author's point of view. 9 cassettes, 12 hours,
The Language Studies Shelf
Speak Like A Native
Michael D. Janich
Paladin Press
7077 Winchester Circle, Boulder, CO 80301
1581604521 $19.00 1-800-392-2400
Speak Like A Native: Professional Secrets For Mastering Foreign Languages by linquistic expert
Michael D. Janich (who worked as a POW/MIA Investigation Team Lader and served as
interpreter for official negotiations between American and Vietnamese delegations) is packed with
tips, tricks, and techniques for language mastery as used by professionals. Part one covers how to
get organized, including ten rules to follow such as "learn your own language well before you
attempt to learn someone else's", "success is determined by the goals you set", and "there is no
substitute for quality study materials". Part two offers twelve steps for developing a customized
study plan tailored for one's goals. Part three offers a wide wealth of strategies and tips for
optimizing one's language study, and making the most productive and efficient use of one's time.
Black-and-white photographs illustrate this absolute "must-have" reference for not only foreign
language students in schools and colleges, but also business travelers, diplomats, and others who
need to assimilate new languages quickly and efficiently, or who are striving to reinforce and
improve their command of a second language. Recommended!
The Gaming Shelf
Death By Degrees Official Strategy Guide
Doug Walsh
Brady Games
800 East 96th Street, 3rd floor, Indianapolis, IN 46240
0744004357 $14.99 1-800-571-5840
Death By Degrees Official Strategy Guide is a full-color, in-depth video game guidebook to the
recently released game "Death by Degrees", exclusively for the Sony Playstation 2 entertainment
system. Death by Degrees is a unique action game starring the blonde, beautiful, and utterly lethal
female assassin Nina Williams, known among fans as the bone-breaking mistress of martial arts in
Namco's wildly popular "Tekken" fighting game series. "Death by Degrees" takes place before
Tekken 1, and follows Nina on her mission for the CIA, with Nina's equally deadly half-sister
Anna and the enigmatic millionaire mogul Heihachi also making an appearance. Death By Degrees
Official Strategy Guide goes into explicit detail concerning the control system (which relies almost
entirely upon the analog joysticks of the PS2 controller), the strengths and weaknesses of various
power-ups, ideal strategies and tactics, and a mission-by-mission walkthrough to aid the neophyte
gamer or allow a veteran who has already beaten the game once to discover every last hidden
secret. Appendices allow for quick and easy lookup of the requirements to earn extra rewards and
unlock hidden artwork pictures after the main mission is complete. Completely living up to the
high BradyGames standard for its video game guidebooks, Death By Degrees Official Strategy
Guide is the perfect companion for anyone seeking to get the most out of this exciting,
action-packed game.
The Original Poker Diary
Jonas Barrish
Leathers Publishing
4500 College Blvd., #180, Overland Park, KS 66211
1585973092 $14.95 1-913-498-2625
The Original Poker Diary by dedicated poker player Jonas Barrish offers a unique system for
improving the reader's poker playing performance through developing a more focused awareness
of play, strategy, and opponents regardless of the specific type of poker game being played. A
good many world-class poker players keep detailed notes of their games to help them review
successes and learn from their mistakes. Barrish incorporates this principle into The Original
Poker Diary with 300 journal entry pages for players to record on in order to keep track of
"Memorable Hands", "Player Notes", "Bad Beats", "Tells", and more. Enhanced with a
comprehensive glossary of poker terms and slang, The Original Poker Diary will prove to be an
invaluable addition to any serious poker player's personal reference shelf.
Gambling Online
Angus Dunnington
D&B Publishing
c/o Continental Enterprises Group (dist.)
302 West North 2nd St, Seneca, SC 29678
1904468136 $19.95 1-864-885-9444
Experienced writer and online gambler Angus Dunnington presents Gambling Online, an
introduction to the dramatic new form of gambling spreading across the internet. All major
bookmakers now have a serious web presence with sites that allow 24-hour online trading, yet
more opportunists than just the fixed odds and spread betting companies have taken advantage of
improving technology. New betting exchanges allow punters to set their own prices on events in
the hope that someone will take them on. Offering reviews of all major gambling websites, as well
as online sites with traditional casino games such as roulette and blackjack, plain-terms
descriptions of various online games and how to play them, and an accompanying CD-ROM ,
Gambling Online is the perfect introduction for the gamer who wants to find the right online
gambling site for his or her tastes, or simply learn more about this fast-growing trend.
Xiangqi Syllabus On Horse
David H. Li
Premier Publishing Company
PO Box 341267, Bethesda, MD 20827
0971169020 $28.00 1-888-777-7024
The fifth volume in the "Premier Series" on the game of Xiangqi, also known as Chinese Chess,
Xiangqi Syllabus On Horse: Chinese Chess 5 expressly focuses on the role of Horse in this
complex and strategic game. Written especially for experienced Xiangqi players, Xiangqi Syllabus
On Horse covers tactical maneuvers, defense, and offense in opening, mid-game, and end-game,
including ideal positions for the player on weaker footing to seek a draw. Featuring 32 sample
games, fully annotated, many with grandmasters' commentary and postscripts; 138 diagrams; and
2 appendices, Xiangqi Syllabus On Horse is a superb guide for aspiring as well as practiced
Xiangqi players looking to hone their skill in this ancient and classic test of wits.
The Religion/Spirituality Shelf
The Way Of The Sufi
Idries Shah
Octagon Press
c/o ISHK Book Service
Box 381069, Cambridge, MA 02238-1069
0863040837 $19.95 www.amazon.com
The Way Of The Sufi is an anthology of material from Sufi Schools, teachings, and classical
writings, intended as a basic introductory course in Sufi study. Author Idries Shah, well-known
for expounding upon Sufi ideas and his work to make Sufi teachings accessible to a Western
audience, presents contemporary readers with both outward aspects of Sufi thought and evidence
that Sufi principles were absorbed into medieval Christianity, Hinduism, Jewish mysticism, and
modern philosophical teachings. A very welcome and timely contribution to Religious Studies
collections and reading lists, Idries Shah's The Way Of The Sufi not only focuses upon what Sufi
is, but also the role Sufi activity and practice has to play in the modern the world.
Facing A World In Crisis
J. Krishnamurti
Shambhala Publications, Inc.
300 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, MA 02115-4544
1590302036 $13.95 1-800-733-3000
Facing A World In Crisis: What Life Teaches Us In Challenging Times by the renowned spiritual
philosopher J. Krishnamurti (1895-1986) is comprised of a number of talks that Krishnamurti
gave on how to respond to the troubling events of the modern world ranging from natural
disasters, to political wars and ethnic genocides. The individual talks are offered with a
nonsectarian, nonpolitical perspective, life-affirming approach that will resonate in the hearts and
minds of the readers. A timeless and welcome contribution to Eastern Philosophy studies, Facing
A World In Crisis is strongly recommended reading, especially for those who seek to understand
and benefit from Krishnamurti's enduring spiritual wisdom when addresses the problems and
catastrophes of life around the world today.
The Sins Of Scripture
John Shelby Spong
Harper San Francisco
353 Sacramento Street, #500, San Francisco, CA 94111-3653
0060762055 $24.95 1-800-272-7737
Episcopal bishop and advocate for liberal Christianity John Shelby Spong presents The Sins Of
Scripture, a frank discussion of Biblical passages that, if viewed strictly literally, are nothing less
than appalling, and have even been used to discriminate or condemn individuals in the name of
God. Bishop Spong explores how the Bible has been used in history to oppose the Magna Carta,
support the divine right of kings, condemn the discoveries of Galileo and Darwin, support slavery
and segregation, justify murderous treatment against Muslim people in the crusades, support the
Spanish Inquisition, and even fuel the genocidal Holocaust. To this day the Bible is quoted in
support of treating women as second-class citizens. What is a committed and spiritual Christian to
do? Bishop Spong provides an answer by revealing a different way to read and understand the
sacred Judeo-Christian text, revealing a universally holy God that calls to love one's enemies. A
powerful antidote to the misuse of Biblical passages to promote injustice, and an absolute
must-read for anyone who feels overpowered by the Bible-quoting, religious mentality that is all
too pervasive in the modern political arena.
The Metaphysical Studies Shelf
The Way Back To Paradise
Joseph M. Felser
Hampton Roads Publishing Company
1125 Stoney Ridge Road, Charlottesville, VA 22902
1571743804 $14.95 1-800-766-8009
The Way Back To Paradise: Restoring The Balance Between Magic And Reason by New York
philosophy professor Joseph Felser uses anecdotes and logic to challenges the reader to reclaim
life's mysterious questions while seeking for our metaphysical answers without abandoning
reason. Professor Felser argues for noticing precognitive hunches, reawakening personal
communication with nature, and investigating life's synchronicities. To make his case, Professor
Felser draws upon philosophy, the history of science, dreams, near death experiences, myths, fairy
tales, Carl Jung, past lives, altered states, Bible stories, talking with animals, and healing.
Especially recommended reading for students of Religion, Philosophy, and Metaphysics, The Way
Back To Paradise is deeply personal, thoughtful, and thought provoking.
Mystic Medusa's Sun Signs & Soul Mating
Thunder Bay Press
c/o Advantage Publishers Group
5880 Oberlin Drive, San Diego, CA 92121
1592233465 $12.95 1-800-788-3123
Mystic Medusa's Sun Signs & Soul Mating offers sun sign astrology for the romantic and
sexually-minded reader. From Aries to Pisces, each sign's basic personality traits, strengths,
weaknesses, affections, and compatibilities with other signs is discussed in hip modern lingo. For
example, the chapter on Aries is divided into "Motivating and manipulating an Aries", "Brilliant
career", "Fiscal reality", "An Aries in love" (comparing relationships between Aries and each other
sign), "Are you really an Aries?" and more. A juicy and highly accessible modern guide to
astrology for lust, love, or would-be lovers.
The Archaeology Shelf
Thirty Years Into Yesterday
Jefferson Reid & Stephanie Whittlesey
University of Arizona Press
355 South Euclid Avenue, Suite 103, Tucson, AZ 85719-6654
0816524017 $35.00 1-800-426-3797
Co-written by the director of the University of Arizona Archaeological Field School at
Grasshopper from 1979 to 1992, Thirty Years Into Yesterday: A History Of Archaeology At
Grasshopper Pueblo is a historical account of that major archaeological project, and its field
educational service which lasted for thirty years. The field school and also generated significant
controversy even as it instructed scholars of international repute. Chapters break down major
events in the field school's operation, and changes; a handful of black-and-white photographs,
maps, and diagrams illustrate this thoughtful retrospective, and a detailed timeline of events
allows for a unique at-a-glance perspective. Thirty Years Into Yesterday is a welcome and
informative contribution to Arizona archaeology and history collections, as well as a fascinating
case study of a complex archaeological field school and the intellectual debates it stimulated in the
scientific community.
The Native American Shelf
Totem Tales
E. C. (Ted) Meyers
Hancock House Publishers
1431 Harrison Avenue, Blaine, WA 98230-5005
0888394683 $8.95 1-800-938-1114
Easy and very highly recommended reading, Totem Tales: Legends From The Rainforest is a
slender, 79-page compendium of Native American legends compiled by Ted Meyers. These
twenty-three diverse folklore stories reveal how the rivers were formed, how Raven freed the
people, why there are so many mosquitos, why rabbits hop, and more. Of particular interest to
students of Native American culture, these are "legend tales" that will entertain readers of all ages
and backgrounds.
Blood Struggle
Charles Wilkinson
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.
500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10110
0393051498 $26.95 1-800-233-4830
Blood Struggle: The Rise Of Modern Indian Nations is the compelling true story of how Indian
nations successfully asserted themselves and fought for their rights, including land ownership,
salmon fishing, religion, gaming, and self-determination. After the end of World War II, when the
American government coveted Indian land, a process called "termination" - a plan to sell off tribal
land, disband tribes, and assimilate Native Americans - threatened to effectively native cultures.
Yet beginning with a campaign in which Pueblo people persuaded Congress to return their sacred
Blue Lake, one by one, Indian tribes started to speak up and call for their rights. These were
battles that could be fought and won not by violence, but through politics, and the fruits of victory
were reduced poverty, improved health, a lessening of the all-too-common adoption of Indian
children out of Indian families, the creation of schools and colleges, the freedom to practice
Native American religions and more. A remarkable true story of can-do vindication, and
enthusiastically recommended for Native American modern history and reference shelves.
Hopi Oral Tradition And The Archaeology Of Identity
Wesley Bernardini
University of Arizona Press
355 South Euclid Avenue, Suite 103, Tucson, AZ 85719-6654
0816524262 $45.00 1-800-426-3797
Written by University of Redlands assistant professor in the Department of Sociology and
Anthropology Wesley Bernardini, Hopi Oral Tradition And The Archaeology Of Identity is the
SAA Award Winning look at how drawing upon Hopi oral history and traditional knowledge can
be applied as a source to stimulate new ways of viewing archaeological record. In an era when
increasingly complex debate surrounds the methodologies and theories used to reconstruct
prehistoric identity and the movement of social groups among Native Americans, particularly the
southwestern tribes with their shifting populations and identities over the past thousand years,
Hopi Oral Tradition And The Archaeology Of Identity sheds new light on a difficult and
sometimes emotionally charged matter. Drawing upon case studies, architectural and demographic
data, analysis of rock art motifs, and more, Hopi Oral Tradition And The Archaeology Of Identity
is a most welcome scholarly analysis offering keen insights into both historical and modern-day
issues. A welcome contribution to both archaeology and Native American studies shelves.
Walking A Tightrope
Ute Lischke & David T. McNab, editors
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Wilfrid Laurier University
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 3C5
0889204608 $64.95 wlupress.wlu.ca
Collaboratively compiled and co-edited by Ute Lischke (Cultural Studies, Wilfrid Laurier
University-Waterloo, and David T. McNab (Native Studies, Atkinson College, York University,
Toronto), Walking A Tightrope: Aboriginal People And The Representations identifies and
examines the multiplicity and distinctiveness of Aboriginal voices and their representations as they
have portrayed themselves and as others have characterized them in literature and film. A
collection of impeccable and impressive scholarship by a number of noted contributors, Walking
A Tightrope is an informed and informative contribution to Native American Studies, which
surveys Aboriginal notions of time/history, land, culture, identifies, literacies, and more.
The Buddhist Studies Shelf
The Generation Stage In Buddhist Tantra
Gyatrul Rinpoche
Snow Lion Publications
PO Box 6483, Ithaca, NY 14851
1559392290 $15.95 1-800-950-0313
Written by Gyatrul Rinpoche, who was appointed spiritual representative for H. H. Dudjom
Rinpoche in American in 1976 and founded the Pacific Region Yeshe Nyingpo centers on the
West Coast along with His Holiness, The Generation Stage In Buddhist Tantra is a
straightforward explanation of the generation stage practices of deity yoga. Chapters discuss the
state of mind that needs to be established for a practice session, the details of visualization
sequences, the three types of offerings and proper mantra recitation, mudras, tormas, malas, and
much more. Intended for practitioners of all lineages of Tibetan Buddhism, The Generation Stage
In Buddhist Tantra is illustrated with a handful of black-and-white photographs and mandala
diagrams. A superb resource and informational manual for students, scholars, and practitioners of
Tibetan Buddhism.
A Call To Compassion
Aura Glaser
Nicholas-Hays, Inc.
c/o RedWheel/Weiser, dist.
368 Congress Street, 4th floor, Boston, MA 02210
0892541164 $16.95 redwheelweiser.com
A Call To Compassion: Bringing Buddhist Practices Of The Heart Into The Soul Of Psychology
by Buddhist expert and practicing psychotherapist Aura Glaser is a testimony written specifically
to answer a deficiency the author encountered in her research - the nearly complete omission of
any reference to the paramount importance of cultivating compassion. A Call To Compassion
explores what the Theravada school of Buddhism (which teaches personal liberation through
enlightenment) can offer to psychology. Reviewing the works of Freud, Jung, and others, Glaser
reveals modern psychology's ambivalence concerning the subject of compassion and the need for
change in order to better foster psychological health and well being. A thought-provoking,
in-depth discussion that seamlessly blends the value of buddhist teachings with the needs of
modern science and mental health treatment.
The Graphic Novel Shelf
Dan James
Top Shelf Productions
PO Box 1282, Marietta, GA 30061-1282
1891830686 $12.95 topshelfcomix.com
Mosquito is a stark, vivid, two-color graphic novel. No words distract from the story, told
entirely via blocky red-and-white shapes, about one man's valiant yet tragic battle against the
demonic Nosferatu. The deftly drawn imagery says it all, in this unique modern tale that demands
to be read and reread to fully absorb the horror and courage of combating forces far more
powerful than any mortal. Imaginative, engaging, and unique, Dan James' Mosquito is very highly
The Islamic Studies Shelf
The Path Of Muhammad
Imam Birgivi
World Wisdom
1501 East Hillside Drive, Bloomington, IN 47401
0941532682 $21.95 worldwisdom.com
The Path Of Muhammad: A Book On Islamic Morals And Ethics is the first complete translation
and interpretation of a manuscript composed in the 16th century by Sufi scholar Imam Birgivi,
still used today as an Arabic text in numerous universities throughout the Islamic world. A classic
text of Islamic spirituality that delineates rules for living in accordance with Muhammad's
teachings, The Path Of Muhammad was meant to serve as an example for all Muslims to follow. It
also provides a unique reference for comparing ethical tenets of Islam to that of other religions.
Though the passage of centuries, let alone the gulfs between cultures may alter how The Path Of
Muhammad is perceived today, it nonetheless stands as a ground-breaking text in successive
generation's struggles to codify morality and responsible behavior. Also included in this
remarkable volume is a copy of "The Last Will and Testament (Vasiyyetname)" of Imam Birgivi, a
summary of his life's teachings.
The Library Video/DVD Shelf
The History Of Ancient Egypt
Bob Brier
The Teaching Company
4151 Lafayette Center Drive, Suite 100, Chantilly, VA 20151-1232
1565855744 $519.95 www.teach12.com
Bob Brier is an experienced Egyptologist and Professor Philosophy at Long Island University.
Winner of the "Newton Award for Teaching Excellence", Professor Brier is active in
archaeological excavation and the host of programs on Ancient Egypt for National Geographic,
The Learning Channel, and The History Channel. Professor Brier brings his years of experience
and expertise to the "Great Courses" series in Ancient and Medieval History from The Teaching
Company in a series of DVD presentations with The History Of Ancient Egypt, a series of 48
lectures, each of which is 30 minutes in length divided into four DVD volumes of 2 DVDs each.
Each volume is also accompanied by a printed text providing a complete transcript of the lectures
comprised in it's accompanying DVD volume. Beginning with an informed and informative
Introduction, Professor Brier presents the viewer with a complete overview of Egyptology from
the prehistoric beginnings of the two kingdoms, through the pharonic ages, to the dominance of
Alexander the Great and the first Ptolemies, through Cleopatra -- the last pharaoh of Egypt.
Along the way, viewers will learn of Egyptian burial practices, the rise and fall of dynasties, the
role of the Nile river in shaping Egyptian culture and beliefs, with the final lecture "The Grand
Finale" providing a completion of what we currently know and understand about one of the oldest
and most influential of the empires of antiquity. Professor Brier is a superb lecturer and the
technical recording processes are flawless. The History Of Ancient Egypt is an impressive and
complete course of study and a highly recommended addition to high-school, college, university,
and community library collections.
The Memoirs Of Sherlock Holmes
MPI Media Group
16101 South 108th Avenue, Orland Park, IL 60462
0788606042 $39.98 1-800-777-2223
Transferred from the original negative, The Memoirs Of Sherlock Holmes DVD collection
presents the six final episodes of the Granada television series, filmed on location in London,
featuring Jeremy Brett in his final performance of the Great Detective. Holmes' brother Mycroft
also appears in these episodes, which include "The Three Gables", "The Dying Detective", "The
Golden Prince-Nez", "The Red Circle", "The Mazarin Stone", and "The Cardboard Box". Bonus
features include commentary with screenwriter Jeremy Paul and Holmes expert David Stuart
Davies, as well as an interview with Adrian Conan Doyle and production notes. A classic treasure,
raptly engaging and especially recommended for Sherlock Holmes fans. 3 DVDs, 5 hours 30
Malice Aforethought
WGBH Boston Video
c/o SSA Public Relations
16027 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 206, Encino, CA 91436
1593752911 $19.95 1-800-949-8670
Malice Aforethought is one of those British mysteries that are set in a small rural village of
yesteryear and populated with a cast of memorable characters. Dr. Edmund Bickleigh is a
henpecked husband who denigrates his aspirations as an amateur artist. It's also why he is a
chronic womanizer. Then into the village moves Madeleine Cranmere and he falls hard. The
problem is that he must remove the obstacle of his domineering wife, end his affair with a local
girl, and continue the veneer of respectability demanded of a man in his position. The costumes
are period authentic, the sets are scrupulous detailed, the dialogue engaging, the acting first rate,
and the plot twists are truly imaginative. Also available in a video cassette format and lead to an
exciting and unpredicted conclusion, the DVD edition has a total running time of 2.5 hours and
also includes access to the "Mystery! website, offers scene selection, and features closed
captioning for the hearing impaired. Malice Aforethought is a mystery lover's delight and certain
to be a popular addition to any community library video collection.
Monterey Media Inc.
566 St. Charles Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360-3901
1-800-424-2593 montereymedia.com
Monterey Media has released a trio of outstanding psychedelic rock performance DVDs
showcasing. Grateful Dead: Truckin' Up To Buffalo (#319952, $24.95) is their fabulous concert
held at Buffalo's Rich Stadium on July 4, 1989 and presents the very best of what the band was
capable of at their peak. This DVD offers almost three hours of concert features. Rockin' At The
Red Dog: The Dawn Of Psychedelic Rock (#336692, $19.95) serves up the conception of the
psychedelic movement in the sixties at the Red Dog Saloon in Virginia City, Nevada, where it all
began in the saloon of a small western mining town. In addition to the Grateful Dead and narrated
by Howard Hesseman, this superbly produced DVD also includes The Charlatans, Big Brother
and the Holding Company, Jefferson Airplane, and the Quicksilver Messenger Services. Special
features include a conversation with the filmmakers, "where are they now", a Directors
Scrapbook, the Jim Marshall Photo Gallery, and a history of the Red Dog Saloon. The End Of
The Road: The Final Tour '95 (#313302, $19.95) features music by Merl Sanders and Jerry
Garcia (three months before his death), with appearances by Babatunde Olatunji, Merl Saunders,
Wavy Gravy, Bob Weir, Phil Lesh, Mickey Hart, and Bill Jreutzmanjn. Special DVD features
include the uncut memorial ceremony for Jerry, an extended Merl Saunders interviews, follow-up
interests, "Deleted/Extended Scenes", and the Original Press Kit. A recommended addition to
20th Century American Popular Music collections in general, no dedicated psychedelic rock fan
will want to miss out on any one of these highly recommended, one-of-a-kind DVDs.
The Money/Finance Shelf
Unexpected Returns
Ed Easterling
Cypress House
155 Cypress Street, Fort Bragg, CA 95437
1879384620 $39.95 1-800-773-7782
Unexpected Returns: Understanding Secular Stock Market Cycles is an in-depth answer to the
simple question: why is the stock market acting differently in the 2000s than it did in the 1980s
and 1990s? Based on years of extensive research, and written by the founder and president of
Dallas-based investment firm Crestmont Holdings, Unexpected Returns explains how and why
secular market cycles affect the market over periods as long as years or decades. Presenting
advanced financial theories in terms as simplified as possible for the lay reader to absorb as he or
she progresses through the book, Unexpected Returns covers the history of the stock market,
secular cycles, so-called "financial physics", solid investment philosophies and strategies, and
much more. Highly recommended for anyone with a serious interest in learning just how the stock
market works, whether for theoretical or down-to-earth practical use.
How To Rent Vacation Properties By Owner
Christine Hrib Karpinski
Kinney Pollack Press
2295 Towne Lake Parkway, Suite 116, Woodstock, GA 30189
0974824909 $26.00
Featuring more than $800 worth of coupons, How To Rent Vacation Properties By Owner is the
no-nonsense guide to realizing one's dream of owning, furnishing, and renting out a vacation
home - without emptying one's bank account! How To Rent Vacation Properties By Owner
explores the advantages and disadvantages of a wide variety of means for financing one's vacation
home, how to select the right vacation home for one's needs, how to choose renters wisely
(insisting on a minimum age of 25 and no college students allowed can reduce the likelihood of
one's property getting trashed from a party-school style bash) and take reservations, solving
problems when one is renting (from damage to theft to cleanliness issues, cancellations,
complaints or even the unfortunate necessity of evictions), and much more. How To Rent
Vacation Properties By Owner is a business-savvy, informative, practical guide and an absolute
"must-read" for anyone with a serious interest in renting out their property as a source of
profitable income.
The Christian Studies Shelf
Searching For The Ark Of The Covenant
Randall Price
Harvest House Publishers
990 Owen Loop North, Eugene, Oregon 97402-9173
0736910522 $11.99 1-800-547-8979
An icon of legend, the Ark of the Covenant is the centerpiece of Jewish history and a long sought
prize of Biblical Archaeology. Enduring mysteries such as the fate of the Ark and where it might
be today continues to prod the imagination of scholars, theologians, archaeologists, and the
general public. In Searching For The Ark Of The Covenant: Latest Discoveries And Research by
Middle East expert Randall Price (Th.M. Old Testament and Semitic Languages) is a "reader
friendly' survey of facts and fables concerning the Ark, rumors and legends concerning it that span
four thousand years of history across several continents and diverse cultures. Highly
recommended reading, Searching For The Ark Of The Covenant is informed and informative,
thoughtful and thought-provoking.
A Brief History Of Saints
Lawrence S. Cunningham
Blackwell Publishing
350 Main St., Malden, MA 02148
1405114029 $18.95 1-800-216-2522
A Brief History Of Saints by Lawrence Cunningham (John O'Brien Professor of Theology, Notre
Dame University) is an historical overview of the rise of the cult of saints in Christianity from its
origin in the first century A.D. that ushered in the age of martyrs, down to the present day.
Included are such famous saints as Joan of Arc and a great many lesser known men and women
such as the "holy fools" in Orthodox tradition. Included is a presentation of the history of
canonization processes, the Reformation critique of the cult of saints, and the role of saints in
other religious traditions. A Brief History Of Saints focuses upon both Western and Eastern
Christian traditions, how saints serve as a theological resource, and the relevance of sainthood in a
postmodern culture. Enhanced with material on patron saints and the iconography of saints in art,
a section of Notes, a Bibliography for further study, and a "user friendly" index, A Brief History
Of Saints is a welcome and appreciated contribution to the evolving idea and ideal of sainthood in
Christian theology, custom and practice, and highly recommended reading for both students of
theology, and non-specialist general readers with an interest in the subject.
The Black Studies Shelf
Religion In The Lives Of African Americans
Robert Joseph Taylor et al.
Sage Publications
2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320-2218
0761917098 $34.95 1-800-818-7243
Religion In The Lives Of African Americans: Social, Psychological, And Health Perspectives is
the collaborative work of Robert Joseph Taylor (Sheila Feld Collegiate Professor of Social Work,
University of Michigan), Linda M. Chatters (Associate Professor, Department of Health Behavior
& Health Education, School of Public Health, University of Michigan), and epidemiologist and
academician Jeff Levin. Religion In The Lives Of African Americans incorporates findings from
eight national surveys containing representative cross-section samples of the adult black
population living in the continental U.S., plus a focus group study conducted by the Program for
Research on Black Americans at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research. A work
of definitive scholarship, the primary perspectives are sociological and psychological, yet
transcend those disciplinary boundaries in evaluating the nature and functions of religion within
black families and the black community. Informed and informative, Religion In The Lives Of
African Americans is enhanced for academia with the inclusion of data sources, tables,
recommendations for further study, end-of-chapter summaries, and implications for future
research. Religion In The Lives Of African Americans is especially recommended as a seminal
contribution to Black Studies reference collections and supplemental reading lists, as well as
Contemporary American Religious and Cultural Studies. This is particularly rewarding reading for
students of psychology, sociology, human development, social work, public health as well.
The Interior Design Shelf
Cafe & Restaurant Design
Martin Nicholas Kunz, editor
Te Neues Publishing Company
16 West 22nd St, New York, NY 10010
3832790179 $24.95 1-800-352-0305
The latest edition to the outstanding Te Neues "Designpocket" series, Cafe & Restaurant Design
is a compact, 399-page, superbly illustrated compendium of cafe and restaurant interior designs
and layouts throughout Europe, America, and around the world. From Cafe Gioriette in Vienna,
to the Plaza Athenee in Paris, to the Cocoon Club in Frankfurt, to La Frustra in Rome, to the
Lupino Lounge Restaurant in Barcelona, to the Berns Hotel in Stockholm, to Ini Ani Coffee Shop
in New York, to Icebergs Dining Room & Bar in Sydney, to Moph in Tokyo, to La Scala in
Bangkok, this series of pictorials is an impressive survey of the best and most innovative settings
in which people gather to dine and socialize. Cafe & Restaurant Design is a particularly welcome
and highly recommended addition to professional and academic Interior Design reference
The Poetry Shelf
Standing Around The Heart
Gary Fincke
University of Arkansas Press
201 Ozark, Fayetteville, AR 72701
1557287864 $16.00 1-800-626-0090
Accessible, memorable, superbly executed poetry by a master poet and experienced wordsmith.
Giants: After Creation, in the last chapter/Before the flood, is the short-short story/Of those
Nephilim, the angels who fell//From Grace, in turn, giving birth to the giants/In the earth,
everything in vain because//Shortly thereafter, they drowned for their sins/In the deluge, none of
them saved like apes...
Old Woman Of Irish Blood
Pat Andrus
Open Hand Publishing
PO Box 20207, Greensboro, NC 27420
0940880598 $9.95 openhand.com
The memorable poetry of Pat Andrus as gathered together within the pages of Old Woman Of
Irish Blood reflect her remarkable talent, her experiences of family, and her Irish-Catholic cultural
traditions. The lyrical cadences and word imagery resonate within the mind, imagination, and
heart of the reader. And if December: And if December/pulls us through, we'll/beat the frozen
lakes naked/humming in the night's blackness/while invisible bugles sound/yet another
birthday/hopeful/that life dances/free/and smiling.
A Time Between Ashes And Roses
Syracuse University Press
1600 Jamesville Ave, Syracuse, NY 13210
0815608284 $19.95 1-800-365-8929
A Time Between Ashes And Roses brings to the attention of a Western readership the poetry and
prose of Adonis (Ali Ahmad Said), a controversial writer in the Arab world who provocative
thoughts are grounded in traditional poetic styles. Very ably translated into English by Shawkat
M. Toorawa (who also provides an informative Afterword), A Time Between Ashes And Roses is
a bilingual edition and a welcome contribution to Arabic Culture Studies. A freedom fighter traces
his name in fire, and in the frozen throats/He dies/Jerusalem traces her name:/The State still
exists/The State still exists.//Even so, the butchered river flows:/All water is the face of
Jaffa/Every wound the face of Jaffa.
The Last Time I Saw Amelia Earhart
Gabrielle Calvocoressi
Persea Books
853 Broadway, #604, NY, NY 10003
0892553154 $13.95 1-212-260-9256
Gabrielle Calvocoressi is currently a Jones Lecturer in poetry at Stanford University (where she
was previously a Wallace Stegner Fellow). Her poetry has been published in a number of
important literary journals. The Last Time I Saw Amelia Earhart is a compilation of some of her
best work to date and gives voice to the hope and heartbreak of contemporary rural and
small-town American. Graves We Filled Before the Fire: Some lose children in lonelier
ways:/tetanus, hard falls, stubborn fevers//that soak the bedclothes five nights running./Our two
boys went out to skate, broke//through the ice like battleships, came back/to us in canvas bags;
curled//fossils held fast in ancient stone,/four hands reaching. Then two//sad beds wide enough for
planting/wheat or summer-squash but filled//with boys, a barren crop. Our lives/stripped clean as
oxen bones.
My Father On A Bicycle
Patricia Clark
Michigan State University Press
Manly Miles Building, Suite 25
1405 South Harrison Road, East Lansing, MI 48823-5202
0870137417 $19.95 msupress.msu.edu
My Father On A Bicycle is an anthology of free-verse poems by award winning author and Grand
Valley State University Department of Writing professor Patricia Clark. Tracing the author's
physical and spiritual journey from the Pacific Northwest forests where she grew up, the poems
resonate with an appreciation for the timeless moments that only the simplest of joys can provide.
My Father on a Bicycle: If you ever saw my father in shorts, / you wouldn't forget his stick-think
legs, / the knees knobby as windfall dwarf apples // And the only time I saw him ride a bike, /
Oakes Street, I think, he pedaled "no hands" / down the street to show me the stance. // He wasn't
a runner either, though he'd move / at a quick trot when trouble came to our door- / usually when
the twins caught somebody's wrath.
Despite our increasingly multicultural population, the ability to speak, read, and write English
remains a fundamental requirement for economic success in America.
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Diane C. Donovan, Editor
Midwest Book Review
278 Orchard Drive
Oregon, WI 53575-1129
phone: 1-608-835-7937
e-mail: mbr@execpc.com
e-mail: mwbookrevw@aol.com
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