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Reviewer's Choice
Mia and Her Kitten Sophie
Faye V. Redd, author
Linette Garrahan, illustrator
1663 Liberty Drive, Suite 200, Bloomington, IN 47403
9781434398352, $11.49, www.authorhouse.com
Children learn to bond with animals like no one else. "Mia and Her Kitten Sophie" is a work of
love from author Faye V. Redd. Following young Mia and her efforts to find her lost kitten
Sophie, Redd tells a warm story, well complemented by the illustrations of Linette Garrahan,
drawn in full color crayon art. "Mia and Her Kitten Sophie" is sure to brighten any kitten loving
child's day.
Newton's Apples
150 Essex Street, Suite 301, Millburn, NJ 07041
Kid Stuff Public Relations (publicity)
9504 Union Valley Road, Black Earth, WI 53515
Game, $24.99, www.briarpatch.com
Often a game is an effective (and fun!) learning tool to teach young children basic concepts in
science. Specifically designed to educate boys and girls about the concept of gravity, "Newton's
Apples" from Briarpatch is a gravity strategy game where red and green apples are placed on
'crates' in one of eight rows at the top of an elevated game board. By strategically moving apple
crates through applying Newton's law of gravity, the player first to get all of the apples to fall to
the bottom row (while blocking the opponent's apples) wins. Players can move crates vertically
or horizontally. They can even line up their crates to build bridges to move apples into new rows.
Complete game rules are included along with a three dimensional, molded plastic game board, 8
apples, and 16 apple crates. "Newton's Apples" is an especially suitable and recommended
science curriculum supplement for preschool enrichment, elementary school, and homeschooling
The Christian Studies Shelf
The New Testament
Envoy House
Envoy House, Publishers
c/o B&B Media Group
189468530X, $15.52, www.themostimportantstory.com
The second testament of the Bible is the most important to understand for Christians. "The New
Testament: Your Guidebook" is a guide for young readers, teaching them how to best understand
the words of Christ and the New Testament. Phrasing the New Testament in modern English, and
divided into chapters highlighting the most important points, "The New Testament" is an
excellent gift for religious parents to bestow upon their children so that they may understand the
Bible to the fullest extent.
The Music Shelf
I Love Purim!
Mama Doni
Mama Doni Productions
c/o Waldmania!
130 Maywood Drive, San Francisco, CA 94127
CD, $4.00, CDBaby.com, www.mamadoni.com
Unique, lively, and solid entertainment for children, "I Love Purim!" is comprised of four
performances of 'funky music with a Jewish twist' by Doni Zasloff Thomas who, as 'Mama Doni',
has been entertaining children with her Mama Doni Band for a good many years now. This
particular release showcases The Cooky Cookie; Costumer Conundrum; The Purim Bash; and
Hey Man. Each number is a take-off on the Jewish holiday of Purim as Mama Doni blends
reggae, rock, folk, country, klezmer, and 'Jewgrass' into a production that weaves Yiddish and
'Jewish Hip' with solid musical entertainment values. The result is a rollicking, toe-tapping CD
perfect for kids of all ages. Also very highly recommended for family and community library
children's music collections is Mama Doni's previous CD music release "I Love Herring & Other
Fish Shticks For Kids" (Mama Doni Productions, $14.99).
Kid's Country Song & Dance
The Learning Station
PO Box 1316, Melbourne, FL 32902
$15.95 www.learningstationmusic.com 1-800-789-9990
Kid's Country Song & Dance: Action, Sing-Along, Hoe-Down Fun! is a music CD with included
lyrics and dance instructions, created to help spark some knee-slapping fun at parties or any old
time! The sing-along assortment includes a blend of traditional and original songs, performed
with country-time gusto. Especially recommended as a way to help young people find fun in
moving around while experiencing a bit of American culture! The tracks are "Square Dance
Cadence", "Scootin' Dance Boogie", "You Are My Sunshine", "We've Got Country In Our
Body", "50 States" (to the tune of 'Oh! Suzanna' and 'America the Beautiful'), "Yodel Lady
Who", "My Aunt Came Back", "I Love My Rooster", "Froggy Went A Courtin'", "Shake Your
Sillies Out", "The Cat Came Back", "Shoo Fly", "Knees Up Mother Brown", "Cotton Eye Joe",
"Patriotic Medley" (Grand Old Flag & Yankee Doodle Dandy), "Country Medley" (Old Gray
Mare, Home on the Range, Polly Wolly Doodle, Paw Paw Patch), "Inch Worm" and "Happy
Trails To You".
The DVD Shelf
Madam President
Lane Smith, author
Anna Chiodo, narrator
Weston Woods Studios
143 Main Street, Norwalk, CT 06851
0545106443, $59.95 www.scholastic.com/westonwoods
Bringing the picturebook of Lane Smith to life, Madam President is a brief, animated DVD
suitable for young people ages 6-10 about a little girl who imagines what it would be like to be
Madam President. A short story featuring lively humor and unforgettably charming imagery,
Madam President is further enhanced with a bonus interview of the author. Madam President is a
worthy addition to middle school and public children's library DVD collections. 9 minutes,
Holly Hobbie & Friends: Marvelous Makeover
Sony Pictures
c/o Erin O'Brien, Erin_Obrien@spe.sony.com
Jane Ayer Public Relations (publicity)
c/o Irene Dean, irene@janeayerpr.com
1435928113, $12.99 www.SonyWonder.com
Rated G for general audiences, Holly Hobbie & Friends: Marvelous Makeover is an inexpensive,
family-friendly DVD featuring Holly Hobbie and her "Hey Girls" friends. When Holly's family
moves to Clover, Holly has more time to spend with her best friends Amy and Carrie. When she
makes friends with the school geek K.T., she and the girls don't shy away from K.T.'s differences
- instead, they figure out a way to transform geek into chic! Featuring two playful animated
episodes, "Reboot" and "Cover Girl", along with a "Dress Up With Holly Hobbie" bonus game,
Holly Hobbie & Friends: Marvelous Makeover is a treat especially recommended for young girls.
44 minutes, full-screen.
PO Box 8082, Shawnee Mission, KS 66208
www.marshmedia.com, 1-800-821-3303
MarshMedia is a premier adapter of outstanding children's literature to a narrated DVD format.
Four of their newest and enthusiastically recommended titles for young viewers of all ages
include "Wash Those Hands!" (9781559423946, $79.95, running time 9:26) which shows the
importance of personal hygiene through the step-by-step process washing and drying hands to
prevent colds, flu and stomach upsets. Particularly appropriate for children in grades 6 through 8,
"Straight Talk About Anger" (9781559423809, $79.95, running time 15:00) is about the
necessity of controlling anger as a life skill. Presented in the format of a radio call-in show,
illustrative scenarios include common themes encountered by young teens and how to develop
the kinds of interpersonal skills that will help to successfully deal with inevitable feels of anger
in ourselves and others. "Growing Up! For Girls" (9781559423687, $79.95, running time 18:25)
and "Growing Up! For Boys" (9781559423670, $79.95, running time 17:58) are two gender
specific DVDs that provide accurate information dealing with the physical aspects of puberty and
relevant self-esteem issues that are associated with such a personal transformation. It should be
noted that full public performance rights are included with each of these DVDs, making them
especially suitable as curriculum supplements for traditional classrooms as well as home
schooling programs. Indeed, parents and teachers are encouraged to visit the MarshMedia
website at www.marshmedia.com for a complete listing of all their titles for both fiction and
non-fiction subjects.
Schlessinger Media
7 East Wynnewood Road, Wynnewood, PA 19096-0580
www.schlessinger.com, 1-800-843-3620
The 20th Century saw some of the most stirring and event changing speeches every recorded in
the annals of human history. Thanks to the technologies that allowed for accurate recordings of
these speeches they can now be shared with new generations of young listeners. Schlessinger
Media has produced an outstanding DVD series showcasing thirteen such speeches given by men
and women who played pivotal roles in the events and times that comprised the 20th Century.
The individual DVD titles comprising "Greatest Speeches Of The 20th Century" include Winston
Churchill; David Lloyd George: The Creation of the Modern Welfare State; Adolf Hitler, Ho Chi
Minh; John F. Kennedy; Nelson Mandela; Jawaharlal Nehru; Richard Nixon; Emmeline
Pankhurst: Champion of the Women's Suffrage Movement; Ronald Reagan; Franklin D.
Roosevelt; Margaret Thatcher; and Woodrow Wilson. Some were infamous, all were famous.
Each 23 minute DVD is closed-captioned, features period footage, informed expert commentary,
as well as including both English and Spanish language tracks, a chapter select feature,
discussion questions, and an investigation data sheet. They are also available individually for
$39.95 each. A Teacher's Guide is available for free and online at www.LibraryVideo.com --
making them ideal as school curriculum supplement materials.
The Biography Shelf
Barack Obama: An American Story
Bob Carlton & Ariele Gentiles
Zondervan Publishing House
5300 Patterson Avenue, S.E., Grand Rapids, MI 49530
9780310670032, $9.99 www.zondervan.com 1-800-727-1309
Barack Obama: An American Story is a biography of President Barack Obama written especially
for teen and young adult readers. Covering his adolescence (raised by a single mother and
grandparents), his rise to the top of his class at Harvard Law, his Christian faith, and how he left
a well-paying career to enter the realm of public service, Barack Obama: An American Story is
more than a true-life biography - it's a motivational story about bettering oneself and reaching for
one's dream. Highly recommended for youth collections in both school and public libraries.
Jesse James
Carl R. Green and William R. Sanford
Enslow Publishers
Box 398, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922-0398
0766031721, $23.93 www.enslow.com
The revised edition of JESSE JAMES joins others volumes in the 'Outlaws and Lawmen of the
Wild West' series, offering a little over forty pages of facts on Jesse James and his life and times.
The lively history reads almost like fiction and is colored with fine drawings and vintage period
photos, making for a pick for grades 5-9.
Morgan Reynolds Publishing
620 South Elm Street, Suite 223, Greensboro, NC 27406
$28.95 each www.morganreynolds.com
Two fine young adult nonfiction books are top picks for libraries seeking biographies of over 100
pages each. Roberta Baxter's FIRE, WATER AND AIR: THE STORY OF ANTOINE
LAVOISIER (1599350874) tells of a wealthy Frenchman who planned to become a lawyer, but
who curiosity about science led him to pursue chemistry as his career. His choice would help
change the face of chemistry, disproving old theories and finding new approaches to make
chemistry more approachable even as politics in the form of the French Revolution was changing
his life. Jeff C. Young's POLITICAL PROFILES: MICHELLE OBAMA (1599350904) provides
a young adult's biography of Michelle Obama, who moved from a poor Chicago childhood to
Harvard Law School and her encounters with a summer hire named Barack. Their increasing
involvement in politics would lead to the White House in this story of their rise to power.
(1599350866) offers some 140 pages of biographical facts about the discoverer of
electro-magnetism. Michael Faraday was born the son of a blacksmith and was apprenticed to a
bookbinder at an early age, but developed a passion for science that led him to a job as a
scientist's assistant.
The Pets/Wildlife Shelf
Someone Walks By
Polly Carlson-Voiles
Raven Productions, Inc.
PO Box 188, Ely, MN 55731
9780980104554, $18.95, www.ravenwords.com
How wild animals can survive throughout the winter months is always a fascinating subject for
young readers. Deftly written and charmingly illustrated by Polly Carlson-Voiles, "Someone
Walks By" takes as its enticement for children ages 5 through 10 a series of tracks in the snow.
Following these tracks through the north woods in deep winter, children will learn how animals
stay warm, eat, care for themselves, and move about when there is snow on the ground. From
frozen wood frogs, to a bear in her den with newborn cubs, to chipmunks in their shelters, to
otters swimming under the ice, and so many more denizens of the deep woods, "Someone Walks
By" is as informative as it is entertaining. Enhanced with a glossary defining different types of
snow and other winter terminology, and also available in a paperback edition (9780980104561,
$12.95), "Someone Walks By" is an enthusiastically recommended addition to school,
community, and family library collections for children.
The Fiction Shelf
The Longest Feather
Denis Trom
Sapphire Press
2153 N. Sapphire Place, Meridan, ID 83646
9780982190609, $17.95
People grieve in many different ways. "The Longest Feather" is about young Mickey. His father
dead from mysterious reasons, he turns to the woods to cope. He enters a contest to find the
longest pheasant feather in the woods, but he soon finds that he and his friends may have gotten
more than they bargained for. "The Longest Feather" is a riveting thriller for young readers,
Dragon Wishes
Stacy Nyikos, author
Regan Johnson, illustrator
Blooming Tree Press
PO Box 140934, Austin, TX 78714
9781933831114, $16.95, www.bloomingtreepress.com
A series of huge changes all at once can wreak havoc with any child. "Dragon Wishes" tells of
Alex and Isa, two young sisters who have had their world turned upside down. Their parents die,
and they are forced to move across the United States to San Francisco, leaving their beloved
Oklahoma home behind. Their only comfort is their Aunt Ling's stories. A tale of adjusting and
looking to the future, "Dragon Wishes" is a fine story of the coping of youth.
Adirondack Gold II: A Summer of Strangers
Persis Granger
Beaver Meadow Publishing
11 Clarence Russell Road, Warrenburg, NY 12885
9780974208510, $11.95, www.persisgranger.com
A person is the sum of those around them. "Adirondack Gold II: A Summer of Strangers" is the
coming of age story of young Hollis Ingraham, who is set to spend a summer with strangers;
during this time, he learns much of the world. A followup to the original "Adirondack Gold", "A
Summer of Strangers" is a fine work of historical fiction sure to entertain readers well, aimed
particularly at young adults.
Graveyard of the Sea
Penny Draper
Coteau Books
2517 Victoria Ave., Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, S4P OT2
9781550503975, $8.95
The weight of many lives are not what's typically thrown on the shoulders of a young girl.
"Graveyard of the Sea" is the story of Nell, a girl who lives in a lighthouse on Canada's west
coast. Trying to prove her worth to her father, she learns Morse code and puts her skills to good
use. But when her father is gone, and her Morse code skills are rendered useless, she is faced
with the lives of the Coloma in her hands. Can she rise to the challenge? "Graveyard of the Sea"
is a riveting young adult read, highly recommended.
The Addiction Monster and the Square Cat
Sheryl Letzgus McGinnis
Oak Tree Press
140 E. Palmer Taylorville, IL 62568
9781892343543, $12.95, www.oaktreebooks.com
Addiction changes people. You don't need to be human to see that. "The Addiction Monster and
the Square Cat" is a children's novel of addiction told from the perspective of the family cat. Six
years ago, Sheryl McGinnis lost her son to drug addiction, and now crafts a story aimed at young
readers to warn them against the dangers in a way that will appeal to them as both entertainment
and lesson. "The Addiction Monster and the Square Cat" is a fine read for late elementary school
Trouble at Turtle Narrows
Peggy Dymond Leavey
178 Willowdale Avenue, Ste. 201, Toronto, ON Canada M2N 4Y8
9781894917711, $9.95, www.napoleonandcompany.com
Being homeless is not something a thirteen-year-old aspires to. "Trouble at Turtle Narrows" is a
young adult novella following Joel Osler. His family is blessed with a new home and dog, but
chaos soon shows up to screw up Joel's life. Joel has to save his family, his home, and his dog, or
his life won't ever be the same. "Trouble at Turtle Narrows" is a fine novel for preteens, sure to entertain and encourage literacy.
557 Broadway, New York NY 10012
Patrick Carman's STARGAZER (0439899516, $11.99) adds to the Land of Elyon with the 4th
adventure in the series. Here Alexa Daley has defeated a threat to her home and is off on a sail to
adventure; but after a savage attack she's stranded in a strange community known as The Five
Stone Pillars. Evil and challenge threatens her every move in this fast-paced saga of struggle,
suitable for prior fans of the series. Nahoko Uehashi's MORIBITO: GUARDIAN OF THE
SPIRIT (0545005426, $17.99) tells of one Balsa, a fighter who protects kids and adults in the
course of her quest to redeem eight lives lost for her. She's a martial arts expert and guardian of
the Second Prince Chagum, who has been chosen to journey across the seas to deliver a spirit to
its home or face a drought. A fast-paced fantasy will appeal to readers attracted to complex plots
and many changes.
The Great Wide Sea
M.H. Herlong
c/o Penguin Publishing Group
345 Hudson Street, New York NY 10014
9780670063307, $16.99 www.penguin.com
Ben doesn't want to spend a year on a sailing trip with his father and brothers recovering from his
mother's sudden death, but he's on the trip anyway - so when disaster strikes and the father
vanishes halfway between the Bahamas and Bermuda, it's up to him and his brothers to survive a
storm, a shipwreck, and more. Survival on many levels is a key issue in THE GREAT WIDE
SEA, a riveting story for middle to high school leisure readers.
Simon & Schuster
1230 Avenue of Americas, New York NY 10020
Sally Lincoln tells the story of life in the Lincoln family which changes when her mother dies
and a demanding father's new wife leaves Sally in charge of nine-year-old Abe in Harry Mazer's
MY BROTHER ABE (1416938842, $15.99). Can a pre-teen and her sibling face the frontier
alone? This fictional story provides a powerful based-on-truth tale of a girl facing many
hardships and responsibilities caring for the boy who would someday become President of the
United States. Marissa Moss' AMELIA'S SCIENCE FAIR DISASTER (1416964940, $9.99)
appears in an appealing hand-written, drawn format much like a child's journal as it provides
middle school readers with a fun story of Amelia's greatest challenge: a science fair project. Zany
mishaps make for a fast-paced, unpredictable tale.
Delacorte Books
c/o Bantam Dell Publishing Group
1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036
Joshua Doder's GRK: OPERATION TORTOISE (9780385733625, $15.99) tells of one Tim,
vacationing with his parents and Grk in the Seychelles when he and Grk stumble on a body on
the beach. Their search for clues to the mystery lead them to a mad scientist and a dangerous
quest for immortality in this fast-paced mystery recommended for middle school readers. Mitali
Perkins' SECRET KEEPER (9780385733403, $16.99) tells of Indian girl Asha and her older
sister and mother, whose father leaves India to look for work in America. The women come
under the jurisdiction of an uncle with all kinds of ramifications as Ma struggles with personal
depression and her mother- and sister-in-law, Reet's beauty attracts unwelcome suitors, and Asha
herself can't seem to hold the family together. A final novel of politics and personal courage set
in India in the 1970s makes for an involving story.
The Stowaway
R.A. Salvatore & Geno Salvatore
Wizards of the Coast Inc.
Box 606, Renton, WA 98057-0707
9780786950942, $17.95 www.wizards.com
Maimun is marked for death even tho he's not yet a teenager, guarding a secret while a demon
tracks his moves. He stows away on a boat hoping to escape his woes and there finds an ally in
the dark elf Drizzt, finding newfound meaning in relationships born of mutual need and
appreciation. This fast-paced fantasy, set in the popular Dungeons & Dragons "Forgotten
Realms" fantasy world, is a perfect pick for high school readers seeking powerful
characterization and complex, fast-changing stories.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw
Jeff Kinney
Harry Abrams Inc,
115 West 18th Street, New York NY 10011
9780810970687, $12.95 www.amuletbooks.com
This sequel to Roderick Rules and the Do-It-Yourself Book tells of the rewards and perils of
being a wimpy kid. Greg's father threatens to involve him in more 'manly' endeavors, but Greg
refuses to be anything more than what he is in this joke-packed story accompanied by cartoon
line drawings and fun moments. Perfect for grades 5 and up.
The Picturebook Shelf
Dende Maro: The Golden Prince
Sally Mallam
Hoopoe Books
PO Box 176, Los Altos, CA 94023
9781933779485, $17.99 www.hoopoekids.com
Dende Maro: The Golden Prince is a wondrous picturebook for children ages 5 and up, inspired
by the ancient rock art of Africa. Illustrated with "digital collages" created by rearranging and
coloring original images of this ancient rock art, Dende Maro is an original fable about the
creation of the world, and the Golden Prince sent to teach the people of the new world how to
take care of themselves and each other. Dende Maro the Golden Prince taught the people how to
fish, how to cultivate plants for food, how to travel and navigate by the stars, create paint and
music, and write down their poems, stories, and dreams. A delightful and panoramic picturebook
reflecting the mystique of Africa's ancient treasures, Dende Maro is highly recommended for
parents to share with children during storytime or bedtime.
The One and Only Marigold
Florence Parry Heide and Jill McElmurry
Schwarz and Wade
c/o Random House Children's Books
1745 Broadway, 10-1, New York, NY 10019
9780375840319, $16.99 www.randomhouse.com/kids
Marigold wears her coat everywhere; even to bed. Her hobby is inventing ugly faces - and she
can really irritate her best friend, too. Four linked stories feature aspects of the hilarious Marigold
in this zany book perfect for young readers ages 4-8.
Gobble It Up!
Jim Arnosky
Scholastic Inc.
557 Broadway, New York NY 10012
0439903629, $16.99 www.scholastic.com
GOBBLE IT UP! A FUN SONG ABOUT EATING! tells of suppertime in the wild, when
hungry animals engage in eating. A music CD accompanies a factual picture book song,
illustrating consumption in a fun, zany and easy-reading rollicking rhyme.
Never Talk to Strangers
Irma Joyce
Golden Books
c/o Random House Children's Books
1745 Broadway, 10-1, New York, NY 10019
9780375849640, $9.99 www.randomhouse.com/kids
First published in 1967, NEVER TALK TO STRANGERS pairs a zany rhyme filled with
unlikely dilemmas reinforcing the rule of why it's important never to talk to strangers. George
Buckett's drawings accompany animal/human interactions emphasizing the fact of safety - even
under the unlikeliest of circumstances.
Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat, Are You Waking Up?
Bill Martin Jr. and Michael Sampson
Marshall Cavendish
99 White Plains Road, Tarrytown, NY 10591
9780761454380, $14.99 www.marshallcavendish.us/kids
Kitty Cat should be getting ready for school, but is doing anything but as she moves slowly in the
morning and finds plenty of tasks far more interesting than preparing for the rest of her day. Her
mother guides her to find her things in this very simple story ideal for young picturebook
Amulet Books
c/o Harry N. Abrams, Inc.
115 West 18th Street, New York NY 10011
David McPhail's BUDGIE & BOO (9780810983243, $15.95) tells of best friends who work in
their gardens and help each other out, learning that friendship is all they need to get through their
day. The bear and rabbit share adventures - and their fear of dark forests - in this fine story.
BOOK (9780810983304, $15.95) enjoys fine drawings by Carey Armstrong-Ellis as it offers a
take-off on the '12 Days of Christmas', each school experience ending with 'and a garden to water
EDC Publishing
PO Box 470663, Tulsa, OK 74146-6515
www.edcpub.com, 1-800-475-4522
Full color picture books are perennial favorites for young readers and their parents. This is
especially true for enduring literary classics that have entertained generations of children. EDC
Publishing has made available five 24-page picture book titles that would grace any family,
school, or community library collection for children ages 3 through 8 and matching simple
storytelling with truly exquisite full page illustrations. Whether as a parental gift for a child or as
a library acquisition for the benefit of a whole community of children, "The Story Of Black
Beauty" (9760794522506, $9.99); "The Secret Garden" (978079452232, $9.99); "Goldilocks
And The Three Bears" (9780794522513, $9.99); "The Three Little Pigs" (9780794522537,
$9.99); and "The Sun And The Wind" (9780794522520, $9.99) are among the best bargains and
most popular additions for any family, preschool center, elementary school, or community library
picture book collection.
The American History Shelf
Profiles in Black
Marvin A. McMickle
Judson Press
PO Box 851, Valley Forge, PA 19482-0851
9780817015084, $22.00, www.judsonpress.com
Black Americans have been a vital part of American history since the country's inception.
"Profiles in Black: Phat Fact for Teens" is a look at black history, aimed at teenagers. Famous
names in many walks of life, ranging from military to education to government to even great
entertainers and athletes, McMickle covers a wide range of great Black Americans, sure to
educate and inspire readers. "Profiles in Black" is a fine acquisition for any library catering to
teenaged readers and wants to foster appreciation of these great individuals.
Traveling the Freedom Road
Linda Barrett Osborne
Harry Abrams
115 West 18th Street, New York NY 10011
9780810983380, $24.95 www.amuletbooks.com
Illustrations, original documents and first-person narratives blend in a fine survey of
CIVIL WAR THROUGH RECONSTRUCTION. An excellent 'you are there' news-style blend of
picture and text emphasizes the many challenges and transition points of the time in this
excellent pictorial review of America's greatest period of change.
The Audiobook Shelf
Live Oak Media
PO Box 652, Pine Plains, NY 12567-0652
www.liveoakmedia.com, 1-800-788-1121
A premier publisher of audio book adaptations of children's picturebooks, Live Oak Media has
produced audio editions of two outstanding titles by author James Howe and illustrator
Marie-Louise Gay. "Houndsley and Catina" (9781430103011, $31.95) is the story of Catina the
cat who wants to be a successful writer, while Houndsley the dog is a rather good cook who
aspires to winning an important cooking contest. While the two of them seek fame, they find that
having a good friend is an even better reward for doing what they love to do and are so very good
at. "Houndsley and Catina and the Birthday Surprise" (9781430103080, $18.95) continues their
adventures as Houndsley worries that he's made Catina sad by admitting he doesn't know when
his birthday is -- and had reminded her that she didn't know hers either! He tries to cheer her up
with a birthday cake, and because she is his friend as well, Catina has her own surprise for
Houndsley! In addition to being available as a hardcover/CD combination, both of these
outstanding and highly recommended titles are also available as paperback/CD,
hardcover/cassette, and paperback/cassette editions. School and community librarians
would be well advised to visit the Live Oak Media website at www.liveoakmedia.com for a
complete listing of all their titles and ordering information.
The Graphic Novel Shelf
Comic Books and Manga
Eddie Robson
Crabtree Publishers
350 - 5th Avenue #3308, New York NY 10118
9780778738138, $26.60 www.crabtreebooks.com
From the creation of the world's first superhero comic book, to famous writers and artists, to how
a comic is created, Eddie Robson's "Comic Books and Manga" offers young readers a 32-page
all-color introductory history to comic books and manga, and comes packed with photos, comic
book covers in full color, dialogue and more. Kids interested in comics will find this
Fashion Kitty and the Unlikely Hero
Charise Mericle Harper
c/o Hyperion Books for Children
114 Fifth Avenue, 14th floor, New York, NY 10011
9780786837274, $8.99 1-800-759-0190
Fashion Kitty's biggest challenge is school uniforms so ugly they defy fashion adjustment. Her
fight for fashion freedom leads her to some daring school encounters in this two-color graphic
novel of a too-hip kitty's battle for fashion freedom in her school, perfect for reluctant readers
and those who love graphic novels.
Classical Comics Limited
c/o Peter Handel
$16.95 each, www.classicalcomics.com
In the 1950s and 60's, comic books serving as a forum and format for great works of English
literature experienced a 'Golden Age' with publishers such as Classics Illustrated had a
tremendous impact on readers of all ages. Now a new company, the British based publisher
Classical Comics Limited, is reviving that literary tradition and format with graphic novels based
on great literary works and offered in two basic text formats: the classical text and a modern
English version. The full color artwork is superb and used for both text versions. The newest
additions to this simply outstanding literary graphic novel series from Classical Comics Limited
includes Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" (original text 9781906332525; quick text
9781906332518); Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" (original text 9781906332501; quick text
9781906332495); Charlotte Bronte's "Jane Eyre" (original text 9781906332488; quick text
9781906332471). Ideal for school and community library collections, all librarians and graphic
novel enthusiasts would do well to visit the colorful Classical Comics Limited website at
www.classicalcomics.com for a complete roster of all of their very highly recommended
adaptations of classical literature.
Random House Children's Books
1745 Broadway, 10-1, New York, NY 10019
www.randomhouse.com, 1-800-726-0600
$5.99 each www.randomhouse.com/kids
Two new 'Stone Rabbit' graphic novels by Eric Craddock provide zany plots and full-color comic
panels throughout. PIRATE PALOOZA (9780375856600) tells of a cursed pirate leg used to fix
a broken coffee table and the chaos and ghostly pirate that results. BIG MAMBO
(9780375843600) presents a time portal of doom to be found in Rabbit's bathroom - a portal that
leads to prehistoric problems. Comedy and zany encounters keep kids interested in these colorful
Crabtree Publishers
350 - 5th Avenue #3308, New York NY 10118
$29.27 each, www.crabtreebooks.com
Six new titles in the 'Graphic America' series provide 32 pages each of all-color American history
in graphic novel format, certain to appeal to reluctant readers with vivid covers and exciting
titles. INVENTIONS AND INVENTORS (9780778741862) covers Ben Franklin, Alexander
Graham Bell and others, FREE AT LAST! (9780778741855) covers slavery events and the rise
of both the Clan and Civil Rights movements, RADICAL REPUBLICANS (9780778741879)
tells of the Reconstruction period, race riots and reconstruction issues, WESTWARD HO!
(9780778741909) charts trails west during the growth of the nation, THE REVOLUTION IN
INDUSTRY (9780778741893) considers autos, airplanes, engines, wind power and other
influences on industrial growth, and TAMING THE WEST (9780778741885) reveals lawmen,
women, and frontier justice alike. With dialogue boxes blended with facts, these read like fiction
but are packed with facts.
The Fantasy/SciFi Shelf
Rowan of the Wood
Christine & Ethan Rose
Windlass Young Adult Line
c/o Dalton Publishing
PO Box 242, Austin, TX 78767
9780981744315, $14.95, www.daltonpublishing.com
Fantasy is fine and all until it becomes reality. "Rowan of the Wood" follows young Cullen, an
awkward preteen whose only refuge are the forests that surround his home and give him a break
from his life as he loses himself in his imagination. Little does he know that he soon encounters a
powerful ancient wizard by the name of Rowan. Cullen must reunite a wizard with his lost love,
but that seems so much harder than it sounds, and it sounds hard in the first place. "Rowan of the
Wood" is a fun children's fantasy sure to be enjoyed by those children who can't get enough of
the genre.
Duckey and the Ocean Protectors
John Sexton & Katie Gutierrez, authors
Maciej Zajac, illustrator
Writers of the Round Table Press
8 Sparrow Lane, York, ME 03909
9780981454573, $18.95, www.writersoftheroundtable.com
Hydrophobic and duck aren't two words that should go together. "Duckey and the Ocean
Protectors" is a novel aimed at the late elementary school audience, complimented with beautiful
artwork from Maciej Zajac. The diamond of the ocean has been stolen, and King Neptune needs
it found, lest the ocean and all of the creatures of the Earth wither and die. A force of creatures
band together to find it, but what they may need to succeed lies in the hands of a hydrophobic
duck called Duckey. "Duckey and the Ocean Protectors" is sure to entertain many a young
Books in Series
The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc.
29 East 21st Street, New York, NY 10010
www.rosenpublishing.com, 1-800-237-9932
The martial arts has never been more widespread throughout American communities, nor as
popular with junior and high school students as it is today. The Rosen Publishing Group has
newly published a particularly outstanding series of five martial arts instructional handbooks
specifically written at an eighth grade reading level and profusely illustrated to appeal to young
readers in grades 7 to 12. Written by martial arts experts in their particular fields, the five titles
include The Judo Handbook; The Karate Handbook; The Kickboxing Handbook; The Kung Fu
handbook; and The Tae Kwon Do Handbook. Each volume features a library binding for an
extended shelf life, full-color photography, an index, and a resource list for further research or
study. Although the individual titles are available separately ($39.95 List/$29.95 Library), school
and community library collections would be well advised to acquire the entire set
(9781404214859, $199.75 List/$149.75 Library) for their collections.
6277 Sea Harbor Drive, 5th fl., Orlando, FL 32887
www.raintreelibrary.com, 1-888-363-4266
The marking and passing of time are basic concepts that should be mastered as part of a
preschool preparation for taking on an elementary school curriculum. "Talking About Time"
(9781410916433, $74.75) is a new five title series from Raintree directly deals with the subject.
Superbly co-authored by Jilly Attwood and Angela McHaney Brown, the titles comprising this
outstanding series of 24-page books include Days Of The Week; How Long Does It Take?;
Months Of The Year; Seasons Of The Year; and Times Of The Day. The concepts provided with
illustrative examples are deftly presented, for example in How Long Does It Take, children are
introduced into analyzing the relative passages of time such as considering whether it takes
longer to walk to school or ride a bike to school. Although each of the five titles comprising
"Talking About Time" are available individually ($14.95 each), families, preschool and daycare
center, elementary school, and community libraries would be well advised to obtain the entire
series for their collections.
The Child's World, Inc.
1980 Lookout Drive, Mankato, MN 56003
www.childsworld.com, 1-800-599-7323
Sports books are always popular with boys -- even those that might otherwise be averse to
reading for pleasure. The Child's World has published two particularly outstanding sports
oriented series that will have appeal for young readers in grades 2 through 9 and which are
written on a third grade vocabulary level. "The World's Greatest Athletes" (9781602531116,
162.42 List/$113.70 Library) is a series of six 32-page and superbly illustrated titles showcasing
contemporary sports stars from six different sports. These include Tiger Woods (golf); Roger
Federer (tennis); Dwayne Wad (basketball); David Beckham (soccer); Shaun White (skate
boarding); and LaDainton Tomlinson (football). "Above The Rim" (9781592969951, $171.00
List/$119.70 Library) features basketball teams and their players from the different national
divisions of the National Basketball Association and including The Atlantic Division; The
Central Division; The Northwest Division; The Pacific Division; The Southeast Division; and
The Southwest Division. Author James S. Kelley does a particularly fine job in each of these
40-page titles of reporting the history of each division -- including the sports statistics that are so
popular with young fans (and their fathers too, for that matter!). All of the books in both of these
highly recommended sports series for young readers feature reinforced library bindings, a table of
contents, sidebar facts, event timelines, glossaries, indexes, and lists of resources (including
websites) for further research making them ideal for both school and community library
Picture Window Books
c/o Capstone Press
PO Box 669, Mankato, MN 56002-0669
www.capstonepress.com, 1-800-747-4992
Two outstanding series from Picture Window Books provide young readers ages 5 to 9 with
colorfully entertaining titles drawn from folklore. "Tall Tales" (9781404810815PM, $119.58
List/$89.70 Library) is a set of six stories drawn from American legends associated with both
historical and fictional characters. Appropriate for grades K-5, the brightly illustrated, 32-page
titles include Annie Oakley: Sharp Shooter; John Henry; Johnny Appleseed; Paul Bunyan; and
Pecos Bill. "Folk Tales" 997814048-099-4PM, $139.51List/$104.65 Library) is comprised of
seven thoroughly 'kid friendly' 32-page illustrated classics including Chicken Little; The
Gingerbread Man; How Many Spots Does A Leopard Have?; How The Camel Got Its Hump;
The Little Red Hen; The Pied Piper; and Stone Soup. While each of the titles in both of these
highly recommended series are available separately, school and community library collections
would be well advised to acquire the sets in their entirety for the cost savings, because they are
sturdily bound for an extended shelf life, and for their enduring popularity with children and
Rourke Publishing
PO Box 643328, Vero Beach, FL 32964
With each year that passes, the importance of environmental studies for elementary school
children has become more and more recognized as an essential aspect of classroom curriculum
instruction. "Studying Food Webs" is unique six volume series of deftly informative and superbly
illustrated books employing the concept of integrated and interrelated food systems that provide
nourishment for plants and animals. Individual titles showcase particular habitats and the animals
associated with them. Each title is enhanced for young readers in grades 3 to 6 with glossaries,
'kid-friendly' and thematically appropriate websites, as well as detailed indexes. The six titles
comprising this outstanding and highly recommended series include "Arctic Appetizers: Studying
Food Webs in the Arctic (9781604723144); "Desert Dinners: Studying Food Webs in the Desert"
(9781604723151); "Forest Fare: Studying food Webs in the Forest (9781604723168);
"Freshwater Feeders: Studying Food Webs in Freshwater" (9781604723175); "Grassland Buffet:
Studying Food Webs in the Grasslands and Savannahs (9781604723182); and "Makers and
Takers: Studying Food Webs in the Ocean" (9781804723199). Although these titles can be
obtained separately ($28.50 List/$19.95 Library), school and community libraries would be well
advised to acquire the entire set (9781604723137, $171.00 List/$119.70 Library).Teachers,
librarians, and home schooling parents are also recommended to visit the Rourk Publishing
website at www.rourkepublishing.com for a complete listing of all their non-fiction books in
series for children preschool through young adult.
Black Rabbit Books
PO Box 3263, Mankato, MN 56002
Children are not immune to the social issues and cultural concerns that afflict their parents. Often
by giving children a sound introduction to such issues and concerns, they can be inspired to help
their parents become involved in seeking solutions to the problems that beset our society as a
whole. "Global Questions" is a six volume series of illustrated titles from Black Rabbit Books
that highlights and showcases contemporary stories that are part of our daily newscasts and
newspaper headlines. Each individually illustrated, 48-page book provides historical background
for its particular issue, is written on a 6th grade reading level, is appropriate for children in
grades 5 through 7, offers expert views, forum panels to stimulate debate, features a table of
contents, a glossary, and an index. The individual titles comprising this superbly illustrated series
includes "Are We Running Out of Energy?" (9781848370135); "Can the War on Terrorism be
Won?" (9781848370142); "Do Animals Have Rights?" (9781848370104); "Is Our Climate
Changing? (9781848370111); "Is Our Food Safe?" (9781848370128); and "Why Do People Seek
Asylum?" (9781848370159". Highly appropriate for and recommended to both school and
community library collections, each titles is available separately ($32.80 List/$22.95 Library) or
as a set ($196.80 List/$137.70 Library).
Crabtree Publishers
350 - 5th Avenue, Suite 3308, New York NY 10118
Each of the titles in Penny Dowdy's 'My Path to Math' series ($21.27 each) for ages 5-6 provides
a little over twenty pages of introductory detail pairing math challenges to everyday life, and
simplifying the entire process. FRACTIONS (0778743381), MEASUREMENT (0778743411),
GRAPHING (077874339X), GEOMETRY (0778743403), ESTIMATION (0778743373),
PLACE VALUE (0778743438), MONEY (077874342X) and TIME (0778743446) each provide
an easy format, large-size print, and plenty of striking visual support. The titles in the'
Celebrations in My World' ($26.60 each) series each provides some 30 pages of detail on a range
of ethnic holidays, from DAY OF THE DEAD (0778742792), DIWALI (0778742822),
CHINESE NEW YEAR (0778742806), CINCO DE MAYO (0778742814), KWANZAA
(0778742849) and CONSTITUTION DAY (0778742865) to HANUKKAH (0778742830) and
RAMADAN (0778742857). Bright contemporary color photos and large-size print accompany
clear explanations. The 'Your Guide to Government' series ($26.60 each) provides a fine basic
survey of people and processes. Each book offers over 30 pages of basic information perfect for
introductory papers and explorations. HOW IS A GOVERNMENT ELECTED? (077874325X),
(0778743276), and WHAT IS A GOVERNMENT? (0778743284) each provide contemporary
color photos to spice basic facts. Continuing the exploration with more depth are the 32-page
books 'Understanding' series by Sally Senzell Isaacs explaining further facets of the government.
RIGHTS (0778743748), U.S. CONSTITUTION (077874373X) and DECLARATION OF
INDEPENDENCE (0778743713) each survey documents of early American history. K-3 grades
will enjoy the 'Baby Animals' series ($15.95 each) by Bobbie Kalman: namely TADPOLES TO
FROGS (9780778739562) and BABY REPTILES (9780778739548). 24 pages include large
bright color photos paired with simple nature facts, a glossary, and information perfect for
beginning reports. The 'Extreme Nature' series ($19.95 each) for grades 2-4 each offer some 32
pages of details on extreme environments and nature, from FROZEN EXTREMES
(9780778745020) and MOUNTAIN EXTREMES (9780778745037) to DEEP SEA EXTREMES
(9780778745013) and RAIN FOREST EXTREMES (9780778745044). Each discusses the
extreme environment and the types of life calling it home. Two new 'Crabtree contact' titles
include SNAKE BITE (9780778737728, $26.60) and PIRANHAS AND OTHER SMALL
DEADLY CREATURES (9780778737704, $26.60). From different kinds of snake bites and the
world's most dangerous snakes to snake handling methods, SNAKE BITE pairs dramatic photos
with natural science, while PIRANHAS covers oddities such as a man who works with killer
snails and how a fish can turn you into a zombie. Crabtree's 'Why Chemistry Matters' series
($26.60 each) expands with lively 32-page offerings packed with color and detail linking
chemistry to everyday life. ELEMENTS AND COMPOUNDS (9778742423), ACIDS AND
(0778742407), MIXTURES AND SOLUTIONS (07787423431) and STATES OF MATTER
(077874244X) do more than explain theory: they draw important connections between science
and daily life. David Jefferis' 'Exploring Our Solar System' titles ($26.60 each) provides vivid
covers and descriptions to excite young readers about the solar system. An unusual division
offers Mercury and Venus in HOT PLANETS (0778737357), Jupiter and Saturn in MIGHTY
MEGAPLANETS (0778737373), Pluto and beyond in ICE DWARFS (0778737365) and
Neptune and Uranus in GAS GIANTS (0778737349), comparing the properties of similar planets
in our solar system and providing vivid, eye-catching covers and color photos throughout in these
whirlwind tours of our solar system.
Marshall Cavendish
99 White Plains Road, Tarrytown, NY 10591
Marshall Cavendish's books are top picks offering important sets packed with colorful graphics
and information perfect for reports. One of their new sets is detailed and packed with insights:
John and Jackie Tidey's CHINA: LAND, LIFE AND CULTURE ($19.95 each) uses first-hand
personal accounts and viewpoints throughout text, along with contemporary color photos and
examples of Chinese and Americans working together on projects. Each book holds some 32
pages including an index and glossary. The complete set includes PLANTS (9780761431596),
LAND AND CULTURE (9780761431565), PEOPLE AND CITIES (9780761431589),
HISTORY AND GOVERNMENT (9780761431558), WILDLIFE (9780761431619) and ARTS
AND CULTURE (9780761431541), each packed with information suitable for beginning
reports. 'Math Alive ($19.95 each) offers a series of 32-page books linking math concepts to
daily work and history. BUILDING MATH (9780761432104) thus covers buildings and
structures around the world and how math has changed since ancient times, TRANSPORT
MATH (9780761432111) covers calculations for the transportation world, SCIENCE MATH
(9780761432135) surveys how math is used in scientific research, NATURE MATH
(9780761432142) considers math patterns evident in nature, BODY MATH (9780761432159)
offers figures and facts about body functions, and TRAVEL MATH (9780761432173) considers
how travel is calculated and how math is used in different countries. The new 'American Heroes'
series ($20.95 each) provides a little under 40 pages each of basic information on selected
Americans who made a different. From Sneed Collard III's ELEANOR ROOSEVELT: MAKING
FLYING (9780761430667), and Collard's THOMAS JEFFERSON: LET FREEDOM RING!
(9780761430674) to Larry Dane Brimner's titles BOOKER T. WASHINGTON: GETTING
(9780761430650), dates blend with biography and history to make for excellent material for
basic reports for grades 2-4. The photos and illustrations add interest to facts.
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Diane C. Donovan, Editor
Midwest Book Review
278 Orchard Drive
Oregon, WI 53575-1129
phone: 1-608-835-7937
e-mail: mbr@execpc.com
e-mail: mwbookrevw@aol.com
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