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Reviewer's Choice
How to Do Homework Without Throwing Up
Trevor Romain, author
Steve Mark, illustrator
Free Spirit Publishing
217 Fifth Avenue North, Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55401-1299
9781631980664, $8.95, PB, 80pp, www.amazon.com
Brought back into print in a new edition for a new generation of appreciative young readers ages
8 to 13, "How to Do Homework Without Throwing Up" is Trevor Romain's entertaining story of,
a boy who knows just how horrible homework can be! All elementary school kids will laugh at
the accompanying cartoons by Steve Mark, and fully appreciate Trevor's funny insights.
Meanwhile, they'll discover valuable truths and pointers about homework: "People who say
homework is a waste of time don't know what they are talking about." "The best way to get your
homework done without feeling sick every time you see it is to just do it." As an added bonus,
kids will also learn how to make a homework schedule, when to do the hardest homework
(first!), the benefits of doing homework, and more other serious suggestions delivered with wit
and humor because laughter makes learning fun. Of special note is the section dedicated to
learning how to manage electronic devices and avoid the dreaded 'Screen-Homework-Neck
Syndrome'! Absolutely and enthusiastically recommended for elementary school and community
library collections, it should be noted that "How to Do Homework Without Throwing Up" is also
available in a Kindle format ($8.09).
Libraries and Books and Words... Oh My!
Carey Rigby-Wilcox, author/illustrator
See A Book Take a Look
9781927778043 $10.00 pbk / $5.00 ebook
"Libraries and Books and Words... Oh My!" is an inspiring story based upon the author's life
experience. The heroine is a mother who is determined to face her fear of books and libraries,
based on limited reading skills, and to open up the world of books and libraries for her two
children. First she began taking reading lessons from an excellent tutor named Lisa. Then she
made the huge commitment of actually taking her two children to visit the local library, despite
her paralyzing fear. The children loved the library. The librarian helped the children apply to
receive their own library cards, a magical ticket to a wonderful world. While both children
discovered many books to borrow and read, their mother was content to sit quietly in a corner
and just watch them explore the wonderful library. They knew she was still afraid. Only
gradually did their mother over come her fear of libraries and books. Her continued reading with
her tutor, Lisa helped her overcome some of her fear. Finally one day, their mommy overcame
her fear of libraries and opened up a book to read, "You always had the power, my dear, you just
had to learn it for yourself," also from "The Wizard of Oz." Delicate, pastel self portraits and
pictures of magical places, people, and creatures adorn each page of "Libraries and Books and
Words...Oh My!" Both illustrations and narrative are the creation of author Carey Rigby-Wilcox,
who tells her story simply but with great eloquence ."Libraries and Books and Words... Oh My!"
is the winner of the Moonbeam Children's Book Award.
Even Superheroes Have to Sleep
Sara Crow, author
Adam Record, illustrator
Random House Children's Books, Doubleday Books for Young Readers
c/o Penguin Random House
1745 Broadway, New York, NY 10019
9780399558061 $22.99 www.randomhousekids.com
"Even Superheroes Have to Sleep" is a delightful illustrated verse narrative that is created "to
help parents achieve bedtime peace" each night with their young children. Cartoon-like, large
splashy illustrations depict superheroes and workers in full active mode, with an inset portrait of
them sleeping. The message is: everyone needs to rest. Sleep is healthy! The final verse addresses
children: "Playing and reading can tire you out, Growing as quickly as a bean sprout. Cuddle up
tight, don't make a peep. Even children have to sleep." On the final pages and the inside back
cover are a seven day Sleep Reward Chart, with stickers and images for going to the bathroom,
putting on pajamas, brushing teeth, reading a book, and finally being ready for bed. Pre-sleep
activities are categorized and rewarded with a related sticker image, encouraging each young
reader to complete a litany of bedtime sleep preparatory activities, leading to a night of
successful rest. "Even Superheroes Have To Sleep" is an imminently practical, well designed
bedtime activity book that will encourage formation and sustaining of healthy sleep habits in
young children, ages 2-5.
The Egg
Britta Teckentrup
Prestel Publishing
900 Broadway, Suite 603, New York, NY 10003
9783791372945, $16.95, HC, 96pp, www.amazon.com
Beautiful, whimsical, and entertaining, "The Egg" is comprised of illustrations by Britta
Teckentrup showing all manner of eggs in their fragility, complexity, and variety. Nothing in
nature is as simple or as complex as an egg. "The Egg" is gorgeous picture book that portrays
eggs through the eyes of an artist with each full page image being accompanied by a kind of free
verse commentary. The eggs showcased range from those of hummingbirds to the extinct
elephant bird, and include illustrations of the avian world's smallest and largest eggs demonstrate
the variety present in nature. Pastel studies explore the rainbow of soft colors and intricate
patterns that make eggs of common birds seem incredibly striking. In Teckentrup's hands, a
scattering of broken egg shells become abstract art; a nest of unhatched eggs suggest the
possibility and promise of life. Her studies of songbirds and nests are themselves beautifully
composed works of color and line. A lovely meditation on the diversity of eggs, this is
magnificent volume that offers hours of lingering pleasure, and becomes fertile ground for
conversation and imagination. With its flawless, elegant, beautifully rendered images, "The Egg"
is highly recommended for children ages 5 and older, and would prove to be an enduringly
popular addition to family, school, and community library collections.
The Biography Shelf
Kate Warne, Pinkerton Detective
Marissa Moss, author
April Chu, illustrator
Creston Books
PO Box 9369, Berkeley, CA 94709
9781939547330, $18.99, HC, 44pp, www.amazon.com
When Kate Warne applied for a job with the Pinkerton Agency, Allan Pinkerton assumed she
wanted to cook or clean, but he agreed to try her out as an agent. Assigned to a tough case with
high stakes, Warne went undercover and not only found the stolen money, she got almost all of it
returned. The Adams Express Case made the reputation of the fledgling Pinkerton Agency,
turning it into the biggest, most prestigious detective company in the world. Warne went on to
direct an entire women's division of detectives and Pinkerton relied on her for his hardest cases.
This is an aspect of American history well worth knowing and author Marissa Moss's inherently
fascinating story is wonderfully enhanced with the illustrations of April Chu. The result is a
singularly informative and entertaining picture book that is unreservedly recommended for young
readers ages 5 to 13 and will prove to be an enduringly popular addition to family, school, and
community library American Biography picture book collections.
Noah Webster's Fighting Words
Tracy Nelson Maurer, author
Mircea Catusanu, illustrator
Millbrook Press
c/o The Lerner Publishing Group
241 First Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55401-1607
9781467794107, $19.97, HC, Library Binding, 40pp, www.amazon.com
Noah Webster is famous for writing the first dictionary of the English language as spoken in the
United States. He was known in his day for his bold ideas and strong opinions about everything.
Spelling, politics, laws, you name it and he had something to say about it. He even commented
on his own opinions! With a red pencil in hand, Noah often marked up work that he had already
published. So who edited "Noah Webster's Fighting Words"? It certainly looks like the ghost of
the great American author and patriot picked up a pencil once again to comment on his own
biography! A perfect collaboration between author Tracy Nelson Maurer and illustrator Mircea
Catusanu, "Noah Webster's Fighting Words" is thoroughly 'kid friendly' in organization and
presentation to entertain children ages 7 to 10 with this picture book story about one of the most
influential men to help shape the American approach to the English language. While very highly
recommended, especially for family, elementary school, and community library picture book
collections, it should be noted for personal reading lists that "Noah Webster's Fighting Words" is
also available in a Kindle format ($9.99).
I Am Jim Henson
Brad Meltzer
c/o Penguin Young Readers Group
345 Hudson Street, 15th floor, New York, NY 10014
9780525428503, $14.99, www.penguin.com
I Am Jim Henson is illustrated by Christopher Eliopoulos and adds to a fun biography series for
ages 5-8. This focuses on individuals who made decisions that changed lives: Jim Henson was
always coming up with new and fun perspectives, delivered performances and puppets packed
with humor, and always saw the good in people. Good reading skills combined with an affinity
for fun cartoon-like full color drawings will lend an appreciation for Henson's life and his many
fine creations.
The Writing/Publishing Shelf
So You Want to Start a Blog
Rebekah Sack
Atlantic Publishing Group, Inc.
1405 S.W. 6th Avenue, Ocala, FL 34471
9781620232170 $19.95 pbk / $18.95 Kindle amazon.com
Written to be accessible to teenagers and young adults, yet useful and practical for readers of all
ages, So You Want to Start a Blog: A Step-by-Step Guide to Starting a Fun & Profitable Blog
lives up to its title as an easy-to-use guide to creating and maintaining a successful blog. Chapters
cover how to select the blogging platform best suited to one's needs, design an appealing layout,
and attract readers. Color illustrations, a glossary, and an index round out this excellent
introduction to the world of blogging. "Include a disclaimer on your blog related to privacy, and
monitor for criminal behavior and intellectual rights infringements... Clearly indicate that you
will release any privacy information (user names, real names, e-mail addresses, contact, or
personal information) to law enforcement authorities pursuant to a criminal investigation." So
You Want to Start a Blog is highly recommended both for personal perusal and public library
The Science Shelf
Geology Is a Piece of Cake
Katie Coppens
Tumblehome Learning
201 Newbury Street, Suite 201, Boston, MA 02116
9781943431281, $17.95, HC, 40pp, www.amazon.com
Katie Coppens lives in Maine with her husband and two children. She is an award-winning
middle school language arts and science teacher. She has had a variety of teaching experiences,
ranging from a self-contained third-grade classroom to teaching high school English and biology
in Tanzania. Katie has multiple publications, including a teacher's guide for the National Science
Teachers Association entitled Creative Writing in Science: Activities That Inspire. In "Geology Is
a Piece of Cake" she has combined geologic science with kitchen cake baking to explaining basic
geology. With a profusion of color photos, combined with easy recipes, and delicious cakes
depicting accurate science, "Geology Is a Piece of Cake" provides a fun, unique, effective, and
memorable approach to thinking about rock formation, tectonic plate movement, weathering,
fossils and more. Thoroughly 'kid friendly' in organization and presentation for children ages 7 to
9, "Geology Is a Piece of Cake" is especially recommended for family homeschool, elementary
school, and community library picture book Science collections.
Ocean Adventures With Jax
Pamela Jackson, author
Bonnie Bright, illustrator
1001 Avenida Pico, Suite C #624, San Clemente, CA 92673
9780990416944, $19.95, HC, 38pp, www.amazon.com
Jax is a young bottlenose dolphin who is excited to introduce children to the ocean's fascinating,
underwater world in "Ocean Adventures With Jax". As humans, it can be hard for us to
understand marine life, but as Jax quickly explains, he's a mammal, just like us. From cool
science facts to good life lessons, his story offers kids ages 4 to 9 more than just a fun adventure!
Written from the dolphin's point of view, young readers are transported under the waves.
Featuring amazing ocean animals, "Ocean Adventures With Jax" invites children to swim
through the beautifully illustrated pages and learn about the intriguing echolocation signals that
help dolphins determine what something looks like and how far away it is. Kids can practice their
best dolphin click speak and figure out how they would introduce themselves to Jax -- and
imagine what exciting creatures they might meet on their next ocean journey with Jax! Deftly
written by Pamela Jackson and engagingly illustrated by Bonnie Bright, "Ocean Adventures With
Jax" is especially recommended for family, preschool, elementary school, and community library
picture book collections. It should be noted for personal reading lists that "Ocean Adventures
With Jax" is also available in a paperback edition (9780990416937, $11.95) and in a Kindle
format ($3.99).
The Health Shelf
No, No, No Nuts for Me
Carol Florio
Mascot Publishing
560 Herndon Parkway, #120, Herndon, VA 20170
9781631779770, $14.95, HC, 34pp, www.amazon.com
Deftly written and charmingly illustrated by Carol Florio, "No, No, No Nuts for Me" is a
much-needed children's book specifically designed to help parents and their children deal with
nut allergies. Geared for younger children ages 4 to 8, a teddy bear learns about and manages his
nut allergy in a non-threatening way and stresses the avoidance of nuts for full protection against
a serious allergic reaction. "No, No, No Nuts for Me" starts the learning process for the child and
can be a useful tool for families, health practitioners, schools, and all caregivers. Thoroughly 'kid
friendly' in organization and presentation, "No, No, No Nuts for Me" is a strongly recommended
addition to family, preschool, elementary school, and community library Health/Medicine
collections for children.
Nick, the No Good, Icky Tick
Karen Gloyer, author
Maryana Kachmar, illustrator
Belle Isle Books
c/o Brandylane Publishers
5 South First Street, Richmond, VA 23219
9781939930835, $19.95, HC, www.amazon.com
Abby and her favorite four-footed friend Chowser discover all kinds of creatures while walking
in the wild, wild woods one day. What they don't expect to find is Nick, a no good, icky,
black-legged tick. Children ages 3 to 12 will find out what happens when Nick the icky tick finds
Abby and Chowser -- and the lessons they learn about how to stay safe on future outdoor
adventures! A deftly written and charmingly illustrated story with a very strong but thoroughly
'kid friendly' health safety message for children and families the importance of tick prevention
and awareness, "Nick, the No Good, Icky Tick" is unreservedly recommended for family,
preschool, elementary school, and community library collections. Of special note is are the
helpful tips and an Afterword by Dr. Kenneth B. Singleton who is a leading U.S. authority on
Lyme disease treatment and prevention.
The Picturebook Shelf
Caring Is Sharing
Stacy M. Johnson, author
Gau Family Studio, illustrators
Nevaeh Publishing LLC
9780997418118 $13.99 pbk www.nevaehpub.com
"Caring Is Sharing" is a title from the Charli Makenzie series about children learning to play
cooperatively together. Charli loves spending time with her school friends Brittany, Malia,
Yasmeen, and Katie. She asks her parents if she can invite all four girls to a playdate at her
house, since they do not live close to each other. The event is planned and invitations are sent.
Charli is so excited to play with her friends in her back yard, jumping rope and taking turns on
the tire swing, and inside the house, in her room playing with her dolls, games, and toys.
However, disagreements broke out between girls about sharing some of the playthings. All
parents present encouraged the girls to respect each other, use indoor voices, and share their toys
politely. Charli's mother got a kitchen timer to help the girls with their sharing skills. She told
them it was part of a new sharing game, that each girl would play with a toy until the timer rang,
then it would be time to trade with another girl for a different toy. Not only were the girls excited
to play the new timer-activated sharing game, they each got to play with more toys in the
playtime they had together. When all 5 girls returned to school the following Monday, their
sharing behavior was noted and praised by their teacher. They shared toys nicely, taking turns
even without a time to remind them of playtime limits. All the girls had great news to share with
their parents afterwards, for they had learned that caring is sharing. "Caring Is Sharing" is filled
with bright, colorful, happy illustrations and play portraits of five very different looking little
girls, a lift of celebration of diversity along with the theme of caring is sharing.
Color Blocked
Ashley Sorenson, author
David Miles, illustrator
1254 Commerce Way, Sanger, CA 93657
9781944822828 $18.99 www.familius.com
"Color Blocked" is an exciting experience for young children learning their primary colors and
also learning more about creating secondary colors through all kinds of fun interactions with
books, their best friends. Rainbow colored, elaborate illustrations alternate with intricate black
and white drawings drenching and belting single and blended colors. Readers are asked to tip,
shake, rub, turn sideways, and shut the book to promote color returning to the pages. Dramatic in
its artistic development, "Color Blocked" is a glorious experiment in color imagining and
creating, contrasted with black and white backgrounds drained of color. "Color Blocked" is
wonderful reading for kids age 4-6 and up.
Monsieur Pierre
Anne Dana, author/illustrator
L O Annie Press
9780998138107 $8.95 www.LOAnniePress.com
"Monsieur Pierre" is a delightful children's travelogue narrated by a talented transplanted octopus
named Monsieur Pierre. When Pierre was just a baby octopus, someone fished him out of the
ocean and moved him to a Paris fountain decorated with the snooty Mademoiselles Poissons,
who would not talk to Pierre. Pierre had many adventures sightseeing in Paris, but he longed to
find a friend. One day Pierre met two children who were arguing over what souvenirs to take
home, and he convinced them to take himself as the ideal Paris souvenir. Thus began Pierre's
transport to California and a whole new life. Pierre liked the swimming pool, his two young
friends, seaweed smoothies for breakfast, yoga classes, surfing at the beach, and seeing
wonderful new sights in California. The happy ending is completed when Pierre notices a few
surprise visitors from Paris, old friends! Color crayon illustrations present the world and life of
Pierre in childlike simplicity, with verve and style.
Good Night Tiger
Timothy Knapman, author
Laura Hughes, illustrator
Tiger Tales
5 river Road, Suite 128, Wilton CT 06897
9781680100303 $16.99 www.tigertalesbooks.com
"Good Night Tiger" is an enticing bedtime story for children with lively imaginations. Emma is
unable to sleep in the middle of the night because of all the animal noises in her room. Nothing
outside was making all the animal noises, and nothing under the bed or in the wardrobe, or in her
toys and clothes was causing animal noises either. What could it be? Emma discovered it was .....
the animals in her wallpaper! Emma firmly ordered them all (loudly) to go to sleep, but the tiger
in the tree said, "We can't!" So Emma made a series of helpful suggestions to help the animals
prepare to sleep. Had they bathed? Had they drunk hot chocolate? Could they cuddle with a bear?
Could she soothe them with a lullaby? Could she turn off the lights? Every suggestion had a
terrible problem that promptly incapacitated its desired soporific effect. Emma had a wonderful
idea: What about a bedtime story? The animals were completely entranced. They had never heard
a bedtime story before. Finally Emma finished a wonderful story about animals escaping from a
zoo, only to find all the animals (except the tiger) were asleep. Emma, however, was awake.
"How about a good-night cuddle?" said the tiger. "Yes, please!" said Emma. Any storyteller can
guess the delightful ending, but only a child will really believe it. Fantastic, exuberant
illustrations portray a wild night's adventure of one small girl calming a fantastic collection of
exotic animals, only to be cuddled to sleep at the end by her very own special tiger.
Mayday Mouse
Seb Braun, author/illustrator
Child's Play Inc.
250 Minot Avenue, Auburn, Maine 04210
9781846437595 $16.99 www.childs-play.com
"Mayday Mouse" is the charming, creatively illustrated story of a brave little Captain Mouse,
who created a boat out of a walnut shell, a toothpick, and a handkerchief. she determined to
deliver a birthday present to her brother by sailing on the water in her little walnut shell boat.
Cheerful friends wished her bon voyage, instructing her to watch out for big waves and watery
perils, and to shout "Mayday!" for help if she needed it. Captain Mouse set off on a balmy,
breezy day, with no cares to be seen. However, the wind rose and waves rose with them, and it
began to rain. The tiny craft was steered by Captain Mouse to avoid a huge tunnel and some
dangerous rocks. Finally Captain Mouse and her boat, mast, and present were shipwrecked on a
desert island. Exhausted by the battle with the storm, Captain Mouse slept as her tiny island grew
smaller as the water rose. Captain Mouse woke up and took stock. "What I need is a plan!" she
decided. Then she shouted, "Mayday!" to ask for help. Help arrived in the form of a swimming
frog and dragonfly bringing her a cork, a coin, a toothpick and a leaf, with instructions to make a
new boat! What a rescue team! In no time Captain Mouse had followed the accompanying
instructions and created herself a new seaworthy little boat. With no further perils, she sailed
safely to her brother's bringing him his birthday present. When he asked her to sing him a happy
birthday song, all her sea rescue friends joined in the musical good wishes! Delicate realistic
paintings of the tiny craft and Captain Mouse make the adventure real. On the last two pages, a
large painting shows the actual tiny scale of the puddle of water, the tunnel (a tin can), and
Captain Mouse and her boat and friends! Children will adore this exciting adventure of a
resourceful, seagoing mouse.
Down in Mississippi
Johnette Downing, author
Katherine Zecca, illustrator
Pelican Publishing Company
1000 Burmaster Street, Gretna, LA 70053
9781455620982 $16.99 www.pelicanpub.com 32 pages
"Down in Mississippi" is a beautifully illustrated rendition of a familiar traditional song, lyrics
adapted to describe animals, flora and fauna of the southern state of Mississippi. Some of the
animals described in the song include the dolphin, the white-tailed deer, a Mockingbird in a
magnolia tree, a mother black bass and her children four, a mother wood duck and five
ducklings, a swallowtail family in the coreopsis, an alligator family in the swampland, a catfish
family in a pond, a red fox family in a forest of pine, and a hive of honeybees. The lyrics fit the
traditional song tune, which is notated and printed at the end of the book. "Down in Mississippi
in a hive lived a mother honey bee and her honeybees ten. 'Buzz' said the mother. 'We buzz,' said
the ten' and they buzzed all day in a hive in a glen." Beautiful paintings illustrate each verse
describing a typical Mississippi animal in its natural habitat in a shroud of misty pastels of green,
dawn pink, and shadowy greens. The final pages are devoted to Mississippi State Fast Facts,
describing the alligator, black bass, bottlenose dolphin, catfish, red fox, spicebush swallowtail,
white-tailed deer, and the wood duck. Educational and appealing to a wide range of ages, "Down
in Mississippi" is bound to delight audiences of children age 4-10.
Kate Alizadeh, author/illustrator
Child's Play
250 Minot Avenue, Auburn, ME 04210
9781846438875 $16.99 hc www.childs-play.com
"Quiet!" is the brilliantly illustrated description of daily auditory sounds that signal changing
activities at different times of day. Focusing young readers' attention on each distinct everyday
sound, such as the microwave pinging, the pan bubbling, or the dishes clattering in the sink, the
sounds accompanying familiar daily activities are highlighted and depicted with casual, stunning
artistry. "Ssssh! Listen, what's that noise?" This phrase introduces each new cluster of sounds
moving on to the next set of daily activities. In addition to sounds, senses of touch, texture, taste,
and smell are also tantalized with some of the sounds and sights described in "Quiet!" Finally the
litany of sounds drifts towards a gentle bedtime ritual, as the curly haired child is bathed, teeth
brushed, hair washed and dried, and a gentle voice reads a bedtime story and sings a lullaby as a
little girl prepares for sleep. Then there is the click of a light switch, the sound of footsteps going
away, and finally (zzzzzzz), quiet reigns. "Quiet!" is a beautiful book to help prepare a child for
bedtime and to help focus young minds on the auditory and other daily cues in their daily
Henry and Lola: A Puppy Love Story
Keith Cohen, author
Roberta Paul, illustrator
Three Bean Press
P.O. Box 5, Millis, MA 02054
9780990331544, $16.99, HC, 48pp, www.amazon.com
Two puppies make the move from homes to a fancy new Boston hotel only to find that city living
takes some getting used to. Lonely and longing for a playmate, the puppies' daily routines only
seem to bring missed opportunities. When nature intervenes, the puppies' worlds are turned
upside down. In this charming picture book story, young readers will learn that what we search
for does not always take us down a straight path. The bumps and obstacles are also part of our
journey. Simply stated, "Henry and Lola: A Puppy Love Story" has very special appeal for
puppy-loving children (and adults!), making it unreservedly recommended for family, school,
and community library picture book collections.
Beebs Cooks a Turkey!
Donald W. Kruse, author
Billy Barron, illustrator
Zaccheus Entertainment
9780996996433, $12.95, PB, 52pp, www.amazon.com
What happens when Beebs, the bumbling, fumbling grandpa, tries to cook a turkey for
Thanksgiving dinner? Does he even know how to cook? Whose idea was it to allow Beebs in the
kitchen in the first place? Does he even know how to turn on the oven? And what about that
crazy turkey? He's not about to let Beebs or anyone else serve him up as Thanksgiving dinner.
Oh, no. Not this turkey! This turkey has been around the block and all throughout the house --
like a turkey tornado! If Beebs thinks he going to cook this turkey, he had better think again! And
then there are Grandma's three hungry and naughty cats, all of whom try to seize the moment for
a turkey dinner. But things go terribly wrong when their plans for feasting on fillet of turkey are
intercepted by Beebs. What a ruckus! What a fiasco! Will there even be a house left when the
tussle is over? And what about that turkey? Did he survive to see another Thanksgiving?
Children ages 4 to 9 will be delighted as they follow the encounters of Beebs in yet another
hilarious misadventure by author Donald Kruse! Thoroughly 'kid friendly' and unfailingly
entertaining from cover to cover, "Beebs Cooks a Turkey!" is unreservedly recommended for
family, preschool, elementary school, and community library picture book collections.
Town Is by the Sea
Joanne Schwartz, author
Sydney Smith, illustrator
Groundwood Books
c/o House of Anansi Press
110 Spadina Ave., Suite 801, Toronto, ON, Canada, M5V 2K4
9781554988716, $19.95, HC, 52pp, www.amazon.com
In "Town Is by the Sea", Joanne Schwartz's exceptional picture book for children ages 5 to 9, a
young boy wakes up to the sound of the sea, visits his grandfather's grave after lunch and comes
home to a simple family dinner, but all the while his mind strays to his father digging for coal
deep down under the sea. Stunning illustrations by Sydney Smith show the striking contrast
between a sparkling seaside day and the darkness underground where the miners dig. With
curriculum connections to communities and the history of mining, this beautifully understated
and hauntingly presented story brings a piece of genuine history to life for children and adults
alike. Very highly recommended, "Town Is by the Sea" is certain to be an enduringly popular
addition to family, elementary school, and community library picture book collections for young
Kelly DiPucchio, author
Christian Robinson, illustrator
Atheneum Books
c/o Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing
1230 Avenue of the Americas, 4th floor, New York, NY 10020
9781481457835, $17.99, HC, 40pp, www.amazon.com
Gaston's friend Antoinette is a very special poodle who learns to follow her heart and be herself
in this charming companion to Kelly DiPucchio and Christian Robinson's beloved picture book
"Gaston". Antoinette's three burly brothers each have a special talent. Rocky is clever. Ricky is
fast! Bruno is strong. Mrs. Bulldog reassures Antoinette that there is something extra special
about her -- but Antoinette is not so sure. Then one day, while Antoinette plays in the park with
her friend Gaston, Gaston's sister Ooh-La-La goes missing. Antoinette feels a tug in her heart and
a twitch in her nose. She must find Ooh-La-La. She will not give up! Can Antoinette rescue the
puppy in peril and discover what makes her extra special along the way? Young readers ages 4 to
8 will be enthralled with this latest picture book collaboration between author DiPuchhio and
illustrator Robinson. A pure delight from cover to cover, "Antoinette" is very highly
recommended for family, preschool, elementary school, and community library picture book
collections for young readers. It should be noted for personal reading lists that "Antoinette" is
also available in a Kindle format ($10.99).
The Secret Project
Jonah Winter, author
Jeanette Winter, illustrator
Beach Lane Books
c/o Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing
1230 Avenue of the Americas, 4th floor, New York, NY 10020
9781481469135, $17.99, 40pp, www.amazon.com
The mother-son team of author Jonah Winter and illustrator Jeanette Winter bring to life one of
the most secretive scientific projects in history, the creation of the atomic bomb, in their powerful
and moving picture book "The Secret Project". At a former boy's school in the remote desert of
New Mexico, the world's greatest scientists have gathered to work on the "Gadget," an invention
so dangerous and classified they cannot even call it by its real name. They work hard, surrounded
by top security and sworn to secrecy, until finally they take their creation far out into the desert to
test it, and afterward the world will never be the same. This true life story is impressively
presented for young readers ages 5 to 8 and is unreservedly recommended for family, elementary
school, and community library collections. It should be noted for personal reading lists that "The
Secret Project" is also available in a Kindle format ($10.99).
Carrot and Pea: An Unlikely Friendship
Morag Hood
Houghton Mifflin Company
215 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10003
9780544868427, $16.99, HC, 32pp, www.amazon.com
Colin is tall. He's orange. He's a carrot! He's nothing like Lee, a round green pea. He can't do any
of the things Lee and his pea pals can do. How can Colin and Lee ever be friends? "Carrot and
Pea: An Unlikely Friendship" is a simply charming celebration of embracing differences and
standing out in a crowd that will entertain and delight children ages 4 to 7. Revealing a natural
flair for illustrated storytelling by Morag Hood, "Carrot and Pea: An Unlikely Friendship" is
unreservedly recommended, especially for family, preschool, elementary school, and community
library picture book collections.
Gertrude and Toby Save the Gingerbread Man
Shari Tharp, author
Jim Heath, illustrator
Atlas Publishing
9780996967945, $16.99, HC, 48pp, www.amazon.com
Farmer Sam and his son Ryan are taking their prize pig to the county fair. That's when Gertrude
the Goat and Toby the Turtle decide they have plenty of time to sneak off the farm for an extra
adventure. But Gertrude and Toby soon discover that a giant has captured their friend, the
Gingerbread Man! Gertrude and Toby must come up with a plan to save him. But the giant, who
is sleeping nearby, wakes up during their daring rescue! Another delightful and thoroughly 'kid
friendly' action/adventure picture book story by the team of author Shari Tharp and artist Jim
Heath, "Gertrude and Toby Save the Gingerbread Man" is especially recommended for children
ages 5 to 9 and will prove to be an enduringly popular addition to family, elementary school, and
community library picture book collections. It should be noted for personal reading lists that
"Gertrude and Toby Save the Gingerbread Man" is also available in a paperback edition
(9780996967990, $7.99).
Nosey's Wild Ride on the Belle of Louisville
Martha Driscoll, author
Susan Andra Lion, illustrator
Driscoll Publishing
9780692648483, $17.95, HC, 34pp, www.amazon.com
Zip, Zoom, Whoosh -- Nosey the cat is having fun! The antics of this adventurous cat take young
readers ages 6 to 10 on an action-packed journey through the Belle of Louisville, the oldest
operating river steamboat in the United States. An additional Seek and Find activity helps young
readers to learn about the Belle while following the antics of Nosey and his four youthful
companions as they chase him from bow to stern. Delightfully illustrated by Susan Andra Lion,
and engagingly told by author and former educator Martha Driscoll, "Nosey's Wild Ride on the
Belle of Louisville" is a simply beautiful book that will be enjoyed and remembered for years.
Unreservedly and enthusiastically recommended, "Nosey's Wild Ride on the Belle of Louisville"
will prove to be an enduringly popular addition to family, elementary school, and community
library picture book collections.
Our Dog Benji
Pete Carter, author
James Henderson, illustrator
EK Books
c/o Exisle Publishing
9781925335330, $17.99, HC, 32pp, www.amazon.com
We all know that dogs will eat anything. We also know that kids' tastes generally aren't so
wide-ranging. While ice cream and pizza might be devoured in the blink of an eye, the dreaded
'green stuff' (vegetables to the adults) is often pushed to one side of the plate. Author Pete Carter
understands this phenomenon well, as he shows in the adventures of "Our Dog Benji". In
delightful duotone illustrations by James Henderson supporting Carter's 'kid friendly' and
engaging text, children ages 4 to 7 will see how Benji's willingness to eat anything ranging from
from daffodils and brussels sprouts, to ice cream and avocados, to sandwiches and bones,
gradually inspires his child owner to be a little more adventurous at mealtimes. Although dogs
and kids do have standards and it seems there's one thing neither of them will touch! "Our Dog
Benji" is the perfect picture book to encourage fussy eaters to try a few more vegetables! Certain
to be an enduringly popular addition to family, preschool, elementary school, and community
library picture book collections, it should be noted for personal reading lists that "Our Dog Benji"
is also available in a Kindle format ($4.99).
A Different Kind of Safari
Helen C. Hipp, author
Hilary Ann Love Glass, illustrator
Paula Tedford Diaco, editor
A Different Kind of Safari, LLC
9780989013406, $17.95, HC, 28pp, www.amazon.com
What do you need to feel happy about being different? Based loosely on real life experiences,
deftly written by Helen C. Hipp and charmingly illustrated by Hilary Ann Love Glass, "A
Different Kind of Safari" is a heartwarming and powerful picture book for children 6 to 10 that
illustrates how self-awareness, and courage help a young boy named Raymond learn the
difference between seeing things as they appear to be and seeing things as they are. Feeling
"different and lonely" Raymond befriends a hippo while on Safari in Africa. Unlike other grey
hippos, this hippo is pink! Ray is soon carried into a world beyond labels and challenging
assumptions. Young readers will never guess what happens next! Exceptional, original,
entertaining, and thoughtful, "A Different Kind of Safari" is an especially recommended addition
to family, elementary school, and community library picture book collections. It should be noted
for personal reading lists that "A Different Kind of Safari" is also available in a Kindle format
Nadine, My Funny and Trusty Guide Dog
Carol Chiodo Fleischman, author
Stephanie Ford, illustrator
Pelican Publishing Company
1000 Burmaster Street, Gretna, LA 70053-2246
9781455619276, $16.99, HC, 32pp, www.amazon.com
A sight-impaired young woman describes how her service dog, Nadine, loves to play tricks
around the house. From hiding dirty laundry to avoiding her harness, Nadine is quite
mischievous! Their first day together as a team is the focus of "Nadine, My Funny and Trusty
Guide Dog". Through the struggles to get ready, the sheer enjoyment of the winter day, and the
scary moments along the way, Nadine proves herself trustworthy and reliable-that is, until they
return home and she gets into mischief again! Illustrated with crisp, humorous drawings in
wintery colors, "Nadine, My Funny and Trusty Guide Dog" provides a fascinating glimpse into
life with a guide dog. "Nadine, My Funny and Trusty Guide Dog" by the team of author Carol
Fleischyman and illustrator Stephanie Ford is a delightfully charming and true picture book story
that is told through a first-person narrative. Certain to be an enduringly popular addition to
family, elementary school, and community library picture book collections, "Nadine, My Funny
and Trusty Guide Dog" is especially recommended for children ages 8 to 12.
Do Fairies Bring the Spring?
Liza Gardner Walsh, author
Hazel Mitchell, illustrator
Down East Books
c/o Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group
4501 Forbes Blvd., Suite 200, Lanham, MD 20706
9781608936335, $16.95, HC, 32pp, www.amazon.com
Everyone knows fairies love spring flowers and summer sun, but is it the fairies who wake up the
earth as the snow melts? Do they entice the trees to turn green and the flowers to grow? "Do
Fairies Bring the Spring?" by the team of author Liza Walsh and illustrator Hazel Mitchell is
charming follow up to their "Where Do Fairies Go When It Snows", and explores the matter in a
children's picture book of beautifully illustrated rhyming questions. Whimsical, engaging,
entertaining, "Do Fairies Bring the Spring?" will help children discover the wonderful world of
fairies while they learn to enjoy and appreciate the outdoors. While enthusiastically
recommended, especially for family, preschool, elementary school, and community library
picture book collections, it should be noted for personal reading lists of children ages 4 to 7 that
"Do Fairies Bring the Spring?" is also available in a Kindle format ($7.99).
The Day I Ran Away
Holly L. Niner, author
Isabella Ongaro, illustrator
Flash Light Press
527 Empire Boulevard, Brooklyn, NY 11225
9781936261895, $17.95, HC, 32pp, www.amazon.com
While Dad tucks her in, a little girl named Grace calmly recounts her day -- which was anything
but calm. She had a tantrum (because of some injustices involving a purple shirt and breakfast
cereal) and was banished to her bedroom before deciding to run away. Understanding that kids
have ups and downs, Grace's mom wisely gave her daughter the space and time she needed to
reach her own decision to return home to the open arms of her parents. In "The Day I Ran
Away", author and speech therapist Holly Niner amusingly captures Grace's mutable moods and
childlike logic. Enhanced with the warm, humorous digital paintings of Isabella Ongaro that offer
fun details to keep little listeners busy, "The Day I Ran Away" will allow children ages 5 to 7 to
compare the bedtime and daytime scenes and try to figure out how Grace got that purple
paw-print on her cheek -- and when it got washed away. They can mimic Grace's facial
expressions or copy her poses for some soothing bedtime yoga. And of course, they can create a
safe place to run away to when the injustices of Pre-K existence become too much to bear. A
pop-up tent in the yard and the haven beneath the dining room table are excellent run-away
destinations, as long as they come home for dinner! Original, deftly crafted, beautifully
illustrated, and utterly charming from beginning to end, "The Day I Ran Away" is very highly
recommended for family, preschool, elementary school, and community library picture book
collections. It should be noted for personal reading lists that "The Day I Ran Away" is also
available in a Kindle format ($7.99).
There's a Bug on My Book!
John Himmelman
Dawn Publications
12402 Bitney Way, Nevada City, CA 95959
9781584695875, $16.95, HC, www.amazon.com
Beetles fly, frogs hop, and slugs slide over the pages of this unique and original picture book by
John Himmelman and is made to be read by a child while lying on the grass. Children ages 4 to 7
will interact with "There's a Bug on My Book!", with a tip, tap, and turn of the book, moving the
critters along. The critters even interact with each other in surprising ways. In "There's a Bug on
My Book!" Himmelman deftly applies his expertise as both a naturalist and an artist to
successfully encourage children to explore nature in their own backyard. While unreservedly
recommended for family, preschool, elementary school, and community library collections, it
should be noted for personal reading lists that "There's a Bug on My Book!" is also available in a
paperback edition (9781584695882, $8.95) and in a Kindle format ($6.99).
For the Beauty of the Earth
Folliot S. Pierpoint, author
Lucy Fleming, illustrator
Sparkhouse Family
510 Marquette Ave. 7th Floor, Minneapolis, MN 55402
9781506421834, $16.99, HC, 32pp, www.amazon.com
Deftly written by Folliot Pierpoint and charmingly illustrated Lucy Fleming for children ages 4 to
8, the poetry comprising "For the Beauty of the Earth" is, collectively, a classic hymn combining
with beautiful imagery of words and visuals to create a picture book that children and adults alike
will cherish. The lyrics of "For the Beauty of the Earth" were originally written in 1864 as a
celebration of creation, family, music, and community. The engaging illustrations bring those
words to life, capturing the rich imagery of the song. While very highly recommended for family,
preschool, elementary school, and community library picture book collections, "For the Beauty of
the Earth" includes the written music and lyrics so families can sing the song together.
Rice & Rocks
Sandra L. Richards, author
Megan Kayleigh Sullivan, illustrated
Wise Ink Creative Publishing
837 Glenwood Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55405
9781940014739, $17.99, HC, 32pp, www.amazon.com
Giovanni's friends are coming over for Sunday dinner, and his grandmother is serving rice and
beans. Giovanni is embarrassed he does not like 'rice and rocks' and worries his friends will think
the traditional Jamaican dish is weird. But his favorite Auntie comes to the rescue. She and
Giovanni's pet parrot, Jasper, take him on a magical journey across the globe, visiting places
where people eat rice and rocks. Deftly written by Sandra L. Richards and beautifully illustrated
by Megan Kayleigh Sullivan, "Rice & Rocks" is an exciting picture book story that celebrates the
varied traditions of every culture while also highlighting the delicious similarities that bring us
all together. Especially recommended for young readers ages 6 to 12, "Rice & Rocks" is very
highly recommended for family, elementary school, and community library picture book
collections. It should be noted for personal reading lists that "Rice & Rocks" is also available in a
Kindle format ($9.99).
A Book of Bridges: Here To There and Me To You
Cheryl Keely, author
Celia Krampien, illustrator
Sleeping Bear Press
315 East Eisenhower Parkway, Suite 200, Ann Arbor, MI 48108
9781585369966, $16.99, HC, 32pp, www.amazon.com
Bridges are some of the most fascinating structures in our landscape, and they come in all forms.
From towering suspension bridges to humble stone crossings, "A Book of Bridges: Here To
There and Me To You" visits them all in sweet, bouncing text with expository sidebars. But
while bridges can be quite grand, this reminds us that their main purpose is bringing people
together. Deftly written by Cheryl Keely and impressively illustrated by Celia Krampien, "A
Book of Bridges: Here To There and Me To You" is perfect for budding architects, as well as
young readers ages 5 to 8 who can relate to having loved ones who live far away. Informative,
entertaining, and thoroughly 'kid friendly' in organization and presentation, "A Book of Bridges:
Here To There and Me To You" is very highly recommended for family, elementary school, and
community library picture book collections. It should be noted for personal reading lists that "A
Book of Bridges: Here To There and Me To You" is also available in a Kindle format
Gus's Garage
Leo Timmers
Gecko Press
9781776570928, $16.99, www.geckopress.com
Gus's Garage is a fun, easy reader about Gus, who loves to collect all kinds of 'useless' things -
'bits and bobs', and pieces that seem to make no sense until somebody needs them. A rhino,
giraffe, penguin and other creatures know that Gus's garage holds a wealth of valuable things that
can remedy all their auto and personal problems in this fun picture book story of how a handy pig
repurposes even the most impossible 'junk' and helps his friends in the process.
Holiday House
425 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10017
Two books provide fun stories for picture book and easy reader audiences, offering topics and
approaches that are satisfyingly different and appealing. Maria Nilsson Thore's Stay-at-Home
Sammy and the Runaway Spot (9780823436774, $15.95) tells of spotted Sammy who awakens
one day to find one of her five hundred spots has gone missing. Out of sorts and sore, she finds
her spot - only to find that it won't stay with the others. Four hundred ninety-nine spots are happy
to live on her fur, but the one renegade bothers her immensely. What can she do to make him
stay? Good reading skills will enhance reading this fun tale. Tedd Arnold, Martha Hamilton and
Mitch Weiss' Noodleheads See the Future (9780823436736, $15.95) looks like a hardcover
comic book, presents bright and large-size illustrations by Tedd Arnold, and tells of 'noodleheads'
who don't have much between the ears in the way of intelligence. These noodleheads take
everything literally - which often lands them in trouble. Kids with good reading skills and an
attraction to comic book art will find these noodlehead scenarios hilarious reading, inviting even
reluctant readers to partake.
If I Had a Little Dream
Nina Laden and Melissa Castrillon
Simon & Schuster
1230 Avenue of the Americas, 14th fl., New York, NY 10020
9781481439244, $17.99, www.simonandschuster.com/kids
If I Had a Little Dream is written by Nina Laden, illustrated by Melissa Castrillon, and celebrates
the boy and beauty of the world through gentle rhymes paired with colorful and fun drawings.
From musings about having a little garden to love to a little boat named Treasure that would
bring much joy, the enthusiastic young protagonist embraces the possibilities in the world and
brings all these to life in a positive, fun picture book perfect for read-aloud.
Little Blue Chair
Cary Fagan
Tundra Books
350 Front Street West, Suite 1400, Toronto, ON, Canada M5V 3B6
9781770497559, $16.99, www.penguinrandomhouse.ca
Little Blue Chair features drawings by Madeline Kloepper and features little Boo's favorite chair,
which is blue. It's good for reading, it can become a tent - but Boo outgrows it one day, and thus
it begins its journeys and various uses. As the chair makes it rounds and becomes an unusual
piece of furniture, kids discover that even a used little chair can have adventures with unusual
conclusions in this gentle story.
Paws McGraw
Connah Brecon
Tiger Tales
PO Box 70, Iron Ridge, WI 53035
9781680100358, $16.99, www.tigertalesbooks.com
Paws McGraw: the Fastest Doodler in the West tells of a genius doodler who uses his pencils to
escape danger, from runaway trains to mean cupcake rustling raccoons. Paws faces much
adversity with only his pencils - but can he win against tenacious enemies through magic?
Cupcakes, magic words, and a far different Western adventure that lends new meaning to the
term 'quick draw' makes for a hilarious and lovely original story packed with gorgeous full-page
color drawings throughout. Very highly recommended!
Drew Sheneman
Viking Penguin
c/o Penguin Young Readers Group
345 Hudson Street, 15th floor, New York, NY 10014
9781101997314, $17.99, www.penguin.com/youngreaders
Nope! A Tale of First Flight comes from an award-winning syndicated cartoonist and provides a
warm humorous story for ages 3-5 of a small bird who hesitates to leave his nest. His
understanding mother tries to help him face his fears, but when Little Bird contemplates flight, he
imagines all kinds of impossible obstacles. How can a caring mother encourage her child to enter
a dangerous world? Nope! is a lovely story that combines very simple and limited wording with
beautiful large-sized cartoon drawings, and will appeal to the very young.
Pajama Press
Catherine Buquet and Marion Arbona's Under the Umbrella (9781772780161, $16.95) pairs a
rhyme with the story of a stormy day, a man's bad mood because of the poor weather, and a child
whose eyes are on pastries in a bakery. Artistic, unusual drawings of this sullen man perfectly
capture his dark mood and the dark day, until a little boy changes his perspective in an
unexpected way. Victoria Allenby and Tara Anderson's Rhino Rumpus (9781927485965,
$14.95) is a very simple and fun book featuring a padded hard cover and a counting story
centered upon rhinos are act rude, fight, butt heads and make faces. The rhino siblings push,
stomp, snap, and make noise. Can their mother control them, even at bedtime? The fun story is
replete with lovely, large-size drawings of young rhinos at play: the very young picture book
readers will relish these lively images and the very easy read.
In the Land of the Elves
Daniela Drescher
Floris Books
9781782502425, $15.95, www.florisbooks.co.uk
In the Land of the Elves reside animal companions and a queen of the elves, who lives in a
crystal cave attended to by elves. The colorful parts of her world range from jewels to butterflies
and flowers, but it's the bright world of nature that keeps her perspective and world light and
beautiful. While kids anticipating a fantasy may find too little magic in the story, its real
attraction lies in its lovely depictions of nature and the elves who live in this world. Kids will
find the story light and enchanting.
The Owl and the Lemming
Roselynn Akulukjuk
Inhabit Media
9781772271201, $16.95, www.inhabitmedia.com
The Owl and the Lemming receives fun drawings by Amanda Sandland as it tells of Owl, who
swoops down on a lemming for a nice meal. The only problem is: the lemming is determined not
to become his dinner; but in order to save herself, she must apply a little psychology about the
owl. Good reading skills or parental read-aloud assistance will lend to a young picture book
reader's ability to appreciate this gentle story of survival and clever problem-solving. Can the
lemming trick the owl? Only if she can keep answering his retorts until she finds a way of
thwarting his purposes. Kids will appreciate the engrossing tale of a clever lemming who must
find a way of being better than her hungry opponent.
Orchard Books
c/o Scholastic, Inc.
557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012-3999
Dav Pilkey's God Bless the Gargoyles (9780545935142, $17.99) comes from a Caldecott Honor
artist who here shows how gargoyles actually have warm souls. Angels can see the good inside
them - and on this night they will led their gargoyle friends on a journey that belays the distain
and fear people tend to display upon seeing gargoyles. Good reading skills or parental assistance
will lend appreciation to this story of angels who love even the ugly, feared gargoyle. Stephen R.
Swinburne's Safe in a Storm (9780545867924, $10.99) provides parents with a fine read-aloud
choice exploring how various animals find refuge from storms. Jennifer A. Bell's drawings are
simple and warm accompaniments as Swinburne journeys through savannah, ponds, forests, and
meadows displaying how parents protect their little sheep, bobcats, giraffes, monkeys, bears and
more from the weather and harsh world. Calvin Trillin's poems are illustrated by zany, hilarious
drawings by Roz Chast in No Fair! No Fair! And Other Jolly Poems of Childhood
(9780545825788, $17.99). Trillin's first collection of poems pairs cartoons with such fun subjects
as 'How Many Stuffed Animals', 'The Grandpa Rule is in Effect', 'Four School Complaints' and
more. Any child (or adult read-aloud participant) who thinks poetry is dull should look at this
whimsical collection of daily dilemmas described in verse.
Child's Play
250 Minot Avenue, Auburn, ME 04210
Two new titles from this publisher provide fun stories highly recommended for picture book
readers looking for something different. Richard O'Neill and Katharine Quarmby's Yokki and the
Parno Gry (9781846439278, $16.99) will appeal to ages 4-9 with its traditional Romani tale told
by a Romani storyteller. When a Traveler family experiences bad luck, boy Yokki devises stories
of a mythical white horse to raise their spirits. Kids with good reading skills and parents seeking
a different kind of read-aloud will find this filled with Romani culture and lore as the images of
the Parno Gry provide them with hope for better times. Ariane Hofmann-Maniyar's That's Not
How You Do It! (9781846439292, $16.99) will appeal to ages 3-8, offering a little over thirty
pages to the story of cat Lucy, who knows how to do everything! She can play xylophone, she
can construct towers, and everyone comes to her for help because she's so knowledgeable. When
neighbor Toshi enters her world, he doesn't seem to know anything about the most basic things in
life, from eating to music - or, does he? As Toshi brings Lucy to question her own knowledge
base, kids receive a gentle, fun story of differences and abilities that will cause them to think
about other cultures and possible sources of knowledge.
The Religion/Spirituality Shelf
God Always Loves You
Mara Laird
Archway Publishing
1663 Liberty Drive, Bloomington, IN 47403-5161
9781480839090, $16.95, HC, 19pp, www.amazon.com
The message of "God Always Loves You" for children ages 4 to 8 is that God loves you no
matter what! Through rain or shine and through the ups and downs in life, God will be there to
shower you with all the love you could ever need or want. And even when you may not expect it
or know it, God is always standing with you -- hand in hand -- to show you how special you are
to Him. In "God Always Loves You", children and parents alike will learn about the value and
joy of knowing about God's unconditional love for all His children. With fully illustrated pages
of charming pictures and simple rhymes by author and illustrator Mara Laird, "God Always
Loves You" offers parents and children a chance to see how in all our everyday situations -- from
running and playing to kneeling and praying -- God is there to show us His amazing, endless,
unconditional love. Simple, elegant, inspired and inspiring, "God Always Loves You" is a
thoughtful and charming picture book that is very highly recommended for families, as well as
preschool, elementary school, and community library Religion/Spirituality collections for
Mary and the Little Shepherds of Fatima
Marlyn Monge & Jaymie Stuart Wolfe, authors
Joao Lopes Maria, illustrator
Pauline Books & Media
50 St. Paul's Avenue, Boston, MA 02130-3433
9780819849595, $14.95, HC, www.amazon.com
Children ages 5 to 8 can now celebrate the 100th anniversary of the apparitions at Fatima,
Portugal with "Mary and the Little Shepherds of Fatima", a charming and true story specifically
written by the team of Marlyn Monge and Jaymie Stuart Wolfe to delight and educate young
readers. Answering the Blessed Mothers call to pray the Rosary and make small sacrifices to help
bring an end to WW I, Francisco, Jacinta, and Lucia faced persecution and doubt with
unwavering faith and confidence. Children will read how their courage and desire to spread the
Rosary helped thousands witness Our Lady's Miracle of the Sun! Beautifully illustrated by Joao
Lopes Maria, "Mary and the Little Shepherds of Fatima" is enthusiastically recommended for
family, preschool, elementary school, and community library Religion/Spirituality collections for
Early Sunday Morning
Denene Millner, author
Vanessa Brantley-Newton, illustrator
Agate Bolden
c/o Agate Publishing
1328 Greenleaf Street, Evanston, IL 60202
9781572842113, $17.95, HC, 40pp, www.amazon.com
Love and family. These are the things that a little girl finds most special about Sunday mornings.
Deftly written by Denene Millner and charmingly illustrated by Vanessa Brantley-Newton,
"Early Sunday Morning" follows June, Mommy, Daddy, and brother Troy through their weekend
routine as June prepares for a special performance leading the children's choir at church on
Sunday morning. Young readers ages 4 to 9 will spend the weekend with June as she collects
helpful pieces of advice on how to be less nervous about her big solo. Along the way, she visits
the barbershop with Mommy and Troy, gets her hair done by Mommy, receives a special dress
from her aunt, and shares her family ritual of getting ready for Sunday morning service. As her
special moment approaches, June leans on the support of her whole family, as well as advice
from her father, to conquer her fear of singing in front of the congregation. "Early Sunday
Morning" is a heartwarming celebration of the special time a young girl and her family share
together as she learns how to lift her mighty voice. Thoroughly 'kid friendly' in organization and
presentation, "Early Sunday Morning" is as entertaining as it is inspiring and very highly
recommended for family, church, preschool, elementary school, and community library
Religion/Spirituality collections for children. It should be noted for personal reading lists that
"Early Sunday Morning" is also available in a Kindle format ($10.41).
When God Made You
Matthew Paul Turner, author
David Catrow, illustrator
Waterbrook Press
c/o Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group
10807 New Allegiance Drive, Suite 500, Colorado Springs, CO 80921
9781601429186, $11.99, HC, 48pp, www.amazon.com
From early on, children are looking to discover their place in the world and longing to understand
how their personalities, traits, and talents fit in. The assurance that they are deeply loved and a
unique creation in our big universe is certain to help them spread their wings and fly. Through
playful, charming rhyme and vivid, fantastical illustrations, "When God Made You" inspires
children ages 3 to 7 to learn about their own special gifts and how they fit into God's divine plan
as they grow, explore, and begin to create for themselves. Deftly written by Matthew Paul Turner
and charmingly illustrated by David Catrow, "When God Made You" is unreservedly
recommended for family, church, preschool, elementary school, and community library
Religion/Spirituality collections for children.
The Judaic Shelf
Little Red Rosie: A Rosh Hashanah Story
Eric A. Kimmel, author
Monica Gutierrez, illustrator
Apples & Honey Press
an imprint of Behrman House and Gefen Publishing House
11 Edison Place, Springfield, NJ 07081
9781681155180 $17.95 www.applesandhoneypress.com
"Little Red Rosie" is the delightful retelling of the story of the little red hen, with a Rosh
Hashanah (Jewish New Year) twist. Rosie is a little red- haired girl who promised to bake a loaf
of challah bread for the neighborhood dinner celebrating Rosh Hashanah. Rosie has three bird
friends (actually stuffed toys) named Toucan, parrot, and Hornbill. They all promised to help her
make the challah bread loaf. Amusing, delightful illustrations portray exactly how helpful the
three birds are to Little Red Rosie in making the dough. With flour dusting everything, she
decides, "I think I'd better do it myself." Then when the dough is made, Toucan, Parrot and
Hornbill offer again to help knead the dough, but find the messy dough sticking to their wings!
Little Red Rosie quietly decides, "Maybe I'd better help you." One thing the three bird friends
were good at was keeping the dough warm so it could rise. That sat on the dough, covered with a
cloth, like it was an egg in a nest! The three bird helpers were even more disastrously funny in
their efforts to help shape the dough, brush it with egg, and sprinkle it with poppy seeds. What a
mess! Little Red Rosie persevered, however, saying "We can do this, yes we can!" The task of
cleanup was eagerly volunteered for by the feathered trio, but again, toppling dirty bowls and
utensils threatened kitchen disaster, so Little Red Rosie once again came to the rescue. finally the
golden challah was ready and the table was set with challah, apples, honey, and other good
things, for the neighborhood Rosh Hashanah. When Little Red Rosie asked who would help her
say the blessing for the challah, Toucan, parrot, and Hornbill eagerly volunteered again.
Everyone held hands and wings and said: "Praised are You, Ruler of the world, who brings forth
bread from the earth." Then it was time to eat the challah. Who do you think helped Little Red
Rosie do that? Of course, parrot, Toucan, and Hornbill, without whom, Little Red Rosie told
them, she couldn't have done it! "Little Red Rosie" is a beautiful retelling of an old children's tale
with a kinder, more inclusive ending. Rosh Hashanah is honored and celebrated by the mitzvah
of hachnasat orchim, or welcoming guests. The universality of Rosh Hashanah is emphasized as
Rosie and her friends with everyone a good year to come! "Little Red Rosie" is a beautiful Rosh
Hashanah story for children ages 3-6 years.
The Folktale/Fairytale Shelf
In the Time of the Drums
Kim L. Siegelson, author
Brian Pinkney, illustrator
Lee & Low Books
95 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016
9781620143094 $9.95 www.leeandlow.com
"In the Time of the Drums" is a faithful recounting of an oral tradition passed through
generations of African-American communities near the Sea Islands of Georgia and South
Carolina. The story is sourced among the Gullah people, or the Saltwater Geechee people, black
Africans brought to America from Angola. Beautiful illustrations of dark portraits of Mentu and
Twi and the other African people are rendered on scratchboard and painted with dyes and acrylic.
The traditional tale recounts a history of a ship full of a village of Ibo people from the African
kingdom of Benin. Twi is an old conjure woman from an Ibo village who has raised young
Mentu as an inheritor of her memories and knowledge of Ibo chants, rhythms, practices, and
beliefs. She teaches Mentu to grow to be a strong young man who will outlive her and keep alive
her memories of Ibo wisdom and traditions. When the ship arrived at the island, carrying so
many Ibo people, communication through drums and rhythm passed between the ship slaves and
Twi, with her drumming. A song was sung by Twi to the slaves in an old language from her
homeland. The song Twi sang and drummed invited the slaves from the ship to follow her, and
that she would take them home. Deep magic was known among the Ibo peoples, and Twi was
aware of such magics. Leaving her beloved Mentu behind, protected with a charm bag, Twi rose
and went into the water, appearing like a much younger woman. Defying their shipmasters, the
Ibo slaves drummed their feet in answering rhythm and rose in their chains to follow Twi into the
water until the water rose over their heads. The Ibo people and Twi disappeared beneath the
water of the island's bay at Teakettle Creek. Mentu and all the other villagers believed that the
Ibo people led by Twi were able to walk all the way back to Africa on the bottom of the ocean,
following their magic protection and belief. After that, the island villagers called the place Ibo's
Landing. They stopped fishing there in Teakettle Creek and felt haunted when they saw snowy
egrets rise from the marsh grass in the evenings. Mentu learned that his special strength, always
nurtured and praised and promised by Twi, was to be a strength never to forget his true African
heritage. "In the Time of the Drums" is an excellent wisdom tale book of of traditions of African
American history.
Vivian and the Legend of the Hoodoos
Terry Catasus Jennings, author
Glenn Rogers, Clarence John, & Shivwits Band of the Paiute Tribe of Utah, authors
Phyllis Saroff, illustrator
Arbordale Publishing
612 Johnnie Dodds Blvd., Suite A2, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464
9781628559576 $17.95 www.arbordalepublishing.com
"Vivian and the Legend of the Hoodoos" is a beautiful modern teaching tale of a Paiute Indian
girl who needed to relearn some important native customs of respect, manners and gratitude for
the gift of the pine cone nuts. Vivian went to collect the pine cones with her grandmother to a
sacred place previously inhabited by her Paiute and other ancestors. Huge stone formations called
hoodoos were seen near the pine cone trees, and Vivian learned a wonderful legend about the
creation of the hoodoos from greedy Old Ones, or To-when-an-ung-wa. During her pine nut
gathering outing with her grandmother, Vivian learned much about the history of her people,
finding ancient tools and pieces of pottery in the sacred site which they had once used. In the end,
Vivian learned to be respectful and to give thanks to the trees for sharing their fruit so that she
and her people could live. "Vivian and the Legend of the Hoodoos" is completed with a section
on Paiute culture and history, hoodoo formation from erosion, and more. "Vivian and the Legend
of the Hoodoos" is an excellent resource to teach native American culture and history, as well as
respect for the natural and prehistoric sites.
The Wishing Foxes
Margaret Read MacDonald, author
Kitty Harvill, illustrator
Plum Street Publishers
2701 Kavanaugh Blvd., Suite 202, Little Rock, AR 72205
9781945268014, $16.99, HC, 32pp, www.amazon.com
Bess and Tess are two sisters who are sent by their mother to draw water from the
Well-at-the-End-of-the-World. Along the way they meet a bear, a mountain lion, a wild boar, and
three little foxes. When Bess greets them with courtesy and respect, the foxes reward her
kindness. Tess, greedy for her own bounty, can't be bothered with manners; she bonks the
animals with her bucket, kicks them with her boots, and slings the little foxes to the ground. In
the end, both sisters get their just deserts. With a storyteller's cadence, Margaret Read
MacDonald (with some assistance by Jen and Nat Whitman) wonderfully captures the tale's
mountain rhythms, homespun wisdom, and timeless truth. Kitty Harvill's vibrant illustrations,
rendered in watercolor and cut-paper collage, beautifully capture the interplay and mountain
terrain that has shaped this unique version of a universal folk tale. Wonderfully entertaining with
a deftly crafted moral for children ages 3 to 8, "The Wishing Foxes" is unreservedly
recommended for family, preschool, elementary school, and community library picture book
The Legend of Hobbomock: The Sleeping Giant
Jason J. Marchi, author
Jesse J. Bonelli, illustrator
Fahrenheit Books
c/o Omicron World Entertainment LLC
800 Village Walk, Suite 281, Guilford, CT 06437-2762
9780983094517, $16.00, HC, 32pp, www.amazon.com
"The Legend of Hobbomock: The Sleeping Giant" is a compelling picture book story of a young
Quinnipiac brave named Blackbird by author Jason Marchi and painter Jesse Bonelli who have
effectively teamed up to capture and present the magic and history of a time before our own.
Through young Blackbird's eyes children ages 8 to 12 will learn the Quinnipiac tribal legend of
how the Sleeping Giant landform in Hamden, Connecticut came to look like a giant man sleeping
on his back. This consistently engaging and entertaining story is brought to vividly to life with 14
fine art oil paintings, and gives young readers a renewed appreciation of the natural world and
shows them how Native Americans lived close to the earth and respected the land, air, water, and
wildlife. "The Legend of Hobbomock: The Sleeping Giant" is most decidedly a story worth
imparting to children today that promotes appreciation for the natural world, history, and Native
American folklore. While unreservedly and enthusiastically recommended for family, elementary
school, and community library picture book collections, it should be noted for the personal
reading lists of students in grades 3 through 5 that "The Legend of Hobbomock: The Sleeping
Giant" is also available in a Kindle format ($9.99).
The Rock Maiden
Natasha Yim, author
Pirkko Vainio, illustrator
Wisdom Tales Press
1501 E. Hillside Drive, Bloomington, IN 47401
9781937786656, $17.95, HC, 36pp, www.amazon.com
When her fisherman husband fails to come home after a storm at sea, the beautiful maiden Ling
Yee is heartbroken. Every morning, she puts her baby on her back and clambers to the top of a
cliff looking for any signs of his return. But day after day, she is disappointed. The villagers try to
convince her to give up her vigil. "No," she would say, "He will come home soon." Tin Hau, the
Goddess of the Heavens, takes pity on her grief and turns Ling Yee and her child into stone so
that they would mourn no more. The fisherman eventually finds his way home only to discover
that his wife has been transformed into the Rock Maiden. Will the family forever be kept apart?
Or will devotion and faithfulness ultimately be rewarded? Children ages 4 to 8 will be enchanted
in this re-envisioning of an old Hong Kong legend. Natasha Yim is an American Chinese author
of fiction and non-fiction works for children and young adults. Pirkko Vainio was born in
Finland and studied at the Academy of Art in Helsinki. Together they have effectively
collaborated to produce an impressive and exquisite folklore picture books for family, preschool,
elementary school, and community library children's picture book Folktale/Folklore
The Pets/Wildlife Shelf
The Wolves Return: A New Beginning for Yellowstone National Park
Celia Godkin, author/illustrator
Pajama Press Inc.
181 Carlaw Avenue, Suite 207, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4M 251
9781772780116 $17.95 www.pajamapress.ca
"The Wolves Return" is the true story of the successful release of twenty-three Canadian gray
wolves in Yellowstone National Park in 1995-96. Before the wolves were reintroduced to
Yellowstone, the elk herds had grown too large, because they had no natural enemies. There were
more unhealthy elk, and there was a great impact on the flora and fauna of the region due to the
elk overpopulation. "The Wolves Return" explains in picture and in narrative how the
reintroduction of the wolves, a natural predator of the elk, impacted positively on the whole
environment. The wolves killed and ate the sick, weak, and unhealthy elk, so the herd became
smaller but healthier. Aspen and other tree seedlings, once overeaten by elk, began to thrive and
provide extra shelter. Berry bushes, which feed bears and birds, grew back also. Bird varieties
increased in number and types. Beavers also increased, building dams and lodges and creating a
variety of pond and nest environments that support other species. An increase of ponds caused an
increase of insects, eaten by fish and many birds. Songbirds were attracted to the woods. many
other animal species also benefitted from the return of the wolves. "The Wolves Return" ends
with a map of North America with wolf ranges, both current and pre-European habitat patterns. it
is clear that wolves play a vital role in maintaining the health, variety, and balance of many life
systems and plant and animal species in nature. The mixed media art work in "The Wolves
Return" is especially sensitively done and greatly enhances the exciting environmental health
restoration true story.
A Day with Dogs
Dorothee de Monfreid, author/illustrator
Gecko Press
9781776570980 $19.99 www.geckopress.com 61 pages
"A Day with Dogs" is a fabulous catalog of all the components of a dog's day, illustrated with
great joy, humor, and creativity. Thick cardboard stock pages make this encyclopedia of canine
fun a sure winner and survivor of many loving readings by young readers. Each pair of pages
contains a title category, with a plethora of detailed mini canine portraits involved in the subject
activity. For example, on a page titled the Alphabet, there are twenty-six detailed mini portraits
of different dogs with names beginning with each letter of the alphabet. Beagles, poodles,
Dachshunds, Dalmatians, and mixed breeds are represented, along with different names drawn
from different global sources. In the At Home and At School pages, funny dogs of all kinds and
colors are busy engaged in fairly human-friendly daily activities. Each category has its own set of
mini stories and dramas, some funny, some sad. The prevailing tone is cheery, with an emphasis
on friendly jokes. Young readers will be effortlessly tempted to read and identify words with
labeled illustrations of ordinary everyday objects being presented as useful or pertaining to dogs.
What, in fact, do dogs do all day? Readers of "a Day with Dogs" will come to their own amazing,
hilarious conclusions after much more observation, digestion, and enjoyment.
Beckie Elgin
Inkwater press
6750 SW Franklin Street, Suite A, Portland, OR 97223-2542
9781629013992, $16.95, PB, 114pp, www.amazon.com
Children ages 8 to 12 can join the adventures of the famous wolf OR-7, also known as Journey,
as he trots across the landscape of the Pacific Northwest into territories that have not seen his
kind for nearly a century. Students in grades 2 thorough 6 can follow this remarkable animal as
he searches for, and finally finds, what he was seeking during his three-year, 4,000-mile trek.
Along the way, kids will discover fascinating facts about wolves and meet the humans that had a
role in Journey's quest. While "Journey: The Amazing Story of OR-7, the Oregon Wolf that
Made History" by freelance writer Beckie Elgin was specifically created for middle-grade readers
but will be appreciated by everyone at any age with an interest in wolves and a desire to better
understand these complex and essential canines. "Journey" is very highly recommended for
family, elementary school, and community library Pets/Wildlife collections.
Spot: A Sea Pup's Survival Guide
Laura Knight
Friendly Planet Club
9780692805251, $15.00, HC, 34pp, www.FriendlyPlanet.Club
Presenting the simply message that we should all be kind to our mother earth and be kind to each
other, "Spot: A Sea Pup's Survival Guide" is the story of a baby sea lion that gets tangled in trash
at sea and is rescued by humans. Of special note is the inclusion of a basic teacher/parent guide
for encouraging conversations with children about help each other, recycling, and protecting our
oceans and the marine life they are home to. Impressive illustrations are combined with
underwater ocean photography to support a thoroughly 'kid friendly' and engaging storyline. As
informed and informative as it is consistently entertaining and engaging, "Spot: A Sea Pup's
Survival Guide" includes activity lessons and is very highly recommended for family home
schooling curriculums, as well as school and community library collections.
The Fiction Shelf
Die for You
Amy Fellner Dominy
Delacorte Books
c/o The Random House Publishing Group
1745 Broadway, 17th floor, New York, NY 10019
9781101936191, $17.99, HC, 304pp, www.amazon.com
After Emma Lorde's parents' divorce forces her to move halfway across the state of Arizona to
live with her father, Emma must face her senior year in a new school knowing absolutely no one.
Then she meets Dillon Hobbs and something just clicks. Dillon introduces Emma to friends she
can call her own. He provides a refuge from the chaos of her past and the security of a
commitment that he promises will last forever. And because circumstances of her messy life
forced Emma to put aside her dream of pursuing archaeology, Dillon creates a blueprint for a
future together. He saves her, over and over, by loving her more than she thought anyone ever
would. But just when everything seems picture-perfect, Emma is offered an opportunity that will
upend the future they've planned. Uncertainty grows, and fear spirals into something darker. Now
Dillon is the one who needs saving. But how much do you sacrifice for the one you love? What if
saving Dillon means losing herself? A simply compelling read from cover to cover, "Die for
You" clearly showcases author Amy Fellner Dominy's impressive flair for originality and
storytelling skills. The result is a novel that is certain to be an enduringly popular addition to
highschool and community library YA Fiction collections. For personal reading lists it should be
noted that "Die for You" is also available in a Kindle format ($10.99).
Chester and Gus
Cammie McGovern
c/o HarperCollins Children's Books
10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022
9780062330680, $16.99, HC, 272pp, www.amazon.com
Chester has always wanted to become a service dog. When he fails his certification test, though,
it seems like that dream will never come true - until a family adopts him. They want him to be a
companion for their ten-year-old son, Gus, who has autism. But Gus acts so differently than
anyone Chester has ever met. He never wants to pet Chester, and sometimes he doesn't even want
Chester in the room. Chester's not sure how to help Gus since this isn't exactly the job he trained
for - but he's determined to figure it out. Because after all, Gus is now his person. "Chester and
Gus" is a heartwarming, reader engaging, thoroughly entertaining read from cover to cover and
clearly demonstrates author Cammie McGovern's genuine and original flair for writing stories
that will have an enduring appeal for young readers ages 8 to 12. While highly recommended,
especially for school and community library children's fiction collections, it should be noted for
personal reading lists that "Chester and Gus" is also available in a Kindle edition ($9.99).
Gecko Press
Megumi Iwasa's Yours Sincerely, Giraffe (9781927271889, $16.99) tells of an African giraffe
who decides to write letters across the sea, telling of his life on the other side of the horizon.
Simple black and white drawings by Jun Takabatake accompany letters written by a bored giraffe
who wants to have friends, and who finds an unusual pen pal in Penguin, whose life is very
different. Samples of these correspondences accompany this fun story of blossoming friendship
across the ocean, recommended for advanced elementary to early middle school readers.
Catharina Valckx and Nicholas Hubesch's Bruno: Some of the More Interesting Days in My Life
So Far (9781776571246, $19.99) tells of easy-going Bruno, a cat who takes life as it comes and
who follows the world with interest in every event. Six linked stories about Bruno's friendships,
adventures and worldview make for a fun story representing an easy-reading chapter book perfect
for kids past the picture book stage, but not past the need for colorful illustrations
The Mystery/Suspense Shelf
The Lost Children
Donald Willerton
Terra Nova Books
33 Alondra Road, Santa Fe, NM 87508
9781938288777, $14.95, PB, 174pp, www.amazon.com
At a picnic in the mountains in 1891, three children run into the forest to play and are never seen
again. More than a hundred years later, Mogi Franklin and his sister, Jennifer, discover a series of
clues that bring them to the brink of solving the mystery, only to be thwarted by a resort-building
billionaire eager to sacrifice an entire town to build a playground for the rich. The newest
addition to author Donald Willerton's 'The Mogi Franklin Mystery Series' featuring a new kind of
twenty-first-century hero for Middle-Grade readers as the young adventurer uses his unique
problem-solving skills to battle legends of the past while solving the mysteries of today, "The
Lost Children" is a consistently entertaining read from cover to cover and highly recommended
for personal reading lists, as well as both school and community library General Fiction
collections for young readers ages 8 to 14.
The Board Book Shelf
Big Brother Peter: A Peter Rabbit Tale
Beatrix Potter, author/illustrators
Frederick Warne
c/o Penguin Random House
345 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014
9780241293331 $7.99 www.peterrabbit.com
"Big Brother Peter" is a charming board book edition of a classic Peter Rabbit tale complete with
original delicate watercolor illustrations just as in the original tales of Peter Rabbit. The board
book format makes this classic tale extra friendly to young readers age 2 years and up. Peter has
become a big brother rabbit, and his mother has introduced him to his 3 new baby sisters. One is
named Flopsy, another is Mopsy, and the third had yet to be named. peter tried very hard to find
entertainment and toys and ways to play with his three new baby sisters. But Flopsy did not like
his big noisy drum, and Mopsy did not like his nice, quiet boat. But when Peter's third baby sister
was finally ready to be awake and play with him, she was different. She giggled, jiggled, and
wiggled her tail. Together she and Peter had so much fun giggling, jiggling, and wiggling, that
she got all tired out and had to go back to sleep. Then Peter suggested to his mother, Mrs. Rabbit,
a fine name for the third baby sister: Cotton-tail! The new name was approved by Mrs. Rabbit,
and Peter looked forward to having lots more fun playing with Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail.
He wondered, did they maybe want to play a little too much? This delightful classic lives again
for a new generation in this charming new board book edition, the perfect addition to a child's
Easter basket.
Chicago Monsters, a Search and Find Book
Carine Laforest, author
Lucile Dorris Drouof, illustrator
City Monsters, an imprint of Chouette Publishing
9782924734018 $9.99 10 pages board book
"Chicago Monsters" is a Search and Find board book about city monsters for young readers age 3
and up. Detailed colorful illustrations of recognized scenes and sites in Chicago, Illinois contain
hidden or cleverly disguised local city monsters that children will enjoy discovering. Each pair of
pages has highlighted clue that states "6 (or other) monsters to find," to help speed the search and
find activities. The sneaky, zany monsters try to blend in, but their bright colors and monster
forms and smiles tend to give them away to the careful observer. Scenes of the Windy City that
are depicted with monster infestations include the Cloud Gate, the Chicago River, the Michigan
Avenue Bridge, the Navy Pier and Centennial Wheel, the Crown Fountain in Millennium Park,
the Magnificent Mile, the Chicago Water Tower, a typical scene in a deep dish pizza sports bar,
the Art Institute of Chicago, the Shedd Aquarium's Caribbean Reef, and the Oak Street Beach.
Youngsters can enjoy perusing the famous sights of Chicago while seeking the elusive city
monsters to tease them out of their famous hiding places. All enjoyable pre-reading activities
such as the Search and Find features and narrated scenes and sites of Chicago make this sturdy,
educational board book a winner for young readers age 3 and up.
I Love You, Little One
Patricia Hegerty
Tiger Tales
PO Box 70, Iron Ridge, WI 53035
9781589252417, $12.99, www.tigertalesbooks.com
I Love You, Little One receives fun colorful drawings by Thomas Elliott as it tells of a bouncy
little bear cub who is well loved by his mother at playtime. A touch-and-feel format that includes
built-in tactile experiences at each scene offers a fun story of other mothers and animal children,
from a bird's baby chick to a tall elephant. The gorgeous, fun read-aloud will provide mothers
and children much pleasure.
Little Poems for Tiny Ears
Lin Oliver
c/o Penguin Young Readers Group
345 Hudson Street, 15th floor, New York, NY 10014
9781524737962, $7.99, http://us.penguingroup.com
Tomie dePaola illustrates an appealing poetry book perfect for read-aloud, and covers topics the
very young can relate to. These gentle rhymes tells of strollers, sneezing, dogs, car seats, and
more, and each is accompanied by gentle drawings that bring a child's experience to life,
presented in full color. Board books seldom hold poetry much less verse relating to a very young
child's life: this is a standout.
Ripley's Believe It or Not! ODDphabet
Ripley Publishing
Suite 188, 7576 Kingspointe Parkway, Orlando, FL 32819
9781609911706 $6.95 www.ripleys.com/books
"Ripley's Believe It or Not ODDphabet" is a magical alphabeticized verse narrative that will
enchant young readers age 3 and up. Filled with zany bright portraits and thumbnail sketches of
unusual, unlikely animals, "ODDphabet" is a board book that excels in stimulation and surprise.
Here are a couple of the examples: "A is for alligator/ But he is not green/ His Friends call him
Albino/ All white and so clean! (p. 1)." "Z is for zorse/ The last in our zoo/ He is half horse/ and
half zebra, too (p.26)!" For an entertaining, educational toddler's board book, "Ripley's Believe It
or Not ODDphabet" is an unforgettable experience! Also highly recommended is a companion
publication, "Ripley's Believe It or Not! Wacky 123 (9781609911812, $6.99)."
The Counting Shelf
Counting Through The Day
Margaret Hamilton, author
Anna Pignataro, illustrator
Kane/Miller Book Publishers
4901 Morena Blvd, Suite 213, San Diego, CA 92117
9781760124526, $8.55, HC, 32pp, www.kanemiller.com
Using rhythmic verse supported by utterly charming artwork, "Counting Through The Day"
teaches basic number concepts using illustrative everyday delights that children ages 2 through 5.
Starting with 1 teddy bear and progressing up through 12 dry sticks, author Margaret Hamilton
then progresses to 20 wise owls, hundreds of books, thousands of raindrops, millions of stars,
and then concludes with one silver moon and one loving kiss. It should be noted that "Counting
Through The Day" has rounded corners and features heavy cardstock pages. In addition to being
an excellent and educational counting book for preschoolers, "Counting Through The Day" is an
impressive bed-time reading experience for parents and children. "Counting Through The Day" is
unreservedly recommended for family, preschool, and community library collections.
The Fantasy/SciFi Shelf
Darkling Green
Kim Thompson
The Dundurn Group
3 Church Street, Suite 500, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5E 1M2
9781459736221 $12.99 pbk / $8.74 Kindle amazon.com
Part of "The Eldritch Manor Series", Darkling Green is a fantasy novel written especially for
young adults and teenagers, yet thoroughly accessible and appealing to readers of all ages. Spring
has arrived at Eldritch Manor, and the King of the Fairies has caused no end of hustle and bustle.
Willa's "unlucky" thirteenth birthday is fast approaching, and she just recently learned evidence
that she might be part mermaid! How can a young woman with no tail and a deathly fear of water
be mermaid-descended? And why does she keep dreaming about a malevolent Green Man? Part
fantastic adventure, part coming-of-age story, Darkling Green is especially recommended for the
fantasy collections of public and school libraries.
M.P. Kozlowsky
Scholastic Press
557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012-3999
9780545831918, $17.99, www.scholastic.com
Frost tells of a teen who has spent her whole life hiding in an abandoned apartment building, one
of the relics of former civilization, as rogue robots and Eaters roam the streets below. Alone,
she's never met another human other than her father - but even he isn't real any longer, and when
Frost discovers there might be medicine for her dying pet if she leaves the safety of her home,
she embarks on a dangerous journey. Frost takes the theme of a dystopian world and a survival
situations and ups the ante with the addition of robots, questions about humanity, and a lone teen
girl's struggles. It provides many riveting twists and turns that belay predictability and lend the
novel an engrossing feel, making it highly recommended for young adults looking for something
refreshingly different.
Flicker and Mist
Mary G. Thompson
Clarion Books
c/o Houghton Mifflin
215 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10003
9780544648401, $17.99, www.hmhco.com
Flicker and Mist tells of a world in which people can become invisible ("flicker") at will - but
this is not considered a desirable trait. An invisible person can be or do anything - even be a
deadly threat - and so Flickerkin are disparaged and can be put to death. Myra is part Flickerkin
and has kept her power a secret until disturbances caused around New York City by other
Flickerkin threaten her family, her romance, and everything she knows. Can Myra solve these big
problems, given she has a tangled identity and special purposes and is intent on not choosing
sides? A powerful saga emerges in a riveting, different story that's hard to put down.
Rebels of the Lamp: Finders Keepers
Michael M.B. Galvin & Peter Speakman
Disney Hyperion
125 West End Avenue, New York, NY 10023
9781423180401, $16.99
Rebels of the Lamp: Finders Keepers will reach readers age 10-14 years old with its story of
Parker and his friends, who have destroyed an evil genie only to awaken Vesiroth, an immortal
sorcerer now bent on ruling the world. His goal - to abolish war - is admirable, but not his
determination to become a demigod in that effort, and he mist reassemble the scattered bits of an
old artifact to gain the powers to win his goal. Parker, his genie, and his gang are charged with
the effort of defeating someone who wants to end violence in an odd twist of fate in this
intriguing fantasy, highly recommended for all ages.
Tamar and PJ: One Giant Adventure
Mark F. Geatches
World Castle Publishing
9781629895819, $20.36, HC, 307pp, www.amazon.com
PJ's weekend began like any other, but his sense of tranquility was mere illusion. Hunted down
and poisoned by a wicked humanoid strain, PJ slowly loses his health and sanity as a lone giant
races to save him. After centuries of solitude Tamar's decision to save PJ has unforeseen
consequences. He unwittingly kills Krell, the vorteh Emperor's son and heir to the throne, placing
a mark on his own head. Now Tamar must perform the nearly impossible task of creating an
antidote that will save PJ, while avoiding marauding vorteh death squads. With PJ's outcome
unknown Tamar makes one final decision. He confronts Emperor Dedac, sacrificing his life to
save the lives of PJ and his family. A deftly written and engaging fantasy action/adventure novel
for young readers ages 12 to 17, "Tamar and PJ: One Giant Adventure" showcases author Mark
Geatches' genuine flair for original and entertaining storytelling. While very highly recommended
for school and community library Fantasy Fiction collections, it should be noted for personal
reading lists that "Tamar and PJ: One Giant Adventure" is also available in a paperback edition
9781629895826, $12.60) and in a Kindle format ($3.99).
Aaden BlueStar: The Awakening
David Gaughan
4900 LaCross Rd., North Charleston, SC 29406
9781537484662, $9.99, PB, 258pp, www.amazon.com
At fifteen, Aaden Greene is imbued with extraordinary powers after a freak incident. Astounded
by his powerful abilities he's also confused by the terrifying vision of the monstrous apparition
that appears before him at the time of his metaphysical awakening. Struggling to blend his
ordinary life with visions of other lifetimes in extraterrestrial realms, he discovers his connection
with an ET who has come to save our world. What amazes him most is the connection between
the charismatic E.T. with whom he has been closely connected throughout the ages and his
father, a Senator running for President on an environmental ticket. With each heart-pounding
moment, the ensuing battle between the extraterrestrial BlueStar Beings and the formidable entity
of Aaden's earlier vision requires them to join forces to combat that negative energy. With an
environmental backlash, the future of Earth and the survival of the human race depend on their
success. Exceptionally well written and thoroughly entertaining from cover to cover, "Aaden
BlueStar: The Awakening" reveals author David Gaughan as having a genuine flair for
originality and compelling storytelling skills. While "Aaden BlueStar: The Awakening" is very
highly recommended for both school and community library Science Fiction collections for
children, it should be noted for the personal reading lists of young science fiction fans that it is
also available in an inexpensive Kindle format ($0.99).
The Land of Mar
Zachary Warren Mohr, author
Aaron Damon Porter, illustrator
Desdemona's Dreams LLC
9780996887427, $24.99, HC, 62pp, www.amazon.com
After defeating the mad Maestro, and saving her dream of dancing, Desdemona is once again
presented with a challenge. A mysterious figure in her dreams tells her that she must right the
wrongs in the Land of Mar. To accomplish this task, Desdemona must stop the dread pirate
Moren and his wicked crew from destroying dreams. A jovial faerie by the name of Puck joins
her on her adventures in Mar, as they seek out the court of the King. But, as always, nothing is
quite as easy as it seems, and Desdemona must use her courage and wit to face the problems that
lie ahead. "The Land of Mar" is the second volume in the fully illustrated 'Desdemona's Dreams'
series by Zachary Warren Mohr and featuring memorable illustrations by Aaron Damon Porter
that reveal the beauty of dreams and explores how imagination may be the key to discovering
who we are meant to be. Especially recommended for children ages 6 to 12, "The Land of Mar"
will prove to be enduringly popular additions to family, elementary school, and community
library collections.
Simon and Schuster
1230 Avenue of the Americas, 14th fl., New York, NY 10020
Two new titles are top recommendations for teens looking for a different kind of read. Kate
O'Hearn's The Runaway (9781481447409, $17.99) is second in her series, but requires little
pre-knowledge for newcomers as it describes a world where the Valkyries of legend are alive -
along with one who has become a friend of humans in the World of Man, and who doesn't want
to reap their souls like her peers. Freya's return to the human realm to track down a runaway
Valkyrie brings her into conflict with friends, family, and new dangers in this engrossing saga.
Martha Freeman's Effie Starr Zook Has One More Question (9781481472647, $16.99) tells of a
rich New York City girl whose parents embark on an adventure and leave her behind on her aunt
and uncle's farm for the summer, where she expects to be bored and frustrated. As Effie
discovers more than a few mysteries, she finds her spare time filled with investigation, with a
new bicycle carrying her beyond the farm to places which the adults don't want her to go - and
questions she asks that they don't want answered. A funny, vigorous tale emerges that is well
spiced with Effie's indefatigable personality.
The Automotive Shelf
Motor Girls
Sue Macy
National Geographic Press
101 West 104th Street, Suite 8, New York, NY 10025
9781426326974, $18.99, HC, 96pp, www.amazon.com
Motor Girls, as they were called at the turn of the century, were the daring women who got
behind the wheel of the first cars and paved the way for change. The automobile has always
symbolized freedom, and in "Motor Girls: How Women Took the Wheel and Drove Boldly Into
the Twentieth Century" by Sue Macy, children ages 10 to 12 meet the first generation of female
motorists who drove cars for fun, profit, and to make a statement about the evolving role of
women. From the advent of the auto in the 1890s to the 1920s when the breaking down of
barriers for women was in full swing, young readers will be especially delighted to see historical
photos, art, and artifacts and to discover the many ways these progressive females influenced
fashion, the economy, politics, and the world around them. Profusely illustrated from cover to
cover, "Motor Girls" is an especially informative and highly recommended addition to family,
elementary school, and community library History collections for young readers.
The Graphic Novel Shelf
Adele in Sand Land
Claude Ponti, author/illustrator
Skeeter Grant & Francoise Mouly, translators
Toon Books
c/o Raw Junior LLC
27 Greene Street #4, New York, NY 10013
9781943145164 $12.95 www.TOON-BOOKS.com
"Adele in Sand Land" is a level 1 (first comics for brand new readers) Toon book by famous
author/ illustrator Claude Ponti. Translated from French by Skeeter Grant and Francoise Mouly,
"Adele in Sand Land" is part of a collection of children's books written by the author for his
daughter, who was named Adele. Reading "Adele in Sand Land" with a child of 3-4 or older, it is
important to amplify the story by "hamming it up," and to encourage the child to make up ideas
about the action of the many fantastically detailed comic illustrations, a succession of panels
conveying exciting action and change. The single line of narrative at the bottom of the page only
gives a broad outline of all the stories within the pictures. Fantastic, funny, unusual, dream-like
changes in the images of the cartoon panels convey unwritten parts of the story. Children will be
intrigued by the multiple levels of possibilities within the cartoons, also suggested by the
narrative. Characters like the Masked Chickie, Sandy the Sand Man, and the furballs make
friends with Adele in her adventures in her imaginary world in the crowded playground sandbox,
where she is playing while her mother visits on a park bench with another mother. There are
many transformations and magical surprises in Adele's adventures with her friends. She is able to
overcome adversity with her own talents, or ear-splitting song. When Adele has problems, her
friends come to aid her. After a final harrowing escape from a Dessert Island, and surviving
being swallowed by a Snack Man, Adele finds a sand tunnel that takes her back to Mama. When
Mama offers Adele a snack, she says, "No, thank you, I'm full." The magical mystery tour of
illustrations of Adele and her fantastic adventures offer endless opportunities for imagination,
exploration, and creativity. Children of all ages will be fascinated by "Adele in Sand Land."
Cardfight!! Vanguard 7
Akira Itou
Vertical, Inc.
451 Park Avenue South, 7th floor, New York, NY 10016
9781941220146 $10.95 amazon.com
Cardfight!! Vanguard 7 is a black-and-white manga (Japanese graphic novel) continuing the saga
of young people whose card-battling game draws them into deeper plots. Set after the events of
Asia Circuit, Cardfight!! Vanguard 7 spotlights the return of Tetsu Shinjou of Foo Fighter, who
runs the Cardfight Club of a rival school to protagonist Aichi's Miyaji Academy. An energetic
story of rivalry and competition suitable for all ages, Cardfight!! Vanguard 7 includes a limited
edition PR card with its first printing.
The Music CD Shelf
Funny Faces
Michael & The Rockness Monsters
Privately Published
$TBA michaelandtherocknessmonsters.com
Award-winning band Michael & the Rockness Monsters presents their second album Funny
Faces, a family-friendly odyssey of imagination, from the contemplative to the ludicrous.
Carefree and joyful, the songs range from funk and comedy to get-up-and-move dance music, to
wistful moral parables. Funny Faces will appeal to both parents and children, and is highly
recommended. The tracks are "Cardboard Cutout Man", "Everything Anything", "Elevator
Song", "Feet for Hands", "Never Know", "Mr. Pickle", "Rainbows", "Funny Faces", "Squirrel
Fight", "Same Side", "Together Forever", "So Happy", "Babies Cry", and "Who I Am".
Rock & Roll Party
Wayne Potash
Happy House Records
$14.99 cdbaby.com
The eighth music CD by award-winning artist Wayne Potash, Rock & Roll Party consists of
sixteen kid-tested, rock-and-roll songs. Ten of the songs are original creations; five are family-
friendly versions of songs by Aerosmith, The Who, George Thorogood and John Lee Hooker.
Brimming with hand-clapping, toe-tapping, get-up-and-move fun, Rock & Roll Party is highly
recommended! The tracks are "At the Baseball Game", "Haunted House Party", "Boris the
Spider", "Clawzy the Sea Monster", "I'm a Little Princess", "Bobcats", "Don't Say Anything",
"Sweet Tooth", "Bad to the Bone", "Train Kept A-Rollin", "Olympic Games", "Boom Boom",
"Willy the Woolly Mammoth", "Roadrunner", "Daddy is a Rock and Roll Star", and "Shy
Trippin' Round the Mitten
Randy Kaplan
Yellow Thing Records & Books
$12.97 CD / $9.99 download cdbaby.com
Trippin' Round the Mitten is the sixth family-friendly album by Randy Kaplan, who has recently
moved to the suburbs of Detroit and toured (or "tripped" around) the state of Michigan. The
music draws upon the sub-genres of rap and hip-hop, including a parody of Maroon 5's hit song
"Sugar" (the parody is about a child's craving for actual sugar in cookies and ice cream). Some
songs are covers, some are remixes, and some are original creations interspersed with Kaplan's
delightful skits and dialogues. Trippin' Round the Mitten is ultimately a jubilant celebration of
life and community in Michigan, highly recommended for listeners of all ages! The tracks are
"Honk Honk" (5:10), "Trippin' Round the Mitten" (2:59), "Beach Song" (1:58), "Supernude"
(4:23), "Mr. Bassman" (2:16), "My Frigerator Broke" (2:14), "Sugar" (3:41), "Every Second
Counts" (2:53), "Jungle" (3:22), "Comb Your Ears" (4:25), "Cat & Mice" (3:42), "Tongue Tied"
(1:52), "The Komorns" (1:24), "Sleeping Dog" (3:02), "Mr. Spaceman" (4:36), "Bye Bye Baby"
(2:570, "On the Phone on the Toilet" (5:48) and "Mommy Love Song" (1:36).
Songs About Us
Kerry Fenster
Muzic School
$9.98 CD / $5.99 download
Although Songs About Us is a music CD created especially for children with special needs or
developmental delays, its positive messages about how to take care of oneself and politely
interact with others are a valuable lesson for all very young children. Each song has a simple
lesson couched in a catchy tune, making Songs About Us an excellent teaching tool, ideal for
public or elementary school children's music collections and highly recommended for family
listening as well. The songs are "Greeting" (0:27), "Quiet Hands" (3:00), "Use Your Words"
(2:25), "Pinball Wizard" (2:54), "Hygiene" (2:10), "Personal Space" (2:40), and "Farewell"
Feeling Good
Dave Hamilton
Privately Published
$12.97 CD / $15.00 download cdbaby.com
Intended for young people ages 2-8, Feeling Good is the fourth children's music album by Dave
Hamilton, or "Mr. Dave". The songs are designed to be catchy and appealing for little ones, yet
easy on adult ears. The upbeat energy of Hamilton's music is positively infectious! Feeling Good
is a choice pick for family and public library children's music collections, highly recommended.
The tracks are "Bamboo the Bear", "Street Smarts", "Captain Brown Beard", "I Will Share",
"Song in All of Us", "Pelican Kid", "Two Wheels", "Questions", "Feeling Good", and "Tiny
Things". 33 min.
The DVD Shelf
Two Friends: Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass
Story by Dean Robbins
Illustrated by Sean Qualls & Selina Alko
Narrated by Dion Graham
Music by Michael Bacon
Weston Woods
90 Old Sherman Turnpike, Danbury, CT 06816
9781338162004 $59.95 www.scholastic.com/westonwoods
Intended for young viewers ages 4-8, Two Friends: Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass is
the DVD adaptation (with voiced narration and music) of a children's picturebook about two
historical American figures - Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906), champion of woman's rights and
women's suffrage, and African-American social reformer and abolitionist Frederick Douglass
(1818-1895). Inspired by a statue commemorating both individuals in their hometown of
Rochester, New York which shows the pair having tea, Two Friends imagines a get-together in
which Anthony and Douglass share similar stories their respective battles for human equality.
Gentle and inspiring, Two Friends is highly recommended especially for homeroom viewing and
elementary school or public library children's DVD collections. 7 min., optional English
subtitles, closed-captioned. It should be noted that Two Friends is also available in hardcover
($17.95), audio CD ($12.95), and hardcover with audio CD ($29.95) editions.
The Story of Easter
Sparkhouse Family
510 Marquette Ave. 7th Floor, Minneapolis, MN 55402
9781506421933 $14.99 sparkhouse.org
Part of the "Spark Story Bible Adventures" animated DVD series for children ages 3-10, The
Story of Easter presents the Biblical story of Jesus Christ's resurrection from the New Testament,
a miracle that is commemorated every year with the Easter holiday. Brightly colored animation
and a charming, anthropomorphic caterpillar named Squiggles teach young viewers to about
God's infinite love, and the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Highly recommended,
especially for church library collections and Sunday School viewing. 60 min.
The Math Shelf
Project Popcorn
Laura Driscoll, author
Shirley Ng-Benitez, illustrator
Kane Press
225 East 46th St., #4D, New York, NY 10017-2924
9781575658681 $23.99 hc
9781575658650 $5.95 pb www.kanepress.com 32 pages
"Project Popcorn" is a fun new title from the Math Matters series, whose goal is "to help children
approach math with genuine enthusiasm.... that will stay with them throughout their lives."
Cheery color illustrations and a fun story combine to depict the Community Champions' latest
Thanksgiving project to raise funds for poor families' Thanksgiving meals by selling tins of
popcorn. Assisted by their group leader, Mr. C., the Champs use graphs, averages, and other
math techniques and tools to develop the best selling strategy and win the most funds for the
Thanksgiving project. Carefully reviewing sales patterns, the team finds they have one preferred
flavor of popcorn that sells the most tins. The Champs also used modes and median analysis to
determine the best sale price to sell their last tins of popcorn after all the orders had been filled.
The group of Champs sold a record number of popcorn tins, which eventually translated into a
total gift of 200 Thanksgiving baskets for needy families, a wonderful donation! In addition, each
Champ student worker proudly received a new activity badge for their sashes. Pictures of the
Champs in action are inclusive, showing children of different skin colors, with different abilities
(one girl in a wheelchair assists with sales), and different backgrounds. Children work in teams to
tackle math problems such as sales strategies and market analysis, and basket filling and
distribution. Math concepts that are applied, explained and used in activities include the mean,
the median, the mode, and the range. These are further defined in an appendix on page 32,
followed by Activities that Matter, some suggested activities to do with children that support and
extend their reading and math skills. "Project Popcorn" has punch, appeal, and practical
applicability for middle grade students who are learning to love math and reading. "Project
Popcorn:" "Project Popcorn" is suitable for children ages 6-8, in grades 1-3. Also highly
recommended are the following titles that are available from the Math Matters series: "Let's Go,
Snow! (9781575468070, $5.99)," by Eleanor May, illustrated by Cary Pillo; "Otto and the New
Girl (9781575658643, $5.95)," by Nan Walker, illustrated by Amy Wummer; and "A Fishy
Mystery (9781575658667, $5.95)," by Lisa Harkrader, illustrated by Cary Pillo.
Books in Series
The U. S. Constitution
Marcia Amidon, author
The Child's World
1980 Lookout Drive, Mankato, MN 56003
9781503809079 $28.50 www.childsworld.com 24 pages
From the juvenile educational series, "How America Works," "The U. S. Constitution" explains
the origin, history, role, contents, and significance of the United States' Constitution. Written in
1787, the U. S. Constitution replaced the much weaker Articles of Confederation, a political
predecessor when it was finally ratified by all 13 states in 1790. In succinct, clear descriptive
narrative, "The U. S. Constitution" summarizes: "The new document wasn't perfect. But it was
clearer than the Articles of Confederation. It also gave the government more powers. Officials
needed these powers to unite the states. Over time, the nation would change. The Constitution
would remain the law of the land (p. 9)." Revolutionary Period paintings plus illustrations and
helpful graphs and sidebars help illuminate the parts and impact of the U. S. Constitution.
Chapter two explains the Preamble and Articles of the Constitution, creating the three branches
of government: the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. Chapter three explains the
amendments to the U. S. Constitution, at over 200 years of age, the oldest national constitution
still in use. The first ten amendments, known as the Bill of Rights, outline the basic freedoms of
Americans under the Constitution, including freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Later
amendments accomplished important work such as equal rights for women and black Americans.
Amendments can be created and repealed still today, to help protect the rights of all Americans.
"The U. S. Constitution" provides a good comprehensive overview of this unique document for
mid grade students age 8 and up. Additional titles from the "How America Works " series that
are also highly recommended include: "The Declaration of Independence (9781503809017)," by
Mary Meinking, and "The Bill of Rights (9781503809000)," by Marcia Amidon Lusted.
Judaism: Global Citizens: World Religions
Katie Marsico, author
Jeff Bane, illustrator
Cherry Lake Publishing
1750 Northway Drive, Suite 101, North Mankato MN 56003
9781634722926 $20.95 hc / $9.95 pbk / $32.95 hosted ebook
"Judaism" is a succinct summary of the history, geography, civics, and economics of Judaism for
young readers in grades 4-7. Enriched by color photographs of different denominations of
Judaism and more, plus sidebars of summaries of related core information and important
questions. "Judaism" is from a series titled Global Citizens: World Religion, also part of the 21st
Century Skills Library. It is completed by sections titled Think About It, For More Information,
and a Glossary. "Judaism" is highly recommended. Additional titles from this series that are also highly recommended include: "Buddhism,"
"Christianity," "Hinduism," "Islam," and "Sikhism".
Crabtree Publishing Company
350 Fifth Avenue, 59th Floor, New York, NY 10118
Three new series collections are top picks for discriminating elementary-level nonfiction
collections looking for books that both fit the curriculum and promise lasting lending value.
Shannon Welbourn's 'Step Forward With' series ($23.70 HC, $7.95 PB each) for grade 3 supports
the SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) and character education programs, supports CSS for
Reading Informational Texts for grade 3, and offers 23 pages each of full-color details backed by
a bibliography, glossary of terms, index, and table of contents. The books hold vocabulary
definitions, examples, and discussions that directly relate to youth experiences. Integrity
(9780778727860), Gratitude (9780778727842), Empathy (9780778727866), Grit
(9780778727675), Responsible Decision-Making (9780778727699), Problem Solving
(9780778727682), Curiosity (9780778727628) and Optimism (9780778727804) each build
confidence, promote positive can-do attitudes, and discuss various ideas and tips that help kids
embark on a happier life. Colin Hynson's 'Cutting Edge Careers In STEM: Dream Jobs In...'
series ($27.60) for grade 5 each support STEM initiatives and promote skills development and
career considerations at an earlier level than one might expect. Engineering (9780778729457),
Math (9780778729631), Science (9780778729655) and Technology (9780778729679) each hold
some 30 pages of detail capped by a glossary and index, with discussions ranging from ethical
concerns in each career area to the mechanics of succeeding in each position. Rita Storey's
'Technology in Motion: How to Build...' series (($27.60 each) for grade 5 support STEM
initiatives and 21st Century Skills as it provides projects for young builders and supplements
these projects with science facts and details. Cars (9780778733935), Aircraft (9780778733843)
and Robots (9780778733942) each use highly colorful combinations of photos, diagrams, and
illustrations to explain each step of the project and the concepts behind it. All promise lasting
lending library value.
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Diane C. Donovan, Editor
Midwest Book Review
278 Orchard Drive
Oregon, WI 53575-1129
phone: 1-608-835-7937
e-mail: mbr@execpc.com
e-mail: mwbookrevw@aol.com
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