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California Bookwatch
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Donovan's Picks
Gregory M. Cooper & Michael R. King with Thomas McHoes
Prometheus Books
59 John Glenn Drive, Amherst, NY 14228-2197
9781591025061, $26.00 www.prometheusbooks.com
PREDATORS: WHO THEY ARE AND HOW TO STOP THEM examines the lives, circumstances and modus operandi of predatory criminals, from their motives and methods of stalking and attack to lifestyle changes and techniques which will reduce the possibility of becoming a victim. In a world increasingly haunted by such predators, this book will provide invaluable safety keys for both general interest public library patrons and college-level collections strong in social issues. The authors point out those who commit crimes prey on the weak – and that a best defense is to appear strong and difficult. An outstanding safety guide.
The Environmental Studies Shelf
Saving Puget Sound
John Lombard
University of Washington Press
Box 50096, Seattle, WA 98145
0295986743, $35.00 www.washington.edu/uwpress
SAVING PUGET SOUND: A CONSERVATION STRATEGY FOR THE 21ST CENTURY at first glance might seem specific only to Washington collections – but its conservation issues and lessons hold wider insights for any natural spot in the country, and so SAVING PUGET SOUND is a top pick for any library – especially at the college level – specializing in conservation issues and applied strategies. Chapters analyze the Endangered Species Act, apply it to local endangered species, and reveal land use and management issues which go far beyond the usual constraints and topics. Quotes from source studies, footnoted references, and reviews of conservation processes and legal challenges alike make for an outstanding survey.
The Computer Shelf
Ultimate Guide to Search Engine Marketing
Bruce C. Brown
Atlantic Publishing Company
1405 SW 6th Avenue, Ocala, FL 34474-7014
9780910627993, $24.95 www.atlantic-pub.com
If your goal is to have more web visitors visit your web site, then ULTIMATE GUIDE TO SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING: PAY PER CLICK is a 'must' for your internet business. It tells of the PPC advertising technique that uses search engines where you can display text ads throughout the internet keyed to particular products or businesses. Such advertising may seem confusing, but ULTIMATE GUIDE explains all the methods and purposes behind it – and makes it easy to use. A top pick for both internet businesses and libraries catering to them.
Social Software in Libraries
Meredith G. Farkas
Information Today Inc.
143 Old Marlton Pike, Medford, NJ 08055
9781573872751, $39.50 www.infotoday.com
SOCIAL SOFTWARE IN LIBRARIES: BUILDING COLLABORATION, COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNITY ONLINE is for any college-level collection catering to library science students as well as practicing librarians: it surveys social software, which lets libraries interact online with the communities they serve. Chapters provide librarians with the information needed to implement blogs, RSS, wikis and other types of social networking systems, even down to podcasting and IM. Tips include how to assess, implement and use such software successfully, offering real-world scenarios and examples all along the way. An outstanding, practical reference.
The Art & Science of CSS
Cameron Adams, et.al.
424 Smith Street, Collingwood, VIC Australia 3066
0975841971, $39.95 www.sitepoint.com www.amazon.com
Standards-based design might seem dull but CSS-based design needn't be – and THE ART & SCIENCE OF CSS gathers together designers who show how to take a typical web site design and add CSS to jazz up results. Any college-level computer library catering to programmers and web designers will find this packed with ideas on how to design forms which are attractive and functional alike. From creating eye-catching tables and designing forms to vertical navigation basics, THE ART & SCIENCE OF CSS has lots of detail and applied website information perfect for practicing designers.
Adobe Photoshop CS3 One-on-One
Deke McClelland
Deke Press
c/o O'Reilly & Associates
1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472
9780596529758, $49.99 www.deke.oreilly.com
Any looking to learn Photoshop CS3 from basics to advanced must have Adobe Photoshop CS3 One-on-One: it's a virtual classroom in a book and pairs real-world projects and 12 self-paced tutorials with color photos, diagrams and screen shots which lend to quick examples and easy learning. It's taught by a Photoshop expert with over 20 years of experience and it includes quizzes in each chapter to help test knowledge, making it both a handy reference and the perfect classroom text, alike. A top pick for any library catering to Photoshop CS3 learners.
Network Management: Accounting and Performance Strategies
Benoit Claise, CCIE & Ralf Wolter
Cisco Press
c/o Pearson Technology Group
800 East 96th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46240
1587051982, $70.00 www.ciscopress.com
College-level courses strong in network management will find this an excellent text which use chapter-length scenarios from real-world challenges to back theory, providing an understanding of Cisco IOS embedded management strategies for accounting and performance scenarios. Chapters use trends in performance statistics to back 'best practices' for network managers, making for a top pick for any college-level, advanced course in network management technology.
Prentice Hall
Eric Garulay
Prentice Hall
c/o Pearson Technology Group
801 East 96th Street, #300, Indianapolis, IN 46240-3759
www.prenhallprofessional.com www.pearsoned.com 1-800-428-5331
Web programmers working with Ajax will find Michael Morrison's Ajax Construction Kit (0132350084, $39.99 ) an excellent set of built-in applications that work well right out of the box, offering up ten applications to load web data, populate lists, build an interface for viewing images, and more. An accompanying cd-rom offers complete projects in Ajax. The second edition of Benjamin Mako Hill and Jono Bacon's THE OFFICIAL UBUNTU BOOK (0132354136, $34.99) tells how to use Ubuntu in a business and home environment, and is written by leading Ubuntu community members. From customizing Ubuntu for home and small business purposes to adapting to its new versions and locating troubleshooting information from world users, this is accompanied by a DVD of the complete Ubuntu Linux operating system for PC platforms. Both are top picks for computer users and lending libraries alike.
Excel Hacks: Tips and Tools for Streamlining Your Spreadsheets
David & Raina Hawley
O'Reilly & Associates
1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472
0596528345, $29.99 www.oreilly.com
Users of the Excel program who want to move from beginning to intermediate levels without hours of study will find this handbook of over a hundred 'hacks' invaluable, offering tools and resources perfect for handling information, worksheets, and data analysis tasks. Hack formulas and functions show how to use macros and other shortcuts to maximum effectiveness, making this a fine reference for not only college-level libraries strong in Excel resources, but for general interest lending collections where patrons use computers for business purposes.
Practice of System and Network Administration, 2nd Edition
Thomas A. Limoncello, et.al.
75 Arlington Street, Suite 300, Boston, MA 02116
0321492668, $59.99 www.awprofessional.com 1-800-428-5331
The first edition of PRACTICE OF SYSTEM AND NETWORK ADMINISTRATION covers modern IT methodology, and this updated second edition provides a revision of four major areas of knowledge relating to system administration, reviewing key elements of successful network systems, how to build and run reliable services, building data centers and addressing security issues, and more. It's a top pick for any library serious about catering to advanced web programmers, computer professionals, and students of network administration – as well as for practicing administrators.
The Education Shelf
A Guide to Graphic Organizers, 2nd Edition
James Bellanca
Corwin Press
2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320
9781412943009, $34.95 www.corwinpress.com
Graphic organizers can help students organize and process content, creating structure and keys for gathering information, and honing problem-solving skills. These worksheets and graphic applications cross grade levels from elementary to middle school on up, and offers lesson designs, diagrams, flow charts, and task-oriented ideas. An outstanding survey highly recommended for any college-level education library or collection catering to practicing teachers.
The Interior Design Shelf
California Revival
Carole Coates & Annie Dietz
Schiffer Publishing
4880 Lower Valley Road, Atglen, PA 19310
9780764326356, $49.95 www.schifferbooks.com
CALIFORNIA REVIVAL: VINTAGE DECOR FOR TODAY'S HOMES covers a new movement in indoor-outdoor design which blends vintage furnishings, paintings and decorative arts from the Spanish Revival period of the 1920s to 40s. Over five hundred color images with captions and historical text covers pottery, furniture, murals, ironwork and more in an excellent survey of the decor and its incorporation into interiors ranging from homes to public buildings. While this could have been recommended for California collections alone, it's reviewed here for its wider appeal to any in-depth art or architectural library.
The Art Shelf
Life's Pleasures: The Ashcan Artists' Brush with leisure, 1895-1925
Merrell Publishers Limited
740 Broadway, Suite 1202, New York, NY 10003
1858943841, $45.00 www.merrellpublishers.com
Relatively few primers offer in-depth details on the Ashcan artists: a school of early 20th-century American artists whose work centered around New York City life. Here the underworld of the City was often displayed – and LIFE'S PLEASURES is the first book to explore the lighter side of the Ashcan artists' works, featuring leisure scenes in cafes, bars and parks and movies. You'll recognize the artists' names ' Edward Hopper, Rockwell Kent, John Sloan – and the essays offer further insights on New York culture and artistic sentiment, making LIFE'S PLEASURES a top pick for both New York and college-level art libraries.
E.O. Hoppe's Amerika
Phillip Prodger
W.W. Norton
500 – 5th Avenue, New York NY 10110
9780393065442, $49.95 www.wwnorton.com
E.O. HOPPE'S AMERIKA: MODERNIST PHOTOGRAPHS FROM THE 1920s tells of world-famous photographer Hoppe's arrival in America – and how and why eighty years later his name has nearly been forgotten despite his influential work, much of which was hidden in English and German archives. While many photos are repeated in this catalog, E.O. HOPPE'S AMERIKA provides a celebration of his works and influence which enjoys unprecedented access to the Hoppe archives and packs in over a hundred forty images revealing his genius. Any college-level art library holding must have this.
The Cookbook Shelf
Lidia's Italy
Lidia Mattichio Bastianich & Tanya Bastianich Manuali
Alfred A. Knopf
c/o Random House
1745 Broadway, 17th floor, New York, NY 10019
9781400040360, $35.00 www.aaknopf.com 1-800-726-0600
Fans of either Lidia's previous Italian cuisine books or Italian regional fare will appreciate LIDIA'S ITALY, a fine survey that blends regional specialties and dishes with culinary descriptions proceeding each dish. Color photos throughout assure browsing pleasure and details that lend to easy duplication of appearance, while the author's personal experiences and insights jazz up the results. Highly recommended for any library strong in international cooking in general or Italian regional specialties in particular.
Taste of Nepal
Jyoti Pathak
Hippocrene Books Inc.
171 Madison Avenue, New York NY 10016
078181121X, $27.50 www.hippocrenebooks.com
Finally, a cookbook devoted entirely to Nepalese cooking which offers a range of classic dishes adapted for American kitchens and equipment. History, discussions of Nepalese cuisine, and introductions to each dish which offer serving tips and insights – as in a Spicy Stuffed Eggs, compared to Deviled Eggs and advised to serve at room temperature by itself – makes for a cookbook clear in instruction and approach. No color photos – but the easy recipes don't need them. Access to a spices shouldn't be a problem either, as most – ground cumin, chopped cilantro, ground coriander and fresh ginger, for example, are readily available in American markets. Highly recommended: a 'must' for any serious international cookbook collection: there's simply nothing like it on the American market.
Chocolate Decorations
Jean-Pierre Wybauw
Lannoo Publishers
9789020968293 59.95 Euro www.lannoo.com graphics@lannoo.com
Master Chocolatier Jean-Pierre Wybauw provides professional insights and assessments of handling chocolate in this guide, which is a top pick for any serious food professional or chef's library. Color photos by Frank Croes pack a guide displaying step-by-step insights on how to use cutters and understand chocolate handling requirements to produce decorative flowers, sculptures and more. An outstanding survey, this will earn a spot in any serious culinary collection where working with chocolate or making decorations is of interest.
Honga's Lotus Petal: Pan-Asian Cuisine
Honga Im Hopgood
Gibbs Smith, Publishers
Box 667, Layton, UT 84041
1586858939, $29.95 www.gibbs-smith.com
Honga's Lotus Petal has been a Telluride favored establishment notable to both locals and skiers for its eclectic Asian-influenced cuisine, and here a varied set of innovations offers up recipes for soups, salads, main dishes, and even sushi and drinks. Fine color photos and easy step-by-step instructions accompany a guide that reflects the cook author's visits to chefs across Asia and even into Hawaii. The resulting dishes are mouth-watering, outstanding creations holding many unique twists and turns to attract cooks and libraries – even those who already have extensive Asian cookbooks.
In Search of Perfection
Heston Blumenthal
175 – 5th Avenue Suite 300, New York NY 10010
1596912502, $34.95 www.bloomsburyusa.com
IN SEARCH OF PERFECTION: REINVENTING KITCHEN CLASSICS comes packed with color photos by Simon Wheeler and presents reflections by one of the world's most renowned chefs: as such, it will find its place not in the casual cook's collection, but in any library catering to neo-professionals fascinated by American regional culinary history in general and Blumenthal in particular. His scientific research into the origins and influences of dishes explores ways of cooking them to perfection and features a focus on what makes recipes stand out from the crowd. From sausage history to chicken packaging, IN SEARCH OF PERFECTION ladles out a wealth of fun, enlightening culinary detail.
The Architecture Shelf
Antiquity: Origins, Classicism and the New Rome
Christopher Tadgell
270 Madison Avenue, New York NY 10016
9780415407502, $110.00 www.routledge.com
This architectural focus of architecture of antiquity could also have been featured in our Art Shelf section, but is reviewed here for its wider applications to any college-level collection strong in the history of antiquity. Part of the 'Architecture in Context' series of five books by Tadgell describing and illustrating all the seminal architectural traditions to the second half of the 20th century, ANTIQUITY focuses on the origins and evolution of Classical traditions throughout early Egypt, Greece and Rome and offers students of art history and world history alike a solid grounding in early style. Packed with color photos and illustrations, it's an in-depth and outstanding reference.
The Political Science Shelf
A Higher Purpose: Profiles in Presidential Courage
Thomas J. Whalen
Ivan R. Dee, Publisher
1332 N. Halsted Street, Chicago, IL 60622-2694
1566636302, $26.00 www.ivanrdee.com
Nine historic decisions made by Presidents over two centuries of American history chart key episodes which show how these presidents demonstrated the ability to place their political careers on the line for the greater good of the nation they served. Chapters consider how these principles thwarted partisanship, special-interest influences and even public opinion, and make for an important survey key to any library strong in political science.
The Judaic Studies Shelf
A Stranger in the Land
Daniel Cil Brecher
Other Press
2 Park Avenue, 24th Floor, New York NY 10016
9781590512111, $15.95 www.otherpress.com
In 1984 the author, a reservist in the education corps of the Israeli army, refused to cross into occupied Lebanon to delivery a morale-boosting lecture to Israeli troops: his act of rebellion changed his life and A STRANGER IN THE LAND blends history with autobiography and personal insights into the politics and meaning of displaced Jews and their Israeli homeland. An outstanding cultural and social survey, A STRANGER IN THE LAND reaches beyond the usual confines of either memoir or Jewish history and should do well in any general public lending collection.
The Theatre/Cinema Shelf
Reel Women
Jane Sloan
Scarecrow Press Inc.
4501 Forbes #200, Lanham, MD 20706
0810858940, $60.00 www.scarecrowpress.com
REEL WOMEN: AN INTERNATIONAL DIRECTORY OF CONTEMPORARY FEATURE FILMS ABOUT WOMEN is an essential pick for any college-level collection strong in women's studies or film history alike. It surveys well over 2,000 films from nearly 100 countries that feature female protagonists, including a synopsis of plot, key artistic personnel, and a history of how women in film have changed over the decades. The study packs in details on genres, influences, and women's politics and issues around the world and even includes a subject index of place names, timelines, and backgrounds: perfect for students of media studies and women's cultures.
Rough Guide to Chick Flicks
Samantha Cook
Rough Guides
345 Hudson, 4th Floor, New York NY 10014
1843537109, $14.99 www.roughguides.com
Here's a fine handbook to the movies women love, from thrillers to romantic comedies, portraits of sexy or bad women to strong women, silent's to modern films. Each film receives a synopsis, comments on successes and failures, an outline of cast and inspirational origins, and more. Add black and white film shots and color sidebars of additional data and you have a film guide highly recommended for any who would understand the genres and possibilities of 'chick flicks'.
Low Budget Shooting
Cyrill Harnischmacher
Rocky Nook Inc.
26 West Mission Street Suite 3, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
9781933952109, $19.95 www.rockynook.com
LOW BUDGET SHOOTING: DO IT YOURSELF SOLUTIONS TO PROFESSIONAL PHOTO GEAR comes from a photographer and designer working overseas and provides a one-stop source of learning how an array of inexpensive photographic tools. Images and text cover both studio and field shooting and uses color examples throughout to explain everything from building reflectors and diffusers to shooting small objects and creating seamless photo backdrops. Both amateur and professional photographers – and libraries catering to either – will find it packed with invaluable, field-tested tips.
The Metaphysical Studies Shelf
Pure Magic
Judika Illes
Red Wheel/Weiser Publishers
65 Parker Street, Suite 7, Newburyport, MA 01950
1578633915, $16.95 www.redwheelweiser.com
PURE MAGIC: A COMPLETE COURSE IN SPELLCASTING offers a primer for any apprentice wizard who wants the foundations of spellcasting. Both theory and practice blend in chapters that cover everything from minerals and metals to understanding realistic expectations of magic, the use of herbs and incense, tinctures for psychic enhancement, and the origins of common spells. An excellent primer for any new witch and collections catering to them.
Stanton T. Friedman, MSc & Kathleen Marden
New Page Books
Box 687, Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417
1564149714, $16.99 www.newpagebooks.com
CAPTURED! THE BETTY AND BARNEY HILL UFO EXPERIENCE charts one of the most famous documented alien abductions in history, using previously unpublished information about the lives of the Hills before and after Barney's death in 1969 to explore their lives and Betty's experiences as a UFO investigator. The coauthor is a physicist and ufologist, the original civilian investigator of the Roswell Incident, and here adds breadth and depth to a riveting story highly recommended for any collection strong in UFO abduction stories – this is a classic which can't be missed.
The Pets/Wildlife Shelf
The Cat Behavior Answer Book
Arden Moore
Storey Publishing
210 Mass Moca Way, North Adams, MA 02147
9781580176743, $14.95 www.storey.com
Cat owners – especially new ones – will relish a pocket-sized handbook which offers plenty of insights into cat behaviors and oddities. THE CAT BEHAVIOR ANSWER BOOK covers everything from fabric-sucking fetishes to noisy cats, droolers, and cats that beg for food. Libraries will find the sidebars of detail and the easy question-and-answer format lend to quick and easy consultation by busy patron cat owners.
The 5-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion
Stephen C. Barr & Dwight D. Bowman
Blackwell Publishing
Box 570, Ames, IA 50010-0570
9780781747660, $89.99 www.BlackwellVet.com
Practicing veterinarians and the libraries that cater to them as well as to veterinary students need The 5-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Canine and Feline Infectious Diseases and Parasitology, a quick professional's reference which covers a range of parasite-related disorders in canines and felines. The two authors are known around the world for their expertise in infectious disease and parasitology: their categories of organisms, tips on diagnostics and treatment options, and discussions of testing protocol are supplemented by well over a hundred color photo images showing both organisms and clinical appearance. An outstanding reference.
Natural Beekeeping
Ross Conrad
Chelsea Green Publishing
Box 428, White River Junction, VT 05001
9781933392080, $35.00 www.chelseagreen.com
Beekeepers face new challenges in keeping bees alive and healthy but until now there's been no holistic orientation on beekeeping. NATURAL BEEKEEPING: ORGANIC APPROACHES TO MODERN APICULTURE offers up an alternative to chemical practices and delivers a program of natural hive management using nontoxic methods to control mites, eliminate common bee diseases, and produce naturally resistant, healthier hives. Both novices and neo-pros receive tips on everything from genetics and breeding to pests and harvesting, with chapters coming from one who learned from world-renowned beekeeper Charles Mraz. Any collection strong in organic gardening, harvesting or beekeeping needs NATURAL BEEKEEPING.
The Needlecraft Shelf
Martingale & Company
20205 – 144th Avenue NE, Woodinville, WA 98072-8478
Plenty of knitter's guides assume a basic foundation knowledge of how to knit and how to read knitting instructions, but if a collection's seeking an A-Z primer, choose A TO Z OF KNITTING: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR THE BEGINNER TO ADVANCED KNITTER (9781564777843, $27.95). Step-by-step color photos and clear instructions move learners quickly from bare-bones beginner to intermediate knitter, offering close-up views of fingers and knitting needles and showing how to decrease, shape, join in new yarn and more. The spiral binding with hard cover spine lettering also lends to quick and easy location in a collection. Alison Jeppson Hyde's WRAPPED IN COMFORT: KNITTING LACE SHAWLS (9781564777515, $24.95) tells how to create lovely shawls and scarves, offering 12 half- and full-circle shape shawls plus four scarves and including projects suitable for both beginning and advanced knitters. Full-page color photos of completed projects accompany at-a-glance easy directions, making this a perfect pick for all knitting levels.
The Money/Finance Shelf
How to Repair Your Credit Score Now
Jamaine Burrell
Atlantic Publishing Company
1405 S.W. 6th Avenue, Ocala, FL 34474-7104
9780910627948, $21.95 www.atlantic-pub.com
HOW TO REPAIR YOUR CREDIT SCORE NOW: SIMPLE NO COST METHODS YOU CAN PUT TO USE TODAY offers detailed insights into the entire realm of how consumer credit works, making it a top pick for any public library general-interest collection. Here are chapters covering the basics how to not only understand the consumer credit system, but how to repair broken credit, save thousands on loans, handle questionable items on credit reports, repair bad credit, and more. An important guide for any who would navigate the uncertain world of consumer credit.
The Law/Justice Shelf
A Litigator's Guide to Expert Witnesses
Cecil C. Kuhne III
ABA Publishing
321 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60610-4714
1590317289, $84.95 www.ababooks.org
Any college-level or serious legal library needs A Litigator's Guide to Expert Witnesses, an outstanding survey of how expert witness testimony works, how it's earned criticism, and how expert qualifications and testimony can make or break a trial. Attorneys and law students alike will find this an outstanding consideration of how to select and prepare such experts, covering the rules and basics of expert testimony and including both team and individual approaches. Very highly recommended as a 'cornerstone pick' for any legal library reference collection.
The Gaming Shelf
Master Point Press
331 Douglas Drive, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5M 1H2
Mark Horton's BRIDGE MASTER VERSUS BRIDGE AMATEUR (189710622X, $18.95) is an outstanding analysis of what makes a bridge expert superior to the average player: it's a top pick for any who wish to improve their game, and offers up a representative sampling of 'make or break' deals. Bridge players with some basics down who want to move to a better level of playing will find this packed with tips. The second updated edition of Julian Laderman's A BRIDGE TO SIMPLE SQUEEZES (10897106262, $18.95) narrows the playing focus to squeeze opportunities in bridge, examining card layouts, learning how the East-West cards need to lie for a successful squeeze, and more. Avid players will appreciate the clear detail and examples. Chthonic collects and analyzes HUMAN BRIDGE ERRORS (1897106270, $18.95), a player's guide for intermediate players by the 'computer' himself Chthonic. Danny Kleinman and Nick Straguzzi edit a survey which pairs quirky, funny humor with highlights of 'human bridge errors' from a computer playing machine's viewpoint, describing why and how each error can be avoided. Guy Leve's THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CARD PLAY TECHNIQUES AT BRIDGE (1897106254, $33.95) was originally published in France in 2005 and offers up the author's years of experience collecting and cataloging bridge hands to describe all possible tactics and coups available to players during a bridge deal. Over a thousand strategies are outlined in an encyclopedic volume of thinking techniques, strategy planning, technical descriptions and more, making for a 'must' for any avid bridge player. All are top picks for both neo-pro players and the libraries catering to them.
The Crafts Shelf
Drawing With Your Artist's Brain
Carl Purcell
North Light Books
c/o F&W Publications
4700 East Galbraith Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236
1581808119, $26.99 www.fwpublications.com
If you think you can't draw, then Drawing With Your Artist's Brain is for you – and for any general-interest lending collection where how-to arts titles are popular. Here is a guide which offers step-by-step insights into how to create true-to-life renderings, overcoming personal angst and understanding how to define form, see values correctly, and use value patterns effectively. An observation-based approach covers landscapes, portraits and still life equally, applying important concepts and principles to the mix. A top pick from an artist whose PAINTING WITH YOUR ARTIST'S BRAIN has proven most popular.
The Business Shelf
Change Management Masterclass
Mike Green
Kogan Page
525 South 4th Street, #241, Philadelphia PA 19147
0749445076, $39.95 www.kogan-page.co.uk
CHANGE MANAGEMENT MASTERCLASS: A STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO SUCCESSFUL CHANGE MANAGEMENT explains the whole process of change management, from types of change and formulas for analyzing change to organizing it, managing people in companies through transition points, and more. While it's a model for businesses and organizations, it also works equally well in the public sector, making this reference a top pick for any college-level holding where change management and strategy is studied.
Unlock Behavior Unleash Profits, 2nd Edition
Leslie Wilk Braksick, Ph.D.
Two Penn Plaza, New York NY 10121-2298
0071490671, $27.95 www.mhprofessiona.com
This isn't your ordinary guide to management: tips featured here have been tested and successfully utilized by the largest behaviorally based management consulting firm in the world and blends client stories and case studies with insights on how these processes have helped transform and enhance blue-chip companies. This is actually applied behavioral science, so college-level holdings strong in either business or behavioral science will find its specifics on leadership, options, and changing behaviors to create a powerful work atmosphere to be engrossing.
The New Boss: How to Survive the First 100 Days
Peter Fischer
Kogan Page
525 South 4th Street #241, Philadelphia, PA 19147
0749447648, $35.00 www.kogan-page.co.uk
New agendas demand much of new managers, and executives who must get up and running quickly on the job often face similar questions surrounding identifying key players in a company, prioritizing tasks, and meeting both expectations and management responsibilities. The New Boss: How to Survive the First 100 Days is a top pick for any business library catering to executives: it covers all the common problems a new manager is likely to encounters immediately, and offers up tips on everything from timing changes to making changes both effective and welcome in an existing organizational structure. Very highly recommended.
The Military Shelf
The Armed Forces Reader
U.S. Dept of Defense
Potomac Books Inc.
Box 960, Herndon, VA 20172-0960
9781597971676, $14.95 www.potomacbooksinc.com
This 2007 edition of a military classic begun in 1950 provides the latest in a series of books of the same title, offering the general public a new edition which educates officers of all services as well as civilians about the basic moral-ethical requirements of being an officer in the U.S. armed forces. It deserves repeated, ongoing mention as a powerful addition not just to military libraries, but to public lending collections.
Airborne: World War II Paratroopers in Combat
Julie Guard, Editor
Osprey Publishing
443 Park Avenue South Suite 806, New York NY 10016
9781846031960, $24.95 www.ospreypublishing.com
Airborne warfare peaked during World War II and AIRBORNE focuses on the international paratroopers involved in the war on both sides, discussing training, tactics and battle conduct alike and placing its analysis in the overall context of World War II history. As such it's a pick not only for military libraries, but for any in-depth public lending collection considering additions to World War II and aviation history alike, creating a powerful and different focus which sets it apart from more general-interest historical surveys of politics alone.
The Audiobook Shelf
Brilliance Audio
PO Box 887, Grand Haven, MI 49417
www.brillianceaudio.com 1-800-854-7859
J.A. Konrath's DIRTY MARTINI (1423312449, $29.95) receives a fine dual narration by Susie Breck and Dick Hill, presenting the fourth novel in the Lieutenant Jack Daniels humor series about a homicide detective whose boyfriend wants to get married, whose dead father may not be dead after all, and other problems. Add a case revolving around a poisoner sociopath and you have a riveting story line spiced with high drama audio enhancements. Ridley Peason's KILLER WEEKEND (1423321251, $29.95) receives Christopher Lane's involving and dramatic narrative style as it tells of a local sheriff who tries to protect a controversial politician from an assassin. Add a threat on Shaler's life and jurisdiction battles and you have an involving, dramatic story indeed. Karen Marie Moning's BEYOND THE HIGHLAND MIST (1423341260, $29.95) receives Phil Gigante's 20 years background in theatre, film and TV which enhances production of the story of an alluring predator, a time wrap tumble from modern Seattle into medieval Scotland, and a passionate romance which transcends time and space. John Saul's THE DEVIL'S LABYRINTH (1423304454, $36.95) receives Jim Bond's long-time hosting talents in radio as it tells of an exorcist who summons evil instead of driving it out… a young priest must prove the power of exorcism, and witnesses some dangerous transformations among his fellowship as a result. David Ellis' EYE OF THE BEHOLDER (1423336348, $34.95) provides a thriller revolving around an attorney who has built his reputation on his famous prosecution of a serial killer. Fifteen years later there's a new series of murders – and attorney Riley must uncover connections between two seemingly disparate cases in a dangerous sequence of events linking present to a dangerous past. Three J.D. Robb thrillers are top picks any mystery audio collection needs. Susan Erickson lends a familiar and seasoned narrative style and voice to all three, making for a fine uniformity listeners will appreciate. BETRAYAL IN DEATH (1423317378, $36.95) tells of a maid killed in the course of duty, involving Eve Dallas in a twisted case. LOYALTY IN DEATH (1423317211, $36.95) tells of a serial bomber stalking New York – and a secret admirer who taunts Eve Dallas with letters even as he murders. WITNESS IN DEATH (1423317254, $36.95) tells of a celebrity killed right in front of Eve Dallas, making her both a witness and an investigative officer to a dangerous crime. Her JUDGMENT IN DEATH (1423317297, $36.95) tells of a cop killer on the loose, a mystery motive, and Eve Dallas' investigation of a dangerous private club. All are gripping, involving connected stories of a female top investigator. Christopher Reich's THE FIRST BILLION (1423333713, $38.95) receives Chicago actor James Daniels' involving voice as it tells of one fighter pilot Jett, who has returned from military duty to create a powerful international consulting firm to do good in the world. Only trouble is – it's latest interests could be undermining its own philosophy. Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman's DRAGONS OF THE HIGHLORD SKIES: THE LOST CHRONICLES VOLUME II (1423316207, $39.95) receives veteran narrator Sandra Burr's compelling, smooth voice as it returns another Companions saga to attention, telling of Kityiara, who discovers a former lover and his friends were responsible for a Highlord's death – placing Kit in danger. Journeys and challenges evolve amongst dangerous plans. Linda Greenlaw's SLIPKNOT (1423331737, $29.95) also benefits from Burr's strong and seasoned voice as it tells of one Jane Bunker, who becomes a marine insurance investigator after being a big-city homicide detective. Her revelations will change the town – and challenger her perceptions of its relative safety. Stephen Cannell's THE TIN COLLECTORS (1423333772, $36.95) receives Robert Lawrence's vivid narrative style: Lawrence has appeared in regional theatres across the country, and does a fine job of highlighting a tense thriller revolving around an L.A. police detective who falls under investigation by 'the tin collectors' after he kills his ex-partner. William Kent Krueger's THUNDER BAY (1423329783, $34.95) provides an excellent thriller spiced by Buck Schirner's involving, moving narrative style as it provides the seventh suspense story in the celebrated Cork O'Connor mystery series. Here Cork is ready for a life of peace – until a medicine man friend sends him on a special quest for a missing son. Dick Francis' SHATTERED (1423333675, $29.95) receives Fiacre Douglas' warm and well done reading style which brings to life the story of a jockey's fall, which involves his friend Gerard in a search for a stolen videotape – a tape which would also claim his life. Stuart Woods' GRASS ROOTS (1423333691, $38.95) receives Barrett Whitener's warm style which captures well the underlying drama and excitement of the story of one Will, a lawyer newly returned to his hometown to argue a controversial case. All are winning audio listens, and top picks for both public lending libraries and home audio collections.
Car Talk Classics: Four Perfectly Good Hours
Tom Magliozzi and Ray Magliozzi
Highbridge Audio Books
201 Sixth Street SE, Suite 220, Minneapolis, MN 55414
9781598870992, $29.95 www.highbridgeaudio.com 1-800-755-8532
Four favorite Car Talk shows selected by Tom and Ray Magliozzi (aka Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers) are presented in this winning collection, from a visit by Martha Stewart to 'Bugsy' Lawlor's letters home, this offers broadcast radio drama at its best and is a pick any 'Car Talk' fan will relish.
The Secret History of the American Empire
John Perkins
Penguin Audio
375 Hudson Street, New York NY 10014
9780143142126, $39.95 www.penguin.com
New York actor Jonathan Davis lends a fine voice seasoned well by onstage productions to The Secret History of the American Empire, a survey of the world's hot spots which use interviews with hit men, CIA operatives, reporters and activists alike to consider the evolution of instability in the world and how American concerns are addressing it – or not. From Iraq to Asia, THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN EMPIRE proves especially eye-opening in a vivid audio listen libraries will find a popular lend.
A Far Country
Daniel Mason
Random House Audio
1745 Broadway, New York NY 10019
9780739341865, $29.95 www.randomhouseaudio.com
Anne Twomey narrates this vivid story of a young girl's journey through an unnamed country in search of her brother. Isabel has the gift of second sight – when war changes her life and separates her from her brother, it may be the only thing that can help her locate him. A fine story of a dangerous quest emerges, involving listeners in a delicate, finely honed drama.
The Photography Shelf
Amherst Media
Box 586, Buffalo, NY 14226
Rolando Gomez's GLAMOUR PHOTOGRAPHY: PROFESSIONAL TECHNIQUES AND IMAGES (9781583282105, $34.95) covers changing styles and faces in glamour photography, offering a step-by-step survey of the skills needed to produce flattering portraits. From creating a personal portrait profile to fit a personality to choosing clothing, lighting, and posing a subject, GLAMOUR PHOTOGRAPHY makes for an ongoing recommendation for any collection strong in professional portrait photography. Lou Jacobs Jr.'s PROFESSIONAL CHILDREN'S PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY: TECHNIQUES AND IMAGES FROM MASTER PHOTOGRAPHERS (9781584282051, $34.95) is a winner: it tells how to work with children and equipment to produce the best results, from lighting strategies for young clients to presenting images to clients and marketing products to new customers. Any excellent choice for any aspiring pro photographer. Jeff Smith's LIGHTING FOR OUTDOOR & LOCATION PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY (9781584282099, $34.95) narrows the focus to lighting and discusses how to find the right light for either indoors or outdoors shots. From making the most of natural light and enhancing natural outdoors environments to using subtractive lighting in the field, this primer is a 'must' for any who would produce pro-style shots. All are top picks for both college-level collections specializing in photography and for amateur-level photographers who look to work their way up to the next level of expertise.
Hands-On Digital Photography
George Schaub
c/o Watson-Guptill Publications
770 Broadway, New York NY 10003
0817434917, $24.95 www.watsonguptill.com
There are plenty of how-to guides on digital photography on the market, but libraries seeing a solid general reference should take a look at this: it provides a step-by-step course in common digital camera controls and photography and presents learn-as-you-go projects to help readers learn to work with a camera. Novices receive a guide which encourages them to experiment with pictures in a survey which even includes RAW converter step-by-step processes: if only one digital photography guide were to be purchased for a discriminating library with general-interest lending requirements, it should be this one.
Photoshop CS3 All-in-One Desk Reference for Dummies
Barbara Obermeier
John Wiley Publishers
111 River Street, 4th Floor, Hoboken, NJ 07030
9780470111956, $39.99 www.wiley.com
Plenty of Photoshop CS3 books on the market update information to this latest Photoshop release, but few offer an extensive desk reference packing in the latest tools and techniques of the latest program with easy details on how to do everything from simple adjustments such as specifying size to using layering and blending modes for advanced compositions and refinement. From full color screen shots and color examples of modified photos to techniques and strategies, Photoshop CS3 All-in-One Desk Reference for Dummies is one of the most extensive coverages on the market – and a perfect pick for any who find detailed Photoshop coverages confusing.
The Health/Medicine Shelf
Dialysis Without Fear
Daniel Offer, MD, et.al.
Oxford University Press
198 Madison Avenue, New York NY 10016-4314
9780195309959, $15.95 www.oup.com
Author Dr. Daniel Offer has had over seven years on dialysis along with a career as a psychiatrist, so he's in the perfect position professionally and personally to discuss coping methods and hardships associated with dialysis. His wife and daughter co-author the book, bringing their own experiences as family members: the result is a collection of personal and medical revelations not only from the author and his family, but from other veteran patients, staff and doctors on how to understand and cope with dialysis. It's an excellent general-interest survey any medical and public lending library should have.
The Fantasy/SciFi Shelf
Baen Books
Box 1403, Riverdale, NY 10471
William Mark Simmons' DEAD EASY (1416321321, $23.00) tells of Christopher, who has survived a blood transfusion with a vampire only to discover he's infected – and wanted by government agencies and those interested in his changed blood. Add here a group of drowned vampire zombies and a healthy dose of humor and intrigue and you have a fast-paced, moving plot. Eric Flint edits THE BEST OF JIM BAEN'S UNIVERSE 2006 (1416521364, $25.00), pairing excellent established writers with outstanding newcomers and gathering the best of stories to have appeared in the New York Times' 'Ring of Fire' series. From Gregory Benford to David Drake, these are top writers and this is a tip pick for any science fiction fan who would receive a fine blend of newcomers and new writings from old pros. John Ringo's A DEEPER BLUE (1416521283, $26.00) returns former SEAL Mike Harmon, hero of GHOST, KILDAR and others, to the forefront: here he's rejecting a new call to action to thwart a dangerous shipload of VX from arriving in the States – but when an ambush meant for him claims his best friend, the Kildar agrees to return to new duty in this fast-paced action story. Chris Dolley's SHIFT (1416521402, $24.00) comes from the author of RESONANCE, and tells of astronaut John Bruce, the first to pilot a space craft through higher dimensional space, who faces a second John Bruce with a very different personality – the mind of an imprisoned schizophrenic serial killer. An astrophysicist's investigation leads to more insights into the higher dimensions – and murder – in this satisfying blend of hard science and intrigue. Mark Van Name's ONE JUMP AHEAD (1416520856, $24.00) tells of Jon, who has lead a violent life and looks forward to quiet at home, and Lobo, an enhanced assault vehicle equipped for all environments. Both wind up on a pristine planet which proves to be the secret battleground of two megacorporations determined to control the local jump gate – and each has a vested interest – as does Jon – in who controls him… Many twists and turns of plot make ONE JUMP AHEAD outstanding action. All are top picks for any science fiction collection seeking the latest writers and the best of new action-oriented plots.
Harvest of Changelings
Warren Rochelle
Golden Gryphon Press
3002 Perkins Road, Urbana, IL 61802
1930846460, $24.95 www.goldengryphon.com
Ten years ago librarian Ben met and loved Valeria, a fairy woman: her death left Ben to raise their child alone. When Malachi begins to manifest his fey powers, Ben must locate a way into the fairy world to help him realize his powers – and he has no way of reaching this world. HARVEST OF CHANGELINGS offers up a fast-paced, moving story line packed with powerful characterization and swift action and will delight any collection strong in science fiction and fantasy.
The Involuntary Human
David Gerrold
Box 809, Framingham, MA 01701
188677868X, $27.00 www.nesfa.org
Long-time fans of science fiction will readily recognize the name of David Gerrold, who began writing professionally in 1967 but who made his name in writing the popular Star Trek episode 'Trouble with Tribbles'. Since then he's moved on to explore the universe of Hugo, Nebula and other top science fiction writing awards, and THE INVOLUNTARY HUMAN gathers the best of his writings under one cover, displaying his many talents. Genre fans – especially those who knew Gerrold's works primarily from Star Trek fame – will find this an exceptional gathering of his diverse talents.
Righteous Anger
Lynda Williams
EDGE Science Fiction & Fantasy Publishing
Box 1714, Calgary, Alberta T2P 217 Canada
1894063384, $22.95 www.edgewebsite.com
In the Rel universe life and land are precious and warring is against accepted practice – differences are solved by duels fought by a single champion- and RIGHTEOUS ANGER provides the story of champion Horth, never accepted by either side of two warring houses. A fast-paced fantasy of action results.
Moomin: The Complete Tov Jansson Comic Strip
Tove Jansson
Drawn & Quarterly
c/o Farrar, Straus, Giroux
19 Union Square West, New York NY 10003
1894937805, $19.95 www.drawnandquarterly.com
In 1953 the London Evening News began running Moomin comics on a daily basis – and soon the little fantasy animals were published in over 40 papers around the world. Tove Jansson, creator of the strip, drew it for five years and these black and white strips offers her complete Moomin features to delight new and old audiences alike. It's too whimsical and funny to limit to younger audiences, and is reviewed here as a top pick for any general-interest library strong in comics history and illustrator representations.
The Women's Issues Shelf
Women on a Journey: Between Baghdad and London
Haifa Zangana
University of Texas at Austin
c/o University of Texas Press
PO Box 7819, Austin, TX 78713-7819
9780292714847, $16.00 www.utexaspress.com 1-800-252-3206
WOMEN ON A JOURNEY could easily have been featured under Fiction, as it's a collection of short stories, but it's reviewed here as a key set of insightful stories which bring to life the complexity and social angst of Iraqi women's experiences. Through their stories of violence, family and danger the region's history, culture and women's issues comes to life, making for a vivid, involving and literary set of experiences highly recommended for college-level holdings strong in Middle Eastern studies and literary works.
The Social Issues Shelf
Debating Immigration
Carol M. Swain, Editor
Cambridge University Press
32 Avenue of Americas, New York NY 10013
9780521698665, $19.95 www.cambridge.org
College-level collections and many a high school library will want to consider DEBATING IMMIGRATION: it offers an unusually well-balanced collection of debates on various immigration issue positions which gathers reasonings from Left, Right and Middle about immigration and border issues, and provides a wide range of theories, approaches, and ideologies. As such it's a particularly strong pick for any collection including social issues and debating in its holdings, with essays both scholarly and accessible at the college level.
Urban Meltdown
Clive Doucet
New Society Publishers
Box 189, Gabriola Island, BC V0R 1X0, Canada
9780965715844, $17.95 www.newsociety.com
College-level holdings strong in urban planning issues must have URBAN MELTDOWN: CITIES, CLIMATE CHANGE AND POLITICS AS USUAL. It comes from a poet, city councilor and urban activist who examines how urban growth is accelerating global warming and considers why political action seems stalled. Chapters examine the economics, politics and political challenges at all levels of government in the process of considering urban environments and environmental issues alike.
Lori P. Knowles & Gregory E. Kaebnick, Editors
Johns Hopkins University Press
2715 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-4363
0801885248, $50.00 www.press.jhu.edu
New genetic technologies and their promise have led to much debate, much of this mired in not just technological but ethical and moral issues – and key to any college-level collection where technology issues are central is REPROGENETICS: LAW, POLICY, AND ETHICAL ISSUES. Papers discuss all aspects of emerging technologies and treatments, surveying regulations, political influences, licensing, policy development, and more. An essential reference, this also will extend into classroom discussion and debates.
The Music Shelf
Come Together
Mark Garvey
Thomson Course Technology
25 Thomson Place, Boston, MA 02210
1598633058, $39.99 www.courseptr.com
COME TOGETHER: THE OFFICIAL JOHN LENNON EDUCATIONAL TOUR BUS GUIDE TO MUSIC AND VIDEO tells of a nonprofit mobile recording and multimedia studio that travels the country providing hands-on audio and video production opportunities to students. Now in its tenth year, it has achieved much – and COME TOGETHER explores its history using celebrity interviews, technological discussions, and how-to information to blend travel and engineering insights under one cover. An outstanding survey, highly recommended for both general-interest lending collections up to college level holdings specializing in multimedia education.
The Words and Music of David Bowie
Praeger Publishers
88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881
0275992454, $44.95 www.praeger.com
Joining others in Praeger's college-level 'Singer-Songwriter Collection' series is The Words and Music of David Bowie, an excellent survey of a rock era champion who gained early success in the glam rock subgenre, and whose work raised many issues about sexual orientation in rock music. Bowie has written and recorded music which has made an impact not just in the charts but upon rock music as a whole: because of this widespread impact, THE WORDS AND MUSIC OF DAVID BOWIE should not be overlooked by any serious music library.
The Religion/Spirituality Shelf
The War of the Jesus and Darwin Fishes
John C. Caiazza
Transaction Publishers
35 Berrue Circle, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8042
9780765803801, $29.95 www.transactionpub.com
THE WAR OF THE JESUS AND DARWIN FISHES: RELIGION AND SCIENCE IN THE POSTMODERN WORLD begins with the simple placement of fish symbols in autos – one a fish with a cross exhibited by Christians, the other a fish filled with the world 'evolution – and moves to explore the cultural milieu of religious demonstration on a global level. Chapters consider these symbols as reflections of a global war of beliefs that began with initial conflicts over evolutionary ideas in the Enlightenment and continue to this day. History, religion and science blend in a satisfying, moving story of discovery and change, especially recommended for college-level collections strong in science and spiritual investigation.
The Christian Studies Shelf
Understanding the Bible
George T. Montague, SM
Paulist Press
997 Macarthur Boulevard, Mahwah, NJ 07430
0809143445, $19.95 www.paulistpress.com
UNDERSTANDING THE BIBLE: A BASIC INTRODUCTION TO BIBLICAL INTERPRETATION appears in a revised, expanded edition to cover the extent of Christian biblical interpretation, contrasting ancient with modern approaches and surveying major trends in the history of biblical study. Notable changes and divisions new to this edition come with a reorganization of chapters for more methodological progression of ideas, a section of Jewish interpretation, and more. A 'must' for any serious Biblical study collection.
The Mystery/Suspense Shelf
Poisoned Pen Press
6962 E. 1st Ave. #103, Scottsdale, AZ 85251
David Waltner-Toews' FEAR OF LANDING (1590583493, $24.95) is set in the early 1980s and tells of a Canadian vet who is examining Indonesian cow health when sudden deaths and the arrival of a mysterious young Chinese woman brings murder. The deaths of cattle and people seem connected, and Dueck becomes drawn into Indonesian politics and intrigue against his will in this fast-paced riveting story mystery readers will find different and intriguing. Kathleen Delanye's AND MURDER FOR DESSERT (1590584236, $24.95) tells of Ellen and her fiance, a police chief, on their way to an upscale festival dinner hosted by Ellen's niece, an accomplished wine professional. Guaranteed function success turns to danger when the guest list reveals feuding rivals and a shaky dinner reveals murder. These are both outstanding mysteries and will delight libraries interested in building a superior mystery collection: very highly recommended picks.
The Gardening Shelf
Sunset Western Garden Book
Kathleen Norris Brenzel, Editor
Sunset Books
80 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025
0376039167, $34.95 www.sunsetbooks.com 1-800-643-8030
Over 8,000 plants are accompanied by tips from Western gardening pros in SUNSET WESTERN GARDEN BOOK, a classic completely updated and revised, and now in its 8th edition. From small color drawings of plants and seeds to descriptions which include hardiness zones, use, varieties and more, it's easy to see why SUNSET WESTERN GARDEN BOOK has become the reference 'bible' for any Western gardener and for any library catering to them.
The Library DVD Shelf
Space: 1999 30th Anniversary Edition Megaset
A & E Television Networks
PO Box 2284, South Burlington, VT 05407-2284
0767098374, $99.95 www.aetv.com 1-888-646-3476
In 1999 an explosion at a lunar nuclear waste dump sends the moon out of Earth's orbit, and the inhabitants of Moonbase Alpha find themselves on an unexpected journey across the universe with no way home. All 48 episodes of this space series have been remastered and are offered in an extensive Anniversary collection that includes bonus footage and many extras. Prior fans of the TV series will relish both the complete set and the extras, while newcomers will find it astonishing space action suitable for any well-stocked science fiction DVD collection; especially for definitive collections on genre TV shows.
Yoga Booty Ballet Master Series
Gillian Marloth and Teigh McDonough
Anchor Bay
1699 Stutz Drive, Troy, MI 48084
91313158869 www.anchorbayentertainment.com
Two advanced, targeted workouts are offered in the 2-DVD set YOGA BOOTY BALLET MASTER SERIES, which comes from two celebrity fitness trainers who share their body-sculpting techniques. From burning fat to reveal shapelier hips and buns in 30-minute workouts to using yoga and pilates together, a quick pace and lively presentation makes for an excellent workout video recommended for any health library.
Ah! My Goddess: Flights of Fancy
ADV Films
9781412914764, $29.98 www.advfilms.com
This first volume of the AH! My Goddess second season is a recommended pick for any library serious about anime and manga representations. It provides American audiences with the second season of the animated TV series and any library dedicated to representations of such will find this an excellent survey indeed.
ADV Films
9781413911732 www.advfilms.com
009-1 is science fiction anime of the old style – blending advanced animation techniques and strong character designs from creator Shotaro Ishinomori, one of Japan's most notable animators. This is a specialty item but one which will enhance any foundation collection seeking strong anime representations and fusions of old and new styles. LE CHEVALIER D'EON is another powerful series and owners of the first volume can't miss VOLUME 2 (9781413914771, $29.98) or 3 (9781413914801, $29.98). These are powerful supernatural anime mysteries: Volume 2 revolves around a search for clues to D'Eon's sister's murder which lie in her life in the king's court's underworld of sorcery; Volume 3 provides darker political insights and intrigue revolving around secret sorcerers and danger. All are excellent picks for libraries featuring anime DVDs.
The Biography Shelf
Diary of Indignities
Patrick Hughes
M Press
10956 SE Main Street, Milwaukee, OR 97222
9781595821034, $14.95 www.mpressbooks.com
DIARY OF INDIGNITIES first came to light on the blog Bad News Hughes, documenting indignities generated by the author's life and talent for personal failure. Anticipate a good deal of foul language and a whole lot of laughter: while the former might put off a conservative library holding, any collection strong in humor needs DIARY OF INDIGNITIES. From strange relatives who show up at a wedding to the ironies of hippies and nature, it's a winner.
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Midwest Book Review
278 Orchard Drive, Oregon, WI 53575-1129
phone: 1-608-835-7937
e-mail: mbr@execpc.com
e-mail: mwbookrevw@aol.com
Diane C. Donovan, Editor & Senior Reviewer
12424 Mill Street, Petaluma, CA 94952
phone: 1-707-795-4629
e-mail: donovan@sonic.net
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