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Reviewer's Choice
Women Astronomers
Mabel Armstrong
Stone Pine Press
c/o Beagle Bay Books
14120 Saddlebow Dr., Reno, NV, 89511
9780972892957, $16.95, www.beaglebay.com
Over five thousand years ago, ancient Babylonian priestesses correctly anticipated solar eclipses and arrivals of comets. "Women Astronomers: Reaching for the Stars" is a part of Stone Pine Presses' Discovering Women in Science Series, and outlines how the fairer sex has made significant contributions to the science of astronomy, focusing on the past hundred years with references to such ancient contributions such as the Babylonian priestesses above. Author Mabel Armstrong, a teacher of science for over a quarter of a century, speaks of her own obstacles in the field and gives advice to other aspiring female astronomers. "Women Astronomers: Reaching for the Stars" is highly recommended for women's studies and science shelves everywhere and for any girl astronomer-to-be.
Howard Brown
Phaidon Press
180 Varick Press, 14th Floor, New York, New York 10014
9780714848655, $29.95, www.phaidon.com
From a small town in the then Soviet Union came one of the greatest male dancers the world has ever known, Rudolf Nureyev. "Nureyev" is a massive coffee-table sized biography of this great ballet artist, filled with nearly two hundred black and white but beautifully captured images of his countless performances over the decades, to play out as a unique telling of this brilliant artist's life. Highly recommended as a great gift to any ballet enthusiast and can find a place in any community library collection on dance.
Tim Delaney
Prometheus Books
59 John Glenn Drive, Amherst, NY 14228-2197
9781591025597, $18.95 www.prometheusbooks.com
Sociologist Tim Delaney considers the Simpsons sitcom and the ways it affects and reflects American culture. For over 15 years The Simpsons have covered American culture, from customs and oddities to politics and family dynamics. This draws important links between sociology and Simpsons plots and approaches, making it a perfect choice for any college-level library strong in sociology and American culture.
Every Landlord's Property Protection Guide
Ron Leshnower, Attorney
Nolo Press
950 Parker, Berkeley, CA 94710
1413307000, $29.99 www.nolo.com
If you've invested in rental property then it's an investment you don't want to lose – and won't, with the aid of Every Landlord's Property Protection Guide, a survey of everything from obtaining the right kind of insurance to lowering crime risk, avoiding personal injury lawsuits, and more. Real stories of landlords who learned the hard way make for an important map of the land mines and their potential locations.
Hubert's Freaks
Gregory Gibson
Harcourt Inc.
9780151012336, $24.00 www.harcourtbooks.com
An outstanding novel packed with unusual twists and turns, HUBERT'S FREAKS revolves around obsessive antiques dealer and treasure hunter Bob Langmuir, who uncovers unique prints by the legendary Diane Arbus, in the process discovering a new side of not only artist Arbus but the 'weird America' she captured in film. His survey of antiques, freak show exhibits, and more evolves into a catchy road show of discovery in a novel packed with adventure, and highly recommended as a fine leisure read.
The Poetry Shelf
Rising, Falling, Hovering
C.D. Wright
Copper Canyon Press
PO Box 271, Port Townsend, Washington 98368
9781556592737, $22.00 www.coppercanyonpress.org
Rising, Falling, Hovering is a hardcover anthology of free-verse poetry by professor of English and award-winning poet C.D. Wright. Individual poems range from brief to the 53-page title poem. Rising, Falling, Hovering criticizes the undeniable weaknesses of modern American culture, including immersion in materialistic consumerism, isolation through seemingly endless war, racism against immigrants, urban violence, and deteriorating infrastructure. Yet amid the morass and flaws of human life, nature offers solace. A thoughtful and singularly eloquent balance of social consciousness and appreciation for the wonders beyond human engineering. "Like the Hour of Our Perfection": Whereas before things were all immanence, / now were they all valence / in the breathing world where we met. / Who presented initial shyness. / Who disheveled the light at the threshold. / With a look of near-adolescence, so one did not know / if he also slept with the men. / And the ledge of a hip when / seen first from behind, a voice, an outline.
The Christian Studies Shelf
Everlasting Dominion
Eugene H. Merrill
B&H Publishing Group
127 Ninth Avenue North, Nashville, TN 37234-0143
9780805440263, $39.99 www.bhpublishinggroup.com 1-800-251-3225
Eugene H. Merrill (Professor of Old Testament Interpretation, Souther Baptist Theological Seminary) presents Everlasting Dominion: Theology of the Old Testament, an exhaustively researched theology of the Old Testament grounded in his decades of study and teaching. Viewing Scripture as the authoritative Word of God, Everlasting Dominion strives to clarify the wonders of the text for readers of all backgrounds. Chapters discuss "The Autobiography of God" as it were (including such concepts as the omnipotence, omniscience, and eternality of God), "The Works of God", "The Creation of Mankind", "The Fall of Mankind", "The Redemption of Mankind", God's connection to Israel, the theology of the prophets, the theology of the psalms, and much more. "...how can wisdom be found? It originates in the Lord, of course, and is revealed in Torah, the cultus, and creation; but how is it mediated or applied at a practical, day-to-day level? Proverbs provides a threefold answer: (1) through parental instruction, (2) through divine discipline, and (3) through the monarchy, God's earthly extension of kingdom rule... One of the stated purposes of the book of Proverbs was to facilitate the attainment of 'wisdom and discipline (musar)' and the acquisition of a 'disciplined and prudent life (musar haskel)'." A thoughtful, in-depth study of Scripture from a vantage firmly grounded in unwavering faith, highly recommended for Bible study groups.
The Civil War Shelf
Civil War Museum Treasures
Kenneth D. Alford
McFarland & Company
Box 611, Jefferson, NC 28640
9780786431861, $35.00, www.mcfarlandpub.com
Twenty one states and the District of Columbia all have Civil War Memorabilia stashed away in their Museums, and "Civil War Museum Treasures: Outstanding Artifacts and the Stories Behind Them" is here to show readers the best of the best of these items and the long, storied tales behind them. A state for state guide of relics, packed with invaluable and intriguing history behind each, and enhanced with nearly 200 photographs, appendixes, bibliography, and indexes. "Civil War Museum Treasures: Outstanding Artifacts and the Stories Behind Them" is highly recommended to all civil war history buffs and community library civil war collections.
The Environmental Studies Shelf
Climate Solutions
Peter Barnes
Chelsea Green Publishing Company
PO Box 428, White River Junction, VT 05001-0428
9781603580052, $9.95 www.chelseagreen.com 1-800-639-4099
The threat of global warming looms over us everyday and millions wonder why the government does nothing. "Climate Solutions: A Citizen's Guide" seeks to tackle these subjects thoroughly and effectively and outlines current bad climate policies and explains why they are in fact, labeled as bad. "Climate Solutions: A Citizen's Guide" strips the spin away and states in plain and simple English the meaning of all of this environmental jargon and lays out an effective plan to battle global warming alongside an efficient and fair economy. "Climate Solutions: A Citizen's Guide" is highly recommended to general interest readers with a care for the environment everywhere and for social issues community library collections.
The Parenting Shelf
Alan Katz
McElderry Books
1230 Avenue of Americas, New York NY 10020
141690204X, $17.99 www.simonsays.com
Edward Koren provides funny drawings to enhance the zany antics in OOPS!, a hilarious poetic survey sure to interest adults and kids alike. From a Santa who rides in a motorhome going 50 miles an hour to a child's innovative response to 'turn off that TV!', OOPS! Packs in fun observations of a different side of life, and is a fine pick for any advanced elementary to middle school library and many a household where parents revere poetry.
Does Your Baby Have Autism?
Osnat Teitelbaum and Philip Teitelbaum, Ph.D.
SquareOne Publishers
115 Herricks Road, Garden City Park, NY 11040
9780757002403, $17.95 www.squareonepublishers.com
This new system for detecting the earliest signs of autism – in a baby – offers a brand new theory and comes from a husband/wife team who have worked for nearly two decades to develop ways of detecting signs of potential autism in a child. By expanding patterns of sitting, crawling and walking and comparing them with those of children later definitively diagnosed, they present both general information about autism's causes and progression and a survey of tests the parents can easily conduct to help define and identify early autism onset with respect to their children.
The Cookbook Shelf
The Lebanese Cookbook
Hussien Dekmak
Hippocrene Books
171 Madison Avenue, New York NY 10016
9780781812085, $29.95 www.hippocrenebooks.com
From standard falafel and humus to stuffed cabbage leaves and roast leg of lamb, THE LEBANESE COOKBOOK gathers traditional Lebanese fare often tossed into more general Middle Eastern cookbooks and makes it easy to locate classic dishes. Add full-page color photos and food which are easy for American cooks to duplicate and you have an appealing blend of eye candy and practical international presentation perfect for any lending library strong in international cuisine.
Robin to the Rescue
Robin Miller
Taunton Press
Box 5506, Newtown, CT 06470-5506
9781600850042, $18.95 www.taunton.com
ROBIN TO THE RESCUE: QUICK & SIMPLE RECIPES FOR DELICIOUS HOME COOKING comes from a TV Food Network kitchen strategist and bestselling author who offers 200 new, home-cooked recipes which are fast and easy. Organized by course and main ingredient, recipes here excel in 5 ingredients or less, yet many flavorful innovations. From Asian Pork Kebabs with Apricot Mayonnaise to Seared Chicken with Merlot and Raspberry Sauce, these are surprisingly quick gourmet delights with a fine centerfold of color photos for added attraction.
The Education Shelf
Creating Welcoming Schools
JoBeth Allen
Teachers College Press
1234 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10027
International Reading Association
PO Box 8139, Newark, DE 19714-8139
9780807747896, $23.95, www.tcpress.com www.reading.org
A school should be like a second home to a child. To help make it so, "Creating Welcoming Schools: A Practical Guide to Home-School Partnerships with Diverse Families" is a comprehensive resource that shows how diverse families and the schools that their children attend can form partnerships that enhance student learning. It goes far and above the call of duty giving its readers tips on fun ways for educators and families to explore rich heritages, create honest dialogue at school conferences, assist in working together for a more democratic society and so much more. "Creating Welcoming Schools: A Practical Guide to Home-School Partnerships with Diverse Families" is highly recommended for any library catering to educators and parents of school age children.
QGE = A: Quality Generic Education is the Answer
Win Straube
University Press of America
c/o Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group (dist.)
4501 Forbes Blvd., Suite 200, Lanham, MD 20706
9780761837718, $36.00 www.univpress.com 1-800-462-6420
Education is more than just a seasonal political football for aspiring politicians. It is the foundation for a prosperous, free and democratic nation. A new education system for obtaining the best education at the lowest possible cost - "QGE = A: Quality Generic Education is the Answer" is a proposition for a revolutionary new way to educate our children. Author Win Straube has quite the mind for new solutions as an inventor, scientist, and engineer, to connect everyone to the best educators for any given subject in the world. "QGE = A: Quality Generic Education is the Answer" is something that all educators should read and consider and carries our highest recommendations to community library education shelves.
Corwin Press
2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320
Richard J. Hazler's HELPING IN THE HALLWAYS: EXPANDING YOUR INFLUENCE POTENTIAL (9781412956086, $27.95) offers a revised edition referencing the ASCA National Model and discussing NCLB as it provides expanded sections on strategies for encounters, experiences from teachers, students and administrators, tips on self-assessment activities, and chapters covering adult motivators as well. From limiting overwhelming feelings and identifying individual needs to evaluating hallway relationships, HELPING IN THE HALLWAYS is an excellent pick for education libraries, especially those catering to administrators. John T. Guthrie edits ENGAGING ADOLESCENTS IN READING (9781412953351, $32.95) is an outstanding survey pairing examples of teaching methods with classroom-tested activities, demonstrations and surveys of how to guide students with meaningful assignments encouraging reading. From tapping into adolescent social natures through group activities to building proficiency in those with reading problems, ENGAGING ADOLESCENTS IN READING is an outstanding set of tips for overcoming reluctance in readers. LITERACY IN THE DIGITAL AGE by R.W. Burniske (9781412957465, $28.95) is an important, key exploration of how teachers can help students become good online communicators. From using language tactfully and evaluating web sites for validity to practicing etiquette on the Net, LITERACY IN THE DIGITAL AGE is packed with tips all educator libraries need. The third updated edition of Renee Rosenblum-Lowden and Felicia Lowden Kimmel's YOU HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL – YOU'RE THE TEACHER! (9781412951227, $28.95) packs in many important tips on classroom management challenges, from avoiding confrontation and building student confidence to working with parents and getting students to stay on task. All are common concerns: what's new here are new approaches and strategies to make the teacher's job easier. Stella Erbes' WHAT TEACHERS SHOULD KNOW BUT TEXTBOOKS DON'T SHOW (9781412950688, $25.95) blends research with tips on the most challenging moments new teachers face in their classrooms, showing how to create a positive learning environment, handle students and families alike, and how to meet professional objectives. New teachers in particular will find it a clear, concise indicator of common problems and their solutions. Leah M. Melbert's INFORMAL LEARNING AND FIELD TRIPS (9781412949804, $28.95) helps educators by providing learner-centered activities and guidelines for corresponding classroom activities from field trips. The focus allows for an excellent set of interrelated lesson plans using field trips as a foundation for exploring new experiences. The fifth updated edition of Ernest W. Brewer and Charles M. Achilles' FINDING FUNDS: GRANTWRITING FROM START TO FINISH (9781412960007, $39.95) provides over 120 newly researched web sites to help grant seekers locate and narrow the focus on successful government, foundation and private grants. From writing proposals to implementing programs, this in-depth survey is a 'must' not only for administrators and educators, but for any who would locate grants to fund projects. Amy Schwed and Janice Melichar-Utter's BRAIN-FRIENDLY STUDY STRATEGIES GRADES 2-8: HOW TEACHERS CAN HELP STUDENTS LEARN (9781412961059, $55.95) covers everything from reinforcing memory using the latest research about brain development to visualizing thoughts and problem-solving solutions. It's an outstanding set of keys to understanding learning challenges and successes, and is an important key for teachers of grades 2-8 who wish for more effective learning strategies for the classroom. Charles J. Russo and Allan G. Osborne Jr.'s ESSENTIAL CONCEPTS & SCHOOL-BASED CASES IN SPECIAL EDUCATION LAW (9781412927048, $43.95) is a top pick not just for college-level education collections, but for law libraries dealing in special education as well. This case-based desk reference gathers concepts from leading special education cases and provides excerpts from selected legal decisions to help educators understand special challenges in special ed law. The result is an important desk reference any school teaching special education needs. Julie Silva Spitzer and Cheryl D. Roddick's SUCCEEDING AT TEACHING MATHEMATICS K-6 (9781412927659, $27.95) helps new educators handle classroom math challenges through positive examples of how to develop a strategy and effective teaching methods for math. From contrasting and understanding a range of strategy options to assessing strategy effectiveness, SUCCEEDING AT TEACHING MATHEMATICS is an important key to success. Mary K. Tallant-Runnels and Ann C. Candler-Lotven's ACADEMIC COMPETITIONS FOR GIFTED STUDENTS: A RESOURCE BOOK FOR TEACHERS AND PARENTS (9781412959117, $28.95) is a key resource perfect for any who would understand academic competitions for grades K-12. From their impact and potential problems to selecting events to match student strengths, ACADEMIC COMPETITIONS appears in a second, updated edition to make a case for matching academic contests to the needs of special students. John Barell's WHY ARE SCHOOL BUSES ALWAYS YELLOW? TEACHING FOR INQUIRY, PRE K-5 (9781412957335, $33.95) surveys methods for challenging young learners, inviting them to develop inquiry and critical thinking skills in all children. Chapters outline the inquiry process and discuss its importance in classroom management, surveying successes through real classroom examples perfect for teacher applications. Timothy G. Green, Abbie Brown and LeAnne Robinson's MAKING THE MOST OF THE WEB IN YOUR CLASSROOM (9781412915748, $27.95) should be a mainstay of any serious teacher's library: it tells how to translate internet technology into classroom applications, from designing web sites to helping students develop their own internet-based projects, whether it be a blog, locating web activities, or assessing information. Festus E. Obiakor's 100 MULTICULTURAL PROVERBS: INSPIRATIONAL AFFIRMATIONS FOR EDUCATORS (9781412957809, $21.95) gathers sayings from different countries, tribes and religions: proverbs which have had a historical impact on the building of communities and worlds. Teachers and administrators will find it a fine collection useful as a starting point for explorations from other cultures. Paul G. Young's PROMOTING POSITIVE BEHAVIORS: AN ELEMENTARY PRINCIPAL'S GUIDE TO STRUCTURING THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT (9781412953047, $25.95) is directed to practicing school principals and administrators, and is an excellent choice for educator libraries teaching administrative duties. It offers examples from the author's experience as a successful elementary school principal and offers tips for overall school and student management, from field trips and assemblies to daily schedules and handling student and teacher expectations. Roger Pierangelo and George Giuliani's CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES FOR STUDENTS WITH ADHD (9781412917889, $25.95) provides special education professionals with an excellent concrete set of guidelines for working with ADHD students. From medical and legal requirements in defining and handling ADHD to specific instructional strategies, this is a winner.
The Science Shelf
Quantum Shift in the Global Brain
Ervin Laszlo
Inner Traditions
One Park Street, Rochester, VT 05767
9781594772337, $14.95 www.innertraditions.com
Our world is in Macroshift and modern reality is challenging us to adjust to new, rapid changes. QUANTUM SHIFT IN THE GLOBAL BRAIN discusses these changes, presenting a different kind of guidance to the changes science and discovery are introducing to individuals and society alike. Science shifts are here related to worldview and values shifts, with chapters discussing the maximum code, manifest reality and more. Any college-level collection strong in either science or sociology will find this intriguing.
The Pets/Wildlife Shelf
Mountain Goats
Marco Festa-Bianchet and Steeve D. Cote
Island Press
1718 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 300, Washington D.C., 20009-1148
9781597261715, $45.00, www.islandpress.com
A product of sixteen years of tracking of over three hundred marked mountain goats, "Mountain Goats: Ecology, Behavior, and Conversation of an Alpine Ungulate" is the first educated and scholarly assessment of the ecology and behavior of mountain goats. The long years of study pay off, tackling every bit of the goat's lives, including their reproductive strategies and population dynamics. It also reads into their sensitivity to human disturbance and uses it to examine and develop excellent conservation strategies. An invaluable source for ecologists and wildlife conservationists, "Mountain Goats: Ecology, Behavior, and Conservation of an Alpine Ungulate" is highly recommended for community libraries with a focus on wildlife everywhere.
The Encyclopedia of Birds
Facts on File
132 West 31st Street, New York NY 10001
9780816059041, $425.00 www.factsonfile.com
This 6-volume reference ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIRDS will provide an excellent, comprehensive reference for a range of libraries, from middle schools through high school levels and many a public lending library. It offers over 1,000 color photos of birds in the wild, includes diagrams and drawings, and discusses habitats, physical features, breeding, behavior and more. The blend of striking, lovely color photos and drawings and detailed natural history make it an exceptional student reference.
The War on Bugs
Will Allen
Chelsea Green Publishing
Box 428, White River Junction, VT 05001
9781933392462, $35.00 www.chelseagreen.com
THE WAR ON BUGS reveals the chemical companies' marketing campaigns that have pushed toxic pesticides and fertilizers on farmers for over 150 years. From the packaging and promoting of toxic wastes as 'miracle' answers to insect infestations to how chemical weapons manufacturers sought to expand their products into the world market by billing them as pesticide answers, THE WAR ON BUGS juxtaposes two centuries' worth of ads with documentation of chemical company actions and farmer reactions alike. Both general-interest lending libraries and those specializing in conservation issues will find this intriguing.
The Sports Shelf
But Didn't We Have Fun?
Peter Morris
Ivan R. Dee
1332 N. Halsted Street, Chicago, IL 60622
1566637481, $27.50 www.ivanrdee.com
BUT DIDN'T WE HAVE FUN? AN INFORMAL HISTORY OF BASEBALL'S PIONEER ERA, 1843-1870 tells of a generation of mid-19th-century Americans who moved from countryside to cities and brought baseball with them. Author Peter Morris is a researcher and chronicler of baseball history: he uses primary documents to recreate a lost world and the underlying influences on the rise of baseball as a sport.
The Self-Help Shelf
Love Without Hurt
Steven Stosny, Ph.D.
Lifelong Books/DaCapo Press
c/o Perseus Books Group
Eleven Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142
1600940730, $16.95 www.dacapopress.com
Any who are in an abusing, hurtful relationship can end the pain and rebuild a loving environment with Dr. Steven Stosny's explanation of different indicators of relationship abuse, how to take action to change the relationship, and how to use his CompassionPower program for self-healing techniques for both individual recovery and changing a willing partner. Plenty of books have covered the basics of abuse patterns and advocated 'getting out': LOVE WITHOUT HURT: TURN YOUR RESENTFUL, ANGRY OR EMOTIONALLY ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP INTO A COMPASSIONATE, LOVING ONE takes a different approach and is a 'must' for any general-interest library interested in self-help health and mental health books.
The Criminology Shelf
Skeletons in the Closet
Tobin T. Buhk and Stephen D. Cohle, MD
Prometheus Books
59 John Glenn Drive, Amherst, NY 14228-2197
9781591026037, $27.95 www.prometheusbooks.com
Skeletons in the Closet: Stories from the County Morgue covers puzzling forensic mysteries culled from a range of co-author Stephen Cohle's cases as medical examiner for Kent County, Michigan: his accounts will appeal to a broad audience, from health and criminal justice studies college-level libraries to public lending libraries. Over twenty riveting, real-life stories offers a forensic mystery and twist, making for a striking collection.
Serial Killers and Sadistic Murderers Up Close and Personal
Jack Levin
Prometheus Books
59 John Glenn Drive, Amherst, NY 14228-2197
9781591025764, $25.95 www.prometheusbooks.com
After twenty-five years of probing serial murders, interviewing killers and their families, neighbors and surviving victims, author Jack Levin has become an expert on the topic – and here translates his expertise to a series of lessons identifying the mind of these killers and how their murders occur. Any college-level collection strong in enforcement books will find this an invaluable tool to understanding the psychology and activities of these killers.
The Health/Medicine Shelf
Western Herbs According to Traditional Chinese Medicine
Thomas Avery Garran
Healing Arts Press
c/o Inner Traditions
One Park Street, Rochester, VT 05767
159477191X, $50.00 www.healingartspress.com
Western Herbs According to Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Practitioner's Guide offers up some 58 monographs, illustrated with color photos, of herbs commonly used by Western herbalists. Each herb is grouped by the basic categorization for medicinals in Chinese medicine, with writings dealing with functions, dosage, preparation and contraindications. Any herbal medicine collection must have this in-depth index of Chinese formulas applied to Western herbs.
The Military Shelf
Tools of Violence
Chris McNab and Hunter Keeter
Osprey Publishing
443 Park Avenue South Suite 806, New York NY 10016
9781846032257, $24.95 www.ospreypublishing.com
TOOLS OF VIOLENCE: GUNS, TANKS AND DIRTY BOMBS surveys weapons commonly misunderstood, offering chapters of facts and dispelling myths of modern weaponry. From weapons and their effects to the realities of delivery systems, TOOLS OF VIOLENCE packs in analysis of physical, political and psychological effects of weaponry, backing up analysis with interviews with those engaged in weapons technology, from soldiers and police to researchers, weapons specialists and more. Any military library needs this unique coverage.
Worst Enemy
John Arquilla
Ivan R. Dee
1332 North Halsted Street, Chicago, IL 60622-2694
1566637503, $27.50 www.ivanrdee.com
For several years now the U.S. has been making staggering expenditures on its military might – but has shown few actual signs of learning new ways of subduing terrorism and its networks. WORST ENEMY: THE RELUCTANT TRANSFORMATION OF THE AMERICAN MILITARY offers not just the usual critical insights into what has gone wrong, but offers solutions to remedy problems in American defense policies, and comes from a professor of defense analysis. As such, it's an excellent survey for any military library or any college-level collection strong in military analysis and discussion.
The Social Issues Shelf
Managing Teen Anger and Violence
William Fleeman
Impact Publications
9104 Manassas Drive Suite N. Manassas Park, VA 20111-5211
1570232768, $19.95 www.impactpublications.com
Teens have learned to manage their anger through the innovative Pathways to Peace program, and this book provides a series of personal stories and vignettes key to understanding anger addiction, violent behavior patterns, and the addiction and recovery process. Angry teens can be a danger to themselves, their families and those around them, so understanding the program that can change their behaviors is important. This can be used as both a self-directed guide and as a training manual for the Pathways to Peace programs and will reach any working with teens.
The Business Shelf
Effective Publications Management
Cathy Connor Lips
Allworth Press
10 East 23rd Street, New York NY 10010
1581154860, $29.95 www.allworth.com
Both college-level courses on business management and graphic design and any library featuring references on graphic design publications management will appreciate this primer which discusses project stages, key players, provides examples from the industry, and more! From determining publication image and message to creating proposals, assembling a team, managing research and budgets and selecting a printer, this is packed with essential, important tips for publication success.
Brand Rejuvenation
Jean-Marc Lehu
Kogan Page
120 Pentonville Road, London N19JN, United Kingdom
9780749451462, $35.00, www.kogan-page.co.uk
The name of a brand is something that carries a lot of power in society – when someone mentions something such as Sony, many images come to the people due to the association they have developed with that brand. "Brand Rejuvenation: How to Protect, Strengthen, & Add Value to Your Brand to Prevent it From Ageing" is a guide for those in charge of a brand to develop their brands to keep them in the game in the modern world. It gives advice to note when your brand is in need of rejuvenation, how to adjust it effectively, and to prevent the problems before they happen. "Brand Rejuvenation: How to Protect, Strengthen, & Add Value to Your Brand to Prevent it From Ageing" is essential for business collections and for anyone in charge of the future of a brand.
Managing Online Forums
Patrick O'Keefe
1601 Broadway, New York NY 10019-7420
081440197X, $24.00 www.amacombooks.org
MANAGING ONLINE FORUMS: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW TO CREATE AND RUN SUCCESSFUL COMMUNITY DISCUSSION BOARDS is the first book to cover everything an administrator needs to know to launch and run a community forum. From understanding forum software and the basics of developing a safe environment for people to share their thoughts to either creating a community or taking over an existing one, MANAGING ONLINE FORUMS is a key business tool recommended for business and public libraries alike.
How to Open & Operate a Financially Successful Construction Company
Tanya R. Davis
Atlantic Publishing Group
1405 SW 6th Avenue, Ocala, FL 34471
9781601380173, $39.95 www.atlantic-pub.com
Starting even the smallest construction company can be most profitable: it's an industry always in demand, and unaffected by changing technology – and still is a rapidly growing field. That said, How to Open & Operate a Financially Successful Construction Company shows how to make the most of such a venture, covering all the basics on opening such a business, including sample business forms, discussions of leases and contracts, and more. Any considering starting their own construction firm needs these guidelines to avoid common pitfalls.
The Jobs/Careers Shelf
The Most Important Questions to Ask on Your Next Job Interview
Kandall Blair
Atlantic Publishing Group
1405 SW 6th Avenue, Ocala, FL 34471
9781601381330, $19.95 www.atlantic-pub.com
Even if you have the perfect resume and have brushed up on interview questions, you need The Most Important Questions to Ask on Your Next Job Interview to provide an edge to what should be a 2-way dialogue. This book tells what questions to ask to determine if a job will be the right fit – not just for the prospective employer, but for the applicant.
Careers in Renewable Energy
Gregory McNamee
PixyJack Press
P.O. Box 149, Masonville, CO 80541
9780977372430, $20.00, www.pixyjackpress.com
Oil will eventually run out on our planet. It's only a matter of time – but it doesn't have to be the end of the world, no, it can be the way of the future and help readers find an exciting new career in the fields of renewable energy. "Careers in Renewable Energy: Get a Green Energy Job" is a guide to help environmentally conscious readers find a new career that will help them and help advance the concepts of Solar Energy, Geothermal Energy, Hydroelectric energy, Green Building, among other countless jobs available in renewable energy, providing countless references and resources to help readers get started. Any searching for a career in renewable energy and any public or business lending library catering to students or career changers will find specific and important this guide to clean energy opportunities across the country. From extensive lists of training facilities, schools, workshops, and professional organizations and societies to web sites and energy programs, this is the place for job seekers and career changers to begin. Expertly compiled and researched, "Careers in Renewable Energy: Get a Green Energy Job" is highly recommended for environmental studies collections with a crossover to career shelves.
The Comix/Graphic Novel Shelf
Connect the Polka Dots
Bill Griffith
Fantagraphics Books
7563 Lake City Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115
9781560977773, $18.95 www.fantagraphics.com
Bill Griffith's 'Zippy the Pinhead' comics appear in both black and white and color in CONNECT THE POLKA DOTS, providing newcomers and old fans alike with an excellent satire of commercialism and consumerism. The blend of humor and observation makes for a fun, revealing collection highly recommended for general-interest libraries strong in comic strip book collections.
Little Nothings: The Curse of the Umbrella
Lewis Trondheim
40 Exchange Place, Suite 1308, New York NY 10005
1561635235, $14.95 www.nbm.com
LITTLE NOTHINGS began as the author's near-daily blog and evolved to this collection of graphic cartoons about life, Lewis Trondheim's first collection. From poking fun at others to reflecting on the ironies and inconsistencies of life, LITTLE NOTHINGS is replete with oddities and observations, and is a fun pick.
The Crafts Shelf
Get Your Sparkle On
Lindsay Cain with Sarah B. Weir
Chronicle Books
85 Second Street, San Francisco CA 94105
0811852407, $19.95 www.chroniclebooks.com
Learn how to create and wear gems and jewelry with a crafts guide which pairs full-page color photos with step-by-step 'how to' instructions. Rachel Stone's illustrations make it simple to produce earrings, necklaces, and designer-quality items, with a focus on value, fashion trends, and history adding in a level which rises Get Your Sparkle On above most crafting books. Public libraries will find it an attraction.
Metal Clay Beyond the Basics
Carol A. Babineau
Kalmbach Publishing
21027 Crossroads Circle, Waukesha, WI 43186
9780871162502, $19.95 www.beadandcraftbooks.com
Metal clay can produce fantastic jewelry results, and METAL CLAY BEYOND THE BASICS shows how to get these results with 24 projects in five jewelry categories covered in step-by-step written instructions and photos. There are even directions on how to blend metal clay with other materials, from ceramics to gemstones. An outstanding survey evolves.
The Photography Shelf
Zaida Ben-Yusuf: New York Portrait Photographer
Frank H. Goodyear III
Merrell Publishing
740 Broadway, Suite 1202, New York, NY 10003
1858944392, $59.95 www.merrellpublishers.com
In the early 20th century Zaida Ben-Yusuf was one of the most active photographers in New York City, creating many artistic and moving photos of major figures of her time as well as unusual self-portraits. This is the only in-depth study of her photography, pairing a catalog of her works – some 100 images – with a history and biographical survey linking Ben-Yusuf to her times and art. Any serious art library strong in American photography history must have this.
The Art Shelf
Brushes & Bayonets
Lucinda Gosling
Osprey Publishing
443 Park Avenue South, New York NY 10016
9781846030956, $34.95 www.ospreypublishing.com
Over 200 illustrations taken from the archives of the Illustrated London News covers a range of newspaper and magazine images, from strip cartoons and line drawings to sketches and paintings. While this could've been featured in our Military Shelf section, as military history holdings will surely find it an attraction, it's also highly recommended for art libraries strong in military art history, and for any collection strong in World War II archives.
Visual Communication in Digital Design
Ji Yong Park
3F Mapo Tower Building 418-1 Mapo-dong, Mapo-gu 121-734 Korea
9788931434347, $29.99 www.amazon.com
VISUAL COMMUNICATION IN DIGITAL DESIGN surveys the role of the designer in interpreting visual designs using tools and elements that will reach target audiences. Chapters are especially strong in covering cultural ideas and influences in the perception of color, effects, and shapes, offering plenty of details juxtaposing traditional design concerns with cultural and social impact. Any college-level design library needs this, which comes packed with color photos examples throughout.
How to Think Like a Great Graphic Designer
Debbie Millman
10 East 23rd Street, New York NY 10010
1581154968, $24.95 www.allworth.com
Insights into how world-famous graphic designers come up with winning designs make for an outstanding collection of lively interviews revealing best thought and practice in the world of design. Over twenty designers reveal their designs, outlining how a love of design developed, influenced their lives, and how it translated into a passion for producing better graphic design results. Any library covering graphic design simply must have this, whether it be at the college arts level or the general-interest lending library.
MFA Publications
465 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115
Sarah Schroth and Ronni Baer's EL GRECO TO VELAZQUEZ: ART DURING THE REIGN OF PHILIP III (9780878467266, $40.00) is an excellent period piece for any art library covering art history. From interactions between nobles and artists to the social, political and artistic climate of the times, chapters juxtapose art examples in full color with in-depth discussions revealing the evolution of portraiture, development of religious images in art, and more. Jeannine Falino and Gerald W.R. Ward edit SILVER OF THE AMERICAS, 1600-2000: AMERICAN SILVER IN THE MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS, BOSTON (9780878467211, $100.00), packing in over 1,000 reproductions in a catalog which updates Kathryn Buhler's 1972 tome. All the American silver to enter the MFA's collection after 1972 are included, making for a powerful presentation packing in nearly 700 objects in over 400 entries. Perfect for dedicated art libraries strong in American jewelry history.
The Needlecraft Shelf
Martingale & Company
20205 – 144th Avenue NE, Woodinville, WA 98072-8478
Nancy Mahoney's RIBBON STAR QUILTS (9781564777935, $16.95) offers five quilts with traditional-style blocks enhanced with woven ribbon illusions, and builds ideas upon these for more ribbon quilting projects. Numerous full-sized and small color photos supplement easy how-to directions offering plenty of ideas and flexibility for changes and embellishments. Dawn E. Navarro's COPY CAT QUILTS (9781564777812, $19.95) offers easy directions for a popular cat pattern which was first published in the 1980s. Kitties on quilts, pillows and wall hangings embellish pages of step-by-step details including color photos as well as written text, making it quick and easy to produce cat quilts that work well. Mary M. Covey's FOLLOW-THE-LINE QUILTING DESIGNS V. 3: FULL-SIZE PATTERNS FOR BLOCKS AND BORDERS (9781564778178, $24.95) is not so much a book as a box of patterns for tracing, transferring and stitching, presented in full size for easy use. Twenty new pattern groups including designs for blocks, borders and setting triangles and can be used on a regular home sewing machine or by hand alike – as well as on a long-arm quilting machine for professionals. An outstanding, flexible guide.
Things I Learned From Knitting Whether I Wanted to Or Not
Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
Storey Publishing
210 MassMoca Way, North Adams, MA 02147
9781603420624, $10.95 www.storey.com
Knitter fanatic Stephanie Pearl-McPhee always has too many projects on needles, and here celebrates her knitting passion in a series of admonitions and adages perfect for knitters who 'have everything' in the way of instructionals. From pairings of feelings about yarn to boyfriends to descriptions of patterns of risk, this funny yet pointed collection is the perfect gift for any who love to knit, and a fine addition to collections catering to them.
The Judaic Studies Shelf
Seder Stories
Nancy Rips
Cumberland House
431 Harding Industrial Drive, Nashville, TN 37211
9781581826432, $14.95 www.cumberlandhouse.com
Passover symbolizes Jewish tradition, and stories are passed between generations in celebration. SEDER STORIES: PASSOVER THOUGHTS ON FOOD, FAMILY & FREEDOM offers over 100 Seder memories from famous writers to individuals who write about their family and friends. These are charming, fun tales perfect for family sharing. Highly recommended as a pick for any Jewish collection or home library.
Genesis and Jewish Thought
Chaim Navon
930 Newark Avenue, Jersey City, NJ 07306
9781602800007, $35.00 www.ktav.com
College-level Judaic studies collections will relish GENESIS AND JEWISH THOUGHT, an excellent exploration of Jewish religion, science, and philosophy. Chapters pack in scholarly considerations of such issues as free will, images of God, Israeli culture and more, juxtaposing Biblical text with various Judaic thinker analysis to make for a seasoned, informative survey perfect for Judaic libraries.
The Literary Shelf
Exile's Poet
Mahmoud Darwish
Olive Branch Press
c/o Interlink Books
46 Crosby Street, Northampton, MA, 01060-1804
9781566566643, $25.00, www.interlinkbooks.com
Arguably the most important Palestinian poet of our time, Mahmoud Darwish appears for the first time in English in "Exile's Poet", deftly edited by professors of modern Arabic culture and comparative literatures respectively Hala Khamis Nassar & Najat Rahman it offers a critical appraisal of Darwish's work as well, from his earliest works to his later work, filled with connections between myth, lyric, prose, and history among other things. The Editors bring in editorials on the future of poetry, roles of the modern poet, heritage and more. Highly recommended to poetry fans who want an in depth look from another place in the world.
Notebooks 1951-59
Albert Camus
Ivan R. Dee
1332 North Halsted Street, Chicago, IL 60622-2694
1566637759, $27.50 www.ivanrdee.com
College-level collections strong on Camus will find this a special acquisition presenting the notebooks withheld in France for some 29 years after his death, appearing for the first time in English. The first two volumes of his notebooks began simply but this concluding volume was written over the last nine years that he lived, and reads more intimately, like a diary. From his travels to his observations about life and politics, this concludes a fine expose of Camus' life and thoughts and is a 'must' for any college-level collection strong in Camus, particularly those who have his previous earlier notebooks.
Writes of Passage
Paula Deitz, Editor
Ivan R. Dee
1332 North Halsted Street, Chicago, IL 60622-2694
1566637813, $27.50 www.ivanrdee.com
WRITES OF PASSAGE: COMING OF AGE STORIES AND MEMOIRS culls over twenty top stories from the last twenty-five years of The Hudson Review, juxtaposing emerging new writers with seasoned veterans from Wendell Berry to Tennessee Williams and presenting works which were first selected for their excellence, and only secondarily for their unifying genre. Any interested in coming of age literature will be pleased to find these stories under one cover.
The Audiobook Shelf
Song Yet Sung
James McBride
Penguin Audio
375 Hudson Avenue, New York NY 10014
9780143142911, $39.95 www.penguin.com
Entertainer Leslie Uggams, who started in network TV at age 6, has decades of experience on TV and Broadway. Uggams' voice translates well to audio, enlivening the story of a pre-Civil War slave breakout and a beautiful prophetic black slave who escapes only to evade an unusually dangerous pose of men. Historical events blend with a passionate tale of change and courage in an audio highly recommended for any general-interest listening collection.
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Diane C. Donovan, Editor
Midwest Book Review
278 Orchard Drive
Oregon, WI 53575-1129
phone: 1-608-835-7937
e-mail: mbr@execpc.com
e-mail: mwbookrevw@aol.com
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