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Reviewer's Choice
South Park Guide to Life
Trey Parker and Matt Stone
Running Press
2300 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19103-4371
9780762435708, $12.95 www.runningpress.com
Any fan of the TV comedy 'South Park' will find much to relish in this hilarious 'guide to life',
packed with admonitions and observations from dysfunctional life. The twisted life insights of
Cartman and gang are ribald, racist, tasteless, and will prove fun for any South Park fan and
many a newcomer with such humor sense.
Michael Perry
c/o HarperCollins
10 East 53rd St., New York NY 10022-5299
9780061240430, $25.99 www.harpercollins.com
COOP: A YEAR OF POULTRY, PIGS AND PARENTING is a lively read for any general
lending library and tells of the author's experiences on 37 acres of overgrown farmland with a
handful of chickens and a pig pen. His experiences on the farm re-creating his childhood
experiences makes for an outstanding story packed with drama, poultry-raising insights, and
more and is a pick not just for rural libraries, but for general interest collections located in urban
areas, as well.
Bunkhouse Built
Leif Videen
Mountain Press Publishing Company
1301 South Third Street West, PO Box 2399, Missoula, MO 59806
9780878425549, $15.00, www.amazon.com
Wyatt Earp didn't go into a department store and buy his supplies. "Bunkhouse Built: A Guide to
Making Your Own Cowboy Gear" is a crafting guide to making one's own Old West-influenced
gear for rodeos and other events associated with the cowboy lifestyle. Emphasizing how to make
stuff on the cheap and the accomplishment of the do-it-yourself enthusiast, "Bunkhouse Built" is
a top pick for those who want to be geared like Jesse James but don't want to rob a bank to do
Out of the Canyon: A True Story of Loss and Love
Art & Allison Daily
Harmony Books
c/o Crown Publishing Group
1745 Broadway, New York NY 10019
9780307409409, $24.00 www.crownpublishing.com
One day in Colorado Art Daily suffered a horrible tragedy when a boulder fell from the canyon
wall and killed his wife and two sons, leaving him untouched. He faced a bleak future until
stranger Allison, a woman struggling with her own grief following her older brother's suicide,
met him and reached out. OUT OF THE CANYON tells their story and provides an inspirational
story of personal survival for any general-interest lending library.
Thinking in Systems
Donella H. Meadows
Diana Wright, editor
Chelsea Green Publishing Company
PO Box 428, White River Junction, VT 05001
9781603580557, $19.95 www.chelseagreen.com
THINKING IN SYSTEMS isn't just for environmental analysis: it offers social analysis and tells
how to think outside the realm of computers, applying systems logic to the real world. It's a
landmark publication and applies across the board to businesses, community structures,
ecological analysis, and more: any library interested in problem-solving abilities needs this.
The Nature of Being Human
Harold Fromm
Johns Hopkins University Press
2715 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21218-4363
0801891299, $35.00 www.press.jhu.edu
provides a strong psychosocial analysis of the relationship between the natural world and
individuals. How human consciousness is determined by the environment and questions of nature
and ecology are all issues considered in chapters arguing for a naturalistic vision of free will and
the arts. College-level holdings strong in social science and the humanities will find it perfect for
classroom discussion and debate.
The Biography Shelf
The Match King
Frank Partnoy
Public Affairs
250 West 57th St Suite 1321, New York NY 10107
9781586487430, $26.95 www.publicaffairsbooks.com
OF WALL STREET SCANDALS surveys an overlooked figure in history, showing how the
world's must famous business mind built an empire on matches, raising money from American
investors and loaning it to European governments in exchange for monopolies on their sales
during the height of the 1930s depression. When the truth about his illegal approaches came to
light, his business collapsed overnight and left millions bankrupt. Both business and general
lending libraries will find this revealing and intriguing.
Mark Seal
Random House
c/o The Random House Publishing Group
1745 Broadway, 17th fl, NY, NY 10019
9781400067367, $26.00 www.atrandom.com
A dedicated African environmentalist is murdered in her home: is it a robbery gone wrong, as
police think, or a contract killing by her enemies? Kenyan wildlife management issues and
murder are investigated by a journalist whose probe into Joan Root's death lead to a remarkable
story about her life and achievements - and her link with Kenya. Any interested in African
natural history will relish this vivid story.
Clara's War
Clara Kramer
10 E. 53rd St., New York NY 10022-5299
9780061728600, $25.99 www.eccobooks.com
CLARA'S WAR: ONE GIRL'S STORY OF SURVIVAL recreates how the author and her family
survived the Holocaust in a bunker under the home of a known Anti-Semite. Clara was 15 when
she went into hiding for months - her hair-raising story of close encounters with discovery and
death makes for a gripping saga on par with the Anne Frank diaries and is a pick for any
The First Tycoon
T.J. Stiles
Alfred A. Knopf
c/o Random House
1745 Broadway, 17th fl, NY, NY 10019
9780375415425, $37.50 www.aaknopf.com
of a dynasty who amassed a great fortune and became an American legend - but it goes beyond
the usual casual review and offers the first complete biography of the man. From his childhood to
the evolution of his pioneering vision and his revolutionary changes to standard business models,
THE FIRST TYCOON is a pick any business library will want.
Lewis Coolidge and the Voyage of the Amethyst 1806-1811
Evabeth Miller Kienast and John Phillip Felt, editors
University of South Carolina Press
718 Devine Street, Columbia, SC 29208
9781570038167, $29.95 www.sc.edu/uscpress
Lewis Coolidge was a nephew of Billy Dawes, the man who accompanied Paul Revere on his
ride: Coolidge made a five-year voyage around the globe aboard the Amethyst, and his private
diary of his journey offers insights into 19th century sealing trade practices and the social
sentiments and culture of his times. A fine addition for any college-level library strong in world
history and culture.
Cartwheels in a Sari
Jayanti Tamm
Harmony Books
c/o The Crown Publishing Group
1745 Broadway, #B1, NY, NY 10019-4305
9780307393920, $22.99 www.crownpublishing.com
The hidden world of growing up in a cult in mainstream America is revealed with sensitivity and
engrossing detail in CARTWHEELS IN A SARI, a memoir suitable for any spirituality or
general lending library. This also represents the first insider's account of Sri Chinmoy, a leader
who has convinced thousands to follow him and nations to dedicate monuments to him. Chapters
chronicle his life and times in engrossing detail.
Judge Richard S. Arnold
Polly J. Price
Prometheus Books
59 John Glenn Drive, Amherst, NY 14228-2119
9781591027119, $25.98 www.prometheusbooks.com
provides a fine biography of the legacy and achievements of a justice who had the respect of a
wide circuit of Supreme Court Justices who attested to his fairness, judicial restraint, and
influential opinions. JUDGE RICHARD S. ARNOLD comes from a law professor who had
served as his law clerk, so it offers both a personal and researched survey of his life and times in
a fine coverage especially recommended for college-level legal and political science
Either You're In Or You're In the Way
Logan and Noah Miller
c/o Harper Collins
10 E. 53rd St., New York NY 10022
9780061763144, $26.99 www.harpercollins.com
twin brothers determined to make a tribute film to a homeless father who died alone in jail.
Despite having no money and no Hollywood contacts or experience, the twins wrote, produced,
acted in and made their feature films and created both a masterpiece and a better life for
themselves in the process. Both film and general-interest libraries need this inspiring story.
Built of Books
Thomas Wright
Henry Holt
175 - 5th Avenue, New York NY 10010
0805089934, $27.00 www.henryholt.com
excellent account of the writer's life, times and inspirations, providing a focus on the library
which was the source of many of his works. He was a reader, and his literary encounters built a
collection twenty years in the making. This survey of his collection offers vivid insights into
Wilde and book collectors in general and is a pick for both general-interest and literary
The Health/Medicine Shelf
The Alzheimer's Project: Momentum in Science
John Hoffman and Susan Froemke with Susan K. Golant
Public Affairs
250 West 57th St, Suite 1321, New York NY 10107
9781586487560, $25.95 www.publicaffairsbooks.com
This companion book to the HBO documentary films series explores the latest research on
Alzheimer's which has resulted in new technology and methods of analysis, surveying
breakthroughs in the field and examining the nation's labs and clinics and their results. Any
health library concerned with Alzheimer's research will find this an eye-opening glimpse into the
world of future trends and treatments.
The Girlfriends' Infertility Treatment Companion
Elizabeth Gordon Dellenbaugh
Lost Coast
135 Cypress St. Fort Bragg, CA 95437
9781882897926, $14.95, www.amazon.com
Infertility is a cruel diagnosis for a hopeful mother to be. "The Girlfriends' Infertility Treatment
Companion" is a guide to dealing with this problem. Discussing the many treatments available
such as taking hormones, how to deal with doctors and husbands, and how to keep one's eye on
the prize, "The Girlfriends' Infertility Treatment Companion" is a must-read for women
confronted with this difficult situation.
Philip Alcabes
Public Affairs
250 West 57th St Suite 1321, New York NY 10107
9781586486181, $26.95 www.publicaffairsbooks.com
History, science, and health issues blend in DREAD: HOW FEAR AND FANTASY HAVE
dread of epidemics for all of history - yet today deaths from epidemics are rare in the developed
world. The evidences of epidemics in Western society and their lasting effects makes for a key
survey any health or social sciences collection, in particular, will relish.
How We Survived Prostate Cancer
Victoria Hallerman
Newmarket Press
18 E 48th St., New York NY 10017
9781557048196, $16.95 www.newmarketpress.com
One couple's story of prostate cancer is told from the wife's viewpoint and spans a six-year
journey from diagnosis to treatment. The couple made some mistakes in judgement along the
way - and here import not only their survival, but how ill-informed choices can affect their lives.
Chapters recount the entire process from diagnosis to assessing options to unexpected side
effects of chosen treatments and make for a 'must' for any health library or general lending library
strong in cancer survival guides.
Master Your Metabolism
Jillian Michaels
c/o The Crown Publishing Group
1745 Broadway, #B1, NY, NY 10019-4305
9780307450739, $26.00 www.crownpublishing.com
If you're tired of diets that don't work or are difficult to follow because they're basically
unsatisfying, you need MASTER YOUR METABOLISM, a three-phrase plan that advocates
revving up weight-loss hormones. By removing toxins and restoring whole foods to a diet,
hormones can be rebalanced. This easy diet includes food lists, meal plans, and lists of
hormone-trigger foods along with easy recipes.
Healing Into Possibility
Alison Bonds Shapiro
H.J. Kramer
c/o New World Library
Box 1082, Tiburon, CA 94920
9781932073249, $14.95 www.newworldlibrary.com
Any library strong in personal growth - which should be many a general interest collection or
new age library - will welcome HEALING INTO POSSIBILITY: THE
TRANSFORMATIONAL LESSONS OF A STROKE. Anyone who has had a brain injury or
handled patients with such will recognize the experiences of the author, who suffered two
debilitating, nearly fatal strokes in her fifties and realized her attitude would be the key to how
well she recovered.
The Human Sexuality Shelf
Masters of Sex
Thomas Maier
Basic Books
c/o Perseus Publishing Group
387 Park Avenue South, New York NY 10016
9780465003075, $27.50 www.basicbooks.com
Masters and Johnson's experiments wrote the book on human sexuality, serving as foundation for
many. This history of their works shows how they began their sexuality studies in a small
Midwest laboratory, working with prostitutes and volunteers who performed more than 10,000
sexual acts for science. The nature of their experiments, their marital conflicts that evolved as
their studies received acclaim, and actual interviews with two notoriously private researchers
makes for an outstanding presentation highly recommended for any health or general lending
How Sex Works
Dr. Sharon Moalem
c/o HarperCollins
10 E. 53rd St., New York NY 10022
9780061479656, $26.99 www.harpercollins.com
DO comes packed with a satisfying blend of anecdotes and insights into myths and scientific
revolutions alike and provides a fine historical survey of medical research into sex. From how
male virility is fueled by competition to why being in love encourages fidelity, chapters survey
the excitement, idea and reality of sex in a lively manner perfect for both health and
general-interest libraries.
The Soulmate Secret
Arielle Ford
c/o HarperCollins
10 E 53rd St., New York NY 10022
9780061692376, $23.99 www.harperone.com
ATTRACTION offers an inspiring guide to attracting lasting love into your life - a partner who
will love, cherish and adore you. THE SOULMATE SECRET shows how to use the Law of
Attraction to find a true love partner, using an ancient formula and series of processes and
techniques. An outstanding survey evolves.
Don't Blame It on Rio
Jewel Woods and Karen Hunter
Grand Central Publishing
237 Park Avenue, New York NY 10017
0446178063, $23.99 www.hachettebookgroupusa.com
SEX investigates why Brazil is the destination of choice for black professional men seeking sex
and freedom they say is impossible with black women in the U.S. The trend holds results for
thousands of women caught in clandestine double lives of men who go to Rio "on business" and
to engage in risky sexual liaisons. Interviews, statistics, and often fifteen years of study of the
behavior of black men lends to a powerful study.
The Parenting Shelf
Your Pregnancy for the Father-to-Be, second edition
Glade B. Curtis, MD, MPH and Judith Schuler, MS
DaCapo Lifelong
c/o Perseus Publishing Group
2300 Chestnut #200, Philadelphia, PA 19103
9780738212753, $14.95 www.dacapopress.com
Fully updated and expanded is this second edition about pregnancy, childbirth and getting ready
for the new baby, directed to fathers. From what tests and procedures a partner may undergo to
how pregnancy will affect the relationship and assessing the financial impact of a baby, Your
Pregnancy for the Father-to-Be is an excellent guide addressed to fathers and is perfect for high
school to general lending libraries.
Easy Does It, Mom
Barbara Joy
Conari Press
65 Parker Street Suite 7, Newburyport, MA 01950
9781573244121, $14.95, www.redwheelweiser.com
Mothers are not unstoppable care machines; they are human like everyone else. "Easy Does It,
Mom: Parenting in Recovery" is a guide for mothers coping with their recovery from addictions,
whether from drugs, alcohol or even tobacco. Being a mother is a stressful job, and high stress
has a high tendency to make those in recovery relapse into their addictions for a bit of comfort in
chaotic situations. "Easy Does It, Mom" is of valuable consideration to mothers who want to
mother and stay clean at the same time.
The Science Shelf
An Introduction to The Philosophy of Science
Lisa Bortolotti
c/o Blackwell Publishing
350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148
9780745635392, $18.19, www.amazon.com
What are scientists really trying to prove anyway? "An Introduction to the Philosophy of
Science" seeks to examine the very fundamental nature of science. In a way, it is the science of
science. Filled with classical philosophical questions about science and how human ideas and
thoughts concerning science have changed through the years, to the constant raging debates of
today, "An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science" provides as much insight into science as
philosophy can bring. "An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science" is a riveting and
educational read, highly recommended.
Fixing My Gaze
Susan R. Barry
Basic Books
c/o Perseus Publishing Group
387 Park Avenue South, New York NY 10016
9780465009138, $26.00 www.basicbooks.com
tells of the neuroscientist author's trip to Manhattan and her unusual observation of a 3-D world
there when her vision changed. She had been cross-eyed and stereoblind since early infancy - so
when at age 50 her vision changed to include stereo depth for the first time in her life, it proved a
vision therapy program and its revolutionary insights on brain function to be a viable program.
Her story is eye-opening and perfect for both health and science libraries as well as general
lending collections.
The Quantum Frontier
Don Lincoln
Johns Hopkins University Press
2715 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21218-4363
0801891442, $25.00 www.press.jhu.edu
physics library: it offers an exciting assessment of the Large Haldron Collider, which runs
between France and Switzerland, and surveys just why its opening is so significant. You needn't
be a physicist to appreciate its importance, and the clear explorations in layman's terms imparts
excitement. Perfect for any general lending library strong in science.
One Hundred Essential Things You Didn't Know You Didn't Know
John D. Barrow
W.W. Norton
500 - 5th Avenue, New York NY 10110
9780393070071, $25.95 www.wwnorton.com
One Hundred Essential Things You Didn't Know You Didn't Know: Math Explains Your World
offers a key discourse from a cosmologist who surveys applied equations and advanced math - by
blending elementary math and simple drawings. Lay readers thus gain insight into common
issues ranging from crowds to 'Sod's law' and everyday phenomena from sobriety tests to tricks.
Any general lending library will find this a fun, popular read.
The Pets/Wildlife Shelf
The Dangerous World of Butterflies
Peter Laufer, Ph.D.
The Lyons Press
Box 480, Guilford, CT 06437
9781599215556, $24.95 www.lyonspress.com
CRIMINALS, COLLECTORS, AND CONSERVATIONISTS comes from the author's visit to a
butterfly preserve in Nicaragua, where he discovered an underground world of collectors and
cops obsessed with butterflies. From the natural history and ecology of the butterfly to the very
real threat of butterfly extinction, the world of museum collections, and more, this social,
political and natural history is a key acquisition for both general lending libraries and those
interested in science issues.
Spell of the Tiger
Sy Montgomery
Chelsea Green
Box 428, White River Junction, VT 05001
9781603580595, $16.95 www.chelseagreen.com
mangrove swamp and tidal delta that lies between India and Bangladesh: the only place on earth
where tigers routinely eat people. But the tigers here are revered by the people and not killed, as
in other places. Sy Montgomery's fine analysis blends adventure, natural history and cultural
insights to explore Sundarbans life and tiger protection issues in a fine survey for any general
lending library.
Journey of the Pink Dolphins
Sy Montgomery
Chelsea Green
Box 428, White River Junction, VT 05001
9781603580601, $19.95 www.chelseagreen.com
When author Sy Montgomery ventured into the Amazon jungle in search of the pink dolphins,
she found ancient whales and people who lived among them. Thus her journey opened up new
areas of discovery as she visited local villages and heard tales of villagers who believed the
dolphins are enchanted shape-shifters. A poetic adventure results, perfect for any general lending
Whatever You Do, Don't Run
Peter Allison
The Lyons Press
Box 480, Guilford, CT 06437
9780762745654, $16.95 www.thelyonspress.com
Hilarious true stories from the bush come from safari guide and author Peter Allison who has
survived many encounters with large, angry animals in his lifetimes - from charging lions to
driving tourists into a lagoon full of hippos. Any fan of wildlife or travel who wants a fun set of
stories must have this, and any general library will find it a fine leisure choice.
350 Main St., Malden, MA 02148
Scott R.R. Haskell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Ruminant (9780781753258, $150.00) is a
ruminant resource designed for quick information has been divided by topic for easy search
referencing, is listed by discipline, and covers over 400 topics from hundreds of veterinary
experts. A CD of additional topics on husbandry, reproduction and more accompanies chapters
packed with details on supportive care, follow-up monitoring, treatment, medications and
diagnosis. Every vet library must have this. Wayne E. Wingfield and Sally B. Palmer's
VETERINARY DISASTER RESPONSE (0813810140, $85.00) is also a pick for any practicing
ER vet or veterinary library. It uses a question-and-answer format to outline steps for veterinary
response to either natural or man-made disasters, covering training, procedures, and applied
science in the field. Any practicing vet needs this, which comes packed with color photos, charts,
and sidebars of at-a-glance information. Also key to serious collections is Wayne E. Wingfield,
$70.00), a comprehensive guide to providing first aid to service dogs and horses. Common
injuries and uncommon scenarios - including bomb blasts, chemical injury and biological
contamination - are covered in a guide offering quick reference for emergency animal techs.
Michael Schaer's CLINICAL SIGNS IN SMALL ANIMAL MEDICINE (9781840760934,
$149.99) comes from one of the world's leading veterinary clinicians and teachers and offers over
400 clinical cases representing his experiences in practice. These are arranged by subject and
presented in over 800 color photos plus discussions of diagnosis and treatment. Mary Bromiley's
$44.00) appears in its second edition covering natural and domestic habitats and holistic methods of
treatment for common horse ailments. From acupuncture and massage to homeopathy, it's packed
with applied alternative medicine that's been tested in the field. The third edition of D. Phillip
Sponenberg's EQUINE COLOR GENETICS (0813813646, $80.00) offers discussions of horse
and donkey colors, details of their identification, and their genetic control. The latest advances in
color genetics for breeders of horses, donkeys and mules provides a blend of science and owner's
guide and provides vets and equine breeders with many specifics including discussions of five
new colors. Practicing vets will find these key references.
The Comix/Graphic Novel Shelf
Gestalt Volume 1
Yun Kouga
Viz Communications Inc.
295 Bay Street, San Francisco, CA 94133
9781421526904 $8.99 www.viz.com 1-800-394-3042
Presented in unflipped format (read right-to-left, just as the author originally drew it), Gestalt
Volume 1 is a black-and-white manga (Japanese graphic novel) that takes a sharp twist on the
usual fantasy-adventure saga! Father Olivier is a peaceful cleric undergoing a crisis of faith - all
his life he has been taught that a terrible banished demon god whose name cannot be spoken (he
is known only as "G") is the embodiment of evil - but is this really true? Could the legends about
G be a distorted story as told by the victors of the conflict? Olivier befriends Ouri, a young
girl from the south who cannot speak. But she is anything other than demure - her violent side is
a superhuman entity that considers clashing with others of her kind a fantastic game, regardless
of the fallout to surrounding humans or their cities! The dark elf Suzu has been sent to stop
Olivier; when she catches up to him, does she (or Olivier) have a prayer of weathering Ouri's
wild side? An exciting wild journey begins, in this action-packed story where for once, it is the
male member of the adventuring party who is a soft-spoken priest! Recommended for older teen
readers due to some violence (and very skimpy clothing).
The International Studies Shelf
The Uncertain Business of Doing Good
Larry Krotz
Michigan State University Press
1405 South Harrison Road, Suite 25, East Lansing, MI 48823-5245
9780870138522, $24.95, www.msupress.msu.edu
Africa is a problem that boggles those who want only to help. "The Uncertain Business of Doing
Good: Outsiders in Africa" discusses the influence of westerners in Africa and their attempts at
benevolence to the African people, who have been ravaged throughout the continent by civil war,
famine, and disease. How much aid is too much (such as an overabundance of cheap donated
food driving local farmers out of business)? What fallout does competition between different
humanitarian groups have? Author Larry Kotz presents a scholarly discussion of the overall
impact of outsiders in Africa. "The Uncertain Business of Doing Good" is educational and highly
The Media Relations Department of Hizbollah Wishes You a Happy Birthday
Neil MacFarquhar
Public Affairs
250 West 57th St Suite 1321, New York NY 10107
9781586486358, $26.95 www.publicaffairsbooks.com
"The Media Relations Department of Hizbollah Wishes You a Happy Birthday: Unexpected
Encounters in the Changing Middle East" provides a New York Times journalist's experiences in
the changing region. Neil MacFarquhar worked in the region since the 1970s and is the perfect
choice to document its transitions based on personal experience. His focus is on lesser-known
men and women pioneering political and social change, making this a vivid survey and a 'must'
for any collection strong in contemporary Middle East events.
Backstabbing for Beginners
Michael Soussan
Nation Books
116 E. 16th St., 8th Floor, New York NY 10003
9781568583976, $25.95 www.nationbooks.org
In 1997 author Michael Soussan, an idealistic new college graduate, accepted his dream job at
the U.N.'s 'Oil for Food' program. His mission was to help Iraqis survive the economic sanctions
imposed following the invasion of Kuwait. His new view into the flow of money in the region
and the pros and cons of international diplomacy - including his discovery that Hussein was
extracting illegal bribes while U.N. officials ignore his actions - makes for a powerful story of
diplomacy behind the scenes and deserves a spot on the shelf of any college library.
Descent into Chaos
Ahmed Rashid
375 Hudson, New York NY 10014
9780143115571, $18.00 www.penguin.com
AFGHANISTAN, AND CENTRAL ASIA comes from a regional reporter who offers an
eye-opening account of the damage U.S. actions has done to the region. His latest considers the
promised nation building, which has not only not resulted in stability but has led to an unstable
nuclear-armed Pakistan, a renewed Al Qaeda, and more. Changing global policies in the region
should be key on any upcoming agenda, lest disasters continue: that's the message of a
hard-hitting analysis recommended for any library strong in current global issues.
The Cookbook Shelf
What We Eat When We Eat Alone
Deborah Madison and Patrick McFarlin
Gibbs Smith
Box 667, Layton, UT 84041
1423604962, $24.99 www.gibbs-smith.com
Cookbook author Deborah Madison set out to learn what people eat when nobody's around, and
here provides a satisfying blend of memoir and recipes covering food choices, influences on
these choices, and relationships with food. From Sardines on Toast to Three-Minute Tuna with
Salsa Verde, it's a lively, fun coverage any general lending library will find popular.
Great Chefs Cook Vegan
Linda Long
Gibbs Smith
Box 667, Layton, UT 84041
142360153X, $35.00 www.gibbs-smith.com
Recipes from over twenty great Vegan chefs - many award-winners - accompany color photos
peppering GREAT CHEFS COOK VEGAN. Each chef provides a three- or four-course meal
packed with flavor and many unusual combinations - all true to vegan lifestyle - in a book highly
recommended for any general lending library catering to vegans.
Slow Cookers for Dummies
Tom Lacalamita
Wiley Publishing
909 Third Ave, New York NY 10022
9780764552403, $16.99 www.wiley.com
Learn how to adjust cooker times to schedules, intensity food flavor before slow cooking, and
enjoy easy dishes for holidays and entertainment using the slow cooker (crock pot) and this
guide. From a braised Lemon and Thyme Pork Stew to Baked Apples and Curried Chicken with
Rice, this is packed with easy dishes. No color photos, but the easy fare doesn't need 'em.
The Asian Barbecue Book
Alex Skaria
Charles Tuttle
364 Innovation Drive, North Clarendon, VT 05759-9436
9780804840446, $29.95 www.tuttlepublishing.com
This book on Asian barbecue will provide grillers with lots of Asian-inspired meals and comes
from an author who traveled and ate barbecue throughout Asia. All the recipes can be made with
the usual backyard grill, and include side bars and tips on cooking with both regular and exotic
meat choices. Any collection strong in Asian or barbecue cookery needs this!
Meat Smoking and Smokehouse Design
Stanley, Adam, and Robert Marianski
Bookmagic LLC
11771 Park Blvd., Seminole, FL 33772
9780982426708, $19.95, www.book-magic.com
Quality takes time. "Meat Smoking and Smokehouse Design" is a comprehensive instructional
guide to the world of smoking meats, ranging from construction of one's own smokehouse to the
methodology for smoking various meats. With many illustrations and practical advice, "Meat
Smoking and Smokehouse Design" effectively educates readers about the processes of smoking
meat, along with offering highly detailed recipes and valuable tips. "Meat Smoking and
Smokehouse Design" is a must for the smokehouse 'do-it-yourself' enthusiast.
The Needlecraft Shelf
Pieced Applique: More Blocks & Projects
Penny Haren
Landauer Publishing
3100 NW 101st St., Urbandale, IA 50322
9780980068849, $27.95 www.landuaercorp.com
PENNY HAREN'S PIECED APPLIQUE is the second in the series of Pieced Applique block
and project books and packs in new techniques, blocks which can be completed in less than an
hour, points and curves, and more. There are quick practice projects, blocks that can be easily
hand appliqued, and more in an outstanding new title highly recommended.
Martingale & Company
20205 - 144th Avenue NE, Woodinville, WA 98072-8478
(9781564778901, $24.99) provides projects which can be used from a stash or precut Jelly Rolls,
featuring easy triangle-free piecing in a range of fabrics for all quilting skills levels. Sidebars of
information accompany color photos and patterns for quick and easy use. Perfect for any library
strong in quilting options. Debby Kratovil's SUPERSIZE 'EM: 22 QUILTS FROM OVERSIZED
BLOCKS (9781564778734, $27.99) is a pick for any quilter's library, offering tips on how to use
oversized big blocks to maximum effort for projects from lap-sized to bed-sized quilts. From
piecing and easy applique to making table runners and other offshoots from the same pattern, it's
packed with winning, easy guides and color photos throughout.
Quilting UFOs with Helen's Hints
Helen Squire
American Quilter's Society
Box 3290, Paducah, KY 42002-3290
9781574329704, $24.95 www.americanquilter.com
A four-question formula allows quilters to focus on quilting choices needed for all unfinished
projects and offers over 100 original patterns in full-size options with 45 illustrated examples of
borders, blocks, strips and more. 17 chapters offer easy reference on fabric choices, marking
techniques and more in an oversized presentation perfect for active quilters with puzzling
projects at a standstill.
Knitting in the Sun
Kristi Porter
John Wiley
111 River St., Hoboken, NJ 07030
9780470416662, $22.99 www.wiley.com
Over 30 projects designed to knit and wear in warm weather offers knitters sleeveless tops,
short-sleeved and lightweight clothing, and summer light cardigans plus accessories. Patterns
offer fun contemporary designs and color photos embellish step-by-step directions in a pick
perfect for any knitting library, especially those seeking lighter summer projects.
The Fantasy/SciFi Shelf
Stephen Baxter
375 Hudson, New York NY 10014
9780451462718, $24.95 www.penguin.com
Imagine a future world where rising waters are outpacing expectations and immersing
civilization, and where a few fore-sighted individuals have devised temporary stop gates to
extinction. Now imagine even these resources become overwhelmed. FLOOD offers a realistic,
frightening survey of a future world consumed and provides a bold saga reinforced with strong
characterizations throughout. Any science fiction reader and library will find it a riveting
Sharon Lee & Steve Miller
Baen Books
Box 1403, Riverdale, NY 10471
1416591532, $24.00 www.baen.com
The Vaitura has long been hidden from the human world, but is the battleground for competing
fairy races - including a half-human, half-Fey woman injected into the picture and a convalescing
Ranger known as Longeye. Here Rebecca is held against her will in service to the Queen - and
must escape her captors to form new, dangerous alliances in this riveting fantasy saga, perfect for
libraries strong in action fantasy presentations.
Fall of Light
Nina Kiriki Hoffman
375 Hudson, New York NY 10014
9780441014682, $24.95 www.penguin.com
Opal is a makeup artist working on location in Oregon, who uses her talent to turn Corvus into
the Dark God, enabling him to vanish into the role. But when Corvus' acting turns too real, Opal
suspects possession and a power from beyond the norm in this riveting blend of romance and
fantasy, perfect for any science fiction or fantasy library.
The Business Shelf
Handbook for Developing Emotional and Social Intelligence
Marcia Hughes, et al.
c/o Wiley-Blackwell
1 Wiley Drive, Somerset, NJ 08875
9780470190883, $75.00, www.pfeiffer.com
One thing a human resources manager must understand above all else is humans. Compiled and
presented by the editorial team of Marcia Hughes, Henry L. Thompson, and James Bradford
Terrell, "Handbook for Developing Emotional and Social Intelligence: Best Practices, Case
Studies, and Strategies" is a complete and comprehensive guide for human resources managers
on best approaching their work when it comes to managing the people on their workforce. Every
individual is different and needs a different approach to good management to increase
productivity and skill. With chapters focusing on coaching, IQ and EQ, focusing on the
exceptional employees, and more, Marcia Hughes and her team give managers what they need to
make their company the best it can be. "Handbook for Developing Emotional and Social
Intelligence" is enhanced with indexes, appendixes, and references, making it a must for any
business collection.
Leaders Make the Future
Bob Johansen
235 Montgomery Street, Suite 5550, San Francisco, CA 94104-2916
9781605090023, $26.95, www.amazon.com
Times change, as do the skills need to lead people. "Leaders Make the Future: Ten New
Leadership Skills for an Uncertain World" is a guide to a world author Bob Johansen refers to as
a VUCA world. VUCA stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, and
Johansen writes that the traditional tactics so often employed will not likely get the job done in a
world that so staunchly defies tradition. Outlining ten skills that will help even experienced
corporate business leaders learn new tricks, "Leaders Make the Future" is a very much
recommended read, and a must for anyone charged with supervisory responsibilities.
The Mobile Marketing Handbook
Kim Dushinski
Information Today Inc.
143 Old Marlton Pike, Medford, NJ 08055
9780910965828, $29.95 www.infotoday.com
DYNAMIC MOBILE MARKETING CAMPAIGNS is simply a 'must' for any serious business
library. It shows how organizations can create successful mobile campaigns with a minimum of
funding, teaching how to reach new prospects and build a new kind of campaign based on new
technology. An outstanding presentation.
Online Communities Handbook
Anna Buss & Nancy Strauss
New Riders
1249 - 8th St, Berkeley CA 94710
0321605888, $34.99 www.newriders.com
WEB provides any business owner with the keys to building online community support, from
creating brand loyalty and bringing in new business to using free advertising opportunities and
using communities to uncover market trends and new ideas. From social networks for
brand-building to online etiquette in business promotions, ONLINE COMMUNITIES
Beautiful Teams
Andrew Stellman & Jennifer Greene
1005Gravenstein Hwy N, Sebastopol, CA 95472
9780596518028, $39.99 www.oreilly.com
Libraries strong in software engineering guides will welcome BEAUTIFUL TEAMS:
to build and work with an effective team, showing how good software can be built even by
people who don't get along, and it shows team leaders how to keep everyone on track. This key
acquisition is a 'must' with contributions from a range of successful team leaders.
The New Influencers
Paul Gillin
Quill Driver Books
2006 S. Mary, Fresno, CA 93721
9781884956942, $16.95 www.quilldriverbooks.com
Libraries strong in marketing and business books will relish THE NEW INFLUENCERS: A
MARKETER'S GUIDE TO THE NEW SOCIAL MEDIA. It covers the marketing and PR
possibilities of this new media, using real examples of how organizations are communicating
more effectively and discussing how the Web has changed public reception and media efforts
alike. Case studies tie ideas to real-world scenarios in this outstanding presentation.
The Google Way
Bernard Girard
No Starch Press
555 Deharo #250, San Francisco CA 94107
9781593271848, $24.95 www.nostarch.com
WE KNOW IT comes from a management consultant who has been analyzing Google since its
foundation in 1998, and who here explores its innovations and their applications to other
business models. Many of Google's successful innovations are far removed from the 'best
practices' of usual business approaches, making this a powerful guide for all kinds of business
users and libraries catering to them.
90 Days to Success as a Project Manager
Paul Sanghera, PhD, Pmp
Course Technology
20 Channel Center St, Boston MA 02210
1598638696, $19.99 www.courseptr.com
First-time project managers can hit the ground running and avoid the usual mistakes from
inexperience with 90 Days to Success as a Project Manager, an introduction to five keys to
successful project management. From planning and executing the project to monitoring,
controlling workflow and fluxes, and closing out the project, this covers everything from time
and cost management to scope and quality, packing in explanations of both daily routines and
bigger pictures. An outstanding title any business library must have.
The Jobs/Careers Shelf
The Amazing Adventures of Working Girl
Karen Burns
Running Press
2300 Chestnut St, Philadelphia PA 19103
9780762433483, $14.95 www.runningpress.com
YOU CAN ACTUALLY USE comes from Working Girl, who has had 59 jobs over 40 years in
22 cities and four countries - and only got fired from one of the jobs. Her extensive background
lends to a set of job survival tips presented in highlighted blocks and with accompanying fun
cartoon figures. Perfect for high school collections and college libraries catering to new workers,
as well as any general lending library.
Becoming an Interior Designer, second edition
Christine M. Piotrowski, FASID, IIDA
10475 Crosspoint Blvd, Indianapolis, IN 46256
9780470114230, $39.95 www.wiley.com
This latest, updated guide to becoming an interior designer offers tips from a range of
practitioners and educators about the professional requirements and business of interior design.
This is in the form of various interviews synthesizing the advice of design experts. Sidebars of
information, discussions of specific design challenges from hospitality design to other specialties,
job challenges in the industry, and more are accompanied by insider's specifics to make for a
'must' for any business or career collection.
The Social Issues Shelf
Flat Broke in the Free Market
Jon Jeter
W.W. Norton
500 - 5th St., New York NY 10110
9780393065077, $25.95 www.wwnorton.com
Growing up in an African American family, Jon Jeter watched the jobs in his Midwestern town
vanish - and as a Washington Post journalist, he reported on free-market reforms of the IMF
which created a new underclass. He's traveled the world to document how similar underclasses
were created by large entities like World Bank, and FLAT BROKE IN THE FREE MARKET:
rituals and results of a free global economy. High school to college-level libraries will find this
Images of America
R. L. Bruckberger
Transaction Publishers
The State University of New Jersey,
35 Berrue Circle, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8042
1412806542, $24.95, www.transactionpub.com
An outsider's view is sometimes necessary for a clear and objective outlook. "Images of America:
A Political, Industrial and Social Portrait" was originally composed by Frenchman R. L.
Bruckberger, who had seen much of America during his life and on the whole, admired the
country. But Bruckberger was not without his criticisms; he offers an honest and frank view of
the country, noting how often America can be blind to its flaws. "Images of America" is a fine
pick, highly recommended.
Ways You Can Help, Pick One
Colin Ingram & Robert D. Reed
Robert D. Reed Publishers
PO Box 1992, Bandon, OR 97411
9781934759301, $14.95, www.rdrpublishers.com
Making a difference is not a difficult thing to do. One just needs to approach it right. "Ways You
Can Help, Pick One: The World, the Nation, Your Region, Your Community" is a guide to
making a difference by focusing on what one really wants to do and finding out how to help that
cause. Attempting to inspire readers to believe in the innate goodness and power of people,
authors Ingram and Reed offer a positive, educational message about literally changing the
world. "Ways You Can Help, Pick One" is a practical world saver's guide, highly
In Bed with the Word
Daniel Coleman
The University of Alberta Press
Ring House 2, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, T6G 2EI
9780888645074, $19.95, www.uap.ualberta.ca
The world is so fast and loud, but how much good would some extra time of peace and mediation
do? "In Bed with the Word" is author Daniel Coleman's claim that the world would be a much
better place if people slowed down and stopped to enjoy life, as well as embrace the written word
more thoroughly. Calling the modern world a culture of distraction, Coleman makes many
interesting points through his work. "In Bed with the Word" is a fine and highly recommended
piece of social issues writing.
The Judaic Studies Shelf
Religious Zionism Post Disengagement: Future Directions
Chaim I. Waxman, Editor
KTAV Publishing
930 Newark Ave, Jersey City, NJ 07306
9781602800229, $30.00 www.ktav.com
Religious Zionism is viewed as facing major challenges in Israel and the Diaspora, and this
scholarly collection by some of the most dynamic writers in the Modern Orthodox community
provides analytical essays which focus on the challenge of being a Religious Zionist in the
Diaspora. An outstanding collection of scholarly discussions, this is a pick for any college-level
Zionist collection.
The Religion/Spirituality Shelf
God is Back
John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge
Penguin Press
375 Hudson St, New York NY 10014
9781594202131, $27.95 www.penguin.com
Religion and belief is surging around the world, in all cultures from Russia to India and in
nations that swore off faith decades ago. Intellectuals have long assumed modernization would
kill religion - GOD IS BACK argues that religion and modern society can actually thrive
together, and statistics back this up. An intriguing survey of the increased importance of God in
modern life, this deserves a place on both spirituality and general library shelves.
Baha'u'llah and the New Era
J.E. Esslemont
Baha'i Publishing
415 Linden Avenue, Wilmette, IL 60091-2844
1931847274, $14.00, www.amazon.com
Who are the Baha'i? "Baha'u'llah and the New Era: An Introduction to the Baha'i Faith" serves to
explain this religion to readers, as the Baha'i faith begins to gain much steam in today's world.
Elaborating on this faith, its history, its principles, and more, "Baha'u'llah and the New Era" is
particularly recommended to those who are trying to figure out whether the Baha'i faith is the
right one for them.
Eat Sleep Sit
Kaoru Nonomura
Kodansha America, Inc.
575 Lexington Avenue, 23rd Floor, New York, NY 10022
9784770030757, $24.95 www.kodansha-intl.com
Nonomura, who left his family, girlfriend and job as a Tokyo designer to undertake a year of
ascetic training at one of the most rigorous Zen monasteries in Japan. His story of that year's
experiences became a bestseller in his native Japan and here offers U.S. audiences fine insights
into the Zen monastery experience.
The Audiobook Shelf
Brilliance Audio
PO Box 887, Grand Haven, MI 49417
Veteran narrator Joyce Bean provides a vivid story in Kay Hooper's BLOOD SINS (1423333047,
$32.99), lending experience and drama to the story of young Tessa, who is the 'perfect victim'
figure and recruited to play the role of a grieving widow in an FBI sting. Her entry into the
guarded compound of a cult world makes for vivid drama in an audio recommended for both
prior and new fans of Kay Hooper. James Hollis, Ph.D.'s WHAT MATTERS MOST: LIVING A
MORE CONSIDERED LIFE (1423378385, $29.95) receives Jim Bond's reading, bringing alive
an account of beliefs, values, and how to embrace growth over security. An excellent survey of
leading a more meaningful life. Andrew Klavan's EMPIRE OF LIES (1423312899, $34.95)
receives the author's own dramatic reading and tells of one James harrow, who must risk his
sanity and his life to solve a dangerous conspiracy that threatens the country. He has only hours
to decipher an ex-lover's lies in this dramatic, vivid adventure perfect for audio lending libraries.
Any library strong in Biblical meaning needs the very basic James L. Kugel collection HOW TO
Mel Foster adds a fine voice seasoned by a long acting career to this survey of recent biblical
scholarship and differences of biblical interpretations between researchers. A fine survey of
traditional, Bible-based faith and differences in interpretations that lead to Biblical dilemmas
today. Stephen Coonts and William H. Keith's DEEP BLACK: ARCTIC GOLD (1423344057,
$34.99) blends a fine narration by Phil Gigante with the story of two American intelligence
operatives kidnapped while investigating Russian submarines. Dean is sent to the Arctic to
rescue them - where she learns a dangerous truth about Russia and its Arctic oil. Excels in high
audio drama. Daniel Silva's THE UNLIKELY SPY (1423368320, $38.99) receives Michael
Page's seasoned voice as it provides a wartime novel of intrigue, lies, and an unknown spy who
works against Allied battle plans for D-Day. World War II espionage at its best. Stephen J.
Cannell's ON THE GRIND (1423326709, $36.99) provides a fine Shane Scully novel backed by
Scott Brick's powerful, seasoned audio voice as it tells of Scully, charged with felony misconduct
in a murder case, and newly resigned from his job, facing divorce. He seeks employment from a
police department used to acquiring rejects and finds himself harassed and under security from
his own new department. A fine, tense thriller evolves.
Penguin Audio
375 Hudson St, New York NY 10014
Veteran narrator Frank Muller provides a vivid recording - one of his last - in Stephen King's
THE BREATHING METHOD (9780143143932, $19.95), telling of an exclusive membership
club based on a telling of tales. When one story turns into a nightmare for all listeners, chaos
emerges in this fine chilling listen for any fan of King or stories with satisfying twists and turns
of plot. Also vivid is King's DESPERATION (9780143143895, $39.95), with Kathy Bates
providing a fine narrative to accompany the story of a Nevada mining town patrolled by a lunatic
policeman. Stephen King's THINNER (9780143143901, $39.95) receives Joe Mantegna's fine
TV and stage credits which lend drama and excitement to the story of one Billy, a successful
father and lawyer who is overweight, until he visits a gypsy and invokes her unusual wrath. John
Sandford's WICKED PREY (9780143144526, $39.95) pairs actor Richard Ferrone's
award-winning narrative voice with the story of one Lucas Davenport, whose teen daughter
becomes the target for a psychotic sniper who blames Davenport for his shooting. A dangerous
cat-and-mouse game evolves in this fine unabridged presentation (those who wish abridged may
also enjoy Ferrone's smooth voice in an abridged version (9780143144533, $29.95). These are all
outstanding audios.
Hachette Audio
237 Park Avenue, NY, NY 10017-0010
THE 4TH OF JULY, THE 5TH HORSEMAN, THE 6TH TARGET are all included in this
second box set of James Patterson's 'Women's Murder Club' series, Women's Murder Club Box
Set V. 2 (9781600246814, $39.98), making for a winning audio listen powered by Carolyn
McCormick's film background and fine voice. From a San Francisco female police lieutenant's
showdown and the disgrace of the department as a result to her association with an attorney
investigating mysterious patient deaths and a crime spree involving the kidnapping of children
from rich families, these are fine connected crime-solving thrillers. James Patterson's MAX
(9781600244469, $22.98) receives Jill Apple's voice-over talents and background as it tells of
Max and her clan, moved to Los Angeles where an assassin engages them in a battle for survival.
Fans of the prior Maximum Ride will find high adventures continue in this audio. James
Patterson's THE 8TH CONFESSION (9781600245404, $39.98) receives a spirited reading by
Carolyn McCormick and tells of how the Women's Murder Club is tracking a killer attracted to
the very rich. McCormick's reading brings to life a fine Women's Murder Club new episode - and
the only this year this far. Ted Dekker's BONEMAN'S DAUGHTERS (9781600246043, $34.98)
receives a fine reading by actor Robert Petkoff, who has appeared on various TV and Broadway
shows, and who lends a seasoned, professional voice to the story of BoneMan, a serial killer who
abducts and injures young women, and an intelligence officer who has problems with women in
his own life. A riveting thriller evolves.
The Sports Shelf
Triathlon 101, second edition
John Mora
Human Kinetics
Box 5076, Champaign, IL 61825-5076
0736079440, $18.95 www.hkusa.com
The second updated edition of the best-selling guide TRIATHLON 101 is a winning survey
offering more updated information and tips on choosing equipment for both budget and terrain,
creating your own triathlon program for different events and distances, preventing over training,
and more. Packed with sample training programs and the latest equipment options, this is a pick
for any library strong in sports.
Cycling Anatomy
Shannon Sovndal, MD
Human Kinetics
Box 5076, Champaign, IL 61825-5076
0736075879, $21.95 www.hkusa.com
What does it take to maximize cycling power and speed? Over seventy proven cycling exercises
come with step-by-step instructions and color anatomical illustrations of muscles in action,
making this a 'must' for any performance-oriented cyclist. From modifying exercises for target
muscles and goals to developing training based on individual goals, it's a 'must' for cyclists.
The Computer Shelf
Agile Web Development with Rails, third edition
Sam Rudy, Dave Thomas, David Heinemeier Hansson, et.al.
Pragmatic Programmers
1934356166, $43.95 www.pragmaticprogrammer.com
The third updated edition of Agile Web Development with Rails is a manual no Ruby library or
web programmer's development collection should be without. Rails has evolved and this book
has changed to match it, still offering step-by-step discussions of all application development
issues and offering tips on how to blend Ajax and other web services into Ruby's mix. Rails 2 is
covered in detail in this excellent programmer's guide.
Going to War
Jason Daeby
Course Technology
20 Channel Center, Boston, MA 02210
1598635662, $39.99 www.courseptr.com
industry person who wants to know how to get started with game programming. It covers the
basics of using the drag/drop game engine Multimedia Fusion 2 and shows how to use the
interface to create a game that forms the basis of every lesson in the book, producing a working
result at books end. Any game programmer or library catering to beginning computer game
creators will find this inviting.
IWork '09
Josh Clark
Pogue Press
c/o O'Reilly
1005 Gravenstein Hwy North, Sebastopol, CA 95472
9780596157586, $39.99 www.oreilly.com
iWork '09: The Missing Manual provides coverage of Apple's collection of programs for creating
slideshows, documents and spreadsheets, explaining how and when to use each feature and
surveying everything from charts and animation to creating professional-style documents. A
powerful pick for any business library where Apple computers are a key feature.
1005 Gravenstein Hwy North, Sebastopol, CA 95472
Eben Hewitt's JAVA SOA COOKBOOK (9780596520724, $49.99) provides programmers and
collections catering to them with a fine review of SOA architecture standards, packed with Java
and XML code and recipes alike. From building data models for SOA applications and
real-world web services to improving reliability and working with forms, URIs, and custom
bindings, this is a 'must' for any serious web programmer working with Java applications. David
Pogue's IMOVIE '08 & IDVD (0596516193, $39.99) covers the basics of film technique and
Mac film potentials, from editing basics to locating an audience on the Web, exporting files,
distributing movies on DVDs, and more. Any library strong in video production and computer
filmmaking needs this. Computer libraries will also relish Alan Beaulieu's LEARNING SQL,
2ND EDITION (9780596520830, $39.99), updated for the latest database management systems
including Server 2008 and Oracle 11g. It provides self-contained lessons on key SQL techniques
and shows how to create database objects, interact sets with queries, and convert data. A 'must'
for any SQL programmer.
Eclipse Modeling Project
Richard C. Gronback
Addison Wesley
c/o Pearson Education
801 East 96th Street, 3rd floor, Indianapolis, IN 46240-3759
0321534077, $54.99 www.informit.com/aw
QUALITY WITH MDD AND ECLIPSE-BASED DSLS is for any Java programming library
strong in domain-specific languages and software engineering guides. It covers the benefits of a
model-based approach and surveys the Eclipse Modeling Project's ability to create new DSLs. An
outstanding survey evolves in a technical title recommended for any advanced computer
Javascript for Programmers
Paul J. Deitel and Harvey M. Deitel
Prentice Hall/PTR
c/o Pearson Education
801 East 96th Street, 3rd floor, Indianapolis, IN 46240-3759
0137001312, $39.99 www.informit.com/ph
Programming libraries must have Javascript for Programmers, a guide to XHTML, CSS, XML
and more. It applies the author's infamous live-code approach to JavaScript operations,
presenting the basics in the form of over a hundred tested programs with 6,000 lines of code and
detailed descriptions. RIA development is covered in detail plus there's a website with download
code examples and free updated for this book online. A 'must' for any library catering to
professional programmers.
The Education Shelf
Corwin Press
2455 Teller Rd, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320
Mavis G. Sanders and Steven B. Sheldon's PRINCIPALS MATTER: A GUIDE TO SCHOOL,
FAMILY, AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS (9781412960427, $28.95) is a research-based
resource showcasing the work of principals who have fostered partnerships in schools. From
leadership abilities to how principals can work with families in special situations, it's a 'must' for
any principal who wishes to do more than assess performances. John L. Badgett and Edwin P.
THE COGNITIVE DOMAIN (9781412971201, $58.95) covers the progression of instruction for
elementary schools, from professional developmental activities to designing logical exercises and
routines for kids. An excellent guide to formulating a series of assessment 'steps', this is a pick
for any education library. Ellen Meyers, et.al.'s THE POWER OF TEACHER NETWORKS
(9781412967174, $26.95) provides a call to action for national public schools, explaining how
supporting and investing in teachers can be achieved. Teacher collaboration is promoted in a
blend of a how-to manual for building teacher networks and chronicle of successful efforts. The
second updated edition of Hank Rubin's COLLABORATIVE LEADERSHIP (9781512965446,
$28.95) tells how communities and schools can achieve effective partnerships, and is written to
inspire and support educators in becoming collaborative leaders. From a review of education
collaborative processes at work to tips on how to establish peer and student partnerships, this is
an inspirational guide packed with examples of collaboration at its best. Cara Shores' A
INTERVENTIONS (9781412962957, $31.95) comes from a nationally-known expert who shows
how schools have successfully used RTI to improve behavior in general education. From basic
issues with RTI's tier system to tips on building teams and using RTI effectively, this is a fine
pick for any education collection.
The American History Shelf
American Heroes
Edmund S. Morgan
W.W. Norton
500 - 5th Avenue, New York NY 10110
9780393070101, $27.95 www.wwnorton.com
AMERICA provides a powerful survey including several new heroes of American history,
considering both Colonial leaders and lesser-knowns alike. These are all men and women who
went against the grain and made names for themselves. Any high school to college-level
collection strong in American history will relish this lively exploration.
The Art Shelf
Painting the Body Beautiful
Art Ketchum
Atlantic Publishing Group
1405 SW 6th Ave, Ocala, FL 34471-0640
9781601382696, $34.95 www.atlantic-pub.com
Body art at its best is profiled in PAINTING THE BODY BEAUTIFUL, a stunning collection of
body painting images organized by theme and captured in photos by Art Ketchum, documenting
the painting work of Jim Brando. The first section holds a step-by-step description of the painting
process including materials; the rest shows finished works including the models in process of
being painted.
Between Brushstrokes
Joan Brady
Hudson Hills Press
3556 Main, Manchester, VT 05254
1555953018, $50.00 www.hudsonhills.com
Joan Brady has made a name for herself with her watercolor paintings and her work blends light
and dark with everyday scenes and images, paired with her poem and prose pieces that follow her
seasonal observations. Her autobiographical blend of writings and paintings, her second
'artbiography' offers celebrations of daily life and the artist's attempts to capture these in
watercolor, and is a top pick for any art library.
The Photography Shelf
Mary Richardson
Mark Batty Publisher
36 West 37th Street, Suite 409, New York, NY 10018
9780979966682, $32.95, www.markbattypublisher.com
They are the unsung heroes of American commerce, hauling goods across the country coast to
coast. "Truckers" is a collection of photography, both color and black and white, focusing on the
people who deliver many of the goods and services of America. Offering insights into the lives of
these lone drivers who spend much of their time on the road, far away from their families,
"Truckers" is an intriguing and poignant look into the trucking industry and the people who
dedicate their lives to it.
The 50 Greatest Photo Opportunities in New York City
Amadou Diallo
Course Technology Cengage Learning
25 Thomson Place, Boston, MA 02210
Gulotta Communications (publicity)
341 Lexington Street, Newton, MA 02466
9781598637991, $29.99, www.courseptr.com
There are few cities more photogenic than New York. "The 50 Greatest Photo Opportunities in
New York City" is a guide for the photo taker who plans on visiting the Big Apple with camera
in hand. Pointing out the most captivating views one can find throughout the city, from pieces of
natural beauty to gorgeous skylines, author Amadou Diallo has created the perfect companion to
more traditional travel guides. "The 50 Greatest Photo Opportunities in New York City" is a
must for New York City tourists who value photography as their hobby.
Night Shift
Lynn Saville
Monacelli Press
c/o Random House
1745 Broadway, New York NY 10019
9781580932196, $45.00 www.atrandom.com
Lynn Saville's photos capture New York during its transition time from daylight to night, when
twilight lights up its structures, advertisements, and features and natural light gives way to
artificial lighting. The result is eye-catching, disturbingly different angles and perspectives
offering a unique New York landscape in a collection highly recommended for any library strong
in contemporary photography works.
Canon EOS Rebel XS/1000D Digital SLR Photography
David D. Busch
Course Technology
20 Channel Center St., Boston, MA 02210
159863903X, $29.99 www.courseptr.com
Owners of the digital Canon EOS Rebel will appreciate an in-depth survey of one of the most
advanced entry-level cameras Canon has ever made. From choosing lenses and electronic flash
options to selecting shutter speeds, using Live View, and troubleshooting tips, this is the owner's
manual that should have been in the box, and is a top pick for any Canon owner.
The Hot Shoe Diaries
Joe McNally
New Riders
c/o Pearson Technology Group
801 East 96th Street, #300, Indianapolis, IN 46240-3759
0321580141, $39.99 www.newriders.com
and create results from light, and comes form the author's thirty years working for National
Geographic, Time, Life and other big-name publications noted for their exceptional images. Here
Joe McNally shares his tips for lighting in all situations using Nikon Speedlights, and provides
fine keys to using these small flashes to maximum effect. Any library catering to photographers
needs this.
The Military Shelf
A More Unbending Battle
Peter N. Nelson
Basic Civitas
c/o Perseus Publishing Group
387 Park Avenue South, New York NY 10016
9780465003174, $27.50 www.basiccivitasbooks.com
FREEDOM IN WWI AND EQUALITY AT HOME provides the powerful story of the first
Afro-American regiment to fight in World War 1. Journalist Peter Nelson details the story of a
troop recruited from all walks of Harlem life, which became one of most successful regiments of
the war. An excellent pick for any library strong in both military history and social issues.
The Poetry Shelf
I Wish I Had A Heart Like Yours, Walt Whitman
Jude Nutter
University of Notre Dame Press
310 Flanner Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556
9780268036638, $20.00 www.undpress.nd.edu 1-800-621-2736
National and international award-winning poet Jude Nutter presents I Wish I Had A Heart Like
Yours, Walt Whitman, an anthology of free-verse poetry that examines the tragedies of war and
conflict. Nutter takes a different view of such things than legendary poet Walt Whitman; her
verse sings with a heavy heart as she disagrees with him, drawing upon the suffering that has
taken place in Rwando, Sarajevo, Nagasaki, and both world wars. Nutter also rebuts Whitman's
belief that animals are placid, self-contained, and guiltless; through a series of animal poems,
Nutter points to the terrible violence and tragedy that affects the natural lives of animals. A
compelling and thought-provoking collection, highly recommended. "Look No Further": "It
doesn't matter how little we are given - / watches, belt buckles, splinters of bone. Imagine / the
discipline it must take to recognize, / when they have spent years in the ground, the teeth // of
someone you love. It should / make us grateful to know it is possible / to love with such
attention. Imagine the safe, / banked taste of the soil; even the ghost of the body long / gone now
inside the earth's dark bag."
The Spoils
Ted Mathys
Coffee House Press
79 Thirteenth Avenue NE, Suite 110, Minneapolis, MN 55413
9781566892308, $16.00, www.amazon.com
Some people express their ideas through blogs; some express them through long-winded articles.
Ted Mathys expresses his thoughts through poetry. "The Spoils" is a collection of political poetry
bringing readers Mathys' unique style, and much to enjoy. "The Spoils" is a fresh approach to
political writing, a top pick. "First Light": Believing/as she has evolved/over many millennia/to
believe//that the brightest light/at midnight belongs/to the clang of the moon/on the black ocean
glass//the loggerhead/turtle hatchling/followers her instinct/for a luminous source//a carapace
writing/a line in the sand//flipper over/flipper toward//the Wal-Mart/parking lot.
The Lover's Guide to Trapping
Wyatt Prunty
The John Hopkins University Press
2715 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218
9780801892790, $23.95, www.press.jhu.edu
Characters populate every aspect of literature, including poetry. "The Lover's Guide to Trapping"
is yet another fine collection of poetry from Wyatt Prunty, focusing on the characters who inhabit
the human and animal worlds, as well as the world of the dead. Endlessly entertaining, Prunty
brings readers an excellent work with "The Lover's Guide to Trapping". "Stray": Only the very
wise know how to sleep/in the Sun, hunt in the dark, assume what's good/So with their claws
they only knead, only purr/For those who, driven by that sun each day/and fearful of the
following dark, barely/Consider dumb love's generous adoptions.
A Father's Day
Pete Mullineaux
Salmon Poetry
c/o Dufour Editions
PO Box 7, Chester Springs, PA 19425
9781903392874, $21.95, www.salmonpoetry.com
Life is a constant array of emotions, and author Pete Mullineaux hopes to capture that with "A
Father's Day", an anthology of poetry. Drawing from many sources and many aspects of life, he
presents vivid verse that will take the reader on a roller coaster of emotions. "A Father's Day" is a
very much recommended pick for poetry fans. "Gallery": Even the red roped barriers
impress.//Safe in the Louvre cafe/I comfort myself with a french pastry.//Next time: half a
chance,/just one awesome frame ...//beneath which it all comes back: Wednesdays; art class,
double period,//teacher leaning over one shoulder;/saying nothing,/(a cough perhaps)//moving
The Travel Shelf
Enjoying Big Bend National Park
Gary Clark
Texas A&M Univeristy Press
4354 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-4354
9781603441018, $17.95, www.tamu.edu/upress
Big Bend National Park is one of America's places of great natural beauty. "Enjoying Big Bend
National Park: A Friendly Guide to Adventures for Everyone" is a guide for planning a trip to
this national park for readers of all backgrounds, regardless of their age or health. Big Bend has
many things to attract tourists, and author Gary Clark thoroughly describes the park's many
features. "Enjoying Big Bend National Park" is a top pick for nature tourists.
The Money/Finance Shelf
The Skinny on Credit Cards
Jim Randel
Rand Publishing
265 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06880
9780981893549, $14.95, www.theskinnyon.com
Credit cards can be either a great tool or something to doom one to a life of debt. "The Skinny on
Credit Cards: How to Master the Credit Card Game" is an introductory guide to the wise usage of
credit cards. With tips on everything from avoiding debt, to crafting a good credit score, to
preventing fraud to teaching one's children about responsible credit card use, "The Skinny on
Credit Cards" is a top pick for any who are about to pick up this double-edged sword.
The Christian Studies Shelf
The Social Thoughts of Thomas Merton
David W. Givey
Saint Mary's Press
702 Terrace Heights, Winona, MN 55987-1318
9781599820170, $15.95, www.college.smp.org
There are certain individuals whose work is studied for decades to come, and Thomas Merton is
one of those people. "The Social Thoughts of Thomas Merton: The Way of Nonviolence and
Peace for the Future" presents the thoughts of a Catholic man who embraced the ways of peace
and Zen and presented an enlightened version of Catholicism. Merton's teachings and thoughts
form much of what many Catholic leaders today, and "The Social Thoughts of Thomas Merton"
is a must read for any Catholic theologian or philosopher.
Mary's Hours
Penelope Duckworth
Morehouse Publishing
4775 Linglestown Road, Harrisburg, PA 17112
9780819223425, $20.00, www.amazon.com
A week of prayer can do much for one's soul. "Mary's Hours: Daily Prayers with the Mother of
God" is a collection of prayers focused on the Virgin Mary, hoping to give readers a guide to
strengthen their bond with God and Mary. Mary had great impact on the life of Jesus, and author
Reverend Penelope Duckworth does well in showing so in these poetic prayers to read by oneself
or for the sake of others. "Mary's Hours" is a fine choice for Christians looking to strengthen their
bonds with their faith.
Pope Benedict XVI
Thomas P. Rausch
Paulist Press
997 MacArthur Blvd., Mahwah, NJ 07430
9780809105564, $22.95, www.paulistpress.com
Popes are like political figures - during their time, they try to advance their goals for the good of
their followers. "Pope Benedict XVI: An Introduction to His Theological Vision" tells the story
and views of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the man who rose to power and became Pope Benedict
XVI after the death of John Paul II. His views are unique and in some cases gel with a changing
world, but in others continue to clash. "Pope Benedict XVI" is a fine and informative read about
one of the key and vital figures in modern Catholicism.
Bible Answers 101
Bruce Bickel & Stan Jantz
Harvest House Publishers
990 Owen Loop North, Eugene, OR 97402-9173
9780736925259, $13.99, www.amazon.com
The Bible is a big book and filled with metaphor, so it may be hard to understand at times. "Bible
Answers 101: A User-Friendly Guide to Life's Biggest Questions" looks at many common
questions that are asked by many Christians about the Bible. God's divine plan, the definition of a
sin, the nature of the afterlife, and many more topics are addressed in plain terms. "Bible
Answers 101" is a top pick for Christians who are looking to better understand the Holy
The Burning Bush
Sergius Bulgakov
WM. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
2140 Oak Industrial Dr, NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505
9780802845740, $28.00, www.eerdmans.com
The mother of God has had very different depictions throughout the many branches of
Christianity. "The Burning Bush" is a scholarly exploration of the Virgin Mary and what she
means to the Russian Orthodox Church, where she more often referred to as Mary the Mother of
God. Although similar in concept and veneration of the figure, the Roman Catholic Church and
Russian Orthodox Church worship very differently, and author Sergius Bulgakov does well in
explaining this branch of Christianity that is foreign to many readers. "The Burning Bush" is a
very much recommended read for any who want to better understand the wider scope of
The Native American Shelf
Taking Back Our Spirits
Jo-Ann Episkenew
University of Manitoba Press
301 St. John's College, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3T, 2N2
9780887557101, $27.95, www.amazon.com
The plight of the red man is one that so often goes unheard. "Taking Back Our Spirits:
Indigenous Literature, Public Policy, and Healing" is a collection of writings about the current
issues that modern Native Americans face in today's society. Speaking on the behalf of the
Manitoba natives, author Jo-Ann Episkenew notes that the problems these individuals face are
not unique to their tribe, but in fact speak connect with many issues that Native Americans in
Canada face, and well as the indigenous peoples of other countries. "Taking Back Our Spirits" is
a fine and recommended read for those who want to best understand the Canadian politics of
today's Native Americans.
The Psychology Shelf
Cosmic Calendar
Dale Carlson
Bick Publishing House
307 Neck Road, Madison, CT 06443
9781884158346, $14.95, www.bickpubhouse.com
Science is confusing if just explained in words, but with a little illustration, it becomes much
more clear. "Cosmic Calendar: The Big Bang to Your Consciousness" is a guide to many aspects
of science, seeking to explain the basics in a graphical form that any teenager can understand.
Educational, witty, and entertaining, "Cosmic Calendar" is a top pick for any teenager who wants
a wider understanding of the universe.
The Archaeology Shelf
The Ancient Southwest
David E. Stuart
University of New Mexico
MSC042820, 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
9780826346384, $18.95, www.unmpress.com
The Ancient peoples of the Southwestern United States have been an endless enigma and
curiosity of archeologists. "The Ancient Southwest: Chaco Canyon, Bandelier, and Mesa Verde"
is a collection of columns from David E. Stuart from his work over three decades. An
archeologist nearly completely dedicated to this area, Stuart's writing is heavily researched and
provides very much insight for readers to enjoy on the topic. Strongly recommended for
academic library Archaeology Studies reference collections, "The Ancient Southwest" is
informed and information reading for non-specialist general readers curious about ancient
peoples, their cultures, lifestyles, and artifacts.
The Fiction Shelf
Little Lamb Lost
Margaret Fenton
Oceanview Publishing
61 Paradise Road, Ipswich, MA 01938
marygelenn@marygelnn.com (publicity)
9781933515519, $25.95, www.oceanviewpub.com
Guilt is a powerful thing, even if the one feeling guilty is not entirely at fault. "Little Lamb Lost"
tells the story of Claire Conover, a social worker who was working with a family of two, Michael
and Ashley. Ashley struggled hard to get Claire to return Michael to her custody, and Claire
finally allowed it. But when Michael is allegedly murdered by his mother, Claire's career goes to
hell, and she's left to find the real story as fingers begin to point at her as the one responsible for
Michael's death. A riveting story of the trials and tribulations some social workers face with a
good bit of thriller thrown in, "Little Lamb Lost" is highly recommended reading.
The Zafarani Files
Gamal Al-Ghitani
The American University in Cairo Press
420 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10018
9789774161902, $24.95, www.aucpress.com
What goes on in the lives of Cairoans? "The Zafarani Files" is an exploration of the modern
Cairo lifestyle, through the format of an observer looking over the people of the Zafarani alley.
Drawing a picture with many vivid and unique characters, Egyptian author Gamal al-Ghitani
gives a fine glimpse of what life in this city is like, and many Americans will learn that it is not
that different than one would gather observing an alley in an American street. "The Zafarani
Files" is a riveting piece of world fiction.
The Hospital for Bad Poets
J.C. Hallman
Milkweed Editions
1011 Washington Avenue South, Suite 300, Minneapolis, MN 55415
9781571310743, $16.00, www.milkweed.org
Everyone's a poet. Or at least they think they are. "The Hospital for Bad Poets" is a collection of
short stories from J.C. Hallman, bringing readers a series of characters to charm and captivate -
many of the individuals are day to day 'everymen', yet each is unique in his or her own way.
Intriguing and genuinely human, Hallman's stories will keep many a reader glued to the book,
making "The Hospital for Bad Poets" a top pick for any lover of short fiction.
Hit List
Sarah Cortez, editor
Arte Publico Press
452 Cullen Performance Hall, Houston, TX 77204
9781558855434, $19.95, www.artepublicopress.com
Mystery is a genre that captivates readers of every culture. "Hit List: The Best of Latino Mystery"
is a collection of short stories from acclaimed Latino short fiction authors. The anthologies use
elements which are uniquely Latino in their writing, yet the stories will still ring out and hold
keen interest for readers of any color or heritage. "Hit List: The Best of Latino Mystery" is a
highly recommended read for mystery fans everywhere.
The Dance Shelf
Dynamic Women Dancers
Anne Dublin
Second Story Press
20 Maud Street, Suite 401, Toronto, Suite 401, Toronto, ON, Canada M5V 2M5
9781897187562, $10.95, www.secondstorypress.ca
Dance is the one art form that has been dominated by women throughout most of its history.
"Dynamic Women Dancers" looks at the art of dance throughout modern history and how it has
evolved today to be more than a traditional practice. Dance can also be a form of expression that
discusses serious modern issues such as domestic abuse. "Dynamic Women Dancers" builds
dancing as more than just timed movements.
The Self-Help Shelf
Shift Your Mood!
Rik Isensee
Morgan-James Publishing
1225 Franklin Avenue, Suite 325, Garden City, NY 11530-1693
9781600375880, $16.95, www.amazon.com
Mood is an enigma that affects much of a person's day. "Shift Your Mood! Unleash Your Life!
Your Pathway to Inner Happiness" is a book discussing mood and how to improve it in one's life.
With many tips and advice on brightening one's mood, as well as an explanation of the benefits
that one will enjoy from an improved demeanor, author Rik Isensee's gives sound advice. "Shift
Your Mood!" is a highly recommended read for those who want to break out of the
The Women's Studies Shelf
What is Your Self-Worth?
Cheryl Saban
Hay House
PO Box 5100, Carlsbad, CA 92018-5100
Goldberg McDuffie Communications
444 Madison Avenue, Suite 3300, New York, NY 10022
9781401923952, $24.95, www.hayhouse.com
Self-esteem is an invaluable asset. "What is Your Self-Worth? A Woman's Guide to Validation"
is a guide for women to evaluate their own self-worth and how the mind is the most powerful
aspect to a good self-esteem. Filled with inspirational material as well as quizzes and activities to
help women find their niche in their life, Cheryl Saban wants women to find their true selves.
Moving and poignant for many women readers, "What is Your Self-Worth" is a strong
The Theatre/Cinema/TV Shelf
Angels & Demons
Dan Brown, et.al.
Newmarket Press
18 E. 48th St., New York NY 10017
9781557048332, $19.95 www.newmarketpress.com
Any fan of the movie "Angels & Demons" will find "Angels & Demons: The Illustrated Movie
Companion" a treasury, packed with quotes from all the principal filmmakers, concept sketches,
drawings, period paintings, color photos and more. With its many vivid images and insights,
"Angels & Demons: The Illustrated Movie Companion" will prove a 'must' for both film libraries
and library patrons with special interest in the movie.
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Diane C. Donovan, Editor
Midwest Book Review
278 Orchard Drive
Oregon, WI 53575-1129
phone: 1-608-835-7937
e-mail: mbr@execpc.com
e-mail: mwbookrevw@aol.com
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